Saturday, April 19, 2008
How to Forget
Something that we all do is to allow our past to influence our future. You can see examples of it everywhere you look. Yes, some things do have an effect on your future, but those things do not hold you back, they just change the course you must take.
There are many effective methods of memory training that are currently around and are offered to the public, but, to the best of my knowledge, there is no course teaching one how to forget. So today’s lesson is about how to forget the right way.
Let us build on the statement that it is the memories of the past and the fear of the future which make our present so difficult. We all know we only live in the present; you can not change the past, so why should you allow the past to affect your present? One of the main reasons why it is so hard to maintain positive thoughts in our minds, is our memories of our past hardships and failures. If your life has been a difficult one, you are likely to have a conflict of mental pictures, so when you try to visualize success your memories of the past come flooding in and seriously cripple your efforts. This means that your recalling of unpleasant situations from the past neutralizes the success for your future.
So now you understand why it is so important to develop your faculties of forgetting, but you have to forget in the proper way or you will end up making the mistakes of the past all over again. It is important to develop the ability to remember, you must discover the correct method of recalling so that your present life will not be controlled by events you no longer can control.
Let us examine the statement: You Are What You Think You Are! The impression you have of yourself is the accumulation of your experiences so far acquired throughout this lifetime. Since most people are inclined toward the negative side, it is most likely that you have a negative impression of yourself. In other words, you think of yourself as being destined by fate to live a hard life; and therefore, you do. Because what you think is what you are.
So what we need is a mental eraser. Just think if you had a mental eraser and could remove all of the unpleasant, negative pictures of your life, and then replace them with positive ones, then your future would be successful and happy. Now I know you will lose no time in using your mental eraser, once you have it, however there is one point that must be made clear: The memories and pictures of your past should be erased only as far as they affect your present activities, not completely removed from your memory.
During my life I have had many experiences, some very some bitter, and some very sad, and others excruciatingly painful, and through these experiences learned many things the hard way. Having said that, I wouldn't part with those memories now, they are what I was and did, not who I am and where I am going. These memories serve not as a guide but as a way of judging my progress; I can fully appreciate what I have, by comparing my present with my past.
So we now have this provocative dilemma: We should retain mental pictures of past experiences as a means of comparison; yet at the same time we should erase negative mental pictures so that positive ones may take over. You now ask; “How do we do this?” So let us get to the matter at hand.
Let us start with an overview of the process and then work into some details. The main idea and goal of solving this problem is to take all pictures of former events, unpleasant ones in particular, and place them in a separate memory files for future reference purposes only. We then edit all new pictures seeking admittance into our conscience, and quickly refuse those which might have a negative effect on our lives. An example is the old family album. In it you find pictures of great grandpa wearing what look to be very stuffy clothes and holding a lantern, and great grandmother cooking on a wood stove, or hand washing the laundry. You also find baby pictures of family members now long grown up, wearing cloth diapers, and pictures of children playing, and so on. None of us would like to look the way, or dress the way they did in the “old days" but it is nice to have the pictures as a means of comparing the past with the present.
You gain knowledge through past mistakes, so you must remember only the lesson, and not the pain. The word “If” is an important word here; it is the word that is the catalyst which will join your past experiences with future failure or success. There is no difference in external conditions; the difference is in the mind. If you accept the mental pictures of disaster (and, as you know thoughts are pictures and pictures are patterns) then there is nothing you can do but fail. However if you use your mental eraser, and erase the disaster pictures, taking care to put a copy in your mental album for future reference, and replace them with success pictures then there is nothing you can do but succeed.
So now to the nitty gritty part of the lesson, an exercise; we will begin thinking about thinking. As you think about thinking you will experience a great revelation: You will begin to get a glimpse of the gigantic reservoir of power you have at your command. Start off by examining every thought you have, some use pen and paper to help keep track, do as you will, but you must do this exercise. While examining your thoughts, begin to classify them as negative, positive, destructive, constructive, and so forth. Then the next step is to become very critical about the thoughts you allow to enter your mind. Each time you find a picture coming into consciousness which has any connection at all with failure, illness, or gloom, remove it.
There are two methods of removing these thoughts, find the one that works for you and use it often. The first method is to “fire” it. When a negative thought enters into your consciousness say to it firmly “cancel” (of course there are other more “fun” explicative’s but we cant list them here) and then change your thought to what you do desire. If the same thought keeps trying to come back fire it again and again as many times as you have to. Eventually this thought will no longer return and the new thought you used to replace it will come around often.
The next method requires more effort, when a negative thought enters your mind, capture it and examine it. Look at the details and find out what is false about it, what is silly, what is outrageous, and in so doing remove from it its power to affect your life, then bend it twist and force it to show the correct picture you desire. Bit by bit change its existence from a negative thought to a positive one.
Let us use an example to further illustrate the exercise. Let us say you have an important meeting coming up, a job interview for instance, and you begin to have negative thoughts. In the first method when the thought comes in “they wont hire me because…” and you see yourself walking away dejected and disappointed, you firmly say “Cancel” and then affirm instead that they will hire you as you are the best candidate for the position, and see yourself signing the hiring papers. You do this over and over until you have the correct feeling of confidence that they will indeed hire you. In the second method you when the same negative comes into your mind, you look at the picture, why are you walking away? Why are you dejected? And so on, then bit by bit change the picture to you are walking away exited, elated and happy, you got the job and for better pay than you asked for.
Just because you have failed at the same task in the past does not mean you will fail today, change the picture by using your mental eraser and soon you will find that the past is just that, the past, and your present is happy and your future is now looking brighter.
Think of this lesson as something far greater than just words on a screen, think of this as your newest key to abundance. Think of it as the password to a more enjoyable life. Allow yourself actually to sparkle with enthusiasm, become eager to prove that the principles outlined here will be just as effective for you as they have been for others. Then use the tactics you have just discovered, to do nothing will get you nowhere. You'll end up saying: "I read the article and didn't get a thing out of it," and it will be true.
Things begin to happen when you see them happening. This of course, refers to good and bad things. If you see dismal things happening, you are directing them to come into existence, causing the pictures to become realities. Be thankful, however, that the reverse is true. When you see good things happening, you are directing your forces to make those pictures realities.
Think about thinking! Erase all pictures which might have come into your mind because of the day's experiences. Replace them with mental pictures of the things that you desire to happen. Here we must cover one finale point: Avoid reverse positives. Sometimes a positive affirmation can be negative in results. As an example, assume that you are working a routine to overcome shyness. The mantra: "I will overcome my shyness," is a positive statement, but it creates a negative condition. It gives emphasis to the fact that you are timid and makes your condition all the more real. Instead, affirm that you like people and like to talk to people. There is nothing at all negative about such a statement.
Here is the formula to follow in creating mental pictures that will not react in a negative manner: Picture the condition you desire; not the condition you are attempting to overcome. To say: "I will not fail" is negative; to say: "I am a success" is positive. The thought: "I will not be weak" is negative, whereas the expression: "I am getting stronger every day" is positive.
Practice the exercises given, with the assurance that the results will lift you to whatever heights you choose. You can be and do whatever you will to.
Be Blessed
There are many effective methods of memory training that are currently around and are offered to the public, but, to the best of my knowledge, there is no course teaching one how to forget. So today’s lesson is about how to forget the right way.
Let us build on the statement that it is the memories of the past and the fear of the future which make our present so difficult. We all know we only live in the present; you can not change the past, so why should you allow the past to affect your present? One of the main reasons why it is so hard to maintain positive thoughts in our minds, is our memories of our past hardships and failures. If your life has been a difficult one, you are likely to have a conflict of mental pictures, so when you try to visualize success your memories of the past come flooding in and seriously cripple your efforts. This means that your recalling of unpleasant situations from the past neutralizes the success for your future.
So now you understand why it is so important to develop your faculties of forgetting, but you have to forget in the proper way or you will end up making the mistakes of the past all over again. It is important to develop the ability to remember, you must discover the correct method of recalling so that your present life will not be controlled by events you no longer can control.
Let us examine the statement: You Are What You Think You Are! The impression you have of yourself is the accumulation of your experiences so far acquired throughout this lifetime. Since most people are inclined toward the negative side, it is most likely that you have a negative impression of yourself. In other words, you think of yourself as being destined by fate to live a hard life; and therefore, you do. Because what you think is what you are.
So what we need is a mental eraser. Just think if you had a mental eraser and could remove all of the unpleasant, negative pictures of your life, and then replace them with positive ones, then your future would be successful and happy. Now I know you will lose no time in using your mental eraser, once you have it, however there is one point that must be made clear: The memories and pictures of your past should be erased only as far as they affect your present activities, not completely removed from your memory.
During my life I have had many experiences, some very some bitter, and some very sad, and others excruciatingly painful, and through these experiences learned many things the hard way. Having said that, I wouldn't part with those memories now, they are what I was and did, not who I am and where I am going. These memories serve not as a guide but as a way of judging my progress; I can fully appreciate what I have, by comparing my present with my past.
So we now have this provocative dilemma: We should retain mental pictures of past experiences as a means of comparison; yet at the same time we should erase negative mental pictures so that positive ones may take over. You now ask; “How do we do this?” So let us get to the matter at hand.
Let us start with an overview of the process and then work into some details. The main idea and goal of solving this problem is to take all pictures of former events, unpleasant ones in particular, and place them in a separate memory files for future reference purposes only. We then edit all new pictures seeking admittance into our conscience, and quickly refuse those which might have a negative effect on our lives. An example is the old family album. In it you find pictures of great grandpa wearing what look to be very stuffy clothes and holding a lantern, and great grandmother cooking on a wood stove, or hand washing the laundry. You also find baby pictures of family members now long grown up, wearing cloth diapers, and pictures of children playing, and so on. None of us would like to look the way, or dress the way they did in the “old days" but it is nice to have the pictures as a means of comparing the past with the present.
You gain knowledge through past mistakes, so you must remember only the lesson, and not the pain. The word “If” is an important word here; it is the word that is the catalyst which will join your past experiences with future failure or success. There is no difference in external conditions; the difference is in the mind. If you accept the mental pictures of disaster (and, as you know thoughts are pictures and pictures are patterns) then there is nothing you can do but fail. However if you use your mental eraser, and erase the disaster pictures, taking care to put a copy in your mental album for future reference, and replace them with success pictures then there is nothing you can do but succeed.
So now to the nitty gritty part of the lesson, an exercise; we will begin thinking about thinking. As you think about thinking you will experience a great revelation: You will begin to get a glimpse of the gigantic reservoir of power you have at your command. Start off by examining every thought you have, some use pen and paper to help keep track, do as you will, but you must do this exercise. While examining your thoughts, begin to classify them as negative, positive, destructive, constructive, and so forth. Then the next step is to become very critical about the thoughts you allow to enter your mind. Each time you find a picture coming into consciousness which has any connection at all with failure, illness, or gloom, remove it.
There are two methods of removing these thoughts, find the one that works for you and use it often. The first method is to “fire” it. When a negative thought enters into your consciousness say to it firmly “cancel” (of course there are other more “fun” explicative’s but we cant list them here) and then change your thought to what you do desire. If the same thought keeps trying to come back fire it again and again as many times as you have to. Eventually this thought will no longer return and the new thought you used to replace it will come around often.
The next method requires more effort, when a negative thought enters your mind, capture it and examine it. Look at the details and find out what is false about it, what is silly, what is outrageous, and in so doing remove from it its power to affect your life, then bend it twist and force it to show the correct picture you desire. Bit by bit change its existence from a negative thought to a positive one.
Let us use an example to further illustrate the exercise. Let us say you have an important meeting coming up, a job interview for instance, and you begin to have negative thoughts. In the first method when the thought comes in “they wont hire me because…” and you see yourself walking away dejected and disappointed, you firmly say “Cancel” and then affirm instead that they will hire you as you are the best candidate for the position, and see yourself signing the hiring papers. You do this over and over until you have the correct feeling of confidence that they will indeed hire you. In the second method you when the same negative comes into your mind, you look at the picture, why are you walking away? Why are you dejected? And so on, then bit by bit change the picture to you are walking away exited, elated and happy, you got the job and for better pay than you asked for.
Just because you have failed at the same task in the past does not mean you will fail today, change the picture by using your mental eraser and soon you will find that the past is just that, the past, and your present is happy and your future is now looking brighter.
Think of this lesson as something far greater than just words on a screen, think of this as your newest key to abundance. Think of it as the password to a more enjoyable life. Allow yourself actually to sparkle with enthusiasm, become eager to prove that the principles outlined here will be just as effective for you as they have been for others. Then use the tactics you have just discovered, to do nothing will get you nowhere. You'll end up saying: "I read the article and didn't get a thing out of it," and it will be true.
Things begin to happen when you see them happening. This of course, refers to good and bad things. If you see dismal things happening, you are directing them to come into existence, causing the pictures to become realities. Be thankful, however, that the reverse is true. When you see good things happening, you are directing your forces to make those pictures realities.
Think about thinking! Erase all pictures which might have come into your mind because of the day's experiences. Replace them with mental pictures of the things that you desire to happen. Here we must cover one finale point: Avoid reverse positives. Sometimes a positive affirmation can be negative in results. As an example, assume that you are working a routine to overcome shyness. The mantra: "I will overcome my shyness," is a positive statement, but it creates a negative condition. It gives emphasis to the fact that you are timid and makes your condition all the more real. Instead, affirm that you like people and like to talk to people. There is nothing at all negative about such a statement.
Here is the formula to follow in creating mental pictures that will not react in a negative manner: Picture the condition you desire; not the condition you are attempting to overcome. To say: "I will not fail" is negative; to say: "I am a success" is positive. The thought: "I will not be weak" is negative, whereas the expression: "I am getting stronger every day" is positive.
Practice the exercises given, with the assurance that the results will lift you to whatever heights you choose. You can be and do whatever you will to.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, life, Manifesting
Sunday, April 06, 2008
How to Be Healthy
Have you ever known anyone who when you describe an ailment of any type begins to feel the symptoms and think they are sick? How about the old exercise where everyone cooperates to convince someone they are sick, by asking them if they are ok, as they look like death warmed over? Even though the person is fine he or she gets convinced they are sick and so go home early feeling rather ill. Well this is your mind at work, proving that it is your mind that controls your health.
To state the obvious; today’s discussion will be about health and physical well being. Just to cover the bases; start out by having your doctor give you a thorough examination. If the doctor finds anything basically wrong with you, have it taken care of, and then apply the principles we are discussing today.
There are a lot of people who have an illness consciousness. They continually fear that some new ailment is developing in them. First we must understand there is intelligence in every cell of your body, and because of this, mental pictures of ailments of various sorts will actually transmit the message to your cells with the result that you will always be feeling all the aches and pains you can think of. In short holding mental pictures of illness will, during the process of cell renewal, bring weaker cells into being, causing you to be and stay ill.
So what we need to do is develop our mental picture of radiant health. At first see yourself continually getting better and better in every respect. Add in to your daily routine that you are getting stronger every day, say it, sing it, feel it. Then instead of looking for ailments, notice how much better you are getting. When you wake in the morning your first words should be that you are glad to be alive, then take a second and feel your existence and say you are getting better everyday. Enjoy the great feeling of being healthy. When you go to bed at night pause and think how good it will be to arise and start another challenging day of exciting activity, with your new strength and health.
OK, now you ask “that is all well and good, but what is radiant health?” This is a fair question, the answer is simple, radiant health is what you think it is. If you can not see a picture of radiant health, go to the store and get one of those fitness magazines, look through the pictures until you find one that looks like radiant health to you. Cut out that picture, find a picture of you and tape your face on the picture. Post the picture where you will see it every day. By holding that picture of radiant health in your mind, you will soon grow into it. Soon is a relative term, if you are very unhealthy right now, it may take a year of effort to get to radiant health, and if you are just a bit out of shape it may take only a few weeks or months. Know this, if you hold the picture of radiant health in your mind every day, you will certainly attain it.
By holding the mental picture of radiant health in your mind you command the subconscious to build your body healthy. Your subconscious will take the command and transmit it to your cells and also guide you guide you in thought and action so that good health will be a reality. Understand that good health is your rightful heritage. Along with your other objectives, hold pictures of your physical being as glowing with radiant health. Know with a certainty that your subconscious will encourage your mind and will guide you in thought and action so that you will do the things necessary for good health. You will naturally tend to both diet and physical exercise, and this will have the effect of giving you buoyancy and vitality to carry through on all the other the objectives you are visualizing.
As an example most people, as they approach the seventy year mark, develop an age consciousness. They feel they are too old to start this, or to do that. It seems that we are taught that the normal lifespan is about seventy years, the question is “Why only seventy years?” We see on the news every day of people celebrating a hundred years, the president sends out centurial certificates every day, if they can live to be over a hundred so can you. Determine your own life span, set it for what you feel in fair, and then don’t worry about growing old.
I personally have set my life span for 200 years, and I am living accordingly. Now I feel better, physically and mentally, than I have at any time in my life. Perhaps I may not live to be 200, but I will not shorten my life through fear of old age and death. I personally intend to keep busy, and happy, until the grim reaper comes. When the grim reaper does come for me I intend to wrestle my way out of that situation, not hide and beg, and if the reaper wins it was a fair fight, if I win I might live forever.
So to get back on subject; what you have just learned in this discussion is not for temporary use. What you have discovered and learned is a new principle of life. Something to be used every day for the rest of your life, if you draw breath, then you continue to use the mental picture of radiant health to keep yourself healthy. Again; you have gained some new tools which will make your achievement assured and certain of accomplishment.
There is an old saying; “Knowing is half the battle” and it is. What most do not realize is that action is the other half. Knowledge is of no value unless you make use of it. Make use of this knowledge now, start developing the ability to create mental pictures of what you want and avoid the fear that you'll fail to achieve them. With this knowledge, and a little practice you can be and do anything you will.
Mastering this technique will be like being the heir to a tremendous warehouse that has everything you have ever desired, with the knowledge that all of it is yours; merely for the taking.
Be Blessed
To state the obvious; today’s discussion will be about health and physical well being. Just to cover the bases; start out by having your doctor give you a thorough examination. If the doctor finds anything basically wrong with you, have it taken care of, and then apply the principles we are discussing today.
There are a lot of people who have an illness consciousness. They continually fear that some new ailment is developing in them. First we must understand there is intelligence in every cell of your body, and because of this, mental pictures of ailments of various sorts will actually transmit the message to your cells with the result that you will always be feeling all the aches and pains you can think of. In short holding mental pictures of illness will, during the process of cell renewal, bring weaker cells into being, causing you to be and stay ill.
So what we need to do is develop our mental picture of radiant health. At first see yourself continually getting better and better in every respect. Add in to your daily routine that you are getting stronger every day, say it, sing it, feel it. Then instead of looking for ailments, notice how much better you are getting. When you wake in the morning your first words should be that you are glad to be alive, then take a second and feel your existence and say you are getting better everyday. Enjoy the great feeling of being healthy. When you go to bed at night pause and think how good it will be to arise and start another challenging day of exciting activity, with your new strength and health.
OK, now you ask “that is all well and good, but what is radiant health?” This is a fair question, the answer is simple, radiant health is what you think it is. If you can not see a picture of radiant health, go to the store and get one of those fitness magazines, look through the pictures until you find one that looks like radiant health to you. Cut out that picture, find a picture of you and tape your face on the picture. Post the picture where you will see it every day. By holding that picture of radiant health in your mind, you will soon grow into it. Soon is a relative term, if you are very unhealthy right now, it may take a year of effort to get to radiant health, and if you are just a bit out of shape it may take only a few weeks or months. Know this, if you hold the picture of radiant health in your mind every day, you will certainly attain it.
By holding the mental picture of radiant health in your mind you command the subconscious to build your body healthy. Your subconscious will take the command and transmit it to your cells and also guide you guide you in thought and action so that good health will be a reality. Understand that good health is your rightful heritage. Along with your other objectives, hold pictures of your physical being as glowing with radiant health. Know with a certainty that your subconscious will encourage your mind and will guide you in thought and action so that you will do the things necessary for good health. You will naturally tend to both diet and physical exercise, and this will have the effect of giving you buoyancy and vitality to carry through on all the other the objectives you are visualizing.
As an example most people, as they approach the seventy year mark, develop an age consciousness. They feel they are too old to start this, or to do that. It seems that we are taught that the normal lifespan is about seventy years, the question is “Why only seventy years?” We see on the news every day of people celebrating a hundred years, the president sends out centurial certificates every day, if they can live to be over a hundred so can you. Determine your own life span, set it for what you feel in fair, and then don’t worry about growing old.
I personally have set my life span for 200 years, and I am living accordingly. Now I feel better, physically and mentally, than I have at any time in my life. Perhaps I may not live to be 200, but I will not shorten my life through fear of old age and death. I personally intend to keep busy, and happy, until the grim reaper comes. When the grim reaper does come for me I intend to wrestle my way out of that situation, not hide and beg, and if the reaper wins it was a fair fight, if I win I might live forever.
So to get back on subject; what you have just learned in this discussion is not for temporary use. What you have discovered and learned is a new principle of life. Something to be used every day for the rest of your life, if you draw breath, then you continue to use the mental picture of radiant health to keep yourself healthy. Again; you have gained some new tools which will make your achievement assured and certain of accomplishment.
There is an old saying; “Knowing is half the battle” and it is. What most do not realize is that action is the other half. Knowledge is of no value unless you make use of it. Make use of this knowledge now, start developing the ability to create mental pictures of what you want and avoid the fear that you'll fail to achieve them. With this knowledge, and a little practice you can be and do anything you will.
Mastering this technique will be like being the heir to a tremendous warehouse that has everything you have ever desired, with the knowledge that all of it is yours; merely for the taking.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, life
Saturday, April 05, 2008
How to Think Correctly
We all have thoughts that run through our minds, all day long we have them, and we rarely if ever examine them. Today’s discussion will be about our thoughts, and the correct way to control them. Have you ever noticed that your thoughts are like pictures or movies? Take a minute and examine them again, and you will see that your thought patterns are like mini movies running around inside your head.
Once you realize that thoughts are Pictures; then you can accept that theses pictures are patterns. Let us use the example of the word “House.” When you hear the word house, what do you see in your mind? Do you see the letters that spell house? No; you see a picture of a house, and this is the meaning to you of that word. Are you beginning to understand that you think in pictures? The mind does not think in words, it “thinks” in pictures. When you are reading you are continually translating the words into pictures; you see what you read as patterns.
Now of course not all words can be changed into pictures, for those words we associate it to a situation: for example the word love, when we think of a word which does not lend itself to a picture, we associate it with a mini movie that reflects our understanding of the word. Back to the word love, most of us are likely to see in the mind the picture of a situation, being hugged by the one you love, or cuddling a baby, or petting your dog, etc. etc. etc.
On a side note when a person has difficulty in understanding what was read, it is usually because of a bad reading habit. The eyes have been following the words, but they have not been changing the words into pictures. For example you can go to a movie which may run for two hours or more. Later you can describe the film in vivid detail. This is because you have been watching the story in pictures. So think when you read and try to see the picture, the pattern that is being presented and you will grow in your understanding at a much faster rate.
Many magazines have thousands of pictures submitted to them every month, the large majority of them they will never use. On the staff of these publications is a picture editor, this person studies these pictures from the standpoint of possible reader interest. If he or she does not think that a picture will appeal to a large segment of the readers, it will not be used. The picture editor is one of the most important people on the staff. The growth of that publications circulation depends upon him or her. So this means you have to learn how to be the picture editor of your own publication; your own life.
Since thoughts are pictures, the mental pictures you have will be either negative or positive, depending upon your understanding and translation. We will not go into the discussion that what some view as good others view as bad, just realize that it is your interpretation that we are focusing on. Now you should very well know that negative thoughts cause negative reactions; while positive thoughts cause positive reactions. So since thoughts are pictures, does it not behoove you to appoint yourself as a picture editor to evaluate the mental pictures entering your mind? Discard the negative thoughts, and publish the positive ones.
Again let us cover a basic tenant; you understand that the subconscious accepts thoughts of the conscious mind as instructions; therefore it works diligently to reproduce in our beings or affairs whatever we hold in our thoughts. With this information we can now enlarge upon that axiom by adding that the pictures held in the conscious mind will be accepted as patterns by the subconscious. An example is in order here. Have you ever seen one of those player pianos? They have a wide roll of paper filled with small holes and slots that pass over a tracker board, each opening representing a note on the piano. No matter how many times you played a certain music roll, you always got the same tune. So it is with you, if you put in the roll with the song "White Christmas" you will not get the piano to play "Yankee Doodle." To change the tune you have to change the pattern that the piano plays, this translates to you in that to change your tune is to change your life, and to do that you must change the pattern of your program.
This corresponds to mental pictures, they are just as infallible. You cannot hold a picture of failure in your mind and expect it to guide you to success. You can however hold a picture in your mind of success and you will soon experience the picture, the pattern, which you hold clearly in your mind. You have heard people say things about focusing your thoughts, but they have never explained how. So now you are discovering the secret of this great concept. Your focused thought is the picture you keep looking at over and over. It may be a mini movie, or a pattern, everyone’s interpretation is a little different, the point is that as long as you keep recalling that picture, continue to replay that movie, to redraw the same pattern, you are focusing your thoughts.
You can see the benefit of becoming your own mental picture editor. If a negative picture attempts to enter your mind dismiss it, mentally return it to sender or see yourself throwing it in a trash can, see the word “CANCEL” stamped on it. Then immediately replace it with a positive one. At first this may take some effort on your part to do this, as in all things, a little practice and it gets easier, and a little more practice and it becomes second nature.
A phenomenon is a known fact; our description of it is a theory. For example if you hit your fist against the top of your table, a sound will register in your ear. That is a phenomenon. The attempt to explain what happened from the moment the fist made contact with the table until the sound reached your ear; that would be theory. In talking about your mental pictures, I am trying to explain a phenomena, my explanation is the theory.
In a television studio, the cameras are of no use unless there is power to project the image to televisions across the country. In order to project a mental picture, power must also be applied; that power is called enthusiasm. When you have a success picture, and that picture is powered up by enthusiasm, it will be received and acted upon thereby causing your success. In the absence of enthusiasm other emotions will be used for power, literally; the show must go on. Other emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, and so on, are poor substitutes, and as such will cause poor results. So in theory you must change your mental picture, and this will cause the phenomena of your success.
There is a passage in the bible which fits in very well with the subject matter: It will be found in Mark 11:24; "Therefore I say unto you, What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." This statement, for many, is hard to understand. What this statement really means is that you should hold mental pictures of yourself enjoying the use of that which you desire. Studying the statement even further, you will find that it does not mean that by visualizing what you desire, that it will come to you instantaneously. The word "shall" signifies that the result of your desire will come, but at a later time, depending on the magnitude of your desire. So what you but need do, is form mental pictures of yourself using and enjoying that which you desire; believe the picture to be true, and you will be guided in thought and action which will make your picture a reality.
Once again it must be emphasized: The principles relating to mental pictures apply equally to negative thoughts as to positive thoughts. Many times you may attempt to hold positive pictures, even think you are doing so; yet the effect of them is destroyed by allowing doubt to come creeping in. As an example, say that you have long wished for a trip to Hawaii. You may not have taken it because of lack of money, lack of time, or both. You have allowed doubt to destroy your desire. Take steps to counteract the doubt; visit a travel agency and ask for brochures describing and illustrating tours to Hawaii. After you have decided which one you like best, begin seeing yourself taking that trip. Do not wish for it, but see it as a reality. As you look at the pictures visualize yourself enjoying Hawaii, relishing the freshly picked fruit, relaxing on the beach, surfing the famous waves, and so forth. Make the mental picture so vivid that, for the time being, you are actually there. While doing this, be careful not to allow any negative elements to enter your picture; not even for a moment! Such as a thought like "I can’t afford this" tries to creep in, chase it out. It will offset the good already built up through your effort. Because of your implementation, the Hawaiian vacation is about to become a reality, absolutely no doubt about it. You are visualizing the experiences you are soon to enjoy.
Make it a point to practice viewing your pictures every evening; relax and then turn on your mental pictures. Again let me warn you: do not see the pictures as wishes; see them as realities. So what will happen? Your subconscious will begin guiding you in thought and action so that ways and means will be opened up to make your mental pictures become a reality. Soon you will find yourself on the plane headed for the glamorous islands.
It is really that simple to make your life the one you desire, you will it into existence by picturing what it is you desire to happen, and it “comes to pass” and the next thing you realize is that this theory is a phenomena that you now master.
Be Blessed.
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Once you realize that thoughts are Pictures; then you can accept that theses pictures are patterns. Let us use the example of the word “House.” When you hear the word house, what do you see in your mind? Do you see the letters that spell house? No; you see a picture of a house, and this is the meaning to you of that word. Are you beginning to understand that you think in pictures? The mind does not think in words, it “thinks” in pictures. When you are reading you are continually translating the words into pictures; you see what you read as patterns.
Now of course not all words can be changed into pictures, for those words we associate it to a situation: for example the word love, when we think of a word which does not lend itself to a picture, we associate it with a mini movie that reflects our understanding of the word. Back to the word love, most of us are likely to see in the mind the picture of a situation, being hugged by the one you love, or cuddling a baby, or petting your dog, etc. etc. etc.
On a side note when a person has difficulty in understanding what was read, it is usually because of a bad reading habit. The eyes have been following the words, but they have not been changing the words into pictures. For example you can go to a movie which may run for two hours or more. Later you can describe the film in vivid detail. This is because you have been watching the story in pictures. So think when you read and try to see the picture, the pattern that is being presented and you will grow in your understanding at a much faster rate.
Many magazines have thousands of pictures submitted to them every month, the large majority of them they will never use. On the staff of these publications is a picture editor, this person studies these pictures from the standpoint of possible reader interest. If he or she does not think that a picture will appeal to a large segment of the readers, it will not be used. The picture editor is one of the most important people on the staff. The growth of that publications circulation depends upon him or her. So this means you have to learn how to be the picture editor of your own publication; your own life.
Since thoughts are pictures, the mental pictures you have will be either negative or positive, depending upon your understanding and translation. We will not go into the discussion that what some view as good others view as bad, just realize that it is your interpretation that we are focusing on. Now you should very well know that negative thoughts cause negative reactions; while positive thoughts cause positive reactions. So since thoughts are pictures, does it not behoove you to appoint yourself as a picture editor to evaluate the mental pictures entering your mind? Discard the negative thoughts, and publish the positive ones.
Again let us cover a basic tenant; you understand that the subconscious accepts thoughts of the conscious mind as instructions; therefore it works diligently to reproduce in our beings or affairs whatever we hold in our thoughts. With this information we can now enlarge upon that axiom by adding that the pictures held in the conscious mind will be accepted as patterns by the subconscious. An example is in order here. Have you ever seen one of those player pianos? They have a wide roll of paper filled with small holes and slots that pass over a tracker board, each opening representing a note on the piano. No matter how many times you played a certain music roll, you always got the same tune. So it is with you, if you put in the roll with the song "White Christmas" you will not get the piano to play "Yankee Doodle." To change the tune you have to change the pattern that the piano plays, this translates to you in that to change your tune is to change your life, and to do that you must change the pattern of your program.
This corresponds to mental pictures, they are just as infallible. You cannot hold a picture of failure in your mind and expect it to guide you to success. You can however hold a picture in your mind of success and you will soon experience the picture, the pattern, which you hold clearly in your mind. You have heard people say things about focusing your thoughts, but they have never explained how. So now you are discovering the secret of this great concept. Your focused thought is the picture you keep looking at over and over. It may be a mini movie, or a pattern, everyone’s interpretation is a little different, the point is that as long as you keep recalling that picture, continue to replay that movie, to redraw the same pattern, you are focusing your thoughts.
You can see the benefit of becoming your own mental picture editor. If a negative picture attempts to enter your mind dismiss it, mentally return it to sender or see yourself throwing it in a trash can, see the word “CANCEL” stamped on it. Then immediately replace it with a positive one. At first this may take some effort on your part to do this, as in all things, a little practice and it gets easier, and a little more practice and it becomes second nature.
A phenomenon is a known fact; our description of it is a theory. For example if you hit your fist against the top of your table, a sound will register in your ear. That is a phenomenon. The attempt to explain what happened from the moment the fist made contact with the table until the sound reached your ear; that would be theory. In talking about your mental pictures, I am trying to explain a phenomena, my explanation is the theory.
In a television studio, the cameras are of no use unless there is power to project the image to televisions across the country. In order to project a mental picture, power must also be applied; that power is called enthusiasm. When you have a success picture, and that picture is powered up by enthusiasm, it will be received and acted upon thereby causing your success. In the absence of enthusiasm other emotions will be used for power, literally; the show must go on. Other emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, and so on, are poor substitutes, and as such will cause poor results. So in theory you must change your mental picture, and this will cause the phenomena of your success.
There is a passage in the bible which fits in very well with the subject matter: It will be found in Mark 11:24; "Therefore I say unto you, What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." This statement, for many, is hard to understand. What this statement really means is that you should hold mental pictures of yourself enjoying the use of that which you desire. Studying the statement even further, you will find that it does not mean that by visualizing what you desire, that it will come to you instantaneously. The word "shall" signifies that the result of your desire will come, but at a later time, depending on the magnitude of your desire. So what you but need do, is form mental pictures of yourself using and enjoying that which you desire; believe the picture to be true, and you will be guided in thought and action which will make your picture a reality.
Once again it must be emphasized: The principles relating to mental pictures apply equally to negative thoughts as to positive thoughts. Many times you may attempt to hold positive pictures, even think you are doing so; yet the effect of them is destroyed by allowing doubt to come creeping in. As an example, say that you have long wished for a trip to Hawaii. You may not have taken it because of lack of money, lack of time, or both. You have allowed doubt to destroy your desire. Take steps to counteract the doubt; visit a travel agency and ask for brochures describing and illustrating tours to Hawaii. After you have decided which one you like best, begin seeing yourself taking that trip. Do not wish for it, but see it as a reality. As you look at the pictures visualize yourself enjoying Hawaii, relishing the freshly picked fruit, relaxing on the beach, surfing the famous waves, and so forth. Make the mental picture so vivid that, for the time being, you are actually there. While doing this, be careful not to allow any negative elements to enter your picture; not even for a moment! Such as a thought like "I can’t afford this" tries to creep in, chase it out. It will offset the good already built up through your effort. Because of your implementation, the Hawaiian vacation is about to become a reality, absolutely no doubt about it. You are visualizing the experiences you are soon to enjoy.
Make it a point to practice viewing your pictures every evening; relax and then turn on your mental pictures. Again let me warn you: do not see the pictures as wishes; see them as realities. So what will happen? Your subconscious will begin guiding you in thought and action so that ways and means will be opened up to make your mental pictures become a reality. Soon you will find yourself on the plane headed for the glamorous islands.
It is really that simple to make your life the one you desire, you will it into existence by picturing what it is you desire to happen, and it “comes to pass” and the next thing you realize is that this theory is a phenomena that you now master.
Be Blessed.
Labels: Law of Attraction, life