Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thinking - The Great Secret of Success
We must first think in terms of success before we can manifest success. To build a consciousness of success we must first think. Today’s lesson is all about the effort to impress upon you the fact that all achievement begins with thought. Knowing that all things proceed from thought is not enough; we should learn how to build upon that to create a success consciousness.
There are many successful people in this world, some great some small, but all are successful. These people did not simply wake up one morning and find their world had changed; no they followed a pattern and created their world to their liking. For an example a world famous chef creates a fabulous dish of excellent taste, well anyone can emulate that meal by simply following a recipe. So it is with our life, we can find someone who has done it before and follow their example and achieve the same results. You find that, by carefully following the instructions, that there is no mystery at all. When you have a genuine success consciousness it does not mean that you might succeed; it is a guaranteed definite promise of success.
To have and possess a success consciousness is the master key to this life; it is holding that state of mind so that you cannot see yourself as anything but a success. How this must be emphasized, read it again, write it on the wall in front of you, make a poster, and remember this! Know it to be true, because it is true, and it will become a force that causes you to be and do as you will.
What about those large projects, can you accomplish them? As the old proverb says; “you eat an elephant one bite at a time”. You can accomplish those huge tasks by breaking them into smaller tasks and then doing one task at a time. Can you physically get to the top of a stair case? When you are at the bottom looking up, it appears to be a daunting accomplishment, but you can get to the top. Not in a single action, you have to take one step at a time and soon enough you are at the top. The same principle applies to everything, can you climb a mountain? Yes one step at a time. Can you build an empire? Yes, one step at a time.
Let us further reinforce this point with an example. A friend of my daughter wanted to make a wooden sword, so as a gift I procured a piece of wood for him. However he had no knowledge of the use of tools or woodworking, and so the board sat in my shed and took up space. I reminded him of the wood, yet nothing was being done with it, until I helped him. I showed him how to make a cut with a saw, and asked him if he could do that, and he of course said yes. Then I showed him how to use a jig saw, and asked him if he could do it, and he said yes, then I showed him how to use a plane and a sander and he again said he could do that. So with a little coaching, we spent an afternoon in the yard and when he was done he had a wooden sword. He has now gone on to making fancier designs and finishes, and might even start his own flea market stand selling his handy work to offset the cost of all the tools he has since bought.
What he was not seeing was the process of turning a plain piece of wood into an object he desired. He did not know the steps required going from a board to a sword, but once he was shown he soon became very good at this hobby and made it a craft that soon may support him. He developed a success consciousness that he could turn an ordinary board into something that he desired.
Having a success consciousness will lead you to success in any direction you choose. If your desire is the building of a grand estate or a financial empire, a success consciousness will lead you exactly there. You must simply think of it the follow the steps to accomplish it. So what is the formula for building a success consciousness?
Because you need to know this I will give it to you, step by step. Know that anything accomplished by another can be accomplished by you. You have heard of many other people, who have gone from rags to riches, you have probably read about many a great accomplishment by seemingly ordinary people. They did not do anything that you can’t do, all you need is to think it and then do it. There are no barriers to the person man with the “I CAN-I WILL” spirit. You simply create an I CAN awareness, burn those four letters I C A N into your mind, avoid the use of the words hope, wish, and try, and emphasize the word CAN.
Every time you hear of, or view, the achievement of another, instead of quickly thinking “I CAN'T”; know that, if you desire to, you can achieve the same or better. Even though, you may not know how at the time, make the statement “I CAN”. Soon you will find that your mind, instead of being closed with the negative feeling that the task is beyond you, will begin to understand how simple it will be for you to accomplish.
The next step is to create an “I WILL” attitude. As soon as you get an objective which you know will help you, get started on it at once instead of putting it off until tomorrow, which never seems to come. Many people may have an I CAN attitude, but they cannot seem to get started. They have countless reasons why it will be best to start at some later date. This is called procrastination. Perhaps if we understand some of the reasons for procrastination, we will have less reason to procrastinate.
Starting a task requires more effort than to continue. Simply once the task is underway it continues on much more easily than the initial effort. In getting starting you must first think of what you're going to do first, and then how to do it. You must think about the tools and materials you'll need for the job; where they are and how to get them. Still even after these steps are taken, it takes a period of time to get into full swing. This causes people to spend much time in thinking about the task before getting started. This thinking stage should last for minutes, hours, or even a day or two. Procrastination kicks in when the thinking causes the days to become weeks and sometimes extend into months, or years.
Since time marches on, it is better to dwell on the time of completion instead of the time of beginning. This way, your mind will think of the happy ending, instead of the laborious beginning. Use this principle in connection with every task you put your hand to. Think of how good it will feel to have been done with the labor and enjoy the benefits, and then start the labor and soon you will enjoy the fruits.
The next step is to have a definite objective. It is well to know that you CAN do things and that you WILL do things; but, what is it that you will to do? Know what it is that you desire to accomplish, and make sure that it will make your life more successful, happier, and healthier. Then you will be ready for the next step. While this step seems a bit simple, it strangely is the one that most people have trouble with. So start small, and work big. If you desire to have a better color in your kitchen decide the color, buy the paint and the brushes and get to work, soon you will have your kitchen in your favorite color and will be happy. Decide what you want to happen, and then make it happen.
Now this next step is one you must pay attention to. Develop a “Do it now” attitude. After your objective has been examined and analyzed, and you find that you CAN do it, and WILL do it, apply your “Do it now” attitude; and DO it!
Once you have done these steps you now have a success consciousness. You will rejoice in the fact that you are the master of your circumstances; that they are not the master of you. If you are not happy with your life as it is, you now know that it is easily within your power to change it; to be and do as you will.
When a person starts anything with a success consciousness, they are guided to think the thoughts and do the things which will bring success. When they are prompted by mere wishing, they do the things which bring failure. Wishing is negative. We do not wish for the things we know we can get. Do you wish for a glass of water when you know that a simple trip to the faucet with a cup will fulfill that need? No you go and get it, so it is with all other things, if you wish for it and do nothing you fail, but if you know you can have it and go get it you will be satisfied.
To those who know anything at all about the workings of the mind, you are what you think. This is no mystery; if you hold a thought to the effect that a certain task will be difficult, your mind accepts the thought as an instruction and actually makes the task difficult. If, on the other hand, you enjoy a certain job and know that it will prove to be easy for you, your mind will accept that thought as an instruction, and will guide you in doing your work quickly and well.
Isn't it now quite clear to you that you are what you think you are; and that if you have not been getting as much out of life as you might have wished for, there is no one to blame except yourself? What would you think of a person that was starving to death and yet had a kitchen full of food? This question may appear ridiculous, unless you realize that so many people are doing virtually just that. They possess everything they need for health, wealth and happiness, yet without making use of their powers within, they just exist without enjoying the many blessings which could be theirs.
Knowledge is of no value unless you use it. Instead of just agreeing with me, give these ideas a chance to work for you. Practice, practice, and practice some more. Do not approach this with an "I wonder if they will work" attitude. They do work, they work for many others and they will work for you. You can begin developing a success consciousness: You can begin building an awareness that you have talent in any field you so choose.
Before going on with the rest of your day; pause a moment for contemplation. Review what you have read, if the contents do not clearly come back to you, read it again. It would be impossible to place a cash value on what you have just learned. Do not allow yourself to lose a bit of it.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, Law of Attraction, Manifesting, success