Thursday, May 31, 2007
Religion Should Be a Guide Not a Prison
It is said that one of the most dangerous subjects to talk about is religion. So here we are about to discuss a most controversial subject. So what exactly is the role of religion? For most of us it is a set of rules for living, guidelines for behavior that will net us a reward when we die. The down side is that there is a threat of punishment if we do not follow those guidelines. It is about the after life; if we follow the rules we go to a good place when we die, and if we don’t we go to a bad place when we die…
So it seems that the focus is more about death, reward and punishment for our life. The focus should be more on what we do when we are alive. The focus should be on how we live and love. What good does it do for humanity if we live like cruel heartless beasts, then the minute before death we accept “salvation” and so we still go to the good place when we die. According to the rules set by some religions as long as you “repent” you get to go to the nice place when you die.
So what happens if you “repent” earlier in life and not just at deaths door? You get to lead a life of repression, following rules that tell you what not to do, causing you to have less happiness, less joy from life. Following draconian rules and practices; being taught to hate others who do not have the same religion as you. Having to lose things that we like, sacrifice activities, and give up certain behaviors that are actually fun. Then after all that; you get to go to the good place when you die.
Seems like a complete waste of life to me. Going by the rules of those religions you can live like a total monster, just plan to repent as soon as you know you’re dying and hope that you do not suffer sudden death…
These rules and regulations that religion tries to push upon us are mostly dogma. Dogma is a set of beliefs that a certain group holds to be true. These tenets more often than not are man made rules and not actual divine guidance. There are people in this world who will feel like they have power when they can make a rule that takes something away from other people. The worse kind of religion is the ones that remove free choice, telling you how to dress, defining a social pecking order, and so on. Again there is no divine guidance, just rules from some sicko that got to feel powerful because he got to force people to lose something.
You can force a person to accept the rules regulations and dogma of a religion. You can threaten them with torture and death to compel them to believe the way you do. However a person coerced is not convinced. You can not be forced to believe a certain way. You can be forced to say you do to avoid further pain and punishment, but inside you will harbor secret beliefs that you can not state as you will then no longer be in compliance. This sort of thing eventually leads into insanity, and then acts of nastiness and spitefulness causing both you and those around you to be miserable.
So what is the good news? I am glad you asked. First let me start out by saying that there is indeed a God, a supreme being, the Great Spirit, the all, the source. You can give the one a name, or not but the existence of this force is still there whether you “believe” in it or not. What does this force desire from us mere mortals? Only our love, and that only if it is voluntary and sincere. We can not have our love directed by another; it can only come from us.
So what are all these religions trying to do? Many of these religions started out by having a certain enlightened individual attempt to show the rest of us the truth. Then along came other individuals who saw a chance to feel power by creating rules that stole people’s freedom of choice. These rules were introduced slowly and so the mass of people did not rebel and change religions. As these people procreated they passed down the rules and so on through the generations. After a while the rules became traditions and nobody questions the why of the rules. For to question these rules, is to risk being called a heretic, or worse, and then being punished.
Do you think that the Supreme Being actually spoke and told us to dress in a certain way, or to oppress other people? NO! This did not happen; these rules were made from and of man.
All gods are one God, just different apparitions of the one. Did you ever hear the story of the three blind men who touched an elephant? One found the beast to be large and rough skinned, one found it to be long and flexible; the other found it to be hard and smooth. Each one touched a different part of the animal and so formed a different opinion of it. They all had indeed touched the elephant but each came away with an opinion that differed from the other. Then three men argued about what is truly an elephant. Instead of comparing notes and working on discovering the overall view, each took his small part of knowledge, knowing it to be true, and told the others they were wrong. Instead of a great discovery and sharing of knowledge, each became enemies of the other.
So it is with us and the One. The One is too great for us to comprehend, much less to understand. If we try to learn the universe we will understand nothing. If we try to learn about our selves we will understand everything. So what should we be doing? We should be working on ourselves and working on understanding each other.
If you have a religion; look for the wisdom that is there. People have discovered small parts of the whole and while trying to explain it to others developed a religion. So seek the truth that is hidden there. Ignore the rules that are obvious fabrication such as dress code, etc. Find the part of the One that was discovered and add it to the other parts you have discovered. Share the knowledge as you can but be prepared for the people who are convinced they are right and you are wrong. You can not force others to see it your way. You do not want others to force you, so do not use force yourself. Some people are not ready to understand what you do. Others understand more than you do so always be prepared to learn more.
Our lives here are short compared to the overall picture of the world. Our goal, our mission for life is to discover the truth of whom and what we are. We have to find the pieces of knowledge and wisdom; then put them together to form understanding. The Supreme Being created a puzzle for us to put together.
So why did the One make a big puzzle for us? So we would have the enjoyment of solving it.
Be Blessed
So it seems that the focus is more about death, reward and punishment for our life. The focus should be more on what we do when we are alive. The focus should be on how we live and love. What good does it do for humanity if we live like cruel heartless beasts, then the minute before death we accept “salvation” and so we still go to the good place when we die. According to the rules set by some religions as long as you “repent” you get to go to the nice place when you die.
So what happens if you “repent” earlier in life and not just at deaths door? You get to lead a life of repression, following rules that tell you what not to do, causing you to have less happiness, less joy from life. Following draconian rules and practices; being taught to hate others who do not have the same religion as you. Having to lose things that we like, sacrifice activities, and give up certain behaviors that are actually fun. Then after all that; you get to go to the good place when you die.
Seems like a complete waste of life to me. Going by the rules of those religions you can live like a total monster, just plan to repent as soon as you know you’re dying and hope that you do not suffer sudden death…
These rules and regulations that religion tries to push upon us are mostly dogma. Dogma is a set of beliefs that a certain group holds to be true. These tenets more often than not are man made rules and not actual divine guidance. There are people in this world who will feel like they have power when they can make a rule that takes something away from other people. The worse kind of religion is the ones that remove free choice, telling you how to dress, defining a social pecking order, and so on. Again there is no divine guidance, just rules from some sicko that got to feel powerful because he got to force people to lose something.
You can force a person to accept the rules regulations and dogma of a religion. You can threaten them with torture and death to compel them to believe the way you do. However a person coerced is not convinced. You can not be forced to believe a certain way. You can be forced to say you do to avoid further pain and punishment, but inside you will harbor secret beliefs that you can not state as you will then no longer be in compliance. This sort of thing eventually leads into insanity, and then acts of nastiness and spitefulness causing both you and those around you to be miserable.
So what is the good news? I am glad you asked. First let me start out by saying that there is indeed a God, a supreme being, the Great Spirit, the all, the source. You can give the one a name, or not but the existence of this force is still there whether you “believe” in it or not. What does this force desire from us mere mortals? Only our love, and that only if it is voluntary and sincere. We can not have our love directed by another; it can only come from us.
So what are all these religions trying to do? Many of these religions started out by having a certain enlightened individual attempt to show the rest of us the truth. Then along came other individuals who saw a chance to feel power by creating rules that stole people’s freedom of choice. These rules were introduced slowly and so the mass of people did not rebel and change religions. As these people procreated they passed down the rules and so on through the generations. After a while the rules became traditions and nobody questions the why of the rules. For to question these rules, is to risk being called a heretic, or worse, and then being punished.
Do you think that the Supreme Being actually spoke and told us to dress in a certain way, or to oppress other people? NO! This did not happen; these rules were made from and of man.
All gods are one God, just different apparitions of the one. Did you ever hear the story of the three blind men who touched an elephant? One found the beast to be large and rough skinned, one found it to be long and flexible; the other found it to be hard and smooth. Each one touched a different part of the animal and so formed a different opinion of it. They all had indeed touched the elephant but each came away with an opinion that differed from the other. Then three men argued about what is truly an elephant. Instead of comparing notes and working on discovering the overall view, each took his small part of knowledge, knowing it to be true, and told the others they were wrong. Instead of a great discovery and sharing of knowledge, each became enemies of the other.
So it is with us and the One. The One is too great for us to comprehend, much less to understand. If we try to learn the universe we will understand nothing. If we try to learn about our selves we will understand everything. So what should we be doing? We should be working on ourselves and working on understanding each other.
If you have a religion; look for the wisdom that is there. People have discovered small parts of the whole and while trying to explain it to others developed a religion. So seek the truth that is hidden there. Ignore the rules that are obvious fabrication such as dress code, etc. Find the part of the One that was discovered and add it to the other parts you have discovered. Share the knowledge as you can but be prepared for the people who are convinced they are right and you are wrong. You can not force others to see it your way. You do not want others to force you, so do not use force yourself. Some people are not ready to understand what you do. Others understand more than you do so always be prepared to learn more.
Our lives here are short compared to the overall picture of the world. Our goal, our mission for life is to discover the truth of whom and what we are. We have to find the pieces of knowledge and wisdom; then put them together to form understanding. The Supreme Being created a puzzle for us to put together.
So why did the One make a big puzzle for us? So we would have the enjoyment of solving it.
Be Blessed
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Why are You Here?
First up, why are you here? Really ask yourself that question. Why have you decided to change your life? Maybe it was the promise of some extra free knowledge, or maybe a little extra free time. Is it for happiness, inner peace, comfort, or something else? Do you want to get a better job? Maybe start your own business and go all the way and quit your job in the future? Do you want to be able to face the world with self confidence and know it is yours for the taking? Or maybe you have some other motivation?
This is the basis of setting goals. Why are you here? When you've answered that question, remember it. Keep it filed, updated and well a truly embedded in your mind. Any tough times you come across, or any problems that may arise in the future, remember why you're here and why you're doing this and why it is worthwhile. The answer to this question is what's going to spur you on and keep you going and moving on up the ladder.
Some people like to create whole elaborate plans around their goals, but for now we'll leave it at that: Quick and simple. It's not hard, it's not time consuming but it is an extremely important part of your success. All you ever need to do is ask yourself those three questions. Why am I here? What do I want? How do I plan to get it?
Is it really that basic? It can’t be that easy, can it? It is supposed to be hard and painful…. You may think so, but look at it this way, without this motivation, you may find yourself waking up in five years time, sitting in the same chair, in the same place, in the same situation and wondering why you haven't moved forward. It's likely because you didn't set yourself a goal, which is done simply by answering those three questions. Don't let this happen to you.
Next up, I want to touch on something that I still see every day, and to be honest, it does make me wonder. I want you to remember what you're doing here. The problem I see every day is this; there is many an opportunity out there, it is there for everyone, but it doesn't seem to sink in that they're actually working on their future. They let opportunity after opportunity pass them by.
I can understand how you'd be a little miffed about it too. You probable have awakened in the morning and realized you could have done something the day before that would have propelled you on your way to success, but you failed to act. You did not recognize the opportunity when it was on front of you. Why is that do you think?
The reason people fail to see the opportunities is that they do not know what they desire from life. You must know inside yourself what it is you want, what you want to be, what you want to do, what you want to accomplish. Without this simple knowledge you are doomed to wander aimlessly and squander your life.
To give you a little food for thought, the purpose of life is happiness. What make you happy? Every person is different in what they perceive as happiness. Discover your reason; find out today what it is that makes you happy. Remember happiness comes from inside but there are many external triggers. Learn your triggers and then you will know what you want.
So, one more time, why are you here?
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
This is the basis of setting goals. Why are you here? When you've answered that question, remember it. Keep it filed, updated and well a truly embedded in your mind. Any tough times you come across, or any problems that may arise in the future, remember why you're here and why you're doing this and why it is worthwhile. The answer to this question is what's going to spur you on and keep you going and moving on up the ladder.
Some people like to create whole elaborate plans around their goals, but for now we'll leave it at that: Quick and simple. It's not hard, it's not time consuming but it is an extremely important part of your success. All you ever need to do is ask yourself those three questions. Why am I here? What do I want? How do I plan to get it?
Is it really that basic? It can’t be that easy, can it? It is supposed to be hard and painful…. You may think so, but look at it this way, without this motivation, you may find yourself waking up in five years time, sitting in the same chair, in the same place, in the same situation and wondering why you haven't moved forward. It's likely because you didn't set yourself a goal, which is done simply by answering those three questions. Don't let this happen to you.
Next up, I want to touch on something that I still see every day, and to be honest, it does make me wonder. I want you to remember what you're doing here. The problem I see every day is this; there is many an opportunity out there, it is there for everyone, but it doesn't seem to sink in that they're actually working on their future. They let opportunity after opportunity pass them by.
I can understand how you'd be a little miffed about it too. You probable have awakened in the morning and realized you could have done something the day before that would have propelled you on your way to success, but you failed to act. You did not recognize the opportunity when it was on front of you. Why is that do you think?
The reason people fail to see the opportunities is that they do not know what they desire from life. You must know inside yourself what it is you want, what you want to be, what you want to do, what you want to accomplish. Without this simple knowledge you are doomed to wander aimlessly and squander your life.
To give you a little food for thought, the purpose of life is happiness. What make you happy? Every person is different in what they perceive as happiness. Discover your reason; find out today what it is that makes you happy. Remember happiness comes from inside but there are many external triggers. Learn your triggers and then you will know what you want.
So, one more time, why are you here?
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
How to Understand Opportunity
This is report here is to let you know a little bit about opportunity. To show you how it presents itself to you, how to spot it, and most importantly, how it relates to your life and you as a success. This is not a step-by-step how to, but rather it's a concept to help you become what you desire a little faster. It is important as ever in getting what you want if you can keep an open mind.
Missed Chances: Delving into a little bit of reasoning before we get started let me ask you a quick question. Have you ever woke up one day and realized that you totally missed a great opportunity the night before? Maybe it was a promotion, an opportunity to meet someone really interesting, or failed to take part in an activity that you wish you would have taken part in?
Here is where you must have a clue that the whole idea of positive thinking will get you where you want to be and that kind of stuff. The train of thought is more along the lines of; ‘it's not what you think, but what you know’.
How about a more long-term view? Let’s say you dwell on something that's happened in the past that you wish you'd done differently, or someone you wish you'd met when you had the chance, or anything relating to missed opportunities. I’m pretty sure we've all done that, myself included, but have you ever pondered where you might be if you'd just gone for it and taken up the offer, or gone ahead with your idea?
This is something that we need to look out for our present world and turn it on its head. Instead of looking at the past we should be looking at the present. Here is a golden nugget of wisdom for you: You learn life from the past, but you live life forward.
All day, every day new opportunities present themselves, and it's really important that you can understand when, where and how this happens, and how to take advantage of it, which we can't do without first being able to spot the potential that arises from particular situations.
Now, the first rule is to look for others to help. Not help as in rescue; it is hard to be a guardian angle all the time. Rather look around for ideas and tasks that will assist others, things that benefit both parties. However, you rarely see anyone actually make this effort consistently and on a long term basis, which is a shame, because we'd all have exactly what we wanted already if we helped each other out a little more.
Let me explain. There is a theory (that you may or may not be familiar with) that suggests every single person in the world, no matter where they are, what country they're in or what language they speak, is connected and knows you through a chain of seven people. The story goes that a bunch of researchers took this random hermit type guy that lives a very solitary life in the mountains of a far off country, and picked out a person in the London area to test this.
Through research and a little bit of juggling here and there, they managed to get from this person in London, to the other person living in the mountains in a far off country with his animals in seven jumps, a friend of a friend of a friend and so on.
The first point here is a very important one. Whether this theory is dead accurate or not, opportunities are indeed out there, and you should take a little bit of time out to see this, and you'll immediately notice that they aren't as far away as you might think, no matter how desperate the situation.
Let us imagine for a moment, you're an entrepreneur with a modest business, earning a couple of thousand dollars a month. How long will it take you to hit the big time? Who knows the big contacts and deals that could catapult you right up there through mutual agreement and benefit could be just one or two conversations away. Your new business partner could be waiting for you just around the corner and you could meet at any time.
Opportunities exist, all kinds of opportunities, things that might not have even been thought about. They're everywhere and if you want to be a great success, they need to be taken advantage of at every step.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you'll wake up tomorrow with an e-mail in your inbox that'll answer all your problems, but seriously, solutions and new partnerships are out there ripe for the taking, which brings me on to this point. If you don't take them, someone else will. Don't wait for them to come to you, get out there and find them.
This is how the big guys out there make things happen. They don't do things alone, they make their contacts, and they assist each other, whether it be an intentional, or purely circumstantial meeting, a big group of people are making sure each other is successful. Let’s take just ten marketers for example. Each one has ten times more promotion power, ten times the chance of meeting new contacts to increase their chances further, ten times the income, and so on. You have to be able to see the power of this.
Look at it this way. Imagine the room you're sitting in is painted pure white from top to bottom, floors and all. Now take a thin magic marker pen, and draw a small black dot on your wall. This is you. Now take a red pen and place a small dot above yourself for each one of your friends, then a blue pen for each one of your friends, friends.
Imagine this process repeating itself again and again, until your wall is full. See all those dots? Each one is an opportunity, each one a different person from a different walk of life that you have a chance to meet, learn from and become mutual successes.
Whether they just give you a new perspective on things, or whether they give you a small helpful tip, or become your long term business partner, whatever it is, it's there, its closer than you think and it's waiting for someone to pick up and take it to the next level, and at the same time become a success. If that's not you, it'll be someone else.
Be Blessed
Missed Chances: Delving into a little bit of reasoning before we get started let me ask you a quick question. Have you ever woke up one day and realized that you totally missed a great opportunity the night before? Maybe it was a promotion, an opportunity to meet someone really interesting, or failed to take part in an activity that you wish you would have taken part in?
Here is where you must have a clue that the whole idea of positive thinking will get you where you want to be and that kind of stuff. The train of thought is more along the lines of; ‘it's not what you think, but what you know’.
How about a more long-term view? Let’s say you dwell on something that's happened in the past that you wish you'd done differently, or someone you wish you'd met when you had the chance, or anything relating to missed opportunities. I’m pretty sure we've all done that, myself included, but have you ever pondered where you might be if you'd just gone for it and taken up the offer, or gone ahead with your idea?
This is something that we need to look out for our present world and turn it on its head. Instead of looking at the past we should be looking at the present. Here is a golden nugget of wisdom for you: You learn life from the past, but you live life forward.
All day, every day new opportunities present themselves, and it's really important that you can understand when, where and how this happens, and how to take advantage of it, which we can't do without first being able to spot the potential that arises from particular situations.
Now, the first rule is to look for others to help. Not help as in rescue; it is hard to be a guardian angle all the time. Rather look around for ideas and tasks that will assist others, things that benefit both parties. However, you rarely see anyone actually make this effort consistently and on a long term basis, which is a shame, because we'd all have exactly what we wanted already if we helped each other out a little more.
Let me explain. There is a theory (that you may or may not be familiar with) that suggests every single person in the world, no matter where they are, what country they're in or what language they speak, is connected and knows you through a chain of seven people. The story goes that a bunch of researchers took this random hermit type guy that lives a very solitary life in the mountains of a far off country, and picked out a person in the London area to test this.
Through research and a little bit of juggling here and there, they managed to get from this person in London, to the other person living in the mountains in a far off country with his animals in seven jumps, a friend of a friend of a friend and so on.
The first point here is a very important one. Whether this theory is dead accurate or not, opportunities are indeed out there, and you should take a little bit of time out to see this, and you'll immediately notice that they aren't as far away as you might think, no matter how desperate the situation.
Let us imagine for a moment, you're an entrepreneur with a modest business, earning a couple of thousand dollars a month. How long will it take you to hit the big time? Who knows the big contacts and deals that could catapult you right up there through mutual agreement and benefit could be just one or two conversations away. Your new business partner could be waiting for you just around the corner and you could meet at any time.
Opportunities exist, all kinds of opportunities, things that might not have even been thought about. They're everywhere and if you want to be a great success, they need to be taken advantage of at every step.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you'll wake up tomorrow with an e-mail in your inbox that'll answer all your problems, but seriously, solutions and new partnerships are out there ripe for the taking, which brings me on to this point. If you don't take them, someone else will. Don't wait for them to come to you, get out there and find them.
This is how the big guys out there make things happen. They don't do things alone, they make their contacts, and they assist each other, whether it be an intentional, or purely circumstantial meeting, a big group of people are making sure each other is successful. Let’s take just ten marketers for example. Each one has ten times more promotion power, ten times the chance of meeting new contacts to increase their chances further, ten times the income, and so on. You have to be able to see the power of this.
Look at it this way. Imagine the room you're sitting in is painted pure white from top to bottom, floors and all. Now take a thin magic marker pen, and draw a small black dot on your wall. This is you. Now take a red pen and place a small dot above yourself for each one of your friends, then a blue pen for each one of your friends, friends.
Imagine this process repeating itself again and again, until your wall is full. See all those dots? Each one is an opportunity, each one a different person from a different walk of life that you have a chance to meet, learn from and become mutual successes.
Whether they just give you a new perspective on things, or whether they give you a small helpful tip, or become your long term business partner, whatever it is, it's there, its closer than you think and it's waiting for someone to pick up and take it to the next level, and at the same time become a success. If that's not you, it'll be someone else.
Be Blessed
Sunday, May 27, 2007
The seperation of Church and State
We receive a lot of e-mail and solicitations telling us what a shame it is that there is a separation between church and state. There are all sorts of ads and propaganda going around saying all sorts of things that all boil down to it is a shame that the government has taken religion out of influence. Today we must learn something important: The separation between government and religion is a good thing!
All throughout history there are many examples of what happens when a religion holds political and legal power; repression and suppression. There was a single religion that held power in most of Europe for over one thousand years. This reign is known as the dark ages. The church held power over governments, and a single religious leader was able to dictate to governments what was acceptable. This single religious leader was responsible for the crusades; true total religious war.
When a religion holds power over a government individual freedoms are randomly and arbitrarily taken away. Rules are enforced in the name of god that are usually not in mans best interest. Segments of society are stratified, and classes of people are created that are strictly enforced. Free speech is curtailed, as to speak against the church is heresy and blasphemy. Any view contrary to the church is brutally suppressed.
Let us look at a few examples:
- The young Jewish nation while conquering the land now known as Israel would kill every man woman and child of a city or province when they took over.
- The Romans invaded England to wipe out the Celtic druid religion.
- The very Catholic Spain had the lovely institution known as the inquisition. Any person of a different religious belief was arrested, tortured and executed.
- European countries had a few wars, the French raised an army to eradicate other religious factions, remember the Templers?
- The Catholic Church raised an army to wage war against the Baptists.
- We won’t even try to list all the witch hunts that killed more people than Hitler’s holocaust.
Think those days are over? Look again;
- Until recently Afghanistan’s ruling government made it illegal to listen to music unless it was first approved by the church.
- Women in most Middle Eastern countries can be killed by any male relative; as long as it is called an honor killing the man will not be prosecuted.
- In most of those same Middle Eastern countries women can not own property or have a business, they have to rely on male relatives to support them.
- Jim Jones moved his congregation so he could be the government as well as the spiritual leader, once a person was in his group they did not have the freedom to leave; they did not even have the freedom to make the choice between life and death.
- In modern day Iraq it is well documented that religious fanatics seize, torture and kill people of different religious views. These same fanatics will commit suicide and kill even children just because those people are in an area that supports a different sect of the same religion.
So it can be easily proven that when a religion hold power over the people it is a bad thing. It does not matter the actual name of the religion, the results are the same. Life becomes very hard for the individual, and many freedoms are lost.
Look at just the major religions, all of them have many different sects, or off shoots. If church had power in government then whatever church had the most votes would be in power and the rules you were used to living with would change. Every sect has slightly different rules for their religion. Some do not dance, some do not allow coffee, some women have to cover their face and only wear dresses, an so on. Imagine is you will what could happen: One day you are perfectly fine, the next you are in danger of being jailed for heresy just because of a change in the town’s mayor. One day you can go to the bar and dance. The day after elections the rules have changed, you are now a heretic and in danger of loosing all you have. Personally I would have to become a coffee smuggler if coffee was ever outlawed.
Could you imagine not being able to go where you want to worship when you want? Can you imagine being forced to worship your god in a way prescribed by someone else? Could you imagine being told what god you must worship?
Let us take this a bit further; organized religion is a money making business. If you do not believe that just do a little research, it is public record how much money a church makes. If you think about it most churches are franchises. They have a central office, a central training facility for management, and a standard set of rules for operation. Most have a recognizable trademark symbol so you can identify the building from that sign long before you can read the title. The similarities are amazing; it is a very viable modus opernendi.
Could you imagine if a set of fast food joints vied for political power? One day it would be fine to have your burger any way you wanted it, the day after elections you can only have square burgers. It wouldn’t make sense would it? So why should a person be forced to call their god by a certain name, or to worship in a certain way? Yet people get very worked up that their religious view is the correct one and all the others are wrong and should be converted. If you give those same people legal power to act on those views… I shudder at the possibility!
So it is a Very GOOD thing to have a godless government. By godless this does not mean that the individual office holders do not have a religion, only that the government itself does not endorse one religious view over another. Religion should never be allowed to have sway in areas where its’ doctrines can be enforced. Any area of common and public interest should remain free from religious domination.
The people remain free from oppression when the religions can not enforce their view. To be able to choose your religion instead of it being chosen for you is a fundamental choice that all humans should be allowed to have. A relationship is an individual experience. Your relationship to anyone else is different than any one else, it can not be regulated by any law how you relate to another person. So it is with your god, your relationship is your relationship, and no human can dictate to you how you should relate to your god.
Religion is a choice that is made by the individual. What style, type, sect, or denomination, if any, is solely the choice of the individual and this choice can never be regulated, or even hoped to be controlled.
The one god, the Supreme Being, seeks only our love, and does not want your love unless you are giving it freely.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
All throughout history there are many examples of what happens when a religion holds political and legal power; repression and suppression. There was a single religion that held power in most of Europe for over one thousand years. This reign is known as the dark ages. The church held power over governments, and a single religious leader was able to dictate to governments what was acceptable. This single religious leader was responsible for the crusades; true total religious war.
When a religion holds power over a government individual freedoms are randomly and arbitrarily taken away. Rules are enforced in the name of god that are usually not in mans best interest. Segments of society are stratified, and classes of people are created that are strictly enforced. Free speech is curtailed, as to speak against the church is heresy and blasphemy. Any view contrary to the church is brutally suppressed.
Let us look at a few examples:
- The young Jewish nation while conquering the land now known as Israel would kill every man woman and child of a city or province when they took over.
- The Romans invaded England to wipe out the Celtic druid religion.
- The very Catholic Spain had the lovely institution known as the inquisition. Any person of a different religious belief was arrested, tortured and executed.
- European countries had a few wars, the French raised an army to eradicate other religious factions, remember the Templers?
- The Catholic Church raised an army to wage war against the Baptists.
- We won’t even try to list all the witch hunts that killed more people than Hitler’s holocaust.
Think those days are over? Look again;
- Until recently Afghanistan’s ruling government made it illegal to listen to music unless it was first approved by the church.
- Women in most Middle Eastern countries can be killed by any male relative; as long as it is called an honor killing the man will not be prosecuted.
- In most of those same Middle Eastern countries women can not own property or have a business, they have to rely on male relatives to support them.
- Jim Jones moved his congregation so he could be the government as well as the spiritual leader, once a person was in his group they did not have the freedom to leave; they did not even have the freedom to make the choice between life and death.
- In modern day Iraq it is well documented that religious fanatics seize, torture and kill people of different religious views. These same fanatics will commit suicide and kill even children just because those people are in an area that supports a different sect of the same religion.
So it can be easily proven that when a religion hold power over the people it is a bad thing. It does not matter the actual name of the religion, the results are the same. Life becomes very hard for the individual, and many freedoms are lost.
Look at just the major religions, all of them have many different sects, or off shoots. If church had power in government then whatever church had the most votes would be in power and the rules you were used to living with would change. Every sect has slightly different rules for their religion. Some do not dance, some do not allow coffee, some women have to cover their face and only wear dresses, an so on. Imagine is you will what could happen: One day you are perfectly fine, the next you are in danger of being jailed for heresy just because of a change in the town’s mayor. One day you can go to the bar and dance. The day after elections the rules have changed, you are now a heretic and in danger of loosing all you have. Personally I would have to become a coffee smuggler if coffee was ever outlawed.
Could you imagine not being able to go where you want to worship when you want? Can you imagine being forced to worship your god in a way prescribed by someone else? Could you imagine being told what god you must worship?
Let us take this a bit further; organized religion is a money making business. If you do not believe that just do a little research, it is public record how much money a church makes. If you think about it most churches are franchises. They have a central office, a central training facility for management, and a standard set of rules for operation. Most have a recognizable trademark symbol so you can identify the building from that sign long before you can read the title. The similarities are amazing; it is a very viable modus opernendi.
Could you imagine if a set of fast food joints vied for political power? One day it would be fine to have your burger any way you wanted it, the day after elections you can only have square burgers. It wouldn’t make sense would it? So why should a person be forced to call their god by a certain name, or to worship in a certain way? Yet people get very worked up that their religious view is the correct one and all the others are wrong and should be converted. If you give those same people legal power to act on those views… I shudder at the possibility!
So it is a Very GOOD thing to have a godless government. By godless this does not mean that the individual office holders do not have a religion, only that the government itself does not endorse one religious view over another. Religion should never be allowed to have sway in areas where its’ doctrines can be enforced. Any area of common and public interest should remain free from religious domination.
The people remain free from oppression when the religions can not enforce their view. To be able to choose your religion instead of it being chosen for you is a fundamental choice that all humans should be allowed to have. A relationship is an individual experience. Your relationship to anyone else is different than any one else, it can not be regulated by any law how you relate to another person. So it is with your god, your relationship is your relationship, and no human can dictate to you how you should relate to your god.
Religion is a choice that is made by the individual. What style, type, sect, or denomination, if any, is solely the choice of the individual and this choice can never be regulated, or even hoped to be controlled.
The one god, the Supreme Being, seeks only our love, and does not want your love unless you are giving it freely.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Laughter is the best medicine
This was sent to me by my Dad, enjoy!
A new teacher was trying to make use of
her child psychology courses. She started
her class by saying,
"Everyone who thinks they're stupid,
stand up!"
After a few seconds, Little Davie stood up.
The teacher said, "Do you think you're
stupid, Little Davie?"
"No, ma'am, but I hate to see you
standing there all by yourself!"
Little Davie watched, fascinated,
as his mother smoothed cold
cream on her face.
"Why do you do that, mommy?"
he asked.
"To make myself beautiful," said
his mother, who then began
removing the cream with a tissue.
"What's the matter...?" asked Little
Davie. "Giving up?"
A new teacher was trying to make use of
her child psychology courses. She started
her class by saying,
"Everyone who thinks they're stupid,
stand up!"
After a few seconds, Little Davie stood up.
The teacher said, "Do you think you're
stupid, Little Davie?"
"No, ma'am, but I hate to see you
standing there all by yourself!"
Little Davie watched, fascinated,
as his mother smoothed cold
cream on her face.
"Why do you do that, mommy?"
he asked.
"To make myself beautiful," said
his mother, who then began
removing the cream with a tissue.
"What's the matter...?" asked Little
Davie. "Giving up?"
Humor is the Window to Life
I had just finished building a bicycle, fresh out of the box. Bikes come with lots of pieces of cardboard, paper and bubble wrap to protect the pieces from scratching in transit. So I had removed all the wrapping and had placed it in a pile on the floor. I moved the bike out of the way, grabbed a small bag and began stuffing trash into it. As I picked up the last piece, I needed a little bit more room to get the rest into the bag, so I pushed to get the last little bit in there. When I did the bottom of the bag went out and all the trash I had just picked up went right back on the floor. I laughed, it was a silly situation, and I laughed at both myself and the situation. I laughed while getting a new bag and re-picking up the trash.
How would you have reacted if that had happened to you? Would you have laughed at yourself and the situation, or would you have had some other reaction? What if you had been there to see it happen, would you have laughed with me or at me?
Spontaneous humor is a highly individualized characteristic. Humor reflects a person’s sense of life and reflects your psychology and philosophy. Humor is a result of lateral thinking; it is a different way of looking at something. Some call it horizontal thinking, but no matter what the terminology it is a new and unexpected way of to look at something and how it developed. That surprise contrast between the expected view and the unexpected view is the essence of humor.
The way a person responds to that newly created view reflects the sense of life in both those who create and those that respond to that particular humor. The response to humor is spontaneous, quick, and automatic. That same response is an indicator of that person’s sense of life, whether it is benevolent, or malevolent.
Even when they try few people can fake their reaction to humor. To some who have an understanding of life; there is humor everywhere, and to others nothing is funny. Some people try to conceal their reaction to humor especially when another person is reacting with anger or dismay. Others have a delayed reaction, and the intensity of the reaction is greater than the original stimulus.
Identifying a person’s sense of life through humor is a very reliable indicator of their inner self. Being able to laugh, to see the humor, is a part of life that makes us happy. Meeting other people with a compatible sense of humor often brings about friendships that are highly durable. Humor is one of the most enjoyable aspects of life, being able to see the humor for what it is makes your life better.
Humor is something that you allow yourself to have. You let yourself see the situation as it is, not as it should have been according to you. You can allow yourself to enjoy the unexpected; it makes your day brighter.
When it is time to laugh; laugh! Feel free to snicker, giggle and guffaw. When something is funny enjoy it and laugh. Laugh with people and not at them, laugh at situation that you should have had a camera for. Try to explain why something is funny to those who don’t get it, but don’t go in to too much detail as it will spoil it for you.
Laugh at your self, when a situation is silly; laugh! Enjoy the moment, if it is a learning experience (like learning to check the bottom of a trash bag) then learn from it but enjoy the humor.
Some doctors or scientists have stated that laughter is the best medicine, so treat your self! (Pun intended)
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
How would you have reacted if that had happened to you? Would you have laughed at yourself and the situation, or would you have had some other reaction? What if you had been there to see it happen, would you have laughed with me or at me?
Spontaneous humor is a highly individualized characteristic. Humor reflects a person’s sense of life and reflects your psychology and philosophy. Humor is a result of lateral thinking; it is a different way of looking at something. Some call it horizontal thinking, but no matter what the terminology it is a new and unexpected way of to look at something and how it developed. That surprise contrast between the expected view and the unexpected view is the essence of humor.
The way a person responds to that newly created view reflects the sense of life in both those who create and those that respond to that particular humor. The response to humor is spontaneous, quick, and automatic. That same response is an indicator of that person’s sense of life, whether it is benevolent, or malevolent.
Even when they try few people can fake their reaction to humor. To some who have an understanding of life; there is humor everywhere, and to others nothing is funny. Some people try to conceal their reaction to humor especially when another person is reacting with anger or dismay. Others have a delayed reaction, and the intensity of the reaction is greater than the original stimulus.
Identifying a person’s sense of life through humor is a very reliable indicator of their inner self. Being able to laugh, to see the humor, is a part of life that makes us happy. Meeting other people with a compatible sense of humor often brings about friendships that are highly durable. Humor is one of the most enjoyable aspects of life, being able to see the humor for what it is makes your life better.
Humor is something that you allow yourself to have. You let yourself see the situation as it is, not as it should have been according to you. You can allow yourself to enjoy the unexpected; it makes your day brighter.
When it is time to laugh; laugh! Feel free to snicker, giggle and guffaw. When something is funny enjoy it and laugh. Laugh with people and not at them, laugh at situation that you should have had a camera for. Try to explain why something is funny to those who don’t get it, but don’t go in to too much detail as it will spoil it for you.
Laugh at your self, when a situation is silly; laugh! Enjoy the moment, if it is a learning experience (like learning to check the bottom of a trash bag) then learn from it but enjoy the humor.
Some doctors or scientists have stated that laughter is the best medicine, so treat your self! (Pun intended)
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Life is About Happiness
Life is the universal standard that all people are subject to. Every one we know either is or was alive at one time or another. Life is the one thing all humans have that makes them equal to other humans. We all start life with the exact same amount of life and ability. What one does with their life is what we are measured by.
Human beings must meet standard specific needs to function at their best. As we all know the basic needs are food, shelter, clothing and procreation. We will seek to fulfill these needs in that order as it is what we must do to survive. We will always do what it takes to survive. Filling these needs means our main focus is survival. We are all programmed to survive. Our number one goal in life, whether we realize it or not, is survival. How well we are surviving is what determines our happiness.
Besides our physical needs we also have psychological or mental needs. These are pleasure, prosperity and happiness. Happiness is our way of measuring if we are fulfilling our psychological needs. So therefore fulfilling our biological needs and psychological needs become the natural and rational goals of human life. Our goal is not necessarily our purpose, which may be something else all together, and is not part of today’s discussion.
A person sets up prosperity and earns happiness from within. Yes you heard that right: Happiness can not be taken from the material world, nor can it be gained from another person. Happiness comes from yourself; you are in charge of your own happiness. Happiness depends on genuine self esteem, which is a product of a persons own life and choices. Happiness is a deeply personal inner matter.
There are three requirements for happiness to exist.
1. A healthy physical state; to be disease free.
2. A healthy self esteem; to love yourself.
3. An honest handling of reality with a loyalty to your self.
If you are a productive person with good self esteem you will be happy.
To maintain long range happiness a person must be mentally healthy. Mental health depends on your loyalty to honesty, despite the views and opinions of others. Adapting yourself to the views and opinions of society will only serve to make you less happy. To conform to society is to surrender your free will, and this in turn diminishes your happiness. True mental health depends on you and in no small part on your honesty. You must at all times; deal honestly with yourself to maintain your integrity and thus maintain your self esteem. Your life depends on your honesty to yourself. If you can not be honest with your own self, then you will not be able to have and maintain happiness.
Being honest with your self will build your self esteem. Having good self esteem is paramount to having happy survival. If you are surviving comfortably and with prosperity then you will have happiness. Part of this concept is being productive.
To be productive means to be produce or able to produce something useful to others. Whether this something is your own labor that you sell for money, or a simple act of kindness, as long as you are creating something of value you are being productive.
Productivity and self esteem build on each other. They are not a cause and effect relationship rather a mutual harmonious relationship, much like your eyes. You do not see simply through one or the other, one is not color and the other black and white, they are a synergistic system that works together and in tandem one improving the other. The same applies to productivity and self esteem. Together they are a synergistic system that works in tandem one improving the other
Through character evolvement, and development productivity and self esteem naturally evolve. Then when productivity and self esteem are functioning properly; prosperity and happiness naturally appears into your life. If you do not have prosperity and happiness then you need to examine your own self. Remember this; you are responsible for your own life.
So examine your inner self. Are you honest with you? This is the first step towards a successful life. Be honest and loyal to you, as it is you who determines your own happiness; so you must determine your own honesty and in so doing, determine your own life.
I propose here a new bumper sticker: “He who dies with the most happiness; wins.”
Stay Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
Human beings must meet standard specific needs to function at their best. As we all know the basic needs are food, shelter, clothing and procreation. We will seek to fulfill these needs in that order as it is what we must do to survive. We will always do what it takes to survive. Filling these needs means our main focus is survival. We are all programmed to survive. Our number one goal in life, whether we realize it or not, is survival. How well we are surviving is what determines our happiness.
Besides our physical needs we also have psychological or mental needs. These are pleasure, prosperity and happiness. Happiness is our way of measuring if we are fulfilling our psychological needs. So therefore fulfilling our biological needs and psychological needs become the natural and rational goals of human life. Our goal is not necessarily our purpose, which may be something else all together, and is not part of today’s discussion.
A person sets up prosperity and earns happiness from within. Yes you heard that right: Happiness can not be taken from the material world, nor can it be gained from another person. Happiness comes from yourself; you are in charge of your own happiness. Happiness depends on genuine self esteem, which is a product of a persons own life and choices. Happiness is a deeply personal inner matter.
There are three requirements for happiness to exist.
1. A healthy physical state; to be disease free.
2. A healthy self esteem; to love yourself.
3. An honest handling of reality with a loyalty to your self.
If you are a productive person with good self esteem you will be happy.
To maintain long range happiness a person must be mentally healthy. Mental health depends on your loyalty to honesty, despite the views and opinions of others. Adapting yourself to the views and opinions of society will only serve to make you less happy. To conform to society is to surrender your free will, and this in turn diminishes your happiness. True mental health depends on you and in no small part on your honesty. You must at all times; deal honestly with yourself to maintain your integrity and thus maintain your self esteem. Your life depends on your honesty to yourself. If you can not be honest with your own self, then you will not be able to have and maintain happiness.
Being honest with your self will build your self esteem. Having good self esteem is paramount to having happy survival. If you are surviving comfortably and with prosperity then you will have happiness. Part of this concept is being productive.
To be productive means to be produce or able to produce something useful to others. Whether this something is your own labor that you sell for money, or a simple act of kindness, as long as you are creating something of value you are being productive.
Productivity and self esteem build on each other. They are not a cause and effect relationship rather a mutual harmonious relationship, much like your eyes. You do not see simply through one or the other, one is not color and the other black and white, they are a synergistic system that works together and in tandem one improving the other. The same applies to productivity and self esteem. Together they are a synergistic system that works in tandem one improving the other
Through character evolvement, and development productivity and self esteem naturally evolve. Then when productivity and self esteem are functioning properly; prosperity and happiness naturally appears into your life. If you do not have prosperity and happiness then you need to examine your own self. Remember this; you are responsible for your own life.
So examine your inner self. Are you honest with you? This is the first step towards a successful life. Be honest and loyal to you, as it is you who determines your own happiness; so you must determine your own honesty and in so doing, determine your own life.
I propose here a new bumper sticker: “He who dies with the most happiness; wins.”
Stay Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Blaming the Parents
It seems that nowadays that more and more people are blaming their parents for a bad childhood, and somehow that reasoning gives them a license to misbehave as adults.
Blaming your parents for your current behavior is irrational and irresponsible. One of the steps towards adulthood and self fulfillment is to understand that every person is responsible for their own actions. You are responsible for yourself.
Most people dutifully profess love towards their children and parents. The reality is that the love is only lip service to sooth the public consciousness. When in fact through many past and present irrationalities, conflicts, and demands there is no real love. Lack of respect for the others rights leads to loss of genuine love and enjoyment between parents and children. The lack of trust makes love impossible.
However with that said, we all must realize that an important step towards emotional growth is to acknowledge that no one has an actual duty to love another. Not even parents towards their children, or children towards their parents.
Genuine love occurs only voluntarily, through a mutual exchange of objectives and emotional values. Genuine love between parents and children can and does occur in those relationships in which objectives and values are exchanged and allowed to grow.
When there is no love between parents and children both are partially responsible for some problems experienced by certain adolescents and young adults. Major problems between parents and children are often the result of loss of trust and respect between them. Parents fail to treat children as human beings with individual rights. Parents often resort to force and physical violence under the euphemism of discipline, protection or control.
The cycle becomes sustaining, but can be corrected with effort. It all comes down to an act of defiance, followed by harsh discipline. What should happen is open communication to discover the cause of the defiance. Physical violence is proof of communication failure, and should be avoided.
Too often parents are blamed for their grown children’s faults and behavior. Once a person has reached the legal age they become irrevocably responsible for themselves. Blaming parents only hides or avoids self responsibility and the efforts needed to develop ones own self.
If children are never given respect, they never develop respect for their parents, for themselves or for values. Such children become the future problems as they do not value honesty with themselves or others. Always seeking to survive by usurping others, to get revenge for their upbringing while not taking responsibility for their own life.
The most valuable gift a parent can give to their children is the environment where they learn honesty, integrity, independence and the ability to use assertive effort to produce value for others. If your children are young enjoy them while you can, but respect them as fellow humans and they will grow to respect you and voluntarily love you.
If your children are grown and are still problems to them selves and society, tell them that you are not responsible for their actions, they are responsible for their actions. Give them a short explanation that they are independent human beings with individual rights and responsibilities. Tell them if you must that you apologize for their poor childhood, but the past is gone, all you have is now.
If you are an adult and you cannot talk to your parents, realize this; you are solely responsible for what you do and who you are. The past may have been less than desirable, but it is gone, over and done. You can be who you want to be!
So to sum up, treat each other as you would want to be treated, and the whole world becomes a better place.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
Blaming your parents for your current behavior is irrational and irresponsible. One of the steps towards adulthood and self fulfillment is to understand that every person is responsible for their own actions. You are responsible for yourself.
Most people dutifully profess love towards their children and parents. The reality is that the love is only lip service to sooth the public consciousness. When in fact through many past and present irrationalities, conflicts, and demands there is no real love. Lack of respect for the others rights leads to loss of genuine love and enjoyment between parents and children. The lack of trust makes love impossible.
However with that said, we all must realize that an important step towards emotional growth is to acknowledge that no one has an actual duty to love another. Not even parents towards their children, or children towards their parents.
Genuine love occurs only voluntarily, through a mutual exchange of objectives and emotional values. Genuine love between parents and children can and does occur in those relationships in which objectives and values are exchanged and allowed to grow.
When there is no love between parents and children both are partially responsible for some problems experienced by certain adolescents and young adults. Major problems between parents and children are often the result of loss of trust and respect between them. Parents fail to treat children as human beings with individual rights. Parents often resort to force and physical violence under the euphemism of discipline, protection or control.
The cycle becomes sustaining, but can be corrected with effort. It all comes down to an act of defiance, followed by harsh discipline. What should happen is open communication to discover the cause of the defiance. Physical violence is proof of communication failure, and should be avoided.
Too often parents are blamed for their grown children’s faults and behavior. Once a person has reached the legal age they become irrevocably responsible for themselves. Blaming parents only hides or avoids self responsibility and the efforts needed to develop ones own self.
If children are never given respect, they never develop respect for their parents, for themselves or for values. Such children become the future problems as they do not value honesty with themselves or others. Always seeking to survive by usurping others, to get revenge for their upbringing while not taking responsibility for their own life.
The most valuable gift a parent can give to their children is the environment where they learn honesty, integrity, independence and the ability to use assertive effort to produce value for others. If your children are young enjoy them while you can, but respect them as fellow humans and they will grow to respect you and voluntarily love you.
If your children are grown and are still problems to them selves and society, tell them that you are not responsible for their actions, they are responsible for their actions. Give them a short explanation that they are independent human beings with individual rights and responsibilities. Tell them if you must that you apologize for their poor childhood, but the past is gone, all you have is now.
If you are an adult and you cannot talk to your parents, realize this; you are solely responsible for what you do and who you are. The past may have been less than desirable, but it is gone, over and done. You can be who you want to be!
So to sum up, treat each other as you would want to be treated, and the whole world becomes a better place.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
Monday, May 21, 2007
The Great Lie of Growing Old
As people grow old, their views of life increasingly grow negative. Their hopes and dreams become dissolutions. Their anticipation of life continually diminishes as their used up and shrinking futures become evident. They lose the capacity for experiencing joy and happiness as the inevitability of death draws closer.
This is a huge mistake and a terrible loss to suffer. You do not have to lose the ability to experience pleasure in your life. As a matter of fact you can and should enjoy all life has to offer every second that you are alive. The only valid reason to stop experiencing joy is death. Once you are physically dead your body will no longer be able to feel anything. So until you are actually all the way dead, you can still enjoy life.
Age is not a factor in psychological growth. As one grows and widens your experiences, values and knowledge, you can increase your ability to experience joy, prosperity and happiness. Your psychological growth can outweigh the so called effects of aging. Emotional as well a physical pleasure can increase indefinitely for any honest and productive individual.
Many people are adversely affected by negative philosophical information. These are great lies against humanity. Things like older people should sacrifice their careers to make room for younger people, or that people should sacrifice their future for others. Once you make that surrender, your happiness fades. You become all too aware of the shrinking reserve of years and become bitter. With this you begin to grow old and suffer the effects of being a geriatric.
You do not have to suffer with age. More age makes you wiser just through experience alone. Despite what many physicians erroneously advise, no free, productive person has to decline with age. People erroneously give too much trust to physicians, make them seem infallible and all knowing. So because of this people expect doctors to make them well, but their advice can often cost you your well being and happiness. Doctors are people too, and as such are always learning, but never knowing it all. Health, well being, and happiness are not the responsibility of the doctor, but rather it is your individual right and responsibility.
All free and productive people can continue to experience pleasure and happiness. There is no reason for your happiness to decline with age. The quality of your life should improve with age, not decline. You can slow down the aging process and increase your quality of life by simply increasing knowledge and experience. The more you know and do the better your life. By remaining active and productive you continue to be able to enjoy life.
People age differently. I am sure you have seen the eighty year old who looks and feels good and is fun to be around, still lives on their own and goes dancing every Saturday. Then again you have probably also seen the crotchety sixty five year old who looks really old and is in a wheelchair in a nursing home waiting to die. While no commercially viable means of physical immortality yet exists, you can still live a long and happy life just by staying productive.
Increasing age is an asset of growth, knowledge and experience. Using your skills and abilities as often as you can, and you will see a long and prosperous life. You can live as long as you want to. It is when you stop living that you die. When you cease having hopes and dreams that bitterness creeps in and causing the aging process to accelerate, robbing you of many years you could have had.
You cannot avoid the inevitable, some day we will die. However we do not have to focus on that. We can focus on today; did you wake up alive today? Then you still have a chance to do something. So get out and make a difference, be productive, enjoy what you have, dance the dance of life, and live happily ever after.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
This is a huge mistake and a terrible loss to suffer. You do not have to lose the ability to experience pleasure in your life. As a matter of fact you can and should enjoy all life has to offer every second that you are alive. The only valid reason to stop experiencing joy is death. Once you are physically dead your body will no longer be able to feel anything. So until you are actually all the way dead, you can still enjoy life.
Age is not a factor in psychological growth. As one grows and widens your experiences, values and knowledge, you can increase your ability to experience joy, prosperity and happiness. Your psychological growth can outweigh the so called effects of aging. Emotional as well a physical pleasure can increase indefinitely for any honest and productive individual.
Many people are adversely affected by negative philosophical information. These are great lies against humanity. Things like older people should sacrifice their careers to make room for younger people, or that people should sacrifice their future for others. Once you make that surrender, your happiness fades. You become all too aware of the shrinking reserve of years and become bitter. With this you begin to grow old and suffer the effects of being a geriatric.
You do not have to suffer with age. More age makes you wiser just through experience alone. Despite what many physicians erroneously advise, no free, productive person has to decline with age. People erroneously give too much trust to physicians, make them seem infallible and all knowing. So because of this people expect doctors to make them well, but their advice can often cost you your well being and happiness. Doctors are people too, and as such are always learning, but never knowing it all. Health, well being, and happiness are not the responsibility of the doctor, but rather it is your individual right and responsibility.
All free and productive people can continue to experience pleasure and happiness. There is no reason for your happiness to decline with age. The quality of your life should improve with age, not decline. You can slow down the aging process and increase your quality of life by simply increasing knowledge and experience. The more you know and do the better your life. By remaining active and productive you continue to be able to enjoy life.
People age differently. I am sure you have seen the eighty year old who looks and feels good and is fun to be around, still lives on their own and goes dancing every Saturday. Then again you have probably also seen the crotchety sixty five year old who looks really old and is in a wheelchair in a nursing home waiting to die. While no commercially viable means of physical immortality yet exists, you can still live a long and happy life just by staying productive.
Increasing age is an asset of growth, knowledge and experience. Using your skills and abilities as often as you can, and you will see a long and prosperous life. You can live as long as you want to. It is when you stop living that you die. When you cease having hopes and dreams that bitterness creeps in and causing the aging process to accelerate, robbing you of many years you could have had.
You cannot avoid the inevitable, some day we will die. However we do not have to focus on that. We can focus on today; did you wake up alive today? Then you still have a chance to do something. So get out and make a difference, be productive, enjoy what you have, dance the dance of life, and live happily ever after.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
Friday, May 18, 2007
How to Use Your Mind
The movies “What the Bleep” and “The Secret” have revealed a most startling finding of modern science; in that there is no material substance in the universe! Everything comes from nothing, the nothing always exists, and as soon as a desire is made energy is created that causes more to be created and then it becomes reality.
We have been led to believe that consciousness is a delusion of our minds. The real delusion is that a universe of such magnificence could have been accidentally formed. The universe as we know it is not a random accident. The universe was deliberately created. There are countless scientific findings from the past century that point to this truth. One vital understanding is the saying “As it is above, so it is below.”
Protons, electrons, quarks, and all of the fundamental particles that science has discovered, all turn out to be various manifestations of energy. This energy is in turn interpreted as shapes and information. Everything in the universe is a product of this ever-moving, ever-changing energy. All that we experience physically is simply an interpretation of that energy using our physical senses. So in the most practical, physical sense, everything that you experience is the result of your mind’s interpretation of the energy of the universe.
There is one all-important truth that you must accept if you wish to develop in to a greater human being. You must discard the idea that the physical universe is a meaningless, uncaring, random machine, and that human consciousness is a chemical accident within this machine. In fact precisely the opposite is true. The universe is a living, conscious, intelligent energy which manifests all physical realities. Thought, emotion, consciousness, and life are the true substance of our universe.
You use your thought energy to create, the thoughts you externalize become things. There are ways to quicken the formation, but for the most part once you have externalized a thought it will come into your reality.
This insight is the first step to true freedom and personal power. If you believe the universe is a random, meaningless, violent place then in your experience it will be so. If, on the other hand, you believe that your mind controls the substance of your experience, and that the universe is primed to fulfill your needs, then you will meet with experiences that confirm this truth.
With that in mind consciously decide to send out thoughts of a positive, constructive nature in order to change the experiences of your life.
Once you have your thought life in good order, and have experienced some inner peace and a little true happiness, then you will be ready for the next developmental stage of this life we all share.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
All About Manifesting
We have been led to believe that consciousness is a delusion of our minds. The real delusion is that a universe of such magnificence could have been accidentally formed. The universe as we know it is not a random accident. The universe was deliberately created. There are countless scientific findings from the past century that point to this truth. One vital understanding is the saying “As it is above, so it is below.”
Protons, electrons, quarks, and all of the fundamental particles that science has discovered, all turn out to be various manifestations of energy. This energy is in turn interpreted as shapes and information. Everything in the universe is a product of this ever-moving, ever-changing energy. All that we experience physically is simply an interpretation of that energy using our physical senses. So in the most practical, physical sense, everything that you experience is the result of your mind’s interpretation of the energy of the universe.
There is one all-important truth that you must accept if you wish to develop in to a greater human being. You must discard the idea that the physical universe is a meaningless, uncaring, random machine, and that human consciousness is a chemical accident within this machine. In fact precisely the opposite is true. The universe is a living, conscious, intelligent energy which manifests all physical realities. Thought, emotion, consciousness, and life are the true substance of our universe.
You use your thought energy to create, the thoughts you externalize become things. There are ways to quicken the formation, but for the most part once you have externalized a thought it will come into your reality.
This insight is the first step to true freedom and personal power. If you believe the universe is a random, meaningless, violent place then in your experience it will be so. If, on the other hand, you believe that your mind controls the substance of your experience, and that the universe is primed to fulfill your needs, then you will meet with experiences that confirm this truth.
With that in mind consciously decide to send out thoughts of a positive, constructive nature in order to change the experiences of your life.
Once you have your thought life in good order, and have experienced some inner peace and a little true happiness, then you will be ready for the next developmental stage of this life we all share.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
All About Manifesting
Labels: Manifesting, self improvement, success
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Good Deeds are Good
I got this in an e-mail from my Dad. Enjoy!
One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry.
He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.
Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness."
He said ... "Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit..
Many year's later that same young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease.
Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.
Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room.
Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once.
He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to her case.
After a long struggle, the battle was won.
Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent t o her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She read these words .. "Paid in full with one glass of milk"
(Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly.
Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You God, that Your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands."
There's a saying which goes something like this: Bread cast on the waters comes back to you. The good deed you do today may benefit you or someone you love at the least expected time. If you never see the deed again at least you will have made the world a better place - And, after all, isn't that what life is all about?!
Now you have two choices.
1. You can send this page on and spread a positive message.
2. Or ignore it and pretend it never touched your heart
The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which -- To burn
One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry.
He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.
Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness."
He said ... "Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit..
Many year's later that same young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease.
Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.
Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room.
Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once.
He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to her case.
After a long struggle, the battle was won.
Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent t o her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She read these words .. "Paid in full with one glass of milk"
(Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly.
Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You God, that Your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands."
There's a saying which goes something like this: Bread cast on the waters comes back to you. The good deed you do today may benefit you or someone you love at the least expected time. If you never see the deed again at least you will have made the world a better place - And, after all, isn't that what life is all about?!
Now you have two choices.
1. You can send this page on and spread a positive message.
2. Or ignore it and pretend it never touched your heart
The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which -- To burn
Labels: self improvement, success
How to Change Your Thinking Habits
You are What You Think About
You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are! Look at that sentence again. Make sure to pause at the commas.
Employing positive self-talk on a consistent basis can work miracles in your life. To quote Napoleon Hill; “Without doubt, the most common weakness of all human beings is the habit of leaving their minds open to the negative influence of other people.”
Your subconscious mind will faithfully draw into your experience whatever you consistently think about. This has been stated before as the Law of Attraction.
Do not let your doubts, your fears, or your skepticism get in your way, this works without your conscious control.
The truth is that you are already using suggestions on your mind 24 hours a day. If you think thoughts such as “I am not creative,” “I am not happy,” “I am poor,” “I am unhealthy,” or any other negative statement, you are telling your subconscious mind, the universe, to bring these ideas into your reality.
You are doing it constantly. The trick to creating your life is to fill your mind with statements which are aimed at creating the life you desire. The easiest and most simple way to begin is with affirmations. Not only do they have the power to instantly transform your life, but they will stimulate your mind to find ways to make these suggestions real for you.
Positive affirmations are constructive directions for your mind. You have the power to use affirmations to set the course of your life. Use this power!
First find a small piece of cardboard. Use the boxtop from your cereal box. It should be trimmed to fit in your pocket so that it is even with the top. Now, let’s write a few positive statements on it. What is one of your negative statements? Do you tell yourself you are not happy or you will never be happy? Then write on this positive board an affirmation that is the opposite. For example; “I am happy with my life all the time.” You can put more than one positive affirmation on it. Print small enough and you could really put a lot of them on your board.
You then want to put this piece of board in your pocket. Place it in the same pocket you place your change in. If you don’t have pockets, or you use a purse, Place it where you will find it every time you look for money, keys, ID, etc. For those that wear an ID pouch place it on the other side of the ID so you see it every time you hold it up.
Just follow these simple rules:
Whenever you reach to get some change and feel the cardboard, pull it out and read the positive statement.
When you catch your self having a negative thought, pull out the board and read your affirmations.
When you hear someone else having a negative thought, pull out your board and read it.
It is vitally important to have a positive, simple habit such as this with which to focus your mind. Do this for a whole week and you will start to see good changes in your life. Do this for a whole month and you will see major changes in your life. Do this for the rest of your life and there is no limit to what you will be able to do.
So start now, go rip off the boxtop and get started, right now, do it before you leave the house today. Do not even think of going anywhere without this positive affirmation board. It would be better to be a minute late than to not have this board on you. Yes it is that important!
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
All About Manifesting
You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are! Look at that sentence again. Make sure to pause at the commas.
Employing positive self-talk on a consistent basis can work miracles in your life. To quote Napoleon Hill; “Without doubt, the most common weakness of all human beings is the habit of leaving their minds open to the negative influence of other people.”
Your subconscious mind will faithfully draw into your experience whatever you consistently think about. This has been stated before as the Law of Attraction.
Do not let your doubts, your fears, or your skepticism get in your way, this works without your conscious control.
The truth is that you are already using suggestions on your mind 24 hours a day. If you think thoughts such as “I am not creative,” “I am not happy,” “I am poor,” “I am unhealthy,” or any other negative statement, you are telling your subconscious mind, the universe, to bring these ideas into your reality.
You are doing it constantly. The trick to creating your life is to fill your mind with statements which are aimed at creating the life you desire. The easiest and most simple way to begin is with affirmations. Not only do they have the power to instantly transform your life, but they will stimulate your mind to find ways to make these suggestions real for you.
Positive affirmations are constructive directions for your mind. You have the power to use affirmations to set the course of your life. Use this power!
First find a small piece of cardboard. Use the boxtop from your cereal box. It should be trimmed to fit in your pocket so that it is even with the top. Now, let’s write a few positive statements on it. What is one of your negative statements? Do you tell yourself you are not happy or you will never be happy? Then write on this positive board an affirmation that is the opposite. For example; “I am happy with my life all the time.” You can put more than one positive affirmation on it. Print small enough and you could really put a lot of them on your board.
You then want to put this piece of board in your pocket. Place it in the same pocket you place your change in. If you don’t have pockets, or you use a purse, Place it where you will find it every time you look for money, keys, ID, etc. For those that wear an ID pouch place it on the other side of the ID so you see it every time you hold it up.
Just follow these simple rules:
Whenever you reach to get some change and feel the cardboard, pull it out and read the positive statement.
When you catch your self having a negative thought, pull out the board and read your affirmations.
When you hear someone else having a negative thought, pull out your board and read it.
It is vitally important to have a positive, simple habit such as this with which to focus your mind. Do this for a whole week and you will start to see good changes in your life. Do this for a whole month and you will see major changes in your life. Do this for the rest of your life and there is no limit to what you will be able to do.
So start now, go rip off the boxtop and get started, right now, do it before you leave the house today. Do not even think of going anywhere without this positive affirmation board. It would be better to be a minute late than to not have this board on you. Yes it is that important!
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
All About Manifesting
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
What is the Value of Human Life?
What Makes a Person Valuable?
The constitution Of America states that all men are created equal. This means that all people are born equal, and this is true. All men and women when they are born are equal. We are all worth the same at birth. The thing that a lot of us do not understand is you do not remain equal. Your value changes as you develop.
Some states have laws that protect children by not allowing them to work until they are age 13 (an average, each state is a little different) and from being prosecuted for crimes as an adult (again each state is different) depending on the crime. This allows every person a fair chance at becoming a valuable citizen. At age 18 a person is legally old enough to sign a contract, get married, have a full time job, and to vote. Then again insurance companies and the government will allow you to continue to claim them as a dependant until they are 21 as long as they are a full time student. So what this means is that somewhere between age 13 and 21 a person begins to develop some value, this is where we all become un-equal. Well, let us examine this a bit, shall we?
This is a hard concept to get your head around, so let us try to reason together. Somewhere, somehow, people become non equal. So what is it that makes a person more valuable than another? What makes a person better than another? The short answer is contribution. To contribute to the betterment of your own well being, and those around you. For you to produce value, by contributing to the production of goods and services; to add value to something, by your labor and skill. By using your time and abilities to create or add to things of value. This is what makes a person valuable, is by being a value producer.
So how can we measure our value? The most common method today is by money. Not how much you currently have but by your lifestyle. Do you have a home, a car, furniture, toys? These things were purchased with money. These things reflect your worth. You had to produce value to earn these things. Most were not given to you, you had to earn them. The important thing is that they are yours. You worked to earn the money to purchase these things. Other people worked to manufacture these things, and even others worked to transport and market these things. Each person in turn creating value, making a contribution, and receiving payment for their efforts. The more contribution you make the more your value. Some contributions are worth more than others too. Contributing as a doctor pays more than contributing as a greeter, but both are valuable as they contribute.
So then what is the measure of success? The answer is happiness. When you are a value producer you have an identity, you are someone. People know you as the mail lady, the bicycle repairman, the bug person, the firefighter, and so on. As a value producer you are known by other people by what you do. What you do brings prosperity in to your life. You get and have things, like stoves, refrigerators, clothes, furniture, your entertainment stuff like radio and television and games. People respect you for being a person of value. When you are producing and adding value to the world you gain an inner sense of fulfillment and this in turn makes you happy.
When you first start out in this game of life you have nothing. You are totally dependant on your parents to support and take care of you. As you grow you learn skills like walking and talking. At a certain age you begin to be responsible for your own self. When you were younger you were known a bit by your parent’s identity, people would say you were the son or daughter of so and so. If your parents were value producers then that was good for you.
What hurts is to see a youth throw it all away. I know this is a little off topic, but I had to add it in here. A lesson not earned is a lesson not learned. To give the 16 year old a new car is not a gift, it is a sentence. Most of them will abuse the car, wreck it or get into trouble with it. They will not appreciate the effort you put forth to earn the money to buy the car, they just waste it. Remember; a lesson not earned is a lesson not learned.
Ok back on the subject. Your identity in a large part depends on what you do. What do you produce? If you produce value, contribute to the betterment of your self and all those around you then you will be liked and appreciated. If you do not then you will be looked down on, considered less than others.
It would be far too easy to just list what things people do to be worth less than others. What you need to understand is what to do to be worth something. To be worth something you must contribute, you must produce value, you must be somebody.
You can be and do anything you desire, the key here is you have to do it. This is often seen as work. Work requires effort, effort requires motivation, and motivation requires a dream.
Follow your dream, become a person of value, and live a happy life.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
All About Manifesting
The constitution Of America states that all men are created equal. This means that all people are born equal, and this is true. All men and women when they are born are equal. We are all worth the same at birth. The thing that a lot of us do not understand is you do not remain equal. Your value changes as you develop.
Some states have laws that protect children by not allowing them to work until they are age 13 (an average, each state is a little different) and from being prosecuted for crimes as an adult (again each state is different) depending on the crime. This allows every person a fair chance at becoming a valuable citizen. At age 18 a person is legally old enough to sign a contract, get married, have a full time job, and to vote. Then again insurance companies and the government will allow you to continue to claim them as a dependant until they are 21 as long as they are a full time student. So what this means is that somewhere between age 13 and 21 a person begins to develop some value, this is where we all become un-equal. Well, let us examine this a bit, shall we?
This is a hard concept to get your head around, so let us try to reason together. Somewhere, somehow, people become non equal. So what is it that makes a person more valuable than another? What makes a person better than another? The short answer is contribution. To contribute to the betterment of your own well being, and those around you. For you to produce value, by contributing to the production of goods and services; to add value to something, by your labor and skill. By using your time and abilities to create or add to things of value. This is what makes a person valuable, is by being a value producer.
So how can we measure our value? The most common method today is by money. Not how much you currently have but by your lifestyle. Do you have a home, a car, furniture, toys? These things were purchased with money. These things reflect your worth. You had to produce value to earn these things. Most were not given to you, you had to earn them. The important thing is that they are yours. You worked to earn the money to purchase these things. Other people worked to manufacture these things, and even others worked to transport and market these things. Each person in turn creating value, making a contribution, and receiving payment for their efforts. The more contribution you make the more your value. Some contributions are worth more than others too. Contributing as a doctor pays more than contributing as a greeter, but both are valuable as they contribute.
So then what is the measure of success? The answer is happiness. When you are a value producer you have an identity, you are someone. People know you as the mail lady, the bicycle repairman, the bug person, the firefighter, and so on. As a value producer you are known by other people by what you do. What you do brings prosperity in to your life. You get and have things, like stoves, refrigerators, clothes, furniture, your entertainment stuff like radio and television and games. People respect you for being a person of value. When you are producing and adding value to the world you gain an inner sense of fulfillment and this in turn makes you happy.
When you first start out in this game of life you have nothing. You are totally dependant on your parents to support and take care of you. As you grow you learn skills like walking and talking. At a certain age you begin to be responsible for your own self. When you were younger you were known a bit by your parent’s identity, people would say you were the son or daughter of so and so. If your parents were value producers then that was good for you.
What hurts is to see a youth throw it all away. I know this is a little off topic, but I had to add it in here. A lesson not earned is a lesson not learned. To give the 16 year old a new car is not a gift, it is a sentence. Most of them will abuse the car, wreck it or get into trouble with it. They will not appreciate the effort you put forth to earn the money to buy the car, they just waste it. Remember; a lesson not earned is a lesson not learned.
Ok back on the subject. Your identity in a large part depends on what you do. What do you produce? If you produce value, contribute to the betterment of your self and all those around you then you will be liked and appreciated. If you do not then you will be looked down on, considered less than others.
It would be far too easy to just list what things people do to be worth less than others. What you need to understand is what to do to be worth something. To be worth something you must contribute, you must produce value, you must be somebody.
You can be and do anything you desire, the key here is you have to do it. This is often seen as work. Work requires effort, effort requires motivation, and motivation requires a dream.
Follow your dream, become a person of value, and live a happy life.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
All About Manifesting
Monday, May 14, 2007
A Better Life through Inner Strength
You have taken it upon yourself to grow as a human being. Inevitably you will face resistance, or the appearance of resistance, in the form of negative people and negative self-talk from your mind. The time must come when you will satisfy yourself by steadfastly depending on the inner self, and not on anything in the outer world.
There is an example of nature that we can use. It is the basket of crabs; when a crab tries to escape from the basket, one of the other crabs will reach up and pull it back down. People do the same thing. As you try to change your situation, other people will pull you back down. I am sure you have experienced it first hand. If you have never experienced this, try this as an experiment. Tell your friends and relatives that you are thinking of starting your own store, and observe carefully their reactions. Some will be supportive, most will be negative and tell you that you will fail, or that nobody can do that, you’re not the type, and so on.
Now can you imagine what kind of reaction you will receive when you try to tell them about your new path in life? Imagine if you will; a whole church full of hard core christians, and you are standing at the pulpit, you are going to make the announcement that you are a witch. What kind of reaction will they have? Are you brave enough to risk instant burning at the stake? I know in real life nobody would do that, I am just getting the point across that the rest of the world does not need to be invited into your personal life.
Avoid negative people and situations. Do not allow anyone the opportunity to douse their negative energy on you as you try to evolve. It is not necessary to explain to anybody where your new mental attitude is coming from, unless they are completely supportive and genuinely interested.
Protect yourself from negativity! Do not argue or defend your new ideas to anyone! Ignore those people, and get away from anybody who cannot understand the psychological principles you are learning. This is the easy part. The hard part is actually you. You must also banish the negative self-talk that incessantly occurs in your mind. Replace all negativity, criticism and self-doubt with an honest belief in your ability to change anything in your life.
You do not have to pretend that you do not have problems, or that things do not always go smoothly, but you must realize that you have the ability to solve any of your problems, and the potential to attain all of your goals. This is not blind hope, but literal fact.
The easiest way to banish negativity from your life is to have an optimistic view towards the future. Perhaps your past has been filled with negativity and pain, but there is no reason to drag this pain with you as you grow older.
You have the power to make your life a positive expression of your spirit. Realize that you have the power to change anything in your life with which you are unsatisfied. This knowledge will give you the strength to go beyond the negativity we are all surrounded by. Also, with optimism, it is much easier to turn your problems into opportunities for growth.
Optimism for the future is the easiest shortcut to banish negativity. Today, create for yourself a simple, short statement that you can repeat to yourself whenever you feel doubt, or fear, or anger. A good example is “I am healthy, wealthy, and wise,” or “Everyday, in every way, I am getting better and better,” or simply “Everything is going my way.” Find a statement that you are comfortable with and apply it throughout your day.
Then write it down, put it in your pocket or coin purse. That way every time you reach for some change you feel the paper, and remember to be positive.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
There is an example of nature that we can use. It is the basket of crabs; when a crab tries to escape from the basket, one of the other crabs will reach up and pull it back down. People do the same thing. As you try to change your situation, other people will pull you back down. I am sure you have experienced it first hand. If you have never experienced this, try this as an experiment. Tell your friends and relatives that you are thinking of starting your own store, and observe carefully their reactions. Some will be supportive, most will be negative and tell you that you will fail, or that nobody can do that, you’re not the type, and so on.
Now can you imagine what kind of reaction you will receive when you try to tell them about your new path in life? Imagine if you will; a whole church full of hard core christians, and you are standing at the pulpit, you are going to make the announcement that you are a witch. What kind of reaction will they have? Are you brave enough to risk instant burning at the stake? I know in real life nobody would do that, I am just getting the point across that the rest of the world does not need to be invited into your personal life.
Avoid negative people and situations. Do not allow anyone the opportunity to douse their negative energy on you as you try to evolve. It is not necessary to explain to anybody where your new mental attitude is coming from, unless they are completely supportive and genuinely interested.
Protect yourself from negativity! Do not argue or defend your new ideas to anyone! Ignore those people, and get away from anybody who cannot understand the psychological principles you are learning. This is the easy part. The hard part is actually you. You must also banish the negative self-talk that incessantly occurs in your mind. Replace all negativity, criticism and self-doubt with an honest belief in your ability to change anything in your life.
You do not have to pretend that you do not have problems, or that things do not always go smoothly, but you must realize that you have the ability to solve any of your problems, and the potential to attain all of your goals. This is not blind hope, but literal fact.
The easiest way to banish negativity from your life is to have an optimistic view towards the future. Perhaps your past has been filled with negativity and pain, but there is no reason to drag this pain with you as you grow older.
You have the power to make your life a positive expression of your spirit. Realize that you have the power to change anything in your life with which you are unsatisfied. This knowledge will give you the strength to go beyond the negativity we are all surrounded by. Also, with optimism, it is much easier to turn your problems into opportunities for growth.
Optimism for the future is the easiest shortcut to banish negativity. Today, create for yourself a simple, short statement that you can repeat to yourself whenever you feel doubt, or fear, or anger. A good example is “I am healthy, wealthy, and wise,” or “Everyday, in every way, I am getting better and better,” or simply “Everything is going my way.” Find a statement that you are comfortable with and apply it throughout your day.
Then write it down, put it in your pocket or coin purse. That way every time you reach for some change you feel the paper, and remember to be positive.
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
Labels: dreams, Manifesting, self improvement, success
Friday, May 11, 2007
How to be a Lucky Person
Have you ever noticed that some people are just more “lucky” than others? You probably noticed that these “lucky” people have good self esteem. Have you wondered why things just seem to work out better for those people? Those “lucky” people easily manifest a good reality for themselves as they can and do, maintain a positive energy. Here are some tips you may need to consider as a starter guide.
Let us examine man’s best friend; the dog. Dogs have great self esteem. They don’t care about what might happen they only concern themselves with what is happening. They play, eat, and sleep. To most of us that looks like a good life. Dogs seem to show love easily and without reservation. They are driven by only pleasure and pain. I am not saying we should be like dogs (well maybe). No, we should however take from them a few examples and this will help us to develop good self esteem.
Everything and everyone else around you at one point or another will try to influence you to do something. These things are actions that you may not have taken had you not been influenced. Some things are just plain good for you and most of them also deliver pleasure. Some things bring pain and discomfort, and we should avoid or mitigate these things. Learning this makes you a more lucky person right now.
Things that we should concentrate on that will in the long run be to our benefit are self love, love for others and having a code of conduct.
The first thing that many people do not have is self love. We do not love ourselves. There are many reasons given, like too skinny, too fat, too short, too tall, too this, too that, and so on. Stop focusing on what you don’t like about yourself. Remember with the law of attraction and manifesting you get what you concentrate on the most. If you spend one minute thinking of a better life and five minutes thinking you are too fat, guess what? The universe will answer your request to be too fat. So maintain control of your thoughts.
Look for something that you like about yourself instead. Find something outside yourself that you like to do. Are you a great cook, or a fine artist? Do you have the best looking yard in the neighborhood? By focusing on something you like to do or are good at you ignore the part you currently do not like. By focusing on what is good you learn to appreciate yourself, and this develops good self esteem.
Now look for something you like inside yourself. Do you value your own life? This is a hard question, one that you must answer to keep yourself from mental illness or suicide. There is there a reason to allow you to continue to exist! For most people it is serving others. You have children that need taking care of, parents, spouses, or siblings. Some of us have even gone so far as to take care of other people who are not family. This is love for others: Without this you will see your life as being empty.
Last but not least is a code of conduct. We each need our own personal code of conduct. Start with a few key words. Honor, respect, devotion, love, caring, and so on. Find something that fits you, In the future you can add to your code of conduct to reflect what a better person you have become.
Create an acronym with the key words. For example; HARD. (Honor, Admiration, Respect, Duty) Now create a short sentence about each word;
I will act with Honor at all times
I will give Admiration to all things and people
I will Respect others and their values
I will perform my Duties to the best of my ability
This will give you a method to measure yourself against no matter what the situation. You have to be true to yourself, but you also must know what to be true to. By having your own code of conduct you will enable yourself to grow mentally as well as spiritually. You will have self esteem because you have the three keys. Self love, love of others and a code of conduct. These keys will govern our attitude, our behavior and our way of thinking.
Once you have self esteem you will find that life becomes better. The things you desire come to you easily. People start calling you “lucky”. You will attract into your life all the good things you have desired for so long.
Changing yourself: Change is the only constant you can count on. Everything is changing all the time. Changes challenge our paradigms. It tests our flexibility, adaptability and alters the way we think. Changes may even make life difficult for awhile, it may cause stress but it will help us find ways to improve our selves.
Imbalance in your life causes you to grow. The perfectly balanced creature is doing nothing, no movement, no motion, and no growth. A bit of imbalance gets added to your life and then growth is caused. There has to be motion, movement, and action while seeking balance again. Rejoice in challenges and imbalance, for through them you are growing.
Building self esteem is a choice, not a rule or a talent. God is not going to come down from heaven and tell you – “You now have the permission to build self esteem.” You must do it yourself or it just aint gonna happen!
Change will be there forever, we must learn to accept it. By loving others we learn that change is good and we rejoice in seeing the changes. When kids grow up, or sick people get better, or when someone learns a new skill. Rejoice with them and share their happiness.
Treat each failure and mistake as a lesson. Learn from other people’s experience, so you don’t make the same mistakes. Look at what you’re looking at. Don’t wrap yourself up with all the negativities of the world; you must learn how to make the best out of the worst situations. Learn from your mistakes and become better at what you do. Remember that what you think about the most is what you will get.
Building self esteem will eventually lead to self improvement if we start to become responsible for who we are, what we have and what we do. It’s like a flame that grows from the inside out. When we develop self esteem, we take control of our very lives.
Be positive in your attitude. Be contented and happy with what you have at the moment. Be appreciative; never miss an opportunity to compliment someone. A positive way of living will build your self esteem.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
Let us examine man’s best friend; the dog. Dogs have great self esteem. They don’t care about what might happen they only concern themselves with what is happening. They play, eat, and sleep. To most of us that looks like a good life. Dogs seem to show love easily and without reservation. They are driven by only pleasure and pain. I am not saying we should be like dogs (well maybe). No, we should however take from them a few examples and this will help us to develop good self esteem.
Everything and everyone else around you at one point or another will try to influence you to do something. These things are actions that you may not have taken had you not been influenced. Some things are just plain good for you and most of them also deliver pleasure. Some things bring pain and discomfort, and we should avoid or mitigate these things. Learning this makes you a more lucky person right now.
Things that we should concentrate on that will in the long run be to our benefit are self love, love for others and having a code of conduct.
The first thing that many people do not have is self love. We do not love ourselves. There are many reasons given, like too skinny, too fat, too short, too tall, too this, too that, and so on. Stop focusing on what you don’t like about yourself. Remember with the law of attraction and manifesting you get what you concentrate on the most. If you spend one minute thinking of a better life and five minutes thinking you are too fat, guess what? The universe will answer your request to be too fat. So maintain control of your thoughts.
Look for something that you like about yourself instead. Find something outside yourself that you like to do. Are you a great cook, or a fine artist? Do you have the best looking yard in the neighborhood? By focusing on something you like to do or are good at you ignore the part you currently do not like. By focusing on what is good you learn to appreciate yourself, and this develops good self esteem.
Now look for something you like inside yourself. Do you value your own life? This is a hard question, one that you must answer to keep yourself from mental illness or suicide. There is there a reason to allow you to continue to exist! For most people it is serving others. You have children that need taking care of, parents, spouses, or siblings. Some of us have even gone so far as to take care of other people who are not family. This is love for others: Without this you will see your life as being empty.
Last but not least is a code of conduct. We each need our own personal code of conduct. Start with a few key words. Honor, respect, devotion, love, caring, and so on. Find something that fits you, In the future you can add to your code of conduct to reflect what a better person you have become.
Create an acronym with the key words. For example; HARD. (Honor, Admiration, Respect, Duty) Now create a short sentence about each word;
I will act with Honor at all times
I will give Admiration to all things and people
I will Respect others and their values
I will perform my Duties to the best of my ability
This will give you a method to measure yourself against no matter what the situation. You have to be true to yourself, but you also must know what to be true to. By having your own code of conduct you will enable yourself to grow mentally as well as spiritually. You will have self esteem because you have the three keys. Self love, love of others and a code of conduct. These keys will govern our attitude, our behavior and our way of thinking.
Once you have self esteem you will find that life becomes better. The things you desire come to you easily. People start calling you “lucky”. You will attract into your life all the good things you have desired for so long.
Changing yourself: Change is the only constant you can count on. Everything is changing all the time. Changes challenge our paradigms. It tests our flexibility, adaptability and alters the way we think. Changes may even make life difficult for awhile, it may cause stress but it will help us find ways to improve our selves.
Imbalance in your life causes you to grow. The perfectly balanced creature is doing nothing, no movement, no motion, and no growth. A bit of imbalance gets added to your life and then growth is caused. There has to be motion, movement, and action while seeking balance again. Rejoice in challenges and imbalance, for through them you are growing.
Building self esteem is a choice, not a rule or a talent. God is not going to come down from heaven and tell you – “You now have the permission to build self esteem.” You must do it yourself or it just aint gonna happen!
Change will be there forever, we must learn to accept it. By loving others we learn that change is good and we rejoice in seeing the changes. When kids grow up, or sick people get better, or when someone learns a new skill. Rejoice with them and share their happiness.
Treat each failure and mistake as a lesson. Learn from other people’s experience, so you don’t make the same mistakes. Look at what you’re looking at. Don’t wrap yourself up with all the negativities of the world; you must learn how to make the best out of the worst situations. Learn from your mistakes and become better at what you do. Remember that what you think about the most is what you will get.
Building self esteem will eventually lead to self improvement if we start to become responsible for who we are, what we have and what we do. It’s like a flame that grows from the inside out. When we develop self esteem, we take control of our very lives.
Be positive in your attitude. Be contented and happy with what you have at the moment. Be appreciative; never miss an opportunity to compliment someone. A positive way of living will build your self esteem.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Mathematical value of Bullshit
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint it goes like this:
What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that, while Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass kissing that will put you over the top.
What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that, while Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass kissing that will put you over the top.
The Power of Clearly Defined Goals
Have you been seeking a secret of life? Well here is one of the biggest secrets of all time. If you know what you want, and write it down, you will get it!
This is one of the most important secrets of life and physical reality. Have you ever wished that you could rub a lantern, release a genie and have all your dreams come true? Guess what; You have that genie and it lives inside your brain, waiting to be awakened by the forceful commitment to your goals.
This may seem like a conundrum, but you need to know this: your subconscious mind is the servant of your conscious thoughts. Yet your subconscious mind controls your life. In other words what you tell your subconscious to do, it will work on it until you get it. It does this by emiting vibrations called thought waves, and the universal law of attraction does the rest. You have drawn to yourself all of the events and conditions of your life according to your beliefs and decisions.
The law of attraction works, for it has been proven time and time again: whatever you honestly believe about the world, your subconscious mind will draw to you in your reality. As simplistic as this sounds, it is true. Believe that you are poor, and you will experience lack; believe that you are blessed with prosperity, and abundance will magically flow to you.
Skeptical? You should be. But before you dismiss these truths, give it a shot, for you will be honestly shocked by the results. There are simple, definite steps to follow in order to convince your mind to manifest your desires.
1. Decide precisely what you want.
The more specific you are, the easier it is for your subconscious mind to serve up what you desire. Of course, you will always leave the details open to change, but this exercise convinces your subconscious that you are at least serious about your desires. However you must be careful about what you desire, as you will get it! Sometimes it may not be all that you wanted, or in the form you sought.
2. Write down your goal.
The act of writing down your goal serves to clarify exactly what you want. It has been proven time and time again that people with written goals are far more successful in reaching them than people who do not. Write down, specifically, one simple goal for your life that you have so far not been able to accomplish. Repeat this goal to yourself each day and honestly believe that it is true. Pretend that it is true, expect that it is true, and act as if it were true.
3. Repeat this goal to yourself several times throughout the day.
Create a short statement of your goal which you can imprint onto your mind whenever you get the chance. Simply begin with the phrase “I am now attracting...” and add your goal to the end. Or try “I am blessed with...” and add whatever you desire. You don’t even have to believe this will work. Simply repeat it to yourself whenever you have a spare moment and wait for the magic to begin.
4. Post your list of written goals in plain sight, somewhere that the writing will be seen by you many times every day. The fridge works good as well as the bathroom mirror.
The last step also takes a bit of getting used to, accepting. When the moment presents itself for you to get what you are desiring, ACCEPT it. This is the final part that a lot of people fail at. The thing of your desire is delivered to you, it is there right in front of you. All you have to do is accept that it is yours. So what is the problem? Go ahead accept it, it’s yours.
Be Blessed
All About Manifesting
This is one of the most important secrets of life and physical reality. Have you ever wished that you could rub a lantern, release a genie and have all your dreams come true? Guess what; You have that genie and it lives inside your brain, waiting to be awakened by the forceful commitment to your goals.
This may seem like a conundrum, but you need to know this: your subconscious mind is the servant of your conscious thoughts. Yet your subconscious mind controls your life. In other words what you tell your subconscious to do, it will work on it until you get it. It does this by emiting vibrations called thought waves, and the universal law of attraction does the rest. You have drawn to yourself all of the events and conditions of your life according to your beliefs and decisions.
The law of attraction works, for it has been proven time and time again: whatever you honestly believe about the world, your subconscious mind will draw to you in your reality. As simplistic as this sounds, it is true. Believe that you are poor, and you will experience lack; believe that you are blessed with prosperity, and abundance will magically flow to you.
Skeptical? You should be. But before you dismiss these truths, give it a shot, for you will be honestly shocked by the results. There are simple, definite steps to follow in order to convince your mind to manifest your desires.
1. Decide precisely what you want.
The more specific you are, the easier it is for your subconscious mind to serve up what you desire. Of course, you will always leave the details open to change, but this exercise convinces your subconscious that you are at least serious about your desires. However you must be careful about what you desire, as you will get it! Sometimes it may not be all that you wanted, or in the form you sought.
2. Write down your goal.
The act of writing down your goal serves to clarify exactly what you want. It has been proven time and time again that people with written goals are far more successful in reaching them than people who do not. Write down, specifically, one simple goal for your life that you have so far not been able to accomplish. Repeat this goal to yourself each day and honestly believe that it is true. Pretend that it is true, expect that it is true, and act as if it were true.
3. Repeat this goal to yourself several times throughout the day.
Create a short statement of your goal which you can imprint onto your mind whenever you get the chance. Simply begin with the phrase “I am now attracting...” and add your goal to the end. Or try “I am blessed with...” and add whatever you desire. You don’t even have to believe this will work. Simply repeat it to yourself whenever you have a spare moment and wait for the magic to begin.
4. Post your list of written goals in plain sight, somewhere that the writing will be seen by you many times every day. The fridge works good as well as the bathroom mirror.
The last step also takes a bit of getting used to, accepting. When the moment presents itself for you to get what you are desiring, ACCEPT it. This is the final part that a lot of people fail at. The thing of your desire is delivered to you, it is there right in front of you. All you have to do is accept that it is yours. So what is the problem? Go ahead accept it, it’s yours.
Be Blessed
All About Manifesting
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Be Loyal and Honest to Yourself
Honesty takes effort; it is a continual conscious choice that you must exercise every second of the day. Honesty is not an automatic behavior in most people. Honesty is the most important trait a person can display, but is the most unused part of your inner self. So why is honesty such an important thing to practice?
Honesty is the key to a successful life. What is greatly misunderstood about honesty is how it is used to solve problems. Every one knows that dishonesty can result in serious consequences. Lying, cheating, stealing, and unreliability are just some of the behaviors of people who are not aware of the effort required to maintain honesty. These people use out of context scenarios to easily escape from the current reality of the situation. They avoid their current problem by the seemingly easiest method they can. They do not desire to solve their problems; usually all they want is to escape from any difficulty with the least amount of effort. Self deception and laziness relegate honesty to a low priority, making honesty an arbitrary behavior, especially where emotions and feelings come in to play.
Honesty is a tool for solving problems, for achieving prosperity, happiness, and self realization. The question is now one of degrees; to whom should I be honest? Let us examine a few definitions of honesty. The dictionary defines honesty as the quality, condition, or characteristic of being fair, just, truthful, sincere, and morally upright. Wow, that is a lot of stuff for one character trait. I was telling you that honesty takes work, and now you see it for yourself.
Being honest applies to living things. You can not be dishonest with non living things. For example the door to your house; can you lie to it and trick it into opening the wrong way? Maybe you could tease it and make it close its self. Then try to make it open by using false promises of reward. Of course not, it behaves the same way all the time as it is an inanimate object that has a single purpose that it fulfills well.
The number one top person that you must be honest with is you. You must be honest with and to yourself. Above all be uncompromising with you. Stop lying to yourself. Any bad behavior, any flawed character trait, and low self esteem problem (too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall etc. etc. etc.) is the direct result of not being honest with yourself. You must at all times and in all places be honest with yourself. You have the freedom and the right to your own life. You have the responsibility for your own life. It is you who is living inside your skin. So if you have not been honest with yourself, start now and never stop.
Like money in the bank, a newly added value will accumulate interest. With time you can grow so strong that no outside force will be able to effect you. Self built continually added strength is your only real security, and foundation of happiness. By being honest with yourself you are free from external and independent sources of influence. With this strength of character you will be able to be prosperous and happy.
Be loyal to your self, you are who you are because you have chosen to be that way. Other people can not change you unless you want to change. Conversely you can not change other people unless they first desire to change. You are what you are, to pretend to be anything else is to present an illusion that requires you to be dishonest. If you fear that you will be found out, or exposed, then you have been living your life dishonestly. Acceptance by other people is not a requirement for a successful life. You, and only you, must choose your actions. To do any less is a distortion of human nature and contrary to your own happiness.
So be yourself, be true to who you are. Can you pick yourself out of a group picture? Do you know what you really look like? Start with looking at yourself in a mirror, see what you look like. Do not make a judgment about yourself, just see what you are. Knowing what you are will make the ability to change easier. See yourself fully; do not hold back from your own self what you are. Look at every detail, again not judging yourself, observe and see what is there. Avoid the temptation to say this is too big, or that too ugly, and so on. Just see what is! From here you can choose to maintain, or change what you are.
Once you discover what you are, you now need to learn who you are. This takes some introspection. Start with what you do. Write down things like what you do for a living, what you do for a hobby, and so on. Then write down what you like. Do you like a nice lawn, or a garden? What is your favorite color, scent, song, clothes, food, and so on? Then write down achievements. Do you have a trophy, or a certificate of achievement? What did you do to earn them? Do you know how to ride a bike, drive a car, and fly a plane? What else can you do? Now write down your skills. Can you weld, or cook, or navigate? As you write these things down if you remember something from a different category then by all means write it down. This will keep you busy for a while, but we are not done yet. Now the hard one; write down your values. Review your list of all the above and convert them to values. What do you believe? Present yourself to your self. This is who you are, accept yourself. If you find erroneous or destructive traits you should make note of them with the intent to correct them. Be willing to accept that you have not been your best and then seek corrective action.
For example, do you criticize people for their perceived shortcomings or faults? Do you criticize yourself for the same things? Whether you criticize to them or behind their backs, or to other people about other people, is an undesirable personal trait. Choose instead to remain silent about them, unless asked by them. If a person asks your opinion, freely give it as long as it will not cause harm. Do not be cruel, just honest. If a person does not ask for your opinion then simply remain silent. If you find yourself criticizing others, stop. Backbiting and gossiping is destructive behavior, so be honest with your self and choose to not do it.
You have the guiltless freedom to live your life. All people have the same right and responsibility to live their own life. You can make an error and are free to correct it. You are free to grow in the direction that you feel is right for you. You start by learning about what and who you are. Once you know that you are ready to develop yourself to greater and better things. The one thing that will cause you to grow is unswerving honesty.
Be honest with your self, be loyal to your self, and love your self.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
Honesty is the key to a successful life. What is greatly misunderstood about honesty is how it is used to solve problems. Every one knows that dishonesty can result in serious consequences. Lying, cheating, stealing, and unreliability are just some of the behaviors of people who are not aware of the effort required to maintain honesty. These people use out of context scenarios to easily escape from the current reality of the situation. They avoid their current problem by the seemingly easiest method they can. They do not desire to solve their problems; usually all they want is to escape from any difficulty with the least amount of effort. Self deception and laziness relegate honesty to a low priority, making honesty an arbitrary behavior, especially where emotions and feelings come in to play.
Honesty is a tool for solving problems, for achieving prosperity, happiness, and self realization. The question is now one of degrees; to whom should I be honest? Let us examine a few definitions of honesty. The dictionary defines honesty as the quality, condition, or characteristic of being fair, just, truthful, sincere, and morally upright. Wow, that is a lot of stuff for one character trait. I was telling you that honesty takes work, and now you see it for yourself.
Being honest applies to living things. You can not be dishonest with non living things. For example the door to your house; can you lie to it and trick it into opening the wrong way? Maybe you could tease it and make it close its self. Then try to make it open by using false promises of reward. Of course not, it behaves the same way all the time as it is an inanimate object that has a single purpose that it fulfills well.
The number one top person that you must be honest with is you. You must be honest with and to yourself. Above all be uncompromising with you. Stop lying to yourself. Any bad behavior, any flawed character trait, and low self esteem problem (too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall etc. etc. etc.) is the direct result of not being honest with yourself. You must at all times and in all places be honest with yourself. You have the freedom and the right to your own life. You have the responsibility for your own life. It is you who is living inside your skin. So if you have not been honest with yourself, start now and never stop.
Like money in the bank, a newly added value will accumulate interest. With time you can grow so strong that no outside force will be able to effect you. Self built continually added strength is your only real security, and foundation of happiness. By being honest with yourself you are free from external and independent sources of influence. With this strength of character you will be able to be prosperous and happy.
Be loyal to your self, you are who you are because you have chosen to be that way. Other people can not change you unless you want to change. Conversely you can not change other people unless they first desire to change. You are what you are, to pretend to be anything else is to present an illusion that requires you to be dishonest. If you fear that you will be found out, or exposed, then you have been living your life dishonestly. Acceptance by other people is not a requirement for a successful life. You, and only you, must choose your actions. To do any less is a distortion of human nature and contrary to your own happiness.
So be yourself, be true to who you are. Can you pick yourself out of a group picture? Do you know what you really look like? Start with looking at yourself in a mirror, see what you look like. Do not make a judgment about yourself, just see what you are. Knowing what you are will make the ability to change easier. See yourself fully; do not hold back from your own self what you are. Look at every detail, again not judging yourself, observe and see what is there. Avoid the temptation to say this is too big, or that too ugly, and so on. Just see what is! From here you can choose to maintain, or change what you are.
Once you discover what you are, you now need to learn who you are. This takes some introspection. Start with what you do. Write down things like what you do for a living, what you do for a hobby, and so on. Then write down what you like. Do you like a nice lawn, or a garden? What is your favorite color, scent, song, clothes, food, and so on? Then write down achievements. Do you have a trophy, or a certificate of achievement? What did you do to earn them? Do you know how to ride a bike, drive a car, and fly a plane? What else can you do? Now write down your skills. Can you weld, or cook, or navigate? As you write these things down if you remember something from a different category then by all means write it down. This will keep you busy for a while, but we are not done yet. Now the hard one; write down your values. Review your list of all the above and convert them to values. What do you believe? Present yourself to your self. This is who you are, accept yourself. If you find erroneous or destructive traits you should make note of them with the intent to correct them. Be willing to accept that you have not been your best and then seek corrective action.
For example, do you criticize people for their perceived shortcomings or faults? Do you criticize yourself for the same things? Whether you criticize to them or behind their backs, or to other people about other people, is an undesirable personal trait. Choose instead to remain silent about them, unless asked by them. If a person asks your opinion, freely give it as long as it will not cause harm. Do not be cruel, just honest. If a person does not ask for your opinion then simply remain silent. If you find yourself criticizing others, stop. Backbiting and gossiping is destructive behavior, so be honest with your self and choose to not do it.
You have the guiltless freedom to live your life. All people have the same right and responsibility to live their own life. You can make an error and are free to correct it. You are free to grow in the direction that you feel is right for you. You start by learning about what and who you are. Once you know that you are ready to develop yourself to greater and better things. The one thing that will cause you to grow is unswerving honesty.
Be honest with your self, be loyal to your self, and love your self.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
Monday, May 07, 2007
I have made a post in the Blog
I received some e-mails about my topic “3 Steps to a Better and Happier Life” in case you missed it. Some of the mail concerned that I was not clear on what to do with emotions and feelings. So here is my answer and I hope this helps.
You are free to have all the emotions and feelings you want. You can not, and should not, feel guilty about having them.
Only actions are right or wrong, you as a person are responsible for your actions. Emotions and feelings are not actions. Doing something because of your feeling or emotion is an action. For example yelling because you are angry is an action.
If you have an emotion; if it was a good one like joy, savor the moment, bask in the glow.
If it was a bad one, examine yourself as to why you just had that emotion. Did you get angry because of something silly? Did someone push your button? Did you feel hate for a valid reason, or was it ingrained training from your past?
You control your emotions; do not allow them to control you! Yes we live emotion to emotion, and moment to moment, but we do not have to take actions based on emotions. You should only take actions based on sound reason with an expectation of results. You do not take action blindly and then regret the results.
Now this next part is not to be contradictory so please read carefully. You can take action because of your feelings, but only if it does not cause harm. The important part is doing no harm. Did you see that part about not harming others? For example if you see something pretty so you admire it and touch it. Or you feel love so you give them a hug. These are good actions. Try to maintain a level of composure about yourself. If you are feeling very loving today, instead of hugging every human you meet, a big smile will work just as well.
Now if you are having emotions you should realize that all humans have them. Maybe you are waking up to having them, so catalog them in your mind. Start with feel good and feel bad. Make sub categories if you want for further organization. For example, feels good, warm.
The key you need to know is why you are having that emotion. Let us say that someone called you a pickle, and you feel resentment and anger. Ask yourself why, is there a valid reason that being called a pickle should illicit a response in you? If you retaliate and call them a pickle in return you have just taken an action based on an emotion that may well have not been a valid response.
So if you are being emotional, be slow to action; try to avoid actions until you have reasoned with yourself that this emotion requires an action. As you begin to master yourself you will find that most emotions do not require an action.
You are free to have any emotion you want. Again the key here is that you want to. You do not have to feel a particular emotion. When you have an emotion it is you who makes the decision to dismiss the emotion or take an action.
Remember that thoughts are things, and once you have externalized your thought you have created something. Try to always create good things.
For example you sit down to dinner and the food is good, compliment the cook, and comment about how good it tastes, leave a big tip, etc... If the food is bad, stop eating it and do something else, talk about the latest sports scores, or your favorite movie. Avoid saying negatives, even if your food was expensive fancy restaurant food. Do not allow your dissatisfaction to become anything else, like anger, and do not cause further bad feelings by insulting the cook, or throwing the food at the waiter.
So to sum up, feelings and emotions are yours, and are controlled by you. You experience emotions, but do not have to act on them. You can enjoy your emotions and should never feel guilty about having a feeling or emotion. Act on your emotions only after considering what your actions may cause. Emotions and feelings can be dismissed by thinking of something else.
Life is yours to enjoy. So enjoy it, don’t waste your time with unproductive emotions. Remember the good and dismiss the bad.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
You are free to have all the emotions and feelings you want. You can not, and should not, feel guilty about having them.
Only actions are right or wrong, you as a person are responsible for your actions. Emotions and feelings are not actions. Doing something because of your feeling or emotion is an action. For example yelling because you are angry is an action.
If you have an emotion; if it was a good one like joy, savor the moment, bask in the glow.
If it was a bad one, examine yourself as to why you just had that emotion. Did you get angry because of something silly? Did someone push your button? Did you feel hate for a valid reason, or was it ingrained training from your past?
You control your emotions; do not allow them to control you! Yes we live emotion to emotion, and moment to moment, but we do not have to take actions based on emotions. You should only take actions based on sound reason with an expectation of results. You do not take action blindly and then regret the results.
Now this next part is not to be contradictory so please read carefully. You can take action because of your feelings, but only if it does not cause harm. The important part is doing no harm. Did you see that part about not harming others? For example if you see something pretty so you admire it and touch it. Or you feel love so you give them a hug. These are good actions. Try to maintain a level of composure about yourself. If you are feeling very loving today, instead of hugging every human you meet, a big smile will work just as well.
Now if you are having emotions you should realize that all humans have them. Maybe you are waking up to having them, so catalog them in your mind. Start with feel good and feel bad. Make sub categories if you want for further organization. For example, feels good, warm.
The key you need to know is why you are having that emotion. Let us say that someone called you a pickle, and you feel resentment and anger. Ask yourself why, is there a valid reason that being called a pickle should illicit a response in you? If you retaliate and call them a pickle in return you have just taken an action based on an emotion that may well have not been a valid response.
So if you are being emotional, be slow to action; try to avoid actions until you have reasoned with yourself that this emotion requires an action. As you begin to master yourself you will find that most emotions do not require an action.
You are free to have any emotion you want. Again the key here is that you want to. You do not have to feel a particular emotion. When you have an emotion it is you who makes the decision to dismiss the emotion or take an action.
Remember that thoughts are things, and once you have externalized your thought you have created something. Try to always create good things.
For example you sit down to dinner and the food is good, compliment the cook, and comment about how good it tastes, leave a big tip, etc... If the food is bad, stop eating it and do something else, talk about the latest sports scores, or your favorite movie. Avoid saying negatives, even if your food was expensive fancy restaurant food. Do not allow your dissatisfaction to become anything else, like anger, and do not cause further bad feelings by insulting the cook, or throwing the food at the waiter.
So to sum up, feelings and emotions are yours, and are controlled by you. You experience emotions, but do not have to act on them. You can enjoy your emotions and should never feel guilty about having a feeling or emotion. Act on your emotions only after considering what your actions may cause. Emotions and feelings can be dismissed by thinking of something else.
Life is yours to enjoy. So enjoy it, don’t waste your time with unproductive emotions. Remember the good and dismiss the bad.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
Saturday, May 05, 2007
3 Steps to a Better and Happier Life
All human pleasure and happiness is experienced through and by emotions. It is in the supreme purpose of all humans to achieve happiness their life. Emotions, also known as feelings, are among a person’s most valuable assets. Emotions deliver the ultimate rewards and penalties of a person’s life. Without feelings or emotions you could never be happy; you would never experience joy. The emotion of joy is the most sought after prize on this planet.
People go to great effort and expense to feel joy. Joy is often misconstrued and is the least understood of all the emotions. Once a person has experienced joy they will try again to recreate the feeling any way they can. If that person does not understand their inner self, they will try to achieve joy by external means: They will try drugs, or drink, promiscuity, sadism, masochism, vandalism, thrill crimes, binge eating, purging, or other similar behavior, seeking to once again feel joy.
Human pleasure is experienced by sensory and emotional means. To fully develop into a state of human happiness and experience joy, you must be aware of your emotions and have a guilt-free acceptance of them. You must also be honest with your inner self, and must understand that you are fully responsible for your own well being. A person’s happiness truly does revolve around the axis of whether or not a person is being honest with their own self.
Emotions are a real part of every person. To know your self you must learn your feelings, discover your emotions. Not only to share them, but to prevent them from becoming destructive. Have you ever understood the difference between fear and destructive fear? Fear is a response to a stimulus that allows you to prepare for facing adversity. Destructive fear is unreasonable fear, not based on a threat to self or others, and prevents one from taking action. Not just a response action, but any action at all. Unreasonable fear is destructive to self esteem, and low or damaged self esteem will prevent you from feeling happiness and joy.
Emotions are not controlled by any law. There is no conceivable way to legislate emotions. Emotions do not have action. It is only action that can be right or wrong: Only actions can be judged. An individual is always responsible for their actions. Feeling anger is different from striking out with anger (verbally or physically). You are not forced by your emotions to act. A person only has to take responsibility for their self and choose to either act or not. So it stands to reason that you cannot be found guilty for having an emotion, as long as you do not act...
Some religions try to control the masses by trying to control emotions—when that doesn’t work then religion tries to control people by guilt; to make them feel guilty for having a feeling. To do this, they invented the concept of sin, and with this single concept discovered an effective tool for convincing everyone that they needed religion. Since all humans have a full range of emotions that cannot be controlled by any outside force, you became victimized by religion; convincing you that you were condemned just because of your thoughts, and so were guilty.
You must find those teachings that have been ingrained inside you and UN-learn them. Every human has the right to be happy, to experience joy. There is no sane reason for feeling guilty about an emotion. Sure, you might want to feel guilty for having an angry thought, but as long as you did not act upon your emotion, there is no reason to feel guilty. You can have any emotion you want, and are not guilty of anything. Learn to forgive yourself. Find what is holding you, and let it go.
To experience joy you must take a few conscious steps. Step one; you must be true to yourself. This is your life; there is no one else inside your skin but you. Know who you are, what you want from your life, and above all be honest with yourself. When you are having negative emotions these are you telling you that you are getting away from your values that make you who you are.
Step two; you need to set a standard for yourself. There is a way of guiding your actions called “always do the right thing.” To do that you must faithfully act with fairness and honesty in all matters that you undertake to accomplish.
Finally step three, do not act solely upon what others think or say. Always use your own independent judgment when doing anything you decide to. Yes, you can seek advice and task direction from others as you learn a skill, or for the performance of your job. However, you must endeavor to not live your life by the demands or wishes of others. If your friends and relatives think you should be a doctor, but you want to be a circus clown, who will be happy if you become a doctor? If you are unclear about the answer to that question ask yourself this: What is the supreme purpose of all humans? (Hint: read the first paragraph)
When you are able to think freely, and to act independently and honorably, you will begin to feel happiness. When this happens you are on the right path to joy. Then when you do feel joy, you will know it is yours, and that you can recreate it at will by living up to yourself.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
People go to great effort and expense to feel joy. Joy is often misconstrued and is the least understood of all the emotions. Once a person has experienced joy they will try again to recreate the feeling any way they can. If that person does not understand their inner self, they will try to achieve joy by external means: They will try drugs, or drink, promiscuity, sadism, masochism, vandalism, thrill crimes, binge eating, purging, or other similar behavior, seeking to once again feel joy.
Human pleasure is experienced by sensory and emotional means. To fully develop into a state of human happiness and experience joy, you must be aware of your emotions and have a guilt-free acceptance of them. You must also be honest with your inner self, and must understand that you are fully responsible for your own well being. A person’s happiness truly does revolve around the axis of whether or not a person is being honest with their own self.
Emotions are a real part of every person. To know your self you must learn your feelings, discover your emotions. Not only to share them, but to prevent them from becoming destructive. Have you ever understood the difference between fear and destructive fear? Fear is a response to a stimulus that allows you to prepare for facing adversity. Destructive fear is unreasonable fear, not based on a threat to self or others, and prevents one from taking action. Not just a response action, but any action at all. Unreasonable fear is destructive to self esteem, and low or damaged self esteem will prevent you from feeling happiness and joy.
Emotions are not controlled by any law. There is no conceivable way to legislate emotions. Emotions do not have action. It is only action that can be right or wrong: Only actions can be judged. An individual is always responsible for their actions. Feeling anger is different from striking out with anger (verbally or physically). You are not forced by your emotions to act. A person only has to take responsibility for their self and choose to either act or not. So it stands to reason that you cannot be found guilty for having an emotion, as long as you do not act...
Some religions try to control the masses by trying to control emotions—when that doesn’t work then religion tries to control people by guilt; to make them feel guilty for having a feeling. To do this, they invented the concept of sin, and with this single concept discovered an effective tool for convincing everyone that they needed religion. Since all humans have a full range of emotions that cannot be controlled by any outside force, you became victimized by religion; convincing you that you were condemned just because of your thoughts, and so were guilty.
You must find those teachings that have been ingrained inside you and UN-learn them. Every human has the right to be happy, to experience joy. There is no sane reason for feeling guilty about an emotion. Sure, you might want to feel guilty for having an angry thought, but as long as you did not act upon your emotion, there is no reason to feel guilty. You can have any emotion you want, and are not guilty of anything. Learn to forgive yourself. Find what is holding you, and let it go.
To experience joy you must take a few conscious steps. Step one; you must be true to yourself. This is your life; there is no one else inside your skin but you. Know who you are, what you want from your life, and above all be honest with yourself. When you are having negative emotions these are you telling you that you are getting away from your values that make you who you are.
Step two; you need to set a standard for yourself. There is a way of guiding your actions called “always do the right thing.” To do that you must faithfully act with fairness and honesty in all matters that you undertake to accomplish.
Finally step three, do not act solely upon what others think or say. Always use your own independent judgment when doing anything you decide to. Yes, you can seek advice and task direction from others as you learn a skill, or for the performance of your job. However, you must endeavor to not live your life by the demands or wishes of others. If your friends and relatives think you should be a doctor, but you want to be a circus clown, who will be happy if you become a doctor? If you are unclear about the answer to that question ask yourself this: What is the supreme purpose of all humans? (Hint: read the first paragraph)
When you are able to think freely, and to act independently and honorably, you will begin to feel happiness. When this happens you are on the right path to joy. Then when you do feel joy, you will know it is yours, and that you can recreate it at will by living up to yourself.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Live Your Life Without Regret
Do you have any regrets, and if so why? Do you have more than one? If so this means you might be doing something wrong with your life.
Too many people put off something that brings them joy, or fail to see the opportunity to experience joy. They use reasoning like they haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, didn't know it was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine.
Just think about all those people on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cut back.
Maybe we should try to be a little more flexible.
How often have your kids or friends dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you watched 'Jeopardy' on television? I cannot count the times I have called or stopped in to see a friend, "How about going to lunch in a half hour?" only to get many excuses like; "I can't. I have clothes on the line. My hair is dirty. I wish I had known yesterday, I had a late breakfast, It looks like rain." And my personal favorite: "It's Monday."
Because Americans cram so much into their lives, we tend to schedule our headaches.. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect!
We'll go back and visit the grandparents when we get the baby toilet-trained. We'll entertain when we replace the living-room carpet. We'll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college. And so on, geeezzz!!
Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter, and the list of promises we make to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken, and all we have to show for our lives is a litany of "I'm going to," "I plan on," and "Someday, when things are settled down a bit." Like the Pink Floyd song says “You’ve missed the starting gun.”
Have you ever watched kids playing on a merry go round or listened to the rain lapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight or gazed at the sun into the fading night? Do you run through each day on the fly? When you ask "How are you?" Do you hear the reply? When the day is done, do you lie in your bed with the next hundred chores running through your head? Ever told your child, "We'll do it tomorrow." And in your haste, not see his sorrow?
When you worry and hurry through your day, you are wasting your life, it is like an unopened gift....Thrown away....
Life is not a race from birth to the grave, so why hurry to get there? See the sky, feel the wind blow, hear the music before the song is over.
If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? Now, right now, go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to do, not something on your SHOULD DO list.
"Life may not be the party we hoped for... but while we are here we might as well dance!"
A New and Better Universe
Too many people put off something that brings them joy, or fail to see the opportunity to experience joy. They use reasoning like they haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, didn't know it was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine.
Just think about all those people on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cut back.
Maybe we should try to be a little more flexible.
How often have your kids or friends dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you watched 'Jeopardy' on television? I cannot count the times I have called or stopped in to see a friend, "How about going to lunch in a half hour?" only to get many excuses like; "I can't. I have clothes on the line. My hair is dirty. I wish I had known yesterday, I had a late breakfast, It looks like rain." And my personal favorite: "It's Monday."
Because Americans cram so much into their lives, we tend to schedule our headaches.. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect!
We'll go back and visit the grandparents when we get the baby toilet-trained. We'll entertain when we replace the living-room carpet. We'll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college. And so on, geeezzz!!
Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter, and the list of promises we make to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken, and all we have to show for our lives is a litany of "I'm going to," "I plan on," and "Someday, when things are settled down a bit." Like the Pink Floyd song says “You’ve missed the starting gun.”
Have you ever watched kids playing on a merry go round or listened to the rain lapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight or gazed at the sun into the fading night? Do you run through each day on the fly? When you ask "How are you?" Do you hear the reply? When the day is done, do you lie in your bed with the next hundred chores running through your head? Ever told your child, "We'll do it tomorrow." And in your haste, not see his sorrow?
When you worry and hurry through your day, you are wasting your life, it is like an unopened gift....Thrown away....
Life is not a race from birth to the grave, so why hurry to get there? See the sky, feel the wind blow, hear the music before the song is over.
If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? Now, right now, go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to do, not something on your SHOULD DO list.
"Life may not be the party we hoped for... but while we are here we might as well dance!"
A New and Better Universe
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
The Informed Decision
Every day you make hundreds of choices, and every choice has an effect. Some choices cause good things to happen to you and others, some choices; well let’s just say not so well. So what can we do to make our daily life better? Make informed decisions.
So what is an informed decision? Simply put it is a decision based on known facts rather than conjecture. This involves using knowledge from all sources, and using this information prudently.
A quick example is needed. There are three neighbors, each has a charcoal grill. During the summer they all learn how to use them to cook. Then comes winter, they all get cold.
The first man thinks to himself that since the grill makes heat it would be a good idea to bring the grill inside so they all would be warm. So he does and he and his family die from the resulting asphyxiation.
The second man knows the grill makes heat, but also knows that the combustion of charcoal creates toxic gases not conductive to life. So he does not use the grill and remains cold, but alive.
The third man realizes the same facts as the second man, but also knows that the toxic gases are heated and rise. So he makes a vent from the top of his grill to the widow, a chimney of sorts, thus he is warm and alive.
As you can see an uninformed decision will have undesirable side effects. A more informed decision has better consequences. The more informed you are the better your choices, and the better your life.
So it must be with you. You must always make informed choices. Some choices have heavier weight than others, so always consider what needs to happen as well as what might happen when you make your decision. In the above example they all needed to be warm. Staying alive is good too… The first man made an uninformed decision, and had dreadful results. The second man made a slightly informed decision and did nothing and remained cold. The third man with just a little extra knowledge, as well as a little extra effort, met his desire for warmth.
There are three main ways to acquire knowledge. The first is observation: Seeing something that brings its existence into your reality, and possibly have a slight understanding of how it works. For example the wonder a child has when they go to the zoo and see all the animals the first time. The kids are full of wonder and awe. Later they want one as a pet. They do not understand that lions, and tigers, and bears, do not make good cuddly pets. They do not have all the information needed to make a good decision.
The second way to gather information is through a teacher. You absorb the information presented. The teacher tells you information; books give you information, and so on. The problem here is that while most teachers are sincere in their efforts to educate, they may not present all the facts. Of course there are some who may not present the facts accurately; leading people to make bad decisions as they base their choices on erroneous information. (That’s why you should always look up the references yourself)
Of course teachers do not have to be professional full time titled teachers. A teacher can be your best friend who shows you how to sew a button, or your dad who tells you to look both ways before crossing the street, and so on. Having a teacher is a good thing, it shortens the learning curve. Sometimes there are just things you do not need to learn the hard way (like getting hit by a car) so it is good to have a teacher.
The third way of learning is experimenting; trial and error. There are of course experiments that fail, and those that succeed. A successful experiment is based on as much information as possible. This also has doing it for the first time yourself, turning theory into practice. People have been cooking food since fire was discovered, but until you have made your first grilled cheese sandwich you really won’t grasp all the points of cooking. You can listen to the chef explain crepes, but until you make one you will not understand fully. Sometimes there just isn’t any information and so it has to be created with experimentation. This then brings us back to observation.
So you combine all three. Observe, absorb, and experiment. Then you use all the information you have to make decisions. Some decisions are easy, like what flavor gum to buy, and others are less so, like what kind of car to buy.
So strive to make informed decisions. Do your homework, your due diligence, your research, and find the information you require. Learn every day. In the words of Albert Einstein; “When you stop leaning, you stop living.”
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
So what is an informed decision? Simply put it is a decision based on known facts rather than conjecture. This involves using knowledge from all sources, and using this information prudently.
A quick example is needed. There are three neighbors, each has a charcoal grill. During the summer they all learn how to use them to cook. Then comes winter, they all get cold.
The first man thinks to himself that since the grill makes heat it would be a good idea to bring the grill inside so they all would be warm. So he does and he and his family die from the resulting asphyxiation.
The second man knows the grill makes heat, but also knows that the combustion of charcoal creates toxic gases not conductive to life. So he does not use the grill and remains cold, but alive.
The third man realizes the same facts as the second man, but also knows that the toxic gases are heated and rise. So he makes a vent from the top of his grill to the widow, a chimney of sorts, thus he is warm and alive.
As you can see an uninformed decision will have undesirable side effects. A more informed decision has better consequences. The more informed you are the better your choices, and the better your life.
So it must be with you. You must always make informed choices. Some choices have heavier weight than others, so always consider what needs to happen as well as what might happen when you make your decision. In the above example they all needed to be warm. Staying alive is good too… The first man made an uninformed decision, and had dreadful results. The second man made a slightly informed decision and did nothing and remained cold. The third man with just a little extra knowledge, as well as a little extra effort, met his desire for warmth.
There are three main ways to acquire knowledge. The first is observation: Seeing something that brings its existence into your reality, and possibly have a slight understanding of how it works. For example the wonder a child has when they go to the zoo and see all the animals the first time. The kids are full of wonder and awe. Later they want one as a pet. They do not understand that lions, and tigers, and bears, do not make good cuddly pets. They do not have all the information needed to make a good decision.
The second way to gather information is through a teacher. You absorb the information presented. The teacher tells you information; books give you information, and so on. The problem here is that while most teachers are sincere in their efforts to educate, they may not present all the facts. Of course there are some who may not present the facts accurately; leading people to make bad decisions as they base their choices on erroneous information. (That’s why you should always look up the references yourself)
Of course teachers do not have to be professional full time titled teachers. A teacher can be your best friend who shows you how to sew a button, or your dad who tells you to look both ways before crossing the street, and so on. Having a teacher is a good thing, it shortens the learning curve. Sometimes there are just things you do not need to learn the hard way (like getting hit by a car) so it is good to have a teacher.
The third way of learning is experimenting; trial and error. There are of course experiments that fail, and those that succeed. A successful experiment is based on as much information as possible. This also has doing it for the first time yourself, turning theory into practice. People have been cooking food since fire was discovered, but until you have made your first grilled cheese sandwich you really won’t grasp all the points of cooking. You can listen to the chef explain crepes, but until you make one you will not understand fully. Sometimes there just isn’t any information and so it has to be created with experimentation. This then brings us back to observation.
So you combine all three. Observe, absorb, and experiment. Then you use all the information you have to make decisions. Some decisions are easy, like what flavor gum to buy, and others are less so, like what kind of car to buy.
So strive to make informed decisions. Do your homework, your due diligence, your research, and find the information you require. Learn every day. In the words of Albert Einstein; “When you stop leaning, you stop living.”
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
What is Good and What is Evil
What is Good and What is Evil
Everything you do has a consequence. Every choice you make is either for good or for bad, good or evil. Well do you know what the difference is? There seems to be confusion lately as to what really is Good or Evil. So as I am here to help, allow me to remonstrate.
There is a difference between moral and amoral. Both are actions that you take depending on beliefs.
Moral beliefs differ greatly, some simple and some very complicated. Moral actions are based on society, religion and upbringing. Depending on where you are an action may be interpreted as good or bad differently. A moral action can be right or wrong, good or evil, at the same time. The exact same action in one place will be applauded while in another will be punished. Moral beliefs are changeable and what is one day good may very well be bad the next. You are responsible for your own moral judgments. You can change you view daily if you choose. The actions you make based on morality can be interpreted differently ranging the whole scale from very good to very evil. Lastly moral actions can be right for some and the same action wrong for others. Moral actions are often based on feelings and emotions, and therefore cannot be considered an absolute.
Morality is very subjective, and should best be left ungoverned and without the power of law. An example of what can happen when morality is given the power of law is the infamous witch hunts.
Amoral actions are not concerned with or amenable to moral judgments, these are universal, and never change in relationship to good or bad. They are always one or the other, and they are absolute. Amoral actions are definable in unqualified terms, they are not based on opinions, they are not created by any person, or organization. The amoral or better termed non-moral actions can be governed and rewards and punishments put in place. The good news is there is not many of these non-moral actions, so they are easy to remember. There are two sides in all things, everything has an opposite, and so it is with the amoral actions:
Any deliberate action that intentionally and knowingly benefits the human race or individual and society is; Good.
Any deliberate action that intentionally and knowingly harms the human race or individual and society is; Evil.
As you can see they are easy to remember. They are not subject to moral change, they remain absolute. Most written laws have been made to reflect these two absolutes. Good actions increase happiness, and prosperity. Evil actions do not.
So now you know, you are wiser for having read this. Wisdom is a good thing, you have benefited greatly for the time spent reading this little article.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
Manifesting Course
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Everything you do has a consequence. Every choice you make is either for good or for bad, good or evil. Well do you know what the difference is? There seems to be confusion lately as to what really is Good or Evil. So as I am here to help, allow me to remonstrate.
There is a difference between moral and amoral. Both are actions that you take depending on beliefs.
Moral beliefs differ greatly, some simple and some very complicated. Moral actions are based on society, religion and upbringing. Depending on where you are an action may be interpreted as good or bad differently. A moral action can be right or wrong, good or evil, at the same time. The exact same action in one place will be applauded while in another will be punished. Moral beliefs are changeable and what is one day good may very well be bad the next. You are responsible for your own moral judgments. You can change you view daily if you choose. The actions you make based on morality can be interpreted differently ranging the whole scale from very good to very evil. Lastly moral actions can be right for some and the same action wrong for others. Moral actions are often based on feelings and emotions, and therefore cannot be considered an absolute.
Morality is very subjective, and should best be left ungoverned and without the power of law. An example of what can happen when morality is given the power of law is the infamous witch hunts.
Amoral actions are not concerned with or amenable to moral judgments, these are universal, and never change in relationship to good or bad. They are always one or the other, and they are absolute. Amoral actions are definable in unqualified terms, they are not based on opinions, they are not created by any person, or organization. The amoral or better termed non-moral actions can be governed and rewards and punishments put in place. The good news is there is not many of these non-moral actions, so they are easy to remember. There are two sides in all things, everything has an opposite, and so it is with the amoral actions:
Any deliberate action that intentionally and knowingly benefits the human race or individual and society is; Good.
Any deliberate action that intentionally and knowingly harms the human race or individual and society is; Evil.
As you can see they are easy to remember. They are not subject to moral change, they remain absolute. Most written laws have been made to reflect these two absolutes. Good actions increase happiness, and prosperity. Evil actions do not.
So now you know, you are wiser for having read this. Wisdom is a good thing, you have benefited greatly for the time spent reading this little article.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
Manifesting Course
Labels: dreams, goals, Manifesting, self improvement, success