Tuesday, February 19, 2008
How to Overcome
Fear; this one thing is what keeps most people from a life of happiness. As the saying goes knowing is half the battle. Knowing that you have a fear will allow you to take steps to make the fear stop ruling your life.
So what are some of these fears that we may harbor inside that we allow to ruin our lives? The biggest and most common fear is the Fear of SUCCESS.
Many people fear the positive changes, maybe extra responsibility, that great wealth and success brings. They get caught in all the old negative sayings such as rich people being mean, selfish, arrogant and not spiritual. Then there are the false beliefs that money is the root of all evil and that money can only be acquired by foul means. Since we all want to be good people we decide subconsciously that riches are not for us.
Then we also get caught in negative thoughts and worry: Things like people begging us for money, and others taking it away. Then the worry of what if we make money and then we lose it? Would we lose our friends and be despised by our family? How much of an idiot would we look like then to our friends and family?
What we all must realize is that Success and Abundance are our birthright.
We were not meant to live in poverty, or suffer stress. Understand that money is like air; there is always more than enough for everyone, and it flows as freely as air. The more Abundance you have, the more you can freely give to others and help them to improve their lives. Abundance is very spiritual. Money builds homes, schools, hospitals, and many other great things. Money is merely a tool that is used to help make things happen. It is not and should never be the goal. Can you set a goal to have more air? No, you have what you need, when you work out or exercise you breath more and so require more air, and it is there for you. Money is the same way; the more you do the more money you have as you have more to do things with.
There are some of you who say “I don't deserve success” or “I am not worthy of success”. Who decides who is worthy or deserving of success? It is not the Universe or our Creator because they want us to have all the abundance we can handle. Our natural state is to have joy and abundance. What is the criterion for someone to be considered worthy or deserving of success? Is it family background, education, age, sex, religion, or some other factor? Again NO! It is you who can CHOOSE for yourself that you are worthy of success and abundance.
So if you believe that Rich People are “all mean, selfish, arrogant, unspiritual crooks who have made their money by cheating others” then it is likely to be very difficult for you to allow yourself to have great wealth. If that is how you see rich people, then it is unlikely you would really want to become one.
Today there are more millionaires than ever before. These people made their money by serving their fellow human beings and helping them grow in every sense of the word. They know and understand that the more abundance they allow to flow to themselves, the more they can help others, and the quicker and easier poverty is eliminated.
A belief is usually only a thought that you have heard from another source and adopted as your own. You need to examine your beliefs with the knowledge that you can choose your own thoughts, and form your own beliefs. In any moment of time you can choose an empowering belief or a disabling one. Why would you choose to hold onto old beliefs and keep bringing them back to keep ruining your life? When you find your self thinking these beliefs examine them and if they do not serve you: Let go of them.
When a wrong belief is discovered replace it with the correct belief, or a more correct belief. Like the planks on a wooden ship, when a bad plank is discovered, one that allows water to leak in and slows the ship, it is replaced with a good plank, not just removed. So it is with you, the incorrect beliefs slow you down and hold you back, find them and replace them with correct thoughts and beliefs and your life will become smoother sailing.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
So what are some of these fears that we may harbor inside that we allow to ruin our lives? The biggest and most common fear is the Fear of SUCCESS.
Many people fear the positive changes, maybe extra responsibility, that great wealth and success brings. They get caught in all the old negative sayings such as rich people being mean, selfish, arrogant and not spiritual. Then there are the false beliefs that money is the root of all evil and that money can only be acquired by foul means. Since we all want to be good people we decide subconsciously that riches are not for us.
Then we also get caught in negative thoughts and worry: Things like people begging us for money, and others taking it away. Then the worry of what if we make money and then we lose it? Would we lose our friends and be despised by our family? How much of an idiot would we look like then to our friends and family?
What we all must realize is that Success and Abundance are our birthright.
We were not meant to live in poverty, or suffer stress. Understand that money is like air; there is always more than enough for everyone, and it flows as freely as air. The more Abundance you have, the more you can freely give to others and help them to improve their lives. Abundance is very spiritual. Money builds homes, schools, hospitals, and many other great things. Money is merely a tool that is used to help make things happen. It is not and should never be the goal. Can you set a goal to have more air? No, you have what you need, when you work out or exercise you breath more and so require more air, and it is there for you. Money is the same way; the more you do the more money you have as you have more to do things with.
There are some of you who say “I don't deserve success” or “I am not worthy of success”. Who decides who is worthy or deserving of success? It is not the Universe or our Creator because they want us to have all the abundance we can handle. Our natural state is to have joy and abundance. What is the criterion for someone to be considered worthy or deserving of success? Is it family background, education, age, sex, religion, or some other factor? Again NO! It is you who can CHOOSE for yourself that you are worthy of success and abundance.
So if you believe that Rich People are “all mean, selfish, arrogant, unspiritual crooks who have made their money by cheating others” then it is likely to be very difficult for you to allow yourself to have great wealth. If that is how you see rich people, then it is unlikely you would really want to become one.
Today there are more millionaires than ever before. These people made their money by serving their fellow human beings and helping them grow in every sense of the word. They know and understand that the more abundance they allow to flow to themselves, the more they can help others, and the quicker and easier poverty is eliminated.
A belief is usually only a thought that you have heard from another source and adopted as your own. You need to examine your beliefs with the knowledge that you can choose your own thoughts, and form your own beliefs. In any moment of time you can choose an empowering belief or a disabling one. Why would you choose to hold onto old beliefs and keep bringing them back to keep ruining your life? When you find your self thinking these beliefs examine them and if they do not serve you: Let go of them.
When a wrong belief is discovered replace it with the correct belief, or a more correct belief. Like the planks on a wooden ship, when a bad plank is discovered, one that allows water to leak in and slows the ship, it is replaced with a good plank, not just removed. So it is with you, the incorrect beliefs slow you down and hold you back, find them and replace them with correct thoughts and beliefs and your life will become smoother sailing.
Be Blessed