Thursday, July 26, 2007
The Secret of Manifesting Change
Having the right tools to make your desires achieve reality is vital to your success in life. If your life is not what you want it to be now, then you do not have the correct tools, or worse; you have the tools but do not use them. The worst part is; that by not doing something about it: You will never have the life you desire, it sounds harsh, but it is the truth.
So why don't you take action, make a decision to change your life once and for all! Without that step you will never move forward, things will remain the same. What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for things to be worse than they already are? Are you waiting for something to happen out of the blue? Do you want tomorrow to be the same as today?
Once you choose it begins to happen. It is not always easy, but everyday something gets better, and it makes you feel good, and you see a hope that simply wasn't there before. Or would you rather keep struggling every day? Things are not going to happen if you don't make them happen. Allow yourself to feel this way, allow yourself to evolve; to have and use the tools you need to make your life better.
The moment you decided to make it happen, things started to change immediately, it is like magic, once you have a firm desire and take the steps you will see the magic. You know, in your mind, how to achieve what you desire in life!
It is not the work you do, it is not how hard you work, it is not how many hours you spend trying to make things happen; it is the way you are inside that makes things happen; or not. Until you understand that and you decide to do something about it, you will not see a change.
To make a change in your life you have to change who you are. To simplify the whole thing; you have to become the person you want to be. This may seem too simple but that is how it is. If you desire to be a wealthy person, you have to become that person. If you desire to be an astronaut, you have to become one. You leave behind what you are now and become the person you will to be. You can only ever be your self. You can never be someone else, so to be something else, you have to change who you are.
Who are you now? What does the neighborhood and your friends know you as? Do they call you mister lawn man, or miss car washer? What do you will to be known as; Mister Policeman or Miss Mayor? To become what you will you have to leave behind what you are now. The old must pass away and the new must be born.
You must make room in your life for the new and better you to manifest; to grow into existence. You do that by getting rid of the old stuff that does not serve you. Like when cleaning out your house to make room for a new bigger and better couch you have to get rid of the old couch and maybe some other clutter. So it is with your self. To become a better you; you need to make room for your new and better self. Get rid of old things that do not serve you, things such as anger, sorrow, and fear. This will make room for happiness, peace, love, and fulfillment.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
So why don't you take action, make a decision to change your life once and for all! Without that step you will never move forward, things will remain the same. What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for things to be worse than they already are? Are you waiting for something to happen out of the blue? Do you want tomorrow to be the same as today?
Once you choose it begins to happen. It is not always easy, but everyday something gets better, and it makes you feel good, and you see a hope that simply wasn't there before. Or would you rather keep struggling every day? Things are not going to happen if you don't make them happen. Allow yourself to feel this way, allow yourself to evolve; to have and use the tools you need to make your life better.
The moment you decided to make it happen, things started to change immediately, it is like magic, once you have a firm desire and take the steps you will see the magic. You know, in your mind, how to achieve what you desire in life!
It is not the work you do, it is not how hard you work, it is not how many hours you spend trying to make things happen; it is the way you are inside that makes things happen; or not. Until you understand that and you decide to do something about it, you will not see a change.
To make a change in your life you have to change who you are. To simplify the whole thing; you have to become the person you want to be. This may seem too simple but that is how it is. If you desire to be a wealthy person, you have to become that person. If you desire to be an astronaut, you have to become one. You leave behind what you are now and become the person you will to be. You can only ever be your self. You can never be someone else, so to be something else, you have to change who you are.
Who are you now? What does the neighborhood and your friends know you as? Do they call you mister lawn man, or miss car washer? What do you will to be known as; Mister Policeman or Miss Mayor? To become what you will you have to leave behind what you are now. The old must pass away and the new must be born.
You must make room in your life for the new and better you to manifest; to grow into existence. You do that by getting rid of the old stuff that does not serve you. Like when cleaning out your house to make room for a new bigger and better couch you have to get rid of the old couch and maybe some other clutter. So it is with your self. To become a better you; you need to make room for your new and better self. Get rid of old things that do not serve you, things such as anger, sorrow, and fear. This will make room for happiness, peace, love, and fulfillment.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, Manifesting