Thursday, June 28, 2007
The Law of Abundance
You know there's a huge abundance out there; the universe has more than enough for every body to prosper and be happy. Have you ever had to struggle to do something? Is it because there wasn’t enough to go around, or because you did not personally have it?
The universe provides everything you need and desire to live and be happy. Have you had to struggle to breathe air? Probably not; there's just so much of it out there waiting to be sucked in! Have you found the same to be true? There is enough of what we have to have to survive for everyone. Alright; but what about riches: How do you get your share?
There's enough of it out there on this planet for everyone to have plenty; it's just a case of how do we get our share? You do that by moving towards your desire, not move away from what you don’t desire.
So what does that mean? It means simple that by moving towards your desire you create your own reality and live the life you choose. Unfortunately the way most of us live; is to move away from what we do not desire.
Let us use an example: Let’s say you desire to be fit and trim. Your goal would be to do exercise and diet to achieve the level of fitness desired. You would do the exercise regime and diet program eagerly as you were keeping your minds eye on the dream of being fit and trim. You look forward towards the vision of being fit and trim so you do not suffer the regime you must do to accomplish your goal. You are happy to eat right and exercise regularly because it is making you fit and trim, which is your dream.
What happens to most of us is we try to move away from what we don’t want. We know we are a few pounds overweight, we don’t want to be and so we start on a diet and try some exercise. We do not look forward, we push to try to get away from what we don’t want; and so we struggle with the diet, we do a couple of exercises unwillingly and half-heartedly. We are not happy; as we are looking the wrong way, we are trying to move away from what we do not desire. We are keeping in mind what we don’t want and so are trying to change by forcing ourselves to lose weight. After a few days or weeks we lose a few pounds and quit the exercise and diet routine as we are making progress; losing the weight and somehow we assume the rest will happen automatically. We usually end up a few bonus pounds heavier than when we started because we concentrated on what we did not want.
We create the things we focus our thoughts on the most; we also do and become what we focus on. In one example we concentrated on fit and trim and so we did become so. In the other example we concentrated on being over weight and so we did become so. Keep in mind that the goal was the same; it was the focus that was wrong. In one case the focus was on the goal, the other the focus was on the problem.
You accomplish what you want by always focusing on the desire. You create your dream by staying focused on the dream. By moving towards your desire you help it come into reality. Conversely if you try to move away from what you have now, you are focusing the wrong way and will get more of what you are trying to move away from.
So change the way you think about your dreams and goals, focus on the desired end result, and soon you will have it.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
The universe provides everything you need and desire to live and be happy. Have you had to struggle to breathe air? Probably not; there's just so much of it out there waiting to be sucked in! Have you found the same to be true? There is enough of what we have to have to survive for everyone. Alright; but what about riches: How do you get your share?
There's enough of it out there on this planet for everyone to have plenty; it's just a case of how do we get our share? You do that by moving towards your desire, not move away from what you don’t desire.
So what does that mean? It means simple that by moving towards your desire you create your own reality and live the life you choose. Unfortunately the way most of us live; is to move away from what we do not desire.
Let us use an example: Let’s say you desire to be fit and trim. Your goal would be to do exercise and diet to achieve the level of fitness desired. You would do the exercise regime and diet program eagerly as you were keeping your minds eye on the dream of being fit and trim. You look forward towards the vision of being fit and trim so you do not suffer the regime you must do to accomplish your goal. You are happy to eat right and exercise regularly because it is making you fit and trim, which is your dream.
What happens to most of us is we try to move away from what we don’t want. We know we are a few pounds overweight, we don’t want to be and so we start on a diet and try some exercise. We do not look forward, we push to try to get away from what we don’t want; and so we struggle with the diet, we do a couple of exercises unwillingly and half-heartedly. We are not happy; as we are looking the wrong way, we are trying to move away from what we do not desire. We are keeping in mind what we don’t want and so are trying to change by forcing ourselves to lose weight. After a few days or weeks we lose a few pounds and quit the exercise and diet routine as we are making progress; losing the weight and somehow we assume the rest will happen automatically. We usually end up a few bonus pounds heavier than when we started because we concentrated on what we did not want.
We create the things we focus our thoughts on the most; we also do and become what we focus on. In one example we concentrated on fit and trim and so we did become so. In the other example we concentrated on being over weight and so we did become so. Keep in mind that the goal was the same; it was the focus that was wrong. In one case the focus was on the goal, the other the focus was on the problem.
You accomplish what you want by always focusing on the desire. You create your dream by staying focused on the dream. By moving towards your desire you help it come into reality. Conversely if you try to move away from what you have now, you are focusing the wrong way and will get more of what you are trying to move away from.
So change the way you think about your dreams and goals, focus on the desired end result, and soon you will have it.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
How to Have Natural Highs
There is a feeling that all humans enjoy. This feeling is called “being high.” Once a person has experienced a high they want to experience it again and again. Why do people try to get “high” through alternative means?
Unfortunately it is because most people experienced a high for the first time by drinking, or using drugs, or some other alternate means. It is a sad thing that they can only experience a high when they use these destructive methods to try to re-experience that high.
There is a real high, a natural high that you can experience. It is a similar high as the one achieved by artificial stimulus, but without the destructive side effects. This real high lasts longer and is far more satisfying than fake highs, and these reality highs can be consistently reproduced.
A fake high, lasts only as long as the chemical effects allow. This causes people to have to become drug addicts, or alcoholics to maintain the experience. This lifelong addiction to the artificial stimulus to experience a high is destructive. The chemicals cause one to lose functions of the body and spirit. A real lose of not just motor control but mental control as well. The chemicals have other side effects such as health problems, money problems social problems and so on.
Similar to the fake high, a real high can last for as long as you can maintain it. Once it is achieved you can enjoy the high without any destructive side effects. Rather than a loss of motor skills they become enhanced, instead of pickling your internal organs they function more efficiently, and so on. So why don’t people go for the real high? Because they don’t know how to achieve a true high, no body has ever taught them.
So what does cause a natural high? The answer is surprisingly simple, easy to learn, yet so seemingly hard to master. Natural highs take place when a trio of emotions comes together: pleasure, well-being, and happiness.
Pleasure is an idiosyncratic perception by an individual based on the five primary senses. The experience is highly individual, for example two people can look at a butterfly; one sees beauty in motion the other sees a bug. Two People listen to a song, one hears music the other hears noise, and so on for all the senses.
Well-being is the feeling that all is right and correct with you and your world. Feeling comfortable that everything, for the moment, is the way it should be.
Happiness is an emotion, and like all emotions it is difficult to give a definitive explanation of it. Happiness differs from the other emotions as it is the one you can choose. You can at any time choose to be happy, and that emotion will push out whatever other emotions you are experiencing.
Natural highs involve the release of physical and emotional tensions while still being fully aware of the mind and body: The sensation of “letting go” without guilt or reservation. This process of creating your own euphoria is a feeling, that once achieved will never be forgotten.
You probably have a memory or two of natural highs. If you examine them you will discover that these natural highs occurred when you were experiencing freedom. Free from guilt, free from being controlled by something or someone else. Here is a key, so pay attention. Freedom is being in control: of your self, of your own destiny, and of your own reality. If you are living honestly and rationally; you have an acute sense of the physical and psychological process of living. That clarity and control of self, life, and reality; is what leads to the ability to “let go” and to produce a truly exhilarating physical as well as emotional high.
The amazing part of all this is; natural highs come from within. You are the creator of your own euphoria, you are the only one who can experience this high, and you are the only one who can create it. Realize this; you are the only person living in your skin. Therefore it is only you who can feel what you feel, you are the one who can choose what you feel and when. To have a real high you must be free.
To give up your freedom; to surrender your life, happens when you ask other people to solve your problems and give you happiness. Do you know what you get when you do that? You get told: To get a job so you can buy your own twelve packs. Is that how you want to live, from twelve pack to twelve pack?
You are responsible for your own self; you are solely responsible for your own actions. You must choose for yourself; to live your life, to solve your own problems, to be honest with your self, to be happy. To choose differently results in loss of freedom and therefore the loss of happiness.
A natural high is a here and now, self induced feeling. You must simply know when you are as well a where you are. Then add in pleasure, some well-being, and some happiness; then let go, and you will experience a real high.
Be Blessed
Unfortunately it is because most people experienced a high for the first time by drinking, or using drugs, or some other alternate means. It is a sad thing that they can only experience a high when they use these destructive methods to try to re-experience that high.
There is a real high, a natural high that you can experience. It is a similar high as the one achieved by artificial stimulus, but without the destructive side effects. This real high lasts longer and is far more satisfying than fake highs, and these reality highs can be consistently reproduced.
A fake high, lasts only as long as the chemical effects allow. This causes people to have to become drug addicts, or alcoholics to maintain the experience. This lifelong addiction to the artificial stimulus to experience a high is destructive. The chemicals cause one to lose functions of the body and spirit. A real lose of not just motor control but mental control as well. The chemicals have other side effects such as health problems, money problems social problems and so on.
Similar to the fake high, a real high can last for as long as you can maintain it. Once it is achieved you can enjoy the high without any destructive side effects. Rather than a loss of motor skills they become enhanced, instead of pickling your internal organs they function more efficiently, and so on. So why don’t people go for the real high? Because they don’t know how to achieve a true high, no body has ever taught them.
So what does cause a natural high? The answer is surprisingly simple, easy to learn, yet so seemingly hard to master. Natural highs take place when a trio of emotions comes together: pleasure, well-being, and happiness.
Pleasure is an idiosyncratic perception by an individual based on the five primary senses. The experience is highly individual, for example two people can look at a butterfly; one sees beauty in motion the other sees a bug. Two People listen to a song, one hears music the other hears noise, and so on for all the senses.
Well-being is the feeling that all is right and correct with you and your world. Feeling comfortable that everything, for the moment, is the way it should be.
Happiness is an emotion, and like all emotions it is difficult to give a definitive explanation of it. Happiness differs from the other emotions as it is the one you can choose. You can at any time choose to be happy, and that emotion will push out whatever other emotions you are experiencing.
Natural highs involve the release of physical and emotional tensions while still being fully aware of the mind and body: The sensation of “letting go” without guilt or reservation. This process of creating your own euphoria is a feeling, that once achieved will never be forgotten.
You probably have a memory or two of natural highs. If you examine them you will discover that these natural highs occurred when you were experiencing freedom. Free from guilt, free from being controlled by something or someone else. Here is a key, so pay attention. Freedom is being in control: of your self, of your own destiny, and of your own reality. If you are living honestly and rationally; you have an acute sense of the physical and psychological process of living. That clarity and control of self, life, and reality; is what leads to the ability to “let go” and to produce a truly exhilarating physical as well as emotional high.
The amazing part of all this is; natural highs come from within. You are the creator of your own euphoria, you are the only one who can experience this high, and you are the only one who can create it. Realize this; you are the only person living in your skin. Therefore it is only you who can feel what you feel, you are the one who can choose what you feel and when. To have a real high you must be free.
To give up your freedom; to surrender your life, happens when you ask other people to solve your problems and give you happiness. Do you know what you get when you do that? You get told: To get a job so you can buy your own twelve packs. Is that how you want to live, from twelve pack to twelve pack?
You are responsible for your own self; you are solely responsible for your own actions. You must choose for yourself; to live your life, to solve your own problems, to be honest with your self, to be happy. To choose differently results in loss of freedom and therefore the loss of happiness.
A natural high is a here and now, self induced feeling. You must simply know when you are as well a where you are. Then add in pleasure, some well-being, and some happiness; then let go, and you will experience a real high.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, life, pleasure, self improvement, success
Monday, June 25, 2007
How to Become Better
Have you heard the saying “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”? This fairly well known axiom is so very true and wise that many people discount its depth and do not pay it the attention it deserves.
When ever we do something, the first time is hard and difficult. The second time it is just a little bit easier, the third time a little easier yet, and so on until what we are doing becomes easy and second nature.
There is another saying that you will like; “The only time you start at the top is when you are digging a hole.” It does not matter the task or training we undertake, when we do something new, the first time we do it; it is slow, difficult and low quality stuff.
When we think of something we create something. In the degree that we attempt to use our thoughts; we continually become able to use them more effectively. The first time you try something you may very well fail. The failure is only temporary, you attempt the same thing again and while you may fail again, you did not fail as badly as you did the first time. Eventually you will succeed, and soon after that you will become skilled at that task, eventually you become a master at it.
Progress is slow at first, more rapid as we proceed. Power grows by using it, in other words; using our power brings increasing power. This is governed by the law of attraction, the same as every thing else things in our lives. The Law of Attraction has a corollary: The Law of Reflex. This law basically says; the more you do something the easier it becomes.
Let’s say you decide it is your destiny to play the piano in concert. No one can sit down to the piano and play the piece of a master like a master the first try. You try and it is not pretty; however, you do not conclude, that the piece of the master cannot be played by you, or, for that matter, by anyone. You learn what the notes on the paper correspond to what keys on the piano. You learn to use your fingers to press the keys to make the notes. You practice the piece, over and over. The law of attraction comes to your aid, whereby your mind follows the music more readily, more rapidly, and more surely each succeeding time.
There also comes into operation and to your aid the law of reflex; underlying the action whereby your fingers co-ordinate their movements with your eyes and the movements of your mind; more readily, more rapidly, and more accurately each time you attempt the task.
You stumble through at first, there is no harmony, no rhythm, nothing but discord. Until by and by the time comes when your talent finally reveals itself, and you play the music as the music of the master. The music you play succeeds and surpasses the work of the master, you finally are recognized as a master, play in concert, thrill and move the masses, and thus your dream has come true.
So it is in the use of the power of thought. It is the reiteration, the constant reiteration of the thought; that grows the power of continually stronger thought, and this brings about action. Action brings more action, and that finally brings manifestation of the thing we desire.
So find out what you want to do, then do it. Do it over and over and over until you are good at it. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again…
Be Blessed
When ever we do something, the first time is hard and difficult. The second time it is just a little bit easier, the third time a little easier yet, and so on until what we are doing becomes easy and second nature.
There is another saying that you will like; “The only time you start at the top is when you are digging a hole.” It does not matter the task or training we undertake, when we do something new, the first time we do it; it is slow, difficult and low quality stuff.
When we think of something we create something. In the degree that we attempt to use our thoughts; we continually become able to use them more effectively. The first time you try something you may very well fail. The failure is only temporary, you attempt the same thing again and while you may fail again, you did not fail as badly as you did the first time. Eventually you will succeed, and soon after that you will become skilled at that task, eventually you become a master at it.
Progress is slow at first, more rapid as we proceed. Power grows by using it, in other words; using our power brings increasing power. This is governed by the law of attraction, the same as every thing else things in our lives. The Law of Attraction has a corollary: The Law of Reflex. This law basically says; the more you do something the easier it becomes.
Let’s say you decide it is your destiny to play the piano in concert. No one can sit down to the piano and play the piece of a master like a master the first try. You try and it is not pretty; however, you do not conclude, that the piece of the master cannot be played by you, or, for that matter, by anyone. You learn what the notes on the paper correspond to what keys on the piano. You learn to use your fingers to press the keys to make the notes. You practice the piece, over and over. The law of attraction comes to your aid, whereby your mind follows the music more readily, more rapidly, and more surely each succeeding time.
There also comes into operation and to your aid the law of reflex; underlying the action whereby your fingers co-ordinate their movements with your eyes and the movements of your mind; more readily, more rapidly, and more accurately each time you attempt the task.
You stumble through at first, there is no harmony, no rhythm, nothing but discord. Until by and by the time comes when your talent finally reveals itself, and you play the music as the music of the master. The music you play succeeds and surpasses the work of the master, you finally are recognized as a master, play in concert, thrill and move the masses, and thus your dream has come true.
So it is in the use of the power of thought. It is the reiteration, the constant reiteration of the thought; that grows the power of continually stronger thought, and this brings about action. Action brings more action, and that finally brings manifestation of the thing we desire.
So find out what you want to do, then do it. Do it over and over and over until you are good at it. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again…
Be Blessed
Saturday, June 23, 2007
How to Discover Your Inner Power
There is something very important you need to know: That you can create your life to be what you want it to be.
You know that YOU are the creator of all that occurs in all of your life experience, right? Believe it or not; you ARE the one that creates your physical life experience through your thoughts. Literally, every thought that you think gives birth to a creation. EVERY thought you have has creative power.
The thoughts that you think, regarding those things that you want, set into motion the creation, and eventual fulfillment of that which you want. And likewise, the thoughts that you think, regarding those things that you do not want, set into motion the creation, and eventual fulfillment of that which you do NOT want.
To some of you this may be old news. Blah, blah, blah, the Law of Attraction, blah, blah, blah. So how do you use this discovery to improve your life?
There is a simple three step formula that you use to control the Law of Attraction and to manifest your desires into reality. Let me explain a couple of the concepts before moving on.
There is a technique called “Creative Visualization” and it is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in your life. There is nothing at all new, or unusual about creative visualization. You are already using it every day, every minute in fact. It is your natural power of imagination, the basic creative energy of the universe which you use constantly, whether you are aware of it or not.
The next concept to become aware of is the way you regard your life. Your life is not your master, it is your child. You groom your life to be the way you desire. You teach yourself, you train yourself, and you make you who you are by growing into yourself. Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just use controlled effort to put forth a clear enough request and everything your heart desires must come to you.
Lastly I must explain to you that what you think is what you get. Be brutally honest with yourself and watch your thoughts. Spend time thinking of what you want rather than what you don't want. Be very careful of this, because if you envision something quite casually, even though you may not be sure you want it, it will manifest. You will get what you ask for; it may not be what you want.
So to get on with the lesson let us grab a piece of paper and pen. Sit down in a comfortable spot and write down your desire. You can have anything you want; you can be anything you desire; so write it down. Imagine if you will a genie just popped out of the bottle and told you that it will give you one wish today: What would that be? Write it down. This is step one; know what you want.
Now that you have firmed up your desire, get comfortable in your chair and daydream about your desire that you just wrote down. Add as much detail as you can, add color, temperature, and any other detail you see fit to add. This; the world of images, is the source of power in your physical world. Imagining what you want is like creating a model before you build the real thing. The images direct the energy in your body. Beliefs generate thoughts; and thoughts generate emotions, which in turn creates your inner experience that becomes your outer reality. If any area of your life is not working, one of your beliefs in that area simply needs to be enhanced. This is step two; see what you desire.
You are the creator of everything in your life. Nothing has happened or happens to you that you have not called to you. Life is really very simple. What we give out, we get back. You create creation with the thoughts that you think.
The inner desire of the wise and conscious soul is to externalize, to create a tangible manifestation of what it internally holds to be true and thereby experience that belief. It is through that experience that the transformation occurs. This is why it is so important to develop self-awareness to the depths of your ability so that no creation can come about in your life without your having made the choice.
Now you must take some time for introspection. Realize that you have created your reality: You have designed your life yourself. Look for yourself; everything is familiar, you have seen it or felt it before. You have created nothing in your outer reality that is a stranger to you. You need to accept reality for what it is: Reality. Once you have that conception, you can change it; sometimes quite rapidly and sometimes a bit slower.
There is comfort to be had by looking at your "outer circumstances" and realize that this is a perfect reflection of what you truly believe as a soul. With each breath, with each pulsation of energy, you send out this essence of yourself, which mingles with other essences and creates and re-creates your physical environment.
Feel yourself centered within and sending out waves of your energy. See it radiation outward from your physical being and into the environment, where it becomes an extension of yourself. Realize that the objects you perceive as "out there" are the materializations of your thoughts, formed by your energy into the symbols of the inner you, the essence of which you are, and thus your very soul. Emotions help you create reality. When you believe in something, love, desire, and want it, you can create it more quickly. If there is anything you want to become aware of, focus upon it. Whatever you turn your attention to, you will create. That was step three; believe.
So there you have the formula for having a happy life the way you want it.
Step one; know your desire. Step two; see what you desire. Step three; believe.
Be Blessed
You know that YOU are the creator of all that occurs in all of your life experience, right? Believe it or not; you ARE the one that creates your physical life experience through your thoughts. Literally, every thought that you think gives birth to a creation. EVERY thought you have has creative power.
The thoughts that you think, regarding those things that you want, set into motion the creation, and eventual fulfillment of that which you want. And likewise, the thoughts that you think, regarding those things that you do not want, set into motion the creation, and eventual fulfillment of that which you do NOT want.
To some of you this may be old news. Blah, blah, blah, the Law of Attraction, blah, blah, blah. So how do you use this discovery to improve your life?
There is a simple three step formula that you use to control the Law of Attraction and to manifest your desires into reality. Let me explain a couple of the concepts before moving on.
There is a technique called “Creative Visualization” and it is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in your life. There is nothing at all new, or unusual about creative visualization. You are already using it every day, every minute in fact. It is your natural power of imagination, the basic creative energy of the universe which you use constantly, whether you are aware of it or not.
The next concept to become aware of is the way you regard your life. Your life is not your master, it is your child. You groom your life to be the way you desire. You teach yourself, you train yourself, and you make you who you are by growing into yourself. Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just use controlled effort to put forth a clear enough request and everything your heart desires must come to you.
Lastly I must explain to you that what you think is what you get. Be brutally honest with yourself and watch your thoughts. Spend time thinking of what you want rather than what you don't want. Be very careful of this, because if you envision something quite casually, even though you may not be sure you want it, it will manifest. You will get what you ask for; it may not be what you want.
So to get on with the lesson let us grab a piece of paper and pen. Sit down in a comfortable spot and write down your desire. You can have anything you want; you can be anything you desire; so write it down. Imagine if you will a genie just popped out of the bottle and told you that it will give you one wish today: What would that be? Write it down. This is step one; know what you want.
Now that you have firmed up your desire, get comfortable in your chair and daydream about your desire that you just wrote down. Add as much detail as you can, add color, temperature, and any other detail you see fit to add. This; the world of images, is the source of power in your physical world. Imagining what you want is like creating a model before you build the real thing. The images direct the energy in your body. Beliefs generate thoughts; and thoughts generate emotions, which in turn creates your inner experience that becomes your outer reality. If any area of your life is not working, one of your beliefs in that area simply needs to be enhanced. This is step two; see what you desire.
You are the creator of everything in your life. Nothing has happened or happens to you that you have not called to you. Life is really very simple. What we give out, we get back. You create creation with the thoughts that you think.
The inner desire of the wise and conscious soul is to externalize, to create a tangible manifestation of what it internally holds to be true and thereby experience that belief. It is through that experience that the transformation occurs. This is why it is so important to develop self-awareness to the depths of your ability so that no creation can come about in your life without your having made the choice.
Now you must take some time for introspection. Realize that you have created your reality: You have designed your life yourself. Look for yourself; everything is familiar, you have seen it or felt it before. You have created nothing in your outer reality that is a stranger to you. You need to accept reality for what it is: Reality. Once you have that conception, you can change it; sometimes quite rapidly and sometimes a bit slower.
There is comfort to be had by looking at your "outer circumstances" and realize that this is a perfect reflection of what you truly believe as a soul. With each breath, with each pulsation of energy, you send out this essence of yourself, which mingles with other essences and creates and re-creates your physical environment.
Feel yourself centered within and sending out waves of your energy. See it radiation outward from your physical being and into the environment, where it becomes an extension of yourself. Realize that the objects you perceive as "out there" are the materializations of your thoughts, formed by your energy into the symbols of the inner you, the essence of which you are, and thus your very soul. Emotions help you create reality. When you believe in something, love, desire, and want it, you can create it more quickly. If there is anything you want to become aware of, focus upon it. Whatever you turn your attention to, you will create. That was step three; believe.
So there you have the formula for having a happy life the way you want it.
Step one; know your desire. Step two; see what you desire. Step three; believe.
Be Blessed
Labels: dreams, effort, Law of Attraction, Manifesting, success
Friday, June 22, 2007
How to Use Formulas for Success
Every day we are assailed by ads and commercials about being successful. We also hear a never ending stream of advice from concerned people about what it takes to be successful at something. We hear ideas and formulas for guaranteed success from every direction. Yet a lot of people are still struggling to make ends meet, still wondering why they are not a success.
Well there are formulas that have been proven to work that solve all sorts of problems from animal care to catching fish, to getting a good nights sleep, to becoming the next millionaire on your block. Basically there is a formula for success for almost every given situation that concerns the human race and its endeavors.
Still there are many people who just can’t seem to be or become successful. Why do you suppose that is? The reason why is; they are not following the formula.
Let us use Pythagoras’ theorem; you know the one: A squared plus B squared equals C squared. This theorem for finding the third side of a triangle is also a fine and dandy formula for figuring out distance. I have been around a few cannon and the theorem comes in very handy for placing an artillery shell where you need it. In the words of General Grant: “There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of cannon.” Alas I digress, so back on subject.
Pythagoras figured out the formula to solve a common problem and it works. It works every time if you follow the formula. Trying to change the formula will not get correct results. Trying to change the formula will just not work, the formula has to be used “as Is” in order to procure the desired result. Doing multi digit math in your head may be difficult for most of us so there are aids; like slide rules, calculators, and fire control computers. All designed to help you get the formula computed but none of them will help you mess up the formula. If you subtract instead of add; the results could be disastrous if not just a bit embarrassing.
So why do we all seem to want to mess up all the formulas for success? Laziness, or stubbornness, not being honest with yourself, or even ignorance. You have to realize that if the formula works, you only need to follow it to get the success you desire. If you wanted to be an Olympic triathlete, you should not expect to make the team while eating fat foods and sitting on the couch all day. No, you would have to actually get off the couch, go to practice, do what the coach tells you and then compete against other people who also want to be on the team. However for some reason most people think they can short cut their way to success, so they might jog around the block once and then wonder in dismay that the Olympic committee hasn’t called them to represent their country next fall.
Not all formulas are instant gratification formulas. Some formulas take time to follow and achieve the desired results. Some are not as satisfying and immediate like solving a problem with a well placed shell, but they all will show results. The trick is to follow the formula, start to finish; getting the results you seek...
You can find these formulas all over the place and most are free; just do a search on your favorite internet engine and you will find thousands of formulas for just about every situation imaginable. You can find dog training, flower growing, house building, sledding, mountain climbing and so on. Find a formula that has been shown to work. For example if a person who has never seen or played football is trying to give advice on how to be a successful third back, you would steer away from that person as he obviously doesn’t know anything. So find someone who had done what you want to do and follow their steps.
The differences you can make in formulas are the personal ones. After becoming the great baseball player, then you can break records and invent new shoes; but until then you have to follow the formula to become that great player.
So in reality it is very simple; find out what you want to do, find a formula and follow it.
Be Blessed.
Well there are formulas that have been proven to work that solve all sorts of problems from animal care to catching fish, to getting a good nights sleep, to becoming the next millionaire on your block. Basically there is a formula for success for almost every given situation that concerns the human race and its endeavors.
Still there are many people who just can’t seem to be or become successful. Why do you suppose that is? The reason why is; they are not following the formula.
Let us use Pythagoras’ theorem; you know the one: A squared plus B squared equals C squared. This theorem for finding the third side of a triangle is also a fine and dandy formula for figuring out distance. I have been around a few cannon and the theorem comes in very handy for placing an artillery shell where you need it. In the words of General Grant: “There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of cannon.” Alas I digress, so back on subject.
Pythagoras figured out the formula to solve a common problem and it works. It works every time if you follow the formula. Trying to change the formula will not get correct results. Trying to change the formula will just not work, the formula has to be used “as Is” in order to procure the desired result. Doing multi digit math in your head may be difficult for most of us so there are aids; like slide rules, calculators, and fire control computers. All designed to help you get the formula computed but none of them will help you mess up the formula. If you subtract instead of add; the results could be disastrous if not just a bit embarrassing.
So why do we all seem to want to mess up all the formulas for success? Laziness, or stubbornness, not being honest with yourself, or even ignorance. You have to realize that if the formula works, you only need to follow it to get the success you desire. If you wanted to be an Olympic triathlete, you should not expect to make the team while eating fat foods and sitting on the couch all day. No, you would have to actually get off the couch, go to practice, do what the coach tells you and then compete against other people who also want to be on the team. However for some reason most people think they can short cut their way to success, so they might jog around the block once and then wonder in dismay that the Olympic committee hasn’t called them to represent their country next fall.
Not all formulas are instant gratification formulas. Some formulas take time to follow and achieve the desired results. Some are not as satisfying and immediate like solving a problem with a well placed shell, but they all will show results. The trick is to follow the formula, start to finish; getting the results you seek...
You can find these formulas all over the place and most are free; just do a search on your favorite internet engine and you will find thousands of formulas for just about every situation imaginable. You can find dog training, flower growing, house building, sledding, mountain climbing and so on. Find a formula that has been shown to work. For example if a person who has never seen or played football is trying to give advice on how to be a successful third back, you would steer away from that person as he obviously doesn’t know anything. So find someone who had done what you want to do and follow their steps.
The differences you can make in formulas are the personal ones. After becoming the great baseball player, then you can break records and invent new shoes; but until then you have to follow the formula to become that great player.
So in reality it is very simple; find out what you want to do, find a formula and follow it.
Be Blessed.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
How to and What to Do to Be Happy
Being happy is the number one priority of all humans. Come to think of it; being happy is the main priority of all living things. Being happy and being content are closely related. Being content is to be reasonably satisfied with the way things are. This in turn leads to happiness. The desire to be happy is what drives people to do the things we do. So how do you know if you’re happy?
First things first; you will know you are happy when you feel it. You will feel contented; a calm satisfaction that your characteristics and circumstances are as they should be. What can you do to seek this contentment, this happiness?
Start with knowing your strengths and abilities. What are your positive traits? What special talents do you have? List three - if you get stuck, ask those closest to you to help identify these. Are you imaginative, witty, and good with your hands? Find ways to express your authentic self through your strengths. You can increase your self-confidence when you can share what you know to others. You may well be surprised that there is more than you realized.
Live from the inside out. Know that your universe, your reality comes from you. You cause your life to be as it is, so you need to increase your awareness of your inner wisdom by regularly reflecting in silence. Some people meditate, some perform rituals, some pray, and some commune with nature. Find what satisfies you, stare at a candle until it is burned out, set an egg timer and listen to the clicks. Learn to see and commune with your inner self as well as your source of power. (That some call god) Breathe deeply to quiet your distracted mind, and listen. With a bit of practice you will find it easy and comforting. If you ever skip your “quiet time” you will miss it and desire to connect as soon as possible.
The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have. If you do not like what you have; change it.
Realize that you are connected to everyone and everything else. You are a part of the whole; a piece of the puzzle of life, the universe, and everything. When you live authentically, you may find that you develop an interconnected sense of being. When you are true to who you are, living your purpose and giving of your talents to the world around you, you give back in service what you came to share with others -your spirit - your essence. The rewards for sharing your gift with those close to you; is indeed rewarding, much more if it were to be the eyes of a stranger who can appreciate what you have done for them. Serve others as you see fit, but you must know that sharing is voluntary, an act of kindness, do not allow yourself to become “taken advantage of.”
Making your self happy is indeed one type of work that is worth it. You and only you can know what your satisfaction level is. Be honest with yourself and take the steps required to ensure your own fulfillment. The difference lies within ourselves and how much we want to change for the better.
So go forth already, and be happy!
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy
First things first; you will know you are happy when you feel it. You will feel contented; a calm satisfaction that your characteristics and circumstances are as they should be. What can you do to seek this contentment, this happiness?
Start with knowing your strengths and abilities. What are your positive traits? What special talents do you have? List three - if you get stuck, ask those closest to you to help identify these. Are you imaginative, witty, and good with your hands? Find ways to express your authentic self through your strengths. You can increase your self-confidence when you can share what you know to others. You may well be surprised that there is more than you realized.
Live from the inside out. Know that your universe, your reality comes from you. You cause your life to be as it is, so you need to increase your awareness of your inner wisdom by regularly reflecting in silence. Some people meditate, some perform rituals, some pray, and some commune with nature. Find what satisfies you, stare at a candle until it is burned out, set an egg timer and listen to the clicks. Learn to see and commune with your inner self as well as your source of power. (That some call god) Breathe deeply to quiet your distracted mind, and listen. With a bit of practice you will find it easy and comforting. If you ever skip your “quiet time” you will miss it and desire to connect as soon as possible.
The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have. If you do not like what you have; change it.
Realize that you are connected to everyone and everything else. You are a part of the whole; a piece of the puzzle of life, the universe, and everything. When you live authentically, you may find that you develop an interconnected sense of being. When you are true to who you are, living your purpose and giving of your talents to the world around you, you give back in service what you came to share with others -your spirit - your essence. The rewards for sharing your gift with those close to you; is indeed rewarding, much more if it were to be the eyes of a stranger who can appreciate what you have done for them. Serve others as you see fit, but you must know that sharing is voluntary, an act of kindness, do not allow yourself to become “taken advantage of.”
Making your self happy is indeed one type of work that is worth it. You and only you can know what your satisfaction level is. Be honest with yourself and take the steps required to ensure your own fulfillment. The difference lies within ourselves and how much we want to change for the better.
So go forth already, and be happy!
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy
Monday, June 18, 2007
How to Live the Life of Happiness
It is the goal of every human to live happily. In actuality it is more than a goal, it is the reason we exist; to be happy. Without happiness life is not worth much, without hope of happiness life is not worth living.
So what is it that can start you on the road to happiness? What do you need to do to start being happy? Find out your needs, and fulfill them. Sounds simple enough, yet so many people just can’t seem to do it. Satisfy your needs, and happiness will follow.
Unmet needs can keep you from living authentically. Take care of yourself. You need to eat good food; fruit and vegetables are basics that should be consumed with fervor. You need exercise; a walk in the park, a bike ride, jogging, or a full workout routine, something to burn off the bad stuff that accumulates in our bodies. You need human contact; someone to talk to, to do things with or for, a person to be a friend to. Meeting your needs is just the beginning of happiness. List your top four needs and get them met before it's too late!
What else do you need to become happy? You also need a dream. What is it that you want to accomplish in this lifetime? Does working a job that barely pays the bills, and watching TV all your spare time seem like a good life to you? Probably not or you would not have found this lesson.
So what is involved in this dream? Do you have a need to be acknowledged, to be right, to be in control, to be loved? What is it that would both meet a need and go a step beyond to meet a desire? There are so many people who lived their lives without realizing their dreams and most of them end up being stressed or even depressed for that matter. Are you next? Depression, or happiness, it is up to you to make your own life. Happiness comes from inside you and is not given or taken from others.
Discover what you desire from life: Know your passions. You know who you are and what you truly enjoy in life. Obstacles like doubt and lack of enthusiasm will only hinder you, but will not derail your chance to become the person you ought to be. Express yourself and honor the people who have inspired you. Always endeavor to become the very best person you can be. You can’t be someone else as they are already taken, but you can be the best the ever was, if you try. Even if you hate your job, do your best. You do not have to compete with your co-workers; you only have to compete with your self. Be a little bit faster every day, a little bit more efficient. Be a little better than you were the day before. Soon you will be the best there is, do not worry if others do not notice right away, you know what you have done, so you can be proud of that accomplishment.
Take action, do something every day that brings you closer to your dream life. Set some goals and work towards them. If you are not used to having goals start small; for example set a goal to get all the laundry done in one day. Once you have done that; take a moment to realize that you set a goal and then accomplished it. Train yourself to set and accomplish goals. When you get good at the small stuff; move on to another goal that is bigger. Continue to grow in this way until you have the ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to.
Following the simple concepts you have learned today; will lead you to having and enjoying a happy life. When you can see what is real and what is not you will be well on your way.
Take care of yourself and do not expect or rely on others to do it for you. Stay true to your self, and always be honest with your self.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
So what is it that can start you on the road to happiness? What do you need to do to start being happy? Find out your needs, and fulfill them. Sounds simple enough, yet so many people just can’t seem to do it. Satisfy your needs, and happiness will follow.
Unmet needs can keep you from living authentically. Take care of yourself. You need to eat good food; fruit and vegetables are basics that should be consumed with fervor. You need exercise; a walk in the park, a bike ride, jogging, or a full workout routine, something to burn off the bad stuff that accumulates in our bodies. You need human contact; someone to talk to, to do things with or for, a person to be a friend to. Meeting your needs is just the beginning of happiness. List your top four needs and get them met before it's too late!
What else do you need to become happy? You also need a dream. What is it that you want to accomplish in this lifetime? Does working a job that barely pays the bills, and watching TV all your spare time seem like a good life to you? Probably not or you would not have found this lesson.
So what is involved in this dream? Do you have a need to be acknowledged, to be right, to be in control, to be loved? What is it that would both meet a need and go a step beyond to meet a desire? There are so many people who lived their lives without realizing their dreams and most of them end up being stressed or even depressed for that matter. Are you next? Depression, or happiness, it is up to you to make your own life. Happiness comes from inside you and is not given or taken from others.
Discover what you desire from life: Know your passions. You know who you are and what you truly enjoy in life. Obstacles like doubt and lack of enthusiasm will only hinder you, but will not derail your chance to become the person you ought to be. Express yourself and honor the people who have inspired you. Always endeavor to become the very best person you can be. You can’t be someone else as they are already taken, but you can be the best the ever was, if you try. Even if you hate your job, do your best. You do not have to compete with your co-workers; you only have to compete with your self. Be a little bit faster every day, a little bit more efficient. Be a little better than you were the day before. Soon you will be the best there is, do not worry if others do not notice right away, you know what you have done, so you can be proud of that accomplishment.
Take action, do something every day that brings you closer to your dream life. Set some goals and work towards them. If you are not used to having goals start small; for example set a goal to get all the laundry done in one day. Once you have done that; take a moment to realize that you set a goal and then accomplished it. Train yourself to set and accomplish goals. When you get good at the small stuff; move on to another goal that is bigger. Continue to grow in this way until you have the ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to.
Following the simple concepts you have learned today; will lead you to having and enjoying a happy life. When you can see what is real and what is not you will be well on your way.
Take care of yourself and do not expect or rely on others to do it for you. Stay true to your self, and always be honest with your self.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
Sunday, June 17, 2007
How to Know Your Purpose in Life
Are you wandering through life with little direction, hoping that you'll find happiness, health and prosperity? Do you just function from day to day without knowing what it is that could make your life better? If so this lesson will help you to discover what you should be doing.
Let us start with the basic premise that you desire a better life, for you and those around you. You do want a better life don’t you? So what is it that will make your life better starting right now?
The first thing you will do today is sit down with paper and pen, and think. Grab a spiral notebook or even a loose leaf notebook with lots of paper and hold it on your lap. Start to let your mind wander. You will daydream your desires. Imagine what your life will be when it is good. Think about what could happen that will make you happy. Feel free to day dream about any thing you want. Do not watch TV; do not have any distractions like cell phones, pagers, radios, or annoying relatives. Go sit in your favorite chair, or park bench and let your mind wander.
As you imagine what your life should be like, find a few details. When you feel a happy moment; identify what caused it. When you see in your mind you being happy; quickly look at why you are happy.
Now the tricky part: Write it down! When you saw yourself feeling joy where you dancing in a field of flowers or were you in a nice cozy office chair with a big window in your office? Write it down! When you imagined yourself doing the job you love; write it down! Whatever you imagined, whatever you day dreamed, whatever you thought of that made you feel good: Write it down.
Once you get started you will find this little self discovery journey to be exhilarating and fun. You will write as fast as you can, soon you will find that you have written a lot of pages, and want to write more. So do it; write as much as you can, it doesn’t have to be pretty or organized just written. Nobody but you will see this work so feel free to do it your way.
Eventually you will either get hungry or run out of daylight or some other reason, and you will have to quit. Congratulate yourself for a job well done, thank the controller of the universe (insert your name for god here) for the great adventure you just had and for the blessing of the many pages you have just written. Save your work in a safe place, you do not want your valuable work to be lost or taken; so put it where nobody will accidently finds your notebook. If there are a lot of people in your house I suggest a dresser drawer.
Now the next step is easy, yes it involves a bit more writing but you can do it easily now, so just follow along. Make a list of your top five values: What do you value most? Some examples are security, freedom, family, spiritual development, learning, and so on. Ask anyone you want for ideas and suggestions, make a huge list if you can, but you need at least five. When you are done, again keep your work in a safe place. The number shouldn't discourage you; instead it should motivate you to do more than you can ever dream of.
Now plan a special afternoon just for you. Send the spouse with the kids to an amusement park, or tell your significant other to go put in some overtime, or have the mother in law take the kids for a day, and so on. Make arrangements for you to be by yourself for a few hours. Set yourself up with a full pot of coffee, or a whole jug of tea, maybe some cookies or light snacks. Clear off your kitchen table, or set up a card table on the porch; make a work place for yourself.
Now get your note book and open it up to your values page, review your values, add delete or arrange as you see fit. Once you have done this, go to your day dreams pages. Go to the first entry and at the top of the page label it “1”. Then go to the first dream and label it “1”. Now summarize it, and on a new page write “1:1” and the summery along with the feeling it gave you. Compare this to your values, does it fit?
Let us say that your 1:1 was “dancing in field of flowers” and you were happy. Comparing it to your values; does it represent security, freedom, or what? If it fits a value write that down. If it does not fit a value then you have to make a choice, add a value, or write down “no value” next to it. Do this and work through your whole book; if the concept is on page one label them: 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, and so on. On page two your ideas will be 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, you get the idea. If a concept took up more than one page then just label it where you can find the beginning. This way you can find them as you review your work.
Take a break, refill your coffee cup, and move on to the next step. Review your summery pages and find which ones you like the best, put them in order. For example driving a Porsche made you the happiest so make that your first entry, followed by your summery label. (3:1, etc) Go through all your summaries until you have put them all in order. If they fit your values add them to this page, if they did not fit a value then leave them off. Look at them again, and take a break.
Take a clean sheet of paper and summarize your summaries. The first time you write this just write the words in the order you put your summaries in. For example: Dancing in field of flowers, flying plane, driving Porsche, eating lobster, big office, and so on. Write them as a paragraph, do not worry about context or flow; just write them all down. Now close your book, and with a new sheet of paper ready, look at your paragraph. Let your mind think freely, allow yourself to admire your work, and see in writing what you life should be. This may seem tricky at first; especially when you see yourself to be in a tight spot or even dead end; but there's always that little loophole to turn things around and you can make a big difference to yourself. Keep in mind you are working on your future, not trying to fix the past.
Now start again one more time with a new piece of paper, and rewrite your paragraph, but put yourself in there. For example: “I can dance in a field of flowers on land that I own whenever I desire.” Now add them all together roughly in the order you have them in the first paragraph like this: “I drive my blue Porsche from my plane to the field of flowers so that I may dance in them.”
You may have to write this one a couple of times until it makes sense to you. Once you have an intelligent sounding paragraph, read it out loud so it sounds good to you. When you have this all written out and sounding good: Frame it!
Put the frame of your life purpose where you can see it, and you will have your own unique life compass that will lead you to your truth every time. Every time you see it, stop and read it, reminding you daily what your life purpose is.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
Let us start with the basic premise that you desire a better life, for you and those around you. You do want a better life don’t you? So what is it that will make your life better starting right now?
The first thing you will do today is sit down with paper and pen, and think. Grab a spiral notebook or even a loose leaf notebook with lots of paper and hold it on your lap. Start to let your mind wander. You will daydream your desires. Imagine what your life will be when it is good. Think about what could happen that will make you happy. Feel free to day dream about any thing you want. Do not watch TV; do not have any distractions like cell phones, pagers, radios, or annoying relatives. Go sit in your favorite chair, or park bench and let your mind wander.
As you imagine what your life should be like, find a few details. When you feel a happy moment; identify what caused it. When you see in your mind you being happy; quickly look at why you are happy.
Now the tricky part: Write it down! When you saw yourself feeling joy where you dancing in a field of flowers or were you in a nice cozy office chair with a big window in your office? Write it down! When you imagined yourself doing the job you love; write it down! Whatever you imagined, whatever you day dreamed, whatever you thought of that made you feel good: Write it down.
Once you get started you will find this little self discovery journey to be exhilarating and fun. You will write as fast as you can, soon you will find that you have written a lot of pages, and want to write more. So do it; write as much as you can, it doesn’t have to be pretty or organized just written. Nobody but you will see this work so feel free to do it your way.
Eventually you will either get hungry or run out of daylight or some other reason, and you will have to quit. Congratulate yourself for a job well done, thank the controller of the universe (insert your name for god here) for the great adventure you just had and for the blessing of the many pages you have just written. Save your work in a safe place, you do not want your valuable work to be lost or taken; so put it where nobody will accidently finds your notebook. If there are a lot of people in your house I suggest a dresser drawer.
Now the next step is easy, yes it involves a bit more writing but you can do it easily now, so just follow along. Make a list of your top five values: What do you value most? Some examples are security, freedom, family, spiritual development, learning, and so on. Ask anyone you want for ideas and suggestions, make a huge list if you can, but you need at least five. When you are done, again keep your work in a safe place. The number shouldn't discourage you; instead it should motivate you to do more than you can ever dream of.
Now plan a special afternoon just for you. Send the spouse with the kids to an amusement park, or tell your significant other to go put in some overtime, or have the mother in law take the kids for a day, and so on. Make arrangements for you to be by yourself for a few hours. Set yourself up with a full pot of coffee, or a whole jug of tea, maybe some cookies or light snacks. Clear off your kitchen table, or set up a card table on the porch; make a work place for yourself.
Now get your note book and open it up to your values page, review your values, add delete or arrange as you see fit. Once you have done this, go to your day dreams pages. Go to the first entry and at the top of the page label it “1”. Then go to the first dream and label it “1”. Now summarize it, and on a new page write “1:1” and the summery along with the feeling it gave you. Compare this to your values, does it fit?
Let us say that your 1:1 was “dancing in field of flowers” and you were happy. Comparing it to your values; does it represent security, freedom, or what? If it fits a value write that down. If it does not fit a value then you have to make a choice, add a value, or write down “no value” next to it. Do this and work through your whole book; if the concept is on page one label them: 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, and so on. On page two your ideas will be 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, you get the idea. If a concept took up more than one page then just label it where you can find the beginning. This way you can find them as you review your work.
Take a break, refill your coffee cup, and move on to the next step. Review your summery pages and find which ones you like the best, put them in order. For example driving a Porsche made you the happiest so make that your first entry, followed by your summery label. (3:1, etc) Go through all your summaries until you have put them all in order. If they fit your values add them to this page, if they did not fit a value then leave them off. Look at them again, and take a break.
Take a clean sheet of paper and summarize your summaries. The first time you write this just write the words in the order you put your summaries in. For example: Dancing in field of flowers, flying plane, driving Porsche, eating lobster, big office, and so on. Write them as a paragraph, do not worry about context or flow; just write them all down. Now close your book, and with a new sheet of paper ready, look at your paragraph. Let your mind think freely, allow yourself to admire your work, and see in writing what you life should be. This may seem tricky at first; especially when you see yourself to be in a tight spot or even dead end; but there's always that little loophole to turn things around and you can make a big difference to yourself. Keep in mind you are working on your future, not trying to fix the past.
Now start again one more time with a new piece of paper, and rewrite your paragraph, but put yourself in there. For example: “I can dance in a field of flowers on land that I own whenever I desire.” Now add them all together roughly in the order you have them in the first paragraph like this: “I drive my blue Porsche from my plane to the field of flowers so that I may dance in them.”
You may have to write this one a couple of times until it makes sense to you. Once you have an intelligent sounding paragraph, read it out loud so it sounds good to you. When you have this all written out and sounding good: Frame it!
Put the frame of your life purpose where you can see it, and you will have your own unique life compass that will lead you to your truth every time. Every time you see it, stop and read it, reminding you daily what your life purpose is.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Self Improvement is the Skill of Changing
Let us start off today with a little science lesson: The frog principle.
Try placing Frog A in a pot of hot water: What happens? He jumps out. Why? Because he is not able to tolerate sudden change in his environment, in this case the water’s temperature. Then try Frog B; place him in a pot of lukewarm water, then turn the stove on. Wait until the water reaches the boiling point. Frog B will stay is the water until it begins to boil, and then it will try to jump out. (If it is not too late) Why? Because it did not notice it’s environment making a gradual change.
People are like Frog B in general. We learn our lessons and take action only when we experience pain.
Normally we go through life blind to what is going on. We do not take the time or effort to realize what is going on in our surroundings, and with our life. We pay no attention to the warning signs because we think it is not our problem. We finally see the warning signs and signals when things get rough.
When do we realize that we need to change diets? When we wake up one day and realize that none of our clothes fit us any more. When do we stop eating candies and brush our teeth? When our teeth have cavities, and are rotting in our mouth. When do we pray and ask for help? When we realize that we’re going die tomorrow.
The only time most of us ever learn about unlocking our power is when the whole world is crashing and falling apart. We feel this way because we think it is not easy to change. The problem is that change becomes more painful when we ignore it.
Change will happen, like it or not. At one point or another, we are all going to experience different turning points in our life; and we are all going to eventually unlock our power not because the world says so, not because our friends are nagging us, but because we realize it’s for our own good.
Happy people don’t just accept change, they embrace it. Now, you don’t have to feel a tremendous heat before realizing the need for self-improvement. Unlocking your power means unlocking yourself from the cage of thought that “it’s just the way I am”. It is such a poor excuse for people who fear and resist change.
Most of us program our minds like computers.
An example here; there is a lady that repeatedly tells everyone that she doesn’t have the guts to be around groups of people. She heard her mom, her dad, her sister, and her teacher, tell the same things about her to other people. Over the years, that is what she believes. She believes it is her story. And what happens? Every time a great crowd would troop over their house, in school, and in the community; she tends to step back, shy away and lock herself up in a room. So by programming ourselves we dictate what kind of life we live.
You have to realize that it is not what is in your story. Instead of having your story post around for everyone to remember, you have to have the spirit to show people “I am an important person and I should be treated accordingly!”
Instead of your story dictating your life without your consent, you should dictate your story.
Self-improvement may not be everybody’s favorite word, but if we look at things in a different point of view, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved. Three sessions in a week at the gym would result to a healthier life, reading books instead of looking at TV will shape up a more profound knowledge, going out with friends and peers will help you take a step back from work and unwind. And just when you are enjoying the whole process of unlocking your self-improvement power, you’ll realize that you’re beginning to take things lightly and become happy.
Remember life is a journey, we all end up in the same place; the grave. So enjoy the journey, enjoy the sights, you only get to spend this life once. So spend it well, and keep in mind that you should leave a place better than it was when you arrived.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
Try placing Frog A in a pot of hot water: What happens? He jumps out. Why? Because he is not able to tolerate sudden change in his environment, in this case the water’s temperature. Then try Frog B; place him in a pot of lukewarm water, then turn the stove on. Wait until the water reaches the boiling point. Frog B will stay is the water until it begins to boil, and then it will try to jump out. (If it is not too late) Why? Because it did not notice it’s environment making a gradual change.
People are like Frog B in general. We learn our lessons and take action only when we experience pain.
Normally we go through life blind to what is going on. We do not take the time or effort to realize what is going on in our surroundings, and with our life. We pay no attention to the warning signs because we think it is not our problem. We finally see the warning signs and signals when things get rough.
When do we realize that we need to change diets? When we wake up one day and realize that none of our clothes fit us any more. When do we stop eating candies and brush our teeth? When our teeth have cavities, and are rotting in our mouth. When do we pray and ask for help? When we realize that we’re going die tomorrow.
The only time most of us ever learn about unlocking our power is when the whole world is crashing and falling apart. We feel this way because we think it is not easy to change. The problem is that change becomes more painful when we ignore it.
Change will happen, like it or not. At one point or another, we are all going to experience different turning points in our life; and we are all going to eventually unlock our power not because the world says so, not because our friends are nagging us, but because we realize it’s for our own good.
Happy people don’t just accept change, they embrace it. Now, you don’t have to feel a tremendous heat before realizing the need for self-improvement. Unlocking your power means unlocking yourself from the cage of thought that “it’s just the way I am”. It is such a poor excuse for people who fear and resist change.
Most of us program our minds like computers.
An example here; there is a lady that repeatedly tells everyone that she doesn’t have the guts to be around groups of people. She heard her mom, her dad, her sister, and her teacher, tell the same things about her to other people. Over the years, that is what she believes. She believes it is her story. And what happens? Every time a great crowd would troop over their house, in school, and in the community; she tends to step back, shy away and lock herself up in a room. So by programming ourselves we dictate what kind of life we live.
You have to realize that it is not what is in your story. Instead of having your story post around for everyone to remember, you have to have the spirit to show people “I am an important person and I should be treated accordingly!”
Instead of your story dictating your life without your consent, you should dictate your story.
Self-improvement may not be everybody’s favorite word, but if we look at things in a different point of view, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved. Three sessions in a week at the gym would result to a healthier life, reading books instead of looking at TV will shape up a more profound knowledge, going out with friends and peers will help you take a step back from work and unwind. And just when you are enjoying the whole process of unlocking your self-improvement power, you’ll realize that you’re beginning to take things lightly and become happy.
Remember life is a journey, we all end up in the same place; the grave. So enjoy the journey, enjoy the sights, you only get to spend this life once. So spend it well, and keep in mind that you should leave a place better than it was when you arrived.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
Labels: effort, life, self improvement, success
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Eight Ways to Take Control of Your Life
Many people complain that they do not seem to have any control over their life. Well here is a big step to start the process of getting your life back. It is simple but seems hard. Are you ready for this? Here is the answer to a lot of your problems: Stop procrastinating! Discipline or self control develops synonymously with motivation. Both are key factors in getting your life to where you want it...
So what are some other things that you should be aware of to make your life better? Here is a breakdown of skills you need to be able to improve your self, your life, and the world around you. Each and every one of these skills could be the subject of a book, but today I will spare you the long lecture and give it to you straight up, see if you can absorb hard information.
One: Understand others. If you know very well how to talk, you should also learn how to listen. Yearn to understand first, and to be understood the second.
Two: Visualize it. Motivation without vision is like a boat on a dry land.
Three: Want it more than anything. Dreaming means believing. And to believe is something that is rooted out from the roots of motivation and self-improvement.
Four: Do extra, do more than is expected, go the extra mile. This is called the: X Factor. This is what will make you different from the others. When you are motivated, you tend to put on “extras” on your life like extra time for family, extra help at work, extra care for friends, and so on.
Five: You are unique. No one in this world looks, acts, or talks like you. Value your life and existence, because you’re just going to spend it once.
Six: Zero in on your dreams and go for it!!! You can’t hit the target if you don’t know what you are aiming at.
Seven: Step back and observe. When we look at a certain object, a painting for example; we won’t be able to appreciate what’s in it, what is painted and what else goes with it if the painting is just an inch away from our face, we need a larger view, a bigger perspective, take a step back and have a clearer vision of the whole artwork.
Eight: Make choices while they are pleasurable. Waiting until you are forced to make a change is painful. The only time we think of unlocking our inner power is when everything gets bad.
We reach a point in our life when we are ready for change, and a whole bunch of information that will help us unlock our power suddenly becomes apparent. Until then, something can be staring us right under our nose but we just don’t see it.
Hopefully this information in raw form will become apparent and you will have an epiphany; a sudden intuitive leap of understanding.
Be Blessed
So what are some other things that you should be aware of to make your life better? Here is a breakdown of skills you need to be able to improve your self, your life, and the world around you. Each and every one of these skills could be the subject of a book, but today I will spare you the long lecture and give it to you straight up, see if you can absorb hard information.
One: Understand others. If you know very well how to talk, you should also learn how to listen. Yearn to understand first, and to be understood the second.
Two: Visualize it. Motivation without vision is like a boat on a dry land.
Three: Want it more than anything. Dreaming means believing. And to believe is something that is rooted out from the roots of motivation and self-improvement.
Four: Do extra, do more than is expected, go the extra mile. This is called the: X Factor. This is what will make you different from the others. When you are motivated, you tend to put on “extras” on your life like extra time for family, extra help at work, extra care for friends, and so on.
Five: You are unique. No one in this world looks, acts, or talks like you. Value your life and existence, because you’re just going to spend it once.
Six: Zero in on your dreams and go for it!!! You can’t hit the target if you don’t know what you are aiming at.
Seven: Step back and observe. When we look at a certain object, a painting for example; we won’t be able to appreciate what’s in it, what is painted and what else goes with it if the painting is just an inch away from our face, we need a larger view, a bigger perspective, take a step back and have a clearer vision of the whole artwork.
Eight: Make choices while they are pleasurable. Waiting until you are forced to make a change is painful. The only time we think of unlocking our inner power is when everything gets bad.
We reach a point in our life when we are ready for change, and a whole bunch of information that will help us unlock our power suddenly becomes apparent. Until then, something can be staring us right under our nose but we just don’t see it.
Hopefully this information in raw form will become apparent and you will have an epiphany; a sudden intuitive leap of understanding.
Be Blessed
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Motivation: The Key to a Good Life
What are the two main motivators in life? The main motivators are pleasure and pain. Pain may sometimes be the only reason why people change. For example getting flunking grades may make us realize that we need to study. Debts remind us of our inability to find a better source of income. Being humiliated gives us the ‘push’ to speak up and fight for ourselves to save our face from the next embarrassments.
It may be a bitter experience, a friend’s tragic story, a great movie, or an inspiring book that will help us get up and get just the right amount of motivation we need in order to improve ourselves.
Growth is a process; thus to grow is a day-to-day endeavor. We win some, we lose some, but the important thing is that we learn, and from this knowledge, further growth is made possible.
So what is it that makes us do stuff? What is the reason behind being alive? One word: Happiness! To be happy is what dives us, it is the reason we do things. So find out what will make you happy, and then just do it.
The first thing you must do is discover what it is you want to be, what it is you want to do. If need be, set a short term goal of being something until you discover what you want to do. For example you just can not think of anything that you want to be or do. This is because your dreams have been crushed so many times that they just won’t work for you any more. So pick something, anything to get started.
Let’s say you choose to be security guard, maybe you never thought of it before, but you can’t think of anything else. So you find out what you need to do to be a security guard. Then take the steps necessary to become one, like putting in applications, etc.
After a while you will become a security guard, then your dream machine will reawaken and you can contemplate your future while getting paid for doing something. Once you discover what you truly want to be, you can take steps from there to do it and get to where you truly want to be.
Achieve your dreams. Avoid negative people, things and places. Eleanor Roosevelt once said; “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Ignore those who try to destroy you. Don’t let other people to get the best of you. Stay out of toxic people – the kind of friends who hates to hear about your success.
Believe in your self, and in what you can do. Consider things on every angle and aspect. Motivation comes from determination. To be able to understand life, you should feel the sun from both sides.
Don’t give in and don’t give up. Thomas Edison failed more than a few times before he came up with his invention and perfected the incandescent light bulb. Learn from mistakes; build on them as you now know what works and what does not.
Make motivation your steering wheel. Why do you get up in the morning? What is it that gives you the desire to do something? Find that something and keep it in font of you, this will help you get things done. Getting things done will in turn; make your life better.
Enjoy your life: Work as if you don’t need money. Dance as if nobody’s watching. Love as if you never cried. Learn as if you’ll live forever. Motivation takes place when people are happy.
Family and Friends – are life’s greatest ‘F’ treasures. Don’t loose sight of them.
Give more than what is enough. Where does motivation and self-improvement take place? At work; at home; at school; wherever you go, there you are, and that is where your motivation takes place. When you exert extra effort in doing things, you find the results are measurably improved, and this causes happiness.
Hang on to your dreams. They may dangle in there for a moment, but these little stars will be your driving force. Never lie, cheat or steal. Always play a fair game.
Just be yourself: One of the keys to success is to be you. Remember you are the only person wearing your skin, so make it count. A giant clue here: The key to failure is to try to please everyone else.
Keep trying no matter how hard life may seem. When a person is motivated, eventually he sees a harsh life finally clearing out, becoming better, easier and less stressful.
Learn to love your self. You are all you have, if you do not love yourself, you will never know when someone loves you.
Make things happen. Motivation is when your dreams are put into work clothes.
Open your eyes. People should learn the horse attitude and horse sense. They see things in 2 ways; how they want things to be, and how they should be.
Practice makes perfect. Practice is about motivation. It lets us learn our skills, and how can we recover from our mistakes. Quitters never win. And winners never quit. So, choose your fate; are you going to be a quitter, or a winner?
Ready yourself. Motivation is also about preparation. We must hear the little voice within us telling us to get started, before others get on their feet and try to push us around. Remember, it wasn’t raining when Noah build the ark.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
It may be a bitter experience, a friend’s tragic story, a great movie, or an inspiring book that will help us get up and get just the right amount of motivation we need in order to improve ourselves.
Growth is a process; thus to grow is a day-to-day endeavor. We win some, we lose some, but the important thing is that we learn, and from this knowledge, further growth is made possible.
So what is it that makes us do stuff? What is the reason behind being alive? One word: Happiness! To be happy is what dives us, it is the reason we do things. So find out what will make you happy, and then just do it.
The first thing you must do is discover what it is you want to be, what it is you want to do. If need be, set a short term goal of being something until you discover what you want to do. For example you just can not think of anything that you want to be or do. This is because your dreams have been crushed so many times that they just won’t work for you any more. So pick something, anything to get started.
Let’s say you choose to be security guard, maybe you never thought of it before, but you can’t think of anything else. So you find out what you need to do to be a security guard. Then take the steps necessary to become one, like putting in applications, etc.
After a while you will become a security guard, then your dream machine will reawaken and you can contemplate your future while getting paid for doing something. Once you discover what you truly want to be, you can take steps from there to do it and get to where you truly want to be.
Achieve your dreams. Avoid negative people, things and places. Eleanor Roosevelt once said; “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Ignore those who try to destroy you. Don’t let other people to get the best of you. Stay out of toxic people – the kind of friends who hates to hear about your success.
Believe in your self, and in what you can do. Consider things on every angle and aspect. Motivation comes from determination. To be able to understand life, you should feel the sun from both sides.
Don’t give in and don’t give up. Thomas Edison failed more than a few times before he came up with his invention and perfected the incandescent light bulb. Learn from mistakes; build on them as you now know what works and what does not.
Make motivation your steering wheel. Why do you get up in the morning? What is it that gives you the desire to do something? Find that something and keep it in font of you, this will help you get things done. Getting things done will in turn; make your life better.
Enjoy your life: Work as if you don’t need money. Dance as if nobody’s watching. Love as if you never cried. Learn as if you’ll live forever. Motivation takes place when people are happy.
Family and Friends – are life’s greatest ‘F’ treasures. Don’t loose sight of them.
Give more than what is enough. Where does motivation and self-improvement take place? At work; at home; at school; wherever you go, there you are, and that is where your motivation takes place. When you exert extra effort in doing things, you find the results are measurably improved, and this causes happiness.
Hang on to your dreams. They may dangle in there for a moment, but these little stars will be your driving force. Never lie, cheat or steal. Always play a fair game.
Just be yourself: One of the keys to success is to be you. Remember you are the only person wearing your skin, so make it count. A giant clue here: The key to failure is to try to please everyone else.
Keep trying no matter how hard life may seem. When a person is motivated, eventually he sees a harsh life finally clearing out, becoming better, easier and less stressful.
Learn to love your self. You are all you have, if you do not love yourself, you will never know when someone loves you.
Make things happen. Motivation is when your dreams are put into work clothes.
Open your eyes. People should learn the horse attitude and horse sense. They see things in 2 ways; how they want things to be, and how they should be.
Practice makes perfect. Practice is about motivation. It lets us learn our skills, and how can we recover from our mistakes. Quitters never win. And winners never quit. So, choose your fate; are you going to be a quitter, or a winner?
Ready yourself. Motivation is also about preparation. We must hear the little voice within us telling us to get started, before others get on their feet and try to push us around. Remember, it wasn’t raining when Noah build the ark.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
Monday, June 11, 2007
Spiritual Growth: The Challenge of Your Life
To grow spiritually in a world defined by power, money, and influence is a Herculean task. Modern entertainment; through television, magazines, and the web, etc. have predisposed us to confine our attention mostly to physical needs and wants. As a result, our concepts of self-worth and self-meaning are muddled. How can we strike a balance between the material and spiritual aspects of our lives?
Religion and science have differing views on matters of the human spirit. Religion views people as spiritual beings temporarily living on Earth, while science views the spirit as just one dimension of an individual. Mastery of the self is a recurring theme in both Western and Eastern teachings. The needs of the body are recognized but placed under the needs of the spirit. Beliefs, values, morality, rules, experiences, and good works provide the blueprint to ensure the growth of the spiritual being. In Psychology, realizing one’s full potential is to self-actualize.
First we need to understand this truth: To grow spiritually is to look inward.
Introspection goes beyond recalling the things that happened in a day, week, or month. You need to look closely and reflect on your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and motivations. Periodically examining your experiences, the decisions you make, the relationships you have, and the things you engage in provide useful insights on your life goals; the good traits you must sustain and the bad traits you have to discard.
Moreover, it gives you clues on how to act, react, and conduct yourself in the midst of any situation. Like any skill, introspection can be learned; all it takes is the courage and willingness to seek the truths that lie within you. Here are some pointers when you introspect: be objective, be forgiving of yourself, and focus on your areas for improvement.
Be objective:
Maslow identified several human needs: physiological, security, belongingness, esteem, cognitive, aesthetic, self-actualization, and self-transcendence. James earlier categorized these needs into three: material, emotional, and spiritual. When you have satisfied the basic physiological and emotional needs, spiritual or existential needs come next. Achieving each need leads to the total development of the individual. Perhaps the difference between these two; religions\ and psychology is the end of self-development: Religion says that self-development is a means toward serving God, while the psychological view says that self-development is an end by itself.
Be forgiving of yourself:
Religions that believe in the existence of God such as Christianism, Judaism, and Islamism, all suppose that the purpose of the human life is to serve the Creator of all things. Several theories in psychology propose that we ultimately give meaning to our lives. Whether we believe that life’s meaning is pre-determined or self-directed, to grow in spirit is to realize that we do not merely exist.
We do not know the meaning of our lives at birth; but we gain knowledge and wisdom from our interactions with people and from our actions and reactions to the situations we are in. As we discover this meaning, there are certain beliefs and values that we reject and affirm.
Focus on Improvement:
Religions stress the concept of our relatedness to all creation, live as well as inanimate. Thus we call other people “brothers and sisters” even if there are no direct blood relations. Moreover, deity-centered religions such as Christianity and Islam speak of the relationship between humans and a higher being. On the other hand, science expounds on our link to other living things through the evolution theory. This relatedness is clearly seen in the concept of ecology, the interaction between living and non-living things. In psychology, connectedness is a characteristic of self-transcendence, the highest human need according to Maslow.
Recognizing your connection to all things makes you more humble and respectful of people, animals, plants, and things in nature. It makes you appreciate everything around you. It moves you to go beyond your comfort zone and reach out to other people, and become stewards of all other things around you.
To grow spiritually is to recognize interconnections. To grow spiritually is to develop your potentials. To grow spiritually is to search for meaning.
So I leave you with this thought: Our lives have purpose. This purpose puts all our physical, emotional, and intellectual potentials into use; sustains us during trying times; and gives us something to look forward to---a goal to achieve, a destination to reach. A person without purpose or meaning is like a drifting ship at sea.
Be Blessed
Religion and science have differing views on matters of the human spirit. Religion views people as spiritual beings temporarily living on Earth, while science views the spirit as just one dimension of an individual. Mastery of the self is a recurring theme in both Western and Eastern teachings. The needs of the body are recognized but placed under the needs of the spirit. Beliefs, values, morality, rules, experiences, and good works provide the blueprint to ensure the growth of the spiritual being. In Psychology, realizing one’s full potential is to self-actualize.
First we need to understand this truth: To grow spiritually is to look inward.
Introspection goes beyond recalling the things that happened in a day, week, or month. You need to look closely and reflect on your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and motivations. Periodically examining your experiences, the decisions you make, the relationships you have, and the things you engage in provide useful insights on your life goals; the good traits you must sustain and the bad traits you have to discard.
Moreover, it gives you clues on how to act, react, and conduct yourself in the midst of any situation. Like any skill, introspection can be learned; all it takes is the courage and willingness to seek the truths that lie within you. Here are some pointers when you introspect: be objective, be forgiving of yourself, and focus on your areas for improvement.
Be objective:
Maslow identified several human needs: physiological, security, belongingness, esteem, cognitive, aesthetic, self-actualization, and self-transcendence. James earlier categorized these needs into three: material, emotional, and spiritual. When you have satisfied the basic physiological and emotional needs, spiritual or existential needs come next. Achieving each need leads to the total development of the individual. Perhaps the difference between these two; religions\ and psychology is the end of self-development: Religion says that self-development is a means toward serving God, while the psychological view says that self-development is an end by itself.
Be forgiving of yourself:
Religions that believe in the existence of God such as Christianism, Judaism, and Islamism, all suppose that the purpose of the human life is to serve the Creator of all things. Several theories in psychology propose that we ultimately give meaning to our lives. Whether we believe that life’s meaning is pre-determined or self-directed, to grow in spirit is to realize that we do not merely exist.
We do not know the meaning of our lives at birth; but we gain knowledge and wisdom from our interactions with people and from our actions and reactions to the situations we are in. As we discover this meaning, there are certain beliefs and values that we reject and affirm.
Focus on Improvement:
Religions stress the concept of our relatedness to all creation, live as well as inanimate. Thus we call other people “brothers and sisters” even if there are no direct blood relations. Moreover, deity-centered religions such as Christianity and Islam speak of the relationship between humans and a higher being. On the other hand, science expounds on our link to other living things through the evolution theory. This relatedness is clearly seen in the concept of ecology, the interaction between living and non-living things. In psychology, connectedness is a characteristic of self-transcendence, the highest human need according to Maslow.
Recognizing your connection to all things makes you more humble and respectful of people, animals, plants, and things in nature. It makes you appreciate everything around you. It moves you to go beyond your comfort zone and reach out to other people, and become stewards of all other things around you.
To grow spiritually is to recognize interconnections. To grow spiritually is to develop your potentials. To grow spiritually is to search for meaning.
So I leave you with this thought: Our lives have purpose. This purpose puts all our physical, emotional, and intellectual potentials into use; sustains us during trying times; and gives us something to look forward to---a goal to achieve, a destination to reach. A person without purpose or meaning is like a drifting ship at sea.
Be Blessed
Sunday, June 10, 2007
How and When to Say No
We have all been in the situation where somebody asks us to do them, a favor and, even though there are a gazillion other things we should do first, we find it difficult to turn the other person down. The reasons vary from things like he or she has done us a favor in the past, to they are a close friend or a family member.
So we reluctantly say yes, when we really wanted to say no, but couldn’t; and so we find ourselves trapped into doing something that we really did not want to do. We can sometimes be so worried at causing disappointment in other people that we will try to please them; often at the expense of our own activities and interests.
Frankly, knowing how to say ‘no’ requires skill. Others might say that it shouldn’t be hard to do. But, let’s face it. We live as social beings and acceptance often occupies the number one spot in the list of virtues we want to achieve. Despite this, there are actually ways we can circumvent this difficulty using the following tips.
Here are five, pain-free and reasonable ways to say ‘no’.
1. Say ‘no’; then show what the other person has to do to get a ‘yes’.
For example the person wants you to help clean out her garage and storage shed. You know this means you work while she is on the phone. You do not want to do that so you say “no.” Then before they can take a breath: Tell the person that they must be willing to help do the work, and anything you say is trash gets thrown away with no argument. You can add on other conditions like she is buying the pizza, and soda, and so on. Once that person agrees to your conditions then you will say yes.
2. Make it impersonal.
I always give my daughter an out, I tell her to blame me. She can say no to her friends and then tell them her dad is making her stay home that night. Other people use me as the excuse; such as my neighbors tell their friends that they can’t party there as that guy across the street will call the cops.
3. Say ‘no’ in a way that will make the other person have to say ‘no’.
Instead of saying ‘no’, teach the other person to say ‘yes’ to what you want. Do this subtly, of course. Say your friend wants to borrow your lawn mower, say yes but add the condition that they have to mow your yard first. Most people when faced with extra work will balk, and change their minds.
4. Say you want to say ‘yes’, but…
You feel like your being extorted and used. Tell the person honestly that you do not feel they should be doing that right now. Do not offer excuses; just tell them ‘no’ in a stern manner. Explain that you are not there to support them; they should learn how to support themselves.
This is especially true when loaning money. Never sacrifice your own well being, tell them you will not loan them any money until they repay the last amount, and when they do, tell them you will not loan them any money because they are not managing it well. Offer to help them manage it, or get them help if they choose, but do not continue to propagate the problem.
5. Say it nicely.
You’re giving negative news, so you might as well do it nicely. Let the other person down easy to avoid misunderstandings. It’s the least you can for the disappointed. People tend to be more accepting of bad news if it’s brought in a polite and sympathetic manner. Put the onus on them: Tell them you can see their point, but you are not going to help them do something you feel is a bad idea.
For example the neighbor’s kid wants to borrow your lawn mower so he can mow lawns to make some money. The last time you did this it came back dirty, broke and out of gas. So you explain that since he did not treat your stuff with respect he can not use it again. Thus saying no, but in a manner that causes no hard feeling towards yourself.
So to sum up: Do not ever feel guilty about saying “No”; remember it is your life and not theirs. No sense in being miserable, if saying yes makes you happy then do so; on the other hand if saying yes cause discomfort, pain and personal dissatisfaction, then say “No.”
Be Blessed
So we reluctantly say yes, when we really wanted to say no, but couldn’t; and so we find ourselves trapped into doing something that we really did not want to do. We can sometimes be so worried at causing disappointment in other people that we will try to please them; often at the expense of our own activities and interests.
Frankly, knowing how to say ‘no’ requires skill. Others might say that it shouldn’t be hard to do. But, let’s face it. We live as social beings and acceptance often occupies the number one spot in the list of virtues we want to achieve. Despite this, there are actually ways we can circumvent this difficulty using the following tips.
Here are five, pain-free and reasonable ways to say ‘no’.
1. Say ‘no’; then show what the other person has to do to get a ‘yes’.
For example the person wants you to help clean out her garage and storage shed. You know this means you work while she is on the phone. You do not want to do that so you say “no.” Then before they can take a breath: Tell the person that they must be willing to help do the work, and anything you say is trash gets thrown away with no argument. You can add on other conditions like she is buying the pizza, and soda, and so on. Once that person agrees to your conditions then you will say yes.
2. Make it impersonal.
I always give my daughter an out, I tell her to blame me. She can say no to her friends and then tell them her dad is making her stay home that night. Other people use me as the excuse; such as my neighbors tell their friends that they can’t party there as that guy across the street will call the cops.
3. Say ‘no’ in a way that will make the other person have to say ‘no’.
Instead of saying ‘no’, teach the other person to say ‘yes’ to what you want. Do this subtly, of course. Say your friend wants to borrow your lawn mower, say yes but add the condition that they have to mow your yard first. Most people when faced with extra work will balk, and change their minds.
4. Say you want to say ‘yes’, but…
You feel like your being extorted and used. Tell the person honestly that you do not feel they should be doing that right now. Do not offer excuses; just tell them ‘no’ in a stern manner. Explain that you are not there to support them; they should learn how to support themselves.
This is especially true when loaning money. Never sacrifice your own well being, tell them you will not loan them any money until they repay the last amount, and when they do, tell them you will not loan them any money because they are not managing it well. Offer to help them manage it, or get them help if they choose, but do not continue to propagate the problem.
5. Say it nicely.
You’re giving negative news, so you might as well do it nicely. Let the other person down easy to avoid misunderstandings. It’s the least you can for the disappointed. People tend to be more accepting of bad news if it’s brought in a polite and sympathetic manner. Put the onus on them: Tell them you can see their point, but you are not going to help them do something you feel is a bad idea.
For example the neighbor’s kid wants to borrow your lawn mower so he can mow lawns to make some money. The last time you did this it came back dirty, broke and out of gas. So you explain that since he did not treat your stuff with respect he can not use it again. Thus saying no, but in a manner that causes no hard feeling towards yourself.
So to sum up: Do not ever feel guilty about saying “No”; remember it is your life and not theirs. No sense in being miserable, if saying yes makes you happy then do so; on the other hand if saying yes cause discomfort, pain and personal dissatisfaction, then say “No.”
Be Blessed
Saturday, June 09, 2007
The Choices and the Decisions We Make
Everything we have done and all the choices we have made have led us to where we are today. Our lives have been journeys: A journey from where we were to where we are now. There have been long and short roads; smooth and rocky roads; crooked and straight paths. In our life many roads have come our way as we journey through life.
Yet we are not done, there is still many roads to travel, and many choices to make. There are roads that lead to a life of single blessedness, marriage, and religious vocation. There are also roads that lead to fame and fortune on one hand, or isolation and poverty on the other. There are roads to happiness as there are roads to sadness, roads towards victory and jubilation, and roads leading to defeat and disappointment. There are corners, detours, and crossroads, with limited knowledge on where they would take you would you go, which road will you take? What is the guarantee that we would choose the right one along the way? Would you take any road, or just stay where you are?
There are no guarantees.
You do not really know where a road will lead you until you take it. There are no guarantees. This is one of the most important things you need to realize about life. Nobody said that choosing to do the right thing all the time would always lead you to success. Loving someone with all your heart does not guarantee that it would be returned. Gaining fame and fortune does not guarantee happiness. There are too many possible outcomes, which you really cannot control. The only thing you have power over is the decisions that you will make, and how you would act and react to the different situations as they arise.
Hindsight is always twenty twenty.
Had you known that you were making a wrong decision, would you have gone along with it? Perhaps not, why would you choose a certain path when you know it would get you lost? Why make a certain decision if you knew from the very beginning that it is not the right one. It is only after you have made a decision and reflected on it that you realize its soundness. If the consequences or outcomes are good for you, then you have decided correctly. Otherwise, your decision was wrong.
Take the risk: decide.
Since life offers no guarantees and you would never know that your decision would be wrong until you have made it, then you might as well take the risk and decide. It is definitely better than keeping you in limbo. Although it is true that one wrong turn could get you lost, it could also be that such a turn could be an opportunity for an adventure, moreover open more roads. It is all a matter of perspective. You have the choice between being a lost traveler or an accidental tourist of life. But take caution that you do not make decisions haphazardly. Taking risks is not about being careless and stupid. Here are some pointers that could help you choose the best option in the face of life’s crossroads:
Get as much information as you can about your situation.
You cannot find the confidence to decide when you know so little about what you are faced with. So what to do? Get the information by asking. Just like any investigator, ask the 5 W’s: what, who, when, where, and why. This is important, do not act without information. A uniformed decision is worse than an incorrect information decision. Oftentimes, the reason for indecision is the lack of information about a situation.
Identify and create options.
What options does the situation give you? Sometimes the options are few, but sometimes they are numerous. But what do you do when you think that the situation offers no options? This is the time that you create your own. Make your creative mind work. From the most simplistic to the most complicated, entertain all ideas. Do not shoot anything down when an idea comes to your head. Sometimes the most outrageous idea could prove to be the right one in the end. You can ask a friend to help you identify options and even make more options if you encounter some difficulty, but make sure that you make the decision yourself in the end.
Trust yourself and make that decision.
Now that you have assessed your options, it is now time to trust yourself. Remember that there are no guarantees and wrong decisions are always at hindsight. So choose… decide… believe that you are choosing the best option at this point in time.
Now that you have made a decision, be ready to face its consequences: good and bad. It may take you to a place of promise or to a land of problems. The important thing is that you have chosen to live! You have become the one in control, instead of remaining a bystander or a passive audience to your own life. Whether it is the right decision or not, only time can tell. But do not regret it whatever the outcome. Instead, learn from it and remember that you always have the chance to make better decisions in the future.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
Yet we are not done, there is still many roads to travel, and many choices to make. There are roads that lead to a life of single blessedness, marriage, and religious vocation. There are also roads that lead to fame and fortune on one hand, or isolation and poverty on the other. There are roads to happiness as there are roads to sadness, roads towards victory and jubilation, and roads leading to defeat and disappointment. There are corners, detours, and crossroads, with limited knowledge on where they would take you would you go, which road will you take? What is the guarantee that we would choose the right one along the way? Would you take any road, or just stay where you are?
There are no guarantees.
You do not really know where a road will lead you until you take it. There are no guarantees. This is one of the most important things you need to realize about life. Nobody said that choosing to do the right thing all the time would always lead you to success. Loving someone with all your heart does not guarantee that it would be returned. Gaining fame and fortune does not guarantee happiness. There are too many possible outcomes, which you really cannot control. The only thing you have power over is the decisions that you will make, and how you would act and react to the different situations as they arise.
Hindsight is always twenty twenty.
Had you known that you were making a wrong decision, would you have gone along with it? Perhaps not, why would you choose a certain path when you know it would get you lost? Why make a certain decision if you knew from the very beginning that it is not the right one. It is only after you have made a decision and reflected on it that you realize its soundness. If the consequences or outcomes are good for you, then you have decided correctly. Otherwise, your decision was wrong.
Take the risk: decide.
Since life offers no guarantees and you would never know that your decision would be wrong until you have made it, then you might as well take the risk and decide. It is definitely better than keeping you in limbo. Although it is true that one wrong turn could get you lost, it could also be that such a turn could be an opportunity for an adventure, moreover open more roads. It is all a matter of perspective. You have the choice between being a lost traveler or an accidental tourist of life. But take caution that you do not make decisions haphazardly. Taking risks is not about being careless and stupid. Here are some pointers that could help you choose the best option in the face of life’s crossroads:
Get as much information as you can about your situation.
You cannot find the confidence to decide when you know so little about what you are faced with. So what to do? Get the information by asking. Just like any investigator, ask the 5 W’s: what, who, when, where, and why. This is important, do not act without information. A uniformed decision is worse than an incorrect information decision. Oftentimes, the reason for indecision is the lack of information about a situation.
Identify and create options.
What options does the situation give you? Sometimes the options are few, but sometimes they are numerous. But what do you do when you think that the situation offers no options? This is the time that you create your own. Make your creative mind work. From the most simplistic to the most complicated, entertain all ideas. Do not shoot anything down when an idea comes to your head. Sometimes the most outrageous idea could prove to be the right one in the end. You can ask a friend to help you identify options and even make more options if you encounter some difficulty, but make sure that you make the decision yourself in the end.
Trust yourself and make that decision.
Now that you have assessed your options, it is now time to trust yourself. Remember that there are no guarantees and wrong decisions are always at hindsight. So choose… decide… believe that you are choosing the best option at this point in time.
Now that you have made a decision, be ready to face its consequences: good and bad. It may take you to a place of promise or to a land of problems. The important thing is that you have chosen to live! You have become the one in control, instead of remaining a bystander or a passive audience to your own life. Whether it is the right decision or not, only time can tell. But do not regret it whatever the outcome. Instead, learn from it and remember that you always have the chance to make better decisions in the future.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Three Reasons People Take Action
What is it that makes you do what you do? Have you ever wondered if there is a better way to live your life? Today you are going to discover yet another key to a successful life. The reasons you make choices and those choices lead to actions.
In this world there are three reasons that people make choices that cause them to take an action. Those three things are; pain, pleasure, and duty. Since duty is a bit more involved we will leave that for last. So let us discuss the first two, pain and pleasure.
Most of the people in this world live their lives driven by pain. They take action only when then pain of taking action becomes less than the pain of not taking action. In other words to keep things the way they are, is less painful than change. Since the majority of people live in this manner it is no wonder that we have so many problems and are easily led by others. When a person becomes comfortable with their surroundings and way of life, they become afraid of change as they feel it will be uncomfortable to change, painful to do something else.
This comfort zone is what causes our problems in the first place. As conscious cognizant intelligent beings we should be able to recognize when we need to do something different, yet for some odd reason most of us wont. We keep doing the same things over and over, hoping for something different, but afraid to do something different as it might be painful.
Let us use the example of Mister John X. John comes home from work and plops on the couch. He knows he is hungry and should either get or make some dinner, yet he doesn’t as he is comfortable on the couch. He then takes a nap, and wakes up even hungrier, but there is a good show on the TV so he again fails to procure dinner. After the show he is still hungry but it is getting late and he needs to go to bed to get some sleep so he can wake up on time for work. If he is late again he will lose the job that he hates, but he needs it as it pays the rent. So he grabs a snack and goes to bed a little hungry. The pain of doing something different was greater than the pain of not taking action.
Now let us discover the other way of making choices; pleasure. Some of us do things because it gives us pleasure. We garden, eat our favorite food, read, write, do puzzles, scrap book, etc. etc. etc. We do these things because we want to; we make ourselves do them because when we do, we experience pleasure. It is far more preferable to experience pleasure than pain, so those of us who make choices based on pleasure seem to lead happier live than most others. Not all things are pleasurable when we do them but the result is pleasure.
Let us go back to our fictitious John X. He has discovered that he really likes macaroni and cheese, he like it so much he decided to learn how to cook it himself. He has gotten quite good at it and adds many things to spice it up, bacon bits, mushrooms, scrambled eggs, and so forth. He actually looks forward to the end of the day when he can go home and make some macaroni and cheese. When he gets home he now goes to his kitchen instead of his couch. While the tasks of making his dinner are not all fun, he knows that when he is done with boiling, straining, chopping, stirring and so on, that he will have something that gives him great pleasure. He now has learned to take an action based on pleasure rather than pain. Do you think he will get the idea that pleasure choices can be used for the other areas of life and not just food?
Now on to the last reason, duty. Duty has a few meanings, but it boils down to this; it is something that you are obliged to do. This is commonly found in today’s society, follow the rules or be punished. Not what we are talking about rather is the tasks or service to other people that we need to do. That is the definition we need to examine. In our live we have other people; we do not live lives isolated and alone. We constantly interact with other people, this cause us to develop relationships. From acquaintances, to friendships, to romantic love, we have many types and styles of relationships with people. We have the similar relationships with our surrounding environment too, pets, plants, and so on. To all those things we have a duty to them, something we are obliged to do.
This is the third reason we do things, we make choices and take action because of duty. We have to feed the kids, water the plants, make the spouse lunch, and let the dog out, and so on. We do these duties voluntarily, we want to because we chose to become parents, have pets, get married, and so on. We should have realized that taking on responsibility gave us duty to perform. Some of us did and so we happily perform our duties as they are part of the overall pleasure cycle.
The rest of the people are surprised at having a duty, they thought that getting married meant someone would take care of them, not have to take care of other people. They are shocked that having kids is messy and time consuming. They are confounded that having a pet means you have to feed it and clean it and they don’t all come mild mannered and house broke. These people live by reaction; they react and do something only when something happens. They do only the minimum that they have to, (life driven by pain) to avoid as much effort as possible to try to keep things the same, to stay in their comfort zone.
So here again we see that if you choose to live life and experience pleasure, then the duty choices are simple and quick. You simply make your kid a sandwich before she leaves for school, no complaints, no resentment, you chose to have the child, the child brings you pleasure, so you perform your duty easily and simply. Someday that child will make her own sandwich, but until then you get the pleasure of the experience, enjoy it while it lasts.
What most people still do not comprehend is that it is the individual who makes the choice. That individual is you: You make your choices; you have the right and responsibility to make your own decisions, and take your actions based on the choices you made. You are the one responsible for your actions, so that means you are the one making the decisions to take action. Whether you default that right and wait until you have to make a choice, to live by pain, is your choice. To live by pleasure choice is the better way of life, to choose to do something because you want to is far preferable than the alternatives.
Once you have chosen to live by making decisions that will have actions that cause pleasure you will find that the fear of change melts away. The fear was an illusion, a false cage that only existed because you thought it did.
Change is the one and only constant in life, nothing will remain the same, ever. So since you are going to have to change, you might as well change because you want to and not because you are forced to.
Lead your life making choices based on pleasure, rather than pain.
Be Blessed
In this world there are three reasons that people make choices that cause them to take an action. Those three things are; pain, pleasure, and duty. Since duty is a bit more involved we will leave that for last. So let us discuss the first two, pain and pleasure.
Most of the people in this world live their lives driven by pain. They take action only when then pain of taking action becomes less than the pain of not taking action. In other words to keep things the way they are, is less painful than change. Since the majority of people live in this manner it is no wonder that we have so many problems and are easily led by others. When a person becomes comfortable with their surroundings and way of life, they become afraid of change as they feel it will be uncomfortable to change, painful to do something else.
This comfort zone is what causes our problems in the first place. As conscious cognizant intelligent beings we should be able to recognize when we need to do something different, yet for some odd reason most of us wont. We keep doing the same things over and over, hoping for something different, but afraid to do something different as it might be painful.
Let us use the example of Mister John X. John comes home from work and plops on the couch. He knows he is hungry and should either get or make some dinner, yet he doesn’t as he is comfortable on the couch. He then takes a nap, and wakes up even hungrier, but there is a good show on the TV so he again fails to procure dinner. After the show he is still hungry but it is getting late and he needs to go to bed to get some sleep so he can wake up on time for work. If he is late again he will lose the job that he hates, but he needs it as it pays the rent. So he grabs a snack and goes to bed a little hungry. The pain of doing something different was greater than the pain of not taking action.
Now let us discover the other way of making choices; pleasure. Some of us do things because it gives us pleasure. We garden, eat our favorite food, read, write, do puzzles, scrap book, etc. etc. etc. We do these things because we want to; we make ourselves do them because when we do, we experience pleasure. It is far more preferable to experience pleasure than pain, so those of us who make choices based on pleasure seem to lead happier live than most others. Not all things are pleasurable when we do them but the result is pleasure.
Let us go back to our fictitious John X. He has discovered that he really likes macaroni and cheese, he like it so much he decided to learn how to cook it himself. He has gotten quite good at it and adds many things to spice it up, bacon bits, mushrooms, scrambled eggs, and so forth. He actually looks forward to the end of the day when he can go home and make some macaroni and cheese. When he gets home he now goes to his kitchen instead of his couch. While the tasks of making his dinner are not all fun, he knows that when he is done with boiling, straining, chopping, stirring and so on, that he will have something that gives him great pleasure. He now has learned to take an action based on pleasure rather than pain. Do you think he will get the idea that pleasure choices can be used for the other areas of life and not just food?
Now on to the last reason, duty. Duty has a few meanings, but it boils down to this; it is something that you are obliged to do. This is commonly found in today’s society, follow the rules or be punished. Not what we are talking about rather is the tasks or service to other people that we need to do. That is the definition we need to examine. In our live we have other people; we do not live lives isolated and alone. We constantly interact with other people, this cause us to develop relationships. From acquaintances, to friendships, to romantic love, we have many types and styles of relationships with people. We have the similar relationships with our surrounding environment too, pets, plants, and so on. To all those things we have a duty to them, something we are obliged to do.
This is the third reason we do things, we make choices and take action because of duty. We have to feed the kids, water the plants, make the spouse lunch, and let the dog out, and so on. We do these duties voluntarily, we want to because we chose to become parents, have pets, get married, and so on. We should have realized that taking on responsibility gave us duty to perform. Some of us did and so we happily perform our duties as they are part of the overall pleasure cycle.
The rest of the people are surprised at having a duty, they thought that getting married meant someone would take care of them, not have to take care of other people. They are shocked that having kids is messy and time consuming. They are confounded that having a pet means you have to feed it and clean it and they don’t all come mild mannered and house broke. These people live by reaction; they react and do something only when something happens. They do only the minimum that they have to, (life driven by pain) to avoid as much effort as possible to try to keep things the same, to stay in their comfort zone.
So here again we see that if you choose to live life and experience pleasure, then the duty choices are simple and quick. You simply make your kid a sandwich before she leaves for school, no complaints, no resentment, you chose to have the child, the child brings you pleasure, so you perform your duty easily and simply. Someday that child will make her own sandwich, but until then you get the pleasure of the experience, enjoy it while it lasts.
What most people still do not comprehend is that it is the individual who makes the choice. That individual is you: You make your choices; you have the right and responsibility to make your own decisions, and take your actions based on the choices you made. You are the one responsible for your actions, so that means you are the one making the decisions to take action. Whether you default that right and wait until you have to make a choice, to live by pain, is your choice. To live by pleasure choice is the better way of life, to choose to do something because you want to is far preferable than the alternatives.
Once you have chosen to live by making decisions that will have actions that cause pleasure you will find that the fear of change melts away. The fear was an illusion, a false cage that only existed because you thought it did.
Change is the one and only constant in life, nothing will remain the same, ever. So since you are going to have to change, you might as well change because you want to and not because you are forced to.
Lead your life making choices based on pleasure, rather than pain.
Be Blessed
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
What Innovation Can Do for Your Life
It's a talent that everyone has, yet they think they don't: The power of innovation. If you've ever marveled at somebody's creative prowess, guess what, you can create and innovate too. It just takes time. Everyone is born creative; you were born with intelligence and learning ability. The power is not limited to those who are deemed smart or to those that possessed potential; because the truth is, everybody has potential.
Humans are intelligent creatures, more so than animals. If an animal does something we call it instinct, yet when a human does the same thing we call it intelligence. Animals have intelligence too, it is just we humans desire more than a basic existence. Most animals are content to meet their basic needs; food, shelter, reproduction. You on the other hand want more than a mere existence, so you need to innovate to help improve your life.
You know how long it took to learn to ride a bike or drive or to never commit the same mistake again? It's the same with innovation. It takes a bit of practice and a lot of patience before this mind function comes easily when called.
One of the first things you must do to improve yourself above the animal level is to discover what it is you want from life. Ask yourself what is it you want to do? What do you want to be? This gives you a general direction to begin moving.
Don't listen to what other people say. Follow the beat of your own drum. Allowing for the input of other people will only bring cacophony to the music you are trying to make. If you have an original idea, don't waste your time and effort trying to make people understand. They won't. And the help you will probably get comes in the form of negative feedback. If all those geniuses listened to their peers, we would probably still be living in the middle ages.
Spend your time and energy on it. I cannot stress that enough, although, please do not mistake this tip to tell you to quit your day job entirely. Do not. This involves some tricky time management but with a little discipline you'll be able to squeeze both in. You do not become an expert overnight; you have to practice, practice, and practice.
Physically move, exercise, take a walk, run a mile or two, break suction with your chair and move. Sitting all the time will slow you down; you need movement to create innovation. Send all those endorphins coursing through your veins. Exercising certainly clears and relaxes your mind and allows for anything to pop up.
Find your own style. You can always tell a Van Gogh from a Matisse. You'll know Hemingway wrote something by the choice of words on the paper. So it is the same with you. People will appreciate your innovation more because it is uniquely yours and that no one else would have thought of what you were thinking. That will let people see how valuable an asset you are.
Don't hide behind nifty gadgets or tools. You don't need the most expensive set of paints to produce a masterpiece. The same way with writing; you don't need some expensive fountain pen and really smooth paper for a bestseller. In fact, J.K. Rowling wrote the first book of the Harry Potter Series on bits of tissue. So what if you've got an expensive SLR camera if you're a crappy photographer? Who cares if you've got a blinging laptop if you don’t know html? The craftsman only uses the tools he or she needs, having excess is just a waste of money and more to carry.
Nothing will work without passion. What wakes you up in the mornings? What keeps the flame burning? What is the one thing that you'll die if you don't do? Sometimes people with talent are overtaken by the people who want it more. Think the hare and the tortoise. Keep this in mind during your day; that if you're not doing something that you want to do, then you don't really want to do it, and that's true. However sometimes we have to do things we do not like to do, to get to the results we do like.
Sometimes you just want something so bad you become a virtual unstoppable. And that is passion. Passion will keep you going. If you truly desire what you say you do then you will have a passion about it. You will want to work to get your desire. If the Desire has been put there by someone else, then you will find yourself not quite earnestly working on it. So make sure it is your desire, just because your dad was/is one, does not mean you have to be. Be what you want to be, do not try to be someone else; they are already taken, so be yourself.
Don't worry about inspiration. You can't force it; inspiration hits when you least expect it to, for those unpredictable yet inevitable moments you should prepare. An idea could strike you on the subway, yet alas, you poor unfortunate soul; you have no sheet of paper to scribble down a thought that could change the world. Avoid these disasters. Have a pen and paper within your arm's reach at all times.
Once you know your desire, and are working to achieve it, you bring more innovation into your life. You figure out how to do something, then figure out a better way to do it, then figure out an even better way to get it done, this is innovation. Keep in mind that you're doing these things for your own satisfaction and not anybody else's. But soon enough they will notice and they will say you have changed over night, even though you have been working on it for months or years.
Remember this: Honest production of value is the key to your self esteem. High self esteem is a building block for success. Whether you produce value by the sweat of your brow, or the skills you possess, you must be productive to be successful.
Be Blessed.
All About Manifesting
Humans are intelligent creatures, more so than animals. If an animal does something we call it instinct, yet when a human does the same thing we call it intelligence. Animals have intelligence too, it is just we humans desire more than a basic existence. Most animals are content to meet their basic needs; food, shelter, reproduction. You on the other hand want more than a mere existence, so you need to innovate to help improve your life.
You know how long it took to learn to ride a bike or drive or to never commit the same mistake again? It's the same with innovation. It takes a bit of practice and a lot of patience before this mind function comes easily when called.
One of the first things you must do to improve yourself above the animal level is to discover what it is you want from life. Ask yourself what is it you want to do? What do you want to be? This gives you a general direction to begin moving.
Don't listen to what other people say. Follow the beat of your own drum. Allowing for the input of other people will only bring cacophony to the music you are trying to make. If you have an original idea, don't waste your time and effort trying to make people understand. They won't. And the help you will probably get comes in the form of negative feedback. If all those geniuses listened to their peers, we would probably still be living in the middle ages.
Spend your time and energy on it. I cannot stress that enough, although, please do not mistake this tip to tell you to quit your day job entirely. Do not. This involves some tricky time management but with a little discipline you'll be able to squeeze both in. You do not become an expert overnight; you have to practice, practice, and practice.
Physically move, exercise, take a walk, run a mile or two, break suction with your chair and move. Sitting all the time will slow you down; you need movement to create innovation. Send all those endorphins coursing through your veins. Exercising certainly clears and relaxes your mind and allows for anything to pop up.
Find your own style. You can always tell a Van Gogh from a Matisse. You'll know Hemingway wrote something by the choice of words on the paper. So it is the same with you. People will appreciate your innovation more because it is uniquely yours and that no one else would have thought of what you were thinking. That will let people see how valuable an asset you are.
Don't hide behind nifty gadgets or tools. You don't need the most expensive set of paints to produce a masterpiece. The same way with writing; you don't need some expensive fountain pen and really smooth paper for a bestseller. In fact, J.K. Rowling wrote the first book of the Harry Potter Series on bits of tissue. So what if you've got an expensive SLR camera if you're a crappy photographer? Who cares if you've got a blinging laptop if you don’t know html? The craftsman only uses the tools he or she needs, having excess is just a waste of money and more to carry.
Nothing will work without passion. What wakes you up in the mornings? What keeps the flame burning? What is the one thing that you'll die if you don't do? Sometimes people with talent are overtaken by the people who want it more. Think the hare and the tortoise. Keep this in mind during your day; that if you're not doing something that you want to do, then you don't really want to do it, and that's true. However sometimes we have to do things we do not like to do, to get to the results we do like.
Sometimes you just want something so bad you become a virtual unstoppable. And that is passion. Passion will keep you going. If you truly desire what you say you do then you will have a passion about it. You will want to work to get your desire. If the Desire has been put there by someone else, then you will find yourself not quite earnestly working on it. So make sure it is your desire, just because your dad was/is one, does not mean you have to be. Be what you want to be, do not try to be someone else; they are already taken, so be yourself.
Don't worry about inspiration. You can't force it; inspiration hits when you least expect it to, for those unpredictable yet inevitable moments you should prepare. An idea could strike you on the subway, yet alas, you poor unfortunate soul; you have no sheet of paper to scribble down a thought that could change the world. Avoid these disasters. Have a pen and paper within your arm's reach at all times.
Once you know your desire, and are working to achieve it, you bring more innovation into your life. You figure out how to do something, then figure out a better way to do it, then figure out an even better way to get it done, this is innovation. Keep in mind that you're doing these things for your own satisfaction and not anybody else's. But soon enough they will notice and they will say you have changed over night, even though you have been working on it for months or years.
Remember this: Honest production of value is the key to your self esteem. High self esteem is a building block for success. Whether you produce value by the sweat of your brow, or the skills you possess, you must be productive to be successful.
Be Blessed.
All About Manifesting
Monday, June 04, 2007
Laziness and Misery
Have you ever been miserable? Did you know why you were miserable? Misery is caused by lazy people. Lazy people are people who have to depend on others to survive. I am not talking about children, elderly or handicapped people, but fully functional humans who through lack of desire cause misery.
There are inseparable links that exist between productivity and happiness. The links between work and prosperity are obvious, yet too many people live without their earned pleasure. The deprivation of happiness is an unnecessary tragedy due to the altruistic guilt induced into the value producing individual.
Pleasure and happiness depend on psychological health, which in turn depend on productive work. Without productive work, the production of values, psychological health is impossible. Production of competitive values is the integrating growth dynamic for conscious individuals. Production of values provides freedom, prosperity, pleasure and abiding happiness. Moreover; happiness and pleasure act as the motivators for an individual to produce values and to increase ones productivity.
On the other hand, non-productive and destructive people fear and hate productive people. They resent being reminded of what they could be if they only applied themselves. So, rather than become productive individuals they would rather destroy what others have earned. This is called envy, and is a direct result of laziness. The meaning of laziness is the abdication of self responsibility. The mechanism of laziness is the yielding to actions of least effort. This results in incompetence and lost potential. Conscious beings cannot live, prosper, or be happy through actions of the least effort. This loss then forces the lazy person into having to attack the value producer in order to survive.
The attacks come subtly, by the envier creating half truths and propaganda about all people being equal and so those who have should give to the have not’s. By forcing the value producing members of society to surrender their earned values to those who won’t earn them, the lazy propagate a myth and thus make a living from the efforts of others. For those who wont surrender their value for the greater good, physical force is then used where psychological trickery failed. This is one of the main causes of misery in this world, and it is a root source of all that holds back the human race.
The lazy person has to create their own illusion of self worth by continually usurping the values created and earned by others. They take or destroy the values, rights and property of the productive person. Then to continue their illusion of pseudo self worth they have to continue to attack the productive people. These fake illusions then allow them to live off the efforts of the productive value producers. The misery comes when they realize, even subconsciously, that they are dependent on others for survival, and so are unable to earn self esteem.
Without self esteem people are unable to earn and achieve prosperity, pleasure, love, or happiness. Also not having any earned values means they hold no genuine power. Without this power they have to resort to force to fill the void of powerlessness. Ultimately these actions, created by trying to take the least action, cause misery to all the people concerned or affected by the lazy person.
Laziness is a social ill, one that can easily be “cured” just by the realization that it exists. A person must stop being lazy by recognizing the simple fact; that productivity is the building block for prosperity, and lasting happiness.
There are all sorts of scientific principles that point to the evidence that once a body is in motion it tends to remain in motion, and that an action was needed to start that body in motion. We won’t get in to a long discourse here as you should have learned it in the 8th grade. What we need to make the point on is this: You must take action, not the course of least action, but the most productive action you can.
Having a dream, goals and taking the action needed to realize them will bring you a happy and prosperous life. Failure to act, even the default of not having any desire beyond immediate physical needs, will result in misery. Not just your misery but it will cause misery to all those around you.
So find out your dream, and work to make it reality.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
There are inseparable links that exist between productivity and happiness. The links between work and prosperity are obvious, yet too many people live without their earned pleasure. The deprivation of happiness is an unnecessary tragedy due to the altruistic guilt induced into the value producing individual.
Pleasure and happiness depend on psychological health, which in turn depend on productive work. Without productive work, the production of values, psychological health is impossible. Production of competitive values is the integrating growth dynamic for conscious individuals. Production of values provides freedom, prosperity, pleasure and abiding happiness. Moreover; happiness and pleasure act as the motivators for an individual to produce values and to increase ones productivity.
On the other hand, non-productive and destructive people fear and hate productive people. They resent being reminded of what they could be if they only applied themselves. So, rather than become productive individuals they would rather destroy what others have earned. This is called envy, and is a direct result of laziness. The meaning of laziness is the abdication of self responsibility. The mechanism of laziness is the yielding to actions of least effort. This results in incompetence and lost potential. Conscious beings cannot live, prosper, or be happy through actions of the least effort. This loss then forces the lazy person into having to attack the value producer in order to survive.
The attacks come subtly, by the envier creating half truths and propaganda about all people being equal and so those who have should give to the have not’s. By forcing the value producing members of society to surrender their earned values to those who won’t earn them, the lazy propagate a myth and thus make a living from the efforts of others. For those who wont surrender their value for the greater good, physical force is then used where psychological trickery failed. This is one of the main causes of misery in this world, and it is a root source of all that holds back the human race.
The lazy person has to create their own illusion of self worth by continually usurping the values created and earned by others. They take or destroy the values, rights and property of the productive person. Then to continue their illusion of pseudo self worth they have to continue to attack the productive people. These fake illusions then allow them to live off the efforts of the productive value producers. The misery comes when they realize, even subconsciously, that they are dependent on others for survival, and so are unable to earn self esteem.
Without self esteem people are unable to earn and achieve prosperity, pleasure, love, or happiness. Also not having any earned values means they hold no genuine power. Without this power they have to resort to force to fill the void of powerlessness. Ultimately these actions, created by trying to take the least action, cause misery to all the people concerned or affected by the lazy person.
Laziness is a social ill, one that can easily be “cured” just by the realization that it exists. A person must stop being lazy by recognizing the simple fact; that productivity is the building block for prosperity, and lasting happiness.
There are all sorts of scientific principles that point to the evidence that once a body is in motion it tends to remain in motion, and that an action was needed to start that body in motion. We won’t get in to a long discourse here as you should have learned it in the 8th grade. What we need to make the point on is this: You must take action, not the course of least action, but the most productive action you can.
Having a dream, goals and taking the action needed to realize them will bring you a happy and prosperous life. Failure to act, even the default of not having any desire beyond immediate physical needs, will result in misery. Not just your misery but it will cause misery to all those around you.
So find out your dream, and work to make it reality.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
Sunday, June 03, 2007
One Day
This is a story that teaches a lesson; something we all need to learn.
One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry.
He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.
Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness."
He said ... "Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
As he left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit..
Many year's later that same young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease.
A specialist doctor was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.
Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room.
Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once.
He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to her case.
After a long struggle, the battle was won.
The doctor requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent t o her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She read these words: "Paid in full with one glass of milk"
Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You God, that Your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands."
There's a saying which goes something like this: “Bread cast on the waters comes back to you.” The good deed you do today may benefit you or someone you love at the least expected time. If you never see the deed again at least you will have made the world a better place - And, after all, isn't that what life is all about?!
The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn.
Stay Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry.
He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.
Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness."
He said ... "Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
As he left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit..
Many year's later that same young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease.
A specialist doctor was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.
Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room.
Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once.
He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to her case.
After a long struggle, the battle was won.
The doctor requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent t o her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She read these words: "Paid in full with one glass of milk"
Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You God, that Your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands."
There's a saying which goes something like this: “Bread cast on the waters comes back to you.” The good deed you do today may benefit you or someone you love at the least expected time. If you never see the deed again at least you will have made the world a better place - And, after all, isn't that what life is all about?!
The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn.
Stay Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Before we start, please keep one thing in mind; Confidence and arrogance are two totally different things. If you confuse the two, you will most certainly become a very unhappy person with very few real friends. Arrogance is NOT a “quality” and it won’t help you reach your goals any faster.
Confidence in oneself, or the lack thereof is what stops people from getting tightly focused on what they want to achieve. That little voice telling them they can't do something is their biggest UN-motivator. What can YOU do to gain confidence?
25 tips toward boosting your confidence and self esteem.
1. Love Yourself:
This can take a bit of practice and looks really funny, but try it, it works. When you wake up, give yourself a great big hug. Do the same when it’s time for sleep.
You’ve heard this said a million times before: “How can you expect others to love you if you don't love yourself?” It’s true. Practice the morning and evening hugs for 2 weeks, maybe 3 weeks if you're the stubborn type, and you’ll see how well it works.
2. Look in the mirror:
Every time you pass a mirror, look into it and flash your biggest and best smile at yourself. It might feel strange at first, but eventually it’ll make you feel brilliant about yourself. Tell yourself “Looking good!” or “Wow, I love me!” or similar phrases often enough to actually start believing it.
3. Do things that make you feel good:
This can be anything from listening to music, trekking in the Andes, doing some volunteer work or even just taking a shower. Anything that gives you a positive feeling about yourself works for this one.
4. Listen to YOU:
Face it. Nobody knows you better than you know yourself, no matter how many people try to tell you differently. So if your body, mind or gut is telling you something, then take notice of it, and don't worry about what other people may possibly have to say about it.
5. Talk to YOU:
In times of stress, take a time-out break. Wander into your own mind and have a conversation with yourself about anything at all. Tell yourself how lucky you are to be you, and praise yourself for every good and positive thing you can attribute to yourself.
6. Remove negatives:
If anything feels like it’s dragging you down, get rid of it. If it’s clutter, tidy up, if it’s a friend full of negativity explain nicely that you don’t really feel up to talking right now. If it’s your kids acting up, leave the room for a while and so on.
7. Surround with positives:
Surround yourself with things that bring out good feelings in you. Examples could be things such as happy, upbeat friends, a nice new picture, a new car, an old comfy blanket, candles, pictures of your family, your girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse etc.
8. Rumours Die:
Did you hear something about somebody who said something about somebody else? Drop it! Rumours are nasty, horrible things that will only bring you down. Best way to kill a rumour? Ignore it!
9. Total Honesty:
Be totally honest with yourself at all times. If there’s something you don't like, admit it. If there’s something you don’t want to do “right now” and it isn’t necessary for health and safety reasons then just don’t do it until you feel like it.
Same goes for the positive aspects. If there’s something you want to do, and it’s not hurting anybody, then go ahead and do it. If you start feeling great about yourself for no apparent reason admit it and enjoy the feeling.
10. Responsibility
Take full responsibility for your own actions. Don't shove the blame for anything over onto someone or something else. We all make choices in our lives, and once we take responsibility for those choices we tend to choose better for ourselves.
Once we start to choose better, we feel better and things start falling into place. On the other hand, don't take over someone else’s responsibilities just because you feel “you have to”.
11. Pretend:
If you feel unsafe, unsure or nervous then go inside yourself and pretend you’re a hot-shot lawyer, actor, actress, singer or whatever you need to be.
Make believe you’re presenting yourself as that person would until you feel better. Trust me, you WILL feel better, and eventually have no need to be anything but yourself.
12. Keep Trying:
If you’re trying to do something but don't get it right first time round, then try again, and again, and again, constantly learning from your mistakes until you get it right. When you finally DO get it right, you’ll feel wonderful about it.
13. Credit where credit is due:
If you’ve done something really good, and people compliment you on it, accept the compliments with thanks! Understand that they’re complimenting because they really ARE impressed with what you’ve done.
Believe in you and give yourself a pat on the back. (Although physically it would probably be easier to just give yourself a round of applause).
14. Stand Tall:
Standing up straight will ALWAYS make you feel better about yourself than slouching does. Stand with your feet slightly apart, suck in your tummy and behind, broaden your shoulders and straighten your neck. It’s an amazingly quick confidence boost.
15. Say Hello:
Make it a rule to say hi to at least one person you don't know EVERY day. Give them the smile you flash at yourself in the mirror, the biggest and best one you can find. They’ll smile back automatically, and they’ll walk away with a little extra confidence boost thanks to you.
People look their best when they smile, and they also feel better by smiling too! This ultimately means you get a confidence boost too, for making someone else feel good about themselves.
16. Never Say Never....Ever:
If you think something can’t be done, then you'll end up proving yourself right eventually. So never say never, just keep plugging along until it works for you.
If other people are telling you it can’t be done, you're going to feel such immense satisfaction at actually doing it that your confidence will soar.
17. Get Active:
Don't sit around the house just doing nothing. Get up, go out, cycling, walking, exercising, anything that might invigorate your brain. A lively brain full of thoughts will help you gain confidence.
18. “Happy Foods”:
Happy foods, such as chocolate, strawberries, lemons, ice-cream etc will increase the serotonin levels in your brain, leading to an increased feeling of happiness.
Feeling happy is a natural confidence boost. So go on, enjoy your food! (in moderation, of course).
19. Face Your Fear:
Is there something you are afraid of? Face it full on. Doing something scary and overcoming the fear is a fantastic way to boost your confidence. So go on, jump out of that plane (with a parachute of course), drive that car, speak in front of a large crowd, ask for a promotion, or whatever it is that scares you. You'll feel absolutely brilliant once it’s done.
20. Willpower:
Create a goal that you really want to reach. Possibly something like weight loss before a certain time, giving up smoking or having a certain amount of money in the bank within so many months etc. Take baby steps, and use your willpower until you succeed at reaching your goal.
It will be really hard, as will power can be very elusive at times, but keep going and don't give up. Once you have reached that first goal by using your willpower you will have the confidence to create new goals AND reach them.
21. Ask questions:
Any time you find yourself worrying about something you haven’t done, or something you think you should have done, ask yourself positive questions. Instead of thinking “I’m terrible for missing my friend’s birthday” think “What can I do to make my friend feel special?”
Or, instead of “Why can’t I ever seem to do things on time?” change it to “What can I change to better manage my time” Creating positive questions will release the negative energies which have a tendency to pull down your self confidence.
22. Learn:
Accept that not everything works out the way we plan it. Decide to accept any mistakes and rejections as part of a learning curve that we all need to go through.
Without mistakes, you can’t learn from your own experiences. Remember, experience builds confidence, so always learn as much as you can.
23. List:
Write a list of every single thing you're good at, anything from clipping the dog’s toenails to putting up a shelf. Take the time to sit and actually think about what you ARE good at and add them all to the list. You'll be surprised at how many things you end up jotting down, no matter how minor or trivial they may seem at the time.
Whenever you have a spare 5 minutes, or if you're feeling a little low, take the list out of your pocket and read it. This is a great little way to give yourself a nice confidence boost.
24: Help out:
There are lots of ways to help others, and feeling useful and helpful are great ways of building your confidence. Just make sure you do things because you WANT to do them. You could call a good friend who may be down at the moment-even take them out for coffee, you will brighten both your days, or you could possibly help out at an old folks home or similar. Knowing that people appreciate your help will boost your confidence for sure.
25: Show the way:
Think of the one thing you do best of all. Think long and hard about this one. Thought of something? Now, find a discussion group or similar related to that topic and spread your wisdom by answering questions, offering advice or help to anybody needing it. If you can’t find a group, you could even start one yourself.
People will look up to you and that will give you all the more reason to feel confident about yourself.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
All About Manifesting
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Confidence in oneself, or the lack thereof is what stops people from getting tightly focused on what they want to achieve. That little voice telling them they can't do something is their biggest UN-motivator. What can YOU do to gain confidence?
25 tips toward boosting your confidence and self esteem.
1. Love Yourself:
This can take a bit of practice and looks really funny, but try it, it works. When you wake up, give yourself a great big hug. Do the same when it’s time for sleep.
You’ve heard this said a million times before: “How can you expect others to love you if you don't love yourself?” It’s true. Practice the morning and evening hugs for 2 weeks, maybe 3 weeks if you're the stubborn type, and you’ll see how well it works.
2. Look in the mirror:
Every time you pass a mirror, look into it and flash your biggest and best smile at yourself. It might feel strange at first, but eventually it’ll make you feel brilliant about yourself. Tell yourself “Looking good!” or “Wow, I love me!” or similar phrases often enough to actually start believing it.
3. Do things that make you feel good:
This can be anything from listening to music, trekking in the Andes, doing some volunteer work or even just taking a shower. Anything that gives you a positive feeling about yourself works for this one.
4. Listen to YOU:
Face it. Nobody knows you better than you know yourself, no matter how many people try to tell you differently. So if your body, mind or gut is telling you something, then take notice of it, and don't worry about what other people may possibly have to say about it.
5. Talk to YOU:
In times of stress, take a time-out break. Wander into your own mind and have a conversation with yourself about anything at all. Tell yourself how lucky you are to be you, and praise yourself for every good and positive thing you can attribute to yourself.
6. Remove negatives:
If anything feels like it’s dragging you down, get rid of it. If it’s clutter, tidy up, if it’s a friend full of negativity explain nicely that you don’t really feel up to talking right now. If it’s your kids acting up, leave the room for a while and so on.
7. Surround with positives:
Surround yourself with things that bring out good feelings in you. Examples could be things such as happy, upbeat friends, a nice new picture, a new car, an old comfy blanket, candles, pictures of your family, your girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse etc.
8. Rumours Die:
Did you hear something about somebody who said something about somebody else? Drop it! Rumours are nasty, horrible things that will only bring you down. Best way to kill a rumour? Ignore it!
9. Total Honesty:
Be totally honest with yourself at all times. If there’s something you don't like, admit it. If there’s something you don’t want to do “right now” and it isn’t necessary for health and safety reasons then just don’t do it until you feel like it.
Same goes for the positive aspects. If there’s something you want to do, and it’s not hurting anybody, then go ahead and do it. If you start feeling great about yourself for no apparent reason admit it and enjoy the feeling.
10. Responsibility
Take full responsibility for your own actions. Don't shove the blame for anything over onto someone or something else. We all make choices in our lives, and once we take responsibility for those choices we tend to choose better for ourselves.
Once we start to choose better, we feel better and things start falling into place. On the other hand, don't take over someone else’s responsibilities just because you feel “you have to”.
11. Pretend:
If you feel unsafe, unsure or nervous then go inside yourself and pretend you’re a hot-shot lawyer, actor, actress, singer or whatever you need to be.
Make believe you’re presenting yourself as that person would until you feel better. Trust me, you WILL feel better, and eventually have no need to be anything but yourself.
12. Keep Trying:
If you’re trying to do something but don't get it right first time round, then try again, and again, and again, constantly learning from your mistakes until you get it right. When you finally DO get it right, you’ll feel wonderful about it.
13. Credit where credit is due:
If you’ve done something really good, and people compliment you on it, accept the compliments with thanks! Understand that they’re complimenting because they really ARE impressed with what you’ve done.
Believe in you and give yourself a pat on the back. (Although physically it would probably be easier to just give yourself a round of applause).
14. Stand Tall:
Standing up straight will ALWAYS make you feel better about yourself than slouching does. Stand with your feet slightly apart, suck in your tummy and behind, broaden your shoulders and straighten your neck. It’s an amazingly quick confidence boost.
15. Say Hello:
Make it a rule to say hi to at least one person you don't know EVERY day. Give them the smile you flash at yourself in the mirror, the biggest and best one you can find. They’ll smile back automatically, and they’ll walk away with a little extra confidence boost thanks to you.
People look their best when they smile, and they also feel better by smiling too! This ultimately means you get a confidence boost too, for making someone else feel good about themselves.
16. Never Say Never....Ever:
If you think something can’t be done, then you'll end up proving yourself right eventually. So never say never, just keep plugging along until it works for you.
If other people are telling you it can’t be done, you're going to feel such immense satisfaction at actually doing it that your confidence will soar.
17. Get Active:
Don't sit around the house just doing nothing. Get up, go out, cycling, walking, exercising, anything that might invigorate your brain. A lively brain full of thoughts will help you gain confidence.
18. “Happy Foods”:
Happy foods, such as chocolate, strawberries, lemons, ice-cream etc will increase the serotonin levels in your brain, leading to an increased feeling of happiness.
Feeling happy is a natural confidence boost. So go on, enjoy your food! (in moderation, of course).
19. Face Your Fear:
Is there something you are afraid of? Face it full on. Doing something scary and overcoming the fear is a fantastic way to boost your confidence. So go on, jump out of that plane (with a parachute of course), drive that car, speak in front of a large crowd, ask for a promotion, or whatever it is that scares you. You'll feel absolutely brilliant once it’s done.
20. Willpower:
Create a goal that you really want to reach. Possibly something like weight loss before a certain time, giving up smoking or having a certain amount of money in the bank within so many months etc. Take baby steps, and use your willpower until you succeed at reaching your goal.
It will be really hard, as will power can be very elusive at times, but keep going and don't give up. Once you have reached that first goal by using your willpower you will have the confidence to create new goals AND reach them.
21. Ask questions:
Any time you find yourself worrying about something you haven’t done, or something you think you should have done, ask yourself positive questions. Instead of thinking “I’m terrible for missing my friend’s birthday” think “What can I do to make my friend feel special?”
Or, instead of “Why can’t I ever seem to do things on time?” change it to “What can I change to better manage my time” Creating positive questions will release the negative energies which have a tendency to pull down your self confidence.
22. Learn:
Accept that not everything works out the way we plan it. Decide to accept any mistakes and rejections as part of a learning curve that we all need to go through.
Without mistakes, you can’t learn from your own experiences. Remember, experience builds confidence, so always learn as much as you can.
23. List:
Write a list of every single thing you're good at, anything from clipping the dog’s toenails to putting up a shelf. Take the time to sit and actually think about what you ARE good at and add them all to the list. You'll be surprised at how many things you end up jotting down, no matter how minor or trivial they may seem at the time.
Whenever you have a spare 5 minutes, or if you're feeling a little low, take the list out of your pocket and read it. This is a great little way to give yourself a nice confidence boost.
24: Help out:
There are lots of ways to help others, and feeling useful and helpful are great ways of building your confidence. Just make sure you do things because you WANT to do them. You could call a good friend who may be down at the moment-even take them out for coffee, you will brighten both your days, or you could possibly help out at an old folks home or similar. Knowing that people appreciate your help will boost your confidence for sure.
25: Show the way:
Think of the one thing you do best of all. Think long and hard about this one. Thought of something? Now, find a discussion group or similar related to that topic and spread your wisdom by answering questions, offering advice or help to anybody needing it. If you can’t find a group, you could even start one yourself.
People will look up to you and that will give you all the more reason to feel confident about yourself.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
All About Manifesting