Saturday, August 11, 2007
The Real Secret of the Law of Vibration
Since ancient times the human race has known that there is a power that humans can use to exert control. This power is said to be able to control everything from the minds of other people to circumstances and even physical things. This weird and uncanny power was often mislabeled as evil; called by many opponents as witchcraft.
In those days one major religion was taking over the world, and force was used to convert any who did not readily express their belief and fidelity to that religion. Those superstitious people were afraid of anything that could not be explained. More often than not those who knew how to use this power were wrongfully accused by the religious people and were badly mistreated as well as executed. Oh what a wonderful place this world would be now if those people had become teachers instead of bonfires.
The trouble lies with those that stick to their dogmatic belief that only religious leaders know the truth. They believe that the mind is only a confusing theory, an improbable fairy tale that is sinful. These religious types also believe that to use your mind for anything other than worship is some sort of unforgivable sin that will result in eternal punishment.
So what is this power that has been so mislabeled, abused, and maligned? It is now known by modern science as the Law of Vibration, and is the foundation of the Law of Attraction. This natural law exists right alongside of other better known laws such as; magnetism, cohesion, heat, electricity, and gravity. It is not newly discovered it has been known for all time. The only problem is that it was suppressed by those who sought to control the human race. Only the upper class of societies was allowed to learn this great knowledge, and they kept it closely guarded; not only to have a better life, but also to avoid being burned at the stake.
Somewhere inside your body just below the heart is an area known as the Solar Plexus. This area is a great junction of nerves as well as arteries. This is your center, your home of the soul. Think of it this way; the old saying of “rely on your gut feelings” is a true teaching. Yes your mind is an integral part of the whole vibration process, but it is your center, some call it your heart, which holds the power. Many people make the error of trying to use only their mind to create their reality, but until you have integrated with your heart, you will experience limited, if any success.
Science has discovered that underlying all forms of matter there is an underlying energy of vibration. This is not metaphysical theory but is scientific verifiable fact. Everything in the universe is vibrating, from the atom, the molecule, to mountains, and every living thing; there is a vibration. It is the difference in the rate of vibration that determines its form. Slow vibration manifests as a rock, fast vibration registers as wind, very high vibrations register as sound, and all the layers and spectrums in between. In short all things are manifestations of the eternal energy from which all things precede.
Now here is the piece of information that will cause you to shift your paradigm; thoughts and feelings are vibrations. Through the use of your own rhythmic output you attract similar vibrating things into your reality. This is a skill that once learned and mastered will greatly enhance your life and all those around you.
The mind produces thought, the heart produces emotions. When the two parts are working together they create an energy that is transmitted into the universe just a surely as a sound wave. This thought wave will travel for infinite distances and will attract things that are of similar vibrating frequency. These things that are attracted to this thought wave will move towards the source of the thought vibration and grow stronger in the process. This results in the apparent manifestation of things into ones own reality.
Without getting into too long of a discussion, as there is not room here, the things that are attracted to you are the things you have generated thought energy for. Often times we have many things that we do not really want or desire in our life. It is because we worried that something might happen and did not want it to happen, but because we kept worrying, to be exact; generating a thought wave, we attracted the very thing we worried about as that is the way the Law of Vibration works. So learn how to worry about what you do desire and not what you do not desire.
There is an exact and reproducible method of generating thought waves that bring about the desired results. There is many a recipe, of sorts, if you will but learn them and use them for your own improvement. There is also a certain skill to using these recipes. These can be easily learned, and as long as you follow the proper process you will get the desired results. Like all things in life the more you practice the better you become. This knowledge brings strength to the user of it, giving you the ability to do as you will.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
In those days one major religion was taking over the world, and force was used to convert any who did not readily express their belief and fidelity to that religion. Those superstitious people were afraid of anything that could not be explained. More often than not those who knew how to use this power were wrongfully accused by the religious people and were badly mistreated as well as executed. Oh what a wonderful place this world would be now if those people had become teachers instead of bonfires.
The trouble lies with those that stick to their dogmatic belief that only religious leaders know the truth. They believe that the mind is only a confusing theory, an improbable fairy tale that is sinful. These religious types also believe that to use your mind for anything other than worship is some sort of unforgivable sin that will result in eternal punishment.
So what is this power that has been so mislabeled, abused, and maligned? It is now known by modern science as the Law of Vibration, and is the foundation of the Law of Attraction. This natural law exists right alongside of other better known laws such as; magnetism, cohesion, heat, electricity, and gravity. It is not newly discovered it has been known for all time. The only problem is that it was suppressed by those who sought to control the human race. Only the upper class of societies was allowed to learn this great knowledge, and they kept it closely guarded; not only to have a better life, but also to avoid being burned at the stake.
Somewhere inside your body just below the heart is an area known as the Solar Plexus. This area is a great junction of nerves as well as arteries. This is your center, your home of the soul. Think of it this way; the old saying of “rely on your gut feelings” is a true teaching. Yes your mind is an integral part of the whole vibration process, but it is your center, some call it your heart, which holds the power. Many people make the error of trying to use only their mind to create their reality, but until you have integrated with your heart, you will experience limited, if any success.
Science has discovered that underlying all forms of matter there is an underlying energy of vibration. This is not metaphysical theory but is scientific verifiable fact. Everything in the universe is vibrating, from the atom, the molecule, to mountains, and every living thing; there is a vibration. It is the difference in the rate of vibration that determines its form. Slow vibration manifests as a rock, fast vibration registers as wind, very high vibrations register as sound, and all the layers and spectrums in between. In short all things are manifestations of the eternal energy from which all things precede.
Now here is the piece of information that will cause you to shift your paradigm; thoughts and feelings are vibrations. Through the use of your own rhythmic output you attract similar vibrating things into your reality. This is a skill that once learned and mastered will greatly enhance your life and all those around you.
The mind produces thought, the heart produces emotions. When the two parts are working together they create an energy that is transmitted into the universe just a surely as a sound wave. This thought wave will travel for infinite distances and will attract things that are of similar vibrating frequency. These things that are attracted to this thought wave will move towards the source of the thought vibration and grow stronger in the process. This results in the apparent manifestation of things into ones own reality.
Without getting into too long of a discussion, as there is not room here, the things that are attracted to you are the things you have generated thought energy for. Often times we have many things that we do not really want or desire in our life. It is because we worried that something might happen and did not want it to happen, but because we kept worrying, to be exact; generating a thought wave, we attracted the very thing we worried about as that is the way the Law of Vibration works. So learn how to worry about what you do desire and not what you do not desire.
There is an exact and reproducible method of generating thought waves that bring about the desired results. There is many a recipe, of sorts, if you will but learn them and use them for your own improvement. There is also a certain skill to using these recipes. These can be easily learned, and as long as you follow the proper process you will get the desired results. Like all things in life the more you practice the better you become. This knowledge brings strength to the user of it, giving you the ability to do as you will.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting