Thursday, June 14, 2007
Self Improvement is the Skill of Changing
Let us start off today with a little science lesson: The frog principle.
Try placing Frog A in a pot of hot water: What happens? He jumps out. Why? Because he is not able to tolerate sudden change in his environment, in this case the water’s temperature. Then try Frog B; place him in a pot of lukewarm water, then turn the stove on. Wait until the water reaches the boiling point. Frog B will stay is the water until it begins to boil, and then it will try to jump out. (If it is not too late) Why? Because it did not notice it’s environment making a gradual change.
People are like Frog B in general. We learn our lessons and take action only when we experience pain.
Normally we go through life blind to what is going on. We do not take the time or effort to realize what is going on in our surroundings, and with our life. We pay no attention to the warning signs because we think it is not our problem. We finally see the warning signs and signals when things get rough.
When do we realize that we need to change diets? When we wake up one day and realize that none of our clothes fit us any more. When do we stop eating candies and brush our teeth? When our teeth have cavities, and are rotting in our mouth. When do we pray and ask for help? When we realize that we’re going die tomorrow.
The only time most of us ever learn about unlocking our power is when the whole world is crashing and falling apart. We feel this way because we think it is not easy to change. The problem is that change becomes more painful when we ignore it.
Change will happen, like it or not. At one point or another, we are all going to experience different turning points in our life; and we are all going to eventually unlock our power not because the world says so, not because our friends are nagging us, but because we realize it’s for our own good.
Happy people don’t just accept change, they embrace it. Now, you don’t have to feel a tremendous heat before realizing the need for self-improvement. Unlocking your power means unlocking yourself from the cage of thought that “it’s just the way I am”. It is such a poor excuse for people who fear and resist change.
Most of us program our minds like computers.
An example here; there is a lady that repeatedly tells everyone that she doesn’t have the guts to be around groups of people. She heard her mom, her dad, her sister, and her teacher, tell the same things about her to other people. Over the years, that is what she believes. She believes it is her story. And what happens? Every time a great crowd would troop over their house, in school, and in the community; she tends to step back, shy away and lock herself up in a room. So by programming ourselves we dictate what kind of life we live.
You have to realize that it is not what is in your story. Instead of having your story post around for everyone to remember, you have to have the spirit to show people “I am an important person and I should be treated accordingly!”
Instead of your story dictating your life without your consent, you should dictate your story.
Self-improvement may not be everybody’s favorite word, but if we look at things in a different point of view, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved. Three sessions in a week at the gym would result to a healthier life, reading books instead of looking at TV will shape up a more profound knowledge, going out with friends and peers will help you take a step back from work and unwind. And just when you are enjoying the whole process of unlocking your self-improvement power, you’ll realize that you’re beginning to take things lightly and become happy.
Remember life is a journey, we all end up in the same place; the grave. So enjoy the journey, enjoy the sights, you only get to spend this life once. So spend it well, and keep in mind that you should leave a place better than it was when you arrived.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Try placing Frog A in a pot of hot water: What happens? He jumps out. Why? Because he is not able to tolerate sudden change in his environment, in this case the water’s temperature. Then try Frog B; place him in a pot of lukewarm water, then turn the stove on. Wait until the water reaches the boiling point. Frog B will stay is the water until it begins to boil, and then it will try to jump out. (If it is not too late) Why? Because it did not notice it’s environment making a gradual change.
People are like Frog B in general. We learn our lessons and take action only when we experience pain.
Normally we go through life blind to what is going on. We do not take the time or effort to realize what is going on in our surroundings, and with our life. We pay no attention to the warning signs because we think it is not our problem. We finally see the warning signs and signals when things get rough.
When do we realize that we need to change diets? When we wake up one day and realize that none of our clothes fit us any more. When do we stop eating candies and brush our teeth? When our teeth have cavities, and are rotting in our mouth. When do we pray and ask for help? When we realize that we’re going die tomorrow.
The only time most of us ever learn about unlocking our power is when the whole world is crashing and falling apart. We feel this way because we think it is not easy to change. The problem is that change becomes more painful when we ignore it.
Change will happen, like it or not. At one point or another, we are all going to experience different turning points in our life; and we are all going to eventually unlock our power not because the world says so, not because our friends are nagging us, but because we realize it’s for our own good.
Happy people don’t just accept change, they embrace it. Now, you don’t have to feel a tremendous heat before realizing the need for self-improvement. Unlocking your power means unlocking yourself from the cage of thought that “it’s just the way I am”. It is such a poor excuse for people who fear and resist change.
Most of us program our minds like computers.
An example here; there is a lady that repeatedly tells everyone that she doesn’t have the guts to be around groups of people. She heard her mom, her dad, her sister, and her teacher, tell the same things about her to other people. Over the years, that is what she believes. She believes it is her story. And what happens? Every time a great crowd would troop over their house, in school, and in the community; she tends to step back, shy away and lock herself up in a room. So by programming ourselves we dictate what kind of life we live.
You have to realize that it is not what is in your story. Instead of having your story post around for everyone to remember, you have to have the spirit to show people “I am an important person and I should be treated accordingly!”
Instead of your story dictating your life without your consent, you should dictate your story.
Self-improvement may not be everybody’s favorite word, but if we look at things in a different point of view, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved. Three sessions in a week at the gym would result to a healthier life, reading books instead of looking at TV will shape up a more profound knowledge, going out with friends and peers will help you take a step back from work and unwind. And just when you are enjoying the whole process of unlocking your self-improvement power, you’ll realize that you’re beginning to take things lightly and become happy.
Remember life is a journey, we all end up in the same place; the grave. So enjoy the journey, enjoy the sights, you only get to spend this life once. So spend it well, and keep in mind that you should leave a place better than it was when you arrived.
Be Blessed
The Guide to Setting Goals
Labels: effort, life, self improvement, success