Thursday, July 08, 2010
The Value of Something for Free
It is a sad trait that we humans seem to have developed, in that we do not seem to appreciate the value of something if we acquire it without effort. When we get something for little or no effort we often discredit it, yet on the other hand, we demand that we receive what we do want for nothing in return. This is magnified with money, if we get it without effort, we do not use it wisely, yet when we do not have it, we demand that others give it to us. Does it not make you wonder why we do that? Demand that the rich give up their money that they earned and give it to those who have not earned it. When we do, those who receive it without effort spend foolishly until it is gone and then demand more.
A value or a trait is learned behavior, something that has been taught to us by others. While we can still find those who have a good work ethic, who are willing to work for what they want, it is just as easy to find those who feel that they are owed whatever they want for free. A lesson many people still need to learn is the lesson of persistence; which is self-discipline. The self-discipline that we all require is boiled down into the simple steps of decision, promptness, action and finishing what you started. If you were not taught these when you were young, then you need to learn them now. To become a successful person in this world that self-discipline is what you must have to be able to obtain your desires.
There are countless examples of people who dropped out of school and then regretted it later in life. They did not appreciate school because it was free, now when they have to go back to get a GED they find they have to pay for it, and often times those who have others pay for it drop out from that program too. For some reason these people feel they are owed a living, and do not seem to understand that there is no reality of something for nothing. You have to exchange value for value to get what you desire. You will not be paid if you don’t work, you will smell bad if you don’t bath, and conversely you will be strong if you exercise. In short, if you have no ambition you will not accomplish anything.
When you get something free, someone paid a price for it, so in theory you should appreciate it, but we don’t. In this country, our public school system is fantastic, we spent great sums to build comfortable and safe buildings, hire good teachers, and offer a variety of curriculums, as well as transportation for those who live too far away to walk. Yet the majority of those who we make attend these schools do not appreciate what a great thing they have been given because it is free. Then even those who finished find that they could have done better, and so must now pay to get the knowledge they need when they could have had it before if they would have only realized what they were being given.
This is just the most common example; there are many other examples we could have used to demonstrate the lack of respect people show for things that are given them. As you know knowledge is a great cure for ignorance, and you have just been made aware of a problem that may or may not be affecting your life. If you have been given much, then you should repay that with action on your part to put to good and productive use what you now know. It is very hard to “unlearn” something, and you have just learned that someone else has paid for what you get for free, and the gift that you received should be utilized and valued. You should value them just as if you had earned them, whether it is a free tomato from your neighbor, or a free education, we must learn to accept what we are given and put it to good use.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
A value or a trait is learned behavior, something that has been taught to us by others. While we can still find those who have a good work ethic, who are willing to work for what they want, it is just as easy to find those who feel that they are owed whatever they want for free. A lesson many people still need to learn is the lesson of persistence; which is self-discipline. The self-discipline that we all require is boiled down into the simple steps of decision, promptness, action and finishing what you started. If you were not taught these when you were young, then you need to learn them now. To become a successful person in this world that self-discipline is what you must have to be able to obtain your desires.
There are countless examples of people who dropped out of school and then regretted it later in life. They did not appreciate school because it was free, now when they have to go back to get a GED they find they have to pay for it, and often times those who have others pay for it drop out from that program too. For some reason these people feel they are owed a living, and do not seem to understand that there is no reality of something for nothing. You have to exchange value for value to get what you desire. You will not be paid if you don’t work, you will smell bad if you don’t bath, and conversely you will be strong if you exercise. In short, if you have no ambition you will not accomplish anything.
When you get something free, someone paid a price for it, so in theory you should appreciate it, but we don’t. In this country, our public school system is fantastic, we spent great sums to build comfortable and safe buildings, hire good teachers, and offer a variety of curriculums, as well as transportation for those who live too far away to walk. Yet the majority of those who we make attend these schools do not appreciate what a great thing they have been given because it is free. Then even those who finished find that they could have done better, and so must now pay to get the knowledge they need when they could have had it before if they would have only realized what they were being given.
This is just the most common example; there are many other examples we could have used to demonstrate the lack of respect people show for things that are given them. As you know knowledge is a great cure for ignorance, and you have just been made aware of a problem that may or may not be affecting your life. If you have been given much, then you should repay that with action on your part to put to good and productive use what you now know. It is very hard to “unlearn” something, and you have just learned that someone else has paid for what you get for free, and the gift that you received should be utilized and valued. You should value them just as if you had earned them, whether it is a free tomato from your neighbor, or a free education, we must learn to accept what we are given and put it to good use.
Be Blessed
Labels: Think and Grow Rich