Thursday, May 17, 2007
How to Change Your Thinking Habits
You are What You Think About
You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are! Look at that sentence again. Make sure to pause at the commas.
Employing positive self-talk on a consistent basis can work miracles in your life. To quote Napoleon Hill; “Without doubt, the most common weakness of all human beings is the habit of leaving their minds open to the negative influence of other people.”
Your subconscious mind will faithfully draw into your experience whatever you consistently think about. This has been stated before as the Law of Attraction.
Do not let your doubts, your fears, or your skepticism get in your way, this works without your conscious control.
The truth is that you are already using suggestions on your mind 24 hours a day. If you think thoughts such as “I am not creative,” “I am not happy,” “I am poor,” “I am unhealthy,” or any other negative statement, you are telling your subconscious mind, the universe, to bring these ideas into your reality.
You are doing it constantly. The trick to creating your life is to fill your mind with statements which are aimed at creating the life you desire. The easiest and most simple way to begin is with affirmations. Not only do they have the power to instantly transform your life, but they will stimulate your mind to find ways to make these suggestions real for you.
Positive affirmations are constructive directions for your mind. You have the power to use affirmations to set the course of your life. Use this power!
First find a small piece of cardboard. Use the boxtop from your cereal box. It should be trimmed to fit in your pocket so that it is even with the top. Now, let’s write a few positive statements on it. What is one of your negative statements? Do you tell yourself you are not happy or you will never be happy? Then write on this positive board an affirmation that is the opposite. For example; “I am happy with my life all the time.” You can put more than one positive affirmation on it. Print small enough and you could really put a lot of them on your board.
You then want to put this piece of board in your pocket. Place it in the same pocket you place your change in. If you don’t have pockets, or you use a purse, Place it where you will find it every time you look for money, keys, ID, etc. For those that wear an ID pouch place it on the other side of the ID so you see it every time you hold it up.
Just follow these simple rules:
Whenever you reach to get some change and feel the cardboard, pull it out and read the positive statement.
When you catch your self having a negative thought, pull out the board and read your affirmations.
When you hear someone else having a negative thought, pull out your board and read it.
It is vitally important to have a positive, simple habit such as this with which to focus your mind. Do this for a whole week and you will start to see good changes in your life. Do this for a whole month and you will see major changes in your life. Do this for the rest of your life and there is no limit to what you will be able to do.
So start now, go rip off the boxtop and get started, right now, do it before you leave the house today. Do not even think of going anywhere without this positive affirmation board. It would be better to be a minute late than to not have this board on you. Yes it is that important!
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
All About Manifesting
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are! Look at that sentence again. Make sure to pause at the commas.
Employing positive self-talk on a consistent basis can work miracles in your life. To quote Napoleon Hill; “Without doubt, the most common weakness of all human beings is the habit of leaving their minds open to the negative influence of other people.”
Your subconscious mind will faithfully draw into your experience whatever you consistently think about. This has been stated before as the Law of Attraction.
Do not let your doubts, your fears, or your skepticism get in your way, this works without your conscious control.
The truth is that you are already using suggestions on your mind 24 hours a day. If you think thoughts such as “I am not creative,” “I am not happy,” “I am poor,” “I am unhealthy,” or any other negative statement, you are telling your subconscious mind, the universe, to bring these ideas into your reality.
You are doing it constantly. The trick to creating your life is to fill your mind with statements which are aimed at creating the life you desire. The easiest and most simple way to begin is with affirmations. Not only do they have the power to instantly transform your life, but they will stimulate your mind to find ways to make these suggestions real for you.
Positive affirmations are constructive directions for your mind. You have the power to use affirmations to set the course of your life. Use this power!
First find a small piece of cardboard. Use the boxtop from your cereal box. It should be trimmed to fit in your pocket so that it is even with the top. Now, let’s write a few positive statements on it. What is one of your negative statements? Do you tell yourself you are not happy or you will never be happy? Then write on this positive board an affirmation that is the opposite. For example; “I am happy with my life all the time.” You can put more than one positive affirmation on it. Print small enough and you could really put a lot of them on your board.
You then want to put this piece of board in your pocket. Place it in the same pocket you place your change in. If you don’t have pockets, or you use a purse, Place it where you will find it every time you look for money, keys, ID, etc. For those that wear an ID pouch place it on the other side of the ID so you see it every time you hold it up.
Just follow these simple rules:
Whenever you reach to get some change and feel the cardboard, pull it out and read the positive statement.
When you catch your self having a negative thought, pull out the board and read your affirmations.
When you hear someone else having a negative thought, pull out your board and read it.
It is vitally important to have a positive, simple habit such as this with which to focus your mind. Do this for a whole week and you will start to see good changes in your life. Do this for a whole month and you will see major changes in your life. Do this for the rest of your life and there is no limit to what you will be able to do.
So start now, go rip off the boxtop and get started, right now, do it before you leave the house today. Do not even think of going anywhere without this positive affirmation board. It would be better to be a minute late than to not have this board on you. Yes it is that important!
Be Blessed
How to Have Anything You Want
All About Manifesting