Monday, June 04, 2007
Laziness and Misery
Have you ever been miserable? Did you know why you were miserable? Misery is caused by lazy people. Lazy people are people who have to depend on others to survive. I am not talking about children, elderly or handicapped people, but fully functional humans who through lack of desire cause misery.
There are inseparable links that exist between productivity and happiness. The links between work and prosperity are obvious, yet too many people live without their earned pleasure. The deprivation of happiness is an unnecessary tragedy due to the altruistic guilt induced into the value producing individual.
Pleasure and happiness depend on psychological health, which in turn depend on productive work. Without productive work, the production of values, psychological health is impossible. Production of competitive values is the integrating growth dynamic for conscious individuals. Production of values provides freedom, prosperity, pleasure and abiding happiness. Moreover; happiness and pleasure act as the motivators for an individual to produce values and to increase ones productivity.
On the other hand, non-productive and destructive people fear and hate productive people. They resent being reminded of what they could be if they only applied themselves. So, rather than become productive individuals they would rather destroy what others have earned. This is called envy, and is a direct result of laziness. The meaning of laziness is the abdication of self responsibility. The mechanism of laziness is the yielding to actions of least effort. This results in incompetence and lost potential. Conscious beings cannot live, prosper, or be happy through actions of the least effort. This loss then forces the lazy person into having to attack the value producer in order to survive.
The attacks come subtly, by the envier creating half truths and propaganda about all people being equal and so those who have should give to the have not’s. By forcing the value producing members of society to surrender their earned values to those who won’t earn them, the lazy propagate a myth and thus make a living from the efforts of others. For those who wont surrender their value for the greater good, physical force is then used where psychological trickery failed. This is one of the main causes of misery in this world, and it is a root source of all that holds back the human race.
The lazy person has to create their own illusion of self worth by continually usurping the values created and earned by others. They take or destroy the values, rights and property of the productive person. Then to continue their illusion of pseudo self worth they have to continue to attack the productive people. These fake illusions then allow them to live off the efforts of the productive value producers. The misery comes when they realize, even subconsciously, that they are dependent on others for survival, and so are unable to earn self esteem.
Without self esteem people are unable to earn and achieve prosperity, pleasure, love, or happiness. Also not having any earned values means they hold no genuine power. Without this power they have to resort to force to fill the void of powerlessness. Ultimately these actions, created by trying to take the least action, cause misery to all the people concerned or affected by the lazy person.
Laziness is a social ill, one that can easily be “cured” just by the realization that it exists. A person must stop being lazy by recognizing the simple fact; that productivity is the building block for prosperity, and lasting happiness.
There are all sorts of scientific principles that point to the evidence that once a body is in motion it tends to remain in motion, and that an action was needed to start that body in motion. We won’t get in to a long discourse here as you should have learned it in the 8th grade. What we need to make the point on is this: You must take action, not the course of least action, but the most productive action you can.
Having a dream, goals and taking the action needed to realize them will bring you a happy and prosperous life. Failure to act, even the default of not having any desire beyond immediate physical needs, will result in misery. Not just your misery but it will cause misery to all those around you.
So find out your dream, and work to make it reality.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
There are inseparable links that exist between productivity and happiness. The links between work and prosperity are obvious, yet too many people live without their earned pleasure. The deprivation of happiness is an unnecessary tragedy due to the altruistic guilt induced into the value producing individual.
Pleasure and happiness depend on psychological health, which in turn depend on productive work. Without productive work, the production of values, psychological health is impossible. Production of competitive values is the integrating growth dynamic for conscious individuals. Production of values provides freedom, prosperity, pleasure and abiding happiness. Moreover; happiness and pleasure act as the motivators for an individual to produce values and to increase ones productivity.
On the other hand, non-productive and destructive people fear and hate productive people. They resent being reminded of what they could be if they only applied themselves. So, rather than become productive individuals they would rather destroy what others have earned. This is called envy, and is a direct result of laziness. The meaning of laziness is the abdication of self responsibility. The mechanism of laziness is the yielding to actions of least effort. This results in incompetence and lost potential. Conscious beings cannot live, prosper, or be happy through actions of the least effort. This loss then forces the lazy person into having to attack the value producer in order to survive.
The attacks come subtly, by the envier creating half truths and propaganda about all people being equal and so those who have should give to the have not’s. By forcing the value producing members of society to surrender their earned values to those who won’t earn them, the lazy propagate a myth and thus make a living from the efforts of others. For those who wont surrender their value for the greater good, physical force is then used where psychological trickery failed. This is one of the main causes of misery in this world, and it is a root source of all that holds back the human race.
The lazy person has to create their own illusion of self worth by continually usurping the values created and earned by others. They take or destroy the values, rights and property of the productive person. Then to continue their illusion of pseudo self worth they have to continue to attack the productive people. These fake illusions then allow them to live off the efforts of the productive value producers. The misery comes when they realize, even subconsciously, that they are dependent on others for survival, and so are unable to earn self esteem.
Without self esteem people are unable to earn and achieve prosperity, pleasure, love, or happiness. Also not having any earned values means they hold no genuine power. Without this power they have to resort to force to fill the void of powerlessness. Ultimately these actions, created by trying to take the least action, cause misery to all the people concerned or affected by the lazy person.
Laziness is a social ill, one that can easily be “cured” just by the realization that it exists. A person must stop being lazy by recognizing the simple fact; that productivity is the building block for prosperity, and lasting happiness.
There are all sorts of scientific principles that point to the evidence that once a body is in motion it tends to remain in motion, and that an action was needed to start that body in motion. We won’t get in to a long discourse here as you should have learned it in the 8th grade. What we need to make the point on is this: You must take action, not the course of least action, but the most productive action you can.
Having a dream, goals and taking the action needed to realize them will bring you a happy and prosperous life. Failure to act, even the default of not having any desire beyond immediate physical needs, will result in misery. Not just your misery but it will cause misery to all those around you.
So find out your dream, and work to make it reality.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals