Friday, May 11, 2007
How to be a Lucky Person
Have you ever noticed that some people are just more “lucky” than others? You probably noticed that these “lucky” people have good self esteem. Have you wondered why things just seem to work out better for those people? Those “lucky” people easily manifest a good reality for themselves as they can and do, maintain a positive energy. Here are some tips you may need to consider as a starter guide.
Let us examine man’s best friend; the dog. Dogs have great self esteem. They don’t care about what might happen they only concern themselves with what is happening. They play, eat, and sleep. To most of us that looks like a good life. Dogs seem to show love easily and without reservation. They are driven by only pleasure and pain. I am not saying we should be like dogs (well maybe). No, we should however take from them a few examples and this will help us to develop good self esteem.
Everything and everyone else around you at one point or another will try to influence you to do something. These things are actions that you may not have taken had you not been influenced. Some things are just plain good for you and most of them also deliver pleasure. Some things bring pain and discomfort, and we should avoid or mitigate these things. Learning this makes you a more lucky person right now.
Things that we should concentrate on that will in the long run be to our benefit are self love, love for others and having a code of conduct.
The first thing that many people do not have is self love. We do not love ourselves. There are many reasons given, like too skinny, too fat, too short, too tall, too this, too that, and so on. Stop focusing on what you don’t like about yourself. Remember with the law of attraction and manifesting you get what you concentrate on the most. If you spend one minute thinking of a better life and five minutes thinking you are too fat, guess what? The universe will answer your request to be too fat. So maintain control of your thoughts.
Look for something that you like about yourself instead. Find something outside yourself that you like to do. Are you a great cook, or a fine artist? Do you have the best looking yard in the neighborhood? By focusing on something you like to do or are good at you ignore the part you currently do not like. By focusing on what is good you learn to appreciate yourself, and this develops good self esteem.
Now look for something you like inside yourself. Do you value your own life? This is a hard question, one that you must answer to keep yourself from mental illness or suicide. There is there a reason to allow you to continue to exist! For most people it is serving others. You have children that need taking care of, parents, spouses, or siblings. Some of us have even gone so far as to take care of other people who are not family. This is love for others: Without this you will see your life as being empty.
Last but not least is a code of conduct. We each need our own personal code of conduct. Start with a few key words. Honor, respect, devotion, love, caring, and so on. Find something that fits you, In the future you can add to your code of conduct to reflect what a better person you have become.
Create an acronym with the key words. For example; HARD. (Honor, Admiration, Respect, Duty) Now create a short sentence about each word;
I will act with Honor at all times
I will give Admiration to all things and people
I will Respect others and their values
I will perform my Duties to the best of my ability
This will give you a method to measure yourself against no matter what the situation. You have to be true to yourself, but you also must know what to be true to. By having your own code of conduct you will enable yourself to grow mentally as well as spiritually. You will have self esteem because you have the three keys. Self love, love of others and a code of conduct. These keys will govern our attitude, our behavior and our way of thinking.
Once you have self esteem you will find that life becomes better. The things you desire come to you easily. People start calling you “lucky”. You will attract into your life all the good things you have desired for so long.
Changing yourself: Change is the only constant you can count on. Everything is changing all the time. Changes challenge our paradigms. It tests our flexibility, adaptability and alters the way we think. Changes may even make life difficult for awhile, it may cause stress but it will help us find ways to improve our selves.
Imbalance in your life causes you to grow. The perfectly balanced creature is doing nothing, no movement, no motion, and no growth. A bit of imbalance gets added to your life and then growth is caused. There has to be motion, movement, and action while seeking balance again. Rejoice in challenges and imbalance, for through them you are growing.
Building self esteem is a choice, not a rule or a talent. God is not going to come down from heaven and tell you – “You now have the permission to build self esteem.” You must do it yourself or it just aint gonna happen!
Change will be there forever, we must learn to accept it. By loving others we learn that change is good and we rejoice in seeing the changes. When kids grow up, or sick people get better, or when someone learns a new skill. Rejoice with them and share their happiness.
Treat each failure and mistake as a lesson. Learn from other people’s experience, so you don’t make the same mistakes. Look at what you’re looking at. Don’t wrap yourself up with all the negativities of the world; you must learn how to make the best out of the worst situations. Learn from your mistakes and become better at what you do. Remember that what you think about the most is what you will get.
Building self esteem will eventually lead to self improvement if we start to become responsible for who we are, what we have and what we do. It’s like a flame that grows from the inside out. When we develop self esteem, we take control of our very lives.
Be positive in your attitude. Be contented and happy with what you have at the moment. Be appreciative; never miss an opportunity to compliment someone. A positive way of living will build your self esteem.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Let us examine man’s best friend; the dog. Dogs have great self esteem. They don’t care about what might happen they only concern themselves with what is happening. They play, eat, and sleep. To most of us that looks like a good life. Dogs seem to show love easily and without reservation. They are driven by only pleasure and pain. I am not saying we should be like dogs (well maybe). No, we should however take from them a few examples and this will help us to develop good self esteem.
Everything and everyone else around you at one point or another will try to influence you to do something. These things are actions that you may not have taken had you not been influenced. Some things are just plain good for you and most of them also deliver pleasure. Some things bring pain and discomfort, and we should avoid or mitigate these things. Learning this makes you a more lucky person right now.
Things that we should concentrate on that will in the long run be to our benefit are self love, love for others and having a code of conduct.
The first thing that many people do not have is self love. We do not love ourselves. There are many reasons given, like too skinny, too fat, too short, too tall, too this, too that, and so on. Stop focusing on what you don’t like about yourself. Remember with the law of attraction and manifesting you get what you concentrate on the most. If you spend one minute thinking of a better life and five minutes thinking you are too fat, guess what? The universe will answer your request to be too fat. So maintain control of your thoughts.
Look for something that you like about yourself instead. Find something outside yourself that you like to do. Are you a great cook, or a fine artist? Do you have the best looking yard in the neighborhood? By focusing on something you like to do or are good at you ignore the part you currently do not like. By focusing on what is good you learn to appreciate yourself, and this develops good self esteem.
Now look for something you like inside yourself. Do you value your own life? This is a hard question, one that you must answer to keep yourself from mental illness or suicide. There is there a reason to allow you to continue to exist! For most people it is serving others. You have children that need taking care of, parents, spouses, or siblings. Some of us have even gone so far as to take care of other people who are not family. This is love for others: Without this you will see your life as being empty.
Last but not least is a code of conduct. We each need our own personal code of conduct. Start with a few key words. Honor, respect, devotion, love, caring, and so on. Find something that fits you, In the future you can add to your code of conduct to reflect what a better person you have become.
Create an acronym with the key words. For example; HARD. (Honor, Admiration, Respect, Duty) Now create a short sentence about each word;
I will act with Honor at all times
I will give Admiration to all things and people
I will Respect others and their values
I will perform my Duties to the best of my ability
This will give you a method to measure yourself against no matter what the situation. You have to be true to yourself, but you also must know what to be true to. By having your own code of conduct you will enable yourself to grow mentally as well as spiritually. You will have self esteem because you have the three keys. Self love, love of others and a code of conduct. These keys will govern our attitude, our behavior and our way of thinking.
Once you have self esteem you will find that life becomes better. The things you desire come to you easily. People start calling you “lucky”. You will attract into your life all the good things you have desired for so long.
Changing yourself: Change is the only constant you can count on. Everything is changing all the time. Changes challenge our paradigms. It tests our flexibility, adaptability and alters the way we think. Changes may even make life difficult for awhile, it may cause stress but it will help us find ways to improve our selves.
Imbalance in your life causes you to grow. The perfectly balanced creature is doing nothing, no movement, no motion, and no growth. A bit of imbalance gets added to your life and then growth is caused. There has to be motion, movement, and action while seeking balance again. Rejoice in challenges and imbalance, for through them you are growing.
Building self esteem is a choice, not a rule or a talent. God is not going to come down from heaven and tell you – “You now have the permission to build self esteem.” You must do it yourself or it just aint gonna happen!
Change will be there forever, we must learn to accept it. By loving others we learn that change is good and we rejoice in seeing the changes. When kids grow up, or sick people get better, or when someone learns a new skill. Rejoice with them and share their happiness.
Treat each failure and mistake as a lesson. Learn from other people’s experience, so you don’t make the same mistakes. Look at what you’re looking at. Don’t wrap yourself up with all the negativities of the world; you must learn how to make the best out of the worst situations. Learn from your mistakes and become better at what you do. Remember that what you think about the most is what you will get.
Building self esteem will eventually lead to self improvement if we start to become responsible for who we are, what we have and what we do. It’s like a flame that grows from the inside out. When we develop self esteem, we take control of our very lives.
Be positive in your attitude. Be contented and happy with what you have at the moment. Be appreciative; never miss an opportunity to compliment someone. A positive way of living will build your self esteem.
Be Blessed
A New and Better Universe