Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Be Loyal and Honest to Yourself
Honesty takes effort; it is a continual conscious choice that you must exercise every second of the day. Honesty is not an automatic behavior in most people. Honesty is the most important trait a person can display, but is the most unused part of your inner self. So why is honesty such an important thing to practice?
Honesty is the key to a successful life. What is greatly misunderstood about honesty is how it is used to solve problems. Every one knows that dishonesty can result in serious consequences. Lying, cheating, stealing, and unreliability are just some of the behaviors of people who are not aware of the effort required to maintain honesty. These people use out of context scenarios to easily escape from the current reality of the situation. They avoid their current problem by the seemingly easiest method they can. They do not desire to solve their problems; usually all they want is to escape from any difficulty with the least amount of effort. Self deception and laziness relegate honesty to a low priority, making honesty an arbitrary behavior, especially where emotions and feelings come in to play.
Honesty is a tool for solving problems, for achieving prosperity, happiness, and self realization. The question is now one of degrees; to whom should I be honest? Let us examine a few definitions of honesty. The dictionary defines honesty as the quality, condition, or characteristic of being fair, just, truthful, sincere, and morally upright. Wow, that is a lot of stuff for one character trait. I was telling you that honesty takes work, and now you see it for yourself.
Being honest applies to living things. You can not be dishonest with non living things. For example the door to your house; can you lie to it and trick it into opening the wrong way? Maybe you could tease it and make it close its self. Then try to make it open by using false promises of reward. Of course not, it behaves the same way all the time as it is an inanimate object that has a single purpose that it fulfills well.
The number one top person that you must be honest with is you. You must be honest with and to yourself. Above all be uncompromising with you. Stop lying to yourself. Any bad behavior, any flawed character trait, and low self esteem problem (too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall etc. etc. etc.) is the direct result of not being honest with yourself. You must at all times and in all places be honest with yourself. You have the freedom and the right to your own life. You have the responsibility for your own life. It is you who is living inside your skin. So if you have not been honest with yourself, start now and never stop.
Like money in the bank, a newly added value will accumulate interest. With time you can grow so strong that no outside force will be able to effect you. Self built continually added strength is your only real security, and foundation of happiness. By being honest with yourself you are free from external and independent sources of influence. With this strength of character you will be able to be prosperous and happy.
Be loyal to your self, you are who you are because you have chosen to be that way. Other people can not change you unless you want to change. Conversely you can not change other people unless they first desire to change. You are what you are, to pretend to be anything else is to present an illusion that requires you to be dishonest. If you fear that you will be found out, or exposed, then you have been living your life dishonestly. Acceptance by other people is not a requirement for a successful life. You, and only you, must choose your actions. To do any less is a distortion of human nature and contrary to your own happiness.
So be yourself, be true to who you are. Can you pick yourself out of a group picture? Do you know what you really look like? Start with looking at yourself in a mirror, see what you look like. Do not make a judgment about yourself, just see what you are. Knowing what you are will make the ability to change easier. See yourself fully; do not hold back from your own self what you are. Look at every detail, again not judging yourself, observe and see what is there. Avoid the temptation to say this is too big, or that too ugly, and so on. Just see what is! From here you can choose to maintain, or change what you are.
Once you discover what you are, you now need to learn who you are. This takes some introspection. Start with what you do. Write down things like what you do for a living, what you do for a hobby, and so on. Then write down what you like. Do you like a nice lawn, or a garden? What is your favorite color, scent, song, clothes, food, and so on? Then write down achievements. Do you have a trophy, or a certificate of achievement? What did you do to earn them? Do you know how to ride a bike, drive a car, and fly a plane? What else can you do? Now write down your skills. Can you weld, or cook, or navigate? As you write these things down if you remember something from a different category then by all means write it down. This will keep you busy for a while, but we are not done yet. Now the hard one; write down your values. Review your list of all the above and convert them to values. What do you believe? Present yourself to your self. This is who you are, accept yourself. If you find erroneous or destructive traits you should make note of them with the intent to correct them. Be willing to accept that you have not been your best and then seek corrective action.
For example, do you criticize people for their perceived shortcomings or faults? Do you criticize yourself for the same things? Whether you criticize to them or behind their backs, or to other people about other people, is an undesirable personal trait. Choose instead to remain silent about them, unless asked by them. If a person asks your opinion, freely give it as long as it will not cause harm. Do not be cruel, just honest. If a person does not ask for your opinion then simply remain silent. If you find yourself criticizing others, stop. Backbiting and gossiping is destructive behavior, so be honest with your self and choose to not do it.
You have the guiltless freedom to live your life. All people have the same right and responsibility to live their own life. You can make an error and are free to correct it. You are free to grow in the direction that you feel is right for you. You start by learning about what and who you are. Once you know that you are ready to develop yourself to greater and better things. The one thing that will cause you to grow is unswerving honesty.
Be honest with your self, be loyal to your self, and love your self.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Honesty is the key to a successful life. What is greatly misunderstood about honesty is how it is used to solve problems. Every one knows that dishonesty can result in serious consequences. Lying, cheating, stealing, and unreliability are just some of the behaviors of people who are not aware of the effort required to maintain honesty. These people use out of context scenarios to easily escape from the current reality of the situation. They avoid their current problem by the seemingly easiest method they can. They do not desire to solve their problems; usually all they want is to escape from any difficulty with the least amount of effort. Self deception and laziness relegate honesty to a low priority, making honesty an arbitrary behavior, especially where emotions and feelings come in to play.
Honesty is a tool for solving problems, for achieving prosperity, happiness, and self realization. The question is now one of degrees; to whom should I be honest? Let us examine a few definitions of honesty. The dictionary defines honesty as the quality, condition, or characteristic of being fair, just, truthful, sincere, and morally upright. Wow, that is a lot of stuff for one character trait. I was telling you that honesty takes work, and now you see it for yourself.
Being honest applies to living things. You can not be dishonest with non living things. For example the door to your house; can you lie to it and trick it into opening the wrong way? Maybe you could tease it and make it close its self. Then try to make it open by using false promises of reward. Of course not, it behaves the same way all the time as it is an inanimate object that has a single purpose that it fulfills well.
The number one top person that you must be honest with is you. You must be honest with and to yourself. Above all be uncompromising with you. Stop lying to yourself. Any bad behavior, any flawed character trait, and low self esteem problem (too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall etc. etc. etc.) is the direct result of not being honest with yourself. You must at all times and in all places be honest with yourself. You have the freedom and the right to your own life. You have the responsibility for your own life. It is you who is living inside your skin. So if you have not been honest with yourself, start now and never stop.
Like money in the bank, a newly added value will accumulate interest. With time you can grow so strong that no outside force will be able to effect you. Self built continually added strength is your only real security, and foundation of happiness. By being honest with yourself you are free from external and independent sources of influence. With this strength of character you will be able to be prosperous and happy.
Be loyal to your self, you are who you are because you have chosen to be that way. Other people can not change you unless you want to change. Conversely you can not change other people unless they first desire to change. You are what you are, to pretend to be anything else is to present an illusion that requires you to be dishonest. If you fear that you will be found out, or exposed, then you have been living your life dishonestly. Acceptance by other people is not a requirement for a successful life. You, and only you, must choose your actions. To do any less is a distortion of human nature and contrary to your own happiness.
So be yourself, be true to who you are. Can you pick yourself out of a group picture? Do you know what you really look like? Start with looking at yourself in a mirror, see what you look like. Do not make a judgment about yourself, just see what you are. Knowing what you are will make the ability to change easier. See yourself fully; do not hold back from your own self what you are. Look at every detail, again not judging yourself, observe and see what is there. Avoid the temptation to say this is too big, or that too ugly, and so on. Just see what is! From here you can choose to maintain, or change what you are.
Once you discover what you are, you now need to learn who you are. This takes some introspection. Start with what you do. Write down things like what you do for a living, what you do for a hobby, and so on. Then write down what you like. Do you like a nice lawn, or a garden? What is your favorite color, scent, song, clothes, food, and so on? Then write down achievements. Do you have a trophy, or a certificate of achievement? What did you do to earn them? Do you know how to ride a bike, drive a car, and fly a plane? What else can you do? Now write down your skills. Can you weld, or cook, or navigate? As you write these things down if you remember something from a different category then by all means write it down. This will keep you busy for a while, but we are not done yet. Now the hard one; write down your values. Review your list of all the above and convert them to values. What do you believe? Present yourself to your self. This is who you are, accept yourself. If you find erroneous or destructive traits you should make note of them with the intent to correct them. Be willing to accept that you have not been your best and then seek corrective action.
For example, do you criticize people for their perceived shortcomings or faults? Do you criticize yourself for the same things? Whether you criticize to them or behind their backs, or to other people about other people, is an undesirable personal trait. Choose instead to remain silent about them, unless asked by them. If a person asks your opinion, freely give it as long as it will not cause harm. Do not be cruel, just honest. If a person does not ask for your opinion then simply remain silent. If you find yourself criticizing others, stop. Backbiting and gossiping is destructive behavior, so be honest with your self and choose to not do it.
You have the guiltless freedom to live your life. All people have the same right and responsibility to live their own life. You can make an error and are free to correct it. You are free to grow in the direction that you feel is right for you. You start by learning about what and who you are. Once you know that you are ready to develop yourself to greater and better things. The one thing that will cause you to grow is unswerving honesty.
Be honest with your self, be loyal to your self, and love your self.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe