Friday, February 29, 2008
How To use The Law of Success
Let us start today with a statement of the obvious. You desire to be a success; it is your aim in life to be a success. Of course you want to do this in the easiest and most comfortable manner possible, and unfortunately for you there is no easy way that you can find.
So, we start with a most excellent saying that I have printed on a poster in my house, a quote from Napoleon Hill;
“You may not like the work in which you are now engaged…
There are two ways of getting out of that work. One way is to take but little interest in what you are doing, aiming merely to do enough with which to "get by." Very soon you will find a way out, because the demand for your services will cease.
The other and better way is by making yourself so useful and efficient in what you are now doing that you will attract the favorable attention of those who have the power to promote you into more responsible work that is more to your liking.
It is your privilege to take your choice as to which way you will proceed.”
So what does this mean? In short it means to be able to use the Law of Success, you have to try! You have to exert effort; you have to put forth your intention and your ability to do more than the other person. You have to be willing to do the work that others will not do, to go the extra inch is all it takes, and if you can go the extra mile all the better.
You are reminded of the importance of this, through which you may avail yourself of this "better way" of promoting yourself. The extra things you do will make you stand out, be recognized and then bring on a series of events that will lift you to the levels of success that you desire. This success will not drop into your lap, nor will it be handed to you. You will have to work for it.
Discovery of your success is but a matter of investigation and the use of your imagination. What you are looking for is almost under your nose right now. With this information you may well be pleasantly surprised when you discover that you were standing right over this hidden success, in the work in which you are now engaged.
Success is simply a matter of adjusting your self to the ever changing environments of life, while maintaining dignity, harmony and poise. Harmony is based upon understanding of the forces constituting one's environment. It is therefore, to interpret, understand and make the most of these environmental forces of life.
The successful people on earth have all had to correct certain character flaws before they began to succeed. The most common flaws that stand between people and success are intolerance, avarice, greed, jealousy, miserliness, revenge, egotism, selfishness, conceit, vanity, hatred and the poor habit of spending more money than they earn.
Modify yourself so that you do not display these traits and you will thrive, you will enjoy success. However you must recognize now, rather than later, that you are the one responsible for you, and it is only you that must make the effort. Nobody else, no one else, can take action for you and you enjoy the rewards.
Let us use an example; you probably have a favorite store, probably because they are more pleasing and more attractive to you. In any other part of the city in many other stores you could purchase merchandise of similar nature and price, yet you will find there is always one outstanding store which does more business than any of the others. The reason for this is that in back of that store is a man, or woman who has attended to the personalities of those who come in contact with the public. People buy personalities as much as the merchandise, and the store is successful as the customers are influenced more by the personalities that they come in contact with than they are by the merchandise.
Your business in life, or at least the most important part of it, is to achieve success. Success; your purpose in life is the attainment of your dreams without violating the rights of other people. Regardless of what your definition of success in life may be, you will attain it with much less difficulty after you learn how to cultivate a pleasing personality.
There are but two more points to cover, the first you have probably heard many times but have failed to heed the advice; "You Can Do It if You Believe You Can!" As we have covered before your beliefs influence your actions, and your actions determine your quality of life. It may seem overly simple but you must change your beliefs to change your life. You do deserve a good life, but it will not come on a silver platter delivered to your doorstep, you will have to go out and find it for yourself and with a bit of effort bring it home with you.
The last point for today is the never ceasing concept of having a dream. Without a dream, a goal, you have nothing to aim for, no direction to move in. Like having a plane ticket with no destination you do not know what plane to get on to start the journey. Decide today what your dream is, write it down so you do not forget, and begin your journey to success. With a dream to move you and some personal effort you can have and be anything you desire.
Be Blessed
So, we start with a most excellent saying that I have printed on a poster in my house, a quote from Napoleon Hill;
“You may not like the work in which you are now engaged…
There are two ways of getting out of that work. One way is to take but little interest in what you are doing, aiming merely to do enough with which to "get by." Very soon you will find a way out, because the demand for your services will cease.
The other and better way is by making yourself so useful and efficient in what you are now doing that you will attract the favorable attention of those who have the power to promote you into more responsible work that is more to your liking.
It is your privilege to take your choice as to which way you will proceed.”
So what does this mean? In short it means to be able to use the Law of Success, you have to try! You have to exert effort; you have to put forth your intention and your ability to do more than the other person. You have to be willing to do the work that others will not do, to go the extra inch is all it takes, and if you can go the extra mile all the better.
You are reminded of the importance of this, through which you may avail yourself of this "better way" of promoting yourself. The extra things you do will make you stand out, be recognized and then bring on a series of events that will lift you to the levels of success that you desire. This success will not drop into your lap, nor will it be handed to you. You will have to work for it.
Discovery of your success is but a matter of investigation and the use of your imagination. What you are looking for is almost under your nose right now. With this information you may well be pleasantly surprised when you discover that you were standing right over this hidden success, in the work in which you are now engaged.
Success is simply a matter of adjusting your self to the ever changing environments of life, while maintaining dignity, harmony and poise. Harmony is based upon understanding of the forces constituting one's environment. It is therefore, to interpret, understand and make the most of these environmental forces of life.
The successful people on earth have all had to correct certain character flaws before they began to succeed. The most common flaws that stand between people and success are intolerance, avarice, greed, jealousy, miserliness, revenge, egotism, selfishness, conceit, vanity, hatred and the poor habit of spending more money than they earn.
Modify yourself so that you do not display these traits and you will thrive, you will enjoy success. However you must recognize now, rather than later, that you are the one responsible for you, and it is only you that must make the effort. Nobody else, no one else, can take action for you and you enjoy the rewards.
Let us use an example; you probably have a favorite store, probably because they are more pleasing and more attractive to you. In any other part of the city in many other stores you could purchase merchandise of similar nature and price, yet you will find there is always one outstanding store which does more business than any of the others. The reason for this is that in back of that store is a man, or woman who has attended to the personalities of those who come in contact with the public. People buy personalities as much as the merchandise, and the store is successful as the customers are influenced more by the personalities that they come in contact with than they are by the merchandise.
Your business in life, or at least the most important part of it, is to achieve success. Success; your purpose in life is the attainment of your dreams without violating the rights of other people. Regardless of what your definition of success in life may be, you will attain it with much less difficulty after you learn how to cultivate a pleasing personality.
There are but two more points to cover, the first you have probably heard many times but have failed to heed the advice; "You Can Do It if You Believe You Can!" As we have covered before your beliefs influence your actions, and your actions determine your quality of life. It may seem overly simple but you must change your beliefs to change your life. You do deserve a good life, but it will not come on a silver platter delivered to your doorstep, you will have to go out and find it for yourself and with a bit of effort bring it home with you.
The last point for today is the never ceasing concept of having a dream. Without a dream, a goal, you have nothing to aim for, no direction to move in. Like having a plane ticket with no destination you do not know what plane to get on to start the journey. Decide today what your dream is, write it down so you do not forget, and begin your journey to success. With a dream to move you and some personal effort you can have and be anything you desire.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, life
Thursday, February 28, 2008
How to Use the Subconscious Mind
In the early part of the last century, certain people first began to realize that the mind was duality in its operation. The part we always are accustomed to using was named the conscious mind and the other part mistakenly thought to be the lesser part of consciousness was named the subconscious mind.
It was felt that the conscious mind, with its ability to think and reason, would naturally be the master part of the mind and that the other one would be subservient to it. This is extremely inaccurate and is far from being the truth. As you are about to learn, the subconscious mind is the real intelligence and power. No one has ever had as much intelligence, consciously, as all of us have subconsciously.
The prefix "sub" means under, below, beneath, lower. Since the subconscious mind is the seat of our intelligence and power, why do we call it the subconscious mind? Originally it was thought to be the lesser part of our mind and so it was labeled with the sub prefix. What was not realized is that the subconscious mind can access and use all the knowledge of the universe.
Our thoughts and actions are continually being guided by our subconscious mind, whether or not we are led to success and happiness, or failure and despair. It is the subconscious mind that controls and directs our actions as a direct result of the commands our conscious mind gives. It is our conscious mind that discerns levels of difference; good from bad, poor from rich, sick from healthy, and so on. Our subconscious does not make these distinctions; it only follows our conscious guidance and brings into our reality what we have commanded.
We command our subconscious by the thoughts, and words we use. If we are always speaking of prosperity then we develop a success consciousness, the subconscious mind will direct us in thought and action to success and happiness. Conversely if we are always speaking of how hard we have it and our lack of money and resources, then the same measure is applied and our subconscious will cause us to have a hard life, with a lack of money. Do you see what is happening here?
The following is a very simple description of the subconscious Mind and its relationship to the conscious mind. We will use a large corporation as an illustration. A big corporation, as you know, has a CEO and a general manager. Of course it has all those others too like vice presidents, secretaries, treasurers, etc. However for the sake of simplicity, we will use only the CEO and the general manager. Let us assume that this corporation in this illustration is an automobile plant. The CEO does the planning; the general manager executes the plans. When a new model is being contemplated, the president will make the decision as to all the changes to be made. These changes will be given to the general manager. It is the manager that tells the designers and draftsmen and tool makers etc. as to what to do, soon after the models are made; the plant is tooled up to create the new designs and on and on it goes until finally a new car rolls off the line bearing all of the changes originally planned by the CEO.
The conscious mind is the CEO; the subconscious mind is the general manager. The conscious mind does the thinking, planning, evaluating. The subconscious mind carries out the orders. You, as you sit right now are the CEO of your self. Your subconscious is also part of you but works far differently than the CEO part of you. The subconscious part of you will cause to come into reality anything you command it to.
Let us use an example that more closely applies to you. There is an individual that was just getting by. This person just barely managed to keep food on the table and to pay the rent; but there never was any money left over for nice clothes, vacation, etc. This person was always talking about how hard life was and that the working person could never catch a break.
Then one day; suddenly a powerful thought entered into their mind. That person began to see that there is a better life and it could be theirs for the asking. That person saw their self as a success. That person began to think in terms of "I AM a Success," and began to talk about the good things in life.
So what do you think happens after that simple thought change? That’s right their general manager; the subconscious mind, accepts the thought "I AM a Success" as a command. It is a new model ordered by the CEO; the conscious mind. Now then, just as the general manager of the factory will give out orders to the many department heads, your subconscious mind will begin sending out messages to the various assistants throughout your being. Your general manager knows that to be a success you must look like one. It will make you more alert; it will put a spring in your step; it will put a look of determination in your eye; it will put an expression in your voice which rings of success. Most important of all, your general manager will direct your thinking and actions so that you will be guided to do the things which will make you a success.
Isn't it hard to believe that you have been going through life the hard way; wishing for things without realizing that through the correct use of your subconscious mind you do not have to wish! You now know that you have it within your power to make your dreams come true, by simply commanding your subconscious mind correctly you can have, and be, all that you desire.
Be Blessed
It was felt that the conscious mind, with its ability to think and reason, would naturally be the master part of the mind and that the other one would be subservient to it. This is extremely inaccurate and is far from being the truth. As you are about to learn, the subconscious mind is the real intelligence and power. No one has ever had as much intelligence, consciously, as all of us have subconsciously.
The prefix "sub" means under, below, beneath, lower. Since the subconscious mind is the seat of our intelligence and power, why do we call it the subconscious mind? Originally it was thought to be the lesser part of our mind and so it was labeled with the sub prefix. What was not realized is that the subconscious mind can access and use all the knowledge of the universe.
Our thoughts and actions are continually being guided by our subconscious mind, whether or not we are led to success and happiness, or failure and despair. It is the subconscious mind that controls and directs our actions as a direct result of the commands our conscious mind gives. It is our conscious mind that discerns levels of difference; good from bad, poor from rich, sick from healthy, and so on. Our subconscious does not make these distinctions; it only follows our conscious guidance and brings into our reality what we have commanded.
We command our subconscious by the thoughts, and words we use. If we are always speaking of prosperity then we develop a success consciousness, the subconscious mind will direct us in thought and action to success and happiness. Conversely if we are always speaking of how hard we have it and our lack of money and resources, then the same measure is applied and our subconscious will cause us to have a hard life, with a lack of money. Do you see what is happening here?
The following is a very simple description of the subconscious Mind and its relationship to the conscious mind. We will use a large corporation as an illustration. A big corporation, as you know, has a CEO and a general manager. Of course it has all those others too like vice presidents, secretaries, treasurers, etc. However for the sake of simplicity, we will use only the CEO and the general manager. Let us assume that this corporation in this illustration is an automobile plant. The CEO does the planning; the general manager executes the plans. When a new model is being contemplated, the president will make the decision as to all the changes to be made. These changes will be given to the general manager. It is the manager that tells the designers and draftsmen and tool makers etc. as to what to do, soon after the models are made; the plant is tooled up to create the new designs and on and on it goes until finally a new car rolls off the line bearing all of the changes originally planned by the CEO.
The conscious mind is the CEO; the subconscious mind is the general manager. The conscious mind does the thinking, planning, evaluating. The subconscious mind carries out the orders. You, as you sit right now are the CEO of your self. Your subconscious is also part of you but works far differently than the CEO part of you. The subconscious part of you will cause to come into reality anything you command it to.
Let us use an example that more closely applies to you. There is an individual that was just getting by. This person just barely managed to keep food on the table and to pay the rent; but there never was any money left over for nice clothes, vacation, etc. This person was always talking about how hard life was and that the working person could never catch a break.
Then one day; suddenly a powerful thought entered into their mind. That person began to see that there is a better life and it could be theirs for the asking. That person saw their self as a success. That person began to think in terms of "I AM a Success," and began to talk about the good things in life.
So what do you think happens after that simple thought change? That’s right their general manager; the subconscious mind, accepts the thought "I AM a Success" as a command. It is a new model ordered by the CEO; the conscious mind. Now then, just as the general manager of the factory will give out orders to the many department heads, your subconscious mind will begin sending out messages to the various assistants throughout your being. Your general manager knows that to be a success you must look like one. It will make you more alert; it will put a spring in your step; it will put a look of determination in your eye; it will put an expression in your voice which rings of success. Most important of all, your general manager will direct your thinking and actions so that you will be guided to do the things which will make you a success.
Isn't it hard to believe that you have been going through life the hard way; wishing for things without realizing that through the correct use of your subconscious mind you do not have to wish! You now know that you have it within your power to make your dreams come true, by simply commanding your subconscious mind correctly you can have, and be, all that you desire.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Taking Command of Your Self
The story of Aladdin and the Magic lamp is an old story about a poor man who finds a way to make all his wishes come true just by asking. This may seem to you a bit on the fantastic side, but there is a way to make all your wishes come true.
Let us get straight to it; your subconscious mind connects directly to creation. It is your link to the universe, to God, by whatever name you use, to the whole of entirety. The subconscious also links to you; it helps to control you and your actions, and takes care of all the auto functions of your body. The part of this that few people know or realize is that the subconscious takes commands from you the conscious being, and works diligently to see that your commands are followed.
That is one meaty paragraph, and if you did not quite comprehend what was said, stop here and read it again, yes it is that important.
So let us start with a few examples of how people command their subconscious. You have probably heard people say “I can’t do that” regardless of the subject or task at hand. The reason they can’t is they have told themselves, in other words told their subconscious, that they can’t do something. The subconscious has taken this as a command and has arranged things so that the conscious individual can’t do it.
Another example is when you say, or have heard other people say, “I can’t remember” again this is a command you have given to your subconscious, and it has followed the command and has prevented you from remembering. Instead of saying you can’t remember, say “It will come to me in a minute” then your subconscious will accept the command and you will remember in about sixty seconds. As you regain control over your memory you will find that the “in a minute” command will be followed to the second every time.
So what commands do you issue to your subconscious? Do you tell yourself that your feet hurt, and so therefore they do? Do you tell your friends you’re a klutz, and so therefore you are clumsy? Do you say you are shy, so therefore you are bashful around other people? These commands you give will be followed, the subconscious will take the command and act on it causing you to be and do as you have said.
This is a wild and strange concept, but if you think about it for a while you will realize the truth of this matter and will start to change the way you talk to your self. It is not so strange that you can not see the revelation of this method of talking to your self to take control of your life. Here is a common area of comment, one you have probably heard all your life: “those rich people…” And it is usually followed by a comment about the speaker of this comment being broke, or not being able to afford it. What has just happened is that person gave their subconscious a command to be broke, and or a command to not be able to afford something. So the subconscious not being able to differentiate between the commands as to what is beneficial, and what is not, will work to ensure the command is followed and that person will be broke, and not able to afford it.
So a few simple rules to implement and your life can be just like Aladdin and his lamp. Well, there won’t be a poof of smoke and there it is, it may take a few days or weeks, but the result will be the same. Speak only the things you desire to happen, as most things you say are commands to your subconscious. So think about what you are saying, and if you find your self saying things that are undesirable, stop, and redirect your words to yourself to be positive. For example if you tell your self, and others, that you are just unlucky, stop saying that, and start saying you are getting luckier every day. Soon you will see the results and you can change your words to the effect that you are a very lucky person, followed by your life getting even better.
There is not enough room here to write all the specific phrases that people say and use every day, so I hope you understand the gist of this concept. In short you get what you say, and what you say is taken by your subconscious as an order, and it does its best to follow the instruction causing you to do what you have commanded. So if you are commanding yourself to be clumsy, poor, sleepless, friendless, loveless, and so on, stop saying that. This includes just thinking it, thinking you are clumsy is the same as saying it out loud, only you are only talking to your subconscious, and we both know what happens next.
Most people complain, and those complaints more often than not are taken as commands by the subconscious and brought into your life. Try this; try to complain about being healthy, complain about having good friends, complain about having spare cash, and soon you will see yourself actually having these things.
So be careful with the words you use to command your subconscious. Change the phrase and the words you use and soon your life will start to become the way you want it. With only a little practice you can see some amazingly fast results; the more practice the faster the results. So start now, give your subconscious the correct commands, and when you catch yourself starting to complain, change the words to make it a proper command that you desire, not the poor command you were about to give.
Be Blessed
Let us get straight to it; your subconscious mind connects directly to creation. It is your link to the universe, to God, by whatever name you use, to the whole of entirety. The subconscious also links to you; it helps to control you and your actions, and takes care of all the auto functions of your body. The part of this that few people know or realize is that the subconscious takes commands from you the conscious being, and works diligently to see that your commands are followed.
That is one meaty paragraph, and if you did not quite comprehend what was said, stop here and read it again, yes it is that important.
So let us start with a few examples of how people command their subconscious. You have probably heard people say “I can’t do that” regardless of the subject or task at hand. The reason they can’t is they have told themselves, in other words told their subconscious, that they can’t do something. The subconscious has taken this as a command and has arranged things so that the conscious individual can’t do it.
Another example is when you say, or have heard other people say, “I can’t remember” again this is a command you have given to your subconscious, and it has followed the command and has prevented you from remembering. Instead of saying you can’t remember, say “It will come to me in a minute” then your subconscious will accept the command and you will remember in about sixty seconds. As you regain control over your memory you will find that the “in a minute” command will be followed to the second every time.
So what commands do you issue to your subconscious? Do you tell yourself that your feet hurt, and so therefore they do? Do you tell your friends you’re a klutz, and so therefore you are clumsy? Do you say you are shy, so therefore you are bashful around other people? These commands you give will be followed, the subconscious will take the command and act on it causing you to be and do as you have said.
This is a wild and strange concept, but if you think about it for a while you will realize the truth of this matter and will start to change the way you talk to your self. It is not so strange that you can not see the revelation of this method of talking to your self to take control of your life. Here is a common area of comment, one you have probably heard all your life: “those rich people…” And it is usually followed by a comment about the speaker of this comment being broke, or not being able to afford it. What has just happened is that person gave their subconscious a command to be broke, and or a command to not be able to afford something. So the subconscious not being able to differentiate between the commands as to what is beneficial, and what is not, will work to ensure the command is followed and that person will be broke, and not able to afford it.
So a few simple rules to implement and your life can be just like Aladdin and his lamp. Well, there won’t be a poof of smoke and there it is, it may take a few days or weeks, but the result will be the same. Speak only the things you desire to happen, as most things you say are commands to your subconscious. So think about what you are saying, and if you find your self saying things that are undesirable, stop, and redirect your words to yourself to be positive. For example if you tell your self, and others, that you are just unlucky, stop saying that, and start saying you are getting luckier every day. Soon you will see the results and you can change your words to the effect that you are a very lucky person, followed by your life getting even better.
There is not enough room here to write all the specific phrases that people say and use every day, so I hope you understand the gist of this concept. In short you get what you say, and what you say is taken by your subconscious as an order, and it does its best to follow the instruction causing you to do what you have commanded. So if you are commanding yourself to be clumsy, poor, sleepless, friendless, loveless, and so on, stop saying that. This includes just thinking it, thinking you are clumsy is the same as saying it out loud, only you are only talking to your subconscious, and we both know what happens next.
Most people complain, and those complaints more often than not are taken as commands by the subconscious and brought into your life. Try this; try to complain about being healthy, complain about having good friends, complain about having spare cash, and soon you will see yourself actually having these things.
So be careful with the words you use to command your subconscious. Change the phrase and the words you use and soon your life will start to become the way you want it. With only a little practice you can see some amazingly fast results; the more practice the faster the results. So start now, give your subconscious the correct commands, and when you catch yourself starting to complain, change the words to make it a proper command that you desire, not the poor command you were about to give.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
How To Have A Night of Sleep
In our many discussions one thing we have not discussed is ways and means of inducing not just sleep, but restful, peaceful sleep.
Sleeplessness usually results from bad bed habits. Tossing and turning for long periods of time after lying down is frequently psychological than physiological. If, however, you have difficulty in sleeping, you should first go see your doctor to learn whether it is some bodily ailment which is keeping you awake. If it is, be guided by your doctor, if it is not then this discussion will be of excellent use to you.
The thoughts and suggestions given to you from here on out are based upon the assumption that you are in good health. We will not spend be discussing sleep from a psychological standpoint. In fact, you are not interested in knowing what sleep is; you want to learn how to go to sleep and rest peacefully. A fault discovered is half overcome, In other words knowing is half the battle, the other half is action, so, let us begin.
First we will discuss some of the problems common to most people, and the solution. As this will be of limited space we will by necessity have to keep it short.
Worry is probably the Number one enemy of sleep. We lay down and then let our mind worry about things we have no current control over. Things like finances, health, our job, or our businesses. We worry about wars and rumors of wars, natural disasters, the end of the earth, and so on. Another part of this worry causes us to translate sounds into burglars, or just a general “something is wrong” thought. I will wager that if you reflect over the worries which have kept you awake in the past, you'll be able to add many more worries to this list.
Now the Solution to this is to be logical! We have discussed in the past that worry cannot in any way help the condition about which you are worrying. In fact worry often times brings about the very problem you want to avoid. Also a sleepless night will rob you of the energy and stamina which could have helped you to combat the causes of your worry. Most worry is a lie; seldom do the things you worry about materialize.
You will learn that things one worries about are seldom reasons for worry at all. They are challenges; opportunities for us to grow and we can easily find solutions to our problems. So therefore tonight, and every night hereafter, instead of worrying, go to sleep with this thought: When you worry, you are holding mental pictures of things you do not want, instead of things you do want. So, as you go to sleep, visualize the ideal condition you are seeking, the ones you do want, instead of the one you don’t want, and realize that when you are asleep your subconscious mind will work on the problem and present you a solution in the morning.
The next problem is related to worry but is just a little different so as deserve its own mention: Bringing home your work. Many people carry their work to bed with them. For hours they relive the day that just ended; thinking of the things they did do but should not have done; and thinking of the things they did not do but should have done. Then after spending many sleepless hours with the past, they switch to worry about the future.
This solution takes a little different approach. Before going to bed, take a few moments and review the day. Note the word “few” and limit yourself to 30 minutes or less. Have a pad of paper and write down if there is anything not pleasing to you, decide what you will do about it the following day, or sometime in the future. Then say to your self that the job will stay on paper, and you will take the yoke again in the morning, my favorite phrase is “Let the world turn without me tonight” and then go to bed and sleep. If you catch your self trying to think about the past remind yourself that you can not fix, change or undo the past, it is over, you are in bed now, worry about the world tomorrow. Make use of your subconscious mind and permit it to work for you while you sleep. Knowing that a good night's sleep will let you awaken in the morning refreshed and ready to start a day of great accomplishment.
Next is Jealousy: It is pathetic how many hours of sleep the green-eyed monster has taken from men and women. Such hours of sleeplessness are miserable, too. We toss and turn as we imagine our happiness and security being taken away, or our leave us for another. Again this is like worry but needs its own mention.
The solution is Simple. Jealousy usually indicates one of two things: selfishness or inferiority. As you retire at night, realize that refreshing, restful sleep will give you the charm which makes you unafraid of competition. Remember! The more you trust others, the more that trust will be deserved.
Next come a harsh one; Envy. A good number of people, upon hearing of the good fortune of a friend or relative, will stay awake for long periods of time wondering why they never get the breaks. They envy others who have better jobs, better homes, better automobiles, and so on. Envy is negative. To envy someone for a possession indicates that you doubt your own ability to obtain that which you are envying.
Again a simple Solution: Instead of envying others for what they have, understand that you may acquire the same things, a little planning and action can cause you to be able to earn and acquire the things you think you so desperately need, or have better than you originally thought.
The next robber of sleep is the guilty conscience. A guilty conscience does not always indicate that you committed a crime, or a breach of conduct. One's conscience may bother you simply because you may feel that you have been negligent toward those near and dear to you, or if we feel we have been negligent in improving the body, taking care of our self, exercising and eating right, or if we feel we should have done something that we neglected to do. We lay in bed ruminating over the things we did wrong or failed to do. A guilty conscience is caused by something which happened in the past. It is beyond the power of anyone to relive a single day of the past.
The solution to this is simple in theory but hard in practice. Let bygones be bygones and forgive yourself for your mistakes of the past. Forgiveness of ones self is often harder than forgiving others, but you must forgive your self. Learn from your errors and in so doing profit by them, so that you will not make similar mistakes or omissions in the future. Go to bed with the thought that you forgive your self, and will do better in the future. Sometimes it is because we think we are lazy. There is no such thing as actual physical laziness, all laziness is mental. When we do not do what we should, it is because we are not interested in it. Learn to like that which you have to do. Decide you will do it a bit better than it has ever been done before. If laziness has been the cause of your guilt, retire with a promise to yourself that in the future you will find something to like about everything you are supposed to do and that you will take delight in doing it well.
Now comes another giant stealer of sleep: Hatred. In the causes of sleeplessness, it has been noted that one with a heart of hatred never sleeps as well as the one whose mind is at peace. The hater has difficulty in going to sleep and when they do it is a tense sleep more like exhaustion and has little if any benefits of rest. The hater will allow their mind to dwell upon the perceived injustice, the wrong that the object of the hate represents. Hate is a poison and will destroy your life faster and surer than the abuse of drugs or alcohol. Hate is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. Hate is unreasonable and causes many more problems than it is worth. A sure way to destroy all that you love is to harbor hate within you. . If you would but realize the damage which is done by hating, you would know that you cannot afford to hate. Remember: Hatred never harms the one hated. The hater is the
one who pays the penalty, after all who does hatred keep awake at night?
Here is the solution; Hatred is a poison which works on both your mind
and body, understand that hate only harms your self. Ask yourself the question: "Wouldn't that person be glad if they knew this was keeping me awake?" Knowing the futility of lying awake, just hating; whisper a prayer asking that the hated be blessed and then forgive them for the wrongs they may have committed. This act will actually dissolve the hatred, and you will drop off to restful sleep. Again you must forgive, you do not have to trust them ever again, but you must forgive, or you will pay a higher price than the person or things that you hate.
The next area is planning and creating. This is the only constructive reason for sleeplessness given. Progressive, far-sighted people usually spend many of the hours in which they should be sleeping in making plans for the future. As admirable as this trait appears, a weakened physical condition is developed which may later hold one back from doing the things one has planned to do. The inventive-type mind, whether it is concerned with patentable ideas, designs, story material, subjects for paintings, etc., will frequently be most active at bedtime, when ideas seem to come thick and fast.
Now this solution requires only a little self discipline. Retire with the thought such as: I do my best writing early in the morning. As you lay down tell your subconscious mind: "I will sleep peacefully tonight, and as I do so, my subconscious mind will develop a good plan and in the morning, as I write, thoughts will flow to me enabling me to write what I need to accomplish.” Keep a note book next to your bed or readily available nearby, and when you awake you will have to take a little initiative to start writing, but then the thoughts will come, and you will be amazed at what a genius you truly are.
Now this last one; fear, is by no means the least. This is the one most people have. Fear of something, it might be the fear of getting hurt, the fear of losing, the fear of dying, whatever the other part it all boils down to fear If ones health is not good, then you fear death as a result of illness. You can fear death through accidents, fear of being hurt, there are so many types of fear that that whole libraries have been written about the subject. Understand that the fear will grab you and have you imagining all sorts of things, usually all bad. It is a lot like worry but far more sinister as it will actually cause you to not take any action of any kind as you may suffer one or more of the results you stayed awake imagining. Fear will shut down your life and will cause you to stop living even though you are still breathing. You will be torturing yourself and, at night, when everything is dark, and one has a feeling of loneliness, that is the time when one gives vent to such fears.
There is a solution: Love life, and do not fear death, give no thought whatsoever to the day when you will leave this plane of existence. Fear of death hastens death. When we have a pain, instead of looking for the cause and trying to correct it, we worry about it, and associate it with a possible cause of death, we become frantic. This fear will simply cause the situation we do not desire to hasten it’s entry into our life. Live life every day, see the sun come up and know that regardless of what happens today the sun will come up again tomorrow, with or without you, choose to have it rise with you still here, and your fear left behind in yesterday. Live as if you had an average life span of 199 years. Then, no matter what your present age may be, you are young in comparison with the time you have set for yourself.
If there are any unavoidable sounds or noises which may keep you awake, get the right attitude toward the sounds instead of resenting them and they'll no longer bother you. Perhaps you live in a neighborhood where there is considerable street noise. Resenting it will keep you awake. Learn to be indifferent toward the many sounds, and you will soon forget them.
"I just can't sleep with all that racket," you might say. Of course, knowing the mind and how it operates, as you now do, we understand that such a statement literally instructs the subconscious mind to keep one awake.
When I was a younger, I slept on a US Navy destroyer that always made noise, the vents, the engines, and people moving about twenty four hours a day. Because I chose to ignore the noise I became accustomed to it, and whenever it got quiet during night for any reason, the silence would wake me.
Problems, fears and worries are greatly magnified at night. With eyes closed, and in a dark room, your entire attention is focused on that which is keeping you awake. In the daytime, with your eyes wide open, the object of your sleeplessness, when viewed in comparison with all about you, loses much of its importance.
Many people actually prepare for a sleepless night, by commanding them selves to have a sleepless night. You hear then say "Oh, how I dread going to bed. I just know I won't sleep," or they moan that they will toss and turn and worry, and so on. These are commands that you give your self. If you tell your self in such a way that you can’t sleep, them your mind will comply with the order you have given, and keep you awake. .
Look forward to bed time, think how good it will feel to be able to stretch out and relax in a comfortable bed. Tell your self that you are going to have a good night of sleep, and know that soon you'll be fast asleep gaining strength and energy.
Be Blessed
Sleeplessness usually results from bad bed habits. Tossing and turning for long periods of time after lying down is frequently psychological than physiological. If, however, you have difficulty in sleeping, you should first go see your doctor to learn whether it is some bodily ailment which is keeping you awake. If it is, be guided by your doctor, if it is not then this discussion will be of excellent use to you.
The thoughts and suggestions given to you from here on out are based upon the assumption that you are in good health. We will not spend be discussing sleep from a psychological standpoint. In fact, you are not interested in knowing what sleep is; you want to learn how to go to sleep and rest peacefully. A fault discovered is half overcome, In other words knowing is half the battle, the other half is action, so, let us begin.
First we will discuss some of the problems common to most people, and the solution. As this will be of limited space we will by necessity have to keep it short.
Worry is probably the Number one enemy of sleep. We lay down and then let our mind worry about things we have no current control over. Things like finances, health, our job, or our businesses. We worry about wars and rumors of wars, natural disasters, the end of the earth, and so on. Another part of this worry causes us to translate sounds into burglars, or just a general “something is wrong” thought. I will wager that if you reflect over the worries which have kept you awake in the past, you'll be able to add many more worries to this list.
Now the Solution to this is to be logical! We have discussed in the past that worry cannot in any way help the condition about which you are worrying. In fact worry often times brings about the very problem you want to avoid. Also a sleepless night will rob you of the energy and stamina which could have helped you to combat the causes of your worry. Most worry is a lie; seldom do the things you worry about materialize.
You will learn that things one worries about are seldom reasons for worry at all. They are challenges; opportunities for us to grow and we can easily find solutions to our problems. So therefore tonight, and every night hereafter, instead of worrying, go to sleep with this thought: When you worry, you are holding mental pictures of things you do not want, instead of things you do want. So, as you go to sleep, visualize the ideal condition you are seeking, the ones you do want, instead of the one you don’t want, and realize that when you are asleep your subconscious mind will work on the problem and present you a solution in the morning.
The next problem is related to worry but is just a little different so as deserve its own mention: Bringing home your work. Many people carry their work to bed with them. For hours they relive the day that just ended; thinking of the things they did do but should not have done; and thinking of the things they did not do but should have done. Then after spending many sleepless hours with the past, they switch to worry about the future.
This solution takes a little different approach. Before going to bed, take a few moments and review the day. Note the word “few” and limit yourself to 30 minutes or less. Have a pad of paper and write down if there is anything not pleasing to you, decide what you will do about it the following day, or sometime in the future. Then say to your self that the job will stay on paper, and you will take the yoke again in the morning, my favorite phrase is “Let the world turn without me tonight” and then go to bed and sleep. If you catch your self trying to think about the past remind yourself that you can not fix, change or undo the past, it is over, you are in bed now, worry about the world tomorrow. Make use of your subconscious mind and permit it to work for you while you sleep. Knowing that a good night's sleep will let you awaken in the morning refreshed and ready to start a day of great accomplishment.
Next is Jealousy: It is pathetic how many hours of sleep the green-eyed monster has taken from men and women. Such hours of sleeplessness are miserable, too. We toss and turn as we imagine our happiness and security being taken away, or our leave us for another. Again this is like worry but needs its own mention.
The solution is Simple. Jealousy usually indicates one of two things: selfishness or inferiority. As you retire at night, realize that refreshing, restful sleep will give you the charm which makes you unafraid of competition. Remember! The more you trust others, the more that trust will be deserved.
Next come a harsh one; Envy. A good number of people, upon hearing of the good fortune of a friend or relative, will stay awake for long periods of time wondering why they never get the breaks. They envy others who have better jobs, better homes, better automobiles, and so on. Envy is negative. To envy someone for a possession indicates that you doubt your own ability to obtain that which you are envying.
Again a simple Solution: Instead of envying others for what they have, understand that you may acquire the same things, a little planning and action can cause you to be able to earn and acquire the things you think you so desperately need, or have better than you originally thought.
The next robber of sleep is the guilty conscience. A guilty conscience does not always indicate that you committed a crime, or a breach of conduct. One's conscience may bother you simply because you may feel that you have been negligent toward those near and dear to you, or if we feel we have been negligent in improving the body, taking care of our self, exercising and eating right, or if we feel we should have done something that we neglected to do. We lay in bed ruminating over the things we did wrong or failed to do. A guilty conscience is caused by something which happened in the past. It is beyond the power of anyone to relive a single day of the past.
The solution to this is simple in theory but hard in practice. Let bygones be bygones and forgive yourself for your mistakes of the past. Forgiveness of ones self is often harder than forgiving others, but you must forgive your self. Learn from your errors and in so doing profit by them, so that you will not make similar mistakes or omissions in the future. Go to bed with the thought that you forgive your self, and will do better in the future. Sometimes it is because we think we are lazy. There is no such thing as actual physical laziness, all laziness is mental. When we do not do what we should, it is because we are not interested in it. Learn to like that which you have to do. Decide you will do it a bit better than it has ever been done before. If laziness has been the cause of your guilt, retire with a promise to yourself that in the future you will find something to like about everything you are supposed to do and that you will take delight in doing it well.
Now comes another giant stealer of sleep: Hatred. In the causes of sleeplessness, it has been noted that one with a heart of hatred never sleeps as well as the one whose mind is at peace. The hater has difficulty in going to sleep and when they do it is a tense sleep more like exhaustion and has little if any benefits of rest. The hater will allow their mind to dwell upon the perceived injustice, the wrong that the object of the hate represents. Hate is a poison and will destroy your life faster and surer than the abuse of drugs or alcohol. Hate is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. Hate is unreasonable and causes many more problems than it is worth. A sure way to destroy all that you love is to harbor hate within you. . If you would but realize the damage which is done by hating, you would know that you cannot afford to hate. Remember: Hatred never harms the one hated. The hater is the
one who pays the penalty, after all who does hatred keep awake at night?
Here is the solution; Hatred is a poison which works on both your mind
and body, understand that hate only harms your self. Ask yourself the question: "Wouldn't that person be glad if they knew this was keeping me awake?" Knowing the futility of lying awake, just hating; whisper a prayer asking that the hated be blessed and then forgive them for the wrongs they may have committed. This act will actually dissolve the hatred, and you will drop off to restful sleep. Again you must forgive, you do not have to trust them ever again, but you must forgive, or you will pay a higher price than the person or things that you hate.
The next area is planning and creating. This is the only constructive reason for sleeplessness given. Progressive, far-sighted people usually spend many of the hours in which they should be sleeping in making plans for the future. As admirable as this trait appears, a weakened physical condition is developed which may later hold one back from doing the things one has planned to do. The inventive-type mind, whether it is concerned with patentable ideas, designs, story material, subjects for paintings, etc., will frequently be most active at bedtime, when ideas seem to come thick and fast.
Now this solution requires only a little self discipline. Retire with the thought such as: I do my best writing early in the morning. As you lay down tell your subconscious mind: "I will sleep peacefully tonight, and as I do so, my subconscious mind will develop a good plan and in the morning, as I write, thoughts will flow to me enabling me to write what I need to accomplish.” Keep a note book next to your bed or readily available nearby, and when you awake you will have to take a little initiative to start writing, but then the thoughts will come, and you will be amazed at what a genius you truly are.
Now this last one; fear, is by no means the least. This is the one most people have. Fear of something, it might be the fear of getting hurt, the fear of losing, the fear of dying, whatever the other part it all boils down to fear If ones health is not good, then you fear death as a result of illness. You can fear death through accidents, fear of being hurt, there are so many types of fear that that whole libraries have been written about the subject. Understand that the fear will grab you and have you imagining all sorts of things, usually all bad. It is a lot like worry but far more sinister as it will actually cause you to not take any action of any kind as you may suffer one or more of the results you stayed awake imagining. Fear will shut down your life and will cause you to stop living even though you are still breathing. You will be torturing yourself and, at night, when everything is dark, and one has a feeling of loneliness, that is the time when one gives vent to such fears.
There is a solution: Love life, and do not fear death, give no thought whatsoever to the day when you will leave this plane of existence. Fear of death hastens death. When we have a pain, instead of looking for the cause and trying to correct it, we worry about it, and associate it with a possible cause of death, we become frantic. This fear will simply cause the situation we do not desire to hasten it’s entry into our life. Live life every day, see the sun come up and know that regardless of what happens today the sun will come up again tomorrow, with or without you, choose to have it rise with you still here, and your fear left behind in yesterday. Live as if you had an average life span of 199 years. Then, no matter what your present age may be, you are young in comparison with the time you have set for yourself.
If there are any unavoidable sounds or noises which may keep you awake, get the right attitude toward the sounds instead of resenting them and they'll no longer bother you. Perhaps you live in a neighborhood where there is considerable street noise. Resenting it will keep you awake. Learn to be indifferent toward the many sounds, and you will soon forget them.
"I just can't sleep with all that racket," you might say. Of course, knowing the mind and how it operates, as you now do, we understand that such a statement literally instructs the subconscious mind to keep one awake.
When I was a younger, I slept on a US Navy destroyer that always made noise, the vents, the engines, and people moving about twenty four hours a day. Because I chose to ignore the noise I became accustomed to it, and whenever it got quiet during night for any reason, the silence would wake me.
Problems, fears and worries are greatly magnified at night. With eyes closed, and in a dark room, your entire attention is focused on that which is keeping you awake. In the daytime, with your eyes wide open, the object of your sleeplessness, when viewed in comparison with all about you, loses much of its importance.
Many people actually prepare for a sleepless night, by commanding them selves to have a sleepless night. You hear then say "Oh, how I dread going to bed. I just know I won't sleep," or they moan that they will toss and turn and worry, and so on. These are commands that you give your self. If you tell your self in such a way that you can’t sleep, them your mind will comply with the order you have given, and keep you awake. .
Look forward to bed time, think how good it will feel to be able to stretch out and relax in a comfortable bed. Tell your self that you are going to have a good night of sleep, and know that soon you'll be fast asleep gaining strength and energy.
Be Blessed
Labels: dreams, happiness, life
Sunday, February 24, 2008
How to Achieve Something
So you now want to know what it takes to achieve something. First let us find out WHY we want to achieve it. Ask your self this: What motivates us to do something?
Now here is the answer to that great question: When we try to achieve something, more often than not, there is something in it for us. There is in short, a reason that we do things and most of the time it is either to ease discomfort, or to satisfy a need. For example; you have a leaky ceiling over your bed. You want to stop the drops of water that cause you discomfort when you’re trying to sleep. You can achieve fixing it if you possess the motivation to do so, know how to do it, and have the right tools to do it with. It’ll never get fixed properly if you lack any of these three things.
Why did we choose to learn it and what tool do we need to use to achieve this? We want to cause discomfort to cease, if you could achieve fixing this problem, you’ll be able to sleep better whenever it rains. The discomfort was what provoked you to take action, and you now need to know what is involved in fixing roofs, so you ask friends, check out a book from the library, and learn what to do. Then you accumulate the tools and materials, and fix the roof. Soon enough the fruit of your labor becomes apparent when the next rain storm arrives and you can sleep undisturbed.
Now this shows that most of us, in order to achieve something, sometimes we need to be provoked into action. We are great procrastinators and whatever we can put off until tomorrow, we will. There is a consequence and we find ourselves becoming upset that we didn’t tend to a problem earlier when we had a chance. Opportunity knocked, we missed it, now we’re in a little trouble or we’re in a situation which is uncomfortable. In other words most of the time we do not have motivation to do things unless the situation becomes uncomfortable. We only react to pain, so to keep us moving the universe also known as God will continue to provide pain so that we can progress.
Then there are other times when we want to fix something, we are motivated to do so, have the right tools, but cannot do it ourselves. A board might be too heavy to hold into place or we don’t have the strength to move some heavy object. Seeking help is always appropriate, as long as it is assistance, not an excuse to procrastinate.
Are you beginning to see where all of this ties in with what it takes to achieve your goals? You have your wants, needs, and dreams. Which of these do you wish to work toward? You now understand that nothing is achievable without motivation, knowing anything about your goal, and having the proper tools. You also know that sometimes you need help and amazingly enough it is there whenever you need it. When the student is ready the teacher will appear.
The BIG secret to being a happy person is to learn to motivate your self without pain. If you can somehow figure out how to start doing things before discomfort causes you to have to, you will be a most happy and successful person. The answer to this mystery is simple, set and achieve goals.
So now you have a good reason to get started, but how do you set goals?
Every organized business sets goals. Some do it daily, weekly, monthly, and some do it only once every quarter. Setting goals is important because this becomes motivation for any company and its people to produce greater profitability. Goals can consist of achievable dollar figures, higher service standards, production quantity, advertising, and other production related figures to which a company would like to see an increase. Regardless of what these goals are, they all amount to an ideal goal of one thing: Growth.
So it’s time to become active with your goals. Here is a TOOL that will help you achieve your goals. WRITE THEM DOWN ON PAPER! Make them realistic and not too far out of reach. Each goal should be created to help you achieve something. For example, to say “I will be a better person” is too abstract and may involve too many details. Instead say “I will be nice to my co-workers” this gives you a target to actually accomplish.
Create a Goal: The act of writing it down on paper causes something in the universe to stir, and soon the universe will be on your side conspiring to help you in all that you desire to accomplish. Whatever you may do or not do, write your goals on paper, it is the one most vital step in the whole process.
Now that you’ve set your new goals, you’ll need to follow up with them. Post the goal in a visible place where you can see it everyday. A bulletin board over your computer work station, the fridge, the bathroom mirror, someplace you look every day would be ideal. If you are highly motivated, you will not procrastinate and you’ll work toward achieving your goals as soon as you can. Do not wait to have a few free hours during a day off from work or when nothing good is on TV. Do something towards your goal every day, even if it is just to read and re-read it. Work at your goal until you’ve achieved the desired results, then set another goal.
If you only ask God for help when times are tough, you are going to have a lot of tough times, because God likes to talk with you.
Be Blessed
Now here is the answer to that great question: When we try to achieve something, more often than not, there is something in it for us. There is in short, a reason that we do things and most of the time it is either to ease discomfort, or to satisfy a need. For example; you have a leaky ceiling over your bed. You want to stop the drops of water that cause you discomfort when you’re trying to sleep. You can achieve fixing it if you possess the motivation to do so, know how to do it, and have the right tools to do it with. It’ll never get fixed properly if you lack any of these three things.
Why did we choose to learn it and what tool do we need to use to achieve this? We want to cause discomfort to cease, if you could achieve fixing this problem, you’ll be able to sleep better whenever it rains. The discomfort was what provoked you to take action, and you now need to know what is involved in fixing roofs, so you ask friends, check out a book from the library, and learn what to do. Then you accumulate the tools and materials, and fix the roof. Soon enough the fruit of your labor becomes apparent when the next rain storm arrives and you can sleep undisturbed.
Now this shows that most of us, in order to achieve something, sometimes we need to be provoked into action. We are great procrastinators and whatever we can put off until tomorrow, we will. There is a consequence and we find ourselves becoming upset that we didn’t tend to a problem earlier when we had a chance. Opportunity knocked, we missed it, now we’re in a little trouble or we’re in a situation which is uncomfortable. In other words most of the time we do not have motivation to do things unless the situation becomes uncomfortable. We only react to pain, so to keep us moving the universe also known as God will continue to provide pain so that we can progress.
Then there are other times when we want to fix something, we are motivated to do so, have the right tools, but cannot do it ourselves. A board might be too heavy to hold into place or we don’t have the strength to move some heavy object. Seeking help is always appropriate, as long as it is assistance, not an excuse to procrastinate.
Are you beginning to see where all of this ties in with what it takes to achieve your goals? You have your wants, needs, and dreams. Which of these do you wish to work toward? You now understand that nothing is achievable without motivation, knowing anything about your goal, and having the proper tools. You also know that sometimes you need help and amazingly enough it is there whenever you need it. When the student is ready the teacher will appear.
The BIG secret to being a happy person is to learn to motivate your self without pain. If you can somehow figure out how to start doing things before discomfort causes you to have to, you will be a most happy and successful person. The answer to this mystery is simple, set and achieve goals.
So now you have a good reason to get started, but how do you set goals?
Every organized business sets goals. Some do it daily, weekly, monthly, and some do it only once every quarter. Setting goals is important because this becomes motivation for any company and its people to produce greater profitability. Goals can consist of achievable dollar figures, higher service standards, production quantity, advertising, and other production related figures to which a company would like to see an increase. Regardless of what these goals are, they all amount to an ideal goal of one thing: Growth.
So it’s time to become active with your goals. Here is a TOOL that will help you achieve your goals. WRITE THEM DOWN ON PAPER! Make them realistic and not too far out of reach. Each goal should be created to help you achieve something. For example, to say “I will be a better person” is too abstract and may involve too many details. Instead say “I will be nice to my co-workers” this gives you a target to actually accomplish.
Create a Goal: The act of writing it down on paper causes something in the universe to stir, and soon the universe will be on your side conspiring to help you in all that you desire to accomplish. Whatever you may do or not do, write your goals on paper, it is the one most vital step in the whole process.
Now that you’ve set your new goals, you’ll need to follow up with them. Post the goal in a visible place where you can see it everyday. A bulletin board over your computer work station, the fridge, the bathroom mirror, someplace you look every day would be ideal. If you are highly motivated, you will not procrastinate and you’ll work toward achieving your goals as soon as you can. Do not wait to have a few free hours during a day off from work or when nothing good is on TV. Do something towards your goal every day, even if it is just to read and re-read it. Work at your goal until you’ve achieved the desired results, then set another goal.
If you only ask God for help when times are tough, you are going to have a lot of tough times, because God likes to talk with you.
Be Blessed
Saturday, February 23, 2008
The Three Steps of Success
Everybody in this world has three things in common with everyone else. The three things are; Needs Wants and Dreams.
Let’s break this down a bit. Your Needs are the basic things which help you make it through every day of living. These things are your food, your clothes, your shelter (house apartment etc) the ability to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Wants are the extra things you want out of life. These are things you probably have to save a few pennies for or wait until tax refund time. Wants are things like a car, television, stereo, furniture, appliance, house, boat, in other words the nice toys of life.
Then last but not least are Dreams. Dreams are the things you wish to achieve, such as becoming a professional football player or a doctor. Some people dream about luxurious lifestyles while others dream about exotic vacations. Most of us have dreams that consist of those things you highly desire but realistically, don’t believe is achievable in this lifetime.
What most people don’t know and need to discover is that nearly anything can be achievable in this lifetime. There are only a few details that stand between your self and the achievement of your dreams.
The first and biggest is Self Motivation. You probably work for a living. So does nearly everybody else. Some people work 2 jobs just to make ends meet and sometimes, some people don’t want to do any more work than they have to even though they’re barely getting by. Motivation is the something inside you that drives you to do what you do. Without motivation nothing will happen. Motivation can be imparted through external pressure, such as getting your child up to go to school requires applied motivation. Then there is self motivation where you move yourself. Such as on the first day of a vacation at Disney; you can’t wait to get to the Attraction Park and are highly motivated causing you to move with purpose and vigor.
The next is Education. Knowing how to achieve something is just as important as having the motivation to achieve it. This does not mean a college education, I know many people who work in areas outside their degree. By knowledge it means the understanding of the subject. Without knowledge, there is no understanding of the process and without understanding, the objective becomes guess-work and failure is often the result. You can of course learn as you achieve, you do not have to wait to be an expert before taking action. You can learn on your own or you can find instruction or a combination of both, either way you will always require knowledge. For example when you learned how to drive you may have had a driving instructor or a friend or parent teach you how to operate the vehicle, but you had to learn the traffic rules and laws on your own so you could pass the written test to get the license. Had you relied on only the instructor you might have failed the written test, and had you relied only on your book knowledge you would have failed the practical test. But through a combination of learning, and practice, you passed the test and are now driving on your own.
Then there are Tools. Tools can be the things you need to accomplish a task. It could be a book, a computer, a hammer, or a set of skills. There is not much success in trying to achieve something if you don’t have the right tools, even if you are highly motivated and are among the smartest people on earth. Can you chop down a tree with a herring? Can you surf the internet without a monitor? Can you boil water without a pot? The wrong tools are almost as unsuccessful. Can you turn a bolt with a hammer? Can you saw a board with a ratchet? So you can see that by having the right tools to accomplish a task are essential to success.
Now you may very well have tools and skills, but for some reason, do not use them to your benefit. If you have the skill of carpentry and hate working outside, so you want to work inside and so you decide to be a secretary, you may be in for a difficult time as you re-educate your self. Re evaluate, maybe you could be a teacher of carpentry, this way you use your skills and achieve your goal of working inside.
Now a bit more about motivation; the other side of motivation is persistence. Persistence is having the motivation and ability to continue to pursue that something. Persistence is perseverance, the quality of continuing on despite obstacles, problems, and challenges. Giving up is easy, also known as quitting, and too many people quit just before they succeed. Not giving up, also known as persistence requires more effort than quitting. Persistence means working through the failed attempts, starting over time and again, spending the time to do it right and sometimes even means hard work. So why be persistent?
The reward of persistence is the achievement of your dream. How well you achieve that goal is measured by your motivation, education, and the tools you’ve used. To be what you desire to be is very rewarding and the success brings happiness.
So decide your dream, pick one of your wishes and determine to make it a reality. Educate yourself on what it takes to achieve it, then acquire the tools, and then the fun part comes, go out and become what you desire and accomplish your dreams. You can be what ever you will to be.
Be Blessed
Let’s break this down a bit. Your Needs are the basic things which help you make it through every day of living. These things are your food, your clothes, your shelter (house apartment etc) the ability to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Wants are the extra things you want out of life. These are things you probably have to save a few pennies for or wait until tax refund time. Wants are things like a car, television, stereo, furniture, appliance, house, boat, in other words the nice toys of life.
Then last but not least are Dreams. Dreams are the things you wish to achieve, such as becoming a professional football player or a doctor. Some people dream about luxurious lifestyles while others dream about exotic vacations. Most of us have dreams that consist of those things you highly desire but realistically, don’t believe is achievable in this lifetime.
What most people don’t know and need to discover is that nearly anything can be achievable in this lifetime. There are only a few details that stand between your self and the achievement of your dreams.
The first and biggest is Self Motivation. You probably work for a living. So does nearly everybody else. Some people work 2 jobs just to make ends meet and sometimes, some people don’t want to do any more work than they have to even though they’re barely getting by. Motivation is the something inside you that drives you to do what you do. Without motivation nothing will happen. Motivation can be imparted through external pressure, such as getting your child up to go to school requires applied motivation. Then there is self motivation where you move yourself. Such as on the first day of a vacation at Disney; you can’t wait to get to the Attraction Park and are highly motivated causing you to move with purpose and vigor.
The next is Education. Knowing how to achieve something is just as important as having the motivation to achieve it. This does not mean a college education, I know many people who work in areas outside their degree. By knowledge it means the understanding of the subject. Without knowledge, there is no understanding of the process and without understanding, the objective becomes guess-work and failure is often the result. You can of course learn as you achieve, you do not have to wait to be an expert before taking action. You can learn on your own or you can find instruction or a combination of both, either way you will always require knowledge. For example when you learned how to drive you may have had a driving instructor or a friend or parent teach you how to operate the vehicle, but you had to learn the traffic rules and laws on your own so you could pass the written test to get the license. Had you relied on only the instructor you might have failed the written test, and had you relied only on your book knowledge you would have failed the practical test. But through a combination of learning, and practice, you passed the test and are now driving on your own.
Then there are Tools. Tools can be the things you need to accomplish a task. It could be a book, a computer, a hammer, or a set of skills. There is not much success in trying to achieve something if you don’t have the right tools, even if you are highly motivated and are among the smartest people on earth. Can you chop down a tree with a herring? Can you surf the internet without a monitor? Can you boil water without a pot? The wrong tools are almost as unsuccessful. Can you turn a bolt with a hammer? Can you saw a board with a ratchet? So you can see that by having the right tools to accomplish a task are essential to success.
Now you may very well have tools and skills, but for some reason, do not use them to your benefit. If you have the skill of carpentry and hate working outside, so you want to work inside and so you decide to be a secretary, you may be in for a difficult time as you re-educate your self. Re evaluate, maybe you could be a teacher of carpentry, this way you use your skills and achieve your goal of working inside.
Now a bit more about motivation; the other side of motivation is persistence. Persistence is having the motivation and ability to continue to pursue that something. Persistence is perseverance, the quality of continuing on despite obstacles, problems, and challenges. Giving up is easy, also known as quitting, and too many people quit just before they succeed. Not giving up, also known as persistence requires more effort than quitting. Persistence means working through the failed attempts, starting over time and again, spending the time to do it right and sometimes even means hard work. So why be persistent?
The reward of persistence is the achievement of your dream. How well you achieve that goal is measured by your motivation, education, and the tools you’ve used. To be what you desire to be is very rewarding and the success brings happiness.
So decide your dream, pick one of your wishes and determine to make it a reality. Educate yourself on what it takes to achieve it, then acquire the tools, and then the fun part comes, go out and become what you desire and accomplish your dreams. You can be what ever you will to be.
Be Blessed
Labels: life
Friday, February 22, 2008
Why Even You Can be Successful
Why is it that some people are attracted to success with seemingly no effort, while other people struggle all their lives just to make ends meet? The cause can’t be a physical one otherwise only good looking people would be successful and the rest of the world would be doomed to slave labor. Yet there are countless examples of not very good looking people being insanely successful, so we know it is not a physical ability. Therefore it must be a mental thing.
The difference is in the mind, your mental outlook on the way you live and the way you direct your creative force. This is the true divider of people, their own thought abilities. In other words it is your mind that controls your life and how you live it.
When you finally understand that it is the power of thought that controls your life, and that you can control your thoughts then you will be able to simplify your life and have the success you desire. The mental and spiritual worlds are controlled by laws just as infallible as the physical laws we are governed by. When you learn these laws and with due diligence apply them to your thoughts the effects will seem miraculous.
You must discover for yourself that power comes from within, you and you alone are responsible for the life you have. If undesirable things have happened to you in the past, realize those things are in the past. You live now, you do not live yesterday, you do not live tomorrow, and you live only right now. You determine right now what it is that you will do, will you turn left, or will you turn right, or just stay still, these are choices you make.
When your mind decides that you should do something, you do it. There are only a few automatic functions you do not have to decide on, like your heart beating or your breathing, but the other functions are yours to choose. You choose when to stand, and when to sit, it is you who decides to sip the coffee or to let it stand awhile. All these minor functions you choose mostly from training and habit, yet you do not choose willingly your own life, know now that you do have that choice and ability.
Like all skills choosing your thoughts will take practice, the more you practice the better you become and the easier the task. Once you learn this truth it will serve you well.
The mind creates negative conditions just as easily as it creates positive conditions. Your command of your mind is what creates your reality. By failing to control ones thoughts you allow the life you lead to be lived in default mode, often in conditions disliked and unfavorable. By thinking only of the bad things in life you attract them to you like a magnet; this failure to control your thinking will keep you in a less than successful way of living.
Everything that exists was once a thought. Look around your environment, the place you live was built by someone having a thought, then putting that thought on paper by drawing and writing caused the thought to be understood by others who then directed others to use their skills and bring the building into physical reality. Everything in the building was also once a thought; someone thought of plumbing and brought it into reality. Someone thought of refrigerators, stoves, tables, desks, cabinets, and even the computer, and all these things have gone from thought to reality.
This not only applied to the physical reality, but also to the spiritual reality. If you think that you can’t, then you can’t. Conversely if you think you can, then you can. If you think poorly, then you get poorly, and if you think kindly then you get kindly. What you think is what you create, and what you create you have to live with.
So it is important that you begin to understand that what you think becomes your reality. So study your thoughts, constantly ask your self why you are thinking a certain way and if that way serves you in the manner you desire. If the thought you have will not improve your life then dismiss it promptly and replace it with a thought that will lead to the success you so desire.
Be Blessed
The difference is in the mind, your mental outlook on the way you live and the way you direct your creative force. This is the true divider of people, their own thought abilities. In other words it is your mind that controls your life and how you live it.
When you finally understand that it is the power of thought that controls your life, and that you can control your thoughts then you will be able to simplify your life and have the success you desire. The mental and spiritual worlds are controlled by laws just as infallible as the physical laws we are governed by. When you learn these laws and with due diligence apply them to your thoughts the effects will seem miraculous.
You must discover for yourself that power comes from within, you and you alone are responsible for the life you have. If undesirable things have happened to you in the past, realize those things are in the past. You live now, you do not live yesterday, you do not live tomorrow, and you live only right now. You determine right now what it is that you will do, will you turn left, or will you turn right, or just stay still, these are choices you make.
When your mind decides that you should do something, you do it. There are only a few automatic functions you do not have to decide on, like your heart beating or your breathing, but the other functions are yours to choose. You choose when to stand, and when to sit, it is you who decides to sip the coffee or to let it stand awhile. All these minor functions you choose mostly from training and habit, yet you do not choose willingly your own life, know now that you do have that choice and ability.
Like all skills choosing your thoughts will take practice, the more you practice the better you become and the easier the task. Once you learn this truth it will serve you well.
The mind creates negative conditions just as easily as it creates positive conditions. Your command of your mind is what creates your reality. By failing to control ones thoughts you allow the life you lead to be lived in default mode, often in conditions disliked and unfavorable. By thinking only of the bad things in life you attract them to you like a magnet; this failure to control your thinking will keep you in a less than successful way of living.
Everything that exists was once a thought. Look around your environment, the place you live was built by someone having a thought, then putting that thought on paper by drawing and writing caused the thought to be understood by others who then directed others to use their skills and bring the building into physical reality. Everything in the building was also once a thought; someone thought of plumbing and brought it into reality. Someone thought of refrigerators, stoves, tables, desks, cabinets, and even the computer, and all these things have gone from thought to reality.
This not only applied to the physical reality, but also to the spiritual reality. If you think that you can’t, then you can’t. Conversely if you think you can, then you can. If you think poorly, then you get poorly, and if you think kindly then you get kindly. What you think is what you create, and what you create you have to live with.
So it is important that you begin to understand that what you think becomes your reality. So study your thoughts, constantly ask your self why you are thinking a certain way and if that way serves you in the manner you desire. If the thought you have will not improve your life then dismiss it promptly and replace it with a thought that will lead to the success you so desire.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, life, Manifesting
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Success Thinking
There is a big difference between those who are successful and those who are not; it is the thought that first enters your mind in the morning that makes a huge difference in your life. It is not simply positive thing; it is more like positive programming.
Positive thinking will create positive reactions in your inner mind. The difficulty arises in the implementation of the positive thought process. When you wake up in the morning, what is your normal thought? Do you grudgingly slide into consciousness with the thought: "Darn, another day at the grind, I wish I could sleep another hour or two!"
Or, do you rise with vibrancy and the thought: “I feel good! I'm going out and shatter all records today."
This clearly shows the difference between those leading a successful and happy life and those who are not. So why is there such great variation in day-openers?
In the great majority of instances, however, the condition at waking is a reflection of the thought pattern established in the mind the night before. If you go to bed with negative thoughts such as: “Today was a tough one. I will have a hard tomorrow, which I am not looking forward to," etc., etc., etc., then you are commanding your subconscious to give you a hard day and you are apt to be restless all night long. During the night while your subconscious mind mulls over the "tough day" thoughts you gave it, the universe is conspiring to give you what you desire. Since you seem to desire a hard day it is setting up the events so that you will. Is it any wonder you awaken dreading the new day?
Now suppose you go to bed having thoughts such as: "I will knock them over tomorrow!” Or “Today was a good day, but nothing compared to what I'll have tomorrow.” Or “Tomorrow is going to be the best day ever.” And so on. Isn't it easy to understand how such an established thought pattern will help bounce you out of bed with enthusiasm in the morning? You have given your subconscious a command and it will work with the universe to bring about the results you desire. So you see it is not positive thinking that is the big key, it is positive programming that can and will make your life happy.
Whenever a powerful thought seeps into your consciousness, do you get some feeling in the neighborhood of the solar plexus? This is the building within of an urge to get it done. In the words of the great Jedi master; “there is no try, do or do not” just makes you want to go and get it done. Has that feeling caught up with you yet? If you don't feel the urge, then you have not been concentrating on this information. So, for your own sake, take a little break, relax a minute, and then reread this lesson.
You now know that the magic secret password which unlocks the door to a life of great abundance and glorious happiness, a great life can be yours and is yours if you will only take a few minutes at bedtime to command your subconscious, and when you awake reinforce the command with a positive statement. Just do it!
Be Blessed
Positive thinking will create positive reactions in your inner mind. The difficulty arises in the implementation of the positive thought process. When you wake up in the morning, what is your normal thought? Do you grudgingly slide into consciousness with the thought: "Darn, another day at the grind, I wish I could sleep another hour or two!"
Or, do you rise with vibrancy and the thought: “I feel good! I'm going out and shatter all records today."
This clearly shows the difference between those leading a successful and happy life and those who are not. So why is there such great variation in day-openers?
In the great majority of instances, however, the condition at waking is a reflection of the thought pattern established in the mind the night before. If you go to bed with negative thoughts such as: “Today was a tough one. I will have a hard tomorrow, which I am not looking forward to," etc., etc., etc., then you are commanding your subconscious to give you a hard day and you are apt to be restless all night long. During the night while your subconscious mind mulls over the "tough day" thoughts you gave it, the universe is conspiring to give you what you desire. Since you seem to desire a hard day it is setting up the events so that you will. Is it any wonder you awaken dreading the new day?
Now suppose you go to bed having thoughts such as: "I will knock them over tomorrow!” Or “Today was a good day, but nothing compared to what I'll have tomorrow.” Or “Tomorrow is going to be the best day ever.” And so on. Isn't it easy to understand how such an established thought pattern will help bounce you out of bed with enthusiasm in the morning? You have given your subconscious a command and it will work with the universe to bring about the results you desire. So you see it is not positive thinking that is the big key, it is positive programming that can and will make your life happy.
Whenever a powerful thought seeps into your consciousness, do you get some feeling in the neighborhood of the solar plexus? This is the building within of an urge to get it done. In the words of the great Jedi master; “there is no try, do or do not” just makes you want to go and get it done. Has that feeling caught up with you yet? If you don't feel the urge, then you have not been concentrating on this information. So, for your own sake, take a little break, relax a minute, and then reread this lesson.
You now know that the magic secret password which unlocks the door to a life of great abundance and glorious happiness, a great life can be yours and is yours if you will only take a few minutes at bedtime to command your subconscious, and when you awake reinforce the command with a positive statement. Just do it!
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, life, pleasure
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
How to Overcome
Fear; this one thing is what keeps most people from a life of happiness. As the saying goes knowing is half the battle. Knowing that you have a fear will allow you to take steps to make the fear stop ruling your life.
So what are some of these fears that we may harbor inside that we allow to ruin our lives? The biggest and most common fear is the Fear of SUCCESS.
Many people fear the positive changes, maybe extra responsibility, that great wealth and success brings. They get caught in all the old negative sayings such as rich people being mean, selfish, arrogant and not spiritual. Then there are the false beliefs that money is the root of all evil and that money can only be acquired by foul means. Since we all want to be good people we decide subconsciously that riches are not for us.
Then we also get caught in negative thoughts and worry: Things like people begging us for money, and others taking it away. Then the worry of what if we make money and then we lose it? Would we lose our friends and be despised by our family? How much of an idiot would we look like then to our friends and family?
What we all must realize is that Success and Abundance are our birthright.
We were not meant to live in poverty, or suffer stress. Understand that money is like air; there is always more than enough for everyone, and it flows as freely as air. The more Abundance you have, the more you can freely give to others and help them to improve their lives. Abundance is very spiritual. Money builds homes, schools, hospitals, and many other great things. Money is merely a tool that is used to help make things happen. It is not and should never be the goal. Can you set a goal to have more air? No, you have what you need, when you work out or exercise you breath more and so require more air, and it is there for you. Money is the same way; the more you do the more money you have as you have more to do things with.
There are some of you who say “I don't deserve success” or “I am not worthy of success”. Who decides who is worthy or deserving of success? It is not the Universe or our Creator because they want us to have all the abundance we can handle. Our natural state is to have joy and abundance. What is the criterion for someone to be considered worthy or deserving of success? Is it family background, education, age, sex, religion, or some other factor? Again NO! It is you who can CHOOSE for yourself that you are worthy of success and abundance.
So if you believe that Rich People are “all mean, selfish, arrogant, unspiritual crooks who have made their money by cheating others” then it is likely to be very difficult for you to allow yourself to have great wealth. If that is how you see rich people, then it is unlikely you would really want to become one.
Today there are more millionaires than ever before. These people made their money by serving their fellow human beings and helping them grow in every sense of the word. They know and understand that the more abundance they allow to flow to themselves, the more they can help others, and the quicker and easier poverty is eliminated.
A belief is usually only a thought that you have heard from another source and adopted as your own. You need to examine your beliefs with the knowledge that you can choose your own thoughts, and form your own beliefs. In any moment of time you can choose an empowering belief or a disabling one. Why would you choose to hold onto old beliefs and keep bringing them back to keep ruining your life? When you find your self thinking these beliefs examine them and if they do not serve you: Let go of them.
When a wrong belief is discovered replace it with the correct belief, or a more correct belief. Like the planks on a wooden ship, when a bad plank is discovered, one that allows water to leak in and slows the ship, it is replaced with a good plank, not just removed. So it is with you, the incorrect beliefs slow you down and hold you back, find them and replace them with correct thoughts and beliefs and your life will become smoother sailing.
Be Blessed
So what are some of these fears that we may harbor inside that we allow to ruin our lives? The biggest and most common fear is the Fear of SUCCESS.
Many people fear the positive changes, maybe extra responsibility, that great wealth and success brings. They get caught in all the old negative sayings such as rich people being mean, selfish, arrogant and not spiritual. Then there are the false beliefs that money is the root of all evil and that money can only be acquired by foul means. Since we all want to be good people we decide subconsciously that riches are not for us.
Then we also get caught in negative thoughts and worry: Things like people begging us for money, and others taking it away. Then the worry of what if we make money and then we lose it? Would we lose our friends and be despised by our family? How much of an idiot would we look like then to our friends and family?
What we all must realize is that Success and Abundance are our birthright.
We were not meant to live in poverty, or suffer stress. Understand that money is like air; there is always more than enough for everyone, and it flows as freely as air. The more Abundance you have, the more you can freely give to others and help them to improve their lives. Abundance is very spiritual. Money builds homes, schools, hospitals, and many other great things. Money is merely a tool that is used to help make things happen. It is not and should never be the goal. Can you set a goal to have more air? No, you have what you need, when you work out or exercise you breath more and so require more air, and it is there for you. Money is the same way; the more you do the more money you have as you have more to do things with.
There are some of you who say “I don't deserve success” or “I am not worthy of success”. Who decides who is worthy or deserving of success? It is not the Universe or our Creator because they want us to have all the abundance we can handle. Our natural state is to have joy and abundance. What is the criterion for someone to be considered worthy or deserving of success? Is it family background, education, age, sex, religion, or some other factor? Again NO! It is you who can CHOOSE for yourself that you are worthy of success and abundance.
So if you believe that Rich People are “all mean, selfish, arrogant, unspiritual crooks who have made their money by cheating others” then it is likely to be very difficult for you to allow yourself to have great wealth. If that is how you see rich people, then it is unlikely you would really want to become one.
Today there are more millionaires than ever before. These people made their money by serving their fellow human beings and helping them grow in every sense of the word. They know and understand that the more abundance they allow to flow to themselves, the more they can help others, and the quicker and easier poverty is eliminated.
A belief is usually only a thought that you have heard from another source and adopted as your own. You need to examine your beliefs with the knowledge that you can choose your own thoughts, and form your own beliefs. In any moment of time you can choose an empowering belief or a disabling one. Why would you choose to hold onto old beliefs and keep bringing them back to keep ruining your life? When you find your self thinking these beliefs examine them and if they do not serve you: Let go of them.
When a wrong belief is discovered replace it with the correct belief, or a more correct belief. Like the planks on a wooden ship, when a bad plank is discovered, one that allows water to leak in and slows the ship, it is replaced with a good plank, not just removed. So it is with you, the incorrect beliefs slow you down and hold you back, find them and replace them with correct thoughts and beliefs and your life will become smoother sailing.
Be Blessed
Monday, February 18, 2008
How to Have a Rich Life
There is a definition of rich which should be considered and which is one of the most important of all to take into consideration.
Have you ever heard people say; "He lives a rich life"? It is often said about people we consider lucky. So we ask the question: What is a rich life?
A rich life is one that is well rounded with many interesting and illuminating experiences. Such a person's day is separated into units of creative work, rest, recreation, and entertainment. Not one of these areas alone is enough to produce happiness. It is a combination of them all that results in a person leading a rich life.
Then there is the saying: "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy". This is a saying many of us have heard since childhood; and it is true, no matter how many of us fail to heed this advice. To spend all your time working would deprive you of the many other things life has to offer, the same that spending all your time resting would actually become boring, the purpose of rest would be defeated. If rest and relaxation are indulged in between periods of work, they will both be thoroughly enjoyed, and you will enjoy your work all the more when you return to it.
Then we must consider entertainment; it is the "dessert" one enjoys at the close of a satisfying day of work. Just as "all work and no play" is not to be desired, continuous entertainment would also fail to give lasting happiness. During periods of recreation you should allow time for constructive reading, and you should expand your circle of friends and acquaintances by allowing time to have conversations with others.
Then there is monetary riches, ask your self what would you do with monetary riches?
Would you quit your job and “retire” to sit on your porch and watch the sunset on your life? Would you move to a secluded area and separate yourself from the dregs of this world? Would you build a big house with big walls and security devices to keep you safe from those who would take what is yours? If so then you will not be truly rich, just wealthy with a crappy life adding to the reputation that rich people are snooty snobs and you will not be happy, you will probably be even more miserable than before.
If instead you were to take those monetary gains and buy a business and become your own boss would be a much more satisfying life. However one must be aware that you will still have bosses. You will have as many bosses as you have customers. You must give satisfaction or your customers will no longer be a customer. What you and others
Don’t realize is that an executive's salary is just as dependent as the office manager's on the amount of money that comes into the company. Do not misunderstand; It's great to head a business of your own; but you must grow into it.
Again if you were to use those riches to help your family, friends and even total strangers then you would be on the path of happiness as you would be of service to others. The things you would do for others should be a long and unselfish list. There is a truth of the statement that happiness comes from giving happiness.
Then there are those who are uncultured, and uneducated, these would usually reply;
"What do I want with riches?" and "Shavin' and dressin' up for meals, and mixin'
with the snobs and high-hats is not for me. I'm satisfied just as I am." To people like this there is little help. They would fear that they may lose something of their self, instead of having the grand opportunity to help others they would hold on tightly to what they have meager as it may be.
So why are we having this discussion of riches? As you will discover you can acquire riches, in a manner far simpler than you ever dared to imagine. You can become rich in any form you wish: rich in material goods, money, home, family, etc.; rich in mental and Spiritual blessings; rich in personal power, leadership, and friendships. Don’t you think it
Would be a good idea then to deciding now what kind of riches you feel would give you the happiness you strive for and deserve? If you have been living as the average person lives, just earning enough to get by, having only the bare necessities of life, and barely a few of the luxuries, your interpretation of “riches” may be rather mild. Your bills paid and a few thousand dollars in the bank could be so far beyond your present status that it would seem foolish to "dream" further.
Did you know that the ability to acquire riches is simply a state of mind? Napoleon Hill said: "Anything the mind can conceive and believe; the mind can achieve." To understand the full importance of this statement, you must really think about it. Your mind might conceive the wish: I'd like to have money, lots of it." However if and only if your mind can conceive the picture of yourself as having power and money; and only if you really believed you could have this power and money, and if you would do good with it, then you would have it.
So to be that “lucky person and have a rich life you must combine service to others with your own personal needs and wants. Combine work and play and rest in proper proportions and you will become a success, and when you do, watch out; you will become happy and satisfied. So with this I close, you can now see that a rich life is a blending of all the elements into your life.
Be Blessed
Have you ever heard people say; "He lives a rich life"? It is often said about people we consider lucky. So we ask the question: What is a rich life?
A rich life is one that is well rounded with many interesting and illuminating experiences. Such a person's day is separated into units of creative work, rest, recreation, and entertainment. Not one of these areas alone is enough to produce happiness. It is a combination of them all that results in a person leading a rich life.
Then there is the saying: "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy". This is a saying many of us have heard since childhood; and it is true, no matter how many of us fail to heed this advice. To spend all your time working would deprive you of the many other things life has to offer, the same that spending all your time resting would actually become boring, the purpose of rest would be defeated. If rest and relaxation are indulged in between periods of work, they will both be thoroughly enjoyed, and you will enjoy your work all the more when you return to it.
Then we must consider entertainment; it is the "dessert" one enjoys at the close of a satisfying day of work. Just as "all work and no play" is not to be desired, continuous entertainment would also fail to give lasting happiness. During periods of recreation you should allow time for constructive reading, and you should expand your circle of friends and acquaintances by allowing time to have conversations with others.
Then there is monetary riches, ask your self what would you do with monetary riches?
Would you quit your job and “retire” to sit on your porch and watch the sunset on your life? Would you move to a secluded area and separate yourself from the dregs of this world? Would you build a big house with big walls and security devices to keep you safe from those who would take what is yours? If so then you will not be truly rich, just wealthy with a crappy life adding to the reputation that rich people are snooty snobs and you will not be happy, you will probably be even more miserable than before.
If instead you were to take those monetary gains and buy a business and become your own boss would be a much more satisfying life. However one must be aware that you will still have bosses. You will have as many bosses as you have customers. You must give satisfaction or your customers will no longer be a customer. What you and others
Don’t realize is that an executive's salary is just as dependent as the office manager's on the amount of money that comes into the company. Do not misunderstand; It's great to head a business of your own; but you must grow into it.
Again if you were to use those riches to help your family, friends and even total strangers then you would be on the path of happiness as you would be of service to others. The things you would do for others should be a long and unselfish list. There is a truth of the statement that happiness comes from giving happiness.
Then there are those who are uncultured, and uneducated, these would usually reply;
"What do I want with riches?" and "Shavin' and dressin' up for meals, and mixin'
with the snobs and high-hats is not for me. I'm satisfied just as I am." To people like this there is little help. They would fear that they may lose something of their self, instead of having the grand opportunity to help others they would hold on tightly to what they have meager as it may be.
So why are we having this discussion of riches? As you will discover you can acquire riches, in a manner far simpler than you ever dared to imagine. You can become rich in any form you wish: rich in material goods, money, home, family, etc.; rich in mental and Spiritual blessings; rich in personal power, leadership, and friendships. Don’t you think it
Would be a good idea then to deciding now what kind of riches you feel would give you the happiness you strive for and deserve? If you have been living as the average person lives, just earning enough to get by, having only the bare necessities of life, and barely a few of the luxuries, your interpretation of “riches” may be rather mild. Your bills paid and a few thousand dollars in the bank could be so far beyond your present status that it would seem foolish to "dream" further.
Did you know that the ability to acquire riches is simply a state of mind? Napoleon Hill said: "Anything the mind can conceive and believe; the mind can achieve." To understand the full importance of this statement, you must really think about it. Your mind might conceive the wish: I'd like to have money, lots of it." However if and only if your mind can conceive the picture of yourself as having power and money; and only if you really believed you could have this power and money, and if you would do good with it, then you would have it.
So to be that “lucky person and have a rich life you must combine service to others with your own personal needs and wants. Combine work and play and rest in proper proportions and you will become a success, and when you do, watch out; you will become happy and satisfied. So with this I close, you can now see that a rich life is a blending of all the elements into your life.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Becoming Rich
What is rich, what are riches and what does this have to do with you? The answer you give is exactly what your life will mean to you.
Some of you will visualize riches as an unlimited supply of money; a royal estate; a fancy yacht; a personal jet, etc. These are but objects that reflect who you are, they are the tools that you use to live your life. If this is your objective, the so be it, go forth and build upon it in your imagination and, you'll find it will be well within the realm of possibility to make your dream a reality.
Perhaps you interpret riches as meaning leadership: leadership in politics, in industry, in commerce, etc. Again this is but a reflection of you, you are the one who will bring yourself to this level and in so doing you will have these riches. Should your desires fall in this category, understand that wishful thinking will not put you on the right track to fulfillment. You might think that wishing for both material riches and riches in personal power is expecting too much. But it is not. In fact you can hardly have one without the other.
However you must beware! To wish for both, or even one, will get you nowhere; be careful of that word wish! It can do you more harm than good. Now here is another definition of riches which may apply to some of you. There are those on this earth who possess practically nothing of a material nature, but who consider themselves rich, because of their happy minds and healthy bodies. Yet others who have a comfortable home and a comfortable living (who would not be reading this article) who consider themselves rich as they have what they desire in life.
Here we must point out that material riches can cause unhappiness as easily as they can raise one to the heights of ecstasy. So now at this point we must ask a very pertinent question: "What is the greatest good one may expect from riches?" To have money in the bank; to own a home; to be able to entertain lavishly; to be able to travel anywhere anytime, and to have a wardrobe which would be the envy of all, are a few of the things you might consider as being the advantages of riches.
Think of these things and anything else which might be associated with money and you will still be wrong, as far as an intelligent answer to the question is concerned. The real reason for wanting riches is to be happy. This is the end result of all accomplishment.
Although one may think their goal is riches, in reality they are seeking the soul satisfying happiness which comes with achievement; the riches are the reward for attaining their objective. Riches are a symbol of achievement, they are also the tools given so that you can achieve more.
Every person has a purpose in life; for the most part that purpose is service to others. Whether it is service by leadership, service through provision, or service through knowledge, it is all service to your fellow human and this planet we are on. For example if you are happy being a teacher you will raise to the level that you expect, modest house, bills paid etc. This is where you will stay as long as you are happy.
Your riches will reflect your level of achievement; your achievements will reflect your level of happiness. If you are not happy with your life, then go start achieving something, and soon you will see both happiness and riches.
Be Blessed
Some of you will visualize riches as an unlimited supply of money; a royal estate; a fancy yacht; a personal jet, etc. These are but objects that reflect who you are, they are the tools that you use to live your life. If this is your objective, the so be it, go forth and build upon it in your imagination and, you'll find it will be well within the realm of possibility to make your dream a reality.
Perhaps you interpret riches as meaning leadership: leadership in politics, in industry, in commerce, etc. Again this is but a reflection of you, you are the one who will bring yourself to this level and in so doing you will have these riches. Should your desires fall in this category, understand that wishful thinking will not put you on the right track to fulfillment. You might think that wishing for both material riches and riches in personal power is expecting too much. But it is not. In fact you can hardly have one without the other.
However you must beware! To wish for both, or even one, will get you nowhere; be careful of that word wish! It can do you more harm than good. Now here is another definition of riches which may apply to some of you. There are those on this earth who possess practically nothing of a material nature, but who consider themselves rich, because of their happy minds and healthy bodies. Yet others who have a comfortable home and a comfortable living (who would not be reading this article) who consider themselves rich as they have what they desire in life.
Here we must point out that material riches can cause unhappiness as easily as they can raise one to the heights of ecstasy. So now at this point we must ask a very pertinent question: "What is the greatest good one may expect from riches?" To have money in the bank; to own a home; to be able to entertain lavishly; to be able to travel anywhere anytime, and to have a wardrobe which would be the envy of all, are a few of the things you might consider as being the advantages of riches.
Think of these things and anything else which might be associated with money and you will still be wrong, as far as an intelligent answer to the question is concerned. The real reason for wanting riches is to be happy. This is the end result of all accomplishment.
Although one may think their goal is riches, in reality they are seeking the soul satisfying happiness which comes with achievement; the riches are the reward for attaining their objective. Riches are a symbol of achievement, they are also the tools given so that you can achieve more.
Every person has a purpose in life; for the most part that purpose is service to others. Whether it is service by leadership, service through provision, or service through knowledge, it is all service to your fellow human and this planet we are on. For example if you are happy being a teacher you will raise to the level that you expect, modest house, bills paid etc. This is where you will stay as long as you are happy.
Your riches will reflect your level of achievement; your achievements will reflect your level of happiness. If you are not happy with your life, then go start achieving something, and soon you will see both happiness and riches.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness
Friday, February 15, 2008
How to Have an Amazing Memory
Millions of people waste the greater part of their lives and minds by blocking-off their own memories. All by the simple negative saying of “I forgot” or “I can’t remember”. By giving your subconscious mind this command you are seriously screwing up your own life.
I will show you that by simple speaking to yourself correctly not only does this develop your memory, but also strengthens other mental powers. It has been shown many times that it is of great worth to be able to come up promptly with names, addresses, phone numbers, and prices. Just remember; you have a perfectly good memory.
People who think they are scatter-brained sometimes fear they are mentally defective. Except for people with brain trauma from a serious accident or disease, this is simply not so. The real cause is you have taught your subconscious mind some seriously bad habits.
Thoughts have power; every action must begin with a thought, and it is you that decides how much power to give to a particular thought. A strong emotion that sends you the message that all is lost causes you to give up, and so then very shortly after that all is lost. What you think is what your subconscious mind will put into action on your behalf.
So how do we as humans improve this sorry situation? First you will instruct your own subconscious Mind to concentrate on the concepts you want to be the most powerful. Then your subconscious also known as the Creative Mind will instruct your Conscious Mind to keep those concepts always in view. You'll have no further trouble in concentrating.
This process takes only a few days of actual effort then it becomes almost automatic as your creative mind follows your orders. Plus it will eliminate a lot of worry and keeps your vital energies working together to attain your goals.
By the simple act of telling yourself that “I can” and “I will” you will change how you do things every day. Your Creative Mind will give you a cheerful, zestful attitude toward anything you do. The answer may seem absurdly simple, but that is truly all that there is to it. Now, when you have a task to perform you simply tell yourself “I can and I will” and you will feel anticipation of all the pleasure you are going to feel when the job is accomplished. Then, when you actually do it, obstacles seem to melt away, or at the most, they become merely details. When the job is done, you will feel that good satisfaction all over again.
Right there was a key secret of getting rich. First you must decide in your Conscious Mind that you are rich. Believe it or not, your major job is completed! Now when ever a negative thought enters your mind push it out by saying that you can and that you will, in return nothing, absolutely nothing can stand in your way.
So to sum up, when you catch yourself saying “I forget” or “ I can’t remember” stop and instead say “I will remember in a minute” or “I can remember, it just takes a minute” and soon you will see a drastic improvement in your mental abilities. In the same train of thought, when you catch yourself saying “I can’t do that” ask yourself if there is a real reason why, if not then say “I will do that but it might take a while” or “I can do that if I tried to” or anything similar.
Give your self a chance at succeeding and just say “I can”.
Be Blessed
I will show you that by simple speaking to yourself correctly not only does this develop your memory, but also strengthens other mental powers. It has been shown many times that it is of great worth to be able to come up promptly with names, addresses, phone numbers, and prices. Just remember; you have a perfectly good memory.
People who think they are scatter-brained sometimes fear they are mentally defective. Except for people with brain trauma from a serious accident or disease, this is simply not so. The real cause is you have taught your subconscious mind some seriously bad habits.
Thoughts have power; every action must begin with a thought, and it is you that decides how much power to give to a particular thought. A strong emotion that sends you the message that all is lost causes you to give up, and so then very shortly after that all is lost. What you think is what your subconscious mind will put into action on your behalf.
So how do we as humans improve this sorry situation? First you will instruct your own subconscious Mind to concentrate on the concepts you want to be the most powerful. Then your subconscious also known as the Creative Mind will instruct your Conscious Mind to keep those concepts always in view. You'll have no further trouble in concentrating.
This process takes only a few days of actual effort then it becomes almost automatic as your creative mind follows your orders. Plus it will eliminate a lot of worry and keeps your vital energies working together to attain your goals.
By the simple act of telling yourself that “I can” and “I will” you will change how you do things every day. Your Creative Mind will give you a cheerful, zestful attitude toward anything you do. The answer may seem absurdly simple, but that is truly all that there is to it. Now, when you have a task to perform you simply tell yourself “I can and I will” and you will feel anticipation of all the pleasure you are going to feel when the job is accomplished. Then, when you actually do it, obstacles seem to melt away, or at the most, they become merely details. When the job is done, you will feel that good satisfaction all over again.
Right there was a key secret of getting rich. First you must decide in your Conscious Mind that you are rich. Believe it or not, your major job is completed! Now when ever a negative thought enters your mind push it out by saying that you can and that you will, in return nothing, absolutely nothing can stand in your way.
So to sum up, when you catch yourself saying “I forget” or “ I can’t remember” stop and instead say “I will remember in a minute” or “I can remember, it just takes a minute” and soon you will see a drastic improvement in your mental abilities. In the same train of thought, when you catch yourself saying “I can’t do that” ask yourself if there is a real reason why, if not then say “I will do that but it might take a while” or “I can do that if I tried to” or anything similar.
Give your self a chance at succeeding and just say “I can”.
Be Blessed
Labels: self improvement
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Two Parts of Your Mind
Let me start with this simple proposition: You are not a body with a mind, Rather you are a mind with a body. Take heed and remember this, it is the cornerstone to of all that you are and will become.
You are mind; your mind is who you are. It is not your body, no matter how beautiful or pathetic it may be, that defines you; it is your mind. As a little proof have you ever seen the really buff guy who can’t seem to get or keep a girlfriend? Is it because he is ugly? No it is usually because he has no personality, his mind says he is pathetic and even though his body is in perfect shape he is such a dreadful person that he has hardly any friends, much less girl friends.
You are what your mind thinks you are. However there is a twist, the mind actually has two parts. The one we are all familiar with and know best is the conscious mind. This is the part we use to think and it takes in information through your sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. It is highly effective in making your daily decisions. When you perform any conscious act, such as pick up a pen, go somewhere, make a phone call, etc. it is your Conscious Mind that sends those orders to your body. Then when you go to sleep, your Conscious Mind also goes to sleep.
The other part never sleeps. This is the Subconscious, or Creative Mind. Your Creative Mind literally keeps you alive. It is responsible for the involuntary life functions such as your heart beating, eye blinking, and breathing. It has the control over your glands, internal organs, and even your cells. It is the master regulator of your body. It also controls your character, your inmost drives, and your deepest and most secret desires!
What most people do not understand is the Creative Mind also governs the Conscious mind. In other words; a person is what their Creative Mind says they are!
What you think is what you are. You give commands to your Creative mind all the time, and eventually these commands become part of your personality. Have you ever said “I can’t remember” when a fact does not readily come to your conscious mind? Then a few hours or even days later out of nowhere the answer comes to you and you smack your head saying “Now I remember”. What you have done is issue your creative mind a command “I can’t remember”, and so your creative mind follows its orders and presto you can’t remember. Whenever you give your creative mind a command it will obey and cause you to do the things you have commanded to make happen.
What you say instead is; “It will come to me in a moment”, this gives your creative mind a command that it will follow and then shortly you will remember. Have you told your self or others that “I just can’t concentrate”? Guess what? You have given your subconscious a command and it obeyed make you unable to concentrate. Instead if you tell your self “I will concentrate on this thing for a while” you suddenly find yourself able to concentrate. The examples are as endless as there are people in this world.
Instead of saying “I can’t” say “I will” instead and you will see your life improve in so many ways you will be amazed that you even survived this long without knowing this simple truth.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
You are mind; your mind is who you are. It is not your body, no matter how beautiful or pathetic it may be, that defines you; it is your mind. As a little proof have you ever seen the really buff guy who can’t seem to get or keep a girlfriend? Is it because he is ugly? No it is usually because he has no personality, his mind says he is pathetic and even though his body is in perfect shape he is such a dreadful person that he has hardly any friends, much less girl friends.
You are what your mind thinks you are. However there is a twist, the mind actually has two parts. The one we are all familiar with and know best is the conscious mind. This is the part we use to think and it takes in information through your sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. It is highly effective in making your daily decisions. When you perform any conscious act, such as pick up a pen, go somewhere, make a phone call, etc. it is your Conscious Mind that sends those orders to your body. Then when you go to sleep, your Conscious Mind also goes to sleep.
The other part never sleeps. This is the Subconscious, or Creative Mind. Your Creative Mind literally keeps you alive. It is responsible for the involuntary life functions such as your heart beating, eye blinking, and breathing. It has the control over your glands, internal organs, and even your cells. It is the master regulator of your body. It also controls your character, your inmost drives, and your deepest and most secret desires!
What most people do not understand is the Creative Mind also governs the Conscious mind. In other words; a person is what their Creative Mind says they are!
What you think is what you are. You give commands to your Creative mind all the time, and eventually these commands become part of your personality. Have you ever said “I can’t remember” when a fact does not readily come to your conscious mind? Then a few hours or even days later out of nowhere the answer comes to you and you smack your head saying “Now I remember”. What you have done is issue your creative mind a command “I can’t remember”, and so your creative mind follows its orders and presto you can’t remember. Whenever you give your creative mind a command it will obey and cause you to do the things you have commanded to make happen.
What you say instead is; “It will come to me in a moment”, this gives your creative mind a command that it will follow and then shortly you will remember. Have you told your self or others that “I just can’t concentrate”? Guess what? You have given your subconscious a command and it obeyed make you unable to concentrate. Instead if you tell your self “I will concentrate on this thing for a while” you suddenly find yourself able to concentrate. The examples are as endless as there are people in this world.
Instead of saying “I can’t” say “I will” instead and you will see your life improve in so many ways you will be amazed that you even survived this long without knowing this simple truth.
Be Blessed
Labels: self improvement