Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Secret of Getting Rich
There is a question that seems to get asked a lot: "If it is so easy to get rich, why isn't everyone rich?" Now on the face of it, this seems to be a sensible question. The answer to this question is that very few people realize that it is easy to be rich. Let us discuss this further and see if we can find a bit more of an explanation.
Most people feel, either consciously or subconsciously, that to become rich requires luck, rich parents, or to be dishonest, or any number of myths. These sayings that you hear are just so much hot air and a cruel misdirection of your talents. The sad part is that many people take these sayings a “gospel” and because of this erroneous inner truth lead less than happy lives. To tell such people that literally all one has to do to change their condition is to change their thoughts, invites skepticism, if not outright derision.
So in short to become rich requires nothing more than a mind change. Ask yourself what is your worth: Are you worth a hundred dollars a month, how about a thousand? If you are worth a hundred dollars a month would it seem a bit ridiculous to see your self as worth a million a month? Probably, you have an inner price tag, a thermostat if you will, that determines how much money you have. When your money dips below what you think you are worth you just seem to get money until you get back to that level. Your self worth thermostat is set by you and can be changed by you.
So what would you do if you got a lot of money suddenly? Money will only amplify what you are, so more money will make you more of what you are. Let me tell a story here. When I was a 911 operator, we used to dread “government payday.” This was the 3rd of every month; when people who are living off the government get their checks. On those dates, there were more drunks, more disputes, more fights, and stupid people being stupider, mean people being meaner, higher drug use, and so on. The storm usually calmed down by the middle of the following week when those people ran out of money. Every month it was the same, it has become so well known that extra squads of police are scheduled for those times. So what does this little story illustrate? Nothing more than that money makes you more of what you are, and if you have a low self worth thermostat, when you get more money you blow it until you are back down to your thermostat setting.
Another story as an example is in order here. There once was a man named Ralph, who lead a modest life, and earned his living by being a construction worker. As such he was very strong and healthy, but never seemed to have a lot of money, just enough to get by. He always envied the rich and of course wanted to be one of those millionaires. Then there was this guy named Biff, who was a millionaire, who sat around all day worrying about his health as he was so sickly. He envied those other healthy guys and was willing to give all his riches to be healthy. Well one day a wizard came to town and Biff hired him to get him a new body. The wizard soon found Ralph who wanted to be rich, and so a deal was made; Biff would get Ralph’s body and Ralph would get Biffs’ body and Biffs’ wealth. The change was made and for a very short while both men were happy. Soon their mindset came into play. Biff who was used to being sick, started to develop many ailments with his new body, and since he was accustomed to being wealthy soon began to acquire riches. Meanwhile Ralph, who was used to being healthy, strengthened his body and soon had no signs of any infirmity. However he was not used to being wealthy and quickly had squandered all his inherited wealth, thus forcing him again to make a living as a construction worker. In time both men returned to their original condition, because that is what their consciousness dictated.
This now begs the question: How does one go about changing their consciousness? It is simply a matter of reaching the point whereby you can see yourself as possessing what you desire, or being what you desire. For example if you were thin and sickly, it would be impossible for you to see yourself in a successful sports competition, wouldn't it? You would have to train, practice, and prepare yourself to enter that competition, and there is even more of your consciousness involved in the winning mindset. You train until you know you will win, and then compete with gusto and enthusiasm. Guess what? The same is true regarding a rich consciousness. If you have been seeing yourself as being in strained circumstances, just getting by, being broke, etc. you will actually have to train yourself to reach a point where you know, that you can be rich.
To do this will be just as simple, or just as difficult as you want it to be
A simple training method is to desire something you do not possess. Say you see a thing a store, or a TV commercial, or in a newspaper ad, that you earnestly desire; if you can reach the point where you can actually see yourself enjoying it, you will soon find your constructive imagination working out ways and means of obtaining it. The point here is the word; imagination. Imagination is the ability to see things as they do not now exist. There are two types of this force in use. The first is positive, and a person who possesses and uses a constructive imagination will see things as they want them to be. Conversely a person with a negative imagination sees things as they fear they will be.
Every individual is capable of using their imagination; constructively, or negatively.
I think that one of the reasons why so many people have trouble in raising their sights very high above their present circumstances is that the contrast between what they have and what they would like to have seems too great. For most of you seeing yourself as a wealthy person is too great of a stretch of faith that it is unbelievable, and so you will not try to adjust your consciousness. So ask yourself how much is not a stretch, a few hundred, a few thousand? Find your believability area and strive for that. Make it a goal to simply double your income, better yourself and improve yourself, and soon you will be worth double or even triple your income, and shortly thereafter your income will change to match your worth thermostat.
Set a goal and make it something you can be enthusiastic about. Think of enthusiasm as thought alive: thoughts that are full of energy that attract what you desire. When enthusiastic, you never have to force yourself to do things. You will find yourself willing to tackle all sorts of projects, big or little, because you want to. There is an inner urge which will give you a thrill as you see your ideas becoming reality. Do not give up your quest for money, but rather seek them in connection with your objectives. Your progress will be greater and you'll have far more fun in life as you see your objectives coming into being.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Most people feel, either consciously or subconsciously, that to become rich requires luck, rich parents, or to be dishonest, or any number of myths. These sayings that you hear are just so much hot air and a cruel misdirection of your talents. The sad part is that many people take these sayings a “gospel” and because of this erroneous inner truth lead less than happy lives. To tell such people that literally all one has to do to change their condition is to change their thoughts, invites skepticism, if not outright derision.
So in short to become rich requires nothing more than a mind change. Ask yourself what is your worth: Are you worth a hundred dollars a month, how about a thousand? If you are worth a hundred dollars a month would it seem a bit ridiculous to see your self as worth a million a month? Probably, you have an inner price tag, a thermostat if you will, that determines how much money you have. When your money dips below what you think you are worth you just seem to get money until you get back to that level. Your self worth thermostat is set by you and can be changed by you.
So what would you do if you got a lot of money suddenly? Money will only amplify what you are, so more money will make you more of what you are. Let me tell a story here. When I was a 911 operator, we used to dread “government payday.” This was the 3rd of every month; when people who are living off the government get their checks. On those dates, there were more drunks, more disputes, more fights, and stupid people being stupider, mean people being meaner, higher drug use, and so on. The storm usually calmed down by the middle of the following week when those people ran out of money. Every month it was the same, it has become so well known that extra squads of police are scheduled for those times. So what does this little story illustrate? Nothing more than that money makes you more of what you are, and if you have a low self worth thermostat, when you get more money you blow it until you are back down to your thermostat setting.
Another story as an example is in order here. There once was a man named Ralph, who lead a modest life, and earned his living by being a construction worker. As such he was very strong and healthy, but never seemed to have a lot of money, just enough to get by. He always envied the rich and of course wanted to be one of those millionaires. Then there was this guy named Biff, who was a millionaire, who sat around all day worrying about his health as he was so sickly. He envied those other healthy guys and was willing to give all his riches to be healthy. Well one day a wizard came to town and Biff hired him to get him a new body. The wizard soon found Ralph who wanted to be rich, and so a deal was made; Biff would get Ralph’s body and Ralph would get Biffs’ body and Biffs’ wealth. The change was made and for a very short while both men were happy. Soon their mindset came into play. Biff who was used to being sick, started to develop many ailments with his new body, and since he was accustomed to being wealthy soon began to acquire riches. Meanwhile Ralph, who was used to being healthy, strengthened his body and soon had no signs of any infirmity. However he was not used to being wealthy and quickly had squandered all his inherited wealth, thus forcing him again to make a living as a construction worker. In time both men returned to their original condition, because that is what their consciousness dictated.
This now begs the question: How does one go about changing their consciousness? It is simply a matter of reaching the point whereby you can see yourself as possessing what you desire, or being what you desire. For example if you were thin and sickly, it would be impossible for you to see yourself in a successful sports competition, wouldn't it? You would have to train, practice, and prepare yourself to enter that competition, and there is even more of your consciousness involved in the winning mindset. You train until you know you will win, and then compete with gusto and enthusiasm. Guess what? The same is true regarding a rich consciousness. If you have been seeing yourself as being in strained circumstances, just getting by, being broke, etc. you will actually have to train yourself to reach a point where you know, that you can be rich.
To do this will be just as simple, or just as difficult as you want it to be
A simple training method is to desire something you do not possess. Say you see a thing a store, or a TV commercial, or in a newspaper ad, that you earnestly desire; if you can reach the point where you can actually see yourself enjoying it, you will soon find your constructive imagination working out ways and means of obtaining it. The point here is the word; imagination. Imagination is the ability to see things as they do not now exist. There are two types of this force in use. The first is positive, and a person who possesses and uses a constructive imagination will see things as they want them to be. Conversely a person with a negative imagination sees things as they fear they will be.
Every individual is capable of using their imagination; constructively, or negatively.
I think that one of the reasons why so many people have trouble in raising their sights very high above their present circumstances is that the contrast between what they have and what they would like to have seems too great. For most of you seeing yourself as a wealthy person is too great of a stretch of faith that it is unbelievable, and so you will not try to adjust your consciousness. So ask yourself how much is not a stretch, a few hundred, a few thousand? Find your believability area and strive for that. Make it a goal to simply double your income, better yourself and improve yourself, and soon you will be worth double or even triple your income, and shortly thereafter your income will change to match your worth thermostat.
Set a goal and make it something you can be enthusiastic about. Think of enthusiasm as thought alive: thoughts that are full of energy that attract what you desire. When enthusiastic, you never have to force yourself to do things. You will find yourself willing to tackle all sorts of projects, big or little, because you want to. There is an inner urge which will give you a thrill as you see your ideas becoming reality. Do not give up your quest for money, but rather seek them in connection with your objectives. Your progress will be greater and you'll have far more fun in life as you see your objectives coming into being.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, Manifesting