The 11 "Forgotten" Laws (Click Here)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New article for you today

Monday, August 30, 2010


How To Determine What You Want In Life

What do you really want in life?

Most people don’t discover what they want in life until it’s time to die – and that’s a shame.

Most people spend the best years of their lives watching television or doing things they dislike. An author described humanity by saying, “Most people die at twenty and are buried at eighty.” Are you one of the living zombies?

What do you really want in life?

Some people struggle in answering such question. When asked what they want or what their goals in life are, many are unsure. They dillydally in their decision, hardly giving any thought about what they want in life. People without definite goals are letting time pass them by. Are you one of these people?

If you are undecided about what you want out of life, do not worry. There are many ways of discovering your purpose in life.

To discover what you want in life, try looking deep into your heart. Oftentimes, people are ruled by logic. People live by what they think they should be or by what others like them to be. The discovery process is the perfect time to listen to your heart. What your heart desires comes from the whispers of your authentic self. Your authentic self is the real you.

Listen to your heart to be able to listen to your authentic self. What your heart says usually feels right. What your heart desires is what you usually love to do and this represents your passion. Anything done with passion is like play where the task is accomplished without hesitation. You pour out your very best and feel no pressure or resistance.

You will totally enjoy doing things that are your passion. Setbacks, difficulties, and obstacles will make it more challenging, but should not deter you from pursuing your goals. Naturally, there may be barriers that may prevent you from reaching your goal, but your heart’s desire will find ways to overcome these barriers so that you may ultimately get what you want in life. Remember this: the universe supports people who are pursuing their passion and those who are pursuing their destiny.

However, this does not mean that you don’t use your head. People are born with both the mind and heart. Your duty is to live your best life and be in harmony with your mind and heart. The poet Rumi wisely said, “Live completely in the head and you cannot feel the breath and rhythm of life. Live completely in the heart and you may find yourself acting like a love-struck fool with poor judgment and discipline. It’s all a fine balance - the head and heart must forge a lifetime partnership if one wants to live a beautiful life.”

Listen to your instinct. Part of human nature is the mysterious and spontaneous reaction on things. Often times, these are called instincts. Your authentic self communicates with you and guides you via instincts. Instincts are those gentle nudges that urge you to act and follow a certain path. Your role then is to listen attentively.

Often times, we listen to what others say and allow them to run our lives. Parents often do this to their children. “We come from a family of doctors, so my son must also be a doctor.” How often do we hear this from parents who have good intentions for their children? Parents unconsciously block the true expression of their child’s real self and calling. Friends and critics will discourage you and point out the impossibility of your dream. Before heeding their advice, evaluate the accomplishments of the critics. Did they achieve theirs dreams? Do they dream big at all?

Remember, it is your destiny that is in line, not theirs. It doesn’t mean, though, that you will not listen to what other people say. Hear them out just the same. But the final decision should be yours.

There is only thing to remember: Every person, to live truly and greatly, must define how he wants to live and what his brightest life will look like. Listen to your instincts and follow your heart’s desire. You will never go wrong.

Be Blessed


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Two Ways to Be Happy Now

There are hundreds if not thousands of things and situations that make people happy. Some of these are simple like a good joke, while others are more involved like graduation from school. The combinations are endless, yet many people do not maintain their happiness.

Most people think that happiness is fleeting, a temporary state of affairs. Then they get all serious and often turn dour, that means less than happy. The truth is that happiness is yours for the taking, and you can have happiness all the time.

The first way to be happy

It is a given that being happy brings more happiness, in a never-ending cycle of everyone getting happy. If you are not happy you need to find someone who is and then hang around with him or her for a while, their happiness will start to rub off on you.

I am sure you know a happy person, just go and have a conversation with them, enjoy the moment. Don’t worry about discovering the secret to the meaning of life, or learning rocket surgery, just enjoy the feeling of happiness that you begin to have just because you are in the vicinity.

Yes, happiness is contagious, and you can catch it from others, as well as pass your happiness around to people that come within your area of influence. Smiling is a side effect of happiness, and we all know that smiling is also contagious.

The second way to be happy

You must be happy now to bring happiness into your life, you cannot be happy tomorrow; you cannot plan to be happy later. Now is the only time to be happy. As explained before happiness attracts happiness.

If you are feeling down for no apparent reason, and there is no happy person to go hang out with, then you have to make yourself happy. Try to remember a time or an event that made you happy. Maybe a funny situation, a good joke that always makes you laugh, pictures of the family, pictures of someone else family, something that gave you that good feeling of happiness.

Once you start to feel happy, you will continue to feel happier, it has been proven hundreds of times that you can infect yourself with happiness. If you are not smiling, force yourself to smile, this simple act often releases whatever is blocking your happiness.

Allow yourself to be happy, all the daily problems we all face are blessings in disguise, look for the blessing and you will find that the problem is not as world ending as you thought. While there is life, there is hope, nothing in this world is worth extra worry. Worry about it once, then let go of the worry and go back to being happy.

Live happy and live better

You will find that life in general is good when you are happy. No matter what is going on around you, maintaining your happiness will change everything. People will want to hang around with you, your smile will be greeted with smiles in return, and those that you deal with on a regular basis will be glad to have you around.

The opposite of happy is just no way to live, why would you ever want to go back to not having happiness in your life. You can do so much more when you are happy, and what you do you enjoy because it brings you more happiness.

Be Blessed


Be Happy Today

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Self Esteem and The Law of Attraction

Do you have someone you admire and want to be like, because they seem to have good self-esteem? It is good to emulate those who inspire you, but you cannot be them. You see everyone is an individual; every being incarnated on earth is unique. You can no more be someone else than someone else could be you.

There are billions of humans, all with our own individual set of preferences. We are all different, and unique. To try to be what others want us to be is a waste of our life. We simply must be ourselves, nothing less and nothing more.

Many a showman and politician (not much difference except one is paid more) can tell you the truth of the fact that you cannot make everyone happy at the same time. Humans are just too diverse of a crowd to be able to satisfy all of us at the same time with the same action. To try to make everyone happy is both a waste of time and a thankless task.

Your self-esteem

We lose our identity, our self, our soul, when we try to live our lives to make everyone happy. We will of course fail, as making everyone happy is not realistically possible. This failure will in turn lower our self-esteem, as we will view ourselves as failures. To change this view we must learn to be winners, to have a groove, to be whom we are, for what we are.

Your self-esteem is what you think of yourself, what you think you are worth. When other people belittle you because you did not do what they wanted the way they wanted you to is their problem, not yours. You must not take their criticism of you as truth, as it will only destroy your self-esteem and make your life miserable.

Your life is your life

The law of attraction is simply that we attract into our lives what we think about the most. Our predominant thinking is called our resonation. What we resonate is what comes into our lives. I hope that you can begin to see that by thinking you are a worthless failure will bring more of that into your life event if you really do not want any more of that crap.

We attract that which is consonant with our preferences, the stuff that we think about the most becomes our reality. If you think poorly of yourself, and have low self-esteem. Then you will receive more such stuff that will act as evidence that you are correct. Unless you really enjoy suffering from low self-esteem, you need to change the way you think, as well as the way you think about things.

This deliberate and outrageous statement is the truth behind your life and the way you live it. The Law of Attraction never misses, it is woven into the very fabric of the universe, it will operate regardless of whether or not you “believe” in it. The law of attraction is controlled by your thoughts, and you will get what you ask for, through your thinking.

Maybe you really do not want to be laughed at, well if you keep thinking about it, and worrying about it, then soon you will find yourself getting laughed at. This is where the law of attraction comes in.

Getting to the good stuff

Trying to control other people and trying to please everyone are ideas that will lead you to frustration. You must live your life, you are unique, you are the only you in the universe. If you take a shower does your neighbor smell better? The actions you take should be for you, do not allow others to try to control you. Learn to say no to demands from others that you feel are both unreasonable and un-courteous.

Think of what you want in your life, what do you want to do or be? Take a few moments, take a long walk in the park and talk with yourself, what would make you happy. Be careful here, as revenge does not make anyone happy, it just spreads the misery. Think of your life and how you want to live it, leaving other people out of the picture, you have permission to be selfish here.

Once you have determined what you want to do and be, keep this thought always in your mind. By always thinking of what you want to see happen you will attract it into your life. If you find yourself thinking of what you don’t want stop yourself, and change your thought into what you do want to see. If you are thinking of avoiding conflict, you will find a lot of conflict to avoid, if you are thinking of happiness and harmony you will find a lot of them and never have to worry about the conflict.

When you start to see the world changing to the way you like it you will see that your self-esteem will raise to new heights. You will see that you are in control of you, that you are living your life for your higher good. Those around you will soon stop being critical and you will make new friends to replace any of those you thought were friends but were just using you.

You can be and do whatever you will to

Be Blessed


A great message for your self-esteem

Monday, August 23, 2010


The Way to a Better Life

What you want from life seems to be different from what you get. The reason is that you are thinking the wrong way. Now do not get all-tense that I used the word wrong, do not take this as a personal attack, think of this as a learning experience.

What most of us were taught at a young age is that we have to work hard to get what we want. This has stuck with us throughout the years, and has come to mean that unless we work hard first we will not get what we want from life. A sad addition to that is often we work against what we do not want, rather than towards what we do want.

Because we are usually wanting either less of something or more of something, we are always keeping in mind what we do not want. Then regardless of how hard we work, we always end up with what we did not want. For example if we want less stress then we are keeping stress in the picture and will continue to receive it. Alternatively, if we want more money, we continue to keep the lack of money in the picture and so continue to experience the lack of money.

What do you want?

To get what you want you need to know what it is that you do want. Now here you must not be general, you must be specific. As explained before, wanting less or more results in keeping what you do not want. You must be specific; if you want less stress, you must actually want peace and solace. If you want more money then you must actually want a stated amount. If you are making $30,000 and a year and want more, then $30,001 is more, do you see where this is leading?

Be specific as to what you want, describe exactly what you do want. Avoid the less than or more than what you do have. As a point in fact do not concern yourself at all with what you have that you may or may not want more or less of. Ask yourself pointedly: What do you want? Do want a shorter commute? If so, you either need a new job that is closer to where you live, or a new home closer to your work. Decide what you want, otherwise you will get something you do not really want, like laid off so there is no commute.

You will get what you ask for.

Now here is a warning; you will get what you ask for, the less specific and detailed the more room for the universe to answer your request, and the more room for loose interpretation. As in the example above the request for a shorter commute was granted, but not with desirable effect. So learn now to focus on what you do want and stay clear of what you do not want.

You can have, be, and do whatever you will to.

Be Blessed

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An inspiring message for you

Friday, August 20, 2010


The Famous Paragraph 10

Everyone is familiar with Catch 22, where you are either kept out or kept in a situation because of the rules, but you really cannot do either but somehow have to do both. In the book of the same name, it goes that you cannot be crazy and fly, yet you have to be crazy to fly. There are other familiar catch 22’s, like you cannot get a job without experience, but you cannot get experience without a job.

Then there is the paragraph 10. I am unsure of the original book, and it does sound like Douglass Adams, but I could be mistaken, as it could be another author from another book that I am unsure of where I read it so I am unsure of the original book…. Wait, were being sucked into a paragraph 10.

Well this article is about Paragraph 10

The paragraph 10 is where a cycle gets started, and of its own volition continues to spiral ever larger without losing its meaning. There are quite a few examples, such as: When you gain self-confidence, you gain self-esteem that causes you to gain self-confidence that in turn gains you self-esteem that causes you to gain self-confidence that in turn gains you self-esteem that in turn gains self-confidence that causes you to gain self-esteem.

Another common paragraph 10 is one you probably learned as a kid, the old; I know that you know, that you know that I know, that I know that you know that I know, that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know.

You probably know quite a few paragraph 10s and catch 22s. It seems that we all have and know a lot of them, and they can and do affect our lives, especially when we are not aware of them at first. The one that will get you the most is the paragraph 10.

When you do something and it has an effect, and you do not act in a manner to control the effect, then it will spiral of its own volition with a never-ending result. A classic example is; if you worry a lot, then you get a lot to worry about, that causes you to worry, so you end up worrying a lot. No, I am not going to type that a whole bunch of times.

What to do about paragraph 10

When you find yourself in paragraph 10 situations, and it is spiraling against you as in the example above, you need to do something to end it. To do that is easy, such as change your thought to something else. If it is physical then you need to make a physical action of doing something different.

The key to the whole thing is recognizing that you are in a paragraph 10 situation. If it is working out well for you, then by all means let it continue, on the other hand if it is working against you, then we need to end it, or reverse it.

Be Blessed

PS Make sure to click on the banner above (hint it has Dr Anthony in it) to get yourself some great information and set your life to go where you want it to.


A new message for your enligtenment

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Your Self-Esteem is Valuable

Take a Stand for Yourself

One of the things that has a significant bearing on a person’s self-esteem is the respect you get from others. The less respect, the lower your self-esteem, the more respect, the higher your self-esteem. One of the ways to start rebuilding your self-esteem is to stand up for yourself.

People will push you around as much as you allow them to. If somebody asks you to do something and you just run off and do it for them, they will expect you to do it every time. This leads to a vicious cycle of them using you for their convenience, and not considering your needs.

An easy test

Next time someone asks you to do something, tell him or her it will cost them money, in advance. Say they want you to pick up their kids from school, tell them you want twenty bucks, and see how they change their mind. If they are willing to pay, collect the money and do the favor, if they are not willing to pay then they were just using you.

Of course, every situation is different, if you are there any way to get your own kids that’s fine, but if your kids are at a different school, or you don’t have kids then they might be trying to use you. This is one thing that can really hurt your self-esteem.

What is being said here is that if they are capable of doing it for themselves, then they should. If a person demands something from you and you jump to do it, you will never get any respect. We are not talking about your boss who is paying you to jump to it, but other people who think they can use you for nothing in return, not even respect.

The first step to taking back your self-esteem

All you have to do is stand up for yourself. Please dear reader understand that you deserve to be treated with respect by everyone. It may shock you to have to say no to someone, or to tell him or her that you will do it only if they pay you. The good news is that it only takes a few times of asserting your rights in order to start gaining respect from them, and restoring your self-esteem.

While it may be hard at times to say no to certain people, you can, you have the right to say no, and the right to agree with their demand but only on your terms. Create a win win situation, you get paid, they get their kids picked up from school

You do not need to, or have to, get angry or aggressive, just be persistent, and assertive when letting others know that they may not walk all over you. Once you have done this a few times, you will start to feel a great new confidence, and this will give you some soaring self-esteem.

There is nothing wrong with you wanting more out of life, and once you get your self-esteem back your life will be a richer and fuller life. Watch out for people who will try to make you feel guilty for being assertive and telling them no. Continue to stand up for yourself. Show others that you deserve respect just as they demand respect.

When they respect you your self-esteem will rise, your confidence will become solid, and your life will be happier.

Be Blessed

PS. Make sure to click on the banner at top of this blog (Deliberate Creation)to find some great information that will halp you to acheive the self-esteem you desire

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A great article about self-esteem

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The Secret of Happiness and Success

To have success is also to have happiness. While success means different things to each of us, without success we are not happy. Being successful is a two-part process; first, there is determination and second there is belief. The secret is that both of these begin in the mind.

You cannot be happy if you allow others to decide your fate, to allow life to just rather push you along life a leaf in a river. This will create resentment, lost opportunity, conflict, and more importantly; unhappiness in your life.

We all must choose our own life; you are responsible for your life, your success, and your happiness. Nobody can do it for you, for example if I eat a pizza, will you feel full? If I take a shower, will you smell better? Of course not, but I hope that helps you to understand that you are who is in charge of your life.

The conscious decision

We all make choices every day, what to eat, what to wear, and so on. The big decision we must make is what to do. We decide what to do, and it is this choice that we must be aware of, if we are to achieve our success and happiness.

We must be prepared mentally, spiritually, and physically to make the choices that affect our lives. To do any less is to surrender to being just another face in the crowd, to being an anonymous member of society. We must determine what it is that means success to us, what does success mean to you is the thought that must be present in your mind at all times.

Choosing the direction

If you go to a bus station and ask for a ticket, the teller will request a destination. If you do not tell the teller a destination, you will not get a ticket to ride. Just as in your life: If you do not know where you are going, you will never get anywhere.

You decide what you want to do, and where you want to go. Without a clear idea of what you want to be means that you get what is left over from other peoples efforts, if anything at all. There is no such thing as something for nothing, everything has a cost. To not choose costs you any chance of success, to not know what you want costs you your happiness.

Making the choice

Decide first what it is that you desire, what do you desire to do or be? You can take this first, and most important, step towards success and happiness. Without this destination, there can be no journey.

Then determine that it shall be, that it will happen, that you will make it happen, that it will be yours. Feel the burning desire to see it through to completion, and you will start taking the steps needed to make your desire a reality in your life.

Then have faith in yourself. When you first start an endeavor you have to have a little faith, you are learning new things, doing new things, and you will get better as time goes on, but at first, it will seem difficult, and that is why you need to have faith to get you through the start up.

Soon after you begin, you will notice that your skills are getting better, that your ability to do things becomes easy and second nature. This is where faith turns into belief. Now you know you can, you can prove it, you can have it, and you can do it.

Then you will have success, you will have happiness, and above all: you will have your own life.

Be Blessed

PS. Make sure to click on the banner at the top of the blog to get some good stuff. Thanks

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A message for your success

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Are You Stuck


True Happiness is There for The Taking

Regardless of what you may have been thinking you can have happiness in your life. If you feel like you are bored with your life, then you are not doing what it is that you should be doing. If you are not doing what you should be doing with your life then it is time to make a change.

If you have ever had goals or dreams and then gave them up for “real” life, you may be frustrated. You may even think you have obstacles or fears holding you back from accomplishing the goals you had. Because of this you are not happy. Well my friend, it is time to get past the obstacles and make your dreams happen.

Your life is yours to live

All of us have a passion about something, be it gardening, child care, rocket surgery, and what have you. Do you know your passion? It is your passion that will bring you true happiness, so you need to discover what your passion is and bring it to fulfillment.

We all are seeking happiness, some of us get temporary highs and think this is happiness, it is close but not good enough. Like the athletes who runs a race, their body gives them a big dose of endorphins, and they feel good. They enjoy the high and think this is true happiness, then the endorphins wear off and so does their happiness.

The way to get your true happiness is to find your passion and do it, both as a way to make you happy and as a career. Every passion has the capability of making money, we should not sit around and avoid our passion because we might think we cannot financially survive on it. We can survive, if we figure out the angle to make it happen we will more than survive, we will thrive.

Seeking out your purpose

One way to discover your passion is to do long hours of therapy and counseling. Another is to get feedback from friends and family as to what they think you are good at, and another is to seek the answer from yourself.

One of the best and cheapest ways to seek the answer from yourself is to meditate. Now don’t go getting all tense because of a word, stay with me for a moment and you will discover a secret.

Many people associate meditation with a religion and so think it is wrong as you would be unfaithful to your religion. Using meditation does not mean you belong to a cult, or some other strange and mysterious sect. Meditation is a tool, nothing more. For those who think they are doing anything religiously wrong are simply missing out on something extremely important.

Meditation can help you bring true happiness into your life, and the practice could be exactly what you need to balance out your life. Meditation is one of the most effective ways to change your well being, and it has been proven that meditation generates brain activity on the left side, which produces a positive emotion in the body.

Your life is your happiness

Seeking answers from your self will lead to better and more productive results. It is your life, and to be happy requires you to live your life the way you want to live it, not the way others think you should no matter how well intentioned they are.

If your mom wants you to work at the post office, and you want to be a rocket surgeon, what will happen to your life if you live like your mom wants you too. Will you be happy, or will your mom be happy? While working for the post office may make a decent living you will not be doing what your passion is, you will not have true happiness.

You, and you alone are inside your skin, and you and you alone feel the emotions that are inside you. If I eat a pizza, do you feel full? You must live for you and your happiness.

Be Blessed

PS. Make sure to click the banner at the top of the page to get stuff, good stuff, and great stuff to improve your life and get happy

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A new article about happiness for you

Monday, August 16, 2010


Success and True Happiness Begins In The Mind

Success is characterized in various forms; it also has many meanings depending on what you are seeking for in this life. To some success can mean obtaining that gold medal, to others it can mean a job promotion or acquiring wealth. It actually depends on one’s perspective of the life that one has.

Understandings of success perceptions are as abundant as there are stars in the sky. One apparent thing about success is that every individual has to determine the true meaning of success in his or her own life. Those who walk through life attempting to accomplish “success” through someone else’s standards or for someone else will continuously be lacking true happiness.

True happiness is your own life

The modern dictionary defines success as that certain measure or degree of achievement or accomplishment or as a desirable and favorable outcome. This translates as setting and completing goals.

One should make a decision on what one truly wants in their life, and what it is that they can do to achieve that outcome. For only by accomplishing your own goals, that you have set, can you realize happiness.

To accomplish success, one has to set realistic goals for their life, goals that can be achieved. One should measure success as to how close one comes to accomplishing one’s goals. Goals are outcomes that one has set for their self, based on one’s skills and abilities. Sometimes these skills must be learned, developed, and then used to accomplish the goal.

Know that one’s “subconscious mind” is a very incredible and powerful tool that one has yet to improve and utilize it wisely to its complete capacity, to accomplish success.

To fully understand how powerful and encouraging your “subconscious mind” can be, you should understand first and recognize that there really is no “coincidence”, that nothing in life occurs just by chance. Meaning, nothing is predestined, that you have the power to control your life, to control your success and your failure.

You have the power to change certain aspects of your life that you are not content with, you and you alone are the responsible party for making your life happy.

The secret of success

Expectation, belief and desire are three powerful forces that can help one to lead a life of true happiness. Before anything that one wishes for to occur can happen, one must desire for it to happen, should believe deeply that it will happen and then should expect that it will happen.

The “subconscious mind” generates all things in your life based on the information and messages you send to it. You are continuously sending the mind information, and most information sent is useless or worse; negative information, that will function against you.

It will be truly difficult to find success if you are not specific and clear regarding what you believe for yourself. It is then extremely important that you assess and gauge your actions, thoughts, and motives as you live your daily life.

You should figure out where you are and what are you doing, both what you are doing wrong as well as what you are doing right. This is where you should be ready to change for the better when and as it is needed.

Always remember that whatever you believe, whatever you think, this information is sent “subconscious mind”, and this in turn is converted into actions that you perform.

You think, therefore you are

So be very careful of your thoughts, and beliefs, as they are great influences to your success, and ultimately your happiness. As an example; if you worry constantly about not acquiring enough finances, then you will really won’t; thinking that you do not have the capability to accomplish your goals, then you will never achieve any; thinking that there not enough open opportunities, then there will never be.

To achieve true happiness you must have goals in your life, things that you desire to have, or do, or be. While all things take time to come into existence, they never will if you do not first think of them, and then act towards their creation.

When you do accomplish your goal, stop and relish that pleasure of achieving a goal. This feeling is happiness, and the greater the goal the greater the happiness.

Be Blessed

PS make sure to check out the banner at the top of this blog, you can get some great stuff from Dr. Anthony that will help you on your journey to true happiness.

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A new article for a happy you

Saturday, August 14, 2010


A New Day and A New Life of Happiness

I am Happy

Here it is my favorite day of the week, Saturday.

Every morning I wake up and am thankful to be alive,(after a moment or two) this tells me that I still have a purpose on this earth, and I need to get to it.

We all desire to be happy, and one way to be happy is to have a reason, a purpose in life. If you do not have a grand purpose then maybe just a purpose for today.

Let me elaborate; If you are looking forward to something you are happy, and are driven to accomplish that goal. Let us use the example of going to a theme park. You wake up the morning of the event are looking forward to going on the rides, eating cotton candy and funnel cakes, seeing the exibits and shows, and of course lets not forget the souveniers.

The morning you wake up for that day you are happy, your thoughts are not on whatever problems you may have but only on the fun you are about to experience. This is what happiness is all about, enjoying the moment, and having fun.

This leads us to being happy every day. Happiness is something you experience as you fulfill a purpose. For one day at the theme park you are happy. What would make you happy every day? A purpose of course.

Ask yourself what is your purpose today, maybe it is to take the kids to their play or recital, maybe it is to groom your pets, maybe it is to finish a project that you started. There is something to look forward to every day, all you have to do is find out what it is.

If you have a grand purpose then you are blessed and are truly on the path to lasting happiness. If you know you are to be of service to the world, or accomplish some greater good for humanity, then you have true happiness as you are on a path and your life has a purpose.

However if you don't have a grand purpose yet, then seek the one for today. You woke up alive for a reason, for a purpose, so go do it and it will lead you to happiness.

Be Blessed


Friday, August 13, 2010


The Way of the Happiness Warrior

Today we talk about what it means to be happy. First off we ask why we should be happy. Well, just to state the obvious, being happy makes us feel good. Feeling good makes us enjoy life, and enjoying life makes us content.

What is a happiness warrior?

Going about your day with the goal of making other people happy is harder than one would think. This is not to say go around being a clown all day, but rather to look for ways to cheer people up. Of course, smiling all day is good, as it is contageous.

Unfortunatly there are people out there who are determined to be sour, and to try to spread their anti-happiness where ever they tread. Then of course there are those who are just mean, and are attracted to happy people just so they can try to ruin their day.

These are the people we are here to counter, thus this makes us happiness warriors. We will go behind them and repair the shattered ids and egos of those who were not strong enough to withstand the assaults of the sour and the mean, and we will offer friendship and happiness to comfort those who have suffered at the hands of the sour or mean.

When we confront the sour and the mean we will stay positive and keep smiling, of course this will drive them crazy and they will try even harderr to break us. We will withstand the onslaught and resist the unhappiness. The cool thing here is we can point out the obvious without being too confrontational.

We can ask why they are so sour or why they are so mean. We can ask why nobody likes them, why nobody cares about them, and why people are happy when they leave. This of course will get responses, and we must be repaired for some scathing retort, but we have stopped their spread of unhappiness, and have improved the happiness of all around us.

To be a happiness warrior is to accept that you are just doomed to always be happy, and to stay happy even in the face of adversity.

In the near future I will post some tips on staying happy regardless of circumstances, so stay tuned.

Be Blessed


Thursday, August 12, 2010


At long last back to happiness

Hello all, you will be happy to hear that I have finally finished the weight loss article kick. After 60 articles it is time to get back to what we all enjoy, and that is the pursuit of happiness.

The original reason for this blog was to pursue happiness, and find all the things that help make one happy, and so it is again. True happiness is doing what you love and so I am back to posting about true happiness, being happy and happiness in general.

Was that too many happy's in one paragraph? If it was, oh well I was happy to do it, and it made me happy to type happy that many times. (kinda like the meow game) So I am happy that you are happy, and if you are not happy then you need to stay tuned to all the future posts that will talk about being and becomming happy.

Be Blessed


A new article for you today, that you will enjoy

Monday, August 09, 2010


Tips to change your life

Set realistic goals. The ability to focus on the task at hand will always be successful, to only focus on giant goals far in the future will result in a long hard road, and we want to have fun. So keep the giant goal for later and set smaller goals that you can achieve easily, like lose one pound at a time and eat a balanced diet every day.

• Stay on track and if you fall off get right back on. Start with the sensible eating, and if you cannot resist and attack a large plate of food, forgive yourself and restart your plan where you left off. Stay with it, and soon you will no longer have those food attacks, and will be a slimmer you.

• Listen to your body. Each person’s body reacts differently to different weight loss plans, so you may have to try different plans to see which one will work for you. If one plan seems to not be working, then substitute for a different program. Whatever you do, just do not quit and you will succeed.

• The same goes for your exercise program. To get the most weight loss the activity must be suitable to one's body. To ask a 500-pound woman to get off the couch and swim across the Atlantic would only end up in disaster. So find what is right for you. Just keep in mind that muscle looks far better than fat, so if you cannot seem to lose weight, then turn your fat into muscle.

• A little self-discipline goes a long way, and is cheaper than pills and surgery for weight loss. Just change one little thing at a time, you do not have to try to change all your habits in one day. Consistent effort is the best practice, stick with the plan and depending on your effort, it will work sooner than later.

For that weight loss success, remember: Light dieting, the right workout, and the right amount of supplements everyday will result in faster weight loss than not doing anything.

Be Blessed

PS. Make sure to click on the title of this post, it has a link to get you a free book on weight loss.

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A new article for your edification (cool big word, huh?)

Sunday, August 08, 2010

A great new article for you

Thursday, August 05, 2010


Habitual Weight Loss

Everybody has habits; we are built to have habits. Sort of like a car is built to run on four tires, and if one of them is missing the ride is seriously off. We humans are similar, we have habits, and if one of them is missing, we do not function correctly.

Weight loss is one of those habits we need. There are a lot of people out there with weight gain habits right now. They are overweight and out of shape because they have adopted the wrong habits.

You cannot quit a habit

As I was alluding to before, you have a set amount of habits; this is the way you are built to function. You have good habits and bad habits, and will always have habits. You can no sooner quit a habit than you can quit having skin.

To change your life you have to change your habits. This is especially true for weight loss. You have a bad habit of eating too much of the wrong stuff, you cannot quit, as it is a habit. The only way to “get rid of” a habit is to change it.

You have to make an effort to change your habit in order to be successful at weight loss. This is true in all areas of life, but is especially effective in the weight loss area of endeavor. To lose weight, and become fit and trim, you have to change your current habits to healthy habits.

What is a habit?

A habit is something you do, and have done so many times that you don’t even think about it anymore, you just do it on automatic. It could be something simple and harmless like always putting your right shoe on first, to something that is a bit more dangerous and harmful such as eating too often and too much.

To experience successful weight loss you will need to focus on your current habit, and then change it to a good habit. Let us say that right now your habit is poor diet, you eat too much of the wrong stuff. Another habit that is a major player in people being overweight is you have a habit of not being active, that is you find something non-active to do, like watch TV.

Replace your habits to improve your life

Therefore, to improve your health and your happiness you need to improve your habits. Start small by making it a point to start eating only nutritious foods, after a few weeks it will not be so tough and will be starting to become second nature. You will even see a few pounds have left you; this is a sign that you are successfully changing your habit.

Next, add some activity into your life. If there is a repeat on TV instead of watching it, go outside and go for a walk. Again, after a few weeks of going for a walk you will find that you enjoy them and they are becoming a part of your life. You also will notice you have lost some more weight and are starting to feel better.

Keep eating reasonable meals, keep being active, and soon you will find that you have replaced your bad habits with good. You will feel right as you still have the same amount of habits, but you will be getting healthy and that will lead to having a long and happy life.

Be Blessed.

To get a free report on weight loss fun click on the title of this post, to get a great guide on living your life click the banner above

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More new articles for your enjoyment and edification

Wednesday, August 04, 2010


Weight Loss for a Better Future

Why worry about weight loss? One of the things that bothers a lot of people these days is how overweight they are, and how it limits their life. They can’t go to the places they want as they are too big. For example, some amusement parks now have a weight limit on who can ride certain rides. Forcing them to lose weight or not ride.

Another limiting factor of being overweight is that you can’t do things you want to do as you either are too embarrassed about your size or are not able to do the activity as it may be too strenuous and cause you to have a heart attack. This is just a way of life for you; it is a lifestyle, which is not the most enjoyable.

Remember your dreams

I am sure that you did not set your sights on becoming overweight and unhealthy. While most kids were talking of being astronauts or famous explorers, you did not talk about being overweight and watching TV for the rest of your life.

What was it you desired to be when you grew up? Have you thrown away your dreams for food? You can still be and do what you dream, and one of the first steps is weight loss.

This is now why you are looking for weight loss solutions, so that you can have a life, so that you can accomplish your dreams, and so that you can do whatever it is you want to do, or at least have the option to do it.

Weight loss simplified

You can lose weight by drastically cutting down on the amount of calories you ingest in a day. You can lose weight by exercising. Either one by themselves will make for a prolonged weight loss solution.

The best way for effective weight loss is to combine the two, eat responsibly and get active. If you want to see some pounds leaving your body, you have to do both to make the fat go away.

Calories that are not used are stored on the body for later use. If you eat and are not active you will store those calories somewhere on your body. This fat accumulates over time. When you get too much you also are at risk for many diseases like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.

To lead a healthy life you need to lose weight and keep it off. To have you health is everything, as it is the one true thing that is yours. To throw away your health is to destroy your life, and since this is the only one you have, do not waste it.

Choose your life

There is a subtle meaning to that statement, you, and you alone choose your life. You may be overweight for a number of emotional reasons, whatever they are you need to forgive yourself, forgive all the others, forgive the hurts, and forgive the past.

You live now, and only now, you cannot change the past, so let it go into the past and stay there. You need to focus on now, and everything you do now effects your future. Decide for yourself what kind of future do you want, do you want fit and trim and happy? Or do you want unhealthy and unhappy?

Be Blessed

For a free book click THIS

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More articles for the pleasure of my readers

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Weight Loss to Have a Happy Life

When you are overweight, you suffer from many ailments as well as low self-esteem, and a poor quality of life. Weight loss programs do not always address the life part, just the weight part of your problem.

Sure, you know that heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and other serious illness are more common among overweight people, but did you know that there is a quality of life issue too?

Losing weight helps to prevent and control diseases

When you get down to a healthy weight, you are at a much-reduced chance for any of those serious diseases to affect you. With good eating and activity habits, you will remain free of the complications that being overweight causes.

You will lead a good healthy lifestyle, and that will result in good health. It will make for a much higher quality of life, as you will be able to do what you want when you want to. You will no longer have to consider your weight before you go to do something.

If you do not have your health, you do not really have anything

With poor health, you cannot do the things you desire, all you can do to satisfy those desires is to substitute food for them, which leads to even more weight problems, and therefore more unfulfilled desires. A deadly whirlpool of destruction, but you can give yourself the gift of a better life.

By choosing a weight loss program and sticking to it, you will increase your quality of life, as well as your life span. You will be able to enjoy so many more things in life, and this will lead to happiness.

With poor health, the most activity you can do is go see the doctor, with good health you can go and do almost anything you desire to do. Of course, some things will require you to learn a skill before you do them, like mountain climbing, but you can do that if you choose to because you have your health.

Weight loss is a lifestyle change

One thing that people seem to ignore is that a weight loss program must be for life. You cannot take a pill, lose weight and keep it off. If you keep doing what you are doing you will keep getting what you have now. To achieve something different you will have to do something different.

Pick a weight loss plan that you think you can sustain for the rest of your life. Do you think you could only eat tofu and eggplant everyday for the rest of your life? Probably not, look for something that offers a variety of recipes and choices in food. You are going to change the way you eat, and you are going to change it for life.

Choose an activity you like

Exercise in the gym is just too overwhelming for someone just starting out to change their life. Choose something easy like walking, dancing, or bicycling. Then when you are in much better shape, you may very well choose the gym, as there are a lot of friendly people there.

Increase your daily activity; park further away from the store so you can walk longer, take the stairs not the elevator, if it is a short distance walk instead of taking the car, do some extra chores around the house instead of enduring another repeat of a show. In this way, you will teach yourself to not be afraid of exerting yourself, and this will make you more likely to lose weight and keep it off.

Be Blessed

For a free book click THIS

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Another series of articles for you

Monday, August 02, 2010


Being Happy Through Weight Loss

Weight Loss is For The Rest of our Live

A diet alone cannot make somebody lose weight. The weight loss that we seek is more than eliminating excess fat from the body; we actually want a better life. To start and stop diets, results in frustration and makes us think we are destined to be fat for the rest of our lives.

There is the key, “the rest of our lives”, we must be willing to start and stay on a weight loss program for the rest of our lives. There it is, finally, after looking for so long you have just found the secret to weight loss success.

You are what you think

Look at you, then look at the way you are. Being overweight is just not as fun as you thought it would be. You are overweight for a variety of reasons, everyone has that in common, and what those reasons are must be forgiven. If you grew up overweight, or became overweight as an adult you must now change, or stay overweight.

A diet alone should never be used as the sole weight loss procedure, you will see minimal results. You will need to add activity as well as a mindset that you will have a better and healthier life.

A weight loss plan must include a balanced diet, as well as an increase in activity. Whether you exercise, play a sport, take up an activity such as bike riding, or even long walks is up to you, but you have to have the second part to lose weight and keep it off.

Permanent weight loss is possible

The way you are now, and what you do now makes being overweight permanent. If you do not change this behavior, you will stay overweight. Realize the truth that a weight loss program is for the rest of your life. That you cannot lose a few pounds and then go back to the way you were.

You must never go back to the way you were, the change you seek would not yield permanent results with temporary efforts. You must stay with it for the rest of your life. You are in charge of your life, not your fat, not your parents, not your friends. You and you alone are responsible for you.

You must choose a weight loss plan that will fit you, something that you can do for the rest of your life. That includes eating right and exercise. The key here is variety, being able to choose different things to eat and different activities to do will lead to your weight loss success.

Exercise is not something to be feared

Often when the work exercise is used people will immediately become defensive and put off. To most of us exercise hurts, is uncomfortable and unpleasant. So find some activity that you can enjoy. To some workouts at the gym are great, to others brisk walks are the ticket. Try a few different activities and see what you like to do, then do it.

When you get bored of that activity, replace it with another activity. If you get bored with long walks, take up biking. If you get bored with the gym, try dancing lessons. Always have an activity that you do at least three times a week for twenty minutes or more.

You can succeed with weight loss, you just have to keep on the plan you chose. You can only fail if you quit, so don’t quit.

Be Blessed

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Here are a few more good articles for you

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Another great article for you today

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