Tuesday, September 04, 2007
The Pursuit of Happiness
The quest for happiness is the greatest driving force of most people. The only people who do not seek happiness are those who have found it. The lack of happiness is the primary cause of struggle in our lives. The majority of us believe that if we have this, or had that, then we would then be happy.
Supreme and lasting happiness does not come from possessions or situations, but you will be relieved to know that not having these outward possessions does not cause misery. Happiness does not come from out side of you, it comes from within. It is you who determines your own happiness.
So what is happiness? Is it a mere figment of imagination? Most people think that happiness is attained through the gratification of a desire. This is ignorance, something that is incorrect that was taught to you by someone. You probably heard something along the lines that having these things like a house a car, and so on, would make you happy. When you finally got that house or car you may have been happy for a while but the un-happiness returned. The fact is that mere outward possessions can not and will not make you happy. The happiness you get from a gratified desire is brief, and is always followed by a demand for more and more satisfaction causing unhappiness.
The answer to the predicament of unhappiness is simple; it is selfishness. Most people will admit that selfishness is the cause of most of the world’s problems. Unfortunately we all think it is other people’s selfishness, and refuse to see that it is our own that is the problem. Happiness is yours for the asking, and as soon as you are willing to face your own selfishness you are on the verge of a breakthrough into a life that is happiness. As long as you believe that it is other people’s selfishness that robs you of happiness, you will remain a prisoner in your own self delusional purgatory.
So once you have come to grips with your inner self, and have found that it is your selfishness that robs you of your happiness, then you will be ready to accept the responsibility that come with happiness. Yes you heard that right; the responsibility that comes with happiness.
Cling to your self and you cling to sorrow. Look at the glutton, who eats to feel better, always looking for a new and better taste. Look at how the glutton becomes bloated burdened and diseased, and no food will satisfy the hunger or grant the relief or happiness that is so desperately sought. To seek selfishly is to lose happiness and what one would consider as the source of happiness. Then compare to the person who has mastered their appetite, who finds pleasure in even the simplest meal. Self mastery is the secret to happiness.
To master your self you must know what you are here to do, what your purpose is in this life. Now here is the hard part: Your purpose is to serve others! Look at those who are wealthy, did they get their money by taking it from you? What they did was offer a service or a product to you and you gave them money in exchange for it. By serving you they gained, so it is with you, if you serve others you will gain. By avoiding service to others you avoid happiness.
Master your self, release your selfishness, do not look for happiness from outside sources, and serve others; this will bring lasting happiness into your life.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Supreme and lasting happiness does not come from possessions or situations, but you will be relieved to know that not having these outward possessions does not cause misery. Happiness does not come from out side of you, it comes from within. It is you who determines your own happiness.
So what is happiness? Is it a mere figment of imagination? Most people think that happiness is attained through the gratification of a desire. This is ignorance, something that is incorrect that was taught to you by someone. You probably heard something along the lines that having these things like a house a car, and so on, would make you happy. When you finally got that house or car you may have been happy for a while but the un-happiness returned. The fact is that mere outward possessions can not and will not make you happy. The happiness you get from a gratified desire is brief, and is always followed by a demand for more and more satisfaction causing unhappiness.
The answer to the predicament of unhappiness is simple; it is selfishness. Most people will admit that selfishness is the cause of most of the world’s problems. Unfortunately we all think it is other people’s selfishness, and refuse to see that it is our own that is the problem. Happiness is yours for the asking, and as soon as you are willing to face your own selfishness you are on the verge of a breakthrough into a life that is happiness. As long as you believe that it is other people’s selfishness that robs you of happiness, you will remain a prisoner in your own self delusional purgatory.
So once you have come to grips with your inner self, and have found that it is your selfishness that robs you of your happiness, then you will be ready to accept the responsibility that come with happiness. Yes you heard that right; the responsibility that comes with happiness.
Cling to your self and you cling to sorrow. Look at the glutton, who eats to feel better, always looking for a new and better taste. Look at how the glutton becomes bloated burdened and diseased, and no food will satisfy the hunger or grant the relief or happiness that is so desperately sought. To seek selfishly is to lose happiness and what one would consider as the source of happiness. Then compare to the person who has mastered their appetite, who finds pleasure in even the simplest meal. Self mastery is the secret to happiness.
To master your self you must know what you are here to do, what your purpose is in this life. Now here is the hard part: Your purpose is to serve others! Look at those who are wealthy, did they get their money by taking it from you? What they did was offer a service or a product to you and you gave them money in exchange for it. By serving you they gained, so it is with you, if you serve others you will gain. By avoiding service to others you avoid happiness.
Master your self, release your selfishness, do not look for happiness from outside sources, and serve others; this will bring lasting happiness into your life.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, pleasure, self improvement