Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Your Destiny is to Think and Grow Rich
Many philosophers have stated that we are the masters of our own destiny, yet have failed to tell us why or how. The book “Think and Grow Rich” explains that we may be the master of our earthly status, that we can control our self and our environment because we have the power to influence our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is what connects us to the infinite intelligence, the universe, and so through it we may bring about things and events of our choosing.
The main practice to influence our subconscious mind is the skill known as autosuggestion, where we cause our thinking to transform our desire into the physical. As with any new skill, it may seem weird or difficult at first, but with a little persistence, it will soon develop into a skill, you will use the rest of your life to control your fate, to steer your destiny, and turn your thoughts into things.
The book “Think and Grow Rich” while written many years ago, holds more truth that is more pertinent today than when it was written. In the book, the instructions for autosuggestion are given in many different ways, so that at least one of them will stick to you and influence your life in the positive manner that was intended. For the sake of the article the technique will be condensed so you can put it to immediate use, of course you can always find more detailed instructions when you read the book Think and Grow Rich.
The first step is you must know what you want, with a blank piece of paper begin to write all your desires, all of them, every dream you ever had, every intention to do something, every object you ever wanted. Take all day, it should take a few hours at least, as the many items that you will put on it should cover every aspect of your life so far, have fun with memory lane, and put down every whim you ever had. Now the next step may seem like a bit of a struggle after that last little exercise, but it is essential. Go through your paper with the eyes of a detective looking for clues; see what words you put on that paper that may fit together, and on a separate sheet of paper write down the groups you can find. Here comes the hard part, put the two pieces of paper aside, go eat your dinner and go to bed early, let yourself sleep on it and you can complete the rest in the morning.
After your morning routine sit down with your two pieces of paper, again see what words go together and combine them, until finally near the bottom of the second sheet you have almost a sentence of the combined words. One person I know told me how he did this and combined fire fighter with fighter pilot into fire fighter pilot. He now flies a rather large helicopter that scoops water from lakes and dumps it on forest fires, and he is happy with what he does for a living. You will find your sentence and when you have it, you can begin to control your destiny to shape up into the way you want it to.
Now take your sentence, and write it on a clean piece of paper and form it into an action statement, some call them mission statements, write it in the present tense rather than in the future tense. Such as “I am happy and proud to serve my community as a (insert your desire) through which I have earned the money I needed to own my own (insert your desire) and enjoy a life of (insert your desire). Now put this paper where you will see it every day, I recommend the coffee pot, but that is just me, maybe you will like it on the bathroom mirror, or on the refrigerator. Then every time you see it, read it out loud, even when you have it memorized keep reading it out loud, making sure you add some feeling to it, until one day you wake up, and when you read your statement, you suddenly realize that it has come true. This may have taken a month, it may have taken a year, but suddenly you are what you said you are.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
The main practice to influence our subconscious mind is the skill known as autosuggestion, where we cause our thinking to transform our desire into the physical. As with any new skill, it may seem weird or difficult at first, but with a little persistence, it will soon develop into a skill, you will use the rest of your life to control your fate, to steer your destiny, and turn your thoughts into things.
The book “Think and Grow Rich” while written many years ago, holds more truth that is more pertinent today than when it was written. In the book, the instructions for autosuggestion are given in many different ways, so that at least one of them will stick to you and influence your life in the positive manner that was intended. For the sake of the article the technique will be condensed so you can put it to immediate use, of course you can always find more detailed instructions when you read the book Think and Grow Rich.
The first step is you must know what you want, with a blank piece of paper begin to write all your desires, all of them, every dream you ever had, every intention to do something, every object you ever wanted. Take all day, it should take a few hours at least, as the many items that you will put on it should cover every aspect of your life so far, have fun with memory lane, and put down every whim you ever had. Now the next step may seem like a bit of a struggle after that last little exercise, but it is essential. Go through your paper with the eyes of a detective looking for clues; see what words you put on that paper that may fit together, and on a separate sheet of paper write down the groups you can find. Here comes the hard part, put the two pieces of paper aside, go eat your dinner and go to bed early, let yourself sleep on it and you can complete the rest in the morning.
After your morning routine sit down with your two pieces of paper, again see what words go together and combine them, until finally near the bottom of the second sheet you have almost a sentence of the combined words. One person I know told me how he did this and combined fire fighter with fighter pilot into fire fighter pilot. He now flies a rather large helicopter that scoops water from lakes and dumps it on forest fires, and he is happy with what he does for a living. You will find your sentence and when you have it, you can begin to control your destiny to shape up into the way you want it to.
Now take your sentence, and write it on a clean piece of paper and form it into an action statement, some call them mission statements, write it in the present tense rather than in the future tense. Such as “I am happy and proud to serve my community as a (insert your desire) through which I have earned the money I needed to own my own (insert your desire) and enjoy a life of (insert your desire). Now put this paper where you will see it every day, I recommend the coffee pot, but that is just me, maybe you will like it on the bathroom mirror, or on the refrigerator. Then every time you see it, read it out loud, even when you have it memorized keep reading it out loud, making sure you add some feeling to it, until one day you wake up, and when you read your statement, you suddenly realize that it has come true. This may have taken a month, it may have taken a year, but suddenly you are what you said you are.
Be Blessed
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