Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Secret is About Self Mastery
To fear and to worry is the state of mind from which all weakness and failure proceeds. You have become a master of worry through sheer repetition. You must use the skill you have that worries and change it to power. Worry and fear only serve to destroy your life. To overcome these conditions is to free yourself and take control of your life; like a slave becoming a master. Once you have learned to control your thoughts that cause worry and fear you begin to lead a life of power.
Every day you must spend some time contemplating the meaning of your life, some call this meditating, and others call it connecting to source. Regardless of any technical name that you may give it, the result is the same. You go into your silent place and replace bad thoughts with good, worried thoughts into thoughts of peace, and weakness into strength. Do you go into the world of work every day without first checking yourself in the mirror? Most likely you check to make sure your shirt in on correctly, that you shaved or put on make up. You do not leave your house without making sure you are prepared and presentable. So it is with meditation, you should not go out into the world without making sure your inner self is prepared.
All skills take some time and repetition to become easily useable. When you were younger you had a hard time tying your shoes, now you ca tie them without thinking. This is the art of skill building, enough practice and the task becomes second nature. The same applies to your meditations: As you practice your skill will grow, you will acquire a mastery over your thoughts and impulses. As you gain this control you will discover a latent ability within you that will begin to blossom into the calm confidence from which commands and guarantees success in all you do.
This new confidence and power will awaken yet another hidden ability. You will start to feel and realize your intuition. Your intuition will guide you in all you do. You will no longer be in the dark about your speculations, but will be able to make choices and can be confident they will be proven correct. This intuition or soul vision will prove to be of incalculable value.
In the same manner that you alter your inner life, the world around you will change to match your inner vision. As you alter your mental attitude towards others, they will alter their behavior towards you. With your new found power your happiness will be increased many times over. You will realize the strength, power, and joy that will accompany the skill of self mastery. As you make these a natural part of your life through constant and repeated acts, you will begin to radiate confidence and happiness all around you. People will flock around you and outward events will occur frequently in your favor.
Even partial self mastery will result in the lessening of the negative streams of thought with the result that the universe will aid you in all that you undertake to do.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Every day you must spend some time contemplating the meaning of your life, some call this meditating, and others call it connecting to source. Regardless of any technical name that you may give it, the result is the same. You go into your silent place and replace bad thoughts with good, worried thoughts into thoughts of peace, and weakness into strength. Do you go into the world of work every day without first checking yourself in the mirror? Most likely you check to make sure your shirt in on correctly, that you shaved or put on make up. You do not leave your house without making sure you are prepared and presentable. So it is with meditation, you should not go out into the world without making sure your inner self is prepared.
All skills take some time and repetition to become easily useable. When you were younger you had a hard time tying your shoes, now you ca tie them without thinking. This is the art of skill building, enough practice and the task becomes second nature. The same applies to your meditations: As you practice your skill will grow, you will acquire a mastery over your thoughts and impulses. As you gain this control you will discover a latent ability within you that will begin to blossom into the calm confidence from which commands and guarantees success in all you do.
This new confidence and power will awaken yet another hidden ability. You will start to feel and realize your intuition. Your intuition will guide you in all you do. You will no longer be in the dark about your speculations, but will be able to make choices and can be confident they will be proven correct. This intuition or soul vision will prove to be of incalculable value.
In the same manner that you alter your inner life, the world around you will change to match your inner vision. As you alter your mental attitude towards others, they will alter their behavior towards you. With your new found power your happiness will be increased many times over. You will realize the strength, power, and joy that will accompany the skill of self mastery. As you make these a natural part of your life through constant and repeated acts, you will begin to radiate confidence and happiness all around you. People will flock around you and outward events will occur frequently in your favor.
Even partial self mastery will result in the lessening of the negative streams of thought with the result that the universe will aid you in all that you undertake to do.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, life, self improvement