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Thursday, August 19, 2010


Your Self-Esteem is Valuable

Take a Stand for Yourself

One of the things that has a significant bearing on a person’s self-esteem is the respect you get from others. The less respect, the lower your self-esteem, the more respect, the higher your self-esteem. One of the ways to start rebuilding your self-esteem is to stand up for yourself.

People will push you around as much as you allow them to. If somebody asks you to do something and you just run off and do it for them, they will expect you to do it every time. This leads to a vicious cycle of them using you for their convenience, and not considering your needs.

An easy test

Next time someone asks you to do something, tell him or her it will cost them money, in advance. Say they want you to pick up their kids from school, tell them you want twenty bucks, and see how they change their mind. If they are willing to pay, collect the money and do the favor, if they are not willing to pay then they were just using you.

Of course, every situation is different, if you are there any way to get your own kids that’s fine, but if your kids are at a different school, or you don’t have kids then they might be trying to use you. This is one thing that can really hurt your self-esteem.

What is being said here is that if they are capable of doing it for themselves, then they should. If a person demands something from you and you jump to do it, you will never get any respect. We are not talking about your boss who is paying you to jump to it, but other people who think they can use you for nothing in return, not even respect.

The first step to taking back your self-esteem

All you have to do is stand up for yourself. Please dear reader understand that you deserve to be treated with respect by everyone. It may shock you to have to say no to someone, or to tell him or her that you will do it only if they pay you. The good news is that it only takes a few times of asserting your rights in order to start gaining respect from them, and restoring your self-esteem.

While it may be hard at times to say no to certain people, you can, you have the right to say no, and the right to agree with their demand but only on your terms. Create a win win situation, you get paid, they get their kids picked up from school

You do not need to, or have to, get angry or aggressive, just be persistent, and assertive when letting others know that they may not walk all over you. Once you have done this a few times, you will start to feel a great new confidence, and this will give you some soaring self-esteem.

There is nothing wrong with you wanting more out of life, and once you get your self-esteem back your life will be a richer and fuller life. Watch out for people who will try to make you feel guilty for being assertive and telling them no. Continue to stand up for yourself. Show others that you deserve respect just as they demand respect.

When they respect you your self-esteem will rise, your confidence will become solid, and your life will be happier.

Be Blessed

PS. Make sure to click on the banner at top of this blog (Deliberate Creation)to find some great information that will halp you to acheive the self-esteem you desire

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