Friday, July 30, 2010
Happiness Through Health
Hello again to you all
So what did I do with the happiness theme? You have probably been wondering why I have been on the weight loss kick lately. Well it has to do with my neighbors. Then you are wondering why I no longer talk about happiness.
Over the years neighbors have come and gone, some were good and we were sorry to see them leave, others were bad and we were happy to see them go, and this current batch seems to all be fat. Not a little overweight but just fat.
I have been talking to them a lot about weight loss, because they are fat. They complain about their health alot too. They fight with each other more than any other I have seen, they are just not a happy bunch.
This kind of proves my point that health leads to happiness. If they were not so fat they would not complain about their health so much, and would probably fight less as they would have more money for other stuff besides food.
Being overweight causes their health problems, like high blood pressure, pre-diabetes as well as diabetes, heart problems, breathing problems, and sore legs, feet and backs from all the extra weight they carry. If they lost about 100 pounds each they would all feel better and would be happier.
Good health leads to happiness, when you have your health you are worried less, and you can be more active. The heat bothers you less, the chores are easier, and life in general is just better.
I am seeing for myself the effects of obesity on people. I myself am well within my weight limits, a 32 waist, thats good for a 6 foot guy, not even close to what size these people are. There is one guy who is so fat he is trying to get on disability for his weight.
So if you are still wondering why I am talking about being healthy, now you know. Happiness is a state of mind, but there are other things that make you happy too. Like good health!
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
So what did I do with the happiness theme? You have probably been wondering why I have been on the weight loss kick lately. Well it has to do with my neighbors. Then you are wondering why I no longer talk about happiness.
Over the years neighbors have come and gone, some were good and we were sorry to see them leave, others were bad and we were happy to see them go, and this current batch seems to all be fat. Not a little overweight but just fat.
I have been talking to them a lot about weight loss, because they are fat. They complain about their health alot too. They fight with each other more than any other I have seen, they are just not a happy bunch.
This kind of proves my point that health leads to happiness. If they were not so fat they would not complain about their health so much, and would probably fight less as they would have more money for other stuff besides food.
Being overweight causes their health problems, like high blood pressure, pre-diabetes as well as diabetes, heart problems, breathing problems, and sore legs, feet and backs from all the extra weight they carry. If they lost about 100 pounds each they would all feel better and would be happier.
Good health leads to happiness, when you have your health you are worried less, and you can be more active. The heat bothers you less, the chores are easier, and life in general is just better.
I am seeing for myself the effects of obesity on people. I myself am well within my weight limits, a 32 waist, thats good for a 6 foot guy, not even close to what size these people are. There is one guy who is so fat he is trying to get on disability for his weight.
So if you are still wondering why I am talking about being healthy, now you know. Happiness is a state of mind, but there are other things that make you happy too. Like good health!
Be Blessed