Monday, August 06, 2007
The Secret of Hopelessness
Have you ever found yourself frustrated that the future looks bleak, painful and dark? This is the state of hopelessness. Suffering from fear, fear of the unknown, fear of someone or something, this causes hopelessness. Then there are the feelings that the future will be too painful to live through, or that there is no solution to the problem; this too is hopelessness.
Hopelessness if allowed to go unchecked will lead to depression, and an ever downward spiral of events, in some cases even leading to death. Hopelessness is an emotion; it is your emotion and can not be readily dismissed or ignored. Hopelessness must be dealt with, with help if you can find it, but usually it is by and for yourself that you combat hopelessness.
The purpose of human life is to experience growth and happiness. When events occur that seem to remove your growth and happiness you often will experience a sense of hopelessness. This is a normal reaction, hopelessness is not permanent, even though right now it feels so bad that you just want to give up and disappear. You must realize this one truth; as long as there is life there is hope.
It may seem that the future is too scary or painful, and it may well be, but you must be willing to go through it. Your future is what you make of it, you can be; what you will to be. Like the saying a Marine friend uses: “Pain is weakness leaving the body!” You will become a better person for having struggled through the pain and fear to a future that you may not be able to see, but can control.
Look at where you are right now, not metaphorically, but physically. Are you sitting in a chair, feet off the ground, head up? What is the air temperature, the weather outside, the background noise? Where are you right now? Is the future happening right now, or are you living right now in this moment? Take a sip of your drink and take a deep breath. How did that taste, how did that feel?
You can only feel right now; you can not feel in the future. You can not taste in the future; you can only taste right now. So will this future you fear; will it ruin the taste of your coffee? Tomorrow the sun will rise! Whether you see it or not the sun will still rise tomorrow. Time will continue its march into the future, you will continue to move with time and grow another minute older for every minute that goes by.
So choose to make your future what you WILL. Will to forge your new self into a form and function that you choose. Live just one day a time, if that is too hard one hour at a time, and if that is still too hard one minute at a time.
Persevere; push forward a little at a time, one foot in front of the other, one breath after another. Soon you will realize that a day has passed, then another, then another and one morning you wake up and find that a whole week has passed and the world did not come to an end. You will feel stronger, you will be stronger, and you will be able to face another day.
When your future seems hopeless, create a vision that makes you happy. Write that vision down, and look at it every day. Soon you will see your future coming to pass as you have willed it to be.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Hopelessness if allowed to go unchecked will lead to depression, and an ever downward spiral of events, in some cases even leading to death. Hopelessness is an emotion; it is your emotion and can not be readily dismissed or ignored. Hopelessness must be dealt with, with help if you can find it, but usually it is by and for yourself that you combat hopelessness.
The purpose of human life is to experience growth and happiness. When events occur that seem to remove your growth and happiness you often will experience a sense of hopelessness. This is a normal reaction, hopelessness is not permanent, even though right now it feels so bad that you just want to give up and disappear. You must realize this one truth; as long as there is life there is hope.
It may seem that the future is too scary or painful, and it may well be, but you must be willing to go through it. Your future is what you make of it, you can be; what you will to be. Like the saying a Marine friend uses: “Pain is weakness leaving the body!” You will become a better person for having struggled through the pain and fear to a future that you may not be able to see, but can control.
Look at where you are right now, not metaphorically, but physically. Are you sitting in a chair, feet off the ground, head up? What is the air temperature, the weather outside, the background noise? Where are you right now? Is the future happening right now, or are you living right now in this moment? Take a sip of your drink and take a deep breath. How did that taste, how did that feel?
You can only feel right now; you can not feel in the future. You can not taste in the future; you can only taste right now. So will this future you fear; will it ruin the taste of your coffee? Tomorrow the sun will rise! Whether you see it or not the sun will still rise tomorrow. Time will continue its march into the future, you will continue to move with time and grow another minute older for every minute that goes by.
So choose to make your future what you WILL. Will to forge your new self into a form and function that you choose. Live just one day a time, if that is too hard one hour at a time, and if that is still too hard one minute at a time.
Persevere; push forward a little at a time, one foot in front of the other, one breath after another. Soon you will realize that a day has passed, then another, then another and one morning you wake up and find that a whole week has passed and the world did not come to an end. You will feel stronger, you will be stronger, and you will be able to face another day.
When your future seems hopeless, create a vision that makes you happy. Write that vision down, and look at it every day. Soon you will see your future coming to pass as you have willed it to be.
Be Blessed
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