Saturday, August 25, 2007
What Can You Gain With Pity
Shake off your low opinion of your self, stop feeling sorry for your self. Quit trying to have others feel sorry for you. What do you think to gain by seeking pity from others; will it improve your life if you receive pity?
There is no practice that is more degrading, debasing, shameful, reprehensible, and soul destroying as self pity. Feeling sorry for your self and trying to have other feel sorry for you is the surest way to attract every evil in this world to you. Cast it out, it is a canker that is feeding upon your heart and while it is there you can never expect to grow into a fuller life
Stop condemning others and condemn your self; do not condone your actions desires or thoughts unless they are of the highest good. By doing this you build up your inner self, gain the knowledge and the strength you need to have, and when you acquire virtue all that is required for your happiness and wellbeing will come to you in its own time. The way to true riches is to enrich your soul by the acquisition of strength, virtue and knowledge.
Look at your inner self, and discover the opinions you hold against your self. Find your opinion of yourself, and ask your self why you have that opinion. Usually a poor self opinion is from listening to some one else’s opinion, try to remember who gave you their opinion that you took it as your own. The opinions of others are the opinion you gave them of you, by your own words and actions they hold an opinion of you. If you can not seem to locate your own self opinion, then seek the council of your friends, acquaintances, and co-workers; ask them what opinion they hold about you.
Pity is feeling regret; self pity is regretting your own life. Seeking pity from others is like asking them to regret knowing you. Regretting your own life is a gigantic misuse of the gift the universe (god) has given you. You chose and were chosen to be here, to live a life upon this earth. You do have a mission, a goal to accomplish; there is something that gives your life a purpose. Having self pity is NOT part of that idea; you must seek your true meaning and once you have a hint, pursue it with all your strength.
As the effect is related to the cause, so is happiness, joy, and prosperity related to your inner self. You create your own world and are responsible for yourself. There is no one else who can live your life, just like no one can eat your food for you and you feel full, so it is with your own self, no one else can be you.
Change is easier when you desire it, seek what you desire, find your purpose and stop feeling sorry for yourself. The more you pity your self the more you will have to feel pity about. When you catch your self feeling pity, yell to yourself “stop” and think of something that makes you happy. Replace your detrimental activity with beneficial activity, and soon you will be proud of your self.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
There is no practice that is more degrading, debasing, shameful, reprehensible, and soul destroying as self pity. Feeling sorry for your self and trying to have other feel sorry for you is the surest way to attract every evil in this world to you. Cast it out, it is a canker that is feeding upon your heart and while it is there you can never expect to grow into a fuller life
Stop condemning others and condemn your self; do not condone your actions desires or thoughts unless they are of the highest good. By doing this you build up your inner self, gain the knowledge and the strength you need to have, and when you acquire virtue all that is required for your happiness and wellbeing will come to you in its own time. The way to true riches is to enrich your soul by the acquisition of strength, virtue and knowledge.
Look at your inner self, and discover the opinions you hold against your self. Find your opinion of yourself, and ask your self why you have that opinion. Usually a poor self opinion is from listening to some one else’s opinion, try to remember who gave you their opinion that you took it as your own. The opinions of others are the opinion you gave them of you, by your own words and actions they hold an opinion of you. If you can not seem to locate your own self opinion, then seek the council of your friends, acquaintances, and co-workers; ask them what opinion they hold about you.
Pity is feeling regret; self pity is regretting your own life. Seeking pity from others is like asking them to regret knowing you. Regretting your own life is a gigantic misuse of the gift the universe (god) has given you. You chose and were chosen to be here, to live a life upon this earth. You do have a mission, a goal to accomplish; there is something that gives your life a purpose. Having self pity is NOT part of that idea; you must seek your true meaning and once you have a hint, pursue it with all your strength.
As the effect is related to the cause, so is happiness, joy, and prosperity related to your inner self. You create your own world and are responsible for yourself. There is no one else who can live your life, just like no one can eat your food for you and you feel full, so it is with your own self, no one else can be you.
Change is easier when you desire it, seek what you desire, find your purpose and stop feeling sorry for yourself. The more you pity your self the more you will have to feel pity about. When you catch your self feeling pity, yell to yourself “stop” and think of something that makes you happy. Replace your detrimental activity with beneficial activity, and soon you will be proud of your self.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, life, self improvement