Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Released at Last; Why Average People Remain Average
Do you know who the second best football player is? How about the second fastest runner in the world? Would you by chance know the second best secretary or librarian? Do you know who the second best at anything is? How about third or fourth best at anything? In fact; there's no such place as the second best anything. You are either the best or you are not.
If you only do what you're expected to do; then don't expect an outstanding result. Study successful people and you'll sure to discover one thing that many of them have in common; they live by the words of "always do more than what is expected."
Others have called this more than expected attitude as 'going for the extra mile'. Notice that they don't say the extra 10 miles. So why, do you think, are average people not champions? Because the average person just doesn’t bother to do more than what is expected of them; yes it's sad but that's the truth.
To most people, "always do more than what is expected of you" are mere words; and they don't put substance to it because people are lazy and they just want to do the bare minimum to get by. Just enough to make money, to finish the shift, to keep from getting fired, or whatever.
No matter what you do, always do or give more than what people expect. Then they will flock around you, they will line up to meet you and be happy to support you in whatever thing that you want to do next.
If you're training to be a champion; don't just do the minimum and train like an average player. Train more than you're expected to train, play better than you are expected to play.
Whenever you are interacting with people or in a relationship, treat the other party extremely well. Whatever is expected of you in that relationship, be it with your girlfriend, boyfriend, business partner or client, your spouse or your friend, always do or give more than what is expected of you; for that is the secret of making it a success.
It is not that you have to do or give a whole lot more; you have to do just a little bit more than the rest. That's it; for you to become outstanding in any undertaking. To do this, it's not that difficult; but most people are just too darn lazy to put in the effort.
Always keep reminding yourself this; winner's takes all. There is only one in the winners circle. The winner gets the prize and the glory, the others just go home. Wouldn’t you rather strive with the extra effort to be the best? Being the best is the goal; because the pay off is many times greater.
Did you know that saying “You reap what you sow” is backwards? It misses the point that you have to sow first; then reap. It should be written; “What you sow, you reap.”
If you want to gather riches you have to be as generous as you can. Touch people's lives profoundly, in ways that they would never forget. So the next time you are with somebody, or in a business negotiation, or just interacting with another person, ask how can I help you; without expecting any return.
To be generous and to treat others extremely well, you must come from the perspective of abundance thinking. Then always doing more than what is expected of you will come easy and naturally.
Always do more than what is expected of you. Do this without demanding a reward; and it will come back to you many fold when you are least expecting it.
Do you think you can do more than what you're doing today? Of course you can. The question is; do you want to be the best? You will have to decide for yourself; for your own future.
Be the best you that you can be, you only get one shot at this lifetime, so live it well.
Be Blessed.
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
If you only do what you're expected to do; then don't expect an outstanding result. Study successful people and you'll sure to discover one thing that many of them have in common; they live by the words of "always do more than what is expected."
Others have called this more than expected attitude as 'going for the extra mile'. Notice that they don't say the extra 10 miles. So why, do you think, are average people not champions? Because the average person just doesn’t bother to do more than what is expected of them; yes it's sad but that's the truth.
To most people, "always do more than what is expected of you" are mere words; and they don't put substance to it because people are lazy and they just want to do the bare minimum to get by. Just enough to make money, to finish the shift, to keep from getting fired, or whatever.
No matter what you do, always do or give more than what people expect. Then they will flock around you, they will line up to meet you and be happy to support you in whatever thing that you want to do next.
If you're training to be a champion; don't just do the minimum and train like an average player. Train more than you're expected to train, play better than you are expected to play.
Whenever you are interacting with people or in a relationship, treat the other party extremely well. Whatever is expected of you in that relationship, be it with your girlfriend, boyfriend, business partner or client, your spouse or your friend, always do or give more than what is expected of you; for that is the secret of making it a success.
It is not that you have to do or give a whole lot more; you have to do just a little bit more than the rest. That's it; for you to become outstanding in any undertaking. To do this, it's not that difficult; but most people are just too darn lazy to put in the effort.
Always keep reminding yourself this; winner's takes all. There is only one in the winners circle. The winner gets the prize and the glory, the others just go home. Wouldn’t you rather strive with the extra effort to be the best? Being the best is the goal; because the pay off is many times greater.
Did you know that saying “You reap what you sow” is backwards? It misses the point that you have to sow first; then reap. It should be written; “What you sow, you reap.”
If you want to gather riches you have to be as generous as you can. Touch people's lives profoundly, in ways that they would never forget. So the next time you are with somebody, or in a business negotiation, or just interacting with another person, ask how can I help you; without expecting any return.
To be generous and to treat others extremely well, you must come from the perspective of abundance thinking. Then always doing more than what is expected of you will come easy and naturally.
Always do more than what is expected of you. Do this without demanding a reward; and it will come back to you many fold when you are least expecting it.
Do you think you can do more than what you're doing today? Of course you can. The question is; do you want to be the best? You will have to decide for yourself; for your own future.
Be the best you that you can be, you only get one shot at this lifetime, so live it well.
Be Blessed.
Labels: effort, life, self improvement