Monday, July 30, 2007
Making a Wish on a Penny
So, what do you do if you find a penny heads up on the ground? Well, you pick it up and make a wish. After that there is everything from throwing it into running water to putting it in your shoe. Depending upon the region you are from the saying varies a bit, but it is all good.
So about that sowing mentioned earlier, here is what I do. Whenever I see a penny on the ground tails up, I turn it heads up for the next person to find. In addition when I am in a parking lot I reach into my pocket and walk around placing pennies heads up in various out of the way, but still visible, places. This is called giving away wishes because most people will find the penny and will make a wish.
Put a heads up penny on the ground every time you wait in a line, or any time you wait somewhere. Try to do it without anyone seeing. You will discover you have lots of opportunity to give out wishes. Leave some heads up pennies every where you go. This way a lot of people will find a heads up penny that will make them happy, at least for a moment. They will pick it up because it is heads up and either feel lucky or make a wish or both. This is sowing good stuff; positive karma, if you will.
Now of course there will be a reaping, but it is not immediate. You can’t go put a penny in the doctors office, then rush home expecting a reward. Like all crops, it takes a while to germinate and grow. Someday when you must have it, it will come to you in a way that will feel right, yet you have done no overt action to acquire it. Yet you must not wait for it nor demand immediate results. This is one of those that will grant you a reward a long way down the road.
So look around your place and gather up a handful of pennies. Then go out and give away wishes. Keep a few pennies with you and whenever you find yourself waiting somewhere, give away wishes.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, Law of Attraction
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The Right to Choose Your Reaction
Let us say your friend who was coming to pick you up fails to arrive at the set time; how you react to that is your choice. You can choose to worry that they got into an accident, or worry that their car broke down, or got a flat tire. You can think negatively, that they forgot, or even went without you. You can have low self esteem and think that you are not worthy to get picked up on time. Finally you can accept the situation, that you friend is late and you then choose to do something else, like read a book, or write a new manifesting entry into your book, and so on, until your friend arrives.
Happiness is a learned skill. Like learning to ride a bike for the first time it seems a dauntless task, yet after you have learned to ride you wonder why you thought it was going to be so hard. Personal happiness is first and foremost a choice. You choose to be happy: You can and do make that very choice hundreds of times a day.
Every time there is a situation, it is your reaction to it that determines your happiness. A situation is just that a situation, an event, a happening. Your reaction to that is your choice; and this choice is what determines your actions, and these actions carry on to influence your happiness level.
So when an event happens; look at the situation, it only takes a few seconds. What meaning do you intend to attach to this event and why. Think for a second, will the meaning you attach to the situation serve you, or will it cause you to make bad choices. Will you choose to be happy and do something else, or will you choose anger and make erroneous statements? Like when your friend is late, do you do small chores and easy tasks while waiting, or do you get mad and curse them for being irresponsible and wasting your time?
Things happen because there is a reason. Are you so wise and all knowing that you can accurately determine why an event has occurred? The reason is usually not what you jump to conclusion about. More often than not the meaning we attach to an event is not even closely related to the actual cause. This results in confused emotions, and a side effect of stress that you just do not need to inflict upon yourself.
Maybe you thought the worse about your friend and were ready to forever damn them as lowlife scum; when, your friend shows up and says they had to get you this present and it took a little while longer to get it wrapped than anticipated. You are so worked up from your anger you say things that later you will regret. However had you just occupied your time with a few small tasks while waiting, you would then be happily surprised.
So when an event happens, just realize it is an event, nothing more. You then make a choice of how you will react to this event. Will you choose to be happy, or will you choose to be unhappy?
Be Blessed
Saturday, July 28, 2007
How to Be a Thinking Person
So why do you think it is that people do not think? Is it because they don’t know how? What is the main factor between thinkers and stupid people? Would you agree that it is those who accept responsibility for their actions are the ones who think?
By law, when a person becomes eighteen years of age they are legally responsible for their actions. Yet so many times you see people blaming others for their mistakes. Like the criminal who blames the police that they are in jail. They can not reason that they committed a crime, and so are paying the price; but instead it is the fault of law enforcement that they are in jail. It seems that those who will not accept responsibility for their own life are the ones who are constantly making mistakes and blaming others.
So since you become legally responsible at a certain age, is there a certain age when you should become a coherent conscious thinker? When exactly should a person know how to think? Is there training involved with learning how to think?
Like the young child who must be taught to look before crossing the street, and then escorted across until the parent observes the correct behavior, should people be taught to be conscious thinkers. The key to being a conscious thinker is to accept the fact that you and you alone are responsible for your own life. You must acknowledge that you make the choices that direct your life in a certain direction.
So after you have discovered that it is you who determines your actions, you can begin to think for yourself. You realize that by your thinking; you cause your life to happen. So with further thought you begin to control your life, and will your self to accomplish things that others, quite frankly, never think of.
It would too late to learn this once you are dead. As long as you are alive it is not too late to become a conscious thinking person. Like an asteroid that has been determined to hit the earth, when it is far away, it takes a very minor course correction, a tenth of a degree, to cause it to miss the earth by millions of miles. As the asteroid gets closer it takes greater course corrections to cause it to miss, a larger effort to get the desired results
So it is with you. It is easier to control your life if you make the discovery and decision to be a conscious thinker when you are young. It takes less effort to make the changes needed to make your life what you will. When you are older and become a conscious thinker it takes more effort to make your life to be what you will. The point is; once you become a conscious thinker you can make your life as you so will.
So make the choice, take responsibility for your self and become a conscious thinking human being.
Be Blessed.
Labels: life
Friday, July 27, 2007
The Manifesting Journal
You don't need to wallow over the debts you have which you're trying to get the money for. You don't have to continually worry about how you're going to find out how to do something, or whatever. You just let go of it all and trust in the process.
Here is what you do; feel the emotion whilst you remember the event as if it had happened already. That's all you have to do. However there's a little twist to it.
Keep a manifesting book. It is like a journal, and in it write; all the things that you want to bring into your life. Write the statements, as if it has already happened. For example: "I have attracted ..." (insert desire) like you have already achieved it.
Once it is written, read it over and over. It makes it easier to see it more clearly in your mind; as if it were real. Then after you have done that, after shut the book, and let go. Let the universe bring it to you, don’t worry about the how, just trust that it is, and will soon be a part of your life.
So what do you desire to bring into your life? Use the technique for yourself, and believe that it will be. Trust that the universe is conspiring for you and has your best interest as top priority.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, Manifesting
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The Secret of Manifesting Change
So why don't you take action, make a decision to change your life once and for all! Without that step you will never move forward, things will remain the same. What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for things to be worse than they already are? Are you waiting for something to happen out of the blue? Do you want tomorrow to be the same as today?
Once you choose it begins to happen. It is not always easy, but everyday something gets better, and it makes you feel good, and you see a hope that simply wasn't there before. Or would you rather keep struggling every day? Things are not going to happen if you don't make them happen. Allow yourself to feel this way, allow yourself to evolve; to have and use the tools you need to make your life better.
The moment you decided to make it happen, things started to change immediately, it is like magic, once you have a firm desire and take the steps you will see the magic. You know, in your mind, how to achieve what you desire in life!
It is not the work you do, it is not how hard you work, it is not how many hours you spend trying to make things happen; it is the way you are inside that makes things happen; or not. Until you understand that and you decide to do something about it, you will not see a change.
To make a change in your life you have to change who you are. To simplify the whole thing; you have to become the person you want to be. This may seem too simple but that is how it is. If you desire to be a wealthy person, you have to become that person. If you desire to be an astronaut, you have to become one. You leave behind what you are now and become the person you will to be. You can only ever be your self. You can never be someone else, so to be something else, you have to change who you are.
Who are you now? What does the neighborhood and your friends know you as? Do they call you mister lawn man, or miss car washer? What do you will to be known as; Mister Policeman or Miss Mayor? To become what you will you have to leave behind what you are now. The old must pass away and the new must be born.
You must make room in your life for the new and better you to manifest; to grow into existence. You do that by getting rid of the old stuff that does not serve you. Like when cleaning out your house to make room for a new bigger and better couch you have to get rid of the old couch and maybe some other clutter. So it is with your self. To become a better you; you need to make room for your new and better self. Get rid of old things that do not serve you, things such as anger, sorrow, and fear. This will make room for happiness, peace, love, and fulfillment.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, Manifesting
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The Secret of Creating Your Life with Writing
If you were asked to describe your perfect life right now, could you? Chances are that you couldn't. This is a problem, because if we can't see our goals and desires clearly, we can’t achieve them.
To raise the odds of having the life you always wanted, you must first write down exactly how you would like that life to be. This document will be your life’s purpose, and you need to have one.
It will serve as your guiding light. Whenever faced with a decision, you will now be able to think, "Will choosing this bring me closer or further away from my purpose?" This will shorten the time it takes you to make decisions and will improve the choices that you make.
Not only that, it will be your snapshot into the future. When you are struggling and feeling defeated, you can always go back to your paper and get motivation from it.
This work will really get your imagination going. It will be exciting and fun. You get to write down anything at all that you would like in your life. You can describe your daily activities, what your house looks like, your cars, your pets, your clothes. You can describe your career, your friends, your colleagues, and on and on.
A few pointers as to your writing; first be specific. Saying that you have lots of money someday doesn't give the universe a definitive target to aim for. So how much is lots of money? Then when will that "someday" be? In a few months, a year, ten years?
Second don't limit your ideas. Is it possible for you to have 10 million dollars in the bank? Yes, it is possible and that's all your subconscious needs to know to allow the universe to bring it into your life.
Third don't worry about “How” you will make the events come true. That is what your subconscious mind and the universe will work on. You simply have to worry about the “What.”
You can be what you will to be. So put your will on paper: Start by writing out your day, what is your “normal” day like. Then progress to larger events and details. Write a short story about your life, there is no limit on what you can write into your life, so use as much artistic license you desire.
So get to it; the longer you delay the longer your life will not be as you desire. Get going today. Buy a spiral note book, they are inexpensive, and fill the pages with the words of your dream life. The sooner you get started the sooner you will arrive into the life you will to live.
Be Blessed
Sunday, July 22, 2007
If You Can Expect Then You Can Manifest
What you believe is what controls your life. If you believe you can do something you can; and if you believe you can’t do something you can’t. As an example; if a person believes that they are naturally unlucky then they will never be able to successfully manifest “luck”.
This belief system that each of us has is what subconsciously controls our lives. This individual belief system has developed and polarized over the years based upon the successes and failures you have experienced in your life. It is the expectation, based on this belief system that enables you to manifest situations, events and material objects.
Expectation characterizes your belief system and portrays the innermost aspects of your personality. It also represents the psychic building blocks from which the physical constructions will be successfully constructed. Expectations are basically formed from your emotions. If you can develop “emotional excitement” about potential physical constructions (such as events) then you will find it much easier to manifest that which you desire.
Expectation is the force that triggers your psychic realities into your physical realities. If you want to change your fate then a mere desire is not enough; it is expectation that will cause the manifestation of your desires into reality. It is actually expectation that triggers inner data into physical construction.
You will receive what you expect, in other words if you believe it then it will happen. Do you believe you have the ability to make breakfast and eat it? If you do then you will soon find yourself eating a cooked breakfast. An expectation of success will encourage success, followed by more success. Conversely an expectation of failure results in failure.
Expectation is the force that triggers psychic realities into physical realities. The combination of thought, expectation, emotion and desire creates a form. This form which is created by subconscious manipulation of the basic energy units of the universe comes into existence solely because you have desired it. It is for this reason that if you focus strongly on some desired event in your future it is likely to happen, given that you add the necessary emotional yearning and expectation.
Expectation is absolutely vital for the construction of physical objects and events from the universal. It is also vital that this internal data be sifted and categorized, within the framework of your personal belief system.
If emotional expectation and desire are present, manipulation of matter may arise in the manner that follows the desires of your conscious mind. The conscious desires must be parallel and resonant with subconscious expectations, along with sufficient emotional yearning.
Expecting is what brings it to you: So if you have an expectation of happiness, then you will attract happy circumstances into your life; whereas an expectation of danger will attract dangerous circumstances to you, and so on.
Your belief is your faith, which in turn is your expectation. If you have faith you can move mountains.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, Manifesting
Saturday, July 21, 2007
How to Know What to Do With Your Life
The universe is abundant and will grant you abundance of what you desire. Think about wealth and abundance, NOT about lack and limitation. Desire wealth; lust after it; don’t just wish for it. Believe in it and your right to it. Stop believing in scarcity. There is none. When you have nothing, you have an abundance of nothing. When you have mediocrity, you have an abundance of mediocrity. What you focus on will be what you have.
You are living your life for a reason. You have some gift that you must give to this world to make it a better place. When you begin to live your life in the way you are meant to you will have all the things needed to do so. It is not just your right to be wealthy, it is your duty. You must have the means to help your friends and family and all those who require your help.
This does not mean you work your tail off to support a bunch of free loaders; instead it describes the ability to help people who are in need of what you can do. If you have mechanical ability, people will come to you with their vehicle problems, you either tell them what is wrong or help fix it. They drive off happy; you have served and are also happy. Conversely they won’t come to you for medical advice as you are a mechanic not a doctor.
So now you must discover what you are and what you should be. You can be what you will to be, but if you go with what you are talented at; the process is faster. So sit down with a piece of paper and a pen, and write down what things make you happy. Write it down no matter what it is, if it comes into your mind then write it down. Don’t be bashful; nobody but you will see this list, so write everything down that makes you happy.
What you are creating is a bunch of puzzle pieces that you will assemble into a picture of your life. The cool thing about this is it is a living picture that can and does change with just one piece of puzzle move.
Now look at your list, find a recurring pattern. Continuing with the mechanical example; a complete set of wrenches makes you happy. Having a rolling tool box makes you happy. Listening to an engine purr after you have worked on it gives your great satisfaction. So then you should focus on becoming a better mechanic.
Find the recurring thing on your list and add them together to find out what you are skilled at. Then desire more of what you have that makes you happy. The universe will supply all that is required and more.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, Law of Attraction, life
Friday, July 20, 2007
First Thought
What is first thought? It is the thought that you have first thing in the morning when you wake up. This first thought is the most powerful thought you have. It sends out a message to the universe instantly and this first thought will determine your day. This first thought controls you and the type of experience you are going to have for the rest of the day.
Most of us when we rollover to hit the alarm clock think something along the lines of “I don’t want to” or “not another day of work” or something similar. We start out negative, we curse the alarm clock, we think negative about coming events, or worry about the day before and how it is going to have to be paid for today.
We could go on and on about the crap we think when we wake up. Realize this; the first thought of the day starts a chain reaction that has massive effects on us for the rest of the day. So we need to take control of our lives, we need to lead a better and happier life, and this is the place to start; literally.
Try to remember what you were thinking when you woke this morning. Was it thought of how peaceful and happy your life is? Did you think to yourself what a wonderful world this is? Probably not, you got up and ran the gamut of thoughts concerning having to do something this morning to what you did yesterday that you need to work on again today, or even thought about how you don’t have enough of something.
Here is what we should do in the morning: We should wake up and think something good, something we desire. Before you even move to turn off the alarm; this great thought should enter your head and be thought. So what thought should you have in the morning? Start with this one:
“I can be: What I will to be.”
Tell yourself the night before that this is the first thought you shall have in the morning. Write it on a note card and prop it in front of your alarm clock. Think about that thought as you are falling asleep, reminding yourself that this is the first thought you will have the next morning.
Every day when you wake up, think to yourself, or even out loud; “I can be: What I will to be.” When a negative thought or worry tries to creep in to your thoughts fight back and replace it with your new thought. You can be what you will to be.
After a few weeks you will see a major improvement of your life and your circumstances if you faithfully make your first thought “I can be: What I will to be.”
Once you have mastered this thought you can modify your first thought as you see fit, but you have to master this one skill before you can begin to have a massively great life.
Be Blessed
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I'm Back
Anyways, I will start writing articles again in the morning (Friday the 20th) for all those who missed the blog. Also since I have over 400 e-mails to wade through I may take a bit to respond to you all. Please be patient with me while I go through the mail.
So until tomorrow, Be Blessed.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Yes You Can Solve Your Problems
Please come back after the 18th of July, I still have much to share.
And now for the lesson:
Yes You Can Solve Your Problems
How many times have you had a problem you thought could not be solved? Did you feel that that problem leads to a dead end; you felt stumped knowing that the problem before you is one you cannot solve, no leads, no options, and no solutions?
When encountering such problems, you may feel like you're hammering against a steel mountain. The pressure of having to solve this problem may be too overwhelming. Well, relax and have hope; some creative problem-solving skills may be in order here.
First you must simply identify the problem. Give it definition; then you can understand it. Write it down so you can look at it objectively. Too often we personalize our problems and this makes them harder to resolve. Withdrawing yourself from the problem allows you to look at your problem in a different light.
Keep in mind the art of creative problem solving required that you must be open-minded to the fact that there may be more than just one solution to the problem. You must be open to the fact that there may be solutions to problems you thought were unsolvable.
Try to understanding the problem and having a concrete understanding of its workings is integral to solving the problem. If you know how it works, what the problem is, then you have a better foundation towards solving the problem.
Now try to make a simple statement of what problem is: Identify the participating entities and what their relationships with one another are. Take note of the things you stand to gain and stand to lose from the current problem.
Then try to take note of all of the assumptions you have of the problem. Sometimes it is these assumptions that obstruct our view of possible solutions. Identify which assumptions are valid, in which assumptions need to be addressed. Break down the problem into parts; try to solve the problem by its parts. Solve it going from general view towards the more detailed parts of the problem. This is called the top-down approach. From here you can develop the solution further, and increase its complexity little by little.
Now it helps to have critical thinking as you solve a problem, but you must also keep a creative attitude. When someone comes up with a prospective solution, tried to think how you could make that solution work. It pays to remember that there may be more than just one solution to the problem.
Remember that old adage," two heads are better than one." That is truer than it sounds. You can only benefit from listening to the ideas each person has. This is especially true when the person you're talking to has had experience solving problems similar to yours. You don't have to be a hero to solve the problem. If you can organize collective thoughts on the subject, it would be much better.
Don’t give up; where there is life there is hope. As long as you persevere, there is always a chance that a solution will present itself. Remember that no one was able to create an invention the first time around.
Creative thinking can help you in your quest be a problems solver. So, the next time you see a problem you think you can not solve, literally; think again. The solution might just be staring you right in the face.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, life, self improvement
Monday, July 09, 2007
The Skills of Being Happy
Let us start from the place you might be; full of bad feelings. Release your feelings; express your feelings of affection, friendship and passion to the people around you. This will allow you to begin moving towards happiness. The people in your life will most likely reciprocate your actions. Try not to keep pent up anger of frustrations, this is bad for your health. Instead find ways of expressing them in a way that will not cause more injury or hurt to anyone.
The trick is to forgive. Forgive them, say out loud “I forgive you” (they don’t have to hear you, just you) and release the anger and resentment. Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. Anger is your emotion, you feel it, it is bad for your health, so let it go. You do not have to forget, you can remember that person did you wrong, but you do not have to suffer your anger. You do not have to trust that person any more, but do not feel your anger any more. Forgive them and you will be happier.
Working at something brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives you the feeling of being competent and of value. When you feel you are worth something you are happier than worrying about getting stuff done. Accomplishments are necessary for all of us; they give us a sense of worth.
Learning is a joyful exercise. When you are learning you are living. Try and learn something new everyday. Learning also makes us expand and broaden our horizons, and could also give us more opportunities in the future. When you stop learning you stop living, so keep learning.
Move, do some non work related exercise. Run, jog, walk, swim, bike, and do other things that your body was made for. Feel alive; physical health is good for your happiness, be healthy and you will find it easier to be happy.
Laugh and laugh heartily; Laughter is the best medicine, so feel free to laugh. Laugh everyday, people like to be around happy people, so being happy will bring more friends into your life. Life is not so serious that you can not laugh at the situation, or yourself, so feel free to laugh as much as makes you feel good.
Start to work on a place called ‘self’. Love your self; loving means accepting, to love your self means to accept that you are not a perfect being. You are an individual, a conscious being that that makes choices that in turn makes things happen. Making things happen sometimes results in mistakes, forgive yourself and move on. Keep this in mind; you have not failed until you quit.
When we discover a small start somewhere from within, that small start will eventually lead to something else, then to something else, and to something else. Life is about finding out about right and wrong, trying and failing, winning and losing. These are things that happen as often as you inhale and exhale. Failure, in a person’s life has become as abundant and necessary as air. But this should not hinder us from becoming happy.
Every time you exert effort to improve the quality of life and your being, whether it is cleaning up your room, helping a friend, taking care of your sick child, or relative, rescue an animal to be your pet, and so on. Doing these things causes life to give you points for that accomplishment.
Imagine life is a game and has a big score board. Every time you take a step forward, you make scoring points. Think how it would feel to look at that board at the end of each day and think to your self “Whew! I got a point today. Instead of looking at it all blank and murmur “Geez, I didn’t even score today. I wish I had had the guts to try” and then walk away. When you do a “good” deed you score a point, when you do a “bad” deed the other team scores. A failure does not result in a point for either team, so do not be afraid to try.
These basic skills can be fine tuned further to match your surroundings and circumstances. Using them will make you better, help to make the results you desire, and this will result in happiness.
Be Blessed
Labels: effort, happiness, life, self improvement
Sunday, July 08, 2007
This or Something Better
Something that most of us do not comprehend is that someday is not guaranteed. All we have is right now. You can hope for a future, you can plan for it, but you can not live it until it arrives. So how can you make your future something you look forward to; something that you anticipate, something better.
So it is time now; for a step by step method of making your life better…
Decide on what you desire. There is no limit, and no restrictions; what you decide is what you will get. However be warned; be careful what you ask for as you will get it, and it may not be what you want. The universe knows what is best for you and will deliver what you truly need and desire.
Now the most important step: Write it down. Writing it down is an action of power; something about writing it down causes the universe to act faster and with more precision. Sure you can get your desires without writing it down, but the end result will be less specific, less clear, and the generalization of your desire may be found to be not as good as you had hoped. Writing your dream results in a better focus and you will receive a better result every time. Two things that you should add in to your desire are the words: “I accept this or something better”, and the statement; “with harm to none.”
So we go to the next step and list your benefits. Why do you desire this to happen or come into your existence? Make sure it is for the greater good, in other words make sure it can happen with harm to none. Also add in that you will accept something better. Let us say you desire a car, but good deals on trucks keep coming up, that means the universe know you will be needing that pickup truck in the future, or that it will be more useful to you than a car, so accept the something better.
There are a few sub steps in this benefit analysis, so let’s cover them quickly. Analyze your current position; will this desire of yours help, hurt, change, or eliminate your current situation?
Find and Identify obstacles and risks; look closely at what side effects this may cause. For example if you desire to live in a better neighbor hood, will the people you help now suffer from your absence?
Here is a sub step that most people try to skip, and it will definitely come to haunt you if you do not pay it some attention: Identify dues, investments and sacrifices. Paying dues is the process of learning and achieving. For example to become a great pianist you would pay the dues of hours of practice, etc. etc. etc. Investments are things you would have to have to accomplish your desire. Again, to be a pianist requires a piano. Do not forget the last part; of sacrifice. Following with pianist example; you will have to give up some TV time in order to practice, and so on.
Another step that speeds up the process is to identify the knowledge you will need. Continuing with the pianist example; you will need to learn how to read music, and to translate what you read into finger movements, so you will need to seek an instructor to help you discover this information.
Lastly there is a step that most people skip, and in so doing set them selves up for failure and disappointment: Set a deadline. Three simple words that are so filled with terror, that for some that it freezes their actions. Without a deadline you do not have a timeline for the universe to go by. Yes the universe is timeless, but you are not. You can desire something all you want but without a deadline in place the universe will treat your desire as a low priority. You may get it in a timely manner, you may not. Setting a deadline creates a sense of urgency that will have its affects manifest promptly.
So there you have it, a recipe for your life, a method of working, a skill for using, whatever you wish to call it. You now know, and in knowing you can make better choices, and reap better rewards.
Remember this; before you can reap, you have to sow
Be Blessed
Labels: dreams, goals, life, Manifesting, self improvement
Saturday, July 07, 2007
The Easy Way to Creating Your Life
Creating is a human tendency that we all do whether we are thinking about it or not. We are always creating and re-creating our existence. What people do not understand is this: Your job on your journey through life is to create one worth living for yourself. The process of creating your life isn't complicated at all, all though at times it can provide some useful challenges; just keep it simple and it stays simple.
Everything you need is here, and has already been created for you to use at your discretion. Simply expand your awareness about what's already around you and learn and explore new ways to use and look at those things.
Everything you need is in this universe; but you have to go find it, and then get it. The universe will not randomly give out results and materials. If you want to be a piano player you have to want to; no body is ever going to suddenly deliver a piano, and then teach you to play, forcing you to practice until you are ready for a concert. No, that kind of thing won’t happen; unless you have first desired it, and then took steps to make it happen. You have to seek that stuff out on your own; and then do what is required for you to have become that piano player.
Try to keep your life simple, make some effort, and start seeing some results in your life. Take small steps and do small tasks that will build momentum; and once you have that momentum going, life becomes very different. You will be amazed at the good things going on, but you; and only you create the momentum, it doesn't just happen.
So how do you attract the right stuff into your life? Remember the future. I know your scratching your head on that one, so let me explain. You have to imagine your desired situation as if it were a memory of yesterday, and engage with the emotional part. If it makes you laugh, then really feel that laughter build inside; if it makes you feel successful, then feel that success flow through your veins, and so on. It's all about engaging with the emotions, and thinking about your dream as if it had happened yesterday; as if you're just fondly remembering it.
You are probably saying: “Are you cracked? Remembering something that hasn't happened yet?”
Seriously; try it and just do it for a week, maybe just 10 minutes-a-day every day. Think about your desired situation, your desired results. Don’t worry about how you got there; just “remember” that you are there: Remembering how tomorrow happens. It really gives you joy when you see how your actions help others, so what do you desire to bring into your life? Remember your future.
Be Blessed
Thursday, July 05, 2007
What Can We and What Should We Manifest
Most of us know these facts of life and do not worry about changing them. Why do we not worry about those things? It is because we know we can not change them and so do not bother to waste our time.
So what can we change by manifesting? We can change the things that affect us for the short term. We can manifest things to solve our needs and desires. We can actively direct the smaller things that affect us. To not take a proactive outlook is to allow our lives to be decided by chance, by default. We must direct our own lives and so we can manifest that which is in our sphere of influence.
We can manifest a good day, a good job, a good parking spot, the right product at the right price, and so on. These are things we can and should control in our lives. We have the duty and the right to shape our daily world that we live in.
Many of you already know the steps to manifesting, but a quick review is in order. Decide what you want; bring the desire out from inside you, by speaking or writing it down, then visualize the desire coming into existence, wait with faith that it has become, and finally receive it when it arrives.
We can easily manifest that which is ours to control, but what about things we can not control? The problem a lot of people have run into is in the area of what they can not control. Things like insight, guidance, illumination, and enlightenment. These things are not within a person’s wisdom to accurately specify. So all that can be done is to make a request, and allow the higher forces to work out the details.
When we command that which we control, then this is the proper use of our spiritual power. When we attempt to command that which we do not control; is a waste of time and effort. To try to push a river would be folly, sheer silliness, and so we should not try. So why would we try to force the universe to do things; and then like little children get mad because it did not happen, or it didn’t happen the way we wanted.
So with that I must give you fair warning: Be careful what you ask for as you will get it, and it may not be what you wanted.
Over time reality will show you what is in your power to manifest. You will discover what is in your ability to manifest and what is not. Disappointments are just a way of telling you that it is either not yours to manifest or the time is not right.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, Law of Attraction, life, Manifesting
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Released at Last; Why Average People Remain Average
If you only do what you're expected to do; then don't expect an outstanding result. Study successful people and you'll sure to discover one thing that many of them have in common; they live by the words of "always do more than what is expected."
Others have called this more than expected attitude as 'going for the extra mile'. Notice that they don't say the extra 10 miles. So why, do you think, are average people not champions? Because the average person just doesn’t bother to do more than what is expected of them; yes it's sad but that's the truth.
To most people, "always do more than what is expected of you" are mere words; and they don't put substance to it because people are lazy and they just want to do the bare minimum to get by. Just enough to make money, to finish the shift, to keep from getting fired, or whatever.
No matter what you do, always do or give more than what people expect. Then they will flock around you, they will line up to meet you and be happy to support you in whatever thing that you want to do next.
If you're training to be a champion; don't just do the minimum and train like an average player. Train more than you're expected to train, play better than you are expected to play.
Whenever you are interacting with people or in a relationship, treat the other party extremely well. Whatever is expected of you in that relationship, be it with your girlfriend, boyfriend, business partner or client, your spouse or your friend, always do or give more than what is expected of you; for that is the secret of making it a success.
It is not that you have to do or give a whole lot more; you have to do just a little bit more than the rest. That's it; for you to become outstanding in any undertaking. To do this, it's not that difficult; but most people are just too darn lazy to put in the effort.
Always keep reminding yourself this; winner's takes all. There is only one in the winners circle. The winner gets the prize and the glory, the others just go home. Wouldn’t you rather strive with the extra effort to be the best? Being the best is the goal; because the pay off is many times greater.
Did you know that saying “You reap what you sow” is backwards? It misses the point that you have to sow first; then reap. It should be written; “What you sow, you reap.”
If you want to gather riches you have to be as generous as you can. Touch people's lives profoundly, in ways that they would never forget. So the next time you are with somebody, or in a business negotiation, or just interacting with another person, ask how can I help you; without expecting any return.
To be generous and to treat others extremely well, you must come from the perspective of abundance thinking. Then always doing more than what is expected of you will come easy and naturally.
Always do more than what is expected of you. Do this without demanding a reward; and it will come back to you many fold when you are least expecting it.
Do you think you can do more than what you're doing today? Of course you can. The question is; do you want to be the best? You will have to decide for yourself; for your own future.
Be the best you that you can be, you only get one shot at this lifetime, so live it well.
Be Blessed.
Labels: effort, life, self improvement
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Here's a Simple Solution to Happiness
Ask your self again; do you really want to be happy? Do you deserve to be happy? Are you doing everything in your power to be happy? Or do you think happiness is something for the wealthy, the good-looking, royalty, and the spiritually advanced?
If you think happiness is not for you then stop right now. You might not be ready for this. On the other hand; if you are ready for happiness, then read on.
First allow me to explain that “Being Happy” is a state of existence that is driven from the inside out. From the beginning of human history we have been searching for happiness.
Unfortunately we have placed material gain as our happiness. We think that having this or getting that will make us happy. Most of our daily functions and overall desires all revolve around satisfying our material needs in the mistaken attempt to be happy. Being satisfied is a key goal in our current "materialistic society."
Then something that the spiritually advanced noticed quickly was that everything material is impermanent; beauty fades, youth withers away, things wear out and break, everything material gathers dust and needs storage space. So happiness cannot depend on the material things we seek.
So as this revelation was made clearer, many ancient traditions focused on the opposite, the spiritual. Thus, you begin looking on the spiritual side, studying ancient texts, following spiritual leaders, and so on. Soon you'll notice their complexity. The more you learn the more you get confused. Eventually, the main goal; happiness, is lost in the maze of information overload.
Some, the very adept, are able to reach that state of pure happiness through spiritual ascension, via ascetic practices. However let us be realistic here; going on retreat to the middle of nowhere and living in a monastery devoid of life's trials and tribulations, just does not seem like a practical option for a normal human being living in the modern world. Heck, for us, the normal human beings, spiritual ascension is a goal we might want; but not at the expense of "living life to the fullest."
All of us know that our time is our most precious commodity. We love to live life in the moment and we enjoy life more when we are in action. We like doing, evolving, learning, interacting, being, moving; this is who and what we are.
Sitting in a room quietly for thirty minutes, then thrusting your self into this hectic world and thinking everything is going to be perfect is not a realistic view of life. Plus, with bills, spouses, bosses, coworkers, offspring, traffic, and other obstacles, one needs a "real world" approach to this fast-paced life.
So we must do what humans do, adapt and overcome. We change our view to this statement: Personal contentment is more important than spiritual ascension.
You see only with personal contentment can you ascend spiritually. You discover your spiritual side through being content. Personal contentment does not mean material or sensory satisfaction. Personal contentment means to be truly happy with yourself right here and now.
You only ever have right now, the present moment to exist. You do not exist yesterday, and you do not exist tomorrow. You are here right now, and that’s it. Happiness is a choice; you must choose to be happy right now. You can not wait to be happy tomorrow for it may not arrive, you must be now.
Have a dream to guide your life, but be grateful for what you have right now. You know you can find things to be grateful about, so be grateful for what you can. When you are contemplating the things you are grateful for, you will notice a sense of contentment creeping in. A subtle feeling of peace and happiness; this is what you enjoy in the right now. Personal contentment brings peace of mind.
So be grateful for what you can, and be grateful frequently. You will find that the more you are grateful, the more you will have to be grateful about.
Be Blessed
Monday, July 02, 2007
Five Incredible Ideas to Cure Disease
There are many types of relationships; there is the relationship towards one self, followed by the relationship between people; Then the relationship between business partners; Then the relationship between buyer and seller;
the relationship between brother and sister; the relationship between husband and wife, the relationship between parents and children; and the relationship between one nation and another.
All these relationships are arteries; spiritual arteries. These spiritual arteries; are what flow between all humans, become blocked and cause disease when humans behave badly to each other; with intolerance towards one another.
Each time we interact with someone in our life, friend or stranger, enemy or family member, we are affecting the "arteries" in our life, and in the world. If our behavior in these relationships is governed by reactive impulse and self-interest, it creates a "fatty deposit." If these blockages continue to grow and are left unchecked, "disease" sets in.
The "disease" can then manifest as poverty, war, divorce, kids on drugs, dysfunctional family, global terrorism, or a good old fashioned heart attack. But in the end, it is our behavior that determines good health or disease.
Think about it a second, if you stub your toe against a table do you curse the table, threaten the table, then hold a grudge and plan revenge against the table? Probably not, you just remind yourself to not be so careless in the future. What about if a person steps on your toe? Now do you get angry and indignant, reacting with hatred? Why is that?
Let go of all your doubts, just for a moment. Let go of all your preconceived notions about life and death, healing and medicine and all the social ills, conditioning, and cultural influences that have impacted your life. And think about this: It is so easy to blame food, or diet, or fate, or nature, or crooked business partners, or genes, or drunk drivers, the government, or our enemies for our pain and suffering.
It is too darn easy to focus upon the weapon; and not the true culprit. This kind of approach to life absolves us from all personal responsibility. After all, who wants to look in the mirror?
So, how do we cure ourselves of disease? Well, the first step is accountability. And this is, without question, the most difficult step of all to take. We must lose the victim mindset. We must realize that it was us; something we did this life or past life, which has caused the sickness.
Once we accept responsibility, once we realize that we are responsible for what we say and do; then, and only then, can we be healed.
Now here are some powerful healing tools:
One: Remorse for our prior misdeeds ignites the most awesome forces of healing. Kind of hard to believe, isn't it? Remorse is intimately connected to the idea of responsibility and it's a prerequisite for activating the tools mentioned. Without this, the tools do not work. Repentance in our soul for the indignities we've shown to others. A broken heart for the disrespect and incivility we've inflicted upon friends and family; deep remorse and acknowledgement of our discourteous and abusive behavior.
Two: Forgiveness; forgive those other people, you do not have to give back trust, you can remember, but forgive them. Forgive yourself, remember the lesson but forgive yourself. Holding on to anger and hatred is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies, so let go of the anger and hatred; forgive.
Three: Be tolerant of people and their beliefs. You do not have to accept their beliefs and they do not have to accept yours, but we all have beliefs, so allow each other to believe the way they choose.
Four: Respect; for other people and what they are worth. Every human has the ability to become something great, if treated with respect humans bloom and become something beautiful.
Five: Kindness; towards all those around you as well as every person you meet. Do not be foolish; do not throw pearls before swine, but it takes no effort to be kind. If those with whom you interact do not want your kindness then leave them to be as they are.
These basic behaviors are tools that when used; we become the cause of our healing and the cause and creators of our own joy.
There is more to discover; but for right now, you have been given the most powerful insights and tools in the world to truly heal your body, your soul, your relationships and this entire world.
The rest is up to you.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, life, self improvement
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Share With Others
Then she told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down.
It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed in the papers.
That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and listed what everyone else had said about that individual.
On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling. "Really?" she heard whispered. "I never knew that I meant anything to anyone!" and, "I didn't know others liked me so much," were most of the comments.
No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. She never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another. That group of students moved on.
Several years later, one of the students was killed in Viet Nam and his teacher attended the funeral of that special student. She had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. He looked so handsome, so mature.
The church was packed with his friends. One by one those who loved him took a last walk by the coffin. The teacher was the last one to bless the coffin.
As she stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer came up to her. "Were you Mark's math teacher?" he asked. She nodded: "yes." Then he said: "Mark talked about you a lot."
After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to a luncheon. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting to speak with his teacher.
"We want to show you something," his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket "They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it."
Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. The teacher knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which she had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him.
"Thank you so much for doing that," Mark's mother said. "As you can see, Mark treasured it."
All of Mark's former classmates started to gather around. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, "I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home."
Chuck's wife said, "Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album."
"I have mine too," Marilyn said. "It's in my diary"
Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. "I carry this with me at all times," Vicki said and without batting an eyelash, she continued: "I think we all saved our lists"
That's when the teacher finally sat down and cried. She cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.
The density of people in society is so thick that we forget that life will end one day. And we don't know when that one day will be.
So please, tell the people you love and care for, that they are special and important. Tell them, before it is too late.
If you're "too busy" to take those few minutes right now, would this be the VERY first time you didn't do that little thing that would make a difference in your relationships?
Remember, you reap what you sow: What you put into the lives of others comes back into your own.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, life, pleasure, success
The Secret to Expecting and Manifesting
This realization that there is more to us than what we originally thought has led us to the realization that we need to know more. So we begin to look for more information and more truths in an effort to discover our real selves.
This individual belief system has developed and polarized over the years based upon the successes we as individuals have experienced in our life. It is the expectation, based on this belief system that enables the individual to manifest situations, events and material objects.
One thing that we should know about our journey into self awareness is expectation. Our emotion of expectation will manifest what we are looking for. It is without a doubt the most important ingredient that we will ever use.
Expectation is absolutely vital for the construction of physical objects and events from subconscious thoughts. It is also vital when this internal data is sifted and categorized, within the framework of the individual’s personal belief system; for example, if a person absolutely knows that they are naturally unlucky then they will never be able to successfully manifest “luck” events.
The combination of thought, expectation, emotion and desire creates form; which is created by subconscious manipulation of the basic energy of the universe. It is for this reason that if you focus strongly on some desired event in your future it is more likely to happen, given that you add the necessary emotional yearning and expectation. This is the secret to manifesting.
If you desire a situation to come to pass, you must expect it to. If your desire is a set of circumstances then you must expect them to manifest.
You are the creator of your reality; everything you are and have now is the direct result of your manifesting it into your world. You are the one responsible, and you are the one who is in control. That’s right; you are in control of your own life.
So what do you need to do? First be honest with your self; in the words of Shakespeare “To thine own self be true.” Look at where you are, right now, what you have, and what you are doing. Face your reality for what it is; you can not change it if the starting info is faulty. You can not make a full loaf of bread if you do not have some of the ingredients. Inventory your life so that you can prepare to make it what you want.
The next thing you must do is know what you want. What is your dream; your desires, your ultimate goal? It does not matter if you are the best marksman in the world, without a target; there is nothing to aim at. Without a destination you can’t start the journey; as there is no place to go to.
When you have those two ingredients then you are ready and able to begin; commence to creating your life into your life. Remember the order; desire creates thought, which in turn generates emotions, and expectation creates desires.
Expect that what you desire will manifest, don’t “wish” it, just expect it.
Be Blessed
Labels: dreams, goals, happiness, Law of Attraction, life, Manifesting