Saturday, February 23, 2008
The Three Steps of Success
Everybody in this world has three things in common with everyone else. The three things are; Needs Wants and Dreams.
Let’s break this down a bit. Your Needs are the basic things which help you make it through every day of living. These things are your food, your clothes, your shelter (house apartment etc) the ability to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Wants are the extra things you want out of life. These are things you probably have to save a few pennies for or wait until tax refund time. Wants are things like a car, television, stereo, furniture, appliance, house, boat, in other words the nice toys of life.
Then last but not least are Dreams. Dreams are the things you wish to achieve, such as becoming a professional football player or a doctor. Some people dream about luxurious lifestyles while others dream about exotic vacations. Most of us have dreams that consist of those things you highly desire but realistically, don’t believe is achievable in this lifetime.
What most people don’t know and need to discover is that nearly anything can be achievable in this lifetime. There are only a few details that stand between your self and the achievement of your dreams.
The first and biggest is Self Motivation. You probably work for a living. So does nearly everybody else. Some people work 2 jobs just to make ends meet and sometimes, some people don’t want to do any more work than they have to even though they’re barely getting by. Motivation is the something inside you that drives you to do what you do. Without motivation nothing will happen. Motivation can be imparted through external pressure, such as getting your child up to go to school requires applied motivation. Then there is self motivation where you move yourself. Such as on the first day of a vacation at Disney; you can’t wait to get to the Attraction Park and are highly motivated causing you to move with purpose and vigor.
The next is Education. Knowing how to achieve something is just as important as having the motivation to achieve it. This does not mean a college education, I know many people who work in areas outside their degree. By knowledge it means the understanding of the subject. Without knowledge, there is no understanding of the process and without understanding, the objective becomes guess-work and failure is often the result. You can of course learn as you achieve, you do not have to wait to be an expert before taking action. You can learn on your own or you can find instruction or a combination of both, either way you will always require knowledge. For example when you learned how to drive you may have had a driving instructor or a friend or parent teach you how to operate the vehicle, but you had to learn the traffic rules and laws on your own so you could pass the written test to get the license. Had you relied on only the instructor you might have failed the written test, and had you relied only on your book knowledge you would have failed the practical test. But through a combination of learning, and practice, you passed the test and are now driving on your own.
Then there are Tools. Tools can be the things you need to accomplish a task. It could be a book, a computer, a hammer, or a set of skills. There is not much success in trying to achieve something if you don’t have the right tools, even if you are highly motivated and are among the smartest people on earth. Can you chop down a tree with a herring? Can you surf the internet without a monitor? Can you boil water without a pot? The wrong tools are almost as unsuccessful. Can you turn a bolt with a hammer? Can you saw a board with a ratchet? So you can see that by having the right tools to accomplish a task are essential to success.
Now you may very well have tools and skills, but for some reason, do not use them to your benefit. If you have the skill of carpentry and hate working outside, so you want to work inside and so you decide to be a secretary, you may be in for a difficult time as you re-educate your self. Re evaluate, maybe you could be a teacher of carpentry, this way you use your skills and achieve your goal of working inside.
Now a bit more about motivation; the other side of motivation is persistence. Persistence is having the motivation and ability to continue to pursue that something. Persistence is perseverance, the quality of continuing on despite obstacles, problems, and challenges. Giving up is easy, also known as quitting, and too many people quit just before they succeed. Not giving up, also known as persistence requires more effort than quitting. Persistence means working through the failed attempts, starting over time and again, spending the time to do it right and sometimes even means hard work. So why be persistent?
The reward of persistence is the achievement of your dream. How well you achieve that goal is measured by your motivation, education, and the tools you’ve used. To be what you desire to be is very rewarding and the success brings happiness.
So decide your dream, pick one of your wishes and determine to make it a reality. Educate yourself on what it takes to achieve it, then acquire the tools, and then the fun part comes, go out and become what you desire and accomplish your dreams. You can be what ever you will to be.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Let’s break this down a bit. Your Needs are the basic things which help you make it through every day of living. These things are your food, your clothes, your shelter (house apartment etc) the ability to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Wants are the extra things you want out of life. These are things you probably have to save a few pennies for or wait until tax refund time. Wants are things like a car, television, stereo, furniture, appliance, house, boat, in other words the nice toys of life.
Then last but not least are Dreams. Dreams are the things you wish to achieve, such as becoming a professional football player or a doctor. Some people dream about luxurious lifestyles while others dream about exotic vacations. Most of us have dreams that consist of those things you highly desire but realistically, don’t believe is achievable in this lifetime.
What most people don’t know and need to discover is that nearly anything can be achievable in this lifetime. There are only a few details that stand between your self and the achievement of your dreams.
The first and biggest is Self Motivation. You probably work for a living. So does nearly everybody else. Some people work 2 jobs just to make ends meet and sometimes, some people don’t want to do any more work than they have to even though they’re barely getting by. Motivation is the something inside you that drives you to do what you do. Without motivation nothing will happen. Motivation can be imparted through external pressure, such as getting your child up to go to school requires applied motivation. Then there is self motivation where you move yourself. Such as on the first day of a vacation at Disney; you can’t wait to get to the Attraction Park and are highly motivated causing you to move with purpose and vigor.
The next is Education. Knowing how to achieve something is just as important as having the motivation to achieve it. This does not mean a college education, I know many people who work in areas outside their degree. By knowledge it means the understanding of the subject. Without knowledge, there is no understanding of the process and without understanding, the objective becomes guess-work and failure is often the result. You can of course learn as you achieve, you do not have to wait to be an expert before taking action. You can learn on your own or you can find instruction or a combination of both, either way you will always require knowledge. For example when you learned how to drive you may have had a driving instructor or a friend or parent teach you how to operate the vehicle, but you had to learn the traffic rules and laws on your own so you could pass the written test to get the license. Had you relied on only the instructor you might have failed the written test, and had you relied only on your book knowledge you would have failed the practical test. But through a combination of learning, and practice, you passed the test and are now driving on your own.
Then there are Tools. Tools can be the things you need to accomplish a task. It could be a book, a computer, a hammer, or a set of skills. There is not much success in trying to achieve something if you don’t have the right tools, even if you are highly motivated and are among the smartest people on earth. Can you chop down a tree with a herring? Can you surf the internet without a monitor? Can you boil water without a pot? The wrong tools are almost as unsuccessful. Can you turn a bolt with a hammer? Can you saw a board with a ratchet? So you can see that by having the right tools to accomplish a task are essential to success.
Now you may very well have tools and skills, but for some reason, do not use them to your benefit. If you have the skill of carpentry and hate working outside, so you want to work inside and so you decide to be a secretary, you may be in for a difficult time as you re-educate your self. Re evaluate, maybe you could be a teacher of carpentry, this way you use your skills and achieve your goal of working inside.
Now a bit more about motivation; the other side of motivation is persistence. Persistence is having the motivation and ability to continue to pursue that something. Persistence is perseverance, the quality of continuing on despite obstacles, problems, and challenges. Giving up is easy, also known as quitting, and too many people quit just before they succeed. Not giving up, also known as persistence requires more effort than quitting. Persistence means working through the failed attempts, starting over time and again, spending the time to do it right and sometimes even means hard work. So why be persistent?
The reward of persistence is the achievement of your dream. How well you achieve that goal is measured by your motivation, education, and the tools you’ve used. To be what you desire to be is very rewarding and the success brings happiness.
So decide your dream, pick one of your wishes and determine to make it a reality. Educate yourself on what it takes to achieve it, then acquire the tools, and then the fun part comes, go out and become what you desire and accomplish your dreams. You can be what ever you will to be.
Be Blessed
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