Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Taking Command of Your Self
The story of Aladdin and the Magic lamp is an old story about a poor man who finds a way to make all his wishes come true just by asking. This may seem to you a bit on the fantastic side, but there is a way to make all your wishes come true.
Let us get straight to it; your subconscious mind connects directly to creation. It is your link to the universe, to God, by whatever name you use, to the whole of entirety. The subconscious also links to you; it helps to control you and your actions, and takes care of all the auto functions of your body. The part of this that few people know or realize is that the subconscious takes commands from you the conscious being, and works diligently to see that your commands are followed.
That is one meaty paragraph, and if you did not quite comprehend what was said, stop here and read it again, yes it is that important.
So let us start with a few examples of how people command their subconscious. You have probably heard people say “I can’t do that” regardless of the subject or task at hand. The reason they can’t is they have told themselves, in other words told their subconscious, that they can’t do something. The subconscious has taken this as a command and has arranged things so that the conscious individual can’t do it.
Another example is when you say, or have heard other people say, “I can’t remember” again this is a command you have given to your subconscious, and it has followed the command and has prevented you from remembering. Instead of saying you can’t remember, say “It will come to me in a minute” then your subconscious will accept the command and you will remember in about sixty seconds. As you regain control over your memory you will find that the “in a minute” command will be followed to the second every time.
So what commands do you issue to your subconscious? Do you tell yourself that your feet hurt, and so therefore they do? Do you tell your friends you’re a klutz, and so therefore you are clumsy? Do you say you are shy, so therefore you are bashful around other people? These commands you give will be followed, the subconscious will take the command and act on it causing you to be and do as you have said.
This is a wild and strange concept, but if you think about it for a while you will realize the truth of this matter and will start to change the way you talk to your self. It is not so strange that you can not see the revelation of this method of talking to your self to take control of your life. Here is a common area of comment, one you have probably heard all your life: “those rich people…” And it is usually followed by a comment about the speaker of this comment being broke, or not being able to afford it. What has just happened is that person gave their subconscious a command to be broke, and or a command to not be able to afford something. So the subconscious not being able to differentiate between the commands as to what is beneficial, and what is not, will work to ensure the command is followed and that person will be broke, and not able to afford it.
So a few simple rules to implement and your life can be just like Aladdin and his lamp. Well, there won’t be a poof of smoke and there it is, it may take a few days or weeks, but the result will be the same. Speak only the things you desire to happen, as most things you say are commands to your subconscious. So think about what you are saying, and if you find your self saying things that are undesirable, stop, and redirect your words to yourself to be positive. For example if you tell your self, and others, that you are just unlucky, stop saying that, and start saying you are getting luckier every day. Soon you will see the results and you can change your words to the effect that you are a very lucky person, followed by your life getting even better.
There is not enough room here to write all the specific phrases that people say and use every day, so I hope you understand the gist of this concept. In short you get what you say, and what you say is taken by your subconscious as an order, and it does its best to follow the instruction causing you to do what you have commanded. So if you are commanding yourself to be clumsy, poor, sleepless, friendless, loveless, and so on, stop saying that. This includes just thinking it, thinking you are clumsy is the same as saying it out loud, only you are only talking to your subconscious, and we both know what happens next.
Most people complain, and those complaints more often than not are taken as commands by the subconscious and brought into your life. Try this; try to complain about being healthy, complain about having good friends, complain about having spare cash, and soon you will see yourself actually having these things.
So be careful with the words you use to command your subconscious. Change the phrase and the words you use and soon your life will start to become the way you want it. With only a little practice you can see some amazingly fast results; the more practice the faster the results. So start now, give your subconscious the correct commands, and when you catch yourself starting to complain, change the words to make it a proper command that you desire, not the poor command you were about to give.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Let us get straight to it; your subconscious mind connects directly to creation. It is your link to the universe, to God, by whatever name you use, to the whole of entirety. The subconscious also links to you; it helps to control you and your actions, and takes care of all the auto functions of your body. The part of this that few people know or realize is that the subconscious takes commands from you the conscious being, and works diligently to see that your commands are followed.
That is one meaty paragraph, and if you did not quite comprehend what was said, stop here and read it again, yes it is that important.
So let us start with a few examples of how people command their subconscious. You have probably heard people say “I can’t do that” regardless of the subject or task at hand. The reason they can’t is they have told themselves, in other words told their subconscious, that they can’t do something. The subconscious has taken this as a command and has arranged things so that the conscious individual can’t do it.
Another example is when you say, or have heard other people say, “I can’t remember” again this is a command you have given to your subconscious, and it has followed the command and has prevented you from remembering. Instead of saying you can’t remember, say “It will come to me in a minute” then your subconscious will accept the command and you will remember in about sixty seconds. As you regain control over your memory you will find that the “in a minute” command will be followed to the second every time.
So what commands do you issue to your subconscious? Do you tell yourself that your feet hurt, and so therefore they do? Do you tell your friends you’re a klutz, and so therefore you are clumsy? Do you say you are shy, so therefore you are bashful around other people? These commands you give will be followed, the subconscious will take the command and act on it causing you to be and do as you have said.
This is a wild and strange concept, but if you think about it for a while you will realize the truth of this matter and will start to change the way you talk to your self. It is not so strange that you can not see the revelation of this method of talking to your self to take control of your life. Here is a common area of comment, one you have probably heard all your life: “those rich people…” And it is usually followed by a comment about the speaker of this comment being broke, or not being able to afford it. What has just happened is that person gave their subconscious a command to be broke, and or a command to not be able to afford something. So the subconscious not being able to differentiate between the commands as to what is beneficial, and what is not, will work to ensure the command is followed and that person will be broke, and not able to afford it.
So a few simple rules to implement and your life can be just like Aladdin and his lamp. Well, there won’t be a poof of smoke and there it is, it may take a few days or weeks, but the result will be the same. Speak only the things you desire to happen, as most things you say are commands to your subconscious. So think about what you are saying, and if you find your self saying things that are undesirable, stop, and redirect your words to yourself to be positive. For example if you tell your self, and others, that you are just unlucky, stop saying that, and start saying you are getting luckier every day. Soon you will see the results and you can change your words to the effect that you are a very lucky person, followed by your life getting even better.
There is not enough room here to write all the specific phrases that people say and use every day, so I hope you understand the gist of this concept. In short you get what you say, and what you say is taken by your subconscious as an order, and it does its best to follow the instruction causing you to do what you have commanded. So if you are commanding yourself to be clumsy, poor, sleepless, friendless, loveless, and so on, stop saying that. This includes just thinking it, thinking you are clumsy is the same as saying it out loud, only you are only talking to your subconscious, and we both know what happens next.
Most people complain, and those complaints more often than not are taken as commands by the subconscious and brought into your life. Try this; try to complain about being healthy, complain about having good friends, complain about having spare cash, and soon you will see yourself actually having these things.
So be careful with the words you use to command your subconscious. Change the phrase and the words you use and soon your life will start to become the way you want it. With only a little practice you can see some amazingly fast results; the more practice the faster the results. So start now, give your subconscious the correct commands, and when you catch yourself starting to complain, change the words to make it a proper command that you desire, not the poor command you were about to give.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting