Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Why You Should Meditate
There are many definitions of meditation. There is the contemplation of doing something, to ponder on one thing, to empty the mind of thought, to develop the mind and spirit, to think seriously, to deliberate or reflect upon a thought, and to calm the mind to relax. There are also many styles of meditation; so many in fact that to try to list them all would result in many long pages, that space here just does not allow.
All these things are accurate descriptions of meditation, there are so many books and courses about meditation that I will not even attempt to tell you how to meditate. However, there is a purpose to meditating, and that is what this is about.
There are a lot of instructors out there that focus on the how of meditation. They concern themselves with the details such as the position of the body, the chanting of soothing words, and so on. They are all missing the point. Meditation is a means, not an end! There is no right or wrong way to meditate. The only wrong thing to do is to not meditate at all.
There is a design behind meditating. The purpose of meditation is to cleanse your soul and connect to the source. The reason you must meditate is to disconnect your conscious mind and connect your inner self to the universe.
Regardless of your personal beliefs, here the word universe and source are used interchangeably, feel free to substitute the name of your god, saint, or personal deity, as you see fit.
You meditate because you need to! You can not exist without being connected to source from time to time. Every human connects to source out of instinct if not deliberately. Enjoying a quiet walk in the park, a long bath, watching a sunset, and so on are activities that people will partake in that are actions so as to unwittingly connect to source. Your need to connect to source is so great that your subconscious will direct you to participate in an activity that quiets the mind so you can recharge your existence by connecting to the universe. Without connecting to source you feel stressed and tired and desperately in need of a vacation. You seek relaxation; you crave solitude, and desire nothing more than a few moments of peace. This is your need to connect to source desperately crying out for you to take action, a simple action; meditation.
Imagine if you will, what you could be accomplishing if you deliberately recharged every day instead of being forced occasionally by your subconscious. You would have the inner resolve, the inner strength, and the energy to accomplish anything that you will to do. Just because you meditate.
So try to meditate every day. If you do not succeed in meditating well, keep persisting. Set a time, and fix the duration for your meditation and do not stop until you are finished. If there are many distractions do not lose heart, just keep trying.
Remember these words: those who do not meditate act as a person who never looks into a mirror and does not bother to put their selves in order. The person who meditates turns their thoughts inward towards the mirror of the soul, sees their defects and corrects them, and moderates their self and their impulses and puts their conscience in order.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
All these things are accurate descriptions of meditation, there are so many books and courses about meditation that I will not even attempt to tell you how to meditate. However, there is a purpose to meditating, and that is what this is about.
There are a lot of instructors out there that focus on the how of meditation. They concern themselves with the details such as the position of the body, the chanting of soothing words, and so on. They are all missing the point. Meditation is a means, not an end! There is no right or wrong way to meditate. The only wrong thing to do is to not meditate at all.
There is a design behind meditating. The purpose of meditation is to cleanse your soul and connect to the source. The reason you must meditate is to disconnect your conscious mind and connect your inner self to the universe.
Regardless of your personal beliefs, here the word universe and source are used interchangeably, feel free to substitute the name of your god, saint, or personal deity, as you see fit.
You meditate because you need to! You can not exist without being connected to source from time to time. Every human connects to source out of instinct if not deliberately. Enjoying a quiet walk in the park, a long bath, watching a sunset, and so on are activities that people will partake in that are actions so as to unwittingly connect to source. Your need to connect to source is so great that your subconscious will direct you to participate in an activity that quiets the mind so you can recharge your existence by connecting to the universe. Without connecting to source you feel stressed and tired and desperately in need of a vacation. You seek relaxation; you crave solitude, and desire nothing more than a few moments of peace. This is your need to connect to source desperately crying out for you to take action, a simple action; meditation.
Imagine if you will, what you could be accomplishing if you deliberately recharged every day instead of being forced occasionally by your subconscious. You would have the inner resolve, the inner strength, and the energy to accomplish anything that you will to do. Just because you meditate.
So try to meditate every day. If you do not succeed in meditating well, keep persisting. Set a time, and fix the duration for your meditation and do not stop until you are finished. If there are many distractions do not lose heart, just keep trying.
Remember these words: those who do not meditate act as a person who never looks into a mirror and does not bother to put their selves in order. The person who meditates turns their thoughts inward towards the mirror of the soul, sees their defects and corrects them, and moderates their self and their impulses and puts their conscience in order.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, self improvement, success