Sunday, April 06, 2008
How to Be Healthy
Have you ever known anyone who when you describe an ailment of any type begins to feel the symptoms and think they are sick? How about the old exercise where everyone cooperates to convince someone they are sick, by asking them if they are ok, as they look like death warmed over? Even though the person is fine he or she gets convinced they are sick and so go home early feeling rather ill. Well this is your mind at work, proving that it is your mind that controls your health.
To state the obvious; today’s discussion will be about health and physical well being. Just to cover the bases; start out by having your doctor give you a thorough examination. If the doctor finds anything basically wrong with you, have it taken care of, and then apply the principles we are discussing today.
There are a lot of people who have an illness consciousness. They continually fear that some new ailment is developing in them. First we must understand there is intelligence in every cell of your body, and because of this, mental pictures of ailments of various sorts will actually transmit the message to your cells with the result that you will always be feeling all the aches and pains you can think of. In short holding mental pictures of illness will, during the process of cell renewal, bring weaker cells into being, causing you to be and stay ill.
So what we need to do is develop our mental picture of radiant health. At first see yourself continually getting better and better in every respect. Add in to your daily routine that you are getting stronger every day, say it, sing it, feel it. Then instead of looking for ailments, notice how much better you are getting. When you wake in the morning your first words should be that you are glad to be alive, then take a second and feel your existence and say you are getting better everyday. Enjoy the great feeling of being healthy. When you go to bed at night pause and think how good it will be to arise and start another challenging day of exciting activity, with your new strength and health.
OK, now you ask “that is all well and good, but what is radiant health?” This is a fair question, the answer is simple, radiant health is what you think it is. If you can not see a picture of radiant health, go to the store and get one of those fitness magazines, look through the pictures until you find one that looks like radiant health to you. Cut out that picture, find a picture of you and tape your face on the picture. Post the picture where you will see it every day. By holding that picture of radiant health in your mind, you will soon grow into it. Soon is a relative term, if you are very unhealthy right now, it may take a year of effort to get to radiant health, and if you are just a bit out of shape it may take only a few weeks or months. Know this, if you hold the picture of radiant health in your mind every day, you will certainly attain it.
By holding the mental picture of radiant health in your mind you command the subconscious to build your body healthy. Your subconscious will take the command and transmit it to your cells and also guide you guide you in thought and action so that good health will be a reality. Understand that good health is your rightful heritage. Along with your other objectives, hold pictures of your physical being as glowing with radiant health. Know with a certainty that your subconscious will encourage your mind and will guide you in thought and action so that you will do the things necessary for good health. You will naturally tend to both diet and physical exercise, and this will have the effect of giving you buoyancy and vitality to carry through on all the other the objectives you are visualizing.
As an example most people, as they approach the seventy year mark, develop an age consciousness. They feel they are too old to start this, or to do that. It seems that we are taught that the normal lifespan is about seventy years, the question is “Why only seventy years?” We see on the news every day of people celebrating a hundred years, the president sends out centurial certificates every day, if they can live to be over a hundred so can you. Determine your own life span, set it for what you feel in fair, and then don’t worry about growing old.
I personally have set my life span for 200 years, and I am living accordingly. Now I feel better, physically and mentally, than I have at any time in my life. Perhaps I may not live to be 200, but I will not shorten my life through fear of old age and death. I personally intend to keep busy, and happy, until the grim reaper comes. When the grim reaper does come for me I intend to wrestle my way out of that situation, not hide and beg, and if the reaper wins it was a fair fight, if I win I might live forever.
So to get back on subject; what you have just learned in this discussion is not for temporary use. What you have discovered and learned is a new principle of life. Something to be used every day for the rest of your life, if you draw breath, then you continue to use the mental picture of radiant health to keep yourself healthy. Again; you have gained some new tools which will make your achievement assured and certain of accomplishment.
There is an old saying; “Knowing is half the battle” and it is. What most do not realize is that action is the other half. Knowledge is of no value unless you make use of it. Make use of this knowledge now, start developing the ability to create mental pictures of what you want and avoid the fear that you'll fail to achieve them. With this knowledge, and a little practice you can be and do anything you will.
Mastering this technique will be like being the heir to a tremendous warehouse that has everything you have ever desired, with the knowledge that all of it is yours; merely for the taking.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
To state the obvious; today’s discussion will be about health and physical well being. Just to cover the bases; start out by having your doctor give you a thorough examination. If the doctor finds anything basically wrong with you, have it taken care of, and then apply the principles we are discussing today.
There are a lot of people who have an illness consciousness. They continually fear that some new ailment is developing in them. First we must understand there is intelligence in every cell of your body, and because of this, mental pictures of ailments of various sorts will actually transmit the message to your cells with the result that you will always be feeling all the aches and pains you can think of. In short holding mental pictures of illness will, during the process of cell renewal, bring weaker cells into being, causing you to be and stay ill.
So what we need to do is develop our mental picture of radiant health. At first see yourself continually getting better and better in every respect. Add in to your daily routine that you are getting stronger every day, say it, sing it, feel it. Then instead of looking for ailments, notice how much better you are getting. When you wake in the morning your first words should be that you are glad to be alive, then take a second and feel your existence and say you are getting better everyday. Enjoy the great feeling of being healthy. When you go to bed at night pause and think how good it will be to arise and start another challenging day of exciting activity, with your new strength and health.
OK, now you ask “that is all well and good, but what is radiant health?” This is a fair question, the answer is simple, radiant health is what you think it is. If you can not see a picture of radiant health, go to the store and get one of those fitness magazines, look through the pictures until you find one that looks like radiant health to you. Cut out that picture, find a picture of you and tape your face on the picture. Post the picture where you will see it every day. By holding that picture of radiant health in your mind, you will soon grow into it. Soon is a relative term, if you are very unhealthy right now, it may take a year of effort to get to radiant health, and if you are just a bit out of shape it may take only a few weeks or months. Know this, if you hold the picture of radiant health in your mind every day, you will certainly attain it.
By holding the mental picture of radiant health in your mind you command the subconscious to build your body healthy. Your subconscious will take the command and transmit it to your cells and also guide you guide you in thought and action so that good health will be a reality. Understand that good health is your rightful heritage. Along with your other objectives, hold pictures of your physical being as glowing with radiant health. Know with a certainty that your subconscious will encourage your mind and will guide you in thought and action so that you will do the things necessary for good health. You will naturally tend to both diet and physical exercise, and this will have the effect of giving you buoyancy and vitality to carry through on all the other the objectives you are visualizing.
As an example most people, as they approach the seventy year mark, develop an age consciousness. They feel they are too old to start this, or to do that. It seems that we are taught that the normal lifespan is about seventy years, the question is “Why only seventy years?” We see on the news every day of people celebrating a hundred years, the president sends out centurial certificates every day, if they can live to be over a hundred so can you. Determine your own life span, set it for what you feel in fair, and then don’t worry about growing old.
I personally have set my life span for 200 years, and I am living accordingly. Now I feel better, physically and mentally, than I have at any time in my life. Perhaps I may not live to be 200, but I will not shorten my life through fear of old age and death. I personally intend to keep busy, and happy, until the grim reaper comes. When the grim reaper does come for me I intend to wrestle my way out of that situation, not hide and beg, and if the reaper wins it was a fair fight, if I win I might live forever.
So to get back on subject; what you have just learned in this discussion is not for temporary use. What you have discovered and learned is a new principle of life. Something to be used every day for the rest of your life, if you draw breath, then you continue to use the mental picture of radiant health to keep yourself healthy. Again; you have gained some new tools which will make your achievement assured and certain of accomplishment.
There is an old saying; “Knowing is half the battle” and it is. What most do not realize is that action is the other half. Knowledge is of no value unless you make use of it. Make use of this knowledge now, start developing the ability to create mental pictures of what you want and avoid the fear that you'll fail to achieve them. With this knowledge, and a little practice you can be and do anything you will.
Mastering this technique will be like being the heir to a tremendous warehouse that has everything you have ever desired, with the knowledge that all of it is yours; merely for the taking.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, life