Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The Words You Sow
Something we need to talk about is the words that you use, and the way you use them. Watch carefully the words that come from your mouth, for those words that you utter deeply affect your life.
Words have a power that you control; this is caused by the law of vibration. As you well know everything vibrates, from the slowest to the fastest, and when you speak you create a vibration that goes out into universe and attracts similar vibrating things.
Feel your throat when you speak, you can feel the vibrations you create when you make sounds. These sounds are vibrations that are your greatest power. What you speak has certain vibrational frequencies and you have created them. You have started a process that has an effect all around you, your words will return to you like a boomerang, only you will receive in return a bigger boomerang.
You can call it karma, the rule of three, the rule of ten, or whatever. The fact remains that you will get much more than you send out. So what does this mean to you? This simply shows that you will reap what you have sown. So if you send out words of poverty you will receive poverty, if you send out words of disease you will receive disease. Have you ever thought of how something small and invisible can become something so large and life influencing?
Imagine if you will that a small seed become a giant tree, so it is with your words. Your words are seeds that spread out and grow into crops; these crops are the situations you find yourself in all the time. So if you are constantly talking about sad situations, and complaining about how bad things are, this is the crop you are preparing for yourself.
Would you rather have a happy and satisfied life, or one where you have to work your fingers to the bone just to get by from day to day? You get the life you have by the words you use. So use only good words to express your views and discuss only beneficial subjects. In this manner you will easily improve your life and prevent your own misery.
Here is an exercise for you to see how you perform in your daily life, record the next conversation with your best friend. Then listen to it, and see for yourself what you are saying. Did you just spend an hour spewing out a few thousand destructive words filled with gossip, hearsay, gloom, doom, and how many problems there are in this world? You may be surprised at how bad you have just behaved. Those few thousand words will become the situations that you have to live through, and it will be twice as bad because two of you have created even stronger vibrational seeds.
So watch your words, and be aware of what you say. Here is a clue that will help you immensely: Successful people talk about plans and actions, unsuccessful people talk about other people. Which one are you?
Be Blessed.
Words have a power that you control; this is caused by the law of vibration. As you well know everything vibrates, from the slowest to the fastest, and when you speak you create a vibration that goes out into universe and attracts similar vibrating things.
Feel your throat when you speak, you can feel the vibrations you create when you make sounds. These sounds are vibrations that are your greatest power. What you speak has certain vibrational frequencies and you have created them. You have started a process that has an effect all around you, your words will return to you like a boomerang, only you will receive in return a bigger boomerang.
You can call it karma, the rule of three, the rule of ten, or whatever. The fact remains that you will get much more than you send out. So what does this mean to you? This simply shows that you will reap what you have sown. So if you send out words of poverty you will receive poverty, if you send out words of disease you will receive disease. Have you ever thought of how something small and invisible can become something so large and life influencing?
Imagine if you will that a small seed become a giant tree, so it is with your words. Your words are seeds that spread out and grow into crops; these crops are the situations you find yourself in all the time. So if you are constantly talking about sad situations, and complaining about how bad things are, this is the crop you are preparing for yourself.
Would you rather have a happy and satisfied life, or one where you have to work your fingers to the bone just to get by from day to day? You get the life you have by the words you use. So use only good words to express your views and discuss only beneficial subjects. In this manner you will easily improve your life and prevent your own misery.
Here is an exercise for you to see how you perform in your daily life, record the next conversation with your best friend. Then listen to it, and see for yourself what you are saying. Did you just spend an hour spewing out a few thousand destructive words filled with gossip, hearsay, gloom, doom, and how many problems there are in this world? You may be surprised at how bad you have just behaved. Those few thousand words will become the situations that you have to live through, and it will be twice as bad because two of you have created even stronger vibrational seeds.
So watch your words, and be aware of what you say. Here is a clue that will help you immensely: Successful people talk about plans and actions, unsuccessful people talk about other people. Which one are you?
Be Blessed.
Labels: life
Monday, September 24, 2007
Becoming a Greater Person through Mental Secrets
Using the term “Mental Secrets” is just a way of explaining the process of learning and absorbing information and then putting it into practice. First you must focus on your self, your life and what you think you must accomplish. Mentally this is the difference between what an average person thinks and those who think more of a world class pattern. By thinking only what you have been told to think you are average, you are part of the crowd, a face among the masses. This thinking is called average thinking, and is ruled by fear, namely the fear to do things differently. You are learning the secret of life here, so starting now, you must think differently from the way you have been. Starting now you must change, change is the only constant in this universe, everything changes and to resist change is a foolish waste of your life.
You must understand that change is a simple two part process, and you must change WHAT you are to achieve WHO you are. Before you can start the process you must realize that everything that happens to you is your responsibility. You have literally thought yourself into what you are now. You and you alone make the choices you make, when you fail to make proper choices you are punished by the universe for your failure. This punishment can be anything that causes you misery. You can be miserable because you don’t have enough money; probably because you chose to spend more than you make, or miserable because you failed to make a correct choice in your behavior and now you have no friends. Choosing what you do is a result of your thoughts, what you think, you then believe, and what you believe influences your choice, which in turn influences your behavior. For example if you choose wrong and park in a no parking zone rather than wait a few for a spot to open, you get a ticket. Then if you choose wrong and fail to pay the ticket then they come and boot your car so you can’t drive your car. Then is you continue to choose wrong and still do not pay your fine then they take your car and you have to pay even more. This example is simple but you can change the situation to anything you want to see that wrong choices result in misery.
The first step in changing is making a decision. Yes you make a choice, then with making this choice you must determine to your self that you will stick to this choice you have made. Making this choice you should always do your research and make an informed decision. Determine what it is that you want, and then make a choice to get it, after that you must resolve to stand by your decision as it is your decision, and no one else can make the choice for you.
The second step is taking actions based on your decision. Nothing happens until something moves, so you can choose all day long, but until you actually do something with and for your choice, nothing will happen. Choosing to do nothing is a choice, some say a safe choice, but doing nothing is often a wrong choice and will result in misery.
There you have it, the easiest lesson to learn, but for some reason the hardest one to live. Do not be afraid of change, it is going to happen, so unless you act to change it to be as you will, the change will happen anyway and probably cause you misery. Make an informed decision and act on it. Get started you can make minor course corrections as you go. If you never start you will never finish. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
Be Blessed
You must understand that change is a simple two part process, and you must change WHAT you are to achieve WHO you are. Before you can start the process you must realize that everything that happens to you is your responsibility. You have literally thought yourself into what you are now. You and you alone make the choices you make, when you fail to make proper choices you are punished by the universe for your failure. This punishment can be anything that causes you misery. You can be miserable because you don’t have enough money; probably because you chose to spend more than you make, or miserable because you failed to make a correct choice in your behavior and now you have no friends. Choosing what you do is a result of your thoughts, what you think, you then believe, and what you believe influences your choice, which in turn influences your behavior. For example if you choose wrong and park in a no parking zone rather than wait a few for a spot to open, you get a ticket. Then if you choose wrong and fail to pay the ticket then they come and boot your car so you can’t drive your car. Then is you continue to choose wrong and still do not pay your fine then they take your car and you have to pay even more. This example is simple but you can change the situation to anything you want to see that wrong choices result in misery.
The first step in changing is making a decision. Yes you make a choice, then with making this choice you must determine to your self that you will stick to this choice you have made. Making this choice you should always do your research and make an informed decision. Determine what it is that you want, and then make a choice to get it, after that you must resolve to stand by your decision as it is your decision, and no one else can make the choice for you.
The second step is taking actions based on your decision. Nothing happens until something moves, so you can choose all day long, but until you actually do something with and for your choice, nothing will happen. Choosing to do nothing is a choice, some say a safe choice, but doing nothing is often a wrong choice and will result in misery.
There you have it, the easiest lesson to learn, but for some reason the hardest one to live. Do not be afraid of change, it is going to happen, so unless you act to change it to be as you will, the change will happen anyway and probably cause you misery. Make an informed decision and act on it. Get started you can make minor course corrections as you go. If you never start you will never finish. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
How to Have a Perfect Day
We have discussed in the past that starting your day correctly will lead to having perfect days every day. So this lesson will add some more details for you and help your days to be truly blessed.
As soon as you wake up, think about your day that is ahead of you. Make an affirmation that today will be a perfect day; that miracles will follow miracles and wonders will not cease. Change the affirmation so that it is satisfying and convincing to your own consciousness.
A favorite one that I use is: “I have wonderful work, in a wonderful way; I provide wonderful service, for wonderful pay.”
Use a note to your self posted on the bathroom mirror or the coffee pot to remind you to think about this day. As you perform your morning duties think about your day and what you are going to do. The sun has risen again and will do so with or without you: Choose to be part of today. The blessing of the sun will warm your day, your heart, your soul, and your very essence. Watch the sunrise and think.
Is there something you need to change or resolve, some problem that needs dealt with, a situation that needs solving, a problem to deal with to get on with your life, a solution you have not been able to find? Simply think calmly about it for a moment, if there are any negative emotions like anger or worry, then strongly and firmly dismiss those emotions by saying forcefully “garbage” and then return to pondering the problem.
Focus on one (and only one) problem and ask for the answers. Sit quietly for a time and listen; the still small voice will answer eventually. If you run out of time simply move on and go about your day as normal and repeat this action again in the evening and tomorrow morning, eventually an answer comes.
Trust the answers you receive and act on them appropriately. With practice this skill will develop so that you will be able to do it easily and naturally without any doubt, and the faster you will get your answers. With al little as a week of practice you can become a great problem solver and lead a happier life. In a months worth of practice you will become admired and respected by your co workers, friends and peers. When they ask your secret, tell them about your first thoughts every morning.
A stern warning for you is in order, what you think during this time does indeed affect you and your day. Keep your first thoughts gentle and pleasant, and your day will be the same. Start your day with stressful thinking and the rest of your day will be stressful. So before you go to bed, contemplate what you will have as your first thoughts. To start I highly recommend thanking your higher power for another day of life. When there is life, there is hope. So be thankful for another day to work on achieving your dreams. Then think about your day as you want it to be.
After a couple of mornings where you have successfully started your day with good first thoughts you may change your first thoughts as required to be able to achieve greater results. Keep in mind this simple rule of life: Goodwill protects those who practice it with an aura of peace. Then when you awaken think of goodwill and you can be or do anything you will to.
Be Blessed
As soon as you wake up, think about your day that is ahead of you. Make an affirmation that today will be a perfect day; that miracles will follow miracles and wonders will not cease. Change the affirmation so that it is satisfying and convincing to your own consciousness.
A favorite one that I use is: “I have wonderful work, in a wonderful way; I provide wonderful service, for wonderful pay.”
Use a note to your self posted on the bathroom mirror or the coffee pot to remind you to think about this day. As you perform your morning duties think about your day and what you are going to do. The sun has risen again and will do so with or without you: Choose to be part of today. The blessing of the sun will warm your day, your heart, your soul, and your very essence. Watch the sunrise and think.
Is there something you need to change or resolve, some problem that needs dealt with, a situation that needs solving, a problem to deal with to get on with your life, a solution you have not been able to find? Simply think calmly about it for a moment, if there are any negative emotions like anger or worry, then strongly and firmly dismiss those emotions by saying forcefully “garbage” and then return to pondering the problem.
Focus on one (and only one) problem and ask for the answers. Sit quietly for a time and listen; the still small voice will answer eventually. If you run out of time simply move on and go about your day as normal and repeat this action again in the evening and tomorrow morning, eventually an answer comes.
Trust the answers you receive and act on them appropriately. With practice this skill will develop so that you will be able to do it easily and naturally without any doubt, and the faster you will get your answers. With al little as a week of practice you can become a great problem solver and lead a happier life. In a months worth of practice you will become admired and respected by your co workers, friends and peers. When they ask your secret, tell them about your first thoughts every morning.
A stern warning for you is in order, what you think during this time does indeed affect you and your day. Keep your first thoughts gentle and pleasant, and your day will be the same. Start your day with stressful thinking and the rest of your day will be stressful. So before you go to bed, contemplate what you will have as your first thoughts. To start I highly recommend thanking your higher power for another day of life. When there is life, there is hope. So be thankful for another day to work on achieving your dreams. Then think about your day as you want it to be.
After a couple of mornings where you have successfully started your day with good first thoughts you may change your first thoughts as required to be able to achieve greater results. Keep in mind this simple rule of life: Goodwill protects those who practice it with an aura of peace. Then when you awaken think of goodwill and you can be or do anything you will to.
Be Blessed
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Rule of the Mouth
Every human has a silent and faithful servant always at their side. This servant will carry out your orders faithfully and without question. Every thought you think and every word you utter will be accepted as truth. This truth you have commanded will be turned into reality whether you want it to or not.
This faithful servant is called by many names; the subconscious, the universe, god, goddess, etc. Regardless of what you believe or wish to name it, this servant is always there. It takes its’ direction from you and carries out those instructions in the most efficient and expedient method available to bring to you what you have commanded. With this in mind one must be careful of the instructions given out to your servant.
Your spoken word contains vibrations, these vibrations will go out to the universe and bring back to you what you have instructed. I am very serious when I warn people to be careful what they wish for as they will get it. Too many times people have learned this great secret about the Law of Vibration, the spoken word and the results you will receive, and have still gone on to create misery for themselves and others around them.
Everything and every one are connected through these vibrations. What we do can and does effect all things around us. We affect our fellow humans in everything we do. What we send out will return to us multiplied, many times. For example if you think hateful thoughts and say hateful words, the people around you will pickup these vibrations. If these people are not conscious of their power they will unwittingly relay your hate, and it will return to you amplified from when you released it and will affect you all the more adversely.
So you must learn to control the words that leave your mouth. You have a responsibility for your mouth, what goes in it and what comes out of it are your responsibility and obligation. This organism we call the mouth is a great portal of power that controls your life more than one would think. If you put the wrong things in then you ruin your health, and if you release the wrong things you ruin your well being. You must become very guarded of your conversation, and the words you send out into the universe. From this day forth you know that you sow from your mouth, so be very careful what you sow, for what you sow, you will reap. As the tale goes; you can not sow corn and harvest wheat, you will reap what you have sown.
The invisible magic forces are always at work, and you are literally pulling your own strings. Owing to the vibratory force of your words you will begin to attract what you speak. The more you speak those words the faster and stronger the results are attracted to you. Then once you know that your words are power, when you issue them forth you will be all the more certain of their successful return. If you utter the words in a confident manner with force and conviction you will but need to say them once to achieve results. For those who do not know their words are power it may take a few times to attract what they speak, Often times the attracted results are far less than desirable.
You have been told that your words are the thing that you sow; and your mouth is the mechanism through which you sow your words. You also know that what you sow, you will harvest, and the harvest will be as you have sown and not what you have not sown. What you are and what you do is your results from your past actions and words. To change your circumstances you must change the words that you spew forth from your mouth.
Speak well of others or remain silent; speak only of the good and wellness of your self and others. To utter curses is to reap them, and to speak blessings is to receive blessings. A wise man once spoke about doing unto others as you would have done to you. This is great advice, as what you send out will return to you. Be careful what you wish for as you will receive it.
Be Blessed
This faithful servant is called by many names; the subconscious, the universe, god, goddess, etc. Regardless of what you believe or wish to name it, this servant is always there. It takes its’ direction from you and carries out those instructions in the most efficient and expedient method available to bring to you what you have commanded. With this in mind one must be careful of the instructions given out to your servant.
Your spoken word contains vibrations, these vibrations will go out to the universe and bring back to you what you have instructed. I am very serious when I warn people to be careful what they wish for as they will get it. Too many times people have learned this great secret about the Law of Vibration, the spoken word and the results you will receive, and have still gone on to create misery for themselves and others around them.
Everything and every one are connected through these vibrations. What we do can and does effect all things around us. We affect our fellow humans in everything we do. What we send out will return to us multiplied, many times. For example if you think hateful thoughts and say hateful words, the people around you will pickup these vibrations. If these people are not conscious of their power they will unwittingly relay your hate, and it will return to you amplified from when you released it and will affect you all the more adversely.
So you must learn to control the words that leave your mouth. You have a responsibility for your mouth, what goes in it and what comes out of it are your responsibility and obligation. This organism we call the mouth is a great portal of power that controls your life more than one would think. If you put the wrong things in then you ruin your health, and if you release the wrong things you ruin your well being. You must become very guarded of your conversation, and the words you send out into the universe. From this day forth you know that you sow from your mouth, so be very careful what you sow, for what you sow, you will reap. As the tale goes; you can not sow corn and harvest wheat, you will reap what you have sown.
The invisible magic forces are always at work, and you are literally pulling your own strings. Owing to the vibratory force of your words you will begin to attract what you speak. The more you speak those words the faster and stronger the results are attracted to you. Then once you know that your words are power, when you issue them forth you will be all the more certain of their successful return. If you utter the words in a confident manner with force and conviction you will but need to say them once to achieve results. For those who do not know their words are power it may take a few times to attract what they speak, Often times the attracted results are far less than desirable.
You have been told that your words are the thing that you sow; and your mouth is the mechanism through which you sow your words. You also know that what you sow, you will harvest, and the harvest will be as you have sown and not what you have not sown. What you are and what you do is your results from your past actions and words. To change your circumstances you must change the words that you spew forth from your mouth.
Speak well of others or remain silent; speak only of the good and wellness of your self and others. To utter curses is to reap them, and to speak blessings is to receive blessings. A wise man once spoke about doing unto others as you would have done to you. This is great advice, as what you send out will return to you. Be careful what you wish for as you will receive it.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction
Friday, September 14, 2007
The Law of Spirit
The human brain uses the senses and sees the world as “it appears to be” through these five senses. It sees disaster and destruction, it feels pain and suffering, it hears limitation and poverty, it smells disease and pollution, and tastes hatred and death.
The mind is perfectly capable of controlling the brain; the brain is only an organ, a tool of the mind. The mind is your spirit, it is who you are. Your spirit is what causes you to live.
The Law of Spirit is usually given in the shortened version that many of you have probably heard; “as above, so below” but is more accurately stated “as it is within so it is without.” Everything that exists now was started with a thought. Your mind, also known as your spirit, first thought of something and now it is real. You bring into reality that which you think of.
The law of Spirit shows that you are immortal; your culmination of thoughts and deeds is what will live on for ever. For example, you have hair and finger nails, and when they are attached to you they are alive. Then when you clip your nails or cut your hair those cuttings are deemed dead, yet your body lives on without them. So it is with your spirit, when the body dies the spirit lives on.
What the spirit does after death has been debated by many a scholar and has created many a religion. That is not the focus of today’s lesson. Today’s lesson deals mainly with the knowledge that you are more than just a body walking around looking for something to do. You are a soul with a body, you are here for a purpose, and you must fulfill that purpose as it is part of the grand scheme of the universe, this is part of the Law of Spirit.
One of the powers that have been given to every soul is the power of the word. I hate to quote the bible, but this time there is an accurate depiction of the truth; “Death and Life are in the power of the tongue” (Prov. 18:21). With this profound statement you have been told that what you say is your power. Here we must emphasize that your words contain vibrations, and these vibrations will cause the universe to react, bringing into your existence that which you have spoken. This is the least understood skill that people use and abuse.
Understand that what you are within will be manifested into reality through your words. What you think and what you believe is what you talk about, and with that talking you create your reality and world that you live in. Now that you have been told you can not unlearn this, ignore it at your own risk!
To engage in idle chatter and gossip will add more disharmonies to your life in one hour than any natural disaster. There are good and bad conversations, remember the definitions of good and evil: Whatever benefits is good, whatever harms is evil. To engage in freely sending out harmful words is to bring down on your self great curses. Watch over your words carefully for they will return to you with what you have commanded.
So know that you are a spirit with a body, and know that your spirit is the real you, and your spirit is your mind. Know that your mind creates the reality your brain sees, and you create this world through your words.
Be Blessed.
The mind is perfectly capable of controlling the brain; the brain is only an organ, a tool of the mind. The mind is your spirit, it is who you are. Your spirit is what causes you to live.
The Law of Spirit is usually given in the shortened version that many of you have probably heard; “as above, so below” but is more accurately stated “as it is within so it is without.” Everything that exists now was started with a thought. Your mind, also known as your spirit, first thought of something and now it is real. You bring into reality that which you think of.
The law of Spirit shows that you are immortal; your culmination of thoughts and deeds is what will live on for ever. For example, you have hair and finger nails, and when they are attached to you they are alive. Then when you clip your nails or cut your hair those cuttings are deemed dead, yet your body lives on without them. So it is with your spirit, when the body dies the spirit lives on.
What the spirit does after death has been debated by many a scholar and has created many a religion. That is not the focus of today’s lesson. Today’s lesson deals mainly with the knowledge that you are more than just a body walking around looking for something to do. You are a soul with a body, you are here for a purpose, and you must fulfill that purpose as it is part of the grand scheme of the universe, this is part of the Law of Spirit.
One of the powers that have been given to every soul is the power of the word. I hate to quote the bible, but this time there is an accurate depiction of the truth; “Death and Life are in the power of the tongue” (Prov. 18:21). With this profound statement you have been told that what you say is your power. Here we must emphasize that your words contain vibrations, and these vibrations will cause the universe to react, bringing into your existence that which you have spoken. This is the least understood skill that people use and abuse.
Understand that what you are within will be manifested into reality through your words. What you think and what you believe is what you talk about, and with that talking you create your reality and world that you live in. Now that you have been told you can not unlearn this, ignore it at your own risk!
To engage in idle chatter and gossip will add more disharmonies to your life in one hour than any natural disaster. There are good and bad conversations, remember the definitions of good and evil: Whatever benefits is good, whatever harms is evil. To engage in freely sending out harmful words is to bring down on your self great curses. Watch over your words carefully for they will return to you with what you have commanded.
So know that you are a spirit with a body, and know that your spirit is the real you, and your spirit is your mind. Know that your mind creates the reality your brain sees, and you create this world through your words.
Be Blessed.
Labels: life
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The Law of Fear and Faith
The Law of Fear and Faith states that one or the other will rule your life depending on the person and their will. Each has the power to dominate, but only one will always be in play at any given time, both cannot exist at the same time.
Fear has a few meanings, the one we are using here is the irrational idea or thought that something will go wrong or be wrong causing bad and undesirable results. This type of fear is also an emotion that in some cases will cause unreasonable behavior or even cause total lack of ability to act. Every person who lives has experienced the emotion of fear.
Fear is our enemy, the fear of failure, the fear of lack, the fear of sickness, and so on. Once fear is released and allowed free reign over the individual their life will simply be dominated by fear. Everything will cause fear and the reason to feel fear will all too readily appear frequently. Allowing fear to enter into your thinking is the same as driving a car at high speed without holding on to the steering wheel; it will end tragically.
Faith also has a few meanings, but the one we are concerned with is the belief that the conclusion is beyond doubt. That something is going to happen and you are assured of the result. To have confidence and belief that events will transpire as planned. Faith is also an emotion, just as strong as fear, but few people have ever experience the emotion of faith.
Faith is our friend, faith is the opposite of fear, and faith is the belief and trust in good while fear is faith in evil. Having faith is that special something that will cause you to be able to do as you will, not as you have to. Faith is your belief in your self, faith in your ability, faith in your friends, faith in your success, faith in your health, and so on. Having faith that you will cause, create, achieve, and become that which you will; is the proper way to live.
Fear and Faith are a choice you must make, when ever you feel the emotion you must choose to continue or change. Worry and confidence are actions based on your choice. Choose fear and you worry, causing more fear and more worry. Choose faith and you have confidence, causing more faith and more confidence. You can only have one or the other ruling your life, choose wisely as indeed your life does depend on it.
So you must make a daily choice, sometimes hourly choice, to have either faith or fear. It is your choice, yours and only yours, to choose your course. Nothing outside of you can cause fear or faith; it is how you react to the situation presented to you.
To suffer fear will result in loss; to suffer faith will result in increase.
Be Blessed
Fear has a few meanings, the one we are using here is the irrational idea or thought that something will go wrong or be wrong causing bad and undesirable results. This type of fear is also an emotion that in some cases will cause unreasonable behavior or even cause total lack of ability to act. Every person who lives has experienced the emotion of fear.
Fear is our enemy, the fear of failure, the fear of lack, the fear of sickness, and so on. Once fear is released and allowed free reign over the individual their life will simply be dominated by fear. Everything will cause fear and the reason to feel fear will all too readily appear frequently. Allowing fear to enter into your thinking is the same as driving a car at high speed without holding on to the steering wheel; it will end tragically.
Faith also has a few meanings, but the one we are concerned with is the belief that the conclusion is beyond doubt. That something is going to happen and you are assured of the result. To have confidence and belief that events will transpire as planned. Faith is also an emotion, just as strong as fear, but few people have ever experience the emotion of faith.
Faith is our friend, faith is the opposite of fear, and faith is the belief and trust in good while fear is faith in evil. Having faith is that special something that will cause you to be able to do as you will, not as you have to. Faith is your belief in your self, faith in your ability, faith in your friends, faith in your success, faith in your health, and so on. Having faith that you will cause, create, achieve, and become that which you will; is the proper way to live.
Fear and Faith are a choice you must make, when ever you feel the emotion you must choose to continue or change. Worry and confidence are actions based on your choice. Choose fear and you worry, causing more fear and more worry. Choose faith and you have confidence, causing more faith and more confidence. You can only have one or the other ruling your life, choose wisely as indeed your life does depend on it.
So you must make a daily choice, sometimes hourly choice, to have either faith or fear. It is your choice, yours and only yours, to choose your course. Nothing outside of you can cause fear or faith; it is how you react to the situation presented to you.
To suffer fear will result in loss; to suffer faith will result in increase.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, life, success
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Rule of Giving and Receiving
There are a few rules of life. Over the next few weeks we will discuss these rules. The rules will be revealed and you will receive a bit of explanation on each rule. Some lessons will contain more than one rule, so you will have to pay attention to the details of the lessons.
Most people regard life as a struggle, but it isn’t, life is a game you must play. It is not that you had a choice, you have no choice; you are alive so therefore you must play this game. Like all games you get good at it by knowing the rules and practice.
So what are the rules for the game of life? There is no way to cover all the rules in today’s short lesson, but we will discuss the first and simplest rule: Giving and Receiving.
So let us examine the rule of giving and receiving. The rule states that what you produce you will have. What this basically means is what you give out, you will receive back. A great way to put this is: What you sow, you reap… Pretty simple don’t you think? So why is it that so many of us have miserable and unhappy lives? The answer is a hard pill to swallow, but swallow you must, it is because we have sown misery and unhappiness and so that is what we have brought to harvest.
When you project anger, you receive anger. When you project love you receive love. What you project is what you get. It all starts with our minds, we think therefore we exist. What we think becomes our reality. Thinking leads to actions and actions lead to reality. You do as you say; you say as you think, in other words you live as you believe. What you give out through your thoughts is what you produce, and what you produce is what you receive. It just can not be stated any more plainly than that.
Thinking poorly results in poor results, and unfortunately we have all been trained to think poorly very well. We have learned from out parents that there is not enough, so we believe it and project it and receive not enough.
We learned from our teachers that life is not fair, so we believe it we project it and receive a not fair life. We have learned many incorrect things from those we trust, too bad that those we trusted did not know what they were saying. They must not have ever been exposed to other trains of thought, nor did they study the rules of life for themselves. They took from those they thought were in a position of authority, and accepted their word as dogma.
What was not understood by them is the simple rule of giving and receiving; that is what you give you will receive. Your relatives and teachers did they best they knew how at the time, so do not be angry with them, forgive them for they did not know what they did. Allow the past to remain in the past, and start your life anew right now. A simple process that is easy to learn but will take your lifetime to master: Think good thoughts that lead to good deeds that lead to good rewards, which cumulatively will lead to a good life.
Start today by knowing this unshakable rule of life; giving and receiving: That what you sow, you reap.
Be Blessed
Most people regard life as a struggle, but it isn’t, life is a game you must play. It is not that you had a choice, you have no choice; you are alive so therefore you must play this game. Like all games you get good at it by knowing the rules and practice.
So what are the rules for the game of life? There is no way to cover all the rules in today’s short lesson, but we will discuss the first and simplest rule: Giving and Receiving.
So let us examine the rule of giving and receiving. The rule states that what you produce you will have. What this basically means is what you give out, you will receive back. A great way to put this is: What you sow, you reap… Pretty simple don’t you think? So why is it that so many of us have miserable and unhappy lives? The answer is a hard pill to swallow, but swallow you must, it is because we have sown misery and unhappiness and so that is what we have brought to harvest.
When you project anger, you receive anger. When you project love you receive love. What you project is what you get. It all starts with our minds, we think therefore we exist. What we think becomes our reality. Thinking leads to actions and actions lead to reality. You do as you say; you say as you think, in other words you live as you believe. What you give out through your thoughts is what you produce, and what you produce is what you receive. It just can not be stated any more plainly than that.
Thinking poorly results in poor results, and unfortunately we have all been trained to think poorly very well. We have learned from out parents that there is not enough, so we believe it and project it and receive not enough.
We learned from our teachers that life is not fair, so we believe it we project it and receive a not fair life. We have learned many incorrect things from those we trust, too bad that those we trusted did not know what they were saying. They must not have ever been exposed to other trains of thought, nor did they study the rules of life for themselves. They took from those they thought were in a position of authority, and accepted their word as dogma.
What was not understood by them is the simple rule of giving and receiving; that is what you give you will receive. Your relatives and teachers did they best they knew how at the time, so do not be angry with them, forgive them for they did not know what they did. Allow the past to remain in the past, and start your life anew right now. A simple process that is easy to learn but will take your lifetime to master: Think good thoughts that lead to good deeds that lead to good rewards, which cumulatively will lead to a good life.
Start today by knowing this unshakable rule of life; giving and receiving: That what you sow, you reap.
Be Blessed
Labels: life
Thursday, September 06, 2007
The Secret Location of Happiness
Men and women are always rushing to and fro, back and forth, this way and that way. All their rushing is because they are seeking something, and demand that their craving be immediately satisfied. They demand that life happen instantly, they can not wait for another moment to have that thing that seems to be holding the key to their happiness.
Whether we realize it or not we will not find happiness in things, items, positions, happenings, events, or anything we can pay money for. The seeking of a selfish desire only results in more misery. When you think that a certain thing will provide your happiness you are basing your happiness on something temporary, so therefore you might experience happiness, but it will be temporary.
Then there are those who seek to give to gain; there is no greater delusion or source of misery than the belief that you gain by selfish sacrifice. To give and expect return is worse than to not give at all. When looking through the eyes of a selfish person what may look like the golden ring always turns out to be only cheep plastic. When will we learn that you can not find happiness by centering your hopes on things that are temporary and impermanent?
Real lasting happiness can only be found inside us. It can only be based upon our own actions and emotions. You can not experience an emotion from a thing; you can not experience other people’s emotions. You can only ever experience your own emotions and that only by choice. The secret to finding true happiness is to look inside your self and find the happiness there.
If you have control of your mental facilities you can make conscious choices. These choices are what direct your life. If you do not have control of your self, if you do not have mental mastery then your choices control you. You react to outside stimulus and your world is seemingly random and full of discord. Should you make the effort to gain control of your self, you will gain control of your world. You will make a choice from the position of power, not have to make choices to react to what is being forced upon you. When you have achieved mastery over your self and your thoughts, then and only then can you make the choice to be happy.
Having control of your mental facilities, having a mastery over your thoughts is a permanent achievement. Then when you choose to be happy; your happiness will be permanent, because you created it for your self. You will have harmony with the universe and this is permanent, nothing can destroy it but you.
The greatest universal law is Love. When you gain control of your self, you become in tune with the universal song, you begin to dance to the universal harmony of life. This may seem a strange concept, but nevertheless it is there. When you join in the dance, your soul turns toward the divine source which is the only place permanent satisfaction may be found.
Be Blessed
Whether we realize it or not we will not find happiness in things, items, positions, happenings, events, or anything we can pay money for. The seeking of a selfish desire only results in more misery. When you think that a certain thing will provide your happiness you are basing your happiness on something temporary, so therefore you might experience happiness, but it will be temporary.
Then there are those who seek to give to gain; there is no greater delusion or source of misery than the belief that you gain by selfish sacrifice. To give and expect return is worse than to not give at all. When looking through the eyes of a selfish person what may look like the golden ring always turns out to be only cheep plastic. When will we learn that you can not find happiness by centering your hopes on things that are temporary and impermanent?
Real lasting happiness can only be found inside us. It can only be based upon our own actions and emotions. You can not experience an emotion from a thing; you can not experience other people’s emotions. You can only ever experience your own emotions and that only by choice. The secret to finding true happiness is to look inside your self and find the happiness there.
If you have control of your mental facilities you can make conscious choices. These choices are what direct your life. If you do not have control of your self, if you do not have mental mastery then your choices control you. You react to outside stimulus and your world is seemingly random and full of discord. Should you make the effort to gain control of your self, you will gain control of your world. You will make a choice from the position of power, not have to make choices to react to what is being forced upon you. When you have achieved mastery over your self and your thoughts, then and only then can you make the choice to be happy.
Having control of your mental facilities, having a mastery over your thoughts is a permanent achievement. Then when you choose to be happy; your happiness will be permanent, because you created it for your self. You will have harmony with the universe and this is permanent, nothing can destroy it but you.
The greatest universal law is Love. When you gain control of your self, you become in tune with the universal song, you begin to dance to the universal harmony of life. This may seem a strange concept, but nevertheless it is there. When you join in the dance, your soul turns toward the divine source which is the only place permanent satisfaction may be found.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Two Secrets
Today we will discuss the secret of health and the secret of success. There is a lot to understand in this short lesson, so pay close attention. The secrets of health and success are part of the same universal law. They are both linked and intertwined, one will influence the other, both will work together to influence your life. Neglect one and both will fail. Your true happiness is dependant on your understanding and application of these principles.
First, the secret of health is having a pure heart and a well ordered mind, it will result in your self purified health. To have a pure heart and well ordered mind you must fight against mental dissipations. These are overindulgence, squandering of your resources, anger and anxiety. These things cause you to lose your self by scattering your inner power to the four winds.
By monitoring and controlling your thoughts, as well as overcoming your desires and appetites that hold you in bondage, you will gain measurable results in both your inner happiness as well as your outer health. You will regain your personal power and pleasure. You may acquire this power through simple practice, it is like the beginning of wisdom, and you must simply overcome those purposeless trivialities that you have allowed yourself to become a willing victim of.
Once you have gained control of your self, and have perfected being honest with yourself, good health will be yours, and what health you attain will remain with you as it has been acquired through correct methods. As you free yourself from your self bondage, you will begin to hear the inner voice of your intuition and your path will be made clear to you.
Now you can not have success without health, in most cases you develop both at the same time, but if you work on success without having your health your success will be fleeting and temporary. You must develop your health before you can be a success.
The secret to success is a wisely directed purpose and unfaltering faith that it is your purpose to achieve your purpose. Your purpose should be your single aim, the thing you think of the most. You may multi task and try to have many purposes, but if you do so then you will only be mediocre and will never achieve any great measure of success. Hold to one purpose; devote your self to it without reservation, let nothing detract or distract you from your purpose. In this manner you will achieve success, and this will also improve your health.
To be successful you must be eager to learn, and have a thorough understanding of your work. Make your work your own, have a single legitimate and useful purpose. With this advantage you will quickly overcome any adversity that may arise. You will be able to rely on your inner guide to help you move from accomplishment to achievement to triumph. You will rise step by step to ever greater heights, and your success will remain as you have acquired it correctly.
This is not to be misconstrued that you should neglect all your responsibilities to achieve your purpose. You must still attend to hygiene, and nutrition. You must still support your dependents and children. You must still perform the chores required of all people; you can not let your house crumble while trying to save the world. Your purpose will be attained in due time, as long as you continue to apply effort. However you still have a life to live, and neglecting your life to achieve your purpose is a foolish and wasteful thing, often resulting in shame and dishonor.
Attend to your duties, you will invariably find that they are linked to your health and success. As you do you will prosper, as you will be working with the natural laws and not against. Gain control of your faltering will and reign in the dark nightmare of desire, develop your health and your purpose will be revealed to you. Pursue your purpose and success will be drawn to you like a magnet.
Be Blessed
First, the secret of health is having a pure heart and a well ordered mind, it will result in your self purified health. To have a pure heart and well ordered mind you must fight against mental dissipations. These are overindulgence, squandering of your resources, anger and anxiety. These things cause you to lose your self by scattering your inner power to the four winds.
By monitoring and controlling your thoughts, as well as overcoming your desires and appetites that hold you in bondage, you will gain measurable results in both your inner happiness as well as your outer health. You will regain your personal power and pleasure. You may acquire this power through simple practice, it is like the beginning of wisdom, and you must simply overcome those purposeless trivialities that you have allowed yourself to become a willing victim of.
Once you have gained control of your self, and have perfected being honest with yourself, good health will be yours, and what health you attain will remain with you as it has been acquired through correct methods. As you free yourself from your self bondage, you will begin to hear the inner voice of your intuition and your path will be made clear to you.
Now you can not have success without health, in most cases you develop both at the same time, but if you work on success without having your health your success will be fleeting and temporary. You must develop your health before you can be a success.
The secret to success is a wisely directed purpose and unfaltering faith that it is your purpose to achieve your purpose. Your purpose should be your single aim, the thing you think of the most. You may multi task and try to have many purposes, but if you do so then you will only be mediocre and will never achieve any great measure of success. Hold to one purpose; devote your self to it without reservation, let nothing detract or distract you from your purpose. In this manner you will achieve success, and this will also improve your health.
To be successful you must be eager to learn, and have a thorough understanding of your work. Make your work your own, have a single legitimate and useful purpose. With this advantage you will quickly overcome any adversity that may arise. You will be able to rely on your inner guide to help you move from accomplishment to achievement to triumph. You will rise step by step to ever greater heights, and your success will remain as you have acquired it correctly.
This is not to be misconstrued that you should neglect all your responsibilities to achieve your purpose. You must still attend to hygiene, and nutrition. You must still support your dependents and children. You must still perform the chores required of all people; you can not let your house crumble while trying to save the world. Your purpose will be attained in due time, as long as you continue to apply effort. However you still have a life to live, and neglecting your life to achieve your purpose is a foolish and wasteful thing, often resulting in shame and dishonor.
Attend to your duties, you will invariably find that they are linked to your health and success. As you do you will prosper, as you will be working with the natural laws and not against. Gain control of your faltering will and reign in the dark nightmare of desire, develop your health and your purpose will be revealed to you. Pursue your purpose and success will be drawn to you like a magnet.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, Law of Attraction, self improvement, success
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
The Pursuit of Happiness
The quest for happiness is the greatest driving force of most people. The only people who do not seek happiness are those who have found it. The lack of happiness is the primary cause of struggle in our lives. The majority of us believe that if we have this, or had that, then we would then be happy.
Supreme and lasting happiness does not come from possessions or situations, but you will be relieved to know that not having these outward possessions does not cause misery. Happiness does not come from out side of you, it comes from within. It is you who determines your own happiness.
So what is happiness? Is it a mere figment of imagination? Most people think that happiness is attained through the gratification of a desire. This is ignorance, something that is incorrect that was taught to you by someone. You probably heard something along the lines that having these things like a house a car, and so on, would make you happy. When you finally got that house or car you may have been happy for a while but the un-happiness returned. The fact is that mere outward possessions can not and will not make you happy. The happiness you get from a gratified desire is brief, and is always followed by a demand for more and more satisfaction causing unhappiness.
The answer to the predicament of unhappiness is simple; it is selfishness. Most people will admit that selfishness is the cause of most of the world’s problems. Unfortunately we all think it is other people’s selfishness, and refuse to see that it is our own that is the problem. Happiness is yours for the asking, and as soon as you are willing to face your own selfishness you are on the verge of a breakthrough into a life that is happiness. As long as you believe that it is other people’s selfishness that robs you of happiness, you will remain a prisoner in your own self delusional purgatory.
So once you have come to grips with your inner self, and have found that it is your selfishness that robs you of your happiness, then you will be ready to accept the responsibility that come with happiness. Yes you heard that right; the responsibility that comes with happiness.
Cling to your self and you cling to sorrow. Look at the glutton, who eats to feel better, always looking for a new and better taste. Look at how the glutton becomes bloated burdened and diseased, and no food will satisfy the hunger or grant the relief or happiness that is so desperately sought. To seek selfishly is to lose happiness and what one would consider as the source of happiness. Then compare to the person who has mastered their appetite, who finds pleasure in even the simplest meal. Self mastery is the secret to happiness.
To master your self you must know what you are here to do, what your purpose is in this life. Now here is the hard part: Your purpose is to serve others! Look at those who are wealthy, did they get their money by taking it from you? What they did was offer a service or a product to you and you gave them money in exchange for it. By serving you they gained, so it is with you, if you serve others you will gain. By avoiding service to others you avoid happiness.
Master your self, release your selfishness, do not look for happiness from outside sources, and serve others; this will bring lasting happiness into your life.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Supreme and lasting happiness does not come from possessions or situations, but you will be relieved to know that not having these outward possessions does not cause misery. Happiness does not come from out side of you, it comes from within. It is you who determines your own happiness.
So what is happiness? Is it a mere figment of imagination? Most people think that happiness is attained through the gratification of a desire. This is ignorance, something that is incorrect that was taught to you by someone. You probably heard something along the lines that having these things like a house a car, and so on, would make you happy. When you finally got that house or car you may have been happy for a while but the un-happiness returned. The fact is that mere outward possessions can not and will not make you happy. The happiness you get from a gratified desire is brief, and is always followed by a demand for more and more satisfaction causing unhappiness.
The answer to the predicament of unhappiness is simple; it is selfishness. Most people will admit that selfishness is the cause of most of the world’s problems. Unfortunately we all think it is other people’s selfishness, and refuse to see that it is our own that is the problem. Happiness is yours for the asking, and as soon as you are willing to face your own selfishness you are on the verge of a breakthrough into a life that is happiness. As long as you believe that it is other people’s selfishness that robs you of happiness, you will remain a prisoner in your own self delusional purgatory.
So once you have come to grips with your inner self, and have found that it is your selfishness that robs you of your happiness, then you will be ready to accept the responsibility that come with happiness. Yes you heard that right; the responsibility that comes with happiness.
Cling to your self and you cling to sorrow. Look at the glutton, who eats to feel better, always looking for a new and better taste. Look at how the glutton becomes bloated burdened and diseased, and no food will satisfy the hunger or grant the relief or happiness that is so desperately sought. To seek selfishly is to lose happiness and what one would consider as the source of happiness. Then compare to the person who has mastered their appetite, who finds pleasure in even the simplest meal. Self mastery is the secret to happiness.
To master your self you must know what you are here to do, what your purpose is in this life. Now here is the hard part: Your purpose is to serve others! Look at those who are wealthy, did they get their money by taking it from you? What they did was offer a service or a product to you and you gave them money in exchange for it. By serving you they gained, so it is with you, if you serve others you will gain. By avoiding service to others you avoid happiness.
Master your self, release your selfishness, do not look for happiness from outside sources, and serve others; this will bring lasting happiness into your life.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, pleasure, self improvement