Tuesday, September 18, 2007
How to Have a Perfect Day
We have discussed in the past that starting your day correctly will lead to having perfect days every day. So this lesson will add some more details for you and help your days to be truly blessed.
As soon as you wake up, think about your day that is ahead of you. Make an affirmation that today will be a perfect day; that miracles will follow miracles and wonders will not cease. Change the affirmation so that it is satisfying and convincing to your own consciousness.
A favorite one that I use is: “I have wonderful work, in a wonderful way; I provide wonderful service, for wonderful pay.”
Use a note to your self posted on the bathroom mirror or the coffee pot to remind you to think about this day. As you perform your morning duties think about your day and what you are going to do. The sun has risen again and will do so with or without you: Choose to be part of today. The blessing of the sun will warm your day, your heart, your soul, and your very essence. Watch the sunrise and think.
Is there something you need to change or resolve, some problem that needs dealt with, a situation that needs solving, a problem to deal with to get on with your life, a solution you have not been able to find? Simply think calmly about it for a moment, if there are any negative emotions like anger or worry, then strongly and firmly dismiss those emotions by saying forcefully “garbage” and then return to pondering the problem.
Focus on one (and only one) problem and ask for the answers. Sit quietly for a time and listen; the still small voice will answer eventually. If you run out of time simply move on and go about your day as normal and repeat this action again in the evening and tomorrow morning, eventually an answer comes.
Trust the answers you receive and act on them appropriately. With practice this skill will develop so that you will be able to do it easily and naturally without any doubt, and the faster you will get your answers. With al little as a week of practice you can become a great problem solver and lead a happier life. In a months worth of practice you will become admired and respected by your co workers, friends and peers. When they ask your secret, tell them about your first thoughts every morning.
A stern warning for you is in order, what you think during this time does indeed affect you and your day. Keep your first thoughts gentle and pleasant, and your day will be the same. Start your day with stressful thinking and the rest of your day will be stressful. So before you go to bed, contemplate what you will have as your first thoughts. To start I highly recommend thanking your higher power for another day of life. When there is life, there is hope. So be thankful for another day to work on achieving your dreams. Then think about your day as you want it to be.
After a couple of mornings where you have successfully started your day with good first thoughts you may change your first thoughts as required to be able to achieve greater results. Keep in mind this simple rule of life: Goodwill protects those who practice it with an aura of peace. Then when you awaken think of goodwill and you can be or do anything you will to.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
As soon as you wake up, think about your day that is ahead of you. Make an affirmation that today will be a perfect day; that miracles will follow miracles and wonders will not cease. Change the affirmation so that it is satisfying and convincing to your own consciousness.
A favorite one that I use is: “I have wonderful work, in a wonderful way; I provide wonderful service, for wonderful pay.”
Use a note to your self posted on the bathroom mirror or the coffee pot to remind you to think about this day. As you perform your morning duties think about your day and what you are going to do. The sun has risen again and will do so with or without you: Choose to be part of today. The blessing of the sun will warm your day, your heart, your soul, and your very essence. Watch the sunrise and think.
Is there something you need to change or resolve, some problem that needs dealt with, a situation that needs solving, a problem to deal with to get on with your life, a solution you have not been able to find? Simply think calmly about it for a moment, if there are any negative emotions like anger or worry, then strongly and firmly dismiss those emotions by saying forcefully “garbage” and then return to pondering the problem.
Focus on one (and only one) problem and ask for the answers. Sit quietly for a time and listen; the still small voice will answer eventually. If you run out of time simply move on and go about your day as normal and repeat this action again in the evening and tomorrow morning, eventually an answer comes.
Trust the answers you receive and act on them appropriately. With practice this skill will develop so that you will be able to do it easily and naturally without any doubt, and the faster you will get your answers. With al little as a week of practice you can become a great problem solver and lead a happier life. In a months worth of practice you will become admired and respected by your co workers, friends and peers. When they ask your secret, tell them about your first thoughts every morning.
A stern warning for you is in order, what you think during this time does indeed affect you and your day. Keep your first thoughts gentle and pleasant, and your day will be the same. Start your day with stressful thinking and the rest of your day will be stressful. So before you go to bed, contemplate what you will have as your first thoughts. To start I highly recommend thanking your higher power for another day of life. When there is life, there is hope. So be thankful for another day to work on achieving your dreams. Then think about your day as you want it to be.
After a couple of mornings where you have successfully started your day with good first thoughts you may change your first thoughts as required to be able to achieve greater results. Keep in mind this simple rule of life: Goodwill protects those who practice it with an aura of peace. Then when you awaken think of goodwill and you can be or do anything you will to.
Be Blessed