Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Manifesting Success
My Friends, a tough lesson today, check this out-->Use Your Mind
Manifesting success is another way to bring into your life happiness. But what is manifesting success? Manifesting success is not limited to just monetary and material possessions. Success is a happy and fulfilling life. Success can be found everywhere, it is all around us and plentiful. You can see examples of it everywhere in countless forms in life as well as nature.
We are all creators of our own existence. We have manifested the life we have right now. The universe, or Great Spirit, craves to continuously express itself by giving us all that we ask for and desire. We can and do receive the things we deserve. Through this power we demonstrate success, and we can show that we have brought upon ourselves what our current situation is in life. Life, and its meaning shows that we are naturally wanting to grow, to develop, and become bigger and stronger.
Unfortunately, most of us have never been educated on manifesting, and see that this longing and natural inclination for growth has been repressed. The main cause of this undesirable life is negative thinking, and not having enough faith in ones self.
Every person has dual natures: One wants the self to move forward while the other wants to pull back. The old Indian fable where each has a good wolf and a bad wolf inside always fighting for control of the whole, the one who wins is the one you feed. In other words the one nature that one concentrates and cultivates ultimately determines what one is at the end.
Your “will” resolves the issue alone. An individual by use of the “will” can change the world and accomplish miracles. To do this we must have an open mind, we must be receptive to new ideas and practices. To do what we have been doing will only result in the same stuff over and to get something different you must do something different.
A person who has a closed mind accepts as truth a concept without much concern for evidence. They might have reached their concept simply because they were told it was so. They did not bother to look for supporting material or evidence. As a result, when they are presented with a new concept, even with supporting evidence that is contradictory to their current belief, they immediately dismiss it without consideration.
Conversely a person with an open mind considers first the evidence that proves or disapproves the interpretation of the concept before reaching any conclusion. They do not just gather information; rather they weigh what they have learned and work towards reaching a conclusion based on facts and evidence.
This open mind will allow you to attract opportunities and continue to attract opportunities, regardless of how grand or how small they first appear. An open mind is open to all possibilities. This one mind set will allow you to manifest exactly what you desire when you so choose.
Directly opposite is the closed mind, and this will cause a person to be stubborn, wanting things and situations to manifest immediately, and wanting it as exactly as demanded, not willing to accept or try something else in its place, even if it would have been better, even when that which they envisioned can not be accomplished or reached.
When you close your mind, you are in essence telling your higher self, the “powers of the universe” that you are not eager to mature and encounter new things, so as a result there will be no progress, no transformation, and your own life will never have a chance to improve.
A bit from the book “Think and Grow Rich” says that whatever the mind can envision, the mind can create. What you can imagine, believe, and think is conveyed to the subconscious that then works along with the universal forces and establishes your reality based on the visualization of the conscious mind.
You must keep in mind though, that it is not sufficient to merely imagine a thing and then and hope it materializes out of thin air. You will reap what you sow, and this means that you must first put in some effort, and work, not just wishing. That’s right, I said the word “work”, this should clue you in that you will need to expend time and effort in exchange for your desires. For example a couch potato will never win a marathon, unless they first spend the time and effort to train, of course then they would no longer be a couch potato as they are training for a marathon. So to make your dreams come true requires a bit of effort on your part.
You can achieve anything once you open up your mind to manifesting success, and of course get rid of those negative thoughts. What your life is right now and what the present circumstances you have at the moment does not really matter, because once you truly decide to change, and begin to think with noble intentions, your life begins to change direction and many opportunities will find you.
Thoughts hold great power. Be conscious of the thoughts that comes into your mind; let the positive in, and above all never entertain the negative. Open up your mind to possibilities and never be afraid to try; if you fail, take it as an occasion that you have learned from failing, and always try again until you manifest success.
In conclusion of today’s lesson; focus on possibilities, rather than limitations, and expand your thoughts to what it is that you believe, and with a little effort you can manifest success into your life, and once this process has started you will have a happier life.
Be Blessed
Use Your Mind
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Manifesting success is another way to bring into your life happiness. But what is manifesting success? Manifesting success is not limited to just monetary and material possessions. Success is a happy and fulfilling life. Success can be found everywhere, it is all around us and plentiful. You can see examples of it everywhere in countless forms in life as well as nature.
We are all creators of our own existence. We have manifested the life we have right now. The universe, or Great Spirit, craves to continuously express itself by giving us all that we ask for and desire. We can and do receive the things we deserve. Through this power we demonstrate success, and we can show that we have brought upon ourselves what our current situation is in life. Life, and its meaning shows that we are naturally wanting to grow, to develop, and become bigger and stronger.
Unfortunately, most of us have never been educated on manifesting, and see that this longing and natural inclination for growth has been repressed. The main cause of this undesirable life is negative thinking, and not having enough faith in ones self.
Every person has dual natures: One wants the self to move forward while the other wants to pull back. The old Indian fable where each has a good wolf and a bad wolf inside always fighting for control of the whole, the one who wins is the one you feed. In other words the one nature that one concentrates and cultivates ultimately determines what one is at the end.
Your “will” resolves the issue alone. An individual by use of the “will” can change the world and accomplish miracles. To do this we must have an open mind, we must be receptive to new ideas and practices. To do what we have been doing will only result in the same stuff over and to get something different you must do something different.
A person who has a closed mind accepts as truth a concept without much concern for evidence. They might have reached their concept simply because they were told it was so. They did not bother to look for supporting material or evidence. As a result, when they are presented with a new concept, even with supporting evidence that is contradictory to their current belief, they immediately dismiss it without consideration.
Conversely a person with an open mind considers first the evidence that proves or disapproves the interpretation of the concept before reaching any conclusion. They do not just gather information; rather they weigh what they have learned and work towards reaching a conclusion based on facts and evidence.
This open mind will allow you to attract opportunities and continue to attract opportunities, regardless of how grand or how small they first appear. An open mind is open to all possibilities. This one mind set will allow you to manifest exactly what you desire when you so choose.
Directly opposite is the closed mind, and this will cause a person to be stubborn, wanting things and situations to manifest immediately, and wanting it as exactly as demanded, not willing to accept or try something else in its place, even if it would have been better, even when that which they envisioned can not be accomplished or reached.
When you close your mind, you are in essence telling your higher self, the “powers of the universe” that you are not eager to mature and encounter new things, so as a result there will be no progress, no transformation, and your own life will never have a chance to improve.
A bit from the book “Think and Grow Rich” says that whatever the mind can envision, the mind can create. What you can imagine, believe, and think is conveyed to the subconscious that then works along with the universal forces and establishes your reality based on the visualization of the conscious mind.
You must keep in mind though, that it is not sufficient to merely imagine a thing and then and hope it materializes out of thin air. You will reap what you sow, and this means that you must first put in some effort, and work, not just wishing. That’s right, I said the word “work”, this should clue you in that you will need to expend time and effort in exchange for your desires. For example a couch potato will never win a marathon, unless they first spend the time and effort to train, of course then they would no longer be a couch potato as they are training for a marathon. So to make your dreams come true requires a bit of effort on your part.
You can achieve anything once you open up your mind to manifesting success, and of course get rid of those negative thoughts. What your life is right now and what the present circumstances you have at the moment does not really matter, because once you truly decide to change, and begin to think with noble intentions, your life begins to change direction and many opportunities will find you.
Thoughts hold great power. Be conscious of the thoughts that comes into your mind; let the positive in, and above all never entertain the negative. Open up your mind to possibilities and never be afraid to try; if you fail, take it as an occasion that you have learned from failing, and always try again until you manifest success.
In conclusion of today’s lesson; focus on possibilities, rather than limitations, and expand your thoughts to what it is that you believe, and with a little effort you can manifest success into your life, and once this process has started you will have a happier life.
Be Blessed
Use Your Mind
Labels: Manifesting, success