Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Rule of the Mouth
Every human has a silent and faithful servant always at their side. This servant will carry out your orders faithfully and without question. Every thought you think and every word you utter will be accepted as truth. This truth you have commanded will be turned into reality whether you want it to or not.
This faithful servant is called by many names; the subconscious, the universe, god, goddess, etc. Regardless of what you believe or wish to name it, this servant is always there. It takes its’ direction from you and carries out those instructions in the most efficient and expedient method available to bring to you what you have commanded. With this in mind one must be careful of the instructions given out to your servant.
Your spoken word contains vibrations, these vibrations will go out to the universe and bring back to you what you have instructed. I am very serious when I warn people to be careful what they wish for as they will get it. Too many times people have learned this great secret about the Law of Vibration, the spoken word and the results you will receive, and have still gone on to create misery for themselves and others around them.
Everything and every one are connected through these vibrations. What we do can and does effect all things around us. We affect our fellow humans in everything we do. What we send out will return to us multiplied, many times. For example if you think hateful thoughts and say hateful words, the people around you will pickup these vibrations. If these people are not conscious of their power they will unwittingly relay your hate, and it will return to you amplified from when you released it and will affect you all the more adversely.
So you must learn to control the words that leave your mouth. You have a responsibility for your mouth, what goes in it and what comes out of it are your responsibility and obligation. This organism we call the mouth is a great portal of power that controls your life more than one would think. If you put the wrong things in then you ruin your health, and if you release the wrong things you ruin your well being. You must become very guarded of your conversation, and the words you send out into the universe. From this day forth you know that you sow from your mouth, so be very careful what you sow, for what you sow, you will reap. As the tale goes; you can not sow corn and harvest wheat, you will reap what you have sown.
The invisible magic forces are always at work, and you are literally pulling your own strings. Owing to the vibratory force of your words you will begin to attract what you speak. The more you speak those words the faster and stronger the results are attracted to you. Then once you know that your words are power, when you issue them forth you will be all the more certain of their successful return. If you utter the words in a confident manner with force and conviction you will but need to say them once to achieve results. For those who do not know their words are power it may take a few times to attract what they speak, Often times the attracted results are far less than desirable.
You have been told that your words are the thing that you sow; and your mouth is the mechanism through which you sow your words. You also know that what you sow, you will harvest, and the harvest will be as you have sown and not what you have not sown. What you are and what you do is your results from your past actions and words. To change your circumstances you must change the words that you spew forth from your mouth.
Speak well of others or remain silent; speak only of the good and wellness of your self and others. To utter curses is to reap them, and to speak blessings is to receive blessings. A wise man once spoke about doing unto others as you would have done to you. This is great advice, as what you send out will return to you. Be careful what you wish for as you will receive it.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
This faithful servant is called by many names; the subconscious, the universe, god, goddess, etc. Regardless of what you believe or wish to name it, this servant is always there. It takes its’ direction from you and carries out those instructions in the most efficient and expedient method available to bring to you what you have commanded. With this in mind one must be careful of the instructions given out to your servant.
Your spoken word contains vibrations, these vibrations will go out to the universe and bring back to you what you have instructed. I am very serious when I warn people to be careful what they wish for as they will get it. Too many times people have learned this great secret about the Law of Vibration, the spoken word and the results you will receive, and have still gone on to create misery for themselves and others around them.
Everything and every one are connected through these vibrations. What we do can and does effect all things around us. We affect our fellow humans in everything we do. What we send out will return to us multiplied, many times. For example if you think hateful thoughts and say hateful words, the people around you will pickup these vibrations. If these people are not conscious of their power they will unwittingly relay your hate, and it will return to you amplified from when you released it and will affect you all the more adversely.
So you must learn to control the words that leave your mouth. You have a responsibility for your mouth, what goes in it and what comes out of it are your responsibility and obligation. This organism we call the mouth is a great portal of power that controls your life more than one would think. If you put the wrong things in then you ruin your health, and if you release the wrong things you ruin your well being. You must become very guarded of your conversation, and the words you send out into the universe. From this day forth you know that you sow from your mouth, so be very careful what you sow, for what you sow, you will reap. As the tale goes; you can not sow corn and harvest wheat, you will reap what you have sown.
The invisible magic forces are always at work, and you are literally pulling your own strings. Owing to the vibratory force of your words you will begin to attract what you speak. The more you speak those words the faster and stronger the results are attracted to you. Then once you know that your words are power, when you issue them forth you will be all the more certain of their successful return. If you utter the words in a confident manner with force and conviction you will but need to say them once to achieve results. For those who do not know their words are power it may take a few times to attract what they speak, Often times the attracted results are far less than desirable.
You have been told that your words are the thing that you sow; and your mouth is the mechanism through which you sow your words. You also know that what you sow, you will harvest, and the harvest will be as you have sown and not what you have not sown. What you are and what you do is your results from your past actions and words. To change your circumstances you must change the words that you spew forth from your mouth.
Speak well of others or remain silent; speak only of the good and wellness of your self and others. To utter curses is to reap them, and to speak blessings is to receive blessings. A wise man once spoke about doing unto others as you would have done to you. This is great advice, as what you send out will return to you. Be careful what you wish for as you will receive it.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction