Friday, August 31, 2007
The Secret of True Power
For you to have this power you must first and foremost be cultivate poise and compliance, you must be willing and able to stand alone. When every one else is swayed by passion or emotions you must be able to be calm and unmoved. You must be in control of your self or you will never be fit to command anything but contempt.
If you are not happy with your current situation you must work all the harder to change. You must diligently perform the tasks assigned to you, while keeping in mind that the better pay, the better job, and the better life are waiting for you; you must simply be ready for the opportunity when it arrives. By not paying attention to the small details of your work and your life, the big details and opportunities will pass you by for someone who is more willing to perform.
Whatever task you may have occasion to set yourself to, work on it with all your might. Use scrupulous attention to detail, for if you can not be trusted to accomplish the small and mundane, you will not be trusted with the large and important. Nevertheless, perform your duties to the best of your ability, even if your heart is not in it. This faithful attendance will lead to bigger and better things. Then when the new opportunity is presented to you; you will be able to step into your new role fully prepared for it.
Learn through constant practice to develop your talents and resources. Then when needed, you can concentrate them on a single point to get the desired results. Be always honest and truthful with your own self, stay brutally honest with yourself, for if you try to deceive your self you will cause your own failure and destruction.
The foolish waste their resources on idle gossip, needless frivolity, and wasteful excesses. Manage your resources and use them wisely to better your self and situation. Those who are hysterical, fearful and thoughtless will never prevail and will suffer the same fate as the shifting sand. There will be no trace of their efforts or existence. While the one who remains calm and thoughtful will gain power, and as you exercise your strength more power will be added to you.
Passion is not power, it is a drain and waste of power. Like the fearful thunderstorm that beats upon the rock, soon the storm passes but the rock remains. So it must be with you, remain steadfast with the faith that you are the holder of the true power, and that the storm of passion will waste itself without causing any effect on you.
If you do not have this power you may gain it, but you must start somewhere. Start by refraining from slander, complaining, idle talk, and gossip. These activities are the greatest drains of as well as waste of personal time and energy. Once you have taken this step you will find that you are led logically to the next step without any worry on your part.
Be Blessed
Labels: goals, life, self improvement
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Secret Power of Faith
To follow under all circumstances your inner voice, to always be true to yourself, to pursue your dreams with the unwavering belief that the future will yield to your will. To have a faith in yourself, the faith and belief, that what you command will come to pass. Knowing that the universal laws work with mathematical certainty and that what you sow you shall reap, and that what you think; will be.
The possession of this faith is the most priceless thing in this world you can ever own. Having this faith is like having a magic lamp that holds success, prosperity, inner peace, soul power, and unlimited happiness. Whenever you are faced with challenges, you must hold on to your faith and you will be able to overcome any hardship like a tree that withstands the wind no matter how hard it blows. You will not ever have to worry about results; resting assured that right thoughts combined with right actions creates right results.
Once you have this enduring faith you will be able to give the command, and mountains of sorrow, strife, disappointment, pain and disease will crumble and fall into the sea of forget. With your faith working diligently there is not one thing you will not be able to accomplish if you so desire it. Nothing will be impossible, you will be able to make wishes come true. You will use your faith to create your reality, and the universe will respond to your will.
The foolish wish and grumble, you will not be foolish, you will work and wait, work without and within, knowing that your faith will bring you all that you can dream. For you know that your life you carry within, that you control how to spend your life. You are firm in the knowledge that whatever happens, you will be able to use it for your betterment and increasing prosperity.
Send out loving and happy thoughts and blessings will fall into your lap, you will be filled with happiness and peace. Unfortunately the reverse also holds true, send out hateful and impure thoughts and you shall have curses bombarding you, and you will be rewarded with fear and uproar.
You are the unconditional maker of your fate, whatever that fate may be you can rest assured that you have caused it. Every moment of every day you are sending forth thought energy that rebounds and returns to you what you have created. What you have sown you will reap, whether to your detriment or blessing is determined solely by your faith.
Let your heart grow large and loving, develop and cultivate your faith, when you do great lasting success will surely follow, as day follows the night, it is just a matter of time.
Be Blessed
Labels: goals, self improvement
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
How to Live Happily Ever After
So the question here is this: Did you grow up to live happily ever after? Probably not, or else you would not be hearing this lesson. Somewhere along the line you gave up your dream and became a “grown up.” You were told that you were becoming a responsible adult the day you gave up your dreams and accepted the sad reality of work, sleep, and trying to have a life in between. We thought we became wise when we gave up our childhood dreams; we condemned ourselves to the dull boring reality that someone else told us was the way to do things. We bought in to the reality of others, and now we suffer and wonder why we are not happy.
What nobody told us is this: What we think we cause to exist. Had we kept our dreams, we would have caused them to become reality; our reality. The physical is influence by thought, the old school teaching of we are what our bodies and circumstance make us to be is passing away, and is being replaced with the truth that we are what we make ourselves to be through thought. We would have been a king or queen had we only been allowed to follow our hearts instead of our heads.
The good news is it is not too late to live happily ever after. As long as there is breath in your body you can still change your life and have your dreams come true. So try to remember your dreams from your youth. What were they? Write them down on paper: NOW!
If those dreams are too silly then you can change them to something close. Say your childhood dream was to be a clown, you do not really want that now, but being an actor would be close enough. However if you still want to be a clown you can, there are schools for clowns, and even clown unions. If it is your dream, keep it in front of you and soon it will grow from idea to reality.
Look at what you have written, and add some detail as you see fit. Look at your dream every day, keep your dream always in your thoughts, soon you will see doors of opportunity open, resources become available, circumstances going in your favor, all of them adding together to help your dream become reality.
Set some small goals and follow them to completion, this will prove to you that you can be a success. Then when you look at your dream you will not see a childish fantasy, rather you will see a future reality; to live happily ever after.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Secret is About Self Mastery
Every day you must spend some time contemplating the meaning of your life, some call this meditating, and others call it connecting to source. Regardless of any technical name that you may give it, the result is the same. You go into your silent place and replace bad thoughts with good, worried thoughts into thoughts of peace, and weakness into strength. Do you go into the world of work every day without first checking yourself in the mirror? Most likely you check to make sure your shirt in on correctly, that you shaved or put on make up. You do not leave your house without making sure you are prepared and presentable. So it is with meditation, you should not go out into the world without making sure your inner self is prepared.
All skills take some time and repetition to become easily useable. When you were younger you had a hard time tying your shoes, now you ca tie them without thinking. This is the art of skill building, enough practice and the task becomes second nature. The same applies to your meditations: As you practice your skill will grow, you will acquire a mastery over your thoughts and impulses. As you gain this control you will discover a latent ability within you that will begin to blossom into the calm confidence from which commands and guarantees success in all you do.
This new confidence and power will awaken yet another hidden ability. You will start to feel and realize your intuition. Your intuition will guide you in all you do. You will no longer be in the dark about your speculations, but will be able to make choices and can be confident they will be proven correct. This intuition or soul vision will prove to be of incalculable value.
In the same manner that you alter your inner life, the world around you will change to match your inner vision. As you alter your mental attitude towards others, they will alter their behavior towards you. With your new found power your happiness will be increased many times over. You will realize the strength, power, and joy that will accompany the skill of self mastery. As you make these a natural part of your life through constant and repeated acts, you will begin to radiate confidence and happiness all around you. People will flock around you and outward events will occur frequently in your favor.
Even partial self mastery will result in the lessening of the negative streams of thought with the result that the universe will aid you in all that you undertake to do.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, life, self improvement
Monday, August 27, 2007
Focus and Control Your Thoughts
We all know that person who turns everything they touch into dust; you know that person who no matter what can pull defeat from the jaws of victory. The person who can not retain success even when it is handed to them; they are the ones who live their lives as the example of what not to do. That person has no self government, they are not honest with their inner self and so have no control of the inner and it reflects to the outer. They are slaves to circumstances and only gain their strength and knowledge through bitter experience.
Whatever your position in life may be right now, you can not improve your circumstances, you can not even hope to experience success, until you have learned to control and focus your thoughts. When you are able to focus your thoughts you will find that problems that were insurmountable an hour ago are simply challenges that will need a little work to overcome.
As in all things you will have to practice your talent to gain skill. Nobody on this planet has ever won a triathlon on their first try, so it is with this skill of thought control. You must discover how to calm your mind, control fleeting thoughts, earn the concentration ability to think and solve one thought at a time.
Start with learning to sit quietly without distraction. Continue by making your self calm and collected, as one with your self. There is no difficulty no matter how dire it may seem, that can not be overcome using calm concentrated thought. Learn how to be calm and ignore the raging storm of emotional thoughts swirling about you. Silence the doubt, resist panic, forgive hatred, and shine the light of knowledge on the shadow of ignorance.
Every thought you think is like a wave of energy sent from you to do your will. Whether you desired it or not, your thoughts will attract and create what you have thought about. This thought energy will react with the universe upon you for good or evil depending on your thoughts and the intensity that you use. It is of the utmost importance that you learn how to control your soul, to master your own emotions and thoughts.
If you are to weave into your life prosperity, happiness and joy, you must first find and remove all your inner problems. Remove from your thoughts capricious actions, irrelevant hates, petty likes and dislikes, fits of anger, jealousy, rapidly changing moods, suspicion and envy. You must rise above and control these disturbing and debilitating thought patterns.
You must find a reason for you to want to take control of your life, discover for your self why you should exist. Set a goal for your self, and set a time limit. While moving towards that goal, be mindful. Whenever you think a thought that is counter productive dismiss it immediately, and stay focused on the goal.
Be Blessed
Labels: effort, goals, self improvement
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The Secret of Human Thought Power
A lot of the invisible forces have been mastered and great things have come from this mastery. Almost every home in the world has electricity, every nation has internal combustion engines, and in America it seems every person has a telephone or cell phone. What is deplorable is that hardly anybody has had training in the use of the mind. Of those few that have had training, even fewer still have developed mastery the power of human thought.
The knowledge that human thought has the power to create has been around since before our current calendar. However this knowledge was suppressed by various religions in an attempt to control the human race. The knowledge was so dangerous to some people that they persecuted and killed any whom they suspected might posses it. This knowledge is just now coming back to the light after a long hiatus.
Human thought is constantly generating forces into action, either for good or ill, sent forth in uncontrolled fashion by people who are unaware of what they are doing. These forces are processes that we as a race have forgotten how to master. We must now learn how to master these forces as our very existence depends upon our subjugation of this knowledge.
The knowledge of the causal power of human thought is the basis of all real wisdom. The freedom of every individual should be protected without question. No single person or organization should be allowed to even attempt to tell a person what they must believe. Every human has the responsibility and the right to discover for themselves what the truth is. The truth should be presented for all to see and learn; it should not have to be disguised as a particular religion or belief system. Unfortunately for us, the truth is sill securely wrapped around religion, and those who are not of that religion are often still persecuted even today. Look at the Middle East; it is punishable by death if you are not a member of a religion that is currently in political power there.
Where there is fear, worry, anxiety, trouble, disappointment and suffering, there is both an ignorance of knowledge and a suppression of free will. There is indeed a way to harness and control the power of thought. It is easy to learn, but takes a lifetime to master. To mentally deny evil is not enough, it must be understood and risen above. To mentally affirm good, is also insufficient, it must be entered into and comprehended. In the same measure that you control yourself, you control your mental forces instead of being controlled by them.
Learn well to meditate daily and focus your thoughts. There is nothing you cannot do once you put your mind to it. You can be; what you will to be.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, self improvement
Saturday, August 25, 2007
What Can You Gain With Pity
There is no practice that is more degrading, debasing, shameful, reprehensible, and soul destroying as self pity. Feeling sorry for your self and trying to have other feel sorry for you is the surest way to attract every evil in this world to you. Cast it out, it is a canker that is feeding upon your heart and while it is there you can never expect to grow into a fuller life
Stop condemning others and condemn your self; do not condone your actions desires or thoughts unless they are of the highest good. By doing this you build up your inner self, gain the knowledge and the strength you need to have, and when you acquire virtue all that is required for your happiness and wellbeing will come to you in its own time. The way to true riches is to enrich your soul by the acquisition of strength, virtue and knowledge.
Look at your inner self, and discover the opinions you hold against your self. Find your opinion of yourself, and ask your self why you have that opinion. Usually a poor self opinion is from listening to some one else’s opinion, try to remember who gave you their opinion that you took it as your own. The opinions of others are the opinion you gave them of you, by your own words and actions they hold an opinion of you. If you can not seem to locate your own self opinion, then seek the council of your friends, acquaintances, and co-workers; ask them what opinion they hold about you.
Pity is feeling regret; self pity is regretting your own life. Seeking pity from others is like asking them to regret knowing you. Regretting your own life is a gigantic misuse of the gift the universe (god) has given you. You chose and were chosen to be here, to live a life upon this earth. You do have a mission, a goal to accomplish; there is something that gives your life a purpose. Having self pity is NOT part of that idea; you must seek your true meaning and once you have a hint, pursue it with all your strength.
As the effect is related to the cause, so is happiness, joy, and prosperity related to your inner self. You create your own world and are responsible for yourself. There is no one else who can live your life, just like no one can eat your food for you and you feel full, so it is with your own self, no one else can be you.
Change is easier when you desire it, seek what you desire, find your purpose and stop feeling sorry for yourself. The more you pity your self the more you will have to feel pity about. When you catch your self feeling pity, yell to yourself “stop” and think of something that makes you happy. Replace your detrimental activity with beneficial activity, and soon you will be proud of your self.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, life, self improvement
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thinking Positive with the Law of Attraction
For example when you are driving on the highway, the speed limit is clearly posted every few miles. Yet to drive the highway there are a few other things you must know before you ever hit an on ramp. So it is with the newly advertized Law of Attraction, there are a few other things you must know.
Positive thinking is but one aspect of Law of Attraction, just thinking positive will not bring you glory and riches. You do have to earn what you have. You have more than likely heard of lottery winners who win millions of dollars, but end up just as broke and further in debt than before they won. Do you know why that is? It is because their inner self is not developed enough to handle the situation. Yes that seems harsh, but it is the reason.
Your outer world is a reflection of what you are inside. If you were to say that you will help other people when you get rich, chances are you won’t. If you do not help people now, nothing will change should you become wealthy. Many times the universe (god) answers and grants wealth to people to see if indeed they will help other people as there is something that person must do that will change the whole world. What happens in most cases is that the person forgets their promise to help others and gets wrapped up in themselves and all the new toys. So the universe will cause the wealth to be transferred to someone else that will do the work to help others.
So many people complain that they do not become wealthy; the problem is not with the universe, the world, or the neighborhood. The problem is inside you; what ever you are now will only amplify with wealth. If you are a lazy person you will only become lazier with wealth. Conversely if you are an energetic and empathetic person you will become a greater person with your wealth. So do not blame the circumstances around you for your lack, look inside and see the truth. Once you know what the problem is you can correct it and lead a happier life.
There are certain unwavering laws that govern the operation of this world we live in. Some we can control and use to our advantage, like electricity and sound waves. Others are firm and fixed, like gravity and friction. Understanding these laws and working with them will help you to temporarily overcome their effects; for example the invention of the airplane and the wheel will overcome gravity and friction respectively, but are still subject to those two laws and will eventually have to submit to them. I.E the airplane will land and the wheel will stop turning.
The Law of Attraction will always keep working, it will cause what you are to become reality; your reality. Every thing has to be in its own context to be appreciated. A beautiful rose bush in a field of corn is nothing but a weed. You will have to create your own world one step at a time, one idea at a time. You must run the race fairly to even finish; to try to take a short cut will only set you back, and cause you to lose even what you have now.
So do not think that the whole think positive Law of Attraction will instantly turn your life from hell to heaven overnight, it won’t. It will work for you if you use it; however you have to use it wisely. It takes at least 18 years to turn an embryo into an adult human; during that time that human became a person. If that person is unsatisfied with their life it will take effort, time, and conscious thought to create the life that is desired. It may well take far less time than becoming an adult did, but it still takes time.
You can only have what you are worthy of. You can not buy a piano and expect to perform at the master level in Carnegie Hall the next day. You will have to learn and practice until one day you are ready, then you will be worthy of the applause you will receive as well as the satisfaction. If you use the Law of Attraction correctly the teachers, music, and opportunity will present themselves to you with minimal effort, but you must accept what is given and use it as the time is correct.
Remember this; be careful of what you wish for, as you will get it.
Be Blessed
Labels: effort, Law of Attraction, life, self improvement
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The World Does Revolve Around You.
When you go out your front door you see your world. You do not see your friend’s world, you do not see my world; you only see the world that you live in. What you have brought into your existence as your existence is what you see. Every day whenever you look out from your front door you see the world, the difference in understanding is that what you see is your world, uniquely, individually, yours. You have created, shaped, and caused the world you live in to exist.
All that you know is contained inside you. Every experience you have had, every thought desire and aspiration you have had is contained within the body you now live in. Not just the body but your very essence is a culmination of all that you have learned, heard, seen, tasted and felt. Your thoughts have created the world you live in. All that there is, of beauty joy happiness or bliss comes from within. All that there is of ugliness sorrow and pain comes from within.
By your own thoughts you make your life what it is. As you think you create, and what you create will shape your outward life and circumstances. Whatever you have in your heart will inevitably come into your reality as that is what you are. Every person attracts what is theirs, and nothing can come to a person who can not have it.
The circumstances of your life have been drawn to you because of how and what you think. You are a complex combination of your thoughts and experiences. What your thoughts are is your real self, and the world around you reflects what you have caused to be by your own thoughts and actions.
A happy person is happy because they dwell on happy things and thoughts. A miserable person is miserable because they dwell on miserable things and thoughts. Your life is founded on the thoughts you think, your thoughts are the basis for your existence. Whether you are fearless or fearful, troubled or serene, it is from within yourself that is the cause of your circumstances.
The circumstances of life can affect you only so far as you allow them to. If you believe that outward things have the power to control your life, then you make yourself a slave to them. These outward events have no power in themselves, only the power that you give them. By defaulting to the events to control your life, you set yourself a world of uncertainty and gloom. If you would but control those events by using your thoughts to interpret them wisely then your life will become blessed.
If circumstances truly had power then they would affect all people equally. To show that circumstances have no actual power you need simply look at any two people who have the same circumstance arrive. One will see an opportunity and will use the circumstance to better his or her life; the other will succumb to despondency, and become miserable. That circumstance is good or bad all depends on the thought you use when you encounter them.
What you sow, you will reap. Be ever mindful of the thoughts you harbor in your soul. Your thoughts are creative energy and will bring to you what you are thinking about. Be careful what you wish for; as you will receive it.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, self improvement
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Knowing the Truth
Every person is driven to move through life, and most of us do not want to merely to move through life like a sound producing, ambulatory blob, but to develop; to improve, and to continue the development to the end of our physical life.
This development can occur only through the improvement of the quality of individual thought. This thought and the ideals, actions and conditions that arise as a consequence, is what drives us throughout our lives.
So a study of the creative processes of thought and how to apply it is of supreme importance to every one of us. This knowledge is the means that causes the evolution of human life on earth; and with our evolution, our improvement as well.
All of us have actively sought for the Truth, and we have explored every means and avenue to find it. In this process those who have preceded us have produced a special kind of literature; which ranges the whole gamut of thought from the trivial to the sublime, through all the philosophies, to the final revelation of self discovery.
This information has had to be guarded and protected from the less enlightened, saved from those who would force us to hold only a single belief, and secluded from the uneducated. The knowledge was given from master to disciple a long and arduous process. The information was only rarely written as it could have been used as damning evidence that would cost the very life of the author.
Thankfully for us that there were some brave souls among us who risked all to produce written information for the future ages. This knowledge is used by the world as a means of tapping the great Intelligence (god) and attracting from it that which corresponds to the ambitions, and aspirations of each individual.
What we all strive for is this knowledge, this ability, this power. We desire to know what it is, and how to use that power, and to use it both constructively and creatively. The things and conditions we desire to become realities, to fulfill our dreams; is the driving force behind all human life. Without our dreams and goals we would be no better than the plants we grow for food.
Nothing is impossible; we only need to desire to do it. We can find the truth if we but actively seek it. You will discover that the truth exists somewhere within you, and it has been there your whole life. You must only treat it as a course of study and conscientiously act upon the meaning that you find.
Knowing the truth will make you a greater, better person, and equip you with a new power to achieve any worthy personal purpose and an ability to enjoy life’s beauty and wonder.
Be Blessed
Friday, August 17, 2007
How to Create Changes in Your Life
Contrary to popular belief, knowledge is not power. What knowledge is; is potential power. If it was simply about knowledge, then every librarian, research assistant, school teacher, and geek in the world would be fantastically rich and powerful.
Yes, universal laws can change your life. Whether you believe or not; these laws have been shaping your life since you were born. Keep in mind that these forces always work in perfection, whether you are aware of them or not. So if you want to know how good you are in the mastery of these laws, then all you need to do is look at the current situations and conditions of your life.
If you're not happy with all aspects of your life, then you need to align yourself with these laws by taking a series of specific steps. Ask yourself these questions: How's your health? How are your finances? How are your relationships? Do you have happiness and joy? Does your work inspire you with purpose and passion? If everything is fine then you are doing well. However; chances are since you have been attracted to this lesson you are not where you should be with your life.
So what is that you must do to get yourself to a higher level of life? Simple: Stop wishing and start doing.
There are three things that determine your success in this life:
The first is; what you know. If you do not know about something you will have to exert the effort to find out. To learn a new skill takes a bit of learning as well as a bit of practice. Learning and practice are actions that you have to take.
The second thing is; what you believe. If you believe you can then you can and if you believe that you can’t then you can’t. Start to realize that all things are possible; your ability to accomplish any thing you will to, is directly related to your willingness to learn and practice.
The third thing is; what you consistently do on a daily basis. Do you have a set goal and take steps daily to realize that goal? Are you grateful for your blessings or do you complain about everything? Do you wake up in the morning ready to get started, or do you try not to wake up as you dread what is going to happen?
Your life is just that; your life. You can do or be anything you will to do. You are responsible for your own life. If you are not happy; then it is you who is keeping you from being happy. Can someone else take a shower and you smell better? No, you have to take care of yourself, nobody else can live your life for you, so you need to get on with it, and start living your life according to you.
You can be; what you will to be.
Be Blessed
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Why You Should Meditate
All these things are accurate descriptions of meditation, there are so many books and courses about meditation that I will not even attempt to tell you how to meditate. However, there is a purpose to meditating, and that is what this is about.
There are a lot of instructors out there that focus on the how of meditation. They concern themselves with the details such as the position of the body, the chanting of soothing words, and so on. They are all missing the point. Meditation is a means, not an end! There is no right or wrong way to meditate. The only wrong thing to do is to not meditate at all.
There is a design behind meditating. The purpose of meditation is to cleanse your soul and connect to the source. The reason you must meditate is to disconnect your conscious mind and connect your inner self to the universe.
Regardless of your personal beliefs, here the word universe and source are used interchangeably, feel free to substitute the name of your god, saint, or personal deity, as you see fit.
You meditate because you need to! You can not exist without being connected to source from time to time. Every human connects to source out of instinct if not deliberately. Enjoying a quiet walk in the park, a long bath, watching a sunset, and so on are activities that people will partake in that are actions so as to unwittingly connect to source. Your need to connect to source is so great that your subconscious will direct you to participate in an activity that quiets the mind so you can recharge your existence by connecting to the universe. Without connecting to source you feel stressed and tired and desperately in need of a vacation. You seek relaxation; you crave solitude, and desire nothing more than a few moments of peace. This is your need to connect to source desperately crying out for you to take action, a simple action; meditation.
Imagine if you will, what you could be accomplishing if you deliberately recharged every day instead of being forced occasionally by your subconscious. You would have the inner resolve, the inner strength, and the energy to accomplish anything that you will to do. Just because you meditate.
So try to meditate every day. If you do not succeed in meditating well, keep persisting. Set a time, and fix the duration for your meditation and do not stop until you are finished. If there are many distractions do not lose heart, just keep trying.
Remember these words: those who do not meditate act as a person who never looks into a mirror and does not bother to put their selves in order. The person who meditates turns their thoughts inward towards the mirror of the soul, sees their defects and corrects them, and moderates their self and their impulses and puts their conscience in order.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, self improvement, success
Monday, August 13, 2007
How to Find Belief in Your Self
So what does this mean to you? Simply this, if you believe you can do something you usually do it without trepidation. Conversely if you believe you can’t do something you will not even try. So by not believing you can; you severely limit yourself from many possibilities.
There is a difference between choosing to not do something, and not trying because you have limited yourself. Let us use a sport example. If you believe that you can not play tennis, then you won’t try and will never know if you have a hidden talent or not. However to choose to not play tennis as you are in too poor of health and know your bones could not take the abuse, is a choice based on facts and not on belief.
So what have you not done because of a belief? What has someone told you that you could not do and you believed them? It is so sad to see so much possibility wasted because a person does not believe that they can.
Now, just trying and failing does not mean you can’t do something. Chances are that if you did try tennis you would be beat. The reason you would lose is because you do not know all the rules, tasks, techniques, and skills needed to play the game well. You gain this knowledge and ability through practice, and soon you become a good player, and eventually you begin to win more than you lose.
So it is with anything in life; the universe if full of unlimited opportunity and unlimited possibility. To not even try because you believe you can’t is wasted opportunity. How do you know you can’t? Have you tried once and failed and so do not try anymore? Have you tried it and determined that you can’t because of logical reasons? Have you not even tried because you do not think you can?
You can do and be anything you will to be. The only thing holding you back is your belief. What do you believe about yourself? Do believe you can’t do something and so you never even try? Stop that, if you can not find a valid and logical reason for not being able to do something; then you can do it. What? You better look at that last statement again. Whether you choose to do it or not is a different matter, just believing that you can is what is important here.
So look at anything in your life that you believe you can’t do. Dig deep into yourself, and find out all the things you do not think you can do. Write them down as you think of them. Make the list as big as you can. Start out with things that are obvious; like “I do not think I can lift a thousand pounds” and soon all the not so obvious ones will appear. Keep writing; make your list four or five pages long.
Now review your list, as you think of more add them to your list. As you are reviewing your list ask yourself why you think you can’t do something. Is there a valid logical reason? Look at each item and you will see that most everything is indeed possible, simply that it would require some work to make it happen.
For example: Why can’t you lift a thousand pounds? Is it because you are not strong enough? Could you work and become strong enough? Possibly, you could eventually lift a thousand pounds, just not right now. This proves that it was only an erroneous belief that was holding you back from doing something. If you decide that lifting a thousand pounds is a worthwhile endeavor then you can; by gaining the knowledge and skills through practice, to achieve that goal.
If you look there is nothing that is impossible, everything you thought you could not do, you can; if you only gain the knowledge and the skill. So look at this again, what is holding you back? Probably only your belief.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, self improvement
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The Real Secret of the Law of Vibration
In those days one major religion was taking over the world, and force was used to convert any who did not readily express their belief and fidelity to that religion. Those superstitious people were afraid of anything that could not be explained. More often than not those who knew how to use this power were wrongfully accused by the religious people and were badly mistreated as well as executed. Oh what a wonderful place this world would be now if those people had become teachers instead of bonfires.
The trouble lies with those that stick to their dogmatic belief that only religious leaders know the truth. They believe that the mind is only a confusing theory, an improbable fairy tale that is sinful. These religious types also believe that to use your mind for anything other than worship is some sort of unforgivable sin that will result in eternal punishment.
So what is this power that has been so mislabeled, abused, and maligned? It is now known by modern science as the Law of Vibration, and is the foundation of the Law of Attraction. This natural law exists right alongside of other better known laws such as; magnetism, cohesion, heat, electricity, and gravity. It is not newly discovered it has been known for all time. The only problem is that it was suppressed by those who sought to control the human race. Only the upper class of societies was allowed to learn this great knowledge, and they kept it closely guarded; not only to have a better life, but also to avoid being burned at the stake.
Somewhere inside your body just below the heart is an area known as the Solar Plexus. This area is a great junction of nerves as well as arteries. This is your center, your home of the soul. Think of it this way; the old saying of “rely on your gut feelings” is a true teaching. Yes your mind is an integral part of the whole vibration process, but it is your center, some call it your heart, which holds the power. Many people make the error of trying to use only their mind to create their reality, but until you have integrated with your heart, you will experience limited, if any success.
Science has discovered that underlying all forms of matter there is an underlying energy of vibration. This is not metaphysical theory but is scientific verifiable fact. Everything in the universe is vibrating, from the atom, the molecule, to mountains, and every living thing; there is a vibration. It is the difference in the rate of vibration that determines its form. Slow vibration manifests as a rock, fast vibration registers as wind, very high vibrations register as sound, and all the layers and spectrums in between. In short all things are manifestations of the eternal energy from which all things precede.
Now here is the piece of information that will cause you to shift your paradigm; thoughts and feelings are vibrations. Through the use of your own rhythmic output you attract similar vibrating things into your reality. This is a skill that once learned and mastered will greatly enhance your life and all those around you.
The mind produces thought, the heart produces emotions. When the two parts are working together they create an energy that is transmitted into the universe just a surely as a sound wave. This thought wave will travel for infinite distances and will attract things that are of similar vibrating frequency. These things that are attracted to this thought wave will move towards the source of the thought vibration and grow stronger in the process. This results in the apparent manifestation of things into ones own reality.
Without getting into too long of a discussion, as there is not room here, the things that are attracted to you are the things you have generated thought energy for. Often times we have many things that we do not really want or desire in our life. It is because we worried that something might happen and did not want it to happen, but because we kept worrying, to be exact; generating a thought wave, we attracted the very thing we worried about as that is the way the Law of Vibration works. So learn how to worry about what you do desire and not what you do not desire.
There is an exact and reproducible method of generating thought waves that bring about the desired results. There is many a recipe, of sorts, if you will but learn them and use them for your own improvement. There is also a certain skill to using these recipes. These can be easily learned, and as long as you follow the proper process you will get the desired results. Like all things in life the more you practice the better you become. This knowledge brings strength to the user of it, giving you the ability to do as you will.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
At Last a Proven Way to Create Your Perfect Life
This dream is what you have dreamed and will create into reality. This is not science fiction, it happens every day. There is a certain magic that happens when you have a dream. If you stay focused on your dream the universe aligns itself to your will and things fall into place to create your will from desire to reality. Remember this saying: "If we don't have a dream, we have nothing”
There are some proponents who say it is our subconscious that creates our universe, while others say it is our force of will, and yet others say it is their god who directs and controls their reality. Whatever your belief we will use the word universe and you can insert your belief there.
Let us start with this statement: The universe accepts whatever you pretend is real and will use it to create your outer reality. This is a broad and general statement but it is the corner stone of what is to follow. Of course there are conditions that are attached but you can manifest your desire by pretending they are real.
So the next step is to define what you desire into a recognizable form. Let us say you had a day dream about a wonderful life and you then determined to make that day dream into a real dream, a goal, and a vision of your future. So go ahead, determine what would your ideal life be like; what car you drive, what house you live in, what your garden looks like and so on. Go ahead day dream all about it. If you find your thoughts wandering to other things, tell yourself to “stop that” and stay focused on your day dream.
So now comes the hard part; writing it down. For some reason this is the step that many people will skip over. You have to realize that this is a vital and important step. Those who do not write down their dream seem to have a much harder time making it a reality, often completely failing. Those who write down their dream life find that it comes to be with amazing quickness.
So as you are writing out your dream life keep in mind a couple of key points. It is the purpose of humans to lead a happy and fulfilled life. This is why the universe set things up the way they are so that every human can be happy. So what is this elusive “Happiness?”
Happiness does not always mean some event that puts a big smile on our face. It means moving toward goals that help us live the kind of life we think is in our best interest at the time. Happiness is a perpetual state of contentment. So in that sense our actions should always be aimed at making ourselves "happy."
Once we have a dream to follow we become content with our selves. We see that our life is getting better, and we become content with the knowledge that our life will soon be what we have willed it to be. From this state of personal contentment everything is possible. Personal contentment brings peace of mind. Peace of mind brings happiness.
The next thing to keep in mind is: The Power of Gratitude. Be grateful for what you receive when you receive it. The more you thank the universe the more it gives you. Think of it this way; if you give a child a piece of candy and they are happy and thank you and give you a hug, you are more likely to give them another piece later. On the other hand if you give a child candy and that child gets mad and demands more or a different piece, or acts like it is your duty to provide candy and your being remiss, then you are very unlikely to give that child any more candy. So it is with us and our relationship with the universe.
Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions a human being can experience. This feeling alone can put you into a state of contentment. A grateful mind is a content mind; a grateful mind needs nothing. When you are being grateful; you will find that peace and contentment soon follows. Another key point about gratitude is that when you focus on it; it becomes an extremely powerful energy source that creates happiness. So with the power of gratitude you can turn a bad moment into a great one!
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead; day dream and think about what you would like for a perfect and happy life. Then write it down, as much detail as you want, no one but you will see it so do not worry about spelling or context, just write and write until you have your perfect life on paper. Do it today and you will begin to see things change for the better.
Be Blessed
Labels: dreams, life, Manifesting
Monday, August 06, 2007
The Secret of Hopelessness
Hopelessness if allowed to go unchecked will lead to depression, and an ever downward spiral of events, in some cases even leading to death. Hopelessness is an emotion; it is your emotion and can not be readily dismissed or ignored. Hopelessness must be dealt with, with help if you can find it, but usually it is by and for yourself that you combat hopelessness.
The purpose of human life is to experience growth and happiness. When events occur that seem to remove your growth and happiness you often will experience a sense of hopelessness. This is a normal reaction, hopelessness is not permanent, even though right now it feels so bad that you just want to give up and disappear. You must realize this one truth; as long as there is life there is hope.
It may seem that the future is too scary or painful, and it may well be, but you must be willing to go through it. Your future is what you make of it, you can be; what you will to be. Like the saying a Marine friend uses: “Pain is weakness leaving the body!” You will become a better person for having struggled through the pain and fear to a future that you may not be able to see, but can control.
Look at where you are right now, not metaphorically, but physically. Are you sitting in a chair, feet off the ground, head up? What is the air temperature, the weather outside, the background noise? Where are you right now? Is the future happening right now, or are you living right now in this moment? Take a sip of your drink and take a deep breath. How did that taste, how did that feel?
You can only feel right now; you can not feel in the future. You can not taste in the future; you can only taste right now. So will this future you fear; will it ruin the taste of your coffee? Tomorrow the sun will rise! Whether you see it or not the sun will still rise tomorrow. Time will continue its march into the future, you will continue to move with time and grow another minute older for every minute that goes by.
So choose to make your future what you WILL. Will to forge your new self into a form and function that you choose. Live just one day a time, if that is too hard one hour at a time, and if that is still too hard one minute at a time.
Persevere; push forward a little at a time, one foot in front of the other, one breath after another. Soon you will realize that a day has passed, then another, then another and one morning you wake up and find that a whole week has passed and the world did not come to an end. You will feel stronger, you will be stronger, and you will be able to face another day.
When your future seems hopeless, create a vision that makes you happy. Write that vision down, and look at it every day. Soon you will see your future coming to pass as you have willed it to be.
Be Blessed
Labels: life
Friday, August 03, 2007
To Grow Spiritually Through Interconnectedness
Religions that believe in the existence of God suppose that the purpose of the human life is to serve the Creator of all things. On the other hand psychology proposes that we ultimately give our own meaning to our lives. Whether we believe that life’s meaning is pre-determined or self-directed, to grow in spirit is to realize that we do not merely exist, but exist for a purpose.
All through our lives we gain knowledge and wisdom from our interactions with people, from our actions and reactions to the situations we are in. As we discover these meanings, we discover certain beliefs and values that we either reject or affirm. These beliefs then shape our lives into what we are now. The one thing that most of us lose sight of is that we have a purpose.
Our lives have a purpose, a reason we continue to exist. This purpose puts all our physical, emotional, and intellectual potentials into use. This life purpose sustains us during trying times; and gives us something to look forward to; a goal to achieve, a destination to reach. A person without purpose or meaning is like a drifting ship at sea.
Interconnection is the concept of our relatedness to all creation, live and inanimate. Thus we can call other people brother and sister even if there are no direct blood relations. Deity centered religions speak of the relationship between humans and a higher being. These religions try to tell us that we must serve the deity for a higher purpose, setting aside our own free will.
On the other hand, science expounds on our link to other living things through the evolution theory. This relatedness is clearly seen in the concept of ecology, the interaction between living and non-living things. As we use and shape our world through technology, we cause side effects that make all other things change.
Everything is made from the same stuff. When you break down the shapes you see they become molecules, then atoms, then little quarks of energy. This energy is the stuff all things are made of and from. A rock has slower moving energy and a light beam has faster moving energy, but they both are made of the same basic material. It is because of this that we are all interconnected. We are all made from the same stuff, and everything we see is made from the same stuff.
To grow spiritually is to recognize these interconnections. This connectedness is a characteristic of self-transcendence, the highest human calling. Recognizing your connection to all things makes you more humble and respectful of people, animals, plants, and nature.
Interconnectedness makes you appreciate everything around you. It moves you to go and become stewards of all other things around you.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, self improvement, success
Thursday, August 02, 2007
The Role of Belief in Success
I don't have the answer. Everyone is different and has different dreams, wants, needs and abilities. You will be struggling until you realize the potential of what you are about to discover; the big secret of success: Belief in yourself.
Believe it or not, the limitations we experience in life are often the result of our own mental limitations. You probably have many limiting beliefs that control your life. If you didn’t you would have all you desire and be happy all the time.
So what are limiting beliefs? These are sayings like; “you can’t do that” and “that is impossible” and “that is unsolvable.” These are things you learned throughout your life that were taught to you by your relatives, friends, well meaning people and your parents.
About the time you gave up your childhood dreams to “become mature”, is about the time you were given many lectures by those around you that for some reason you could not have that dream. What dream did you have that those around you could not support and help you realize? To not have that dream means you accepted and hold limiting beliefs about yourself and what you can do. What you have learned is to not believe in your self.
It is very interesting how our brain is receptive towards advice from an authority figure. Do you remember those limiting beliefs the well meaning people instilled in you? Do you remember what your dream was? There are lots of stories of poor people becoming rich, stupid people becoming gurus, weak people becoming athletes, and uneducated people becoming business owners. The difference between them and you is the limiting beliefs you hold about your self.
So let us say that you want to be a millionaire, what is holding you back? Let’s take a quick look at you and what you believe. Do you believe you can make one hundred dollars? Do you believe you can make one thousand dollars then? Can you see yourself making ten thousand dollars? Do you believe you can make one hundred thousand dollars? Do you think you could produce five hundred thousand? How about; do you believe that you could own a million dollars?
Chances are; you already hold some sort of limitation in your mind, one of those amounts you did not believe you could have. When you saw those dollar amounts somewhere up the chain you stopped because you felt you could not have that. There is a limiting belief there holding you to an amount that you believe you can make.
We can be motivated thinkers but the problem is we're somehow programmed not to think big, but you don't have to bow down to your mind's limits. Instead, you can be open and be free. You can choose to make more. All you need to do is free your mind and believe that you can. So who is going to sue you if you think big? The answer is; not a single person, you are in control of your thoughts and beliefs. No one can think for you, it is all you.
The truth is if you can make a hundred, then you can make ten thousand, after all, it's just a matter of replicating what works, leveraging your previous success to snowball it into more success, and so on. But of course many people don't shoot from hundreds to thousands overnight. Their mind needs to adjust to the idea. If you could free your mind, then you could meet your goals quicker.
Hence the big question: how can you ever get to a higher level if your mind isn't ready? The answer is to start taking smaller steps. You see, many people do it the other way. When they decide they want something, they take big steps to get what they want. For example, if they want to make thousands of dollars a month, they roll out big plans for big businesses.
But if their mind isn't ready for this type of success, they won't get there. Maybe they'll sabotage themselves by doing something like choosing bad business partners or making other poor decisions. Forget about those big steps. If your mind isn't ready, it won't work. Instead, take small steps to begin building bridges between what you know you can do and what you want to do.
Believe it or not you can be anyone and do anything you will to. Now you just need to free your mind to believe that you can do it. Once you truly and fully accept that you can do it; you will do it. Successful people know that training their mind to accept success is a very important task.
So it's to your own advantage to think big rather than small, isn't it? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, self improvement
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Becoming Who You Are Meant To Be
Let us say you are at the airport, and you can’t decide if you want to go on this flight or not. If you procrastinate long enough the plane will leave without you and your ticket will be worthless. However, had you acted, you would either be flying or be rescheduled on a different flight. So it is with your life; the world will continue to move on, with or without you.
Ask yourself: What is it that you desire from this life? Realize that you only get one try at living this life. Regardless of your beliefs on the number of lives you may get, you only have this one right now. You are alive inside your skin right now, you have a life to live, you can not go backwards in time with this life; only forward. So, what is it going to be? Are you going to do something with this life or waste it?
What do you intend to become? Set your goal and set a deadline, saying to yourself that you do want to be something and do something with your life. Clarify your intentions: What is your intent in thinking that thought, in doing that deed? Commit 100% to becoming who you want to be.
Understand your intention and make it a purpose. Study, learn, discover and gain insight into what you intend and what it means to you. Visualize yourself, what you are, and then what you want to be. See yourself as that new person, the old is gone and the desired new you is there. Affirm to yourself and others that you are that new person and that you deserve to be.
Be grateful for your blessings; the more grateful you are the more you will receive. Set specific goals and follow your game plan. Stay true to your ideals. Talk your truth and then walk the talk.
Take some hints from the universe: It is constantly creating new space. Why? It has to make room for more.
Make some space in your life for more to show up. Get rid of what you don’t need. If those thoughts, those beliefs, don’t serve you -- get rid of them, change them, dump them, or don’t do it any more. If your habits serve no useful purpose, junk them. If that activity is not producing your desired results then stop it. For example: Why exactly do you watch TV? Are you going to get wealthy watching cartoons or soap opera? More than likely -- NOT!
Replacing behavior with new behavior is easier than trying to change old behavior. Rather than sit at the table and try to not overeat is very hard, but to sit at the table and read, or draw, or paint is an easy new habit to use to replace the old.
You can be what you will to be.
Be Blessed
Labels: life