Friday, August 03, 2007
To Grow Spiritually Through Interconnectedness
We are all spirits inside of a body. To realize this great truth is to think the opposite that has been taught for years; namely that we are bodies with a soul. We all are souls, beings of spirit; that have taken on bodies so that we may grow. To grow spiritually is to search for this meaning.
Religions that believe in the existence of God suppose that the purpose of the human life is to serve the Creator of all things. On the other hand psychology proposes that we ultimately give our own meaning to our lives. Whether we believe that life’s meaning is pre-determined or self-directed, to grow in spirit is to realize that we do not merely exist, but exist for a purpose.
All through our lives we gain knowledge and wisdom from our interactions with people, from our actions and reactions to the situations we are in. As we discover these meanings, we discover certain beliefs and values that we either reject or affirm. These beliefs then shape our lives into what we are now. The one thing that most of us lose sight of is that we have a purpose.
Our lives have a purpose, a reason we continue to exist. This purpose puts all our physical, emotional, and intellectual potentials into use. This life purpose sustains us during trying times; and gives us something to look forward to; a goal to achieve, a destination to reach. A person without purpose or meaning is like a drifting ship at sea.
Interconnection is the concept of our relatedness to all creation, live and inanimate. Thus we can call other people brother and sister even if there are no direct blood relations. Deity centered religions speak of the relationship between humans and a higher being. These religions try to tell us that we must serve the deity for a higher purpose, setting aside our own free will.
On the other hand, science expounds on our link to other living things through the evolution theory. This relatedness is clearly seen in the concept of ecology, the interaction between living and non-living things. As we use and shape our world through technology, we cause side effects that make all other things change.
Everything is made from the same stuff. When you break down the shapes you see they become molecules, then atoms, then little quarks of energy. This energy is the stuff all things are made of and from. A rock has slower moving energy and a light beam has faster moving energy, but they both are made of the same basic material. It is because of this that we are all interconnected. We are all made from the same stuff, and everything we see is made from the same stuff.
To grow spiritually is to recognize these interconnections. This connectedness is a characteristic of self-transcendence, the highest human calling. Recognizing your connection to all things makes you more humble and respectful of people, animals, plants, and nature.
Interconnectedness makes you appreciate everything around you. It moves you to go and become stewards of all other things around you.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Religions that believe in the existence of God suppose that the purpose of the human life is to serve the Creator of all things. On the other hand psychology proposes that we ultimately give our own meaning to our lives. Whether we believe that life’s meaning is pre-determined or self-directed, to grow in spirit is to realize that we do not merely exist, but exist for a purpose.
All through our lives we gain knowledge and wisdom from our interactions with people, from our actions and reactions to the situations we are in. As we discover these meanings, we discover certain beliefs and values that we either reject or affirm. These beliefs then shape our lives into what we are now. The one thing that most of us lose sight of is that we have a purpose.
Our lives have a purpose, a reason we continue to exist. This purpose puts all our physical, emotional, and intellectual potentials into use. This life purpose sustains us during trying times; and gives us something to look forward to; a goal to achieve, a destination to reach. A person without purpose or meaning is like a drifting ship at sea.
Interconnection is the concept of our relatedness to all creation, live and inanimate. Thus we can call other people brother and sister even if there are no direct blood relations. Deity centered religions speak of the relationship between humans and a higher being. These religions try to tell us that we must serve the deity for a higher purpose, setting aside our own free will.
On the other hand, science expounds on our link to other living things through the evolution theory. This relatedness is clearly seen in the concept of ecology, the interaction between living and non-living things. As we use and shape our world through technology, we cause side effects that make all other things change.
Everything is made from the same stuff. When you break down the shapes you see they become molecules, then atoms, then little quarks of energy. This energy is the stuff all things are made of and from. A rock has slower moving energy and a light beam has faster moving energy, but they both are made of the same basic material. It is because of this that we are all interconnected. We are all made from the same stuff, and everything we see is made from the same stuff.
To grow spiritually is to recognize these interconnections. This connectedness is a characteristic of self-transcendence, the highest human calling. Recognizing your connection to all things makes you more humble and respectful of people, animals, plants, and nature.
Interconnectedness makes you appreciate everything around you. It moves you to go and become stewards of all other things around you.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, self improvement, success