Thursday, May 27, 2010
7 Tips for a Happier Life
Your outlook on life has a definite effect on your attitude, and this in turn plays a huge part in how happy we are, how successful we become. If you think positively about everything you will be more relaxed, and calm. When you are happy and calm you smile more than someone who is always looking on the bad side, and these people are the ones who lets stress get to them, you can tell who they are as they constantly wear a frown.
Not only does this thinking process and attitude affect you, it also affects all those around us. You have probably seen the effect that a happy person has on those whom they come in contact with, a smile is very contagious. While conversely you have seen someone come into the room in a bad mood and in short order ruin the happy mood of all the others in the room. So you do have plenty of social proof about how our mood affects our day. So the key is developing and keeping a positive outlook, this behaviour is essential to you if you wish to lead a happy and fulfilling life.
There are many ways in which you can change to develop a happy outlook on life, to lead a happy life you must simply begin to change how you think and feel about the situations that you encounter in your day to day living. Changing your thinking will take some time and practice, and like all skills with practice being happy will eventually become second nature. So here are some easy tips to creating a happy life.
1 Turn your thinking into positive thinking every minute of every day, when you catch yourself starting to think negatively remind yourself that you are trying to be happy and negative thoughts do not help.
2. Set your mind on completing one task at a time and while you are doing the task think only of a positive outcome and how good you will feel when you have completed it.
3 Now this one is a biggie; don’t let your conversations turn negative! When you are in a conversation it is easy to let others discourage you, particularly if they have a negative outlook on life. Ask the negative person point blank why they are dragging the conversation down, or if it is you ask your self that question.
4 Look for the good in every situation. This is not easy to do at first, but with practice it gets easier. Looking for the good will cause others to do the same, and this again will improve the happy level of all those around.
5 Similar to tip 4 but important enough for a separate tip, always look for the positive in the people around you, and then point it out, this way you can grow a positive attitude all around you, and again this makes for a happy life.
6 As you go through your day think about things that make you happy. Enjoy the feeling, and when you run into someone or situation that is not so happy, you can overcome the negative mood with your own happy mood. With the side benefit of having more people want to be around you because you are happy and bring happiness to wherever you go.
7 Forgive yourself and anyone else who may have done something that has caused you to think poorly, forgiveness does not mean forgetting, but it does mean letting go of the hard feelings that cause negativity and unhappiness. When you encounter a feeling about anything that causes you to start to loose your happy mood forgive again, and again, and again, until you are finally rid of that bad feeling. This will greatly increase your ability to live a happy life.
In conclusion, to be happy will take some practice at first, and will take a little effort to begin. Then as you live day by day your happiness will improve more and more until you finally have your happy life.
Be Blessed.
P.S. You cannot achieve success by simply slapping positive thoughts
on top of a lifetime of negative expectations. You need to uncover
and release the unconscious obstacles and habitual patterns that
hold you back from creating the life you desire. The Secret of
Deliberate Creation is designed to do this for you. Go see for
yourself now...
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Your outlook on life has a definite effect on your attitude, and this in turn plays a huge part in how happy we are, how successful we become. If you think positively about everything you will be more relaxed, and calm. When you are happy and calm you smile more than someone who is always looking on the bad side, and these people are the ones who lets stress get to them, you can tell who they are as they constantly wear a frown.
Not only does this thinking process and attitude affect you, it also affects all those around us. You have probably seen the effect that a happy person has on those whom they come in contact with, a smile is very contagious. While conversely you have seen someone come into the room in a bad mood and in short order ruin the happy mood of all the others in the room. So you do have plenty of social proof about how our mood affects our day. So the key is developing and keeping a positive outlook, this behaviour is essential to you if you wish to lead a happy and fulfilling life.
There are many ways in which you can change to develop a happy outlook on life, to lead a happy life you must simply begin to change how you think and feel about the situations that you encounter in your day to day living. Changing your thinking will take some time and practice, and like all skills with practice being happy will eventually become second nature. So here are some easy tips to creating a happy life.
1 Turn your thinking into positive thinking every minute of every day, when you catch yourself starting to think negatively remind yourself that you are trying to be happy and negative thoughts do not help.
2. Set your mind on completing one task at a time and while you are doing the task think only of a positive outcome and how good you will feel when you have completed it.
3 Now this one is a biggie; don’t let your conversations turn negative! When you are in a conversation it is easy to let others discourage you, particularly if they have a negative outlook on life. Ask the negative person point blank why they are dragging the conversation down, or if it is you ask your self that question.
4 Look for the good in every situation. This is not easy to do at first, but with practice it gets easier. Looking for the good will cause others to do the same, and this again will improve the happy level of all those around.
5 Similar to tip 4 but important enough for a separate tip, always look for the positive in the people around you, and then point it out, this way you can grow a positive attitude all around you, and again this makes for a happy life.
6 As you go through your day think about things that make you happy. Enjoy the feeling, and when you run into someone or situation that is not so happy, you can overcome the negative mood with your own happy mood. With the side benefit of having more people want to be around you because you are happy and bring happiness to wherever you go.
7 Forgive yourself and anyone else who may have done something that has caused you to think poorly, forgiveness does not mean forgetting, but it does mean letting go of the hard feelings that cause negativity and unhappiness. When you encounter a feeling about anything that causes you to start to loose your happy mood forgive again, and again, and again, until you are finally rid of that bad feeling. This will greatly increase your ability to live a happy life.
In conclusion, to be happy will take some practice at first, and will take a little effort to begin. Then as you live day by day your happiness will improve more and more until you finally have your happy life.
Be Blessed.
P.S. You cannot achieve success by simply slapping positive thoughts
on top of a lifetime of negative expectations. You need to uncover
and release the unconscious obstacles and habitual patterns that
hold you back from creating the life you desire. The Secret of
Deliberate Creation is designed to do this for you. Go see for
yourself now...