Monday, May 31, 2010
How Do You Manifest?
Use Your Mind
We all know that using the power of the law of attraction is called manifesting. The question is, therefore, how do you do this manifesting thing? Well here is a long winded short version of the answer. Let us start with a clarification. The biggest influences that we can use are our own thoughts. Actually in particular, we can use our thought process, because thoughts influence our feelings and have a profound effect on how we deal with life in general.
Wow, that was a mouthful, essentially what we are saying here is that by learning to control our thoughts we get control over what we desire, and we start manifesting more of what we do want, and not what we don’t want. One of the tools that we can and should be using is called self-talk. Self talk it the stuff that runs around in our heads while we go about the day. This is where you rerun events that have occurred, and play out future endings and alternatives over and over and over.
Let me point one out that has been seen a lot, your boss has a harsh word with you, so afterwards so you replay it in your mind, then you play out scenarios where you do the exact minimum required for the job or even think of being destructive to something at the work place, and even to future argue successfully that its all their fault that you performed this way. Associated with those thoughts come some emotions, usually anger and smug satisfaction that you were right and should never have gotten chewed out in the first place.
Well that is self talk and plays a huge part in manifesting. That is why so many of us have crappy lives as we have been manifesting the wrong thing. So what we must do is take those negative self talk moments and turn them into positive self-talk. We all do this self talk, most people do it unconsciously throughout the day, if you can become aware of this, become aware of your self talk moments, then you can make manifesting work for you and you can gain more control over every aspect of your life and then manifest the things you really desire.
Use Your Mind
Now I know this next part is obvious, but it still needs to be said. “Your ability to succeed in life largely depends on how you deal with life". You need to read that again, positive self talk leads to a confident and ultimately more successful person than one full of negativity which leads to a miserable life. When you catch yourself doing the negative self talk thing, be aware that you are manifesting. Then ask yourself “what are you manifesting?” Realize that you are creating your future with your self talk and you should use that energy to be positive and manifest what you desire rather than manifest more crap into your life. By taking a positive attitude you look at life in a different way, it lead to seeing the good in people and the world, which in turn leads to optimism and success.
Now we must make another obvious statement, “Your quality of life is based on how you think and feel from moment to moment”, the key here is being aware of what you are thinking and feeling. When you think with emotion you are manifesting, you absolutely have to be careful of what you are thinking and feeling because you will get more of it. If you are thinking angry thoughts you will get more to be angry about, if you think loving thoughts you will get more to love. Basically changing the way you think can drastically change how you see and deal with life.
So what have we learned? That the person who goes through life optimistically with a positive attitude is better able to deal with life, and will see the problem for what it is, nothing but a temporary set-back which they can overcome and move on, is able to take full control over their thoughts and feelings and turn a negative situation into a more positive one by simply altering the way they think. Whew, that was a long sentence. Remember that using your thoughts with emotion is manifesting, and since thoughts can either be positive or negative and you can only have one thought in mind at any one time then choosing positive will keep your thoughts, feelings and actions optimistic that allows you to manifest good things into your life which ultimately leads to a happier you.
Be Blessed
Use Your Mind
We all know that using the power of the law of attraction is called manifesting. The question is, therefore, how do you do this manifesting thing? Well here is a long winded short version of the answer. Let us start with a clarification. The biggest influences that we can use are our own thoughts. Actually in particular, we can use our thought process, because thoughts influence our feelings and have a profound effect on how we deal with life in general.
Wow, that was a mouthful, essentially what we are saying here is that by learning to control our thoughts we get control over what we desire, and we start manifesting more of what we do want, and not what we don’t want. One of the tools that we can and should be using is called self-talk. Self talk it the stuff that runs around in our heads while we go about the day. This is where you rerun events that have occurred, and play out future endings and alternatives over and over and over.
Let me point one out that has been seen a lot, your boss has a harsh word with you, so afterwards so you replay it in your mind, then you play out scenarios where you do the exact minimum required for the job or even think of being destructive to something at the work place, and even to future argue successfully that its all their fault that you performed this way. Associated with those thoughts come some emotions, usually anger and smug satisfaction that you were right and should never have gotten chewed out in the first place.
Well that is self talk and plays a huge part in manifesting. That is why so many of us have crappy lives as we have been manifesting the wrong thing. So what we must do is take those negative self talk moments and turn them into positive self-talk. We all do this self talk, most people do it unconsciously throughout the day, if you can become aware of this, become aware of your self talk moments, then you can make manifesting work for you and you can gain more control over every aspect of your life and then manifest the things you really desire.
Use Your Mind
Now I know this next part is obvious, but it still needs to be said. “Your ability to succeed in life largely depends on how you deal with life". You need to read that again, positive self talk leads to a confident and ultimately more successful person than one full of negativity which leads to a miserable life. When you catch yourself doing the negative self talk thing, be aware that you are manifesting. Then ask yourself “what are you manifesting?” Realize that you are creating your future with your self talk and you should use that energy to be positive and manifest what you desire rather than manifest more crap into your life. By taking a positive attitude you look at life in a different way, it lead to seeing the good in people and the world, which in turn leads to optimism and success.
Now we must make another obvious statement, “Your quality of life is based on how you think and feel from moment to moment”, the key here is being aware of what you are thinking and feeling. When you think with emotion you are manifesting, you absolutely have to be careful of what you are thinking and feeling because you will get more of it. If you are thinking angry thoughts you will get more to be angry about, if you think loving thoughts you will get more to love. Basically changing the way you think can drastically change how you see and deal with life.
So what have we learned? That the person who goes through life optimistically with a positive attitude is better able to deal with life, and will see the problem for what it is, nothing but a temporary set-back which they can overcome and move on, is able to take full control over their thoughts and feelings and turn a negative situation into a more positive one by simply altering the way they think. Whew, that was a long sentence. Remember that using your thoughts with emotion is manifesting, and since thoughts can either be positive or negative and you can only have one thought in mind at any one time then choosing positive will keep your thoughts, feelings and actions optimistic that allows you to manifest good things into your life which ultimately leads to a happier you.
Be Blessed
Use Your Mind
Labels: life, Manifesting
How Do You Manifest?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Manifesting Your True Happiness
The Forgotten Laws
In the world today there are many people who are teaching manifesting. Most of these new age gurus are teaching that if you just think about it then you can have the new yacht, the new car, the new house, and whatever causes your happiness. However, a shocking fact that it seems gets left out or ignored is the question; what about you?
For a person to achieve riches from rags there has to be a change inside the person. This is why you must first manifest your self, and then all the worldly toys will follow. You have to be happy with your self, then the toys will come. In other words your happiness must come from inside. The main point is that you must first make yourself ready for the things you desire. Another way to put it is to achieve manifesting through self improvement, or manifest your new self.
Now a quick point to make here, the law of attraction has been bandied about a lot lately and so many people are becoming interested in the subject. When you are consciously using the law of attraction it is called manifesting. Compare it to the term driving, when you use a car to go somewhere it is called driving. So when you are using the law of attraction you are manifesting, and this is what will result in your happiness.
Now you cant just read a single book and expect to become like the fabled genie who can make it happen immediately, you must first attune yourself to the desire, then the desire will be met, only after you have changed, will the universe change. One of the first things that everyone needs to do is change to a more positive and healthy outlook about yourself. You must become a better person, appreciate your self worth, have some self esteem, and be a better person to the universe. When you enjoy your self that is when your happiness will arrive.
One of the first things you need to learn... Yes there it is the “learn” word, which means it will take effort and work... is to not take other peoples criticism to heart, instead listen only to what they are saying and learn from it. If the person is berating you, ask them to rephrase the tirade so that you can understand what they need. If they are using derogatory terms ask them to be a little more professional or courteous and explain the situation not their opinion. That may seem scary, but with practice it will become easier and easier each time you do it.
An excellent tirade stopper is the time out signal used by darn near every sport out there, the two hand tee. Then use your voice and ask the person who is behaving poorly towards you to rephrase. Also keep in mind that this person is not going to stay awake at night worried they hurt your feelings, so don’t allow the conversation to become personal or affect your feelings.
The next two skills for manifesting your self and your happiness is to learn to say no to those who will not treat you correctly, and to take some time out for yourself everyday.
First stop allowing other people to lead your life. When they ask you to do unpleasant or demeaning, or extremely inconvenient things for them and you know they are just taking advantage of you, is to just learn to say no, and mean it. Your time and energy are valuable; do not waste them on people who will not appreciate the gift of you and your talent. Say no, and mean it.
The second skill mentioned above is to learn to do “Me Time”; this is where you will see the most miraculous manifesting of your self occur. Learn to meditate, look inside yourself and realize all your good points and as painful as it may seem now, discover your bad traits, admit them, and change them into more positive and constructive traits.
The Forgotten Laws
Celebrate even the smallest achievements that you accomplish, treat your self whenever you do something new, or well, or better. Soon you will see your life turning around from abject misery to utter joy, and you will have your happiness.
Do something everyday that you enjoy, such as talking a walk in the park, or a really long bath with scented bubbles, or going to a place you enjoy like the library or museum or reading room. Talk positively to yourself, to chase away negative thoughts and feelings never deprive yourself of something you enjoy, if you feel you shouldn’t be doing it, then do it anyway and stop chastising yourself about it. To manifest your self you will have to take actions, these will at first seem hard, but as you repeat the actions, and improve on them you will see more and more change for the better.
Finally when you least expect it you will discover that you are a new you, that you have manifested a new and better you. You will see that life is beautiful, and all those things you previously just wanted, if you still want them, then you can make them happen using your new skill of manifesting.
Be Blessed
The Forgotten Laws
In the world today there are many people who are teaching manifesting. Most of these new age gurus are teaching that if you just think about it then you can have the new yacht, the new car, the new house, and whatever causes your happiness. However, a shocking fact that it seems gets left out or ignored is the question; what about you?
For a person to achieve riches from rags there has to be a change inside the person. This is why you must first manifest your self, and then all the worldly toys will follow. You have to be happy with your self, then the toys will come. In other words your happiness must come from inside. The main point is that you must first make yourself ready for the things you desire. Another way to put it is to achieve manifesting through self improvement, or manifest your new self.
Now a quick point to make here, the law of attraction has been bandied about a lot lately and so many people are becoming interested in the subject. When you are consciously using the law of attraction it is called manifesting. Compare it to the term driving, when you use a car to go somewhere it is called driving. So when you are using the law of attraction you are manifesting, and this is what will result in your happiness.
Now you cant just read a single book and expect to become like the fabled genie who can make it happen immediately, you must first attune yourself to the desire, then the desire will be met, only after you have changed, will the universe change. One of the first things that everyone needs to do is change to a more positive and healthy outlook about yourself. You must become a better person, appreciate your self worth, have some self esteem, and be a better person to the universe. When you enjoy your self that is when your happiness will arrive.
One of the first things you need to learn... Yes there it is the “learn” word, which means it will take effort and work... is to not take other peoples criticism to heart, instead listen only to what they are saying and learn from it. If the person is berating you, ask them to rephrase the tirade so that you can understand what they need. If they are using derogatory terms ask them to be a little more professional or courteous and explain the situation not their opinion. That may seem scary, but with practice it will become easier and easier each time you do it.
An excellent tirade stopper is the time out signal used by darn near every sport out there, the two hand tee. Then use your voice and ask the person who is behaving poorly towards you to rephrase. Also keep in mind that this person is not going to stay awake at night worried they hurt your feelings, so don’t allow the conversation to become personal or affect your feelings.
The next two skills for manifesting your self and your happiness is to learn to say no to those who will not treat you correctly, and to take some time out for yourself everyday.
First stop allowing other people to lead your life. When they ask you to do unpleasant or demeaning, or extremely inconvenient things for them and you know they are just taking advantage of you, is to just learn to say no, and mean it. Your time and energy are valuable; do not waste them on people who will not appreciate the gift of you and your talent. Say no, and mean it.
The second skill mentioned above is to learn to do “Me Time”; this is where you will see the most miraculous manifesting of your self occur. Learn to meditate, look inside yourself and realize all your good points and as painful as it may seem now, discover your bad traits, admit them, and change them into more positive and constructive traits.
The Forgotten Laws
Celebrate even the smallest achievements that you accomplish, treat your self whenever you do something new, or well, or better. Soon you will see your life turning around from abject misery to utter joy, and you will have your happiness.
Do something everyday that you enjoy, such as talking a walk in the park, or a really long bath with scented bubbles, or going to a place you enjoy like the library or museum or reading room. Talk positively to yourself, to chase away negative thoughts and feelings never deprive yourself of something you enjoy, if you feel you shouldn’t be doing it, then do it anyway and stop chastising yourself about it. To manifest your self you will have to take actions, these will at first seem hard, but as you repeat the actions, and improve on them you will see more and more change for the better.
Finally when you least expect it you will discover that you are a new you, that you have manifested a new and better you. You will see that life is beautiful, and all those things you previously just wanted, if you still want them, then you can make them happen using your new skill of manifesting.
Be Blessed
The Forgotten Laws
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting
Manifesting Your Self
Friday, May 28, 2010
Blog comment on
Manifestation Discussion
Confidence Leads to True Happiness
All About Manifesting
Having confidence means having poise, assurance, coolness, and other traits that are desirable. But to have self confidence is to know and realizing your self-worth. True Happiness is derived from inside your self. This is about you, the person you are in life. We give others respect, love and consideration but how often do we give ourselves what is due?
What we give ourselves is based on self esteem; your self-esteem essentially shows you how much you value yourself. Healthy self-esteem leads to happiness, flexibility, the ability to adapt, and a positive outlook on life. Low self-esteem leads only to irrational thoughts, unhappiness, fear, and a negative outlook on life in general. If we are seeking true happiness then we need to understand a bit about our self.
How we see ourselves is how others perceive us, if we are happy, smiling and full of confidence then others see us as someone they want to be around, if we respect ourselves then others will respect us in return, Having self confidence will cause the world around us to grant us our true happiness. While have low self esteem will cause the world around us to make us miserable.
So let us look at some of the traits so you can determine if you need some self improvement to get your confidence level where it should be so that you can finally get some true happiness.
Now these traits are general and not all inclusive, if you feel you might match some of these then you do need a bit of self improvement to get some true happiness. The first one is that you don’t believe in yourself and are very insecure. This leads to you having problems showing and accepting intimacy in relationships because you never let your true feelings show. The next one is that you never recognize and give yourself credit for your accomplishments, when you accomplish something even if you are given due credit, you belittle it and purposely devalue yourself and your contribution. The last one is that you have the inability to forgive yourself or others and so you resist change at every opportunity
Did any of that seem to apply to you? If so you need to work on your self. That means self improvement. Don’t get all worried about the term self improvement as it is only a term. Rather worry about true happiness as that is what makes for a better life. Do not get all concerned over a tool, rather concentrate on the result. True happiness comes only after you have learned to accept that you are worthy.
So in conclusion, you now know you need some self improvement. Once you start you will learn about you, which will lead to healthy self esteem. You will learn to be secure about who you are and have confidence in your abilities, you will discover how to allow yourself to show your true feelings to you will be able to recognize and take pride in yourself for your achievements in life. All these things together will lead to true happiness in you life.
Be Blessed
All About Manifesting
Having confidence means having poise, assurance, coolness, and other traits that are desirable. But to have self confidence is to know and realizing your self-worth. True Happiness is derived from inside your self. This is about you, the person you are in life. We give others respect, love and consideration but how often do we give ourselves what is due?
What we give ourselves is based on self esteem; your self-esteem essentially shows you how much you value yourself. Healthy self-esteem leads to happiness, flexibility, the ability to adapt, and a positive outlook on life. Low self-esteem leads only to irrational thoughts, unhappiness, fear, and a negative outlook on life in general. If we are seeking true happiness then we need to understand a bit about our self.
How we see ourselves is how others perceive us, if we are happy, smiling and full of confidence then others see us as someone they want to be around, if we respect ourselves then others will respect us in return, Having self confidence will cause the world around us to grant us our true happiness. While have low self esteem will cause the world around us to make us miserable.
So let us look at some of the traits so you can determine if you need some self improvement to get your confidence level where it should be so that you can finally get some true happiness.
Now these traits are general and not all inclusive, if you feel you might match some of these then you do need a bit of self improvement to get some true happiness. The first one is that you don’t believe in yourself and are very insecure. This leads to you having problems showing and accepting intimacy in relationships because you never let your true feelings show. The next one is that you never recognize and give yourself credit for your accomplishments, when you accomplish something even if you are given due credit, you belittle it and purposely devalue yourself and your contribution. The last one is that you have the inability to forgive yourself or others and so you resist change at every opportunity
Did any of that seem to apply to you? If so you need to work on your self. That means self improvement. Don’t get all worried about the term self improvement as it is only a term. Rather worry about true happiness as that is what makes for a better life. Do not get all concerned over a tool, rather concentrate on the result. True happiness comes only after you have learned to accept that you are worthy.
So in conclusion, you now know you need some self improvement. Once you start you will learn about you, which will lead to healthy self esteem. You will learn to be secure about who you are and have confidence in your abilities, you will discover how to allow yourself to show your true feelings to you will be able to recognize and take pride in yourself for your achievements in life. All these things together will lead to true happiness in you life.
Be Blessed
All About Manifesting
Labels: happiness, Law of Attraction, Manifesting
Manifesting is a Word
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Rapid manifestation Changing
New Blog
7 Tips for a Happier Life
Your outlook on life has a definite effect on your attitude, and this in turn plays a huge part in how happy we are, how successful we become. If you think positively about everything you will be more relaxed, and calm. When you are happy and calm you smile more than someone who is always looking on the bad side, and these people are the ones who lets stress get to them, you can tell who they are as they constantly wear a frown.
Not only does this thinking process and attitude affect you, it also affects all those around us. You have probably seen the effect that a happy person has on those whom they come in contact with, a smile is very contagious. While conversely you have seen someone come into the room in a bad mood and in short order ruin the happy mood of all the others in the room. So you do have plenty of social proof about how our mood affects our day. So the key is developing and keeping a positive outlook, this behaviour is essential to you if you wish to lead a happy and fulfilling life.
There are many ways in which you can change to develop a happy outlook on life, to lead a happy life you must simply begin to change how you think and feel about the situations that you encounter in your day to day living. Changing your thinking will take some time and practice, and like all skills with practice being happy will eventually become second nature. So here are some easy tips to creating a happy life.
1 Turn your thinking into positive thinking every minute of every day, when you catch yourself starting to think negatively remind yourself that you are trying to be happy and negative thoughts do not help.
2. Set your mind on completing one task at a time and while you are doing the task think only of a positive outcome and how good you will feel when you have completed it.
3 Now this one is a biggie; don’t let your conversations turn negative! When you are in a conversation it is easy to let others discourage you, particularly if they have a negative outlook on life. Ask the negative person point blank why they are dragging the conversation down, or if it is you ask your self that question.
4 Look for the good in every situation. This is not easy to do at first, but with practice it gets easier. Looking for the good will cause others to do the same, and this again will improve the happy level of all those around.
5 Similar to tip 4 but important enough for a separate tip, always look for the positive in the people around you, and then point it out, this way you can grow a positive attitude all around you, and again this makes for a happy life.
6 As you go through your day think about things that make you happy. Enjoy the feeling, and when you run into someone or situation that is not so happy, you can overcome the negative mood with your own happy mood. With the side benefit of having more people want to be around you because you are happy and bring happiness to wherever you go.
7 Forgive yourself and anyone else who may have done something that has caused you to think poorly, forgiveness does not mean forgetting, but it does mean letting go of the hard feelings that cause negativity and unhappiness. When you encounter a feeling about anything that causes you to start to loose your happy mood forgive again, and again, and again, until you are finally rid of that bad feeling. This will greatly increase your ability to live a happy life.
In conclusion, to be happy will take some practice at first, and will take a little effort to begin. Then as you live day by day your happiness will improve more and more until you finally have your happy life.
Be Blessed.
P.S. You cannot achieve success by simply slapping positive thoughts
on top of a lifetime of negative expectations. You need to uncover
and release the unconscious obstacles and habitual patterns that
hold you back from creating the life you desire. The Secret of
Deliberate Creation is designed to do this for you. Go see for
yourself now...
Your outlook on life has a definite effect on your attitude, and this in turn plays a huge part in how happy we are, how successful we become. If you think positively about everything you will be more relaxed, and calm. When you are happy and calm you smile more than someone who is always looking on the bad side, and these people are the ones who lets stress get to them, you can tell who they are as they constantly wear a frown.
Not only does this thinking process and attitude affect you, it also affects all those around us. You have probably seen the effect that a happy person has on those whom they come in contact with, a smile is very contagious. While conversely you have seen someone come into the room in a bad mood and in short order ruin the happy mood of all the others in the room. So you do have plenty of social proof about how our mood affects our day. So the key is developing and keeping a positive outlook, this behaviour is essential to you if you wish to lead a happy and fulfilling life.
There are many ways in which you can change to develop a happy outlook on life, to lead a happy life you must simply begin to change how you think and feel about the situations that you encounter in your day to day living. Changing your thinking will take some time and practice, and like all skills with practice being happy will eventually become second nature. So here are some easy tips to creating a happy life.
1 Turn your thinking into positive thinking every minute of every day, when you catch yourself starting to think negatively remind yourself that you are trying to be happy and negative thoughts do not help.
2. Set your mind on completing one task at a time and while you are doing the task think only of a positive outcome and how good you will feel when you have completed it.
3 Now this one is a biggie; don’t let your conversations turn negative! When you are in a conversation it is easy to let others discourage you, particularly if they have a negative outlook on life. Ask the negative person point blank why they are dragging the conversation down, or if it is you ask your self that question.
4 Look for the good in every situation. This is not easy to do at first, but with practice it gets easier. Looking for the good will cause others to do the same, and this again will improve the happy level of all those around.
5 Similar to tip 4 but important enough for a separate tip, always look for the positive in the people around you, and then point it out, this way you can grow a positive attitude all around you, and again this makes for a happy life.
6 As you go through your day think about things that make you happy. Enjoy the feeling, and when you run into someone or situation that is not so happy, you can overcome the negative mood with your own happy mood. With the side benefit of having more people want to be around you because you are happy and bring happiness to wherever you go.
7 Forgive yourself and anyone else who may have done something that has caused you to think poorly, forgiveness does not mean forgetting, but it does mean letting go of the hard feelings that cause negativity and unhappiness. When you encounter a feeling about anything that causes you to start to loose your happy mood forgive again, and again, and again, until you are finally rid of that bad feeling. This will greatly increase your ability to live a happy life.
In conclusion, to be happy will take some practice at first, and will take a little effort to begin. Then as you live day by day your happiness will improve more and more until you finally have your happy life.
Be Blessed.
P.S. You cannot achieve success by simply slapping positive thoughts
on top of a lifetime of negative expectations. You need to uncover
and release the unconscious obstacles and habitual patterns that
hold you back from creating the life you desire. The Secret of
Deliberate Creation is designed to do this for you. Go see for
yourself now...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
New Blog Post
Taking Action
As reported on the blog
It is interesting to see that a person actually wrote out their goals and then scheduled them.
Something I have been trying to teach people for a while, that is to write dowwn your goals and then take action. Use this as an example for your own life, write it and take action.
Be Blessed
Last year, I started breaking down my list of lifetime goals into smaller steps and making those my resolutions. Instead of just starting at New Year’s, though, I split the calendar up into the three major divisions that my life as a father and teacher naturally fall into: a Spring semester, summer, and a Fall semester.
It is interesting to see that a person actually wrote out their goals and then scheduled them.
Something I have been trying to teach people for a while, that is to write dowwn your goals and then take action. Use this as an example for your own life, write it and take action.
Be Blessed
Monday, May 24, 2010
Overcome the Fear of Self Improvement
People are usually afraid of things they do not understand. When you hear the term “self Improvement” people get all jumpy and defensive. Why? They are afraid of self-improvement because of this fear of the unknown. To proceed with anything in life is self-improvement, to learn more about a subject is self improvement, to exercise, eat right, drive safely, and just about anything else in your life you desire to change is self improvement. may help you in this situation.
In self-improvement you are simply changing yourself for the better. So, to understand is to remove fear. Said another way; the best way to remove fear is to understand. You may already know that life is always in a continual cycle, of ups and downs, good times and bad times, and so forth. Just keep in mind that normally no one is permanently up or permanently down. Those who get stuck in a “down” often are thought of needing self improvement, but you need constant self improvement to just live life, regardless of you situation. In life no one can avoid these ups and downs it is the way life is. However by constant self improvement your life will have shorter downs and longer ups.
What people should do about these downs is to learn from them, the lesson is to understand that without constant growth you are no longer alive. Think about this: Life is growth. If a tree stops producing new leaves it is considered dead, if a rose no longer produces buds and is just a bunch of grey thorny sticks, it is considered dead. To prove that it is alive the tree and the rose must always continue to produce, or grow, new leaves, branches, and so it is growing. When the growing stops it is a sure sign that life has ended. We humans are the same, no we don’t grow leaves or buds, and we produce results. Such as we produce cooked meals for our family, or produce products for our employer, or produce love and comfort for our significant other. We are always producing something and in this measure we are alive.
When we stop being useful and helpful we are no longer living like we should. So we need to use a little self improvement to change what we are doing so that we again produce. An example is in order here. Let us say that your hobby is knitting, and during the winter you knitted every body you know a pair or mitten, because you are good at it and like to do it. Then comes spring, not a whole lot of need for mittens, so you begin to feel useless, and experience a down moment in your life. What to do now? You ask. Well, you learn something new, put it into practice and produce something else. Continuing with the example you learn a new stitch and start making grill pads for everyone so they have a place to set those hot pans without melting the table underneath. You just committed self improvement! Does this mean you should start to learn knitting? No, if knitting is your thing then carry on, but you may have other things you do, such as auto detailing, carpentry, bicycle repair, and so on. Some people even find a way to make a living with their hobby.
So do not fear self improvement, the term means only what it says. Improving yourself. Maybe this year you’ll run a marathon, grow a black rose, solve the world peace problem, grow the perfect tomato, or get the promotion at work. All you need is a little self improvement, and that usually starts with reading something that leads to learning something that leads to doing something.
We all have problems that affect us every day. These problems bring us misery due to the fact that we just don’t know what to do. We should never loose hope, where there is life there is hope, all we need is a little self help in figuring out solutions to these problems. “All we need is to learn how to overcome it and not to be overcome.”
Self-improvement should not wait for the last moment; you should always be looking for skills to learn and things to do. To stop learning is always for the worse and consequently, you will let go of a chance, an opportunity, because you are afraid to take a risk.
Keep in mind that, from time to time, something has to happen in order to free you from monotony, so don’t be surprised if, at a certain moment in time, instead of being afraid of change, you desire it with all your heart.
Self-improvement is not a bad thing; it is not to be feared. You will understand that you are alive and to prove it to the world you will keep growing, and producing. Then when you see your self slowing down or stopping you simply apply a bit of that self improvement stuff again and you are back in the game again.
Be Blessed
In self-improvement you are simply changing yourself for the better. So, to understand is to remove fear. Said another way; the best way to remove fear is to understand. You may already know that life is always in a continual cycle, of ups and downs, good times and bad times, and so forth. Just keep in mind that normally no one is permanently up or permanently down. Those who get stuck in a “down” often are thought of needing self improvement, but you need constant self improvement to just live life, regardless of you situation. In life no one can avoid these ups and downs it is the way life is. However by constant self improvement your life will have shorter downs and longer ups.
What people should do about these downs is to learn from them, the lesson is to understand that without constant growth you are no longer alive. Think about this: Life is growth. If a tree stops producing new leaves it is considered dead, if a rose no longer produces buds and is just a bunch of grey thorny sticks, it is considered dead. To prove that it is alive the tree and the rose must always continue to produce, or grow, new leaves, branches, and so it is growing. When the growing stops it is a sure sign that life has ended. We humans are the same, no we don’t grow leaves or buds, and we produce results. Such as we produce cooked meals for our family, or produce products for our employer, or produce love and comfort for our significant other. We are always producing something and in this measure we are alive.
When we stop being useful and helpful we are no longer living like we should. So we need to use a little self improvement to change what we are doing so that we again produce. An example is in order here. Let us say that your hobby is knitting, and during the winter you knitted every body you know a pair or mitten, because you are good at it and like to do it. Then comes spring, not a whole lot of need for mittens, so you begin to feel useless, and experience a down moment in your life. What to do now? You ask. Well, you learn something new, put it into practice and produce something else. Continuing with the example you learn a new stitch and start making grill pads for everyone so they have a place to set those hot pans without melting the table underneath. You just committed self improvement! Does this mean you should start to learn knitting? No, if knitting is your thing then carry on, but you may have other things you do, such as auto detailing, carpentry, bicycle repair, and so on. Some people even find a way to make a living with their hobby.
So do not fear self improvement, the term means only what it says. Improving yourself. Maybe this year you’ll run a marathon, grow a black rose, solve the world peace problem, grow the perfect tomato, or get the promotion at work. All you need is a little self improvement, and that usually starts with reading something that leads to learning something that leads to doing something.
We all have problems that affect us every day. These problems bring us misery due to the fact that we just don’t know what to do. We should never loose hope, where there is life there is hope, all we need is a little self help in figuring out solutions to these problems. “All we need is to learn how to overcome it and not to be overcome.”
Self-improvement should not wait for the last moment; you should always be looking for skills to learn and things to do. To stop learning is always for the worse and consequently, you will let go of a chance, an opportunity, because you are afraid to take a risk.
Keep in mind that, from time to time, something has to happen in order to free you from monotony, so don’t be surprised if, at a certain moment in time, instead of being afraid of change, you desire it with all your heart.
Self-improvement is not a bad thing; it is not to be feared. You will understand that you are alive and to prove it to the world you will keep growing, and producing. Then when you see your self slowing down or stopping you simply apply a bit of that self improvement stuff again and you are back in the game again.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, life, self improvement
Friday, May 21, 2010
Low Self Esteem
Low self esteem has never helped anyone, and it sure will not help you. It can only drive you into depression, anger, fear and a poor quality of life.
The way you think about yourself is the determining factor of how you interact with others.
What are some examples of low esteem, these are not all inclusive, just some of the common symptoms.
You are afraid to converse with others for fear that what you say will not be accepted.
You believe that you are not attractive.
You choose something and it turns out to be the worst one.
Nothing you do seems to go right
You believe that most people do not like you.
You feel swallowed up in a whirlpool of frustration.
Let us discuss some of the origins of low self esteem. Low self esteem usually started in childhood when children were made to believe that they were worthless. Their self confidence was eroded and they succumbed to the idea that they could never achieve success in anything that they did. This left a lot of low self esteem and resentment.
If that was your experience, it is time you cut yourself loose from that mindset and start your self improvement. Start reading about the life of successful persons and you will soon discover that many of them had such low self esteem that they could not even complete an elementary education.
So you ask “What can I do?” The answer is changing your thoughts; it is actually what you think that is the problem.
Understand that those behaviors listed above are thoughts; they are only aspects in your mind that you need improvement on. Do not let low self esteem ruin your life, be determined to improve your self esteem and you are on your way to a better quality of life.
It may seem easier said than done, but what you need to do is stop thinking that the world is against you. Get determined to achieve what you desire. Stop blaming other people for your misfortunes. The world is not your problem, the hard truth is that you are your problem.
From this moment on, realize that you must begin the process of self esteem improvement. Think the right way and be determined to win, and win you will. Just remember that success never comes easily and that is why determination is the counterpart of desperation.
Oftentimes, one gets to the brink of success and with just a little disappointment or setback, they lose heart and give up too easily and too soon. There is a story in the book “Think and Grow Rich” about a man who quit just three feet away from gold, a parable about the lesson of not quitting. Too many people give up, who knows what great things might have achieved if only they had persevered a little longer.
With low self esteem, your life could be rather boring. Change your thinking, and you will begin to see improvement in your life. Make a very special effort to be what you really want to be.
You are the one in control of your life and you have to seriously decide either to remain in a miserable state of low self esteem, or develop a high self esteem with good character and self image.
Many decided to override their low self esteem and improve their attitude, whatever it took. They became some of the greatest men and women that ever lived.
Re-program your thinking and control your state of mind. You must believe that you are worth much more than you think or you will remain at the foot of the ladder and never make an attempt to climb it.
Do not waste your life away with feelings of inadequacies. Instead, think of ways to go about improving your self esteem. Success is yours, just reach out and grasp it.
Be Blessed
Make sure to check out Think and Grow Rich
The way you think about yourself is the determining factor of how you interact with others.
What are some examples of low esteem, these are not all inclusive, just some of the common symptoms.
You are afraid to converse with others for fear that what you say will not be accepted.
You believe that you are not attractive.
You choose something and it turns out to be the worst one.
Nothing you do seems to go right
You believe that most people do not like you.
You feel swallowed up in a whirlpool of frustration.
Let us discuss some of the origins of low self esteem. Low self esteem usually started in childhood when children were made to believe that they were worthless. Their self confidence was eroded and they succumbed to the idea that they could never achieve success in anything that they did. This left a lot of low self esteem and resentment.
If that was your experience, it is time you cut yourself loose from that mindset and start your self improvement. Start reading about the life of successful persons and you will soon discover that many of them had such low self esteem that they could not even complete an elementary education.
So you ask “What can I do?” The answer is changing your thoughts; it is actually what you think that is the problem.
Understand that those behaviors listed above are thoughts; they are only aspects in your mind that you need improvement on. Do not let low self esteem ruin your life, be determined to improve your self esteem and you are on your way to a better quality of life.
It may seem easier said than done, but what you need to do is stop thinking that the world is against you. Get determined to achieve what you desire. Stop blaming other people for your misfortunes. The world is not your problem, the hard truth is that you are your problem.
From this moment on, realize that you must begin the process of self esteem improvement. Think the right way and be determined to win, and win you will. Just remember that success never comes easily and that is why determination is the counterpart of desperation.
Oftentimes, one gets to the brink of success and with just a little disappointment or setback, they lose heart and give up too easily and too soon. There is a story in the book “Think and Grow Rich” about a man who quit just three feet away from gold, a parable about the lesson of not quitting. Too many people give up, who knows what great things might have achieved if only they had persevered a little longer.
With low self esteem, your life could be rather boring. Change your thinking, and you will begin to see improvement in your life. Make a very special effort to be what you really want to be.
You are the one in control of your life and you have to seriously decide either to remain in a miserable state of low self esteem, or develop a high self esteem with good character and self image.
Many decided to override their low self esteem and improve their attitude, whatever it took. They became some of the greatest men and women that ever lived.
Re-program your thinking and control your state of mind. You must believe that you are worth much more than you think or you will remain at the foot of the ladder and never make an attempt to climb it.
Do not waste your life away with feelings of inadequacies. Instead, think of ways to go about improving your self esteem. Success is yours, just reach out and grasp it.
Be Blessed
Make sure to check out Think and Grow Rich
Labels: happiness, life, self improvement
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
New Blogging Season
Hello everyone, thanks for being so patient while I got things up and running.
So whats new you ask? I updated the home page Staff of Power with a way to get those new ebook readers, it is great to be able to load just about any adobe page into it and go out in public without having to tote around a lap top that you have to worry about protecting from damage, theft, dirt, rain, kids, etc. The ebook reader you can simply slip it into your back pocket, purse, or if you have one of the bigger ones you can carry it inside your jacket or shirt.
These new ebook readers are the best thing since duct tape. So go to the home page and check them out. Then go to the sister site and there you can find all the ebooks you can shake a stick at, for your new ebook reader.
Now, as a bribe, if you use the link on the home page to buy an ebook reader, email me at Ralston @ staffofpower . com with a copy of the receipt and I will give you a digital copy of the book “Think and Grow Rich”. That will give you something really good to read while you fall in love with your ebook reader.
So next post will be back to teaching out life, the universe, and everything else, the start of a new blogging season.
Be Blessed
So whats new you ask? I updated the home page Staff of Power with a way to get those new ebook readers, it is great to be able to load just about any adobe page into it and go out in public without having to tote around a lap top that you have to worry about protecting from damage, theft, dirt, rain, kids, etc. The ebook reader you can simply slip it into your back pocket, purse, or if you have one of the bigger ones you can carry it inside your jacket or shirt.
These new ebook readers are the best thing since duct tape. So go to the home page and check them out. Then go to the sister site and there you can find all the ebooks you can shake a stick at, for your new ebook reader.
Now, as a bribe, if you use the link on the home page to buy an ebook reader, email me at Ralston @ staffofpower . com with a copy of the receipt and I will give you a digital copy of the book “Think and Grow Rich”. That will give you something really good to read while you fall in love with your ebook reader.
So next post will be back to teaching out life, the universe, and everything else, the start of a new blogging season.
Be Blessed
Labels: life
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
How Does the Law of Attraction Compare
How Does the Law of Attraction Compare with Other “Programs”?
As the knowledge of the law of attraction and power of positive thinking has grown there have been many which have attempted to make a profit from this incredible discovery. This has spawned a new era of “subliminal products”, which retailers then proceed to sell on the market for a ridiculous price and reap the profits. The difference between subliminal messaging products and the law of attraction is the profit margin. Quite simply, there isn’t one.
You don’t need to have any special equipment to maximize the power of the law of attraction; it is all there in your own mind. Neither do you need an ancient guru to teach you how to use it; once you have mastered the fundamentals upon which the law of attraction is built you are ready to put it into practice.
These same sentiments cannot be expressed with regards to many of the other subliminal programs on the market. These programs claim to be able to help their users lose weight, stop smoking, become smarter, get a new job, move past their shyness, improve their relationships, etc. Do they work? Not always. The law of attraction is the only subconscious means by which to ensure success in whatever endeavor you choose to undertake.
It is only fair that if you are studying the law of attraction you learn a little bit about the various other subliminal programs available. This will allow you to compare them all and understand why the law of attraction is the only one which has been proven time and time again (regardless of what the researchers would have you hear).
Subliminal Messaging is one of the oldest forms of subliminal manipulation, and has been the one to face the greatest amount of controversy. The belief held by the believers in subliminal messaging is that since memories can often be pulled forth from the subconscious to the conscious mind, the subconscious must continue to have some effect on the conscious, whether the owner of said consciousness is aware of it or not.
Those who use subliminal messaging attempt to use various methods to introduce an idea to the subconscious, which will then transmit that idea to the conscious when the proper occasion arises. This is done through the introduction of a brief (often a thousandth of a second) signal to the audio and/or visual senses. This message will be so short that the conscious mind will immediately disregard it as being unimportant, while the subconscious will take the information and store it away.
Subliminal messaging was first introduced in the late 19th century and was introduced in the 1950s as a possible marketing tool. Mr. James Vicary claimed that during a film shown in his New Jersey theater he had used a tachistoscope to broadcast the words “Drink Coca-Cola” and “Hungry? Eat popcorn” for 1/3000 of a second at five second intervals and that during the time of these broadcasts sales of both increased dramatically. (
This sparked a huge debate among the people of the United States, who were afraid that the government would now use subliminal messaging to attempt to control the things they thought and did; they would not be able to do anything about it because they would never know. This controversy led to the banning of subliminal messaging for any type of marketing purpose.
Although Mr. Vicary later admitted that the experiment had been a fraud the concept of subliminal messaging had been brought out into the open, and its possible benefits were explored at length; however, to date no study has definitively shown subliminal messaging to be an effective way to control behavior.
Affirmation is the firm declaration of something to be true, and is intended to convince the mind that what it wants to happen will. For example, stating over and over again, “I can get any job I want” is intended to instill in the mind the confidence to go out and get any job that it wants. This resembles the law of attraction, but is not sufficient to sway the subconscious until other methods are employed as well. Wikipedia describes affirmation as so (this was interesting, showing very well how affirmation and the law of attraction are joined together, and would not have been the same if it was altered in any way).
In spirituality and personal development, an affirmation is a form of autosuggestion in which a statement of a desirable intention or condition of the world or the mind is deliberately meditated on and/or repeated in order to implant it in the mind. Many believers recommend accompanying recitations with mental visualization of a desired outcome. Affirmation could be viewed positively as a mobilization of one's inner resources, or negatively as a kind of self-induced brainwashing, depending on the psychological depth and wisdom of the affirmation.
For example, believers would consider "I am making more room in my life for success every day" a much wiser affirmation than "I will win the lottery today!" Affirmations are always phrased in the first person and usually in a present tense ("I am") rather than a future tense ("I will") in order to increase the realization of the statement for the affirmed.
Affirmations are believed to be a very powerful means of reprogramming the unconscious mind. They appear to be most effective when repeated in a quiet and restful state of mind and body, and when the desired outcome is vividly experienced in one's mind and resulting emotions are felt. They are an intrinsic part of many New Age groups. However, in these groups affirmations are generally recited in flat, mechanical voices at top speed and volume, in order to elevate participants' "vibratory levels".
Perhaps the most often used and well-known affirmation is the word "Amen," which can be translated simply as "so be it" or "and so it is," affirming the truth of whatever was written or said immediately prior. While often used to conclude prayer, the word itself is neutral as to its context and exemplifies a logical affirmation more than a spiritual one.
Visualization works in much the same way as affirmation; you visualize yourself achieving something and your brain will come to believe it is so; therefore, you will be able to do it. Again, this is closely related to the law of attraction but does not address any underlying issues which could contribute to negative vibes.
In Conclusion: Although the power of the law of attraction has yet to be supported by any physical means its effects have been proven time and time again. In spite of the opposition which you will surely face, both within your own mind and throughout the rest of your societal acquaintances, if you adhere carefully to the guidelines set forth you too will be able to unlock the power hidden within the depths of your own mind and chart the course for your own destiny.
Be Blessed
Make sure to visit This Site to find many books about this subject and more.
Your support in purchasing through these links enables me to empower more people
worldwide to live more conscious lives. Thank you! :)
As the knowledge of the law of attraction and power of positive thinking has grown there have been many which have attempted to make a profit from this incredible discovery. This has spawned a new era of “subliminal products”, which retailers then proceed to sell on the market for a ridiculous price and reap the profits. The difference between subliminal messaging products and the law of attraction is the profit margin. Quite simply, there isn’t one.
You don’t need to have any special equipment to maximize the power of the law of attraction; it is all there in your own mind. Neither do you need an ancient guru to teach you how to use it; once you have mastered the fundamentals upon which the law of attraction is built you are ready to put it into practice.
These same sentiments cannot be expressed with regards to many of the other subliminal programs on the market. These programs claim to be able to help their users lose weight, stop smoking, become smarter, get a new job, move past their shyness, improve their relationships, etc. Do they work? Not always. The law of attraction is the only subconscious means by which to ensure success in whatever endeavor you choose to undertake.
It is only fair that if you are studying the law of attraction you learn a little bit about the various other subliminal programs available. This will allow you to compare them all and understand why the law of attraction is the only one which has been proven time and time again (regardless of what the researchers would have you hear).
Subliminal Messaging is one of the oldest forms of subliminal manipulation, and has been the one to face the greatest amount of controversy. The belief held by the believers in subliminal messaging is that since memories can often be pulled forth from the subconscious to the conscious mind, the subconscious must continue to have some effect on the conscious, whether the owner of said consciousness is aware of it or not.
Those who use subliminal messaging attempt to use various methods to introduce an idea to the subconscious, which will then transmit that idea to the conscious when the proper occasion arises. This is done through the introduction of a brief (often a thousandth of a second) signal to the audio and/or visual senses. This message will be so short that the conscious mind will immediately disregard it as being unimportant, while the subconscious will take the information and store it away.
Subliminal messaging was first introduced in the late 19th century and was introduced in the 1950s as a possible marketing tool. Mr. James Vicary claimed that during a film shown in his New Jersey theater he had used a tachistoscope to broadcast the words “Drink Coca-Cola” and “Hungry? Eat popcorn” for 1/3000 of a second at five second intervals and that during the time of these broadcasts sales of both increased dramatically. (
This sparked a huge debate among the people of the United States, who were afraid that the government would now use subliminal messaging to attempt to control the things they thought and did; they would not be able to do anything about it because they would never know. This controversy led to the banning of subliminal messaging for any type of marketing purpose.
Although Mr. Vicary later admitted that the experiment had been a fraud the concept of subliminal messaging had been brought out into the open, and its possible benefits were explored at length; however, to date no study has definitively shown subliminal messaging to be an effective way to control behavior.
Affirmation is the firm declaration of something to be true, and is intended to convince the mind that what it wants to happen will. For example, stating over and over again, “I can get any job I want” is intended to instill in the mind the confidence to go out and get any job that it wants. This resembles the law of attraction, but is not sufficient to sway the subconscious until other methods are employed as well. Wikipedia describes affirmation as so (this was interesting, showing very well how affirmation and the law of attraction are joined together, and would not have been the same if it was altered in any way).
In spirituality and personal development, an affirmation is a form of autosuggestion in which a statement of a desirable intention or condition of the world or the mind is deliberately meditated on and/or repeated in order to implant it in the mind. Many believers recommend accompanying recitations with mental visualization of a desired outcome. Affirmation could be viewed positively as a mobilization of one's inner resources, or negatively as a kind of self-induced brainwashing, depending on the psychological depth and wisdom of the affirmation.
For example, believers would consider "I am making more room in my life for success every day" a much wiser affirmation than "I will win the lottery today!" Affirmations are always phrased in the first person and usually in a present tense ("I am") rather than a future tense ("I will") in order to increase the realization of the statement for the affirmed.
Affirmations are believed to be a very powerful means of reprogramming the unconscious mind. They appear to be most effective when repeated in a quiet and restful state of mind and body, and when the desired outcome is vividly experienced in one's mind and resulting emotions are felt. They are an intrinsic part of many New Age groups. However, in these groups affirmations are generally recited in flat, mechanical voices at top speed and volume, in order to elevate participants' "vibratory levels".
Perhaps the most often used and well-known affirmation is the word "Amen," which can be translated simply as "so be it" or "and so it is," affirming the truth of whatever was written or said immediately prior. While often used to conclude prayer, the word itself is neutral as to its context and exemplifies a logical affirmation more than a spiritual one.
Visualization works in much the same way as affirmation; you visualize yourself achieving something and your brain will come to believe it is so; therefore, you will be able to do it. Again, this is closely related to the law of attraction but does not address any underlying issues which could contribute to negative vibes.
In Conclusion: Although the power of the law of attraction has yet to be supported by any physical means its effects have been proven time and time again. In spite of the opposition which you will surely face, both within your own mind and throughout the rest of your societal acquaintances, if you adhere carefully to the guidelines set forth you too will be able to unlock the power hidden within the depths of your own mind and chart the course for your own destiny.
Be Blessed
Make sure to visit This Site to find many books about this subject and more.
Your support in purchasing through these links enables me to empower more people
worldwide to live more conscious lives. Thank you! :)
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting
Friday, May 07, 2010
How to Realize Your Dreams
Dreams come true through action, and the best action is to set and achieve goals. Realizing your goals is important; as you realize your goals you will find relief from many of the problems that seem to plague you. But first you must set a goal, then plans and actions will follow. With the following of plans and actions come achievement, success, and accomplishment.
Self Realization is an understanding of your direction in life. If you understand your direction, you will see what you must do to achieve your goals. When you reach a goal, you get a realization, this act of achievement makes you feel fulfilled and complete. Even if only for a few hours, but it still feels good.
Goals are an essential part of life. If a person does not have goals, they often feel a lack of purpose. Wondering what the purpose of life is. The real meaning of life is growth. When something is growing it is alive. For us humans we stop physically growing around the age of 21, so after that milestone we can only continue to grow mentally, spiritually, and psychologically. To keep growing we must have a purpose, whether we invent one or discover one. Having a purpose in life provides principals, ideas, motivation, reason, and a reason to live. If you have purpose, you feel competent, and assured of your self. This takes you to your goals since you are focused on your objectives in life.
The most important way to realize your goals is to setup short-term goals that work toward long-term goals. For instance, a short-term goal is to walk around the block without stopping, then to run around the block without stopping, then increase the distance every time a goal is reached until the ultimate goal of running a marathon is accomplished. If you start by trying to run the marathon you will fail, but by starting with smaller goals you will succeed. Therefore, you can understand that it is important to set small goals you can reach and all the small goals add up to achieve the ultimate goal. Giving up will only, cause you stress, if the goal seems unreachable break it down into smaller goals. If you set goals out of your reach, it is likely you will never reach the end of the race. Setting goals out of your reach will also frustrate you, and as you continue to fail you will loose self-esteem, self-control, and confidence.
Realization of your self is the ability to recognize your own potentials and abilities. The realization of self will bring you fulfillment. When a person feels fulfilled they often have a life with more success and achievement. The overall point is to set small goals so that you can eventually achieve your ultimate goal.
As for the long-term goals, this is what will determine your life. When one is reached, enjoy the feeling, and then set another. You must keep growing to keep living. As you now realize, it takes effort to reach goals, it takes work and perseverance to achieve success. However, it is you, and only you, that must take the action to make it happen.
Be Blessed
Make sure to check out
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Self Realization is an understanding of your direction in life. If you understand your direction, you will see what you must do to achieve your goals. When you reach a goal, you get a realization, this act of achievement makes you feel fulfilled and complete. Even if only for a few hours, but it still feels good.
Goals are an essential part of life. If a person does not have goals, they often feel a lack of purpose. Wondering what the purpose of life is. The real meaning of life is growth. When something is growing it is alive. For us humans we stop physically growing around the age of 21, so after that milestone we can only continue to grow mentally, spiritually, and psychologically. To keep growing we must have a purpose, whether we invent one or discover one. Having a purpose in life provides principals, ideas, motivation, reason, and a reason to live. If you have purpose, you feel competent, and assured of your self. This takes you to your goals since you are focused on your objectives in life.
The most important way to realize your goals is to setup short-term goals that work toward long-term goals. For instance, a short-term goal is to walk around the block without stopping, then to run around the block without stopping, then increase the distance every time a goal is reached until the ultimate goal of running a marathon is accomplished. If you start by trying to run the marathon you will fail, but by starting with smaller goals you will succeed. Therefore, you can understand that it is important to set small goals you can reach and all the small goals add up to achieve the ultimate goal. Giving up will only, cause you stress, if the goal seems unreachable break it down into smaller goals. If you set goals out of your reach, it is likely you will never reach the end of the race. Setting goals out of your reach will also frustrate you, and as you continue to fail you will loose self-esteem, self-control, and confidence.
Realization of your self is the ability to recognize your own potentials and abilities. The realization of self will bring you fulfillment. When a person feels fulfilled they often have a life with more success and achievement. The overall point is to set small goals so that you can eventually achieve your ultimate goal.
As for the long-term goals, this is what will determine your life. When one is reached, enjoy the feeling, and then set another. You must keep growing to keep living. As you now realize, it takes effort to reach goals, it takes work and perseverance to achieve success. However, it is you, and only you, that must take the action to make it happen.
Be Blessed
Make sure to check out
Labels: dreams, effort, goals, success