Saturday, July 31, 2010
Weight Loss with the Law of Attraction
People who want to lose weight often worry about failure right off the bat. This is not the correct way to commence a weight loss plan, you must first convince yourself that this can and will work.
The Law of Attraction will bring into your life the things you think about the most, this is called manifesting. Everything that exists right now was once a thought, and through effort and concentration was brought into existence.
This is the same for you, if you brought extra weight into your life it is because you make the effort and concentrated your thoughts and gained the weight. Maybe a bit unconsciously, but that is what you did.
Your thoughts count.
If you want to lose weight, you must start with the right mind set. It is a fact that when seeking weight loss most people think about reducing the amount of food they eat. Therefore, instead of eating a pound of celery, they eat a half pound of pizza and think they have reduced. Volume not calories is all they are concerned about as inside they are thinking that weight loss will be painful.
What you think about will come out of your mouth. You will eventually speak the thoughts you are having; it is human nature to do this. When you hear yourself say things like “this won’t work” and “I can’t lose weight”, you are revealing what you are thinking, and this is what you are attracting into your life.
The Law of Attraction does not care
Whatever you are thinking and saying is what you are manifesting into your life. You are what brings it to you; it is your responsibility to make your life what you want it to be. To do this you have to correct your thoughts and your patterns.
To achieve weight loss goals you need to convince yourself ahead of time that you will succeed. Once you start do not quit, and whenever you catch yourself thinking that this will not work, correct yourself with a firm reprimand and a counter thought that it can and must work.
Losing weight does not have to mean sacrifice and suffering.
Weight loss programs are just methods that you can use to achieve goals in your life. To start a program gives you tools to use to achieve weight loss goals, as well as opening up to a more full and healthy life.
Thinking about feeling good about yourself, looking good, and doing the things you want to do. Do not focus on the fat, focus on the new and improved you. In a short while, always with the right attitude you will see the changes in your life.
With this, you can lead a healthier and happier life, being able to do and be whatever you desire...
Be Blessed
The Law of Attraction will bring into your life the things you think about the most, this is called manifesting. Everything that exists right now was once a thought, and through effort and concentration was brought into existence.
This is the same for you, if you brought extra weight into your life it is because you make the effort and concentrated your thoughts and gained the weight. Maybe a bit unconsciously, but that is what you did.
Your thoughts count.
If you want to lose weight, you must start with the right mind set. It is a fact that when seeking weight loss most people think about reducing the amount of food they eat. Therefore, instead of eating a pound of celery, they eat a half pound of pizza and think they have reduced. Volume not calories is all they are concerned about as inside they are thinking that weight loss will be painful.
What you think about will come out of your mouth. You will eventually speak the thoughts you are having; it is human nature to do this. When you hear yourself say things like “this won’t work” and “I can’t lose weight”, you are revealing what you are thinking, and this is what you are attracting into your life.
The Law of Attraction does not care
Whatever you are thinking and saying is what you are manifesting into your life. You are what brings it to you; it is your responsibility to make your life what you want it to be. To do this you have to correct your thoughts and your patterns.
To achieve weight loss goals you need to convince yourself ahead of time that you will succeed. Once you start do not quit, and whenever you catch yourself thinking that this will not work, correct yourself with a firm reprimand and a counter thought that it can and must work.
Losing weight does not have to mean sacrifice and suffering.
Weight loss programs are just methods that you can use to achieve goals in your life. To start a program gives you tools to use to achieve weight loss goals, as well as opening up to a more full and healthy life.
Thinking about feeling good about yourself, looking good, and doing the things you want to do. Do not focus on the fat, focus on the new and improved you. In a short while, always with the right attitude you will see the changes in your life.
With this, you can lead a healthier and happier life, being able to do and be whatever you desire...
Be Blessed
Labels: Fitness, Law of Attraction
Friday, July 30, 2010
Happiness Through Health
Hello again to you all
So what did I do with the happiness theme? You have probably been wondering why I have been on the weight loss kick lately. Well it has to do with my neighbors. Then you are wondering why I no longer talk about happiness.
Over the years neighbors have come and gone, some were good and we were sorry to see them leave, others were bad and we were happy to see them go, and this current batch seems to all be fat. Not a little overweight but just fat.
I have been talking to them a lot about weight loss, because they are fat. They complain about their health alot too. They fight with each other more than any other I have seen, they are just not a happy bunch.
This kind of proves my point that health leads to happiness. If they were not so fat they would not complain about their health so much, and would probably fight less as they would have more money for other stuff besides food.
Being overweight causes their health problems, like high blood pressure, pre-diabetes as well as diabetes, heart problems, breathing problems, and sore legs, feet and backs from all the extra weight they carry. If they lost about 100 pounds each they would all feel better and would be happier.
Good health leads to happiness, when you have your health you are worried less, and you can be more active. The heat bothers you less, the chores are easier, and life in general is just better.
I am seeing for myself the effects of obesity on people. I myself am well within my weight limits, a 32 waist, thats good for a 6 foot guy, not even close to what size these people are. There is one guy who is so fat he is trying to get on disability for his weight.
So if you are still wondering why I am talking about being healthy, now you know. Happiness is a state of mind, but there are other things that make you happy too. Like good health!
Be Blessed
So what did I do with the happiness theme? You have probably been wondering why I have been on the weight loss kick lately. Well it has to do with my neighbors. Then you are wondering why I no longer talk about happiness.
Over the years neighbors have come and gone, some were good and we were sorry to see them leave, others were bad and we were happy to see them go, and this current batch seems to all be fat. Not a little overweight but just fat.
I have been talking to them a lot about weight loss, because they are fat. They complain about their health alot too. They fight with each other more than any other I have seen, they are just not a happy bunch.
This kind of proves my point that health leads to happiness. If they were not so fat they would not complain about their health so much, and would probably fight less as they would have more money for other stuff besides food.
Being overweight causes their health problems, like high blood pressure, pre-diabetes as well as diabetes, heart problems, breathing problems, and sore legs, feet and backs from all the extra weight they carry. If they lost about 100 pounds each they would all feel better and would be happier.
Good health leads to happiness, when you have your health you are worried less, and you can be more active. The heat bothers you less, the chores are easier, and life in general is just better.
I am seeing for myself the effects of obesity on people. I myself am well within my weight limits, a 32 waist, thats good for a 6 foot guy, not even close to what size these people are. There is one guy who is so fat he is trying to get on disability for his weight.
So if you are still wondering why I am talking about being healthy, now you know. Happiness is a state of mind, but there are other things that make you happy too. Like good health!
Be Blessed
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Weight Loss Is Work
The ideal way to produce weight loss is through a balance of good nutrition and exercise. While this one sentence says it all, it would be an extremely short article if I did not elaborate a bit. What we are saying here is that you will have to expend some effort to accomplish your goal.
Realize the truth of weight loss; it takes effort and dedication to you to truly lose the weight and keep it off. You will have to change the way you live your life. If you are not ready to accept this fact then you will not succeed with any weight loss program you try.
Bad Diets
There are so many diet plans out there that it would take a whole book to list them all. Most of them are quite restrictive and boring. You will start with great enthusiasm as skilled copywriters usually hype the plan up. Then as you proceed, you will find that your enthusiasm wanes, and you cannot sustain such a program, as it does not offer any reward except the far distant hope of losing a few pounds.
These weight loss programs are usually only focused on eating a certain food over and over, replacing everything else you eat. Sometimes they are pills designed to remove water from your system, and sometimes they are nothing more than a way to take your money without any real permanent success. There is no such thing as something for nothing; you cannot achieve permanent weight loss with no effort.
Real weight loss
To lose weight and keep it off will require a smart, well-informed approach. You will need to find out before you start a program if it will be able to followed for a long time, usually measured in years not days. You will need to know if you can accept the changes that a particular plan suggests.
One of the big things that most weight loss plans neglect is the activity part. You will need to get some exercise. There is no way around it; if you do not increase your activity level, you will not lose weight. Now here is where you must make a careful choice as once you start you will have to do this for many years to come to achieve permanent results.
You must combine a nutritious balance diet with activity to experience real weight loss. This is the winning formula; any other plan that suggests otherwise will not work out in the end. You may get a temporary quick result, but you will gain it all back, and you will run the risk of developing health problems beyond what you may already be experiencing.
What you really don’t want to hear
The activity part of the equation is also known as exercise. For some reason people cringe at hearing that word, and pale with the prospect that they will have to do some. Get over it, anything worth having requires some effort, if you want to have a healthier you, you will need some exercise.
Exercise can be as simple as taking a daily walk to as complicated as a full gym workout, to as strenuous as participating in a sporting event. Only you can determine what the right level is for you. Also take into consideration your tolerance of other people, if you get along well with others you may very well like a gym workout, if you are competitive you may enjoy sports, and if you are a bit shy and need to spend some time with yourself you may go for the long walks.
You can do it
You are the one who got out of shape and overweight, and you are the one who will get fit and trim. You simply must desire to be healthy, and then find a weight loss plan that will both work for you and can be sustained for the rest of your life. You must change what you are doing now to become a better you, to hope to someday end the plan is to hope to fail. Fit and trim is a lifestyle, just as being overweight is a lifestyle. Which one do you want the most?
Be Blessed
Realize the truth of weight loss; it takes effort and dedication to you to truly lose the weight and keep it off. You will have to change the way you live your life. If you are not ready to accept this fact then you will not succeed with any weight loss program you try.
Bad Diets
There are so many diet plans out there that it would take a whole book to list them all. Most of them are quite restrictive and boring. You will start with great enthusiasm as skilled copywriters usually hype the plan up. Then as you proceed, you will find that your enthusiasm wanes, and you cannot sustain such a program, as it does not offer any reward except the far distant hope of losing a few pounds.
These weight loss programs are usually only focused on eating a certain food over and over, replacing everything else you eat. Sometimes they are pills designed to remove water from your system, and sometimes they are nothing more than a way to take your money without any real permanent success. There is no such thing as something for nothing; you cannot achieve permanent weight loss with no effort.
Real weight loss
To lose weight and keep it off will require a smart, well-informed approach. You will need to find out before you start a program if it will be able to followed for a long time, usually measured in years not days. You will need to know if you can accept the changes that a particular plan suggests.
One of the big things that most weight loss plans neglect is the activity part. You will need to get some exercise. There is no way around it; if you do not increase your activity level, you will not lose weight. Now here is where you must make a careful choice as once you start you will have to do this for many years to come to achieve permanent results.
You must combine a nutritious balance diet with activity to experience real weight loss. This is the winning formula; any other plan that suggests otherwise will not work out in the end. You may get a temporary quick result, but you will gain it all back, and you will run the risk of developing health problems beyond what you may already be experiencing.
What you really don’t want to hear
The activity part of the equation is also known as exercise. For some reason people cringe at hearing that word, and pale with the prospect that they will have to do some. Get over it, anything worth having requires some effort, if you want to have a healthier you, you will need some exercise.
Exercise can be as simple as taking a daily walk to as complicated as a full gym workout, to as strenuous as participating in a sporting event. Only you can determine what the right level is for you. Also take into consideration your tolerance of other people, if you get along well with others you may very well like a gym workout, if you are competitive you may enjoy sports, and if you are a bit shy and need to spend some time with yourself you may go for the long walks.
You can do it
You are the one who got out of shape and overweight, and you are the one who will get fit and trim. You simply must desire to be healthy, and then find a weight loss plan that will both work for you and can be sustained for the rest of your life. You must change what you are doing now to become a better you, to hope to someday end the plan is to hope to fail. Fit and trim is a lifestyle, just as being overweight is a lifestyle. Which one do you want the most?
Be Blessed
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The Fat Free Weight Loss Trap
If you are learning about weight loss there is something you must know. There is a huge misconception going around today that low fat and fat free foods are good for you. These foods still have calories, and most of those calories are known as an empty calorie, as it does nothing to improve or nourish the body.
The foods that have the huge low fat and fat free labels are usually junk food. Low fat candy bars? Fat free potato chips? Come on people just because it may not be as bad for you as they once were doesn’t make them good for you.
Am I asking you to give up your junk food? Of course not, just eat less of it. One candy bar a week is plenty; make it your Saturday afternoon treat, but to eat one or two every day is just asking to put yourself or keep yourself in the overweight crowd.
The weight loss plan
Now a lot of people are seeking various weight loss techniques because they have gained a little too much weight and now it is a problem. It is never too late to start a weight loss program; the sooner you start the easier it is.
It is common knowledge, almost legend that most people who start a weight loss regime fail. They lose a few pounds then go back to their old ways and not only gain all those pounds back, but often a few more as well.
The reason those people failed is that they quit, if you start a weight loss program you cannot fail if you do not quit. Don’t go all guilt trip just because you could not resist a candy bar in the middle of the week, or you had seconds at the buffet, just get up the next morning and continue your program that you started.
The reason to eat right
As you are probably well aware, being overweight is more than just a cosmetic condition that may make you less attractive to the opposite sex. Being overweight also has some significant health risks and can cause self-esteem issues. There is no good reason to be overweight. Therefore, you need to get on and stick with a weight loss plan.
We have all been taught in school what it is to eat right. We know about the food pyramid, and the required daily values we need to survive and be healthy. It seems that we have begun to ignore that knowledge out of convenience. It is much easier to eat food that someone else has already prepared, so we do not have to expend any effort to enjoy it, all we need to do is stuff it into our face.
Depending on your activity level, you need a certain caloric intake to maintain that level. If you are a professional athlete, you have a much higher calorie need than a person who sits on the couch and watches sports. The problem here is that the person on the couch consumes as many calories as the athlete, yet has way less activity. Therefore, the person on the couch gains weight.
The secret to weight loss
The best way to lose weight and keep it off is portion control. There are many charts and books of charts out there that will tell you what activities burn what calories. All you need do is write down your normal activities and then look them up in the chart to see how many calories you burn in a day. On the same note, many publications tell you how many calories a food has. So write down what you eat in a day.
You will probably be shocked to find out that you eat many times what you burn off. This is the reason you are learning about weight loss. If you are burning 1500 calories a day, and you are eating 3500 calories a day, you are gaining weight. To stop this you either need to increase your activity level to match what you are burning to what you are eating, or decrease your intake to match your activity.
Portion control is the solution
The best weight loss plan is a combination of decreasing your caloric intake and at the same time increasing your activity to burn off your stored calories. At first, you may be a little disappointed at the size of your meals, but as you see the pounds melting off you will be happy to stick with them.
One of the first things you must do is called the “push away” technique. Push away from the table when you start to feel satisfied. Satisfied is better than full, it allows you to continue to function normally without any restrictions. Push away when you offered seconds, push away from the large piece of dessert, push away from the extra roll. With just a little practice, this becomes second nature and is so easy you will wonder how you ever ate so much in the past.
Then to help you to fight hunger, especially when you are first starting a weight loss regime, have a snack that is healthy for you. When that hunger strikes, drink a glass of water and eat a light snack such as a rice cake or a granola bar. Only one, do not make a meal of them, just a light snack. If you are still hungry, drink another glass of water.
You can succeed if you do not quit. To quit is to fail. You can achieve weight loss, and lead a happy and healthy life if you start and never quit.
Be Blessed.
The foods that have the huge low fat and fat free labels are usually junk food. Low fat candy bars? Fat free potato chips? Come on people just because it may not be as bad for you as they once were doesn’t make them good for you.
Am I asking you to give up your junk food? Of course not, just eat less of it. One candy bar a week is plenty; make it your Saturday afternoon treat, but to eat one or two every day is just asking to put yourself or keep yourself in the overweight crowd.
The weight loss plan
Now a lot of people are seeking various weight loss techniques because they have gained a little too much weight and now it is a problem. It is never too late to start a weight loss program; the sooner you start the easier it is.
It is common knowledge, almost legend that most people who start a weight loss regime fail. They lose a few pounds then go back to their old ways and not only gain all those pounds back, but often a few more as well.
The reason those people failed is that they quit, if you start a weight loss program you cannot fail if you do not quit. Don’t go all guilt trip just because you could not resist a candy bar in the middle of the week, or you had seconds at the buffet, just get up the next morning and continue your program that you started.
The reason to eat right
As you are probably well aware, being overweight is more than just a cosmetic condition that may make you less attractive to the opposite sex. Being overweight also has some significant health risks and can cause self-esteem issues. There is no good reason to be overweight. Therefore, you need to get on and stick with a weight loss plan.
We have all been taught in school what it is to eat right. We know about the food pyramid, and the required daily values we need to survive and be healthy. It seems that we have begun to ignore that knowledge out of convenience. It is much easier to eat food that someone else has already prepared, so we do not have to expend any effort to enjoy it, all we need to do is stuff it into our face.
Depending on your activity level, you need a certain caloric intake to maintain that level. If you are a professional athlete, you have a much higher calorie need than a person who sits on the couch and watches sports. The problem here is that the person on the couch consumes as many calories as the athlete, yet has way less activity. Therefore, the person on the couch gains weight.
The secret to weight loss
The best way to lose weight and keep it off is portion control. There are many charts and books of charts out there that will tell you what activities burn what calories. All you need do is write down your normal activities and then look them up in the chart to see how many calories you burn in a day. On the same note, many publications tell you how many calories a food has. So write down what you eat in a day.
You will probably be shocked to find out that you eat many times what you burn off. This is the reason you are learning about weight loss. If you are burning 1500 calories a day, and you are eating 3500 calories a day, you are gaining weight. To stop this you either need to increase your activity level to match what you are burning to what you are eating, or decrease your intake to match your activity.
Portion control is the solution
The best weight loss plan is a combination of decreasing your caloric intake and at the same time increasing your activity to burn off your stored calories. At first, you may be a little disappointed at the size of your meals, but as you see the pounds melting off you will be happy to stick with them.
One of the first things you must do is called the “push away” technique. Push away from the table when you start to feel satisfied. Satisfied is better than full, it allows you to continue to function normally without any restrictions. Push away when you offered seconds, push away from the large piece of dessert, push away from the extra roll. With just a little practice, this becomes second nature and is so easy you will wonder how you ever ate so much in the past.
Then to help you to fight hunger, especially when you are first starting a weight loss regime, have a snack that is healthy for you. When that hunger strikes, drink a glass of water and eat a light snack such as a rice cake or a granola bar. Only one, do not make a meal of them, just a light snack. If you are still hungry, drink another glass of water.
You can succeed if you do not quit. To quit is to fail. You can achieve weight loss, and lead a happy and healthy life if you start and never quit.
Be Blessed.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Finding a Weight Loss Plan that Works for You
Are you looking to lose weight? One of the best ways to experience weight loss is with a plan. Just deciding that you want weight loss is not enough, you must find a plan that not only will match your personality, but will help you too. You need a plan that involves three elements: Your mind, your body, and your spirit. For you are all these, and just focusing on one will not bring you the results you desire.
Finding a weight loss program
Looking for a weight loss program involves finding something that addresses more than just a food diet. For example, if you eat nothing but toast, you will lose weight, then when you have lost a few pounds, you will want your regular food, and then when you go back to eating the way you used to you will gain all your weight back. You need a plan that will still allow you to eat real food and not starve.
You will also need something that will also help you determine why you eat, is it for energy, to replace your lack of sleep, or as an emotional replacement. These issues also need to be addressed, so that you can enjoy weight loss success. As you can see, you will need to find a plan that addresses all these things together so that you can enjoy your life.
Joining a weight loss program
As you look around you will find that you have a number of different options. There are do it yourself programs, on line programs, and local programs that you go to at least a few times a week. You need to determine what fits you the best. Do you have strong willpower? If so you can use one of the do it yourself courses. Do you have a need for some direction and to have goals set for you? Then an online program would probably work very well for you. Do you need support from others when you are feeling unsure and hungry? Then a local weight loss plan would be best for you to join.
Once you have made your choice, make a commitment. Determine to yourself that you will stick with the plan for at least six months. Then if it is not working to your satisfaction then you can switch plans. You cannot fail unless you quit, so once you start stay with the weight loss goal you set for your own self. Everyone is different; some need only a book to change their life, while at the other end of the spectrum other people need a clinic. Only you can decide what is right for you.
Staying the course
Starting a weight loss program is a lifetime commitment. You will be changing the way you do things, the way you use food, and the way you live your life. Be aware of this aspect and you will have a far better chance of succeeding with your goals. As with all things, it gets easier with practice. Then after a while, it will seem just an easy routine to you, it will be a part of your life. This is what leads to permanent weight loss, as well as a happier and healthier life.
Be Blessed
Finding a weight loss program
Looking for a weight loss program involves finding something that addresses more than just a food diet. For example, if you eat nothing but toast, you will lose weight, then when you have lost a few pounds, you will want your regular food, and then when you go back to eating the way you used to you will gain all your weight back. You need a plan that will still allow you to eat real food and not starve.
You will also need something that will also help you determine why you eat, is it for energy, to replace your lack of sleep, or as an emotional replacement. These issues also need to be addressed, so that you can enjoy weight loss success. As you can see, you will need to find a plan that addresses all these things together so that you can enjoy your life.
Joining a weight loss program
As you look around you will find that you have a number of different options. There are do it yourself programs, on line programs, and local programs that you go to at least a few times a week. You need to determine what fits you the best. Do you have strong willpower? If so you can use one of the do it yourself courses. Do you have a need for some direction and to have goals set for you? Then an online program would probably work very well for you. Do you need support from others when you are feeling unsure and hungry? Then a local weight loss plan would be best for you to join.
Once you have made your choice, make a commitment. Determine to yourself that you will stick with the plan for at least six months. Then if it is not working to your satisfaction then you can switch plans. You cannot fail unless you quit, so once you start stay with the weight loss goal you set for your own self. Everyone is different; some need only a book to change their life, while at the other end of the spectrum other people need a clinic. Only you can decide what is right for you.
Staying the course
Starting a weight loss program is a lifetime commitment. You will be changing the way you do things, the way you use food, and the way you live your life. Be aware of this aspect and you will have a far better chance of succeeding with your goals. As with all things, it gets easier with practice. Then after a while, it will seem just an easy routine to you, it will be a part of your life. This is what leads to permanent weight loss, as well as a happier and healthier life.
Be Blessed
Monday, July 26, 2010
Weight Loss from Getting out of The Chair
It seems that we as a race have developed habits that are naturally causing us to grow fat. We need weight loss because we live our lives like penned animals; we put ourselves in a cage, and keep ourselves there. We have bodies designed for doing things yet today in these modern times we have built a lifestyle where we are simply do not move much. Sure, we are moving from the bed to the breakfast table; from the table to the office chair; from the office to the restaurant booth; from the restaurant to the couch, then the dinner table, and then back to the bed. No wonder we need to learn about weight loss.
Today, our daily obligations keep us tied to chairs, with the resultant lack expending any real physical effort, and thus we gain weight. There are health experts that insist that obesity problems are caused at least as much by lack of physical activity as by eating too much. This means that if we want exercise, then we have to seek it out.
It is important that people move around.
Now this does not mean that walking a lap around the house will offset a daily dose of donuts. Exercise alone is not enough, if you just exercise and do not watch your diet; you may be able to prevent weight gain but will not experience the weight loss you desire.
Weight loss is not something that you are likely to sustain unless exercise is part of an overall program. The more regularly you exercise, (please note that the word regularly was used) the easier it is to maintain your weight. Therefore, you must make some sort of physical activity a normal part of your day, just as sitting in a chair is part of your day.
Getting yourself moving
As with any exercise program, always check with your doctor. One of the safest and most effective physical activities is walking. A brisk walk will help you experience weight loss without the high impact exercises. Start out by walking around the block or around the track at the park.
Make it something you do every day. If you eat that day, you take a walk that day. Now if it is raining go for the walk anyway, if you can safely take a shower you can safely walk in the rain. Make walking a habit, you should walk at least 20 minutes for every meal you eat, this will at least help you from gaining weight, if not help you get the weight loss you are working towards.
Some other ideas to help you to walk more; are park your car further away from the entrance to a store, it is easier to find a spot and it does you good to walk a bit. Take the stairs for at least one floor, the line for the elevator is far shorter and you will feel better for the effort. After dinner, make a part of the routine to walk off your dinner, it will aid you in digestion as well as weight loss.
Be Blessed
Today, our daily obligations keep us tied to chairs, with the resultant lack expending any real physical effort, and thus we gain weight. There are health experts that insist that obesity problems are caused at least as much by lack of physical activity as by eating too much. This means that if we want exercise, then we have to seek it out.
It is important that people move around.
Now this does not mean that walking a lap around the house will offset a daily dose of donuts. Exercise alone is not enough, if you just exercise and do not watch your diet; you may be able to prevent weight gain but will not experience the weight loss you desire.
Weight loss is not something that you are likely to sustain unless exercise is part of an overall program. The more regularly you exercise, (please note that the word regularly was used) the easier it is to maintain your weight. Therefore, you must make some sort of physical activity a normal part of your day, just as sitting in a chair is part of your day.
Getting yourself moving
As with any exercise program, always check with your doctor. One of the safest and most effective physical activities is walking. A brisk walk will help you experience weight loss without the high impact exercises. Start out by walking around the block or around the track at the park.
Make it something you do every day. If you eat that day, you take a walk that day. Now if it is raining go for the walk anyway, if you can safely take a shower you can safely walk in the rain. Make walking a habit, you should walk at least 20 minutes for every meal you eat, this will at least help you from gaining weight, if not help you get the weight loss you are working towards.
Some other ideas to help you to walk more; are park your car further away from the entrance to a store, it is easier to find a spot and it does you good to walk a bit. Take the stairs for at least one floor, the line for the elevator is far shorter and you will feel better for the effort. After dinner, make a part of the routine to walk off your dinner, it will aid you in digestion as well as weight loss.
Be Blessed
Friday, July 23, 2010
Weight Loss Program That You Make Easy
Weight Loss Success Can Be Yours
Weight loss requires a plan, and more than a plan, weight loss requires that you take action on and with that plan. You will succeed as long as you stick to the weight loss plan at hand. To quit is to fail, to keep working at it even though the results are not coming fast enough will result in success. Change you plan a little here, and a little there, and never give up.
Weight loss requires some work
To achieve any weight loss goal, you will need to do some actual physical movement. To cut down on calories and food intake is good, but that alone will not achieve a healthy life. You need to have some exercise. I hear you groaning over there and making excuses, but exercise does not mean going out and running a marathon, it means doing something besides sitting.
One thing to do that is easy is to stretch; stretch and stretch some more. Before actually doing any exercises and whenever you just feel like it. Stretch when you wake up, stretch when you stand up, stretch while waiting in line, get used to making your parts move. In addition, a little stretching after your work out will help avoid any soreness in your body.
Rome was not built in a day
It is not a good idea to go for the gold when first starting out. Avoid the “push” or any marine corps mottos (like no pain no gain) and just start easy. Do not try too hard, one push up a day until it is easy, then two a day, and so on. Find the level of exercise and training that suits you; it should be easy enough for you to be comfortable, but not too convenient that it will not be much of a challenge.
Weight loss is not about being an Olympic athlete; it is about getting yourself healthy and fit. If you want to be an athlete you can work on that later, but for now, keep in mind the goal is to get healthy. Set your goal, write it down and then keep working at it until that goal is achieved, then set the next goal and work towards that, and the next goal, and the next goal, until you have your healthy and happy life.
The habit of exercise
Right now, you do not have a habit of exercising; you have the habit of just the opposite. You will always have habits, that is human nature; the idea is to have good habits that lead to a healthy lifestyle. To change your habits you must start out by doing something repeatedly until it becomes easy. One of the best ways to start exercising is just a little every day. After a while, you will be used to a little exercise every day, and then you can add a little more. In a few months, you will find yourself looking forward to your exercise time rather than dreading it, as you do now.
The greatest tool for weight loss is being honest with yourself; you must look at you with a keen eye for detail, and see what is there. To go on a weight loss plan you must be honest with yourself and stay with it. To cheat is only hurting you. In the words of Shakespeare “To thine own self be true”. Be firm with your ego and demand compliance from your inner self. To be fit, trim, and happy will take some effort at first. Stay with it, never give up, and you will find yourself becoming happier and fitter every day.
Be Blessed
Weight loss requires some work
To achieve any weight loss goal, you will need to do some actual physical movement. To cut down on calories and food intake is good, but that alone will not achieve a healthy life. You need to have some exercise. I hear you groaning over there and making excuses, but exercise does not mean going out and running a marathon, it means doing something besides sitting.
One thing to do that is easy is to stretch; stretch and stretch some more. Before actually doing any exercises and whenever you just feel like it. Stretch when you wake up, stretch when you stand up, stretch while waiting in line, get used to making your parts move. In addition, a little stretching after your work out will help avoid any soreness in your body.
Rome was not built in a day
It is not a good idea to go for the gold when first starting out. Avoid the “push” or any marine corps mottos (like no pain no gain) and just start easy. Do not try too hard, one push up a day until it is easy, then two a day, and so on. Find the level of exercise and training that suits you; it should be easy enough for you to be comfortable, but not too convenient that it will not be much of a challenge.
Weight loss is not about being an Olympic athlete; it is about getting yourself healthy and fit. If you want to be an athlete you can work on that later, but for now, keep in mind the goal is to get healthy. Set your goal, write it down and then keep working at it until that goal is achieved, then set the next goal and work towards that, and the next goal, and the next goal, until you have your healthy and happy life.
The habit of exercise
Right now, you do not have a habit of exercising; you have the habit of just the opposite. You will always have habits, that is human nature; the idea is to have good habits that lead to a healthy lifestyle. To change your habits you must start out by doing something repeatedly until it becomes easy. One of the best ways to start exercising is just a little every day. After a while, you will be used to a little exercise every day, and then you can add a little more. In a few months, you will find yourself looking forward to your exercise time rather than dreading it, as you do now.
The greatest tool for weight loss is being honest with yourself; you must look at you with a keen eye for detail, and see what is there. To go on a weight loss plan you must be honest with yourself and stay with it. To cheat is only hurting you. In the words of Shakespeare “To thine own self be true”. Be firm with your ego and demand compliance from your inner self. To be fit, trim, and happy will take some effort at first. Stay with it, never give up, and you will find yourself becoming happier and fitter every day.
Be Blessed
Labels: Fitness
Weight Loss Program That You Make Easy
Weight loss is something that you have to do individually, there is no one size fits all when it comes to a plan or program that will help you shed the pounds and get into shape. The idea of any program is to be able for you to develop a consistent approach to your weight loss as well as develop a happy attitude while exercising. To be successful with your plan you must have the two main parts, a control of your caloric intake, and a burning off the excess.
Weight loss can be easy, however it is never quick, sure you could lose a few pounds fast by not eating for a whole week but that is neither healthy nor can you keep the weight off permanently. To be successful at the goal of weight loss you have to develop a plan and a program that works for you. Then when you have your plan in place, you must go with it, and stay on it. If there is something that isn’t working you can change the plan a little, but you must continue your program, to quit is to fail.
The change in your eating habits
Now one of the keys to your weight loss plan is to get rid of the excess fat in your body, not the healthy and lean muscle tissues and body fluids. To do this you still need to eat, but you must eat healthy food, and you must eat less. Everybody loves fast food burgers, the trick is to only eat one, and only one a week. There are many other examples but this is an article and not a book.
The next part consists of you being ready both mentally and physically. Make sure to check with your doctor to make sure that there are no medical conditions that may preclude you from any part of your plan, and then be ready to get started. Set a start day, and on that day go grocery shopping and only buy the healthy good foods you know you will need. Don’t buy any clothes; feel free to start your exercise in the clothes you own. As you see your weight loss success, you will be getting fitter and those big clothes will not fit any more.
The program requires your focus and dedication,
Once you start, you must remain positive and keep the end result in focus. You did not get overweight and out of shape overnight and you will not get fit and trim overnight either. In fact, it is going to take the rest of your life to maintain the fit and trim you desire. Weight loss is not a quick fix; rather it is a change in life. It is important to keep in mind that when starting on any weight loss program, to realize that you are not just changing your weight, you are changing your life. Some people get impatient easily but if you do not give up, then the effects you desire assured.
Be Blessed
Weight loss can be easy, however it is never quick, sure you could lose a few pounds fast by not eating for a whole week but that is neither healthy nor can you keep the weight off permanently. To be successful at the goal of weight loss you have to develop a plan and a program that works for you. Then when you have your plan in place, you must go with it, and stay on it. If there is something that isn’t working you can change the plan a little, but you must continue your program, to quit is to fail.
The change in your eating habits
Now one of the keys to your weight loss plan is to get rid of the excess fat in your body, not the healthy and lean muscle tissues and body fluids. To do this you still need to eat, but you must eat healthy food, and you must eat less. Everybody loves fast food burgers, the trick is to only eat one, and only one a week. There are many other examples but this is an article and not a book.
The next part consists of you being ready both mentally and physically. Make sure to check with your doctor to make sure that there are no medical conditions that may preclude you from any part of your plan, and then be ready to get started. Set a start day, and on that day go grocery shopping and only buy the healthy good foods you know you will need. Don’t buy any clothes; feel free to start your exercise in the clothes you own. As you see your weight loss success, you will be getting fitter and those big clothes will not fit any more.
The program requires your focus and dedication,
Once you start, you must remain positive and keep the end result in focus. You did not get overweight and out of shape overnight and you will not get fit and trim overnight either. In fact, it is going to take the rest of your life to maintain the fit and trim you desire. Weight loss is not a quick fix; rather it is a change in life. It is important to keep in mind that when starting on any weight loss program, to realize that you are not just changing your weight, you are changing your life. Some people get impatient easily but if you do not give up, then the effects you desire assured.
Be Blessed
Labels: Fitness
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Weight Loss Success, Make it Happen
Failure is an opportunity
Weight loss is a choice that many people choose every day, and most of those people will fail. They will either lose the weight and then gain it right back, or will not lose weight fast enough and quit. The great Henry Ford said, “Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently”. So what this means is that you learned something, and now you can use that knowledge to come up with a better plan.
Weight loss is not a hard thing to do, if you approach it in a proper manner for you. You must examine why you failed your last diet, and take the steps to correct that problem, and then keep trying until you do see success. If you do not find the reasons for this failure, you are dooming your weight loss plans to failure from the start. Most people when they know they are going to fail don’t even try, they give up before starting.
You are in controlof you
Weight loss success is up to you, and is for you, by you and because of you. Realize this: You are the only person who can take control of your life. You and you alone can get yourself out of your chair and on your feet. You are the only one that can take the responsibility for the condition in which you find yourself. That’s right, you are responsible for you.
Now if you are trying diet after diet and failing over and over again then you must at some point in time realize that it is quite likely not the diets that are failing. You must be willing to change your life to succeed at weight loss. Are you trying to lose weight just for one day, and then you want it back? Not usually, most want to lose weight and keep it off. That means a change, not in just weight but in life.
We are accountable for our successes
In work and play we are accountable for our actions, this is no different when it comes to weight loss. It won’t go away by itself, and it certainly did not show up by itself. You are what makes you what you are, and if you do not like the way you are now you must change it.
It is very satisfying when a person notices your efforts and compliments you on the things you have done. However, when you are dieting and changing your life it may take a more time for people to actually notice the weight you have lost. Weight loss is not an instant gratification type of activity. Do not give up simply because no one noticed you lost a pound. You must continue your efforts; you just might surprise yourself, after a while with a roaring success.
Weight loss is a life change, and you must hold yourself accountable to your stated dieting and weight loss goals in order to achieve any lasting results. To change your life requires a degree of accountability, you must be the one to make it happen.
Be Blessed
Weight loss is a choice that many people choose every day, and most of those people will fail. They will either lose the weight and then gain it right back, or will not lose weight fast enough and quit. The great Henry Ford said, “Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently”. So what this means is that you learned something, and now you can use that knowledge to come up with a better plan.
Weight loss is not a hard thing to do, if you approach it in a proper manner for you. You must examine why you failed your last diet, and take the steps to correct that problem, and then keep trying until you do see success. If you do not find the reasons for this failure, you are dooming your weight loss plans to failure from the start. Most people when they know they are going to fail don’t even try, they give up before starting.
You are in controlof you
Weight loss success is up to you, and is for you, by you and because of you. Realize this: You are the only person who can take control of your life. You and you alone can get yourself out of your chair and on your feet. You are the only one that can take the responsibility for the condition in which you find yourself. That’s right, you are responsible for you.
Now if you are trying diet after diet and failing over and over again then you must at some point in time realize that it is quite likely not the diets that are failing. You must be willing to change your life to succeed at weight loss. Are you trying to lose weight just for one day, and then you want it back? Not usually, most want to lose weight and keep it off. That means a change, not in just weight but in life.
We are accountable for our successes
In work and play we are accountable for our actions, this is no different when it comes to weight loss. It won’t go away by itself, and it certainly did not show up by itself. You are what makes you what you are, and if you do not like the way you are now you must change it.
It is very satisfying when a person notices your efforts and compliments you on the things you have done. However, when you are dieting and changing your life it may take a more time for people to actually notice the weight you have lost. Weight loss is not an instant gratification type of activity. Do not give up simply because no one noticed you lost a pound. You must continue your efforts; you just might surprise yourself, after a while with a roaring success.
Weight loss is a life change, and you must hold yourself accountable to your stated dieting and weight loss goals in order to achieve any lasting results. To change your life requires a degree of accountability, you must be the one to make it happen.
Be Blessed
Labels: Fitness
Weight Loss Success, Making it Happen
The weight loss mindset
Weight Loss and dieting are often approached with the wrong mindset; people just think from the start that they are going to fail. The reason for this is that they tried a diet or two in the past and since they did not become a super model or beefcake overnight that the diet did not work and they had failed because of the diet.
Something to understand about any plan is that you do not fail until you quit. If you have a setback, or you are not losing weight fast enough, just keep going with it. As long as you are working towards your weight loss and fitness goals, you are still in the game. A setback is only a learning experience and not failure. You are not a failure until you quit.
What happens to many people is that they have tried and failed many weight loss diets, and when they try the next new diet, they start with the knowledge that they will fail in this attempt as well. Unfortunately this is a self-fulfilling prophesy, because they will fail. They have gotten used to quitting and are ready to accept their fatness as their future, and would rather not make the effort to change their life.
A success is a change in life
That is what a successful weight loss program is, a change in life. Face it; if you keep doing what you are doing, you will get the same result. If you want something different you have to do something different, and so it goes. Many people quote Henry Ford when he said, “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, your right”.
If you want to lose weight and get healthy then you must make a lifelong commitment. There is no “lose a few pounds” and go back to doing what you were doing before, you simply gain the weight right back. To successfully lose the weight you must change your behavior for the rest of your life. For weight loss to be permanent, you must make a permanent change in the way you live your life.
Of course, if you think you are going to fail at the next diet you will, you are dooming yourself to failure before you even start, so why bother. Think about why none of the other diets have worked for you. Is it because you started and then quit at the first sign of difficulty? Please realize that the difficulty is a good sign, that you are making a change. The change is not measured in pound but in happiness.
You started the weight loss program because you were not happy with the self that you have, yet your inner habits do not want to change because it fears success. Do not fear successes, success is only a journey, the rewards are long lasting. If you lose the weight and get fit, you will be a lot happier, not to mention healthier.
Be Blessed
Weight Loss and dieting are often approached with the wrong mindset; people just think from the start that they are going to fail. The reason for this is that they tried a diet or two in the past and since they did not become a super model or beefcake overnight that the diet did not work and they had failed because of the diet.
Something to understand about any plan is that you do not fail until you quit. If you have a setback, or you are not losing weight fast enough, just keep going with it. As long as you are working towards your weight loss and fitness goals, you are still in the game. A setback is only a learning experience and not failure. You are not a failure until you quit.
What happens to many people is that they have tried and failed many weight loss diets, and when they try the next new diet, they start with the knowledge that they will fail in this attempt as well. Unfortunately this is a self-fulfilling prophesy, because they will fail. They have gotten used to quitting and are ready to accept their fatness as their future, and would rather not make the effort to change their life.
A success is a change in life
That is what a successful weight loss program is, a change in life. Face it; if you keep doing what you are doing, you will get the same result. If you want something different you have to do something different, and so it goes. Many people quote Henry Ford when he said, “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, your right”.
If you want to lose weight and get healthy then you must make a lifelong commitment. There is no “lose a few pounds” and go back to doing what you were doing before, you simply gain the weight right back. To successfully lose the weight you must change your behavior for the rest of your life. For weight loss to be permanent, you must make a permanent change in the way you live your life.
Of course, if you think you are going to fail at the next diet you will, you are dooming yourself to failure before you even start, so why bother. Think about why none of the other diets have worked for you. Is it because you started and then quit at the first sign of difficulty? Please realize that the difficulty is a good sign, that you are making a change. The change is not measured in pound but in happiness.
You started the weight loss program because you were not happy with the self that you have, yet your inner habits do not want to change because it fears success. Do not fear successes, success is only a journey, the rewards are long lasting. If you lose the weight and get fit, you will be a lot happier, not to mention healthier.
Be Blessed
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Lose Weight with a Good Plan not Will Power
Losing weight is not hard
Sure, it requires effort and takes a while but it is not hard. A reason that many people start and fail so many diets and fitness programs is because they fail to realize it is a lifetime commitment. They got fat and out of shape because they chose a set of habits that caused them to be where they are now. To lose weight and stay fit requires that one choose a different lifestyle. If you start a diet or fitness program, you stay with it for the rest of your life.
Maybe people think that they only need to diet for a few weeks and then when they have lost a few pounds they can get off the diet and go back to what they were doing before. When they do, they gain the weight right back and then declare that the diet did not work. The diet did work to help them lose weight, but their lifestyle helped them gain it back again.
When you start a diet or an exercise program, you must be prepared to stick with it for life. This means that to lose weight you will have to change your habits. You will have to exchange your sets of behaviors for new sets of behaviors, and this will cause you to live a happy, healthy, contented life.
Strike a balance
You will have to strike a new deal with yourself, to lose weight you will need to learn some new life skills, you will also want to do some of the old activities as well as your new activities. So to make it easier on you choose a exercise that is fun for you, be it team sports, hiking, mountain climbing, skiing, cycling, or whatever you choose, as long as it is something you will truly enjoy.
To lose weight and keep it off you need to grasp the concept that making a long-term healthy lifestyle change is essential. You can no longer accept that once you have started you can quit and go back to the way you used to behave.
That is why so many people fail their diets is because they think that a diet is temporary when it is not. You need a diet to lose weight, and you need a sustainable diet for keeping the pounds off once they are gone.
Sure all that fast food tastes good, but so does that good food. You must simply replace one for the other, and the fast food becomes a monthly or weekly treat not the main diet. Find a diet that is a good fit for you; ask yourself if you could eat this kind of food or in this manner for the rest of your life. Once you discover a diet and exercise plan that seems to work for you stick with it. It took a while for you to develop bad habits; it will take a while to replace those bad habits with good ones. You may make minor changes along the way, as you may find that you like jogging better than biking, or you may like your fruit in a shake instead of a bowl and so on.
If you stay with the plan, it becomes easier and easier until it is second nature and you will wonder how you ever lived life before.
Be Blessed
Sure, it requires effort and takes a while but it is not hard. A reason that many people start and fail so many diets and fitness programs is because they fail to realize it is a lifetime commitment. They got fat and out of shape because they chose a set of habits that caused them to be where they are now. To lose weight and stay fit requires that one choose a different lifestyle. If you start a diet or fitness program, you stay with it for the rest of your life.
Maybe people think that they only need to diet for a few weeks and then when they have lost a few pounds they can get off the diet and go back to what they were doing before. When they do, they gain the weight right back and then declare that the diet did not work. The diet did work to help them lose weight, but their lifestyle helped them gain it back again.
When you start a diet or an exercise program, you must be prepared to stick with it for life. This means that to lose weight you will have to change your habits. You will have to exchange your sets of behaviors for new sets of behaviors, and this will cause you to live a happy, healthy, contented life.
Strike a balance
You will have to strike a new deal with yourself, to lose weight you will need to learn some new life skills, you will also want to do some of the old activities as well as your new activities. So to make it easier on you choose a exercise that is fun for you, be it team sports, hiking, mountain climbing, skiing, cycling, or whatever you choose, as long as it is something you will truly enjoy.
To lose weight and keep it off you need to grasp the concept that making a long-term healthy lifestyle change is essential. You can no longer accept that once you have started you can quit and go back to the way you used to behave.
That is why so many people fail their diets is because they think that a diet is temporary when it is not. You need a diet to lose weight, and you need a sustainable diet for keeping the pounds off once they are gone.
Sure all that fast food tastes good, but so does that good food. You must simply replace one for the other, and the fast food becomes a monthly or weekly treat not the main diet. Find a diet that is a good fit for you; ask yourself if you could eat this kind of food or in this manner for the rest of your life. Once you discover a diet and exercise plan that seems to work for you stick with it. It took a while for you to develop bad habits; it will take a while to replace those bad habits with good ones. You may make minor changes along the way, as you may find that you like jogging better than biking, or you may like your fruit in a shake instead of a bowl and so on.
If you stay with the plan, it becomes easier and easier until it is second nature and you will wonder how you ever lived life before.
Be Blessed
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
You Can Lose Weight With A Plan
When it comes to weight loss, most people have a very skewed view of what it takes to lose weight. Why is it that so many people end up quitting their fitness and weight-loss programs before they see positive results? The answer is that it is not immediate gratification. We have become so used to getting what we want exotically when we want it that we no longer practice long term goal setting. We figure if we cannot do it now, then it is not worth the effort.
While it would be nice to lose weight instantly it is not realistic, after all you did not gain it instantly. Now there are a lot of ads out there that make it seem that you can shed those pounds and have the body of a super model just by taking a pill, so people try them, and when they do not wake up the next day with a new body, they give up. Face it; to lose weight is going to take time and effort.
The first thing on your list of things to do should be to visit your doctor to make sure that a diet plan and exercise program will be compatible with you. Just because you read on the label or the cover that the program will make you look like a super stud overnight does not mean it is right for you. You may have some underlying problem that if you did go on this type of diet it could turn out to be quite dangerous to your health.
Now, realize a simple truth; overnight success takes a while. Look at all those football stars that seem to have appeared overnight and are making million dollar contracts. While it may be perceived that they were overnight success stories, if you dig a little deeper you will see that they had a lifetime of football. They have been playing since they were old enough to catch the ball, then played peewee league, high school and college football before they were picked for the pro league. Yet we do not see that, all we see is some person who is making a huge sum for playing a game and we call him lucky, and an overnight success. So as you can see, overnight success takes a while.
The same is going to be true for you when you begin your weight loss routine. It will take many days of effort, many weeks of maintaining your plan, and many months of sticking to it. Then one day after about a year someone will come up to you and mention how you look like you have dropped a few pounds and are looking good, then they will think your weight loss was overnight. You must be ready for the long haul of changing your life and losing weight. It will be a lifetime commitment to yourself.
To lose weight you have to make an effort to control your food intake. You will have to learn some new skills when it comes to food, like what is good for you and what is not, how many calories in that food and how much fat in that one and so on. You will decrease your caloric intake every day, and this will start you on the path to weight loss. Then you will need to become active in some way, and this will help burn off those pounds rather than add them to you. Weight loss at first may seem a daunting task but with educated effort and the realization that you are going down a different path for the rest of your life you will have healthier weight loss that will be permanent.
You can lose weight if you are willing to find a realistic plan and the stick with it for the rest of your life. You may not realize this but you did have a plan to get fat. You chose to eat too much and not exercise; you chose the get fat plan for your life. You got fat with a plan and you will remain fat for the rest of your life if you do not change your plan to that of a healthy one. You now need to choose to maintain your current plan and remain unhealthy and overweight, or to lose the weigh and get a physically fit body so that you can enjoy a happy life.
So choose your path, and follow it for the rest of your life, will you remain as you are unhealthy and miserable, or will you be healthy and happy? The choice is yours to make and yours to follow.
Be Blessed
While it would be nice to lose weight instantly it is not realistic, after all you did not gain it instantly. Now there are a lot of ads out there that make it seem that you can shed those pounds and have the body of a super model just by taking a pill, so people try them, and when they do not wake up the next day with a new body, they give up. Face it; to lose weight is going to take time and effort.
The first thing on your list of things to do should be to visit your doctor to make sure that a diet plan and exercise program will be compatible with you. Just because you read on the label or the cover that the program will make you look like a super stud overnight does not mean it is right for you. You may have some underlying problem that if you did go on this type of diet it could turn out to be quite dangerous to your health.
Now, realize a simple truth; overnight success takes a while. Look at all those football stars that seem to have appeared overnight and are making million dollar contracts. While it may be perceived that they were overnight success stories, if you dig a little deeper you will see that they had a lifetime of football. They have been playing since they were old enough to catch the ball, then played peewee league, high school and college football before they were picked for the pro league. Yet we do not see that, all we see is some person who is making a huge sum for playing a game and we call him lucky, and an overnight success. So as you can see, overnight success takes a while.
The same is going to be true for you when you begin your weight loss routine. It will take many days of effort, many weeks of maintaining your plan, and many months of sticking to it. Then one day after about a year someone will come up to you and mention how you look like you have dropped a few pounds and are looking good, then they will think your weight loss was overnight. You must be ready for the long haul of changing your life and losing weight. It will be a lifetime commitment to yourself.
To lose weight you have to make an effort to control your food intake. You will have to learn some new skills when it comes to food, like what is good for you and what is not, how many calories in that food and how much fat in that one and so on. You will decrease your caloric intake every day, and this will start you on the path to weight loss. Then you will need to become active in some way, and this will help burn off those pounds rather than add them to you. Weight loss at first may seem a daunting task but with educated effort and the realization that you are going down a different path for the rest of your life you will have healthier weight loss that will be permanent.
You can lose weight if you are willing to find a realistic plan and the stick with it for the rest of your life. You may not realize this but you did have a plan to get fat. You chose to eat too much and not exercise; you chose the get fat plan for your life. You got fat with a plan and you will remain fat for the rest of your life if you do not change your plan to that of a healthy one. You now need to choose to maintain your current plan and remain unhealthy and overweight, or to lose the weigh and get a physically fit body so that you can enjoy a happy life.
So choose your path, and follow it for the rest of your life, will you remain as you are unhealthy and miserable, or will you be healthy and happy? The choice is yours to make and yours to follow.
Be Blessed
Labels: life
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Why of Why Diets Do Not Work for Everybody
Most people who read articles and e-books know that there are a myriad of diet and exercise plans and programs out there. Most all will work; they will get you into shape or help you shed the pounds. The reason most do not work is that the person who starts the plan does not stay with the plan.
People who are overweight or out of shape suffer those conditions because, that is the habit they have gotten into. Then when they go on a diet or a workout plan they do it for a little while, but their habits kick back in and they revert to what they were doing before. This is what usually causes diets to fail, and exercise programs to not work. Then that person who “tried” that diet will complain, “That one doesn’t work”.
Sometimes a plan will work, and the person loses the weight, then when they are “done” with the plan, they go back to their old habits and are soon just as heavy as they were before they started. Now we must ask ourselves if we can truly break a bad habit. The answer is of course a big no, you cannot break a habit.
Every person has a number of habits, some good some bad, but we all have a number of habits, and when mixed together they determine whom we are. The number differs from person to person but we all have a set number of habits. We will always have that number of habits, and while we may be able to temporarily add a habit, we will not keep it as we have exceeded out habit level.
To change yourself you need to change your habits. Since you cannot wipe out or erase a habit, you must replace it with something else. If you have a habit of sitting around for many hours a day without any exertion at all then you need to change that habit to moving yourself so that you have a habit of doing something, rather than nothing. Once your new habit is truly engrained, you will no longer have to worry about the old habit, as it has been replaced.
So what habits do you have that cause you to be overweight? Do you spend long hours on the sofa eating junk food? Do you think that if you don’t eat all that is on your plate you are wasting food? These are some of the things you must become aware of before you can be successful at losing weight, or getting into shape.
To find a diet that works for you must be willing to change your habits. Eating right is something you will have to do the rest of your life, you cannot eat right for a few weeks and then when you see the weight coming off celebrate by eating as you used to. For when you do you will get your old habits to kick back in, and it will be even harder to get back on a diet.
Sometimes finding a diet plan seems like rocket science. The sheer number of diet plans out there can really confuse a person. So one thing to consider while planning a diet is to ask yourself the question as to whether or not you can stay on the diet indefinitely. If it is one of those plans set for a few weeks, it may not be the best diet for you. You must consider that the diet you have started is actually a lifetime commitment. You do not diet and eat right, and expect to do it over night. Life, as you know, it does not work like that.
You did not get fat in one day, and it is not going to go away in one day. You developed your fat by setting a set of habits for yourself, intentionally or not you did. As time went by you reinforced those habits, and you got fat. To get slim and fit will take some new habits to replace the old habits.
To get more information about replacing habits go to Fitness to receive a gift.
In addition, get more information on succeeding with weight loss forever.
People who are overweight or out of shape suffer those conditions because, that is the habit they have gotten into. Then when they go on a diet or a workout plan they do it for a little while, but their habits kick back in and they revert to what they were doing before. This is what usually causes diets to fail, and exercise programs to not work. Then that person who “tried” that diet will complain, “That one doesn’t work”.
Sometimes a plan will work, and the person loses the weight, then when they are “done” with the plan, they go back to their old habits and are soon just as heavy as they were before they started. Now we must ask ourselves if we can truly break a bad habit. The answer is of course a big no, you cannot break a habit.
Every person has a number of habits, some good some bad, but we all have a number of habits, and when mixed together they determine whom we are. The number differs from person to person but we all have a set number of habits. We will always have that number of habits, and while we may be able to temporarily add a habit, we will not keep it as we have exceeded out habit level.
To change yourself you need to change your habits. Since you cannot wipe out or erase a habit, you must replace it with something else. If you have a habit of sitting around for many hours a day without any exertion at all then you need to change that habit to moving yourself so that you have a habit of doing something, rather than nothing. Once your new habit is truly engrained, you will no longer have to worry about the old habit, as it has been replaced.
So what habits do you have that cause you to be overweight? Do you spend long hours on the sofa eating junk food? Do you think that if you don’t eat all that is on your plate you are wasting food? These are some of the things you must become aware of before you can be successful at losing weight, or getting into shape.
To find a diet that works for you must be willing to change your habits. Eating right is something you will have to do the rest of your life, you cannot eat right for a few weeks and then when you see the weight coming off celebrate by eating as you used to. For when you do you will get your old habits to kick back in, and it will be even harder to get back on a diet.
Sometimes finding a diet plan seems like rocket science. The sheer number of diet plans out there can really confuse a person. So one thing to consider while planning a diet is to ask yourself the question as to whether or not you can stay on the diet indefinitely. If it is one of those plans set for a few weeks, it may not be the best diet for you. You must consider that the diet you have started is actually a lifetime commitment. You do not diet and eat right, and expect to do it over night. Life, as you know, it does not work like that.
You did not get fat in one day, and it is not going to go away in one day. You developed your fat by setting a set of habits for yourself, intentionally or not you did. As time went by you reinforced those habits, and you got fat. To get slim and fit will take some new habits to replace the old habits.
To get more information about replacing habits go to Fitness to receive a gift.
In addition, get more information on succeeding with weight loss forever.
Labels: life, self improvement
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Right Way to Lose Weight
Why is it that people who want to lose weight, or get into shape or both always seem to fail? The answer is not complicated, it is because you secretly like the way you live your current life. Now the solution would be to secretly fool yourself into liking what you want to become and not what you currently are.
Before you start a diet or workout plan, you need to convince yourself that the new way of life is better than the old way of life. To do that you simply need to tell yourself that you do. Have you heard of mind control? Most likely you have, what you want is to control your own mind. Simple; the answer is yes. Easy, surprisingly the answer is also a big yes.
Now you may be wondering how to lose weight by mind control. Let me ask you first; have you been successful losing and keeping off the weight by willpower? Most likely not, otherwise you would not be reading this article. Sure, you have tried diets, eating right, and even some workouts and exercise plans, and ended up right back where you were before you started. This is because your desire to lose weight is not based on the proper mental attitude.
So how do you cultivate the proper mental attitude? Through autosuggestion, a skill you develop to control the mental world that in turn controls the physical world. First, you must write down your new attitude; such as “you like to eat healthy food” use the word “you” instead of the word “I” when talking to yourself as it will sink in much faster. Now repeat that statement to yourself as soon as you wake up, and again every time you think about it, at least 5 times a day.
Then after a week of this, set a start date for when you will start on the eating right regime, this will set your mental world to accept that your physical world is about to change, and will change it to what you have been telling yourself for the last week. Keep repeating your statement every day until your start date. Then on your start date; start.
While you are autosuggesting yourself, do some research, find out what eating right means. Find out what eating right entails; get some details and some information on what healthy eating is and how to do it. Then when your start date comes, you are ready to start and know how to start. Then every time you do not feel like eating right, you can remind yourself by reading your autosuggestion statement.
You will find that when you do this you can change your whole self permanently. You will not fail, you will change and change for the better, you will lose weight, you will eat right, and you will do whatever it is that you have set your mind to.
Be Blessed
To get some more info and a gift go to;
Before you start a diet or workout plan, you need to convince yourself that the new way of life is better than the old way of life. To do that you simply need to tell yourself that you do. Have you heard of mind control? Most likely you have, what you want is to control your own mind. Simple; the answer is yes. Easy, surprisingly the answer is also a big yes.
Now you may be wondering how to lose weight by mind control. Let me ask you first; have you been successful losing and keeping off the weight by willpower? Most likely not, otherwise you would not be reading this article. Sure, you have tried diets, eating right, and even some workouts and exercise plans, and ended up right back where you were before you started. This is because your desire to lose weight is not based on the proper mental attitude.
So how do you cultivate the proper mental attitude? Through autosuggestion, a skill you develop to control the mental world that in turn controls the physical world. First, you must write down your new attitude; such as “you like to eat healthy food” use the word “you” instead of the word “I” when talking to yourself as it will sink in much faster. Now repeat that statement to yourself as soon as you wake up, and again every time you think about it, at least 5 times a day.
Then after a week of this, set a start date for when you will start on the eating right regime, this will set your mental world to accept that your physical world is about to change, and will change it to what you have been telling yourself for the last week. Keep repeating your statement every day until your start date. Then on your start date; start.
While you are autosuggesting yourself, do some research, find out what eating right means. Find out what eating right entails; get some details and some information on what healthy eating is and how to do it. Then when your start date comes, you are ready to start and know how to start. Then every time you do not feel like eating right, you can remind yourself by reading your autosuggestion statement.
You will find that when you do this you can change your whole self permanently. You will not fail, you will change and change for the better, you will lose weight, you will eat right, and you will do whatever it is that you have set your mind to.
Be Blessed
To get some more info and a gift go to;
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Come on now... there are 175 of you and only 8 read this article? Must have been busy, here it is again
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Get Your Self-Esteem with the Book Think and Grow Rich
Get Your Self-Esteem with the Book Think and Grow Rich
Are you wandering through life wondering what to do with yourself? Then you are looking at the right spot at the right time and finding the right information.
If you might suffer from low self-esteem, or feel that you are just unworthy, you can develop your self-esteem and become the person you should be. If you have ever had a dream or desire to do something with your life, know now that you can still bring that dream to reality. With the simple plan set down in the book “Think and Grow Rich” you can change your life to be what you want it to be. The key word here is the word “you”, it is what you want that matters and is what affects your life the most. You must make your life what you want, for to do anything other than that cheats the world of what you are.
The first thing you must do when you read this is to write down your dream. This means write with pencil or pen, on paper, words that convey the meaning of your dream to any who may chance to read them. Don’t worry, you are not going to publish them, you do not even have to let anyone else read them, but they will be read by you, and you must make it clear what it is that you desire from life. This is the first step towards developing your self-esteem, and towards the life, you desire. With this single action of writing your dream on paper, you have set into motion a chain of events that will come about to create your dream into reality.
The earth on which you live, you, and every other thing on this planet are the result of change, through which matter has been arranged in a certain order to fulfill a certain function. Everything has a place and a purpose, including you, you have been created to fulfill a need, and to deny that purpose is to rob all those whom you might have had an effect on.
Understand that the reality that you see day to day was created. Thoughts become reality every day, through the simple skill of repetition things that are continually considered become reality. What you see when you open your eyes, is what you created, and many of the things you see were created by other people. What you must realize is the important fact that you can change all that you see; you can change all that you desire to have an effect on. You are a creator, there is no other fact more important to you than that; you are a creator.
You can develop your self-esteem, and in turn change your world with the simple start of writing your dreams and desires on paper. As instructed in the book “Think and Grow Rich” read this out loud every day, read it while you wait for your coffee to brew, read it while you wait for your computer to boot up, read it whenever you find yourself waiting. Soon, often as quick as three days, you will begin to feel that there is a change, and you will notice that the universe is beginning to conspire to assist you. Situations will begin to change, and you will soon thereafter see some great and good changes in your life.
Be Blessed
If you might suffer from low self-esteem, or feel that you are just unworthy, you can develop your self-esteem and become the person you should be. If you have ever had a dream or desire to do something with your life, know now that you can still bring that dream to reality. With the simple plan set down in the book “Think and Grow Rich” you can change your life to be what you want it to be. The key word here is the word “you”, it is what you want that matters and is what affects your life the most. You must make your life what you want, for to do anything other than that cheats the world of what you are.
The first thing you must do when you read this is to write down your dream. This means write with pencil or pen, on paper, words that convey the meaning of your dream to any who may chance to read them. Don’t worry, you are not going to publish them, you do not even have to let anyone else read them, but they will be read by you, and you must make it clear what it is that you desire from life. This is the first step towards developing your self-esteem, and towards the life, you desire. With this single action of writing your dream on paper, you have set into motion a chain of events that will come about to create your dream into reality.
The earth on which you live, you, and every other thing on this planet are the result of change, through which matter has been arranged in a certain order to fulfill a certain function. Everything has a place and a purpose, including you, you have been created to fulfill a need, and to deny that purpose is to rob all those whom you might have had an effect on.
Understand that the reality that you see day to day was created. Thoughts become reality every day, through the simple skill of repetition things that are continually considered become reality. What you see when you open your eyes, is what you created, and many of the things you see were created by other people. What you must realize is the important fact that you can change all that you see; you can change all that you desire to have an effect on. You are a creator, there is no other fact more important to you than that; you are a creator.
You can develop your self-esteem, and in turn change your world with the simple start of writing your dreams and desires on paper. As instructed in the book “Think and Grow Rich” read this out loud every day, read it while you wait for your coffee to brew, read it while you wait for your computer to boot up, read it whenever you find yourself waiting. Soon, often as quick as three days, you will begin to feel that there is a change, and you will notice that the universe is beginning to conspire to assist you. Situations will begin to change, and you will soon thereafter see some great and good changes in your life.
Be Blessed
Labels: self improvement
Monday, July 12, 2010
Think and Grow Rich with Your Imagination
A person’s only limitation is their imagination. The use and development of your imagination is your personal power. If it can be imagined, it can be accomplished. If you can think it, you can do it. The only thing that stands between what you are now and what you can become, is you.
In the book “Think and Grow Rich”, the author mentions two kinds of imagination; creative and synthetic. Creative imagination is where you discover new ideas and concepts, receive hunches and inspiration, and works best when there is a burning desire that needs to be met. Synthetic imagination is where you take current ideas, concepts, and plans into new combinations. Where you use the old to make it new, the reinventing of what already exists to make it better, quite literally it is the making of a better mousetrap.
For example, there is a man you see on TV doing infomercials, who it appears, went through his kitchen and reinvented almost every appliance to make it work better. He also took some of the major appliances and made specialized pieces that would do the work in half the time with less mess. Then there is another who took exercise with free weights and using basically big rubber bands made an exercise machine that will do the same as free weights but without the danger and in less space. The synthetic imagination can be found at work everywhere if you are but willing to look.
The creative imagination is responsible for the majority of all the technical and scientific advances that have been made. The personal computer is a prime example, the machine you are using to read this article did not exist just a few years ago, and the things it can do far exceeds the things its predecessors could do. The plane, the car, the nuclear powered ship, all these things came into being with creative imagination. Something new, that solved a need and was brought into being by the burning desire of its inventor.
In the book “Think and Grow Rich”, there is a definite and workable plan for using your imagination, synthetic or creative, to achieve wealth. The whole book gives great detail about what to do to turn your desire into the physical, to turn thought into money. To make your life more of what it is that you want it to be with happiness and enjoyment rather than misery and drudgery. The imagination is one of the keys to this success; it is a main ingredient of you achieving success in your life.
You will need both the synthetic and the creative imagination to create thought into existence, to create abundance for yourself by providing the ability to fulfill the wants and needs of those who do not have the imagination nor the ambition to seek the solution for themselves. The use of the imagination gets easier with use, just like any other skill it will get stronger and with practice.
Desire is only a thought, and it will do nothing and become nothing unless you act upon it by using your imagination to turn the desire into the physical.
Be Blessed
In the book “Think and Grow Rich”, the author mentions two kinds of imagination; creative and synthetic. Creative imagination is where you discover new ideas and concepts, receive hunches and inspiration, and works best when there is a burning desire that needs to be met. Synthetic imagination is where you take current ideas, concepts, and plans into new combinations. Where you use the old to make it new, the reinventing of what already exists to make it better, quite literally it is the making of a better mousetrap.
For example, there is a man you see on TV doing infomercials, who it appears, went through his kitchen and reinvented almost every appliance to make it work better. He also took some of the major appliances and made specialized pieces that would do the work in half the time with less mess. Then there is another who took exercise with free weights and using basically big rubber bands made an exercise machine that will do the same as free weights but without the danger and in less space. The synthetic imagination can be found at work everywhere if you are but willing to look.
The creative imagination is responsible for the majority of all the technical and scientific advances that have been made. The personal computer is a prime example, the machine you are using to read this article did not exist just a few years ago, and the things it can do far exceeds the things its predecessors could do. The plane, the car, the nuclear powered ship, all these things came into being with creative imagination. Something new, that solved a need and was brought into being by the burning desire of its inventor.
In the book “Think and Grow Rich”, there is a definite and workable plan for using your imagination, synthetic or creative, to achieve wealth. The whole book gives great detail about what to do to turn your desire into the physical, to turn thought into money. To make your life more of what it is that you want it to be with happiness and enjoyment rather than misery and drudgery. The imagination is one of the keys to this success; it is a main ingredient of you achieving success in your life.
You will need both the synthetic and the creative imagination to create thought into existence, to create abundance for yourself by providing the ability to fulfill the wants and needs of those who do not have the imagination nor the ambition to seek the solution for themselves. The use of the imagination gets easier with use, just like any other skill it will get stronger and with practice.
Desire is only a thought, and it will do nothing and become nothing unless you act upon it by using your imagination to turn the desire into the physical.
Be Blessed
Labels: Think and Grow Rich
Friday, July 09, 2010
The Plain Sight Secret of Life
The book “Think and Grow Rich” says that “Doing a thing well is never a trouble” and the famous football coach Knute Rockne said “The whole world loves a winner and has no time for a loser”. Now what do these two sayings have in common? They both are clues about having a successful life. The key that joins them together is that great truth of the human spirit, namely having a dream and not making the mistake of letting temporary defeat mean failure. Something that too many people do is let a minor setback stop them in their tracks and make them accept less than they originally wanted. If you have a minor setback, it is only because you made a minor error take the knowledge you just gained and do it again. Keep doing it again and again, learning from mistakes and making adjustments, and do it until you get it right. Once you can do it right, then do it well, and you will have the success you desire.
There are too many examples of failure all around us, and it may be a major reason that we are not currently happy with our current situation. We see all this failure and so compromise our dreams, and accept less than what we truly desire. We know we can have and be more, yet because we see the examples of failure and mediocrity all around us, we reason that we too must accept less than an excellent life. This is a great lie we have been told, it is a fallacy that we have come to believe because too many other people also believe it. We see many examples of “good enough” and “that’s the way it is” in our everyday life and so, we fall into the trap of letting our ambition die, and getting into the rut of habit, giving up the hope of something better.
There is a way, a better way, to change your life. You are reading this for a reason, and that reason is to give you this spark of hope, this gem of thought, this pearl of wisdom: That you can control your conditions in life, IF you choose to control them.
You do not have to settle for good enough, you do not have to accept temporary defeat as failure; you can rise above the current situation. I am sure you have probably read many lines of psychobabble that tells you that you do things because that was the way you were programmed as a child. While there is some truth to that reasoning, it is more true and definitely far more relevant to know that you have a choice. Yes you saw that correctly; “You Have a Choice” on what you do and how you do it. You are not condemned to a life of lack and poverty anymore than you are condemned to a life of mediocrity.
Why do you want to rise above your current situation? You must do it so that you can be seen by opportunity. If you are part of the crowd, blending in and keeping your head down opportunity will not see you. If on the other hand you are looking for opportunity, then you are standing straight with your head up, and are a bit different from the crowd and opportunity will see you and just as importantly you will see it, and will be willing to take the action to grab the opportunity and run with it.
Now you are probably wondering how do you rise above your current situation especially if you have been accepting mediocrity for years. The answer is easy but the action takes some effort. You need but do everything you do well. Especially at your place of employment, do your work well, and soon you will be recognized as a valuable above average employee, and now you are in a place where opportunity can see you. Continue to do everything you put your hand to well, and you will be amazed at all the good things that come into your life. When this begins to happen, you will regain the spark of hope and ambition. In this way, you will rise above your current situation and become what you want to become, because you can.
Be Blessed
There are too many examples of failure all around us, and it may be a major reason that we are not currently happy with our current situation. We see all this failure and so compromise our dreams, and accept less than what we truly desire. We know we can have and be more, yet because we see the examples of failure and mediocrity all around us, we reason that we too must accept less than an excellent life. This is a great lie we have been told, it is a fallacy that we have come to believe because too many other people also believe it. We see many examples of “good enough” and “that’s the way it is” in our everyday life and so, we fall into the trap of letting our ambition die, and getting into the rut of habit, giving up the hope of something better.
There is a way, a better way, to change your life. You are reading this for a reason, and that reason is to give you this spark of hope, this gem of thought, this pearl of wisdom: That you can control your conditions in life, IF you choose to control them.
You do not have to settle for good enough, you do not have to accept temporary defeat as failure; you can rise above the current situation. I am sure you have probably read many lines of psychobabble that tells you that you do things because that was the way you were programmed as a child. While there is some truth to that reasoning, it is more true and definitely far more relevant to know that you have a choice. Yes you saw that correctly; “You Have a Choice” on what you do and how you do it. You are not condemned to a life of lack and poverty anymore than you are condemned to a life of mediocrity.
Why do you want to rise above your current situation? You must do it so that you can be seen by opportunity. If you are part of the crowd, blending in and keeping your head down opportunity will not see you. If on the other hand you are looking for opportunity, then you are standing straight with your head up, and are a bit different from the crowd and opportunity will see you and just as importantly you will see it, and will be willing to take the action to grab the opportunity and run with it.
Now you are probably wondering how do you rise above your current situation especially if you have been accepting mediocrity for years. The answer is easy but the action takes some effort. You need but do everything you do well. Especially at your place of employment, do your work well, and soon you will be recognized as a valuable above average employee, and now you are in a place where opportunity can see you. Continue to do everything you put your hand to well, and you will be amazed at all the good things that come into your life. When this begins to happen, you will regain the spark of hope and ambition. In this way, you will rise above your current situation and become what you want to become, because you can.
Be Blessed
Thursday, July 08, 2010
The Value of Something for Free
It is a sad trait that we humans seem to have developed, in that we do not seem to appreciate the value of something if we acquire it without effort. When we get something for little or no effort we often discredit it, yet on the other hand, we demand that we receive what we do want for nothing in return. This is magnified with money, if we get it without effort, we do not use it wisely, yet when we do not have it, we demand that others give it to us. Does it not make you wonder why we do that? Demand that the rich give up their money that they earned and give it to those who have not earned it. When we do, those who receive it without effort spend foolishly until it is gone and then demand more.
A value or a trait is learned behavior, something that has been taught to us by others. While we can still find those who have a good work ethic, who are willing to work for what they want, it is just as easy to find those who feel that they are owed whatever they want for free. A lesson many people still need to learn is the lesson of persistence; which is self-discipline. The self-discipline that we all require is boiled down into the simple steps of decision, promptness, action and finishing what you started. If you were not taught these when you were young, then you need to learn them now. To become a successful person in this world that self-discipline is what you must have to be able to obtain your desires.
There are countless examples of people who dropped out of school and then regretted it later in life. They did not appreciate school because it was free, now when they have to go back to get a GED they find they have to pay for it, and often times those who have others pay for it drop out from that program too. For some reason these people feel they are owed a living, and do not seem to understand that there is no reality of something for nothing. You have to exchange value for value to get what you desire. You will not be paid if you don’t work, you will smell bad if you don’t bath, and conversely you will be strong if you exercise. In short, if you have no ambition you will not accomplish anything.
When you get something free, someone paid a price for it, so in theory you should appreciate it, but we don’t. In this country, our public school system is fantastic, we spent great sums to build comfortable and safe buildings, hire good teachers, and offer a variety of curriculums, as well as transportation for those who live too far away to walk. Yet the majority of those who we make attend these schools do not appreciate what a great thing they have been given because it is free. Then even those who finished find that they could have done better, and so must now pay to get the knowledge they need when they could have had it before if they would have only realized what they were being given.
This is just the most common example; there are many other examples we could have used to demonstrate the lack of respect people show for things that are given them. As you know knowledge is a great cure for ignorance, and you have just been made aware of a problem that may or may not be affecting your life. If you have been given much, then you should repay that with action on your part to put to good and productive use what you now know. It is very hard to “unlearn” something, and you have just learned that someone else has paid for what you get for free, and the gift that you received should be utilized and valued. You should value them just as if you had earned them, whether it is a free tomato from your neighbor, or a free education, we must learn to accept what we are given and put it to good use.
Be Blessed
A value or a trait is learned behavior, something that has been taught to us by others. While we can still find those who have a good work ethic, who are willing to work for what they want, it is just as easy to find those who feel that they are owed whatever they want for free. A lesson many people still need to learn is the lesson of persistence; which is self-discipline. The self-discipline that we all require is boiled down into the simple steps of decision, promptness, action and finishing what you started. If you were not taught these when you were young, then you need to learn them now. To become a successful person in this world that self-discipline is what you must have to be able to obtain your desires.
There are countless examples of people who dropped out of school and then regretted it later in life. They did not appreciate school because it was free, now when they have to go back to get a GED they find they have to pay for it, and often times those who have others pay for it drop out from that program too. For some reason these people feel they are owed a living, and do not seem to understand that there is no reality of something for nothing. You have to exchange value for value to get what you desire. You will not be paid if you don’t work, you will smell bad if you don’t bath, and conversely you will be strong if you exercise. In short, if you have no ambition you will not accomplish anything.
When you get something free, someone paid a price for it, so in theory you should appreciate it, but we don’t. In this country, our public school system is fantastic, we spent great sums to build comfortable and safe buildings, hire good teachers, and offer a variety of curriculums, as well as transportation for those who live too far away to walk. Yet the majority of those who we make attend these schools do not appreciate what a great thing they have been given because it is free. Then even those who finished find that they could have done better, and so must now pay to get the knowledge they need when they could have had it before if they would have only realized what they were being given.
This is just the most common example; there are many other examples we could have used to demonstrate the lack of respect people show for things that are given them. As you know knowledge is a great cure for ignorance, and you have just been made aware of a problem that may or may not be affecting your life. If you have been given much, then you should repay that with action on your part to put to good and productive use what you now know. It is very hard to “unlearn” something, and you have just learned that someone else has paid for what you get for free, and the gift that you received should be utilized and valued. You should value them just as if you had earned them, whether it is a free tomato from your neighbor, or a free education, we must learn to accept what we are given and put it to good use.
Be Blessed
Labels: Think and Grow Rich
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Think and Grow Rich with Knowledge
In the book “Think and Grow Rich” talks about knowledge, that there are two kinds of knowledge; general and specialized. General knowledge is all the trivia we learn and is usually of little use to us to accumulate riches, while specialized knowledge is the stuff we need to help us to make money. Now of course specialized knowledge if misused will do nothing for us, but when applied properly will assist us greatly in our endeavors to think and grow rich.
Knowledge in itself will not bring to use our desired riches, until it is properly applied through plans of action and with a definite end in mind. The missing link in our educational systems today is the lack of use and the improper organization of that knowledge. There is a saying that “knowledge is power”, this is true only if the knowledge is applied to practical use, and organized into a definite plan. Without those key parts knowledge becomes useless, and when misused becomes dangerous.
The accumulation of riches calls for the power of knowledge, but that knowledge does not have to be in the possession of the one who wants to use it. So comes the value of the specialist. Let us say that a small business owner knows how to fix and maintain vehicles, and has a few others that also have this skill that work for him as mechanics, yet this business owner does not know about accounting. For him to operate a successful business he has to be able to keep track of expenses and profit, payroll and parts, overhead and schedules, and a variety of many other tasks that must be accomplished so that he or she can think and grow rich. So that business owner is faced with a choice, learn those things and do them, in which case there will never be free time or even sleep for that matter, or find someone with that specialized knowledge.
Finding someone with the knowledge you need is called buying knowledge, many a consultant runs an independent company selling the specialized knowledge that they have. In this manner, you need not spend the rest of your life taking correspondent courses or night classes; you can simply buy the knowledge you need when you need it. A case in point a huge majority of us uses a company to help us file our taxes every year, rather than doing it ourselves, we seek someone with the specialized knowledge and pay them to use their knowledge. You can do the same thing, acquire specialized knowledge and let it be known that you have it, and people will seek you out so that they may avail themselves of your knowledge.
This is how one can think and grow rich; having and using specialized knowledge will cause you to increase in value to a variety of other people. This in turn will cause you to be able to accumulate riches. If you plan to take some courses, or going back to school, first determine what knowledge, you need to gain and how you are going to use it. You would not want to learn air conditioner repair if you are going to be applying for a nursing career. Seek only the knowledge you need for yourself, later when you need other knowledge you can buy the use of it from another who has it, just as you hire an electrician to fix the wiring in your house, so will that electrician someday have to hire someone else when he needs his taxes done. This exchange of knowledge is what the new commerce is all about. Gone are the days when a company could hire a staff of people who might be called upon a few times a year for their knowledge. Now when that company needs that knowledge, they hire a consultant for a short period of time to solve their immediate problem. Then when that problem is resolved, they go back to what they are in business to do.
Here is where you can get your riches, by having the specialized knowledge that others need. Not everyone needs your knowledge all the time, but if enough people need your knowledge some of the time, you will be able to stay quite busy and well compensated.
Be Blessed
Knowledge in itself will not bring to use our desired riches, until it is properly applied through plans of action and with a definite end in mind. The missing link in our educational systems today is the lack of use and the improper organization of that knowledge. There is a saying that “knowledge is power”, this is true only if the knowledge is applied to practical use, and organized into a definite plan. Without those key parts knowledge becomes useless, and when misused becomes dangerous.
The accumulation of riches calls for the power of knowledge, but that knowledge does not have to be in the possession of the one who wants to use it. So comes the value of the specialist. Let us say that a small business owner knows how to fix and maintain vehicles, and has a few others that also have this skill that work for him as mechanics, yet this business owner does not know about accounting. For him to operate a successful business he has to be able to keep track of expenses and profit, payroll and parts, overhead and schedules, and a variety of many other tasks that must be accomplished so that he or she can think and grow rich. So that business owner is faced with a choice, learn those things and do them, in which case there will never be free time or even sleep for that matter, or find someone with that specialized knowledge.
Finding someone with the knowledge you need is called buying knowledge, many a consultant runs an independent company selling the specialized knowledge that they have. In this manner, you need not spend the rest of your life taking correspondent courses or night classes; you can simply buy the knowledge you need when you need it. A case in point a huge majority of us uses a company to help us file our taxes every year, rather than doing it ourselves, we seek someone with the specialized knowledge and pay them to use their knowledge. You can do the same thing, acquire specialized knowledge and let it be known that you have it, and people will seek you out so that they may avail themselves of your knowledge.
This is how one can think and grow rich; having and using specialized knowledge will cause you to increase in value to a variety of other people. This in turn will cause you to be able to accumulate riches. If you plan to take some courses, or going back to school, first determine what knowledge, you need to gain and how you are going to use it. You would not want to learn air conditioner repair if you are going to be applying for a nursing career. Seek only the knowledge you need for yourself, later when you need other knowledge you can buy the use of it from another who has it, just as you hire an electrician to fix the wiring in your house, so will that electrician someday have to hire someone else when he needs his taxes done. This exchange of knowledge is what the new commerce is all about. Gone are the days when a company could hire a staff of people who might be called upon a few times a year for their knowledge. Now when that company needs that knowledge, they hire a consultant for a short period of time to solve their immediate problem. Then when that problem is resolved, they go back to what they are in business to do.
Here is where you can get your riches, by having the specialized knowledge that others need. Not everyone needs your knowledge all the time, but if enough people need your knowledge some of the time, you will be able to stay quite busy and well compensated.
Be Blessed
Labels: Think and Grow Rich
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Your Destiny is to Think and Grow Rich
Many philosophers have stated that we are the masters of our own destiny, yet have failed to tell us why or how. The book “Think and Grow Rich” explains that we may be the master of our earthly status, that we can control our self and our environment because we have the power to influence our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is what connects us to the infinite intelligence, the universe, and so through it we may bring about things and events of our choosing.
The main practice to influence our subconscious mind is the skill known as autosuggestion, where we cause our thinking to transform our desire into the physical. As with any new skill, it may seem weird or difficult at first, but with a little persistence, it will soon develop into a skill, you will use the rest of your life to control your fate, to steer your destiny, and turn your thoughts into things.
The book “Think and Grow Rich” while written many years ago, holds more truth that is more pertinent today than when it was written. In the book, the instructions for autosuggestion are given in many different ways, so that at least one of them will stick to you and influence your life in the positive manner that was intended. For the sake of the article the technique will be condensed so you can put it to immediate use, of course you can always find more detailed instructions when you read the book Think and Grow Rich.
The first step is you must know what you want, with a blank piece of paper begin to write all your desires, all of them, every dream you ever had, every intention to do something, every object you ever wanted. Take all day, it should take a few hours at least, as the many items that you will put on it should cover every aspect of your life so far, have fun with memory lane, and put down every whim you ever had. Now the next step may seem like a bit of a struggle after that last little exercise, but it is essential. Go through your paper with the eyes of a detective looking for clues; see what words you put on that paper that may fit together, and on a separate sheet of paper write down the groups you can find. Here comes the hard part, put the two pieces of paper aside, go eat your dinner and go to bed early, let yourself sleep on it and you can complete the rest in the morning.
After your morning routine sit down with your two pieces of paper, again see what words go together and combine them, until finally near the bottom of the second sheet you have almost a sentence of the combined words. One person I know told me how he did this and combined fire fighter with fighter pilot into fire fighter pilot. He now flies a rather large helicopter that scoops water from lakes and dumps it on forest fires, and he is happy with what he does for a living. You will find your sentence and when you have it, you can begin to control your destiny to shape up into the way you want it to.
Now take your sentence, and write it on a clean piece of paper and form it into an action statement, some call them mission statements, write it in the present tense rather than in the future tense. Such as “I am happy and proud to serve my community as a (insert your desire) through which I have earned the money I needed to own my own (insert your desire) and enjoy a life of (insert your desire). Now put this paper where you will see it every day, I recommend the coffee pot, but that is just me, maybe you will like it on the bathroom mirror, or on the refrigerator. Then every time you see it, read it out loud, even when you have it memorized keep reading it out loud, making sure you add some feeling to it, until one day you wake up, and when you read your statement, you suddenly realize that it has come true. This may have taken a month, it may have taken a year, but suddenly you are what you said you are.
Be Blessed
The main practice to influence our subconscious mind is the skill known as autosuggestion, where we cause our thinking to transform our desire into the physical. As with any new skill, it may seem weird or difficult at first, but with a little persistence, it will soon develop into a skill, you will use the rest of your life to control your fate, to steer your destiny, and turn your thoughts into things.
The book “Think and Grow Rich” while written many years ago, holds more truth that is more pertinent today than when it was written. In the book, the instructions for autosuggestion are given in many different ways, so that at least one of them will stick to you and influence your life in the positive manner that was intended. For the sake of the article the technique will be condensed so you can put it to immediate use, of course you can always find more detailed instructions when you read the book Think and Grow Rich.
The first step is you must know what you want, with a blank piece of paper begin to write all your desires, all of them, every dream you ever had, every intention to do something, every object you ever wanted. Take all day, it should take a few hours at least, as the many items that you will put on it should cover every aspect of your life so far, have fun with memory lane, and put down every whim you ever had. Now the next step may seem like a bit of a struggle after that last little exercise, but it is essential. Go through your paper with the eyes of a detective looking for clues; see what words you put on that paper that may fit together, and on a separate sheet of paper write down the groups you can find. Here comes the hard part, put the two pieces of paper aside, go eat your dinner and go to bed early, let yourself sleep on it and you can complete the rest in the morning.
After your morning routine sit down with your two pieces of paper, again see what words go together and combine them, until finally near the bottom of the second sheet you have almost a sentence of the combined words. One person I know told me how he did this and combined fire fighter with fighter pilot into fire fighter pilot. He now flies a rather large helicopter that scoops water from lakes and dumps it on forest fires, and he is happy with what he does for a living. You will find your sentence and when you have it, you can begin to control your destiny to shape up into the way you want it to.
Now take your sentence, and write it on a clean piece of paper and form it into an action statement, some call them mission statements, write it in the present tense rather than in the future tense. Such as “I am happy and proud to serve my community as a (insert your desire) through which I have earned the money I needed to own my own (insert your desire) and enjoy a life of (insert your desire). Now put this paper where you will see it every day, I recommend the coffee pot, but that is just me, maybe you will like it on the bathroom mirror, or on the refrigerator. Then every time you see it, read it out loud, even when you have it memorized keep reading it out loud, making sure you add some feeling to it, until one day you wake up, and when you read your statement, you suddenly realize that it has come true. This may have taken a month, it may have taken a year, but suddenly you are what you said you are.
Be Blessed
Labels: Think and Grow Rich
Monday, July 05, 2010
You Can Think and Grow Rich
How to Win the Lottery
First let us get something cleared up, the universe is the provider of all things, some people call this god, the Great Spirit, the higher power, and so forth. For this article, we will call it the universe. Now the universe will give you everything you ask for, and you ask for things by thinking about them and saying words concerning them and then your subconscious will accept this as you desire and will transmit this to the universe that will then provide the stated desire.
One thing you should understand is that the universe has an ironic sense of humor; it will give you exactly what you ask for, and no less. For today’s lesson, we will use the lottery as the example. Without further ado, how many times have you prayed and wished to win the lottery? I am willing to bet you have already won, and don’t realize it. Most states and regions have a lottery system that when you buy a ticket there are levels that you can win, for example if you match two you get a free ticket, and if you match three you get like five bucks, and so on. Have you matched two or three? If so then you have won the lottery, your prayer was answered and your wish granted, but you did not realize it. So you see you did win the lottery, yet you were not happy.
The universe does what it does to make us happy, it likes the feeling of happy and will do whatever it must do to grant your desires in an effort to make you happy. If you receive something and it makes you happy then you should offer gratitude to the universe to ensure that you continue to receive more things that make you happy. When you matched three numbers and got your five bucks, did you thank the universe for making you happy? Probably not, if fact you were most likely feeling a little disappointed. So you confused the universe and caused it to no longer want to help you win the lottery as it didn’t make you happy.
Well what does this have to do with think and grow rich? It has a lot to compare to, in that you have to think, and think in the correct manner to grow rich. Sure, there are many other ways to get rich besides the lottery so you must accept the fact that now you need to find a different way to grow rich as the universe will no longer help you to win the lottery. I hear you ask the question; “so how do I think correctly?” The answer is that you must desire, and then use words to convince your subconscious to ask for the thing, and then be persistent in your behavior. The whole of the matter can be found in the book “Think and Grow Rich” and you can find that by looking for the link that comes with this article. (Hint; click the title of this article)
So to sum up this article, using the book “Think and Grow Rich” we will finish with a bit of an admonition. Don’t be a skeptic about this, just do it. Skepticism is a characteristic of all humans, but if you follow the instructions with faith, soon your skepticism will be replaced with belief as you prove repeatedly that you can do and be whatever you desire. That you can, you can.
Remember the famous words “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”
Be Blessed
First let us get something cleared up, the universe is the provider of all things, some people call this god, the Great Spirit, the higher power, and so forth. For this article, we will call it the universe. Now the universe will give you everything you ask for, and you ask for things by thinking about them and saying words concerning them and then your subconscious will accept this as you desire and will transmit this to the universe that will then provide the stated desire.
One thing you should understand is that the universe has an ironic sense of humor; it will give you exactly what you ask for, and no less. For today’s lesson, we will use the lottery as the example. Without further ado, how many times have you prayed and wished to win the lottery? I am willing to bet you have already won, and don’t realize it. Most states and regions have a lottery system that when you buy a ticket there are levels that you can win, for example if you match two you get a free ticket, and if you match three you get like five bucks, and so on. Have you matched two or three? If so then you have won the lottery, your prayer was answered and your wish granted, but you did not realize it. So you see you did win the lottery, yet you were not happy.
The universe does what it does to make us happy, it likes the feeling of happy and will do whatever it must do to grant your desires in an effort to make you happy. If you receive something and it makes you happy then you should offer gratitude to the universe to ensure that you continue to receive more things that make you happy. When you matched three numbers and got your five bucks, did you thank the universe for making you happy? Probably not, if fact you were most likely feeling a little disappointed. So you confused the universe and caused it to no longer want to help you win the lottery as it didn’t make you happy.
Well what does this have to do with think and grow rich? It has a lot to compare to, in that you have to think, and think in the correct manner to grow rich. Sure, there are many other ways to get rich besides the lottery so you must accept the fact that now you need to find a different way to grow rich as the universe will no longer help you to win the lottery. I hear you ask the question; “so how do I think correctly?” The answer is that you must desire, and then use words to convince your subconscious to ask for the thing, and then be persistent in your behavior. The whole of the matter can be found in the book “Think and Grow Rich” and you can find that by looking for the link that comes with this article. (Hint; click the title of this article)
So to sum up this article, using the book “Think and Grow Rich” we will finish with a bit of an admonition. Don’t be a skeptic about this, just do it. Skepticism is a characteristic of all humans, but if you follow the instructions with faith, soon your skepticism will be replaced with belief as you prove repeatedly that you can do and be whatever you desire. That you can, you can.
Remember the famous words “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”
Be Blessed
Labels: Think and Grow Rich
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Think and Grow Rich on Self Esteem
How does the book “Think and Grow Rich” help us to develop our self-esteem? One thing we must understand is that we are creatures that have a large range of emotions. Emotions are one of the major ingredients that influence our lives; these feelings are the critical piece of the puzzle that causes us to do what we do. A little realized fact is that the majority of us believe that we are our emotions, when the truth is that we have emotions. For those of us who suffer from low self-esteem we allow our emotions to control us instead of controlling our emotions. One of those emotions is fear, fear that we might; might be rejected, might be ridiculed, might be laughed at, might be this, and might be that. All those might’s are negative in feeling as well as result, and the biggest fear is that we might get our feelings hurt. Again, this is where we think we are emotions and if they get hurt then we might suffer unbearable agony. Whereas if we realize that we only have emotions, then there can be no detrimental suffering if one can but simply control their emotions.
The book “Think and Grow Rich” tells us that we must use our emotions, not let our emotions use us. To control and direct our future we must learn to use our emotions, combined with words to cause our subconscious to direct the universe to provide our desires. If you have been reading any of my articles, you will have discovered some of the secrets for a rich and powerful life. One of the greatest pieces of information is that our conscious mind can control the subconscious mind, and in turn, the subconscious controls our life. Those of us who use our conscious mind in this manner are able to think and grow rich.
The one habit that the book “Think and Grow Rich” continually suggests is the practice of autosuggestion. Where you write down on a paper your dreams and goals, and then a few times daily read it aloud. This will influence your subconscious mind to cause your desires to become your reality. This habit of autosuggestion must be used with emotion to work. To read the words deadpan, without any emotion will do nothing except maybe exercise your reading skill. To cause the desired effect you must use emotion, you must add emotion to your words. Here is where you must realize that emotions are yours to control; they do not control you.
This secret to developing your self-esteem is simple yet at the same time as it is a different way of thinking it may take a while for you to master your emotions as you so far have allowed them to master you. You must at every chance remember that you control your emotions, you are in charge of you, and you will decide what is best, not some emotional bad feeling. This concept of asserting control over yourself, is the first step of getting your self-esteem back, and for it to work for you, you must be persistent. Once you try it, a few times you will see some positive effects, almost overnight you will see change in your daily routine. You will feel better, you will walk taller, you will talk with a firmer voice, you will experience a little spark of joy, you will start to value your self-esteem for what you are becoming, and that is simply a better and happier you.
Be Blessed.
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
The book “Think and Grow Rich” tells us that we must use our emotions, not let our emotions use us. To control and direct our future we must learn to use our emotions, combined with words to cause our subconscious to direct the universe to provide our desires. If you have been reading any of my articles, you will have discovered some of the secrets for a rich and powerful life. One of the greatest pieces of information is that our conscious mind can control the subconscious mind, and in turn, the subconscious controls our life. Those of us who use our conscious mind in this manner are able to think and grow rich.
The one habit that the book “Think and Grow Rich” continually suggests is the practice of autosuggestion. Where you write down on a paper your dreams and goals, and then a few times daily read it aloud. This will influence your subconscious mind to cause your desires to become your reality. This habit of autosuggestion must be used with emotion to work. To read the words deadpan, without any emotion will do nothing except maybe exercise your reading skill. To cause the desired effect you must use emotion, you must add emotion to your words. Here is where you must realize that emotions are yours to control; they do not control you.
This secret to developing your self-esteem is simple yet at the same time as it is a different way of thinking it may take a while for you to master your emotions as you so far have allowed them to master you. You must at every chance remember that you control your emotions, you are in charge of you, and you will decide what is best, not some emotional bad feeling. This concept of asserting control over yourself, is the first step of getting your self-esteem back, and for it to work for you, you must be persistent. Once you try it, a few times you will see some positive effects, almost overnight you will see change in your daily routine. You will feel better, you will walk taller, you will talk with a firmer voice, you will experience a little spark of joy, you will start to value your self-esteem for what you are becoming, and that is simply a better and happier you.
Be Blessed.
Labels: Think and Grow Rich