Friday, June 04, 2010
How Can I Use the Law of Attraction Part 2
Using the law of attraction is called manifesting. So let’s get started with manifesting your life. In the last lesson you were tasked with admitting that everything in your life was your responsibility and a result of your actions. Now that you have accepted the fact that you are responsible for your current situation you may also start to realize you are also responsible for your own fate. Now it is time to go further and determine what it is about your life that you would like to or need to change. Think about it, what is your most pressing matter at this time? Do you want to find another job? Move to a new house? Enter into a meaningful relationship? Receive a promotion?
Identify the things you wish to achieve and write them down. Yes I am very serious; write it on a piece of paper, use a scrap piece at first to write down what you think you want to do. Make the list in small chunks with the ultimate goal at the bottom. For example you want to be the next president of the United States, which would be at the bottom, above that would be the steps needed to get there. Like register for a political party, get elected for another position, get the prerequisite education and experience and so on, with the easiest goal at the top. Then get a brand shiny new piece of paper and rewrite the list neatly and in order, and in large print. Then find a place where you will spend time every day and tape this piece of paper there so that you see it multiple times every day. The bathroom mirror is a good place, the cupboard door above the coffee pot, the wall next to the TV and so on.
Having it there where you are able to constantly view the anticipated results of your endeavors will help to keep you on the right track. What you have just done with the creation of this list is that you are asking the universe for what you want. In essence you have placed your order and now must wait for the product to arrive. While you are waiting take some actions to help speed up the process. If you do nothing, then nothing will happen. If you start doing things to work towards that first goal, then in due time you will achieve your ultimate goal.
Take your time, all day if you have to, and think on this for a while so that it is embedded firmly in your mind. Get your list made and posted, do not even think of going to the next lesson until you accomplish this task. Remember that manifesting will sometimes happen quickly and sometimes slowly, but what you ask for you will get, so be very careful what you ask for so you don’t manifest yourself into a worse situation.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Identify the things you wish to achieve and write them down. Yes I am very serious; write it on a piece of paper, use a scrap piece at first to write down what you think you want to do. Make the list in small chunks with the ultimate goal at the bottom. For example you want to be the next president of the United States, which would be at the bottom, above that would be the steps needed to get there. Like register for a political party, get elected for another position, get the prerequisite education and experience and so on, with the easiest goal at the top. Then get a brand shiny new piece of paper and rewrite the list neatly and in order, and in large print. Then find a place where you will spend time every day and tape this piece of paper there so that you see it multiple times every day. The bathroom mirror is a good place, the cupboard door above the coffee pot, the wall next to the TV and so on.
Having it there where you are able to constantly view the anticipated results of your endeavors will help to keep you on the right track. What you have just done with the creation of this list is that you are asking the universe for what you want. In essence you have placed your order and now must wait for the product to arrive. While you are waiting take some actions to help speed up the process. If you do nothing, then nothing will happen. If you start doing things to work towards that first goal, then in due time you will achieve your ultimate goal.
Take your time, all day if you have to, and think on this for a while so that it is embedded firmly in your mind. Get your list made and posted, do not even think of going to the next lesson until you accomplish this task. Remember that manifesting will sometimes happen quickly and sometimes slowly, but what you ask for you will get, so be very careful what you ask for so you don’t manifest yourself into a worse situation.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, Manifesting