Monday, July 12, 2010
Think and Grow Rich with Your Imagination
A person’s only limitation is their imagination. The use and development of your imagination is your personal power. If it can be imagined, it can be accomplished. If you can think it, you can do it. The only thing that stands between what you are now and what you can become, is you.
In the book “Think and Grow Rich”, the author mentions two kinds of imagination; creative and synthetic. Creative imagination is where you discover new ideas and concepts, receive hunches and inspiration, and works best when there is a burning desire that needs to be met. Synthetic imagination is where you take current ideas, concepts, and plans into new combinations. Where you use the old to make it new, the reinventing of what already exists to make it better, quite literally it is the making of a better mousetrap.
For example, there is a man you see on TV doing infomercials, who it appears, went through his kitchen and reinvented almost every appliance to make it work better. He also took some of the major appliances and made specialized pieces that would do the work in half the time with less mess. Then there is another who took exercise with free weights and using basically big rubber bands made an exercise machine that will do the same as free weights but without the danger and in less space. The synthetic imagination can be found at work everywhere if you are but willing to look.
The creative imagination is responsible for the majority of all the technical and scientific advances that have been made. The personal computer is a prime example, the machine you are using to read this article did not exist just a few years ago, and the things it can do far exceeds the things its predecessors could do. The plane, the car, the nuclear powered ship, all these things came into being with creative imagination. Something new, that solved a need and was brought into being by the burning desire of its inventor.
In the book “Think and Grow Rich”, there is a definite and workable plan for using your imagination, synthetic or creative, to achieve wealth. The whole book gives great detail about what to do to turn your desire into the physical, to turn thought into money. To make your life more of what it is that you want it to be with happiness and enjoyment rather than misery and drudgery. The imagination is one of the keys to this success; it is a main ingredient of you achieving success in your life.
You will need both the synthetic and the creative imagination to create thought into existence, to create abundance for yourself by providing the ability to fulfill the wants and needs of those who do not have the imagination nor the ambition to seek the solution for themselves. The use of the imagination gets easier with use, just like any other skill it will get stronger and with practice.
Desire is only a thought, and it will do nothing and become nothing unless you act upon it by using your imagination to turn the desire into the physical.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
In the book “Think and Grow Rich”, the author mentions two kinds of imagination; creative and synthetic. Creative imagination is where you discover new ideas and concepts, receive hunches and inspiration, and works best when there is a burning desire that needs to be met. Synthetic imagination is where you take current ideas, concepts, and plans into new combinations. Where you use the old to make it new, the reinventing of what already exists to make it better, quite literally it is the making of a better mousetrap.
For example, there is a man you see on TV doing infomercials, who it appears, went through his kitchen and reinvented almost every appliance to make it work better. He also took some of the major appliances and made specialized pieces that would do the work in half the time with less mess. Then there is another who took exercise with free weights and using basically big rubber bands made an exercise machine that will do the same as free weights but without the danger and in less space. The synthetic imagination can be found at work everywhere if you are but willing to look.
The creative imagination is responsible for the majority of all the technical and scientific advances that have been made. The personal computer is a prime example, the machine you are using to read this article did not exist just a few years ago, and the things it can do far exceeds the things its predecessors could do. The plane, the car, the nuclear powered ship, all these things came into being with creative imagination. Something new, that solved a need and was brought into being by the burning desire of its inventor.
In the book “Think and Grow Rich”, there is a definite and workable plan for using your imagination, synthetic or creative, to achieve wealth. The whole book gives great detail about what to do to turn your desire into the physical, to turn thought into money. To make your life more of what it is that you want it to be with happiness and enjoyment rather than misery and drudgery. The imagination is one of the keys to this success; it is a main ingredient of you achieving success in your life.
You will need both the synthetic and the creative imagination to create thought into existence, to create abundance for yourself by providing the ability to fulfill the wants and needs of those who do not have the imagination nor the ambition to seek the solution for themselves. The use of the imagination gets easier with use, just like any other skill it will get stronger and with practice.
Desire is only a thought, and it will do nothing and become nothing unless you act upon it by using your imagination to turn the desire into the physical.
Be Blessed
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