Friday, February 22, 2008
Why Even You Can be Successful
Why is it that some people are attracted to success with seemingly no effort, while other people struggle all their lives just to make ends meet? The cause can’t be a physical one otherwise only good looking people would be successful and the rest of the world would be doomed to slave labor. Yet there are countless examples of not very good looking people being insanely successful, so we know it is not a physical ability. Therefore it must be a mental thing.
The difference is in the mind, your mental outlook on the way you live and the way you direct your creative force. This is the true divider of people, their own thought abilities. In other words it is your mind that controls your life and how you live it.
When you finally understand that it is the power of thought that controls your life, and that you can control your thoughts then you will be able to simplify your life and have the success you desire. The mental and spiritual worlds are controlled by laws just as infallible as the physical laws we are governed by. When you learn these laws and with due diligence apply them to your thoughts the effects will seem miraculous.
You must discover for yourself that power comes from within, you and you alone are responsible for the life you have. If undesirable things have happened to you in the past, realize those things are in the past. You live now, you do not live yesterday, you do not live tomorrow, and you live only right now. You determine right now what it is that you will do, will you turn left, or will you turn right, or just stay still, these are choices you make.
When your mind decides that you should do something, you do it. There are only a few automatic functions you do not have to decide on, like your heart beating or your breathing, but the other functions are yours to choose. You choose when to stand, and when to sit, it is you who decides to sip the coffee or to let it stand awhile. All these minor functions you choose mostly from training and habit, yet you do not choose willingly your own life, know now that you do have that choice and ability.
Like all skills choosing your thoughts will take practice, the more you practice the better you become and the easier the task. Once you learn this truth it will serve you well.
The mind creates negative conditions just as easily as it creates positive conditions. Your command of your mind is what creates your reality. By failing to control ones thoughts you allow the life you lead to be lived in default mode, often in conditions disliked and unfavorable. By thinking only of the bad things in life you attract them to you like a magnet; this failure to control your thinking will keep you in a less than successful way of living.
Everything that exists was once a thought. Look around your environment, the place you live was built by someone having a thought, then putting that thought on paper by drawing and writing caused the thought to be understood by others who then directed others to use their skills and bring the building into physical reality. Everything in the building was also once a thought; someone thought of plumbing and brought it into reality. Someone thought of refrigerators, stoves, tables, desks, cabinets, and even the computer, and all these things have gone from thought to reality.
This not only applied to the physical reality, but also to the spiritual reality. If you think that you can’t, then you can’t. Conversely if you think you can, then you can. If you think poorly, then you get poorly, and if you think kindly then you get kindly. What you think is what you create, and what you create you have to live with.
So it is important that you begin to understand that what you think becomes your reality. So study your thoughts, constantly ask your self why you are thinking a certain way and if that way serves you in the manner you desire. If the thought you have will not improve your life then dismiss it promptly and replace it with a thought that will lead to the success you so desire.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
The difference is in the mind, your mental outlook on the way you live and the way you direct your creative force. This is the true divider of people, their own thought abilities. In other words it is your mind that controls your life and how you live it.
When you finally understand that it is the power of thought that controls your life, and that you can control your thoughts then you will be able to simplify your life and have the success you desire. The mental and spiritual worlds are controlled by laws just as infallible as the physical laws we are governed by. When you learn these laws and with due diligence apply them to your thoughts the effects will seem miraculous.
You must discover for yourself that power comes from within, you and you alone are responsible for the life you have. If undesirable things have happened to you in the past, realize those things are in the past. You live now, you do not live yesterday, you do not live tomorrow, and you live only right now. You determine right now what it is that you will do, will you turn left, or will you turn right, or just stay still, these are choices you make.
When your mind decides that you should do something, you do it. There are only a few automatic functions you do not have to decide on, like your heart beating or your breathing, but the other functions are yours to choose. You choose when to stand, and when to sit, it is you who decides to sip the coffee or to let it stand awhile. All these minor functions you choose mostly from training and habit, yet you do not choose willingly your own life, know now that you do have that choice and ability.
Like all skills choosing your thoughts will take practice, the more you practice the better you become and the easier the task. Once you learn this truth it will serve you well.
The mind creates negative conditions just as easily as it creates positive conditions. Your command of your mind is what creates your reality. By failing to control ones thoughts you allow the life you lead to be lived in default mode, often in conditions disliked and unfavorable. By thinking only of the bad things in life you attract them to you like a magnet; this failure to control your thinking will keep you in a less than successful way of living.
Everything that exists was once a thought. Look around your environment, the place you live was built by someone having a thought, then putting that thought on paper by drawing and writing caused the thought to be understood by others who then directed others to use their skills and bring the building into physical reality. Everything in the building was also once a thought; someone thought of plumbing and brought it into reality. Someone thought of refrigerators, stoves, tables, desks, cabinets, and even the computer, and all these things have gone from thought to reality.
This not only applied to the physical reality, but also to the spiritual reality. If you think that you can’t, then you can’t. Conversely if you think you can, then you can. If you think poorly, then you get poorly, and if you think kindly then you get kindly. What you think is what you create, and what you create you have to live with.
So it is important that you begin to understand that what you think becomes your reality. So study your thoughts, constantly ask your self why you are thinking a certain way and if that way serves you in the manner you desire. If the thought you have will not improve your life then dismiss it promptly and replace it with a thought that will lead to the success you so desire.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, life, Manifesting