Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The Words You Sow
Something we need to talk about is the words that you use, and the way you use them. Watch carefully the words that come from your mouth, for those words that you utter deeply affect your life.
Words have a power that you control; this is caused by the law of vibration. As you well know everything vibrates, from the slowest to the fastest, and when you speak you create a vibration that goes out into universe and attracts similar vibrating things.
Feel your throat when you speak, you can feel the vibrations you create when you make sounds. These sounds are vibrations that are your greatest power. What you speak has certain vibrational frequencies and you have created them. You have started a process that has an effect all around you, your words will return to you like a boomerang, only you will receive in return a bigger boomerang.
You can call it karma, the rule of three, the rule of ten, or whatever. The fact remains that you will get much more than you send out. So what does this mean to you? This simply shows that you will reap what you have sown. So if you send out words of poverty you will receive poverty, if you send out words of disease you will receive disease. Have you ever thought of how something small and invisible can become something so large and life influencing?
Imagine if you will that a small seed become a giant tree, so it is with your words. Your words are seeds that spread out and grow into crops; these crops are the situations you find yourself in all the time. So if you are constantly talking about sad situations, and complaining about how bad things are, this is the crop you are preparing for yourself.
Would you rather have a happy and satisfied life, or one where you have to work your fingers to the bone just to get by from day to day? You get the life you have by the words you use. So use only good words to express your views and discuss only beneficial subjects. In this manner you will easily improve your life and prevent your own misery.
Here is an exercise for you to see how you perform in your daily life, record the next conversation with your best friend. Then listen to it, and see for yourself what you are saying. Did you just spend an hour spewing out a few thousand destructive words filled with gossip, hearsay, gloom, doom, and how many problems there are in this world? You may be surprised at how bad you have just behaved. Those few thousand words will become the situations that you have to live through, and it will be twice as bad because two of you have created even stronger vibrational seeds.
So watch your words, and be aware of what you say. Here is a clue that will help you immensely: Successful people talk about plans and actions, unsuccessful people talk about other people. Which one are you?
Be Blessed.
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Words have a power that you control; this is caused by the law of vibration. As you well know everything vibrates, from the slowest to the fastest, and when you speak you create a vibration that goes out into universe and attracts similar vibrating things.
Feel your throat when you speak, you can feel the vibrations you create when you make sounds. These sounds are vibrations that are your greatest power. What you speak has certain vibrational frequencies and you have created them. You have started a process that has an effect all around you, your words will return to you like a boomerang, only you will receive in return a bigger boomerang.
You can call it karma, the rule of three, the rule of ten, or whatever. The fact remains that you will get much more than you send out. So what does this mean to you? This simply shows that you will reap what you have sown. So if you send out words of poverty you will receive poverty, if you send out words of disease you will receive disease. Have you ever thought of how something small and invisible can become something so large and life influencing?
Imagine if you will that a small seed become a giant tree, so it is with your words. Your words are seeds that spread out and grow into crops; these crops are the situations you find yourself in all the time. So if you are constantly talking about sad situations, and complaining about how bad things are, this is the crop you are preparing for yourself.
Would you rather have a happy and satisfied life, or one where you have to work your fingers to the bone just to get by from day to day? You get the life you have by the words you use. So use only good words to express your views and discuss only beneficial subjects. In this manner you will easily improve your life and prevent your own misery.
Here is an exercise for you to see how you perform in your daily life, record the next conversation with your best friend. Then listen to it, and see for yourself what you are saying. Did you just spend an hour spewing out a few thousand destructive words filled with gossip, hearsay, gloom, doom, and how many problems there are in this world? You may be surprised at how bad you have just behaved. Those few thousand words will become the situations that you have to live through, and it will be twice as bad because two of you have created even stronger vibrational seeds.
So watch your words, and be aware of what you say. Here is a clue that will help you immensely: Successful people talk about plans and actions, unsuccessful people talk about other people. Which one are you?
Be Blessed.
Labels: life