Friday, July 09, 2010
The Plain Sight Secret of Life
The book “Think and Grow Rich” says that “Doing a thing well is never a trouble” and the famous football coach Knute Rockne said “The whole world loves a winner and has no time for a loser”. Now what do these two sayings have in common? They both are clues about having a successful life. The key that joins them together is that great truth of the human spirit, namely having a dream and not making the mistake of letting temporary defeat mean failure. Something that too many people do is let a minor setback stop them in their tracks and make them accept less than they originally wanted. If you have a minor setback, it is only because you made a minor error take the knowledge you just gained and do it again. Keep doing it again and again, learning from mistakes and making adjustments, and do it until you get it right. Once you can do it right, then do it well, and you will have the success you desire.
There are too many examples of failure all around us, and it may be a major reason that we are not currently happy with our current situation. We see all this failure and so compromise our dreams, and accept less than what we truly desire. We know we can have and be more, yet because we see the examples of failure and mediocrity all around us, we reason that we too must accept less than an excellent life. This is a great lie we have been told, it is a fallacy that we have come to believe because too many other people also believe it. We see many examples of “good enough” and “that’s the way it is” in our everyday life and so, we fall into the trap of letting our ambition die, and getting into the rut of habit, giving up the hope of something better.
There is a way, a better way, to change your life. You are reading this for a reason, and that reason is to give you this spark of hope, this gem of thought, this pearl of wisdom: That you can control your conditions in life, IF you choose to control them.
You do not have to settle for good enough, you do not have to accept temporary defeat as failure; you can rise above the current situation. I am sure you have probably read many lines of psychobabble that tells you that you do things because that was the way you were programmed as a child. While there is some truth to that reasoning, it is more true and definitely far more relevant to know that you have a choice. Yes you saw that correctly; “You Have a Choice” on what you do and how you do it. You are not condemned to a life of lack and poverty anymore than you are condemned to a life of mediocrity.
Why do you want to rise above your current situation? You must do it so that you can be seen by opportunity. If you are part of the crowd, blending in and keeping your head down opportunity will not see you. If on the other hand you are looking for opportunity, then you are standing straight with your head up, and are a bit different from the crowd and opportunity will see you and just as importantly you will see it, and will be willing to take the action to grab the opportunity and run with it.
Now you are probably wondering how do you rise above your current situation especially if you have been accepting mediocrity for years. The answer is easy but the action takes some effort. You need but do everything you do well. Especially at your place of employment, do your work well, and soon you will be recognized as a valuable above average employee, and now you are in a place where opportunity can see you. Continue to do everything you put your hand to well, and you will be amazed at all the good things that come into your life. When this begins to happen, you will regain the spark of hope and ambition. In this way, you will rise above your current situation and become what you want to become, because you can.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
There are too many examples of failure all around us, and it may be a major reason that we are not currently happy with our current situation. We see all this failure and so compromise our dreams, and accept less than what we truly desire. We know we can have and be more, yet because we see the examples of failure and mediocrity all around us, we reason that we too must accept less than an excellent life. This is a great lie we have been told, it is a fallacy that we have come to believe because too many other people also believe it. We see many examples of “good enough” and “that’s the way it is” in our everyday life and so, we fall into the trap of letting our ambition die, and getting into the rut of habit, giving up the hope of something better.
There is a way, a better way, to change your life. You are reading this for a reason, and that reason is to give you this spark of hope, this gem of thought, this pearl of wisdom: That you can control your conditions in life, IF you choose to control them.
You do not have to settle for good enough, you do not have to accept temporary defeat as failure; you can rise above the current situation. I am sure you have probably read many lines of psychobabble that tells you that you do things because that was the way you were programmed as a child. While there is some truth to that reasoning, it is more true and definitely far more relevant to know that you have a choice. Yes you saw that correctly; “You Have a Choice” on what you do and how you do it. You are not condemned to a life of lack and poverty anymore than you are condemned to a life of mediocrity.
Why do you want to rise above your current situation? You must do it so that you can be seen by opportunity. If you are part of the crowd, blending in and keeping your head down opportunity will not see you. If on the other hand you are looking for opportunity, then you are standing straight with your head up, and are a bit different from the crowd and opportunity will see you and just as importantly you will see it, and will be willing to take the action to grab the opportunity and run with it.
Now you are probably wondering how do you rise above your current situation especially if you have been accepting mediocrity for years. The answer is easy but the action takes some effort. You need but do everything you do well. Especially at your place of employment, do your work well, and soon you will be recognized as a valuable above average employee, and now you are in a place where opportunity can see you. Continue to do everything you put your hand to well, and you will be amazed at all the good things that come into your life. When this begins to happen, you will regain the spark of hope and ambition. In this way, you will rise above your current situation and become what you want to become, because you can.
Be Blessed