Monday, May 07, 2007
I have made a post in the Blog
I received some e-mails about my topic “3 Steps to a Better and Happier Life” in case you missed it. Some of the mail concerned that I was not clear on what to do with emotions and feelings. So here is my answer and I hope this helps.
You are free to have all the emotions and feelings you want. You can not, and should not, feel guilty about having them.
Only actions are right or wrong, you as a person are responsible for your actions. Emotions and feelings are not actions. Doing something because of your feeling or emotion is an action. For example yelling because you are angry is an action.
If you have an emotion; if it was a good one like joy, savor the moment, bask in the glow.
If it was a bad one, examine yourself as to why you just had that emotion. Did you get angry because of something silly? Did someone push your button? Did you feel hate for a valid reason, or was it ingrained training from your past?
You control your emotions; do not allow them to control you! Yes we live emotion to emotion, and moment to moment, but we do not have to take actions based on emotions. You should only take actions based on sound reason with an expectation of results. You do not take action blindly and then regret the results.
Now this next part is not to be contradictory so please read carefully. You can take action because of your feelings, but only if it does not cause harm. The important part is doing no harm. Did you see that part about not harming others? For example if you see something pretty so you admire it and touch it. Or you feel love so you give them a hug. These are good actions. Try to maintain a level of composure about yourself. If you are feeling very loving today, instead of hugging every human you meet, a big smile will work just as well.
Now if you are having emotions you should realize that all humans have them. Maybe you are waking up to having them, so catalog them in your mind. Start with feel good and feel bad. Make sub categories if you want for further organization. For example, feels good, warm.
The key you need to know is why you are having that emotion. Let us say that someone called you a pickle, and you feel resentment and anger. Ask yourself why, is there a valid reason that being called a pickle should illicit a response in you? If you retaliate and call them a pickle in return you have just taken an action based on an emotion that may well have not been a valid response.
So if you are being emotional, be slow to action; try to avoid actions until you have reasoned with yourself that this emotion requires an action. As you begin to master yourself you will find that most emotions do not require an action.
You are free to have any emotion you want. Again the key here is that you want to. You do not have to feel a particular emotion. When you have an emotion it is you who makes the decision to dismiss the emotion or take an action.
Remember that thoughts are things, and once you have externalized your thought you have created something. Try to always create good things.
For example you sit down to dinner and the food is good, compliment the cook, and comment about how good it tastes, leave a big tip, etc... If the food is bad, stop eating it and do something else, talk about the latest sports scores, or your favorite movie. Avoid saying negatives, even if your food was expensive fancy restaurant food. Do not allow your dissatisfaction to become anything else, like anger, and do not cause further bad feelings by insulting the cook, or throwing the food at the waiter.
So to sum up, feelings and emotions are yours, and are controlled by you. You experience emotions, but do not have to act on them. You can enjoy your emotions and should never feel guilty about having a feeling or emotion. Act on your emotions only after considering what your actions may cause. Emotions and feelings can be dismissed by thinking of something else.
Life is yours to enjoy. So enjoy it, don’t waste your time with unproductive emotions. Remember the good and dismiss the bad.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
You are free to have all the emotions and feelings you want. You can not, and should not, feel guilty about having them.
Only actions are right or wrong, you as a person are responsible for your actions. Emotions and feelings are not actions. Doing something because of your feeling or emotion is an action. For example yelling because you are angry is an action.
If you have an emotion; if it was a good one like joy, savor the moment, bask in the glow.
If it was a bad one, examine yourself as to why you just had that emotion. Did you get angry because of something silly? Did someone push your button? Did you feel hate for a valid reason, or was it ingrained training from your past?
You control your emotions; do not allow them to control you! Yes we live emotion to emotion, and moment to moment, but we do not have to take actions based on emotions. You should only take actions based on sound reason with an expectation of results. You do not take action blindly and then regret the results.
Now this next part is not to be contradictory so please read carefully. You can take action because of your feelings, but only if it does not cause harm. The important part is doing no harm. Did you see that part about not harming others? For example if you see something pretty so you admire it and touch it. Or you feel love so you give them a hug. These are good actions. Try to maintain a level of composure about yourself. If you are feeling very loving today, instead of hugging every human you meet, a big smile will work just as well.
Now if you are having emotions you should realize that all humans have them. Maybe you are waking up to having them, so catalog them in your mind. Start with feel good and feel bad. Make sub categories if you want for further organization. For example, feels good, warm.
The key you need to know is why you are having that emotion. Let us say that someone called you a pickle, and you feel resentment and anger. Ask yourself why, is there a valid reason that being called a pickle should illicit a response in you? If you retaliate and call them a pickle in return you have just taken an action based on an emotion that may well have not been a valid response.
So if you are being emotional, be slow to action; try to avoid actions until you have reasoned with yourself that this emotion requires an action. As you begin to master yourself you will find that most emotions do not require an action.
You are free to have any emotion you want. Again the key here is that you want to. You do not have to feel a particular emotion. When you have an emotion it is you who makes the decision to dismiss the emotion or take an action.
Remember that thoughts are things, and once you have externalized your thought you have created something. Try to always create good things.
For example you sit down to dinner and the food is good, compliment the cook, and comment about how good it tastes, leave a big tip, etc... If the food is bad, stop eating it and do something else, talk about the latest sports scores, or your favorite movie. Avoid saying negatives, even if your food was expensive fancy restaurant food. Do not allow your dissatisfaction to become anything else, like anger, and do not cause further bad feelings by insulting the cook, or throwing the food at the waiter.
So to sum up, feelings and emotions are yours, and are controlled by you. You experience emotions, but do not have to act on them. You can enjoy your emotions and should never feel guilty about having a feeling or emotion. Act on your emotions only after considering what your actions may cause. Emotions and feelings can be dismissed by thinking of something else.
Life is yours to enjoy. So enjoy it, don’t waste your time with unproductive emotions. Remember the good and dismiss the bad.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe