Friday, July 20, 2007
First Thought
There is a secret that controls everyone’s life to such a degree that it is amazing that we haven’t used it more. This secret is called the first thought.
What is first thought? It is the thought that you have first thing in the morning when you wake up. This first thought is the most powerful thought you have. It sends out a message to the universe instantly and this first thought will determine your day. This first thought controls you and the type of experience you are going to have for the rest of the day.
Most of us when we rollover to hit the alarm clock think something along the lines of “I don’t want to” or “not another day of work” or something similar. We start out negative, we curse the alarm clock, we think negative about coming events, or worry about the day before and how it is going to have to be paid for today.
We could go on and on about the crap we think when we wake up. Realize this; the first thought of the day starts a chain reaction that has massive effects on us for the rest of the day. So we need to take control of our lives, we need to lead a better and happier life, and this is the place to start; literally.
Try to remember what you were thinking when you woke this morning. Was it thought of how peaceful and happy your life is? Did you think to yourself what a wonderful world this is? Probably not, you got up and ran the gamut of thoughts concerning having to do something this morning to what you did yesterday that you need to work on again today, or even thought about how you don’t have enough of something.
Here is what we should do in the morning: We should wake up and think something good, something we desire. Before you even move to turn off the alarm; this great thought should enter your head and be thought. So what thought should you have in the morning? Start with this one:
“I can be: What I will to be.”
Tell yourself the night before that this is the first thought you shall have in the morning. Write it on a note card and prop it in front of your alarm clock. Think about that thought as you are falling asleep, reminding yourself that this is the first thought you will have the next morning.
Every day when you wake up, think to yourself, or even out loud; “I can be: What I will to be.” When a negative thought or worry tries to creep in to your thoughts fight back and replace it with your new thought. You can be what you will to be.
After a few weeks you will see a major improvement of your life and your circumstances if you faithfully make your first thought “I can be: What I will to be.”
Once you have mastered this thought you can modify your first thought as you see fit, but you have to master this one skill before you can begin to have a massively great life.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
What is first thought? It is the thought that you have first thing in the morning when you wake up. This first thought is the most powerful thought you have. It sends out a message to the universe instantly and this first thought will determine your day. This first thought controls you and the type of experience you are going to have for the rest of the day.
Most of us when we rollover to hit the alarm clock think something along the lines of “I don’t want to” or “not another day of work” or something similar. We start out negative, we curse the alarm clock, we think negative about coming events, or worry about the day before and how it is going to have to be paid for today.
We could go on and on about the crap we think when we wake up. Realize this; the first thought of the day starts a chain reaction that has massive effects on us for the rest of the day. So we need to take control of our lives, we need to lead a better and happier life, and this is the place to start; literally.
Try to remember what you were thinking when you woke this morning. Was it thought of how peaceful and happy your life is? Did you think to yourself what a wonderful world this is? Probably not, you got up and ran the gamut of thoughts concerning having to do something this morning to what you did yesterday that you need to work on again today, or even thought about how you don’t have enough of something.
Here is what we should do in the morning: We should wake up and think something good, something we desire. Before you even move to turn off the alarm; this great thought should enter your head and be thought. So what thought should you have in the morning? Start with this one:
“I can be: What I will to be.”
Tell yourself the night before that this is the first thought you shall have in the morning. Write it on a note card and prop it in front of your alarm clock. Think about that thought as you are falling asleep, reminding yourself that this is the first thought you will have the next morning.
Every day when you wake up, think to yourself, or even out loud; “I can be: What I will to be.” When a negative thought or worry tries to creep in to your thoughts fight back and replace it with your new thought. You can be what you will to be.
After a few weeks you will see a major improvement of your life and your circumstances if you faithfully make your first thought “I can be: What I will to be.”
Once you have mastered this thought you can modify your first thought as you see fit, but you have to master this one skill before you can begin to have a massively great life.
Be Blessed