Saturday, July 21, 2007
How to Know What to Do With Your Life
There comes a time in ones life where you must force an epiphany. You must face your self and see the truth. You must quit being timid, and be brutally honest with your self. This is a task that only you can do, the sooner you cross this threshold; the better your life.
The universe is abundant and will grant you abundance of what you desire. Think about wealth and abundance, NOT about lack and limitation. Desire wealth; lust after it; don’t just wish for it. Believe in it and your right to it. Stop believing in scarcity. There is none. When you have nothing, you have an abundance of nothing. When you have mediocrity, you have an abundance of mediocrity. What you focus on will be what you have.
You are living your life for a reason. You have some gift that you must give to this world to make it a better place. When you begin to live your life in the way you are meant to you will have all the things needed to do so. It is not just your right to be wealthy, it is your duty. You must have the means to help your friends and family and all those who require your help.
This does not mean you work your tail off to support a bunch of free loaders; instead it describes the ability to help people who are in need of what you can do. If you have mechanical ability, people will come to you with their vehicle problems, you either tell them what is wrong or help fix it. They drive off happy; you have served and are also happy. Conversely they won’t come to you for medical advice as you are a mechanic not a doctor.
So now you must discover what you are and what you should be. You can be what you will to be, but if you go with what you are talented at; the process is faster. So sit down with a piece of paper and a pen, and write down what things make you happy. Write it down no matter what it is, if it comes into your mind then write it down. Don’t be bashful; nobody but you will see this list, so write everything down that makes you happy.
What you are creating is a bunch of puzzle pieces that you will assemble into a picture of your life. The cool thing about this is it is a living picture that can and does change with just one piece of puzzle move.
Now look at your list, find a recurring pattern. Continuing with the mechanical example; a complete set of wrenches makes you happy. Having a rolling tool box makes you happy. Listening to an engine purr after you have worked on it gives your great satisfaction. So then you should focus on becoming a better mechanic.
Find the recurring thing on your list and add them together to find out what you are skilled at. Then desire more of what you have that makes you happy. The universe will supply all that is required and more.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
The universe is abundant and will grant you abundance of what you desire. Think about wealth and abundance, NOT about lack and limitation. Desire wealth; lust after it; don’t just wish for it. Believe in it and your right to it. Stop believing in scarcity. There is none. When you have nothing, you have an abundance of nothing. When you have mediocrity, you have an abundance of mediocrity. What you focus on will be what you have.
You are living your life for a reason. You have some gift that you must give to this world to make it a better place. When you begin to live your life in the way you are meant to you will have all the things needed to do so. It is not just your right to be wealthy, it is your duty. You must have the means to help your friends and family and all those who require your help.
This does not mean you work your tail off to support a bunch of free loaders; instead it describes the ability to help people who are in need of what you can do. If you have mechanical ability, people will come to you with their vehicle problems, you either tell them what is wrong or help fix it. They drive off happy; you have served and are also happy. Conversely they won’t come to you for medical advice as you are a mechanic not a doctor.
So now you must discover what you are and what you should be. You can be what you will to be, but if you go with what you are talented at; the process is faster. So sit down with a piece of paper and a pen, and write down what things make you happy. Write it down no matter what it is, if it comes into your mind then write it down. Don’t be bashful; nobody but you will see this list, so write everything down that makes you happy.
What you are creating is a bunch of puzzle pieces that you will assemble into a picture of your life. The cool thing about this is it is a living picture that can and does change with just one piece of puzzle move.
Now look at your list, find a recurring pattern. Continuing with the mechanical example; a complete set of wrenches makes you happy. Having a rolling tool box makes you happy. Listening to an engine purr after you have worked on it gives your great satisfaction. So then you should focus on becoming a better mechanic.
Find the recurring thing on your list and add them together to find out what you are skilled at. Then desire more of what you have that makes you happy. The universe will supply all that is required and more.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, Law of Attraction, life