Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Using Think and Grow Rich to Gain Self Esteem
In the book Think and Grow Rich there is a simple and effective method of achieving your desires, and the author Napoleon Hill named it “autosuggestion” since until that time it had not been named. Today some of us will recognize the technique as something different but the principle remains the same and it works. Using autosuggestion will indeed cause you to find self-esteem and self-confidence, and once you master this technique there is no limit to what you can be or do.
Briefly, there are three parts to your mind, the conscious which uses the senses to interpret information, to control the satisfaction of basic needs, and to think. Then there is the unconscious mind that controls the automatic functions such as blood flow and breathing. Lastly, there is the subconscious mind that is the controller of habits, beliefs, and behavior as well as the connection to the universal mind. The universal mind, also known as the higher power, is the provider of all things, it will give you everything you ask for, and the subconscious mind is what does the asking. It is the subconscious mind that can and does control your destiny, and it is the job of the conscious mind to direct the subconscious, yet here is where most of us fail.
However, we can teach our subconscious to behave differently through the process called autosuggestion. With simple actions taken by our conscious mind, we can program our subconscious to believe anything. Realize that it is what the subconscious believes that brings into our lives those physical things that correspond with those beliefs. Through years of programming we have been taught, and have directed our subconscious to believe that we are limited. Some of us were taught that life is hard and you don’t always get what you want, others were taught that you are disadvantaged for some reason and so would never achieve greatness or success. These beliefs were accepted by the subconscious and so it communicates with the universal and it provides what you believe and so you remain in poverty, working to just barely get by, as you “know” life is hard.
Here is where you have to change what your subconscious believes. You have to correct your way of thinking, and it is remarkably easy with autosuggestion. In the book Think and Grow Rich there is a simple and effective method listed, and for brevity sake, it will be paraphrased here. First, determine what exactly it is that you desire, you must be specific and detailed. The book Think and Grow Rich gives you many reasons why, but we are being brief for this article. Secondly, you must write it down on paper, do not skimp on details and do not be afraid of expending ink. Third, promise yourself that you will read it out-loud every day, and then do so. Fourth, think about what you have written, at first do so with every meal, then as it will become a habit and you may think about your paper and its content even more frequently. Fifth, act upon what you have written, any action will do as long as it is relevant to your desire.
You will see results after only a week, you will feel the effects after only two days, this will work amazingly quickly for your benefit, and it is so easy you will wonder why you haven’t been doing this your whole life. Do not get angry for not having been shown this technique before, just understand that the universal provides to you what you desire only when you are ready to receive it, and until now, you were simply not ready. Now you are, you have found this information and it is time to use it.
Be Blessed
Labels: Think and Grow Rich
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Think and Grow Rich, The Self Esteem Formula
It may seem a bit hard to comprehend, that you can receive poverty as easily as you can receive prosperity through the thoughts you keep, this statement is as true as one plus one equals two. What you think, is what you receive, and once you begin to get what you think, your thoughts are reinforced to confirm that what you think is true, and so you continue to think the same way and continue to receive the same thing. Whether you are receiving riches or misery, happiness or poverty, it is because of what you think. All this talking leads us to the underlying problem of self-esteem, or the lack of it.
You have to change the thoughts before you can change the way you think, you have to change the way you think in order to change your life, and the best way to change your thoughts is through autosuggestion. You may have discovered that your greatest weakness is a lack of self-confidence, and with this discovery, you desire a cure, a way to change your low self-esteem into overcoming self-confidence. Well, the book Think and Grow Rich offers you the solution to your problem, a formula to change your thoughts. Just like mathematical formulas are use to solve math problems, so to this formula is used to change your thoughts.
The book Think and Grow Rich informs us that you must resolve to your self to throw off the influences of your current environment and to build your life to be the way you want it. To do this you will need to follow the following formula until you have changed the way you think. Starting now, you will both write down the following statements and then tape them to your bathroom mirror, or your coffee pot, wherever you will see it first thing every day. You could copy and paste them to a document, and save it to your computer and use it as your desktop or as a screen saver, or any method you can think to use so that you see this every day. Then when you see it, you will read it aloud and with meaning, at least twice every morning, then again at lunch, then again at dinner, and once more before bedtime. In this manner, you will be using the power of autosuggestion and after a short time, you will have it memorized, and shortly after that, your subconscious will accept it as truth. Then just as surely as the sun rises every day, you will see a change in yourself and in your life, and an improvement of your circumstances. The formula works, so do it now, and with only a few repetitions you will see results, and with a whole week of this, you will experience positive feelings and better self-confidence.
First, I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my definite purpose in life, therefore, I demand of myself persistent, continuous action toward its attainment, and I here and now promise to take such action.
Second, I realize the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality. Therefore, I will concentrate my thoughts for thirty minutes daily, upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to become, thereby creating in my mind a clear picture.
Third, I know through the principle of outo-suggestion any desire that I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seed expression through some practical means of attaining the object because of it, therefore, I will devote tem minutes daily to demanding of myself the development of self-confidence.
Fourth, I have clearly written down a description of my definite chief aim in life and I will never stop trying until I have developed sufficient self-confidence for its attainment.
Fifth, I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon truth and justice, therefore, I will engage in no transaction that does not benefit all whom it affects I will succeed by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use, and the cooperation of other people. I will induce others to serve me because of my willingness to serve others. I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism, by developing love for all humanity. I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success. I will cause others to believe in me because I will believe in them and myself.
Last, I will sign my name to this formula, commit it to memory, and repeat it aloud every day, with full faith that it will gradually influence my thoughts and actions so that I will become self-reliant and a successful person.
Now is the time to act, so get busy and write the formula down, or print it, and put it where you will see and use it. Remember that all impulses of thought have a tendency to clothe themselves in their physical equivalent.
Be Blessed
Labels: Think and Grow Rich
Monday, June 28, 2010
How to Have Faith
Thought which when mixed with any of the feelings of emotions, constitute a magnetic force, which attracts from the vibrations of the ether other similar or related thoughts. This is the basis for faith, for if you have faith then you can be or do anything. There are many religious organizations that tell you to have faith, yet none of them teaches you how to develop and use faith. The book Think and Grow Rich does, it tells you both how to develop faith, and how to use it for your enrichment, and is the basis of this little article.
An interesting fact that you may already know is that if something is repeated enough people begin to believe it as the truth. You can use that same principle to develop your faith. In past articles, you have been asked to write down your goals and dreams, and if you have done so, you have taken the largest step to their accomplishment and realization. To have faith is to read them aloud every day, in so doing so become to vibrate what you read and convince your subconscious that what you have read is the truth, and so it makes that your reality.
Now you must understand that the universe is a great warehouse that holds the ether, this in turn is what is made into your reality by your thoughts. The universe holds destructive vibrations just as well as creative ones, what you bring to yourself is what you allow your dominating thoughts to be. Here is where faith comes in, this is the part where you can use faith to control your thoughts and therefore your destiny and your fortune. Now pay close attention to the next paragraphs as they describe how to get faith and how to use it for your own advantage.
As you know, when developing a skill you get better with repetition and practice, you cannot start out as an expert, you may only ever start at the beginning and work your way to expert. To have faith is to have your conscious mind convince your subconscious that what you are saying is the truth and that in turn causes the subconscious to connect to the higher power, and this in turn causes your thought to become reality. A simple system yet so misunderstood underused and misused. Faith is where you have to take an action without any proof, where you start and continue to do something, without any visible evidence or support. As stated before faith is that place between knowing and believing, and you must be persistent in its use to be successful. Here then is how you use faith: You have a piece of paper that you have written your goals and dreams on; you must use that to “fool” yourself into believing it is the truth. You do that by constantly reading that list, by constantly saying it, by constantly thinking of it. Through this repetition, your subconscious will begin to accept it as truth and so in turn will cause it to become your reality.
This little “trick” is called faith, for when you believe something no proof is needed to accept it as truth, and when you know something, it is because you can prove it. Faith cannot be proven, and has no proof, for it is a technique, a technique that you can use to create belief and knowledge, it is the stepping-stone to go from nothing to something. As you become proficient at using faith you will see more rapid results, after all it is a measure of your faith that produces success. You must now use your new knowledge, apply this faith to your life, and you will see miracles.
Be Blessed
Labels: Think and Grow Rich
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Believing That You Can Think and Grow Rich
What is the main difference between any two people? The answer is belief, no two people in this entire world believe in things the exact same way as another. While there is what we call accepted norms that we all try to teach our young and each other, usually based on our own belief about how things are, and how they are done. The lesson that has been neglected, that we have not been taught and have not taught, is that what we believe is possible, is. That our desire to do something is only limited by our own belief in what we can do.
If we desire something and we find a way to get it, we will repeat the behavior, when we meet with partial success, rather than modifying our approach, we simply do the same thing again. It is like the story of the two children, when one wanted something if it was not immediately provided he would lie down on the floor, kick, and scream until he was either punished or got the thing. Then there was the other child who wanted the same thing and rather than demand it be provided to him immediately would make a plan, go and earn some money and then buy it for himself. Both had a belief about how to satisfy their desire, and in practice, one would be far more successful than the other at achieving the result of obtaining the things they wanted. Can you guess which one?
One had been taught that life is hard and you don’t always get what you want, the other had been taught that you get what you want when you are ready for it. Both believed that they could indeed get things, one was a bit hit and miss the other the thing was guaranteed, just took a while longer. Therefore, it is with us today, you need to ask yourself what is it that you believe you can do. For it is this belief that drives your life that causes everything you have in life to be there. There are countless stories of people in adversity who achieve great things, blind people who become great teachers, deaf people who become great musicians, people with physical handicaps who accomplish amazing feats in sports, and so on and on, if you but look you can find these examples easily. Conversely, you can find similarly handicapped people who accomplish nothing, and never will. The difference is what they have been taught.
You can find the exact same thing with non-handicapped people; there are great achievers who have gone to great wealth, and people who live on the street. Again, the difference is only what they believe they can do, no great mystery, just belief. It is impossible for a man to go to the moon, but if you equip that man with a space suit and a space ship, now that man can go to the moon. If you can’t see to accomplish something by the direct route, such as a man jumping high enough to land on the moon, then come up with a solution to the problem and invent the spaceship. Where there is a will, there is a way.
You need to examine your beliefs, and in the words of Henry Ford; “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right”. Change your belief to be; There is no such thing as impossible, and accept no such reality as failure.
Be Blessed
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Now is The Time to Think and Grow Rich
Now is the time to act on what you desire. You may be able to see that the date of this article is June of 2010, with the giant recession that has beset the entire world we are now all more or less in an equal starting position. We have again seen the full circle of economic events and the world is ready for new and better ways of doing things. The world as we know is ready for new inventions, new methods of teaching, new books, new movies, new means of living, and more. There is no limit, only your imagination can hold you back now.
With all this opportunity, opening up everywhere you must have one quality in order to win. This is mentioned many times in the book Think and Grow Rich as definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what a person wants, and a burning desire to possess it. Set your mind on what you desire, then act upon it with definiteness of purpose, and your dreams can come true, you will have your happiness. This world needs practical dreamers who will put their dreams into action.
Tolerance is needed more than ever, if you are afraid of new ideas and methods then your ideas are doomed from the start. This is a time for pioneers, sure, there are less and less unexplored lands to adventure upon, rather there are vast areas of business, commerce, and industry that have yet to be discovered, and there are many many more that need remolded, redirected and redefined. Now is the time to start, now is the time to dream, and now is the time to act.
In many of the past lessons that I have set for you there has been the mention of the word desire. Desire is what will drive you to create great success for yourself, and this will improve your life and the lives of those around you. The only problem is you, that little voice of fear inside you that whispers to you that you will fail. Let us now silence that voice of fear, yes, you will fail, but all the failures you will experience are but lessons to be learned. Learn them and keep moving on. Once you begin, you will see yourself becoming happier and wealthier every day. You must start now, ignore the voice of fear, for the greatest opportunity of your life is knocking, now is the time to use Think and Grow Rich to your advantage and your happiness. So go and have your dream and use your desire to make it a reality, the world will thank you.
Be Blessed
Labels: Think and Grow Rich
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Getting Happy With Think and Grow Rich
In the book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill the author lays out a definite program for converting desire into its financial equivalent. A definite way to turn thought into money. In many of the other articles, that I have written and in the book itself, it is mentioned many times about having a desire and with this desire, you can indeed think and grow rich.
So the whole point of this think and grow rich thing is to acquire wealth, and most of us associate wealth with money. We all want to have riches, to be wealthy and to be able to easily have whatever we want when we want it. Somehow, that reality seems to elude us, seemingly to stay just on the horizon, we can think we see it, but it never gets closer. When Napoleon Hill wrote the book Think and Grow Rich he gave to all of us who can read the way to achieve the success we dream of and with that achievement also acquire the riches that go with it.
The first thing you must do is think of an amount, be specific and down to the last penny, it is not good enough to say you just want lots of money, you must have a definite and clear amount in mind.
Second, determine to yourself what you intend to give in return for the money, be it work, service, effort, toil, exertion, labor, or action. Remember that there no such thing as something for nothing.
Third, set a definite date when you intend to possess that amount. Set a reasonable date, a gazillion bucks tomorrow probably will not happen, but a gazillion bucks in ten years is very doable.
Forth, create a definite plan to carry out and achieve your desire. Listen to this carefully, start on it now, and begin to take action now, ready or not, start this very moment.
Fifth, write out a clear and concise statement, list the amount of money you desire, the time limit, what you will give in return, and describe the basic plan through which you will accumulate your riches.
Sixth, read your written statement out loud every day, once in the morning before you do any other thing, and once again in the evening before you go to bed. When you read it, also imagine with pictures in your head of the amount in your bank account, or cash laying on your table, or a check with your name on it, or however you desire to see it. You must create and visualize your amount of riches, this part is especially important and it is what will help your burning desire drive you towards your achievement of riches.
There you have it, the great secret, the magic formula, the way to wealth, how to think and grow rich. Try it with a small amount at first, and once that has been achieved, do it again for a larger amount. Once you see that this works you will be able to think and grow rich at will.
Be Blessed
So what are you waiting for? Click Here!
Labels: Think and Grow Rich
Monday, June 21, 2010
How Think and Grow Rich Can Help You
Now that is where people get scared away, when they hear that there is a price to pay for success. When people hear that there might be a sacrifice to make to achieve a goal, they tend to go in the opposite direction. This is both selfishness and a fear of success. Think and Grow Rich is both a concept and a method for achieving success, and there is a price. To choose to desperately hold on to what you might have even if it is nothing is just sheer unbridled egocentricity. To maintain a situation because it is what you have even if it is not what you want is conceit, and to refuse to exchange value for something you desire is pure selfishness. To fear giving up what you have, even if it is an exchange for the better is fear of success.
We pay a price for everything we do; you must realize that there is no escaping this fact. You have to pay a price in effort to achieve something, and you must pay a price whenever you take an action. If you sit and do nothing you pay a price of lost opportunity, and you lose what little you do have. If you are not willing to get out of your chair and go get a glass from the cupboard, and fill it with water from the sink then you will continue to go thirsty. No amount of wishing is going to make your thirst go away nor will it somehow make the water appear in your mouth so you can drink it. You will have to expend some effort to achieve your desire. Are you beginning to see that you must make an effort, that you must be willing to expend some physical energy in order to think and grow rich?
To think and grow rich requires you to have a desire and to do something. Do you want to be rich? Become an engineer, they make good money, become a lawyer they make better money. If that is still not rich enough for you, then become an entrepreneur, start your own business and make as much money as you can imagine. Nevertheless, you will have to do something, you will have to pay a price, and you will have to expend energy and effort. Action when combined with your desire is the formula for your success. In this manner and no other, can you think and grow rich.
Be Blessed
Labels: self improvement
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The Consciousness of Think and Grow Rich
A great weakness of us humans is the habit of measuring things based on our own system of measurement. What we believe is how we measure other people and things. This bad habit must be broken, for this is one of the things that are holding us back from success. We have a bad habit of thinking that what we believe is the correct and only way of viewing things. These are the chains that bind us, in other words we are what keeps us from achieving our dreams.
In the book Think and Grow Rich, the author tells the story of how Henry Ford thought of and desired an eight-cylinder engine, and how his engineers said it was impossible. The short version of this story goes that because Henry was persistent, even against the advice of his engineers, that the eight-cylinder engine was indeed invented. What we have to do is take from that example that what we can conceive we can achieve if we are persistent.
The consciousness we carry around with us is what we use to measure all other things with, and this is what must be examined. Think and Grow Rich tells us that we must change our failure consciousness into success consciousness. To do that we must change how we measure things. For example, in the book Think and Grow Rich there is a story of how a young Chinese man came to America to study. When he met President Harper he was asked what impressed him about the American people, and the young man replied that American eyes are off slant. Hmmm, a prime example of foolishly measuring with our own limitations, it is a mistake to assume that our own standard is the correct standard.
The book Think and Grow Rich also points out that we refuse to believe what we do not understand. Most of us think that what they believe is the only and correct way to measure people, places and things with. While if we simply do not try to measure then we do not limit what we can believe and if there is no limit then we can be and do anything that we can think of. We need to simply stop measuring things with our own standard, next time you meet someone try to see their soul, rather than body shape, color, dress, eyes, or any physical part of them. When you talk with that person, listen to the actual words they speak and not what you think you hear.
As an example, let us say that a person refuses to believe that the sky is blue. This person will argue with you until the sun sets that you are wrong for believing the sky is blue, and that your belief in a blue sky is what makes you all screwed up. While you on the contrary believe his view that the sky is not blue makes him all screwed up, and that he needs to change his belief. Of course, this is a rather silly example but it is far more educational than to use a religious or political belief as the example, for had such a view been used then the point of the conversation would have been lost. Because when a point of belief is made, then those of an opposing view immediately would get defensive and offensive. Their internal dialog would kick in with the old “how can he say that?” argument, and as in the blue sky argument above there would be no resolution, and you would miss the point entirely that you should not be measuring with your beliefs...
Be Blessed
So what are you waiting for? Click Here!
Labels: life, self improvement
Friday, June 18, 2010
Making Think and Grow Rich Work for You
How does one know they are correctly using the knowledge in the book Think and Grow Rich? As written in the book the answer is “when riches begin to come they come so quickly, in such great abundance, that one wonders where they have been hiding during all those lean years”. When you begin to use the teachings of Think and Grow Rich, you discover that riches are a state of mind.
Yes, this means that Think and grow rich is a philosophy, and that faith and practice are an integral part of it. That you will have needed to learn the philosophy and have the faith that it works. Once you apply your newfound belief you will see that everything you decide to do will become an asset working for your benefit, and your financial status will begin to improve.
The main weakness of people today is that we have all been taught that “real life” does not allow for dreams. We have been taught that some things are just impossible, that we cannot do them as it is beyond our station. Therefore, who is it exactly who set our station for us? The hard truth is that we did, we were told that it was the truth and we accepted it. The reality is quite the opposite, in that we can and do have the free will to achieve any accomplishment we so choose.
You must accept that you are not limited by your situation; you can change it for your betterment. You can completely change everything in your life if you so choose. Your life is completely your choice. You and you alone are responsible for your fate and current situation. Every choice you have made so far has been just that… Your choice! Today you find yourself where you are because of the choices you have made. You must accept that you are the you that you have chosen to be.
Now you might be feeling a little discomfort right now. Guess what, that is the feeling you need to know when the truth is revealed to you. Truth is not always easy to accept, but you must if you are ever going to think and grow rich. You will discover that you can, and unlearn that you cannot. Success comes to those who seek it, to those who do not actively seek success the opposite is their reward.
Where does this lead us? Towards prosperity if we so choose it. When we think and grow rich we are putting into use the principles, shall we dare say the universal laws that exist, into use. We are behaving, believing, and acting in such a way that we cannot avoid growing rich. We will look back on this day as a memory of learning the truth. That we are the ones who get to decide for our own life, that we are the ones who are in charge of our selves. The beautiful part is that now that we know, we can begin, to live our lives.
Be Blessed
So what are you waiting for? Click Here!
Labels: Law of Attraction
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Thinking of Think and Grow Rich
In the book Think and Grow Rich, one of the aspects to the formula is to think. While that may seem to state the obvious, and it is, there is a method of thinking that will bring about the results you desire to create your riches.
For you must comprehend that thoughts are things. They are not just simple flights of expendable material; they are tangible working things that are created by you. They are energy that you have shaped into a thing called thought. The thoughts you have go out into the universe and cause things to happen.
Weak thoughts such as passing daydreams may not cause much to occur, but strong thoughts that are reinforced through repetition and emotion will go and bring back much. These strong thoughts will cause the universe to react and produce. Are you beginning to see the power of the statement “think and grow rich”?
When you mix thoughts with desire, definiteness of purpose, persistence, and gratitude, those thoughts will cause the creation of your riches. To simply say a thought will cause it to start an action, to repeatedly say it, and then think it consistently will cause the thought to grow and become powerful, this is turn will cause you to create what you have and are thinking.
This concept of think and grow rich is truly amazing. If only we had realized the power of our thoughts when we were younger, what amazing things we could have accomplished. When you have that flash of thought, most of us dismiss it as fantasy, but if you were to take that thought and add desire, that simple thought begins to grow in power. Once the thought continues to exist it cannot stay inactive, it must move and create. When you add in a purpose the thought becomes unstoppable, it is now only for you to steer it for it has begun to move and will go on until it has accomplished. Said another way, that thought will continue until it has turned intangible into tangible, fantasy into reality, fiction into truth, and nothing into something.
To think and grow rich is such a simple statement but such a powerful skill to master. To learn how to think, and then to think so that you grow rich is just such a beautiful thing that once you “get it” your life will continue to improve daily. You will have a life that will be full and rewarding, filled with peace and happiness. Once you begin to think correctly you will be the master of your own destiny, and the world will be at your command.
The book Think and Grow Rich is such a powerful book, it has to be the greatest book on the planet. For the book reveals in every chapter the secret for obtaining your desires, your riches. For what good does it do you to have a fancy car when you do not have a driver’s license? You need to master the art of Think and Grow Rich.
Be Blessed
So what are you waiting for? Click Here!
Labels: success
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Self Confidence Letter
This is so good I had to share it with you
Dear Friend,
Through choosing your intention and then locking your attention,
you have chosen - and continue to choose to participate in
whichever universe you are currently participating in. So the
question we must ask is, which one are we choosing, or more
importantly which one will we choose?
Think about this. What scientists and physicists are discovering
is that we exist simultaneously in many different forms, dimensions
and time. We choose which reality we want to live in based on our
intentions and attention.
Now I know your head is about to explode because this seems so
unreal, but it is more real than you can imagine or accept
right now.
What every theory in quantum physics has in common is that you are
the observer and the participant. With your clearly defined
INTENTION and your unbending and consistent ATTENTION, you choose
which world you're going to participate in.
Science tells us that the things we observe in our outer world are
nothing more than a projection from our inner world. Okay, take a
breath and let's put it in practical terms.
Imagine you offer a vibration for the future that you want to
create $100,000 in the next year. If you are focusing on that,
feeling it, acting on it and then reinforcing it with your actions,
the money starts to take physical form. Conversely, if you're
putting out an intention of $100,000 and you stress out when your
credit card bill comes in and you keep telling your friends how
broke you are and how bad the economy is, then they cancel each
other out.
Get The Course Now!
Anytime you think, feel and act broke, or worry about the economy,
you are sending out a vibration that is bound to cancel your
intention. This is why so many people struggle with manifesting the
things they desire in their lives. In other words, only vibrations
that are in resonance with each other can harmonize. This is the
scientific principle behind the Law of Attraction.
Since we create our reality on whichever dimension we choose to
participate, it is critical that the BIG THREE - thoughts, feelings
and emotions - are in harmony along with our actions. If they are
not in sync, your present and future won't harmonize. They will
INTERCEPT, and they will cancel each other out.
Now you can see how setting your desire or intention in the
present, that is, creating your vibration, equates with how you are
choosing to participate in the universe. If the vibration you are
offering is out of resonance or harmony with what is coming back
from your future, you won't be able to create it.
This is why making a decision based on where you are going, not
where you are is so critical. The key is to accept where you are
without resistance. You accept "what is" without fighting it, but
you keep your intention on your desire. This is the secret to
manifestation. I suggest you reread this paragraph again.
If you remain at this high level of vibration then you MUST realize
that you don't have to create your desire. It is ALREADY created!
You just have to align with it. What you desire is in the quantum
field of possibilities (alternate universe if you will). So get
in harmony with it, start taking action based upon it and that is
what will unfold.
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Labels: Manifesting
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Having Confidence
There are many people... You know I seem to start a majority of my articles with that phrase. Hmmm, lets try something different, "There I was".... Not quite the result we were looking for.
Well, anyways, lets talk about self confidence for a moment. A person who has self confidence seems to always get what they want when they want. While a person who is lacking self confidence seems to always get whats leftover, if anything. So how do you get this self confidence stuff? I thought you'd never ask.
Guess what? Tommorrow there is going to be one of my really great tirades on self confidence. Make sure to bookmark this and be ready to get in on the information that will appear hear in the morning.
Be Blessed
And while your waiting Click Here!
Labels: self improvement
Monday, June 14, 2010
How To Think and Grow Rich
In the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill it is mentioned that “there is no such thing as something for nothing”. There is no free ride, no get rich by doing nothing. In other words everything has a price. The physics law states that for every action there is a reaction. So what we are talking about here is that something has to happen for other things to happen.
What price do you have to pay to think and grow rich? The clue is in the statement. If you think you can grow rich. Now you may be interested in knowing what it is that needs thinking. This is the great mystery isn’t it? You are probably wondering what kind of thinking will make one grow rich.
Well, in the book Think and Grow Rich this concept is mentioned many times, at least once a chapter. In a round about way the method is shown many times from many different angles, yet it is the same concept. The other part is that only those who are looking for it will find it. That means you are going to have to get the book and read it, probably twice.
You need to think to grow rich, and you need to think about certain things in a certain way. Then you will need to apply this process into your life so that it will work for you. You must use it repeatedly and constantly for the thought to affect your life and your riches. Once you start you must continue, you must follow through, and you must keep thinking every day for the rest of your life.
Another physics law states that an object in motion tends to remain in motion. This is what will help you think and grow rich. You will develop the habit and it will become easier and easier until it is automatic. You will be able to think and grow rich without having to expend a large effort. That is if you start at all, you must take the first steps, you must start the motion, you must start to think and grow rich.
As mentioned in the book Think and Grow Rich a clue is given in that “All achievement, all earned riches, have had their beginning in an idea!” You will have to figure out your idea for yourself. To try to copy a person will result in failure. To emulate a person and take your own action will assist in your achieving the riches you seek. No one can do it for you; if you desire to think and grow rich you will have to do it your self.
Now it is time, make a decision, have an idea, and go to recourse block and get the course you know you need to improve your life. To think and grow rich you must make decisions, and decisions can change your life for the better. Make the right one now.
Be Blessed
So what are you waiting for? Click Here!
Labels: Manifesting, self improvement
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Rapid Manifestation
This was so good I am forwarding it to you in its entirety.
Hello Friend
I want to talk to you about The Law of Attraction and
Quantum Physics in more detail to make sure you are
clear on how they works in your life.
Since you are not new to this I won't talk about the general
aspects, but would like to discuss some of the specifics. My
intention is to give you further confidence that when you
understand and use these principles correctly, your ability to
create anything in your life is unlimited.
We know the Law of Attraction is simply stating that like
vibrations are attracted to each other, and dissimilar vibrations
repel each other. In other words, you will never attract riches in
your life if you are constantly sending out the opposite or
contradictory vibration. There is just no way around it. The
bottom line is, you will never attract high energy results from low
energy vibrations.
Okay, let's get into some advanced concepts. First, let's talk
about time. Albert Einstein said that time does not exist as we
know it. So there is no difference between the past, present and
future. They are only an illusion, although these illusions
certainly seem real to us. So the past, present and future coexist
simultaneously right now.
We tend to think of time as horizontal. The past is behind us. The
future is in front of us and it goes on in this sequential
ever-unfolding way. Another way we could illustrate this is if we
draw a line on a piece of paper where the past is on the left and
the future is on the right.
Just for the sake of exploration, let's say that time is vertical
instead of horizontal. By vertical time, imagine putting a line on
a piece of paper that represents NOW then right above write NOW,
and above that, write another NOW. So what happens is you have
now, now, now, now all happening at the same time. There is no
past or future.
Some physicists are saying that there are at least eleven different
dimensions that exist simultaneously. So, in the context of looking
at time vertically, that means all of our "nows" would go up and
down though eleven dimensions. I believe that we will discover
there are many more dimensions than that, but we can use eleven for
the purpose of our discussion.
Okay, stay with me here. One of the most fundamental laws of
physics states than energy can never be created or destroyed.
Instead, energy merely passes from one form to another. What if
there were multiple "nows", universes, or existences coexisting all
at the same time? This means that everything that ever existed or
CAN ever exist is ALREADY here.
If this is true, and from everything I have researched it indicates
that it is, then when we decide which universe (now) we choose to
observe, we are essentially choosing our reality.
In theory, you could choose a universe where you are a millionaire
or a homeless person. You could choose a healthy body or
one with illness. You could have a perfect mate or a dysfunctional
relationship. You are the one that chooses (or not) through your
ATTENTION and POINT OF FOCUS. And since energy flows where your
attention goes, this is what you are experiencing in your life. (We
will continue our discussion tomorrow.)
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
P.S. One of the advanced techniques I use involves bypassing your
inner gatekeeper to change your subconscious blueprint...
So what are you waiting for? Click this link NOW!
Labels: Law of Attraction
Friday, June 11, 2010
Manifesting Dreams
The law of attraction will cause you to receive that which you are vibrating. If you worry, you will get more to worry about. If you are happy you will get more to be happy about. This is manifesting in action. So what are you going to do about it?
In case you didn't notice the large link at the top of this blog, look there now. Click it and get manifesting today.
Be Blessed.
Labels: Manifesting
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Book Think and Grow Rich
Many famous people have said it changed their lives, even Antony Robbins says it is the greatest success book of all time. Well known entrepreneurs like Donald Trump to Bill Gates have referred to the books awesome power to change your life. An estimated thirty million people across the globe have read this underground classic and experienced huge changes in their lives.
You may not have heard of the book Think and Grow Rich, and if you are not experiencing great success in your life at this time, then you probably haven’t read it. If you did and still don’t have success then you must not have understood what the main message of the book conveys. Almost every person who reads the book and understands it can change their life almost immediately and start living a happier and successful life.
This book is probably the best self improvement book in the history of modern America. When you read it or reread it, you will that it is quite simply the most eye opening and powerful book you have ever read in your life.
The book teaches you a system for using your mind, it is virtually impossible to experience success without specific though patterns, and the book Think and Grow Rich shows you how to develop those patters so that you can achieve success in all areas of your life. In case you were wondering; yes it even shows you how to get rich financially.
So ask your self if you are looking for success in your life, or are you just a day dreamer. Are you the type who thinks about it, but never does anything? If you have even a tiny bit of motivation you need to get your hands on this book. Now is the time to change you life for the better. Did you hear that? Opportunity just knocked on your door.
Do not waste another second and go to the blog listed in the resource box below and download it now. In the book Napoleon Hill talks about the power of making decisions; decisions can change your life for the better. Make the right one now; the only thing you will risk is a better future.
Be Blessed
So what are you waiting for? Click Here!
Labels: Law of Attraction, success
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
How Can I Use the Law of Attraction Part 6
Let the universe do its own work in its own time! Another reason to have patience and allow is that it is possible to become so focused on what you think is going to happen that you manage to totally miss it right when it is in front of your face. Just because the event did not occur in precisely the manner you demanded that it would.
Always keep in mind that the universe will choose its own time and place for all things to occur. Also be aware that these events may take place through rather unusual means. So you also have to be open to how and when your desire will be met. By precisely predetermining exactly how and when you will receive the rewards which you are seeking you are taking away the choice from the hands of the greater power, which directs the ebb and flow of all the energies of life, and setting yourself up for a hard fall.
You can best achieve success with manifesting when you simply allow for it to happen. Just set your desire, and set a “bookmark” so that you will know when the desire has arrived. Let us say you desire a mate, if you get too involved with the first person you meet you might miss your soul mate when they appear. So set a milestone to know when your objective has been met, such as my soul mate will love to read the same kind of books I do, or will be an early riser like me, or will be happy to meet my dad, and so on. A simple, yet non restricting way, of measuring when you have finally manifested your desire, this way you will know that you have manifested and that the universe is working with and for you, not against you.
Be careful about taking the ability to choose upon yourself, for when you do you are essentially saying that you do not have faith in the ability of the law of attraction to work. Continuing to try to force the issue will eventually cause you to disbelieve in the law of attraction, which will cause your subconscious to radiate the negative energy which will drive the positive energy away, in turn causing it to “never” work for you.
To sum up; the third ingredient for manifesting is patience. Make sure that you exercise your patience and you will be greatly rewarded.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting
Monday, June 07, 2010
How Can I Use the Law of Attraction Part 5
1. Affection
2. Comfort
3. Confidence
4. Cheerfulness
5. Delight
6. Excitement
7. Friendship
8. Happiness
9. Hopefulness
10. Joy
11. Love
12. Optimism
Now we must add in the believing and patience. It is essential that once you have placed a request with the universe that you are willing to have patience for the desired results to occur. The universe is not always going to give you exactly what you want, exactly when you want it. It does things in its own time and it does them better.
Believing and positive thinking is enough to manifest what you want, but it is hard to do because positive thinking occurs only on the conscious level. This explains why positive thinking is not enough by itself to put into effect the law of attraction. It is also necessary for belief to be added into the mix to achieve manifesting, in other words you have to feed the vibration into the subconscious as well
It has long been held that the subconscious has a direct effect on the actions and beliefs of the conscious mind, a topic which will be discussed in greater detail a bit later on, but for now it is sufficient to say that if the conscious mind is attempting to think positive thoughts while the subconscious retains a negative energy the two will cancel each other out, and the desired effect will not be achieved. The universe works at its own speed; remember, every action carries with it an equal and opposite reaction. It is essential that the other environmental conditions be right in order for an event to occur just as it should.
This means that manifesting with the law of attraction may take weeks, months or even years to effect a fruitful reaction to your desires. It seems that people of today are spoiled; they want what they want and they want it now. So this means that a new theory that does not produce instant results is not going to be received with a great deal of favor. If there is not instant gratification then there is disbelief, and belief plays a large part of manifesting. Without belief there can not be manifesting, it is like making pizza without the cheese, just not right.
You can’t push the universe to act when you want it. It will deliver when the time is right, and no sooner or later, be confident in its ability to affect the desired results. So you must be content to wait, knowing that what you want most will come to you in time.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting
Sunday, June 06, 2010
How Can I Use the Law of Attraction Part 4
To manifest what it is we desire we must be positive, we must think, speak, act, and feel positive. This is what creates! Please understand that we are always thinking, and it is our thoughts that cause the cosmic ether to react and create what we have thought about. When we are purposely manifesting our desires then it is the positive vibrations that will see our desired reality created. The release of positive energy into the universe is what allows you to chart the course of your destiny to success, failing to hold the positive will result in uncertainty that will eventually lead you unhappiness. Yes it may seem a bit hard to have to remain positive all the time, and at first it is, but with practice it becomes easier and easier.
Now I am not saying that a momentary lapse of positive vibes will cause you to lose all that you are trying to use manifesting for. Simply realize that you are starting to think poorly and correct yourself to think positive again. This is normal, think of it like letting off on the gas pedal of your vehicle, it is still moving but starts to lose momentum. Well, so it is with manifesting, being positive is pushing the gas pedal and driving you closer to your desires. Thinking negative is letting off of the gas. If you stay negative for long enough eventually your vehicle will stop, and maybe even begin to roll backwards.
As you may have gathered from the previous section, manifesting with the law of attraction does not always work the way that all parties involved would like it to. Why is that? After all, in the law of attraction is universal, why does it seem to only work part of the time? I’ll bet you know the answer already. Now of course almost all of it falls back on the user’s ability to follow the guidelines required, the only thing standing between you and success is yourself; you are responsible for your own fate. If the mind is clogged with so much negative energy that it cannot release the positive vibes which will attract the positive energies of the universe, the law of attraction will not be able to help that person. They must first rid themselves of all of these negative vibes and start fresh.
Thinking positive is just one aspect of using the law of attraction for manifesting your desires. Manifesting is a skill and as with any skill it takes time, effort and devotion to truly master in your life this fabulous new tool called manifesting.
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting
Saturday, June 05, 2010
How Can I Use the Law of Attraction Part 3
To manifest the things and situations you truly desire into your life you must raise your vibrations so that they are all positive. So how do you do that? First you must act and feel as though the result you desire for is going to occur. When you are first starting this process you may not actually feel as though it is possible, so you must retrain your self to think positive. Say to your self “You are successful” rather than “You will be successful” and every time you begin to doubt yourself you must immediately correct yourself and tell your-self with firm vigor that you ARE successful. This retraining may take a day or it may take months, it is solely up to you on how well you retrain your thinking.
This thinking process is an essential part of manifesting with the law of attraction. The greater power does not always instantly deliver what you desire; it is this way to keep us from destroying things. The greater good behind all things is for growth and expansion, and if things were too easily available they would be wasted rather than treasured. Many people cannot grasp the concept that to manifest into your life anything of quality takes time. During this time you must remain positive about your self and the desire to be manifested. To think negatively will cause the desire to be cancelled.
Stay focused on what you do want, not what you don’t want, whatever you focus on the most will be what you receive. Always think positive, and when you do catch yourself being negative immediately change your thinking and remind yourself that you ARE going to achieve your goals and dreams. Be on guard against your old self, because it is very easy to allow your mind to begin to wander to negative thoughts, and when it does you must catch your mind, and remind it to always be positive about your dreams and goals. This part may seem simple, and it is, but it is the hardest to accomplish.
A great tactic to use here is to accept that it can happen. Many times it is your own subconscious that is your biggest stumbling block. The struggle will be you attempting to convince your mind that something can happen while your subconscious is trying to pick out the reasons that it won’t. To reinforce your faith you should look again at the sheet of paper upon which you have written your goals and dreams, and remind yourself that when you wrote them it didn’t seem impossible then, and it did not become impossible just because you went into the other room. It is an epic struggle, but one that you can win with simple persistence.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting
Friday, June 04, 2010
How Can I Use the Law of Attraction Part 2
Identify the things you wish to achieve and write them down. Yes I am very serious; write it on a piece of paper, use a scrap piece at first to write down what you think you want to do. Make the list in small chunks with the ultimate goal at the bottom. For example you want to be the next president of the United States, which would be at the bottom, above that would be the steps needed to get there. Like register for a political party, get elected for another position, get the prerequisite education and experience and so on, with the easiest goal at the top. Then get a brand shiny new piece of paper and rewrite the list neatly and in order, and in large print. Then find a place where you will spend time every day and tape this piece of paper there so that you see it multiple times every day. The bathroom mirror is a good place, the cupboard door above the coffee pot, the wall next to the TV and so on.
Having it there where you are able to constantly view the anticipated results of your endeavors will help to keep you on the right track. What you have just done with the creation of this list is that you are asking the universe for what you want. In essence you have placed your order and now must wait for the product to arrive. While you are waiting take some actions to help speed up the process. If you do nothing, then nothing will happen. If you start doing things to work towards that first goal, then in due time you will achieve your ultimate goal.
Take your time, all day if you have to, and think on this for a while so that it is embedded firmly in your mind. Get your list made and posted, do not even think of going to the next lesson until you accomplish this task. Remember that manifesting will sometimes happen quickly and sometimes slowly, but what you ask for you will get, so be very careful what you ask for so you don’t manifest yourself into a worse situation.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting
Thursday, June 03, 2010
How Can I Use the Law of Attraction?
Now this may seem like going backwards, but the first step in finding success through the law of attraction is to accept responsibility for all the things that have occurred in your life, yes all of them. For now just accept it, if you want to argue that something wasn’t your fault or doing you can argue later.
This is the most difficult part of achieving success through manifestation, the first step of a journey. Now we are taught from childhood to believe that our environment contributes a large part to the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Well this may be true or not, the task at hand is the taking the responsibility and acknowledging the fact that you have no one to blame but yourself.
This is the first step you must take before you can begin to manifest a better life for you self. So spend the rest of today accepting that what you are now is because of the actions you have taken and accept that good or bad it is because of you.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Why Should You be Manifesting?
Two of the questions that many people are asking is why even do this manifesting thing? What does manifesting have to do with me and the way I live? Those question both imply that you don’t need to or have to try to manifest anything as you are fine the way you are and don’t need anything better.
Whether you choose to believe it or not you are always manifesting, you bring into your life what you choose. Unfortunately most people do not realize this and so they continue to bring more of what they don’t want into their lives. To truly use the skill of manifesting is the conscious creation of your environment and the way you live. If your life sucks then you need to learn and master the skill of manifesting.
So that brings us back to the question; why? Well as I explained you are manifesting all the time anyway, so instead of just hoping for the best, the trick would be to use it to your advantage. Learn how to direct the source of power inside you and use it for your own self interest so that you get what you really want instead of more crap.
Speed Manifesting Click Here!
Imagine if you will that you have a nice car, a nice place to live in a nice neighborhood, and you never have to worry about the bills being paid or not having the things you desire. You have those nice clothes, the friendly neighbors, good food that you like on the table and lots more in the fridge, that you have a career that you enjoy, that your friends and family enjoy your benevolence and love. You can have all that and more if you just start to use the manifesting skill for your good and better self.
So how do you do this? First be aware that you are in control of your own life. It may not seem like it right now as you have lived so long the way you are, rest assured it is not your fault. You were never taught anything else. Becoming aware of the fact that you can recreate your life will open the doors of opportunity and this in turn will set you on a new path to a better life of your choosing.
Next, find a teacher. The saying goes that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. This is so true, when you need a councilor, or a coach, or someone to show you the way, that person will be provided to you by the higher power. It is the way of the universe and if you seek you will find.
So do you think you can start making a better life for yourself and those around you? Do you want a better life? You are reading this for a reason, the higher power has shown you a clue to help you and guide you. It is time to take action and begin to discover a whole new world and better life by the conscious and deliberate use of manifesting.
Be Blessed.
Speed Manifesting Click Here!
Labels: life, Manifesting
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
What Is Covert Hypnosis Exactly?
Just a quick thing on Hypnosis Get it HERE
You may be familiar with the hypnosis you see on TV or at stage shows. You know the kind, the kind where a hypnotist is able to have people sit in a chair and then supposedly turn them into chickens, and things like that.
You may often ask yourself “Is that real, or is the hypnotist just using actors?”. The answer is of course, that yes, it is very real, however you may be surprised to know that there is a much more advanced form of hypnosis than that, a kind of hypnosis that can be used in your day to day life on people without them being aware of it. And this field is known as “covert hypnosis”.
It makes sense, if a hypnotist can hypnotize people at a stage show, then surely he'd be able to do it off the stage as well, when people aren't aware of it? The answer is of course that yes, a trained hypnotist can do just that. You see, entertainment hypnosis is the only form of hypnosis that you're exposed to. Covert hypnosis, because its discreet, is a type of hypnosis you will never heard about, nor will you see it on TV. Covert hypnosis is of course, by its very nature... covert.
Get it HERE
It's the type of hypnosis that politicians, faith healers, mentalists, illusionists, even psychics use in order to hypnotize many people into doing things, or thinking certain things. Covert hypnosis is used by professionals each and every day to make people fall in love, to bring them into false belief systems, to make them part with their money, and many other powerful things.
The powers of covert hypnosis are practically endless, and once this field is mastered, many things become possible. But how does it work exactly? Covert hypnosis works by influencing a person's subconscious outside of the person's conscious awareness. Whenever we're consciously aware of a suggestion, we cannot be hypnotized by it. This is because our consciousness contains a critical part to it, which constantly analyzes everything that passes through it.
If our conscious were to come across any information, or suggestion that it didn't agree with, then it would immediately reject it. For example, if I told you right now “you will raise your right hand”, you most likely wouldn't, since I'm giving your consciousness an instruction. If however I plant subtle suggestions within your mind, and then trigger these suggestions subconsciously, without you being consciously aware of it, then it becomes quite possible for me to make you raise your right hand.
As you can see, by its very nature, covert hypnosis isn't obvious. The only real way to tell if someone is using covert hypnosis on you is to learn the field yourself.
Be Blessed
Get the course HERE
Labels: success
Manifesting Success
Manifesting success is another way to bring into your life happiness. But what is manifesting success? Manifesting success is not limited to just monetary and material possessions. Success is a happy and fulfilling life. Success can be found everywhere, it is all around us and plentiful. You can see examples of it everywhere in countless forms in life as well as nature.
We are all creators of our own existence. We have manifested the life we have right now. The universe, or Great Spirit, craves to continuously express itself by giving us all that we ask for and desire. We can and do receive the things we deserve. Through this power we demonstrate success, and we can show that we have brought upon ourselves what our current situation is in life. Life, and its meaning shows that we are naturally wanting to grow, to develop, and become bigger and stronger.
Unfortunately, most of us have never been educated on manifesting, and see that this longing and natural inclination for growth has been repressed. The main cause of this undesirable life is negative thinking, and not having enough faith in ones self.
Every person has dual natures: One wants the self to move forward while the other wants to pull back. The old Indian fable where each has a good wolf and a bad wolf inside always fighting for control of the whole, the one who wins is the one you feed. In other words the one nature that one concentrates and cultivates ultimately determines what one is at the end.
Your “will” resolves the issue alone. An individual by use of the “will” can change the world and accomplish miracles. To do this we must have an open mind, we must be receptive to new ideas and practices. To do what we have been doing will only result in the same stuff over and to get something different you must do something different.
A person who has a closed mind accepts as truth a concept without much concern for evidence. They might have reached their concept simply because they were told it was so. They did not bother to look for supporting material or evidence. As a result, when they are presented with a new concept, even with supporting evidence that is contradictory to their current belief, they immediately dismiss it without consideration.
Conversely a person with an open mind considers first the evidence that proves or disapproves the interpretation of the concept before reaching any conclusion. They do not just gather information; rather they weigh what they have learned and work towards reaching a conclusion based on facts and evidence.
This open mind will allow you to attract opportunities and continue to attract opportunities, regardless of how grand or how small they first appear. An open mind is open to all possibilities. This one mind set will allow you to manifest exactly what you desire when you so choose.
Directly opposite is the closed mind, and this will cause a person to be stubborn, wanting things and situations to manifest immediately, and wanting it as exactly as demanded, not willing to accept or try something else in its place, even if it would have been better, even when that which they envisioned can not be accomplished or reached.
When you close your mind, you are in essence telling your higher self, the “powers of the universe” that you are not eager to mature and encounter new things, so as a result there will be no progress, no transformation, and your own life will never have a chance to improve.
A bit from the book “Think and Grow Rich” says that whatever the mind can envision, the mind can create. What you can imagine, believe, and think is conveyed to the subconscious that then works along with the universal forces and establishes your reality based on the visualization of the conscious mind.
You must keep in mind though, that it is not sufficient to merely imagine a thing and then and hope it materializes out of thin air. You will reap what you sow, and this means that you must first put in some effort, and work, not just wishing. That’s right, I said the word “work”, this should clue you in that you will need to expend time and effort in exchange for your desires. For example a couch potato will never win a marathon, unless they first spend the time and effort to train, of course then they would no longer be a couch potato as they are training for a marathon. So to make your dreams come true requires a bit of effort on your part.
You can achieve anything once you open up your mind to manifesting success, and of course get rid of those negative thoughts. What your life is right now and what the present circumstances you have at the moment does not really matter, because once you truly decide to change, and begin to think with noble intentions, your life begins to change direction and many opportunities will find you.
Thoughts hold great power. Be conscious of the thoughts that comes into your mind; let the positive in, and above all never entertain the negative. Open up your mind to possibilities and never be afraid to try; if you fail, take it as an occasion that you have learned from failing, and always try again until you manifest success.
In conclusion of today’s lesson; focus on possibilities, rather than limitations, and expand your thoughts to what it is that you believe, and with a little effort you can manifest success into your life, and once this process has started you will have a happier life.
Be Blessed
Use Your Mind
Labels: Manifesting, success