Monday, September 10, 2007
The Rule of Giving and Receiving
There are a few rules of life. Over the next few weeks we will discuss these rules. The rules will be revealed and you will receive a bit of explanation on each rule. Some lessons will contain more than one rule, so you will have to pay attention to the details of the lessons.
Most people regard life as a struggle, but it isn’t, life is a game you must play. It is not that you had a choice, you have no choice; you are alive so therefore you must play this game. Like all games you get good at it by knowing the rules and practice.
So what are the rules for the game of life? There is no way to cover all the rules in today’s short lesson, but we will discuss the first and simplest rule: Giving and Receiving.
So let us examine the rule of giving and receiving. The rule states that what you produce you will have. What this basically means is what you give out, you will receive back. A great way to put this is: What you sow, you reap… Pretty simple don’t you think? So why is it that so many of us have miserable and unhappy lives? The answer is a hard pill to swallow, but swallow you must, it is because we have sown misery and unhappiness and so that is what we have brought to harvest.
When you project anger, you receive anger. When you project love you receive love. What you project is what you get. It all starts with our minds, we think therefore we exist. What we think becomes our reality. Thinking leads to actions and actions lead to reality. You do as you say; you say as you think, in other words you live as you believe. What you give out through your thoughts is what you produce, and what you produce is what you receive. It just can not be stated any more plainly than that.
Thinking poorly results in poor results, and unfortunately we have all been trained to think poorly very well. We have learned from out parents that there is not enough, so we believe it and project it and receive not enough.
We learned from our teachers that life is not fair, so we believe it we project it and receive a not fair life. We have learned many incorrect things from those we trust, too bad that those we trusted did not know what they were saying. They must not have ever been exposed to other trains of thought, nor did they study the rules of life for themselves. They took from those they thought were in a position of authority, and accepted their word as dogma.
What was not understood by them is the simple rule of giving and receiving; that is what you give you will receive. Your relatives and teachers did they best they knew how at the time, so do not be angry with them, forgive them for they did not know what they did. Allow the past to remain in the past, and start your life anew right now. A simple process that is easy to learn but will take your lifetime to master: Think good thoughts that lead to good deeds that lead to good rewards, which cumulatively will lead to a good life.
Start today by knowing this unshakable rule of life; giving and receiving: That what you sow, you reap.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Most people regard life as a struggle, but it isn’t, life is a game you must play. It is not that you had a choice, you have no choice; you are alive so therefore you must play this game. Like all games you get good at it by knowing the rules and practice.
So what are the rules for the game of life? There is no way to cover all the rules in today’s short lesson, but we will discuss the first and simplest rule: Giving and Receiving.
So let us examine the rule of giving and receiving. The rule states that what you produce you will have. What this basically means is what you give out, you will receive back. A great way to put this is: What you sow, you reap… Pretty simple don’t you think? So why is it that so many of us have miserable and unhappy lives? The answer is a hard pill to swallow, but swallow you must, it is because we have sown misery and unhappiness and so that is what we have brought to harvest.
When you project anger, you receive anger. When you project love you receive love. What you project is what you get. It all starts with our minds, we think therefore we exist. What we think becomes our reality. Thinking leads to actions and actions lead to reality. You do as you say; you say as you think, in other words you live as you believe. What you give out through your thoughts is what you produce, and what you produce is what you receive. It just can not be stated any more plainly than that.
Thinking poorly results in poor results, and unfortunately we have all been trained to think poorly very well. We have learned from out parents that there is not enough, so we believe it and project it and receive not enough.
We learned from our teachers that life is not fair, so we believe it we project it and receive a not fair life. We have learned many incorrect things from those we trust, too bad that those we trusted did not know what they were saying. They must not have ever been exposed to other trains of thought, nor did they study the rules of life for themselves. They took from those they thought were in a position of authority, and accepted their word as dogma.
What was not understood by them is the simple rule of giving and receiving; that is what you give you will receive. Your relatives and teachers did they best they knew how at the time, so do not be angry with them, forgive them for they did not know what they did. Allow the past to remain in the past, and start your life anew right now. A simple process that is easy to learn but will take your lifetime to master: Think good thoughts that lead to good deeds that lead to good rewards, which cumulatively will lead to a good life.
Start today by knowing this unshakable rule of life; giving and receiving: That what you sow, you reap.
Be Blessed
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