Saturday, May 29, 2010
Manifesting Your True Happiness
The Forgotten Laws
In the world today there are many people who are teaching manifesting. Most of these new age gurus are teaching that if you just think about it then you can have the new yacht, the new car, the new house, and whatever causes your happiness. However, a shocking fact that it seems gets left out or ignored is the question; what about you?
For a person to achieve riches from rags there has to be a change inside the person. This is why you must first manifest your self, and then all the worldly toys will follow. You have to be happy with your self, then the toys will come. In other words your happiness must come from inside. The main point is that you must first make yourself ready for the things you desire. Another way to put it is to achieve manifesting through self improvement, or manifest your new self.
Now a quick point to make here, the law of attraction has been bandied about a lot lately and so many people are becoming interested in the subject. When you are consciously using the law of attraction it is called manifesting. Compare it to the term driving, when you use a car to go somewhere it is called driving. So when you are using the law of attraction you are manifesting, and this is what will result in your happiness.
Now you cant just read a single book and expect to become like the fabled genie who can make it happen immediately, you must first attune yourself to the desire, then the desire will be met, only after you have changed, will the universe change. One of the first things that everyone needs to do is change to a more positive and healthy outlook about yourself. You must become a better person, appreciate your self worth, have some self esteem, and be a better person to the universe. When you enjoy your self that is when your happiness will arrive.
One of the first things you need to learn... Yes there it is the “learn” word, which means it will take effort and work... is to not take other peoples criticism to heart, instead listen only to what they are saying and learn from it. If the person is berating you, ask them to rephrase the tirade so that you can understand what they need. If they are using derogatory terms ask them to be a little more professional or courteous and explain the situation not their opinion. That may seem scary, but with practice it will become easier and easier each time you do it.
An excellent tirade stopper is the time out signal used by darn near every sport out there, the two hand tee. Then use your voice and ask the person who is behaving poorly towards you to rephrase. Also keep in mind that this person is not going to stay awake at night worried they hurt your feelings, so don’t allow the conversation to become personal or affect your feelings.
The next two skills for manifesting your self and your happiness is to learn to say no to those who will not treat you correctly, and to take some time out for yourself everyday.
First stop allowing other people to lead your life. When they ask you to do unpleasant or demeaning, or extremely inconvenient things for them and you know they are just taking advantage of you, is to just learn to say no, and mean it. Your time and energy are valuable; do not waste them on people who will not appreciate the gift of you and your talent. Say no, and mean it.
The second skill mentioned above is to learn to do “Me Time”; this is where you will see the most miraculous manifesting of your self occur. Learn to meditate, look inside yourself and realize all your good points and as painful as it may seem now, discover your bad traits, admit them, and change them into more positive and constructive traits.
The Forgotten Laws
Celebrate even the smallest achievements that you accomplish, treat your self whenever you do something new, or well, or better. Soon you will see your life turning around from abject misery to utter joy, and you will have your happiness.
Do something everyday that you enjoy, such as talking a walk in the park, or a really long bath with scented bubbles, or going to a place you enjoy like the library or museum or reading room. Talk positively to yourself, to chase away negative thoughts and feelings never deprive yourself of something you enjoy, if you feel you shouldn’t be doing it, then do it anyway and stop chastising yourself about it. To manifest your self you will have to take actions, these will at first seem hard, but as you repeat the actions, and improve on them you will see more and more change for the better.
Finally when you least expect it you will discover that you are a new you, that you have manifested a new and better you. You will see that life is beautiful, and all those things you previously just wanted, if you still want them, then you can make them happen using your new skill of manifesting.
Be Blessed
The Forgotten Laws
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
In the world today there are many people who are teaching manifesting. Most of these new age gurus are teaching that if you just think about it then you can have the new yacht, the new car, the new house, and whatever causes your happiness. However, a shocking fact that it seems gets left out or ignored is the question; what about you?
For a person to achieve riches from rags there has to be a change inside the person. This is why you must first manifest your self, and then all the worldly toys will follow. You have to be happy with your self, then the toys will come. In other words your happiness must come from inside. The main point is that you must first make yourself ready for the things you desire. Another way to put it is to achieve manifesting through self improvement, or manifest your new self.
Now a quick point to make here, the law of attraction has been bandied about a lot lately and so many people are becoming interested in the subject. When you are consciously using the law of attraction it is called manifesting. Compare it to the term driving, when you use a car to go somewhere it is called driving. So when you are using the law of attraction you are manifesting, and this is what will result in your happiness.
Now you cant just read a single book and expect to become like the fabled genie who can make it happen immediately, you must first attune yourself to the desire, then the desire will be met, only after you have changed, will the universe change. One of the first things that everyone needs to do is change to a more positive and healthy outlook about yourself. You must become a better person, appreciate your self worth, have some self esteem, and be a better person to the universe. When you enjoy your self that is when your happiness will arrive.
One of the first things you need to learn... Yes there it is the “learn” word, which means it will take effort and work... is to not take other peoples criticism to heart, instead listen only to what they are saying and learn from it. If the person is berating you, ask them to rephrase the tirade so that you can understand what they need. If they are using derogatory terms ask them to be a little more professional or courteous and explain the situation not their opinion. That may seem scary, but with practice it will become easier and easier each time you do it.
An excellent tirade stopper is the time out signal used by darn near every sport out there, the two hand tee. Then use your voice and ask the person who is behaving poorly towards you to rephrase. Also keep in mind that this person is not going to stay awake at night worried they hurt your feelings, so don’t allow the conversation to become personal or affect your feelings.
The next two skills for manifesting your self and your happiness is to learn to say no to those who will not treat you correctly, and to take some time out for yourself everyday.
First stop allowing other people to lead your life. When they ask you to do unpleasant or demeaning, or extremely inconvenient things for them and you know they are just taking advantage of you, is to just learn to say no, and mean it. Your time and energy are valuable; do not waste them on people who will not appreciate the gift of you and your talent. Say no, and mean it.
The second skill mentioned above is to learn to do “Me Time”; this is where you will see the most miraculous manifesting of your self occur. Learn to meditate, look inside yourself and realize all your good points and as painful as it may seem now, discover your bad traits, admit them, and change them into more positive and constructive traits.
The Forgotten Laws
Celebrate even the smallest achievements that you accomplish, treat your self whenever you do something new, or well, or better. Soon you will see your life turning around from abject misery to utter joy, and you will have your happiness.
Do something everyday that you enjoy, such as talking a walk in the park, or a really long bath with scented bubbles, or going to a place you enjoy like the library or museum or reading room. Talk positively to yourself, to chase away negative thoughts and feelings never deprive yourself of something you enjoy, if you feel you shouldn’t be doing it, then do it anyway and stop chastising yourself about it. To manifest your self you will have to take actions, these will at first seem hard, but as you repeat the actions, and improve on them you will see more and more change for the better.
Finally when you least expect it you will discover that you are a new you, that you have manifested a new and better you. You will see that life is beautiful, and all those things you previously just wanted, if you still want them, then you can make them happen using your new skill of manifesting.
Be Blessed
The Forgotten Laws
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting