Tuesday, March 04, 2008
How to Know Who and What You Are
Who are you? This question has been asked by many people of you, and you have probably even asked your self “Who am I?” So, who are you?
Every person is an individual, and each and every individual has a personality. Each personality is different from other personalities, as each is individual to the person. What most do not realize is that your personality is actually controlled and run by your subconscious mind.
So let’s see here, your subconscious controls whom that you are and thus it gives you a personality, so who controls the subconscious, the answer is; you do. Does that seem like a contradiction to you? It’s not; it is the great circle of “something” that completes who you are.
Let us examine this a little further; you have, within your self, a gigantic reservoir of power, most of which is unused. It can be compared to that of one who controls a powerful thing, but is not the thing. Just as the pilot flies the plane, just as the engineer controls the train, just as you control your own car; you; your conscious mind; controls your subconscious mind and it in turn it will guide you in any direction you select. It is you who can choose to have health or sickness, wealth or poverty, but above all it you, your subconscious in its endeavor to provide you with happiness, that will bring about that which you have chosen.
Let us continue this a little further; we will ponder the mysteries of the human mind. To take away a persons mind would leave nothing but a decaying mess of flesh and bones. You have hair and fingernails that as long as they are connected to your body are “alive.” If you cut them and they fall to the floor you have not ceased to exist, but the hair or finger nail is now “dead.” It is great truth that should be dawning on you now. Before now you may have looked at humans as a body with a mind, but a human is more than the sum of its parts. In short a human is a mind with a body.
It is very important to understand this, as simple as it sounds, one must think about it before understanding it. What it boils down to is this; that body of yours is merely a tool for your mind, and your mind is you.
Your physical being functions for the main purpose to carry out and execute the dictates of the mind, that is controlled by your subconscious that in turn is guided by your conscious mind, and the sum of this combination is who you are...
When learning something new, we are slow because we must think as we act. When eventually the subconscious mind takes over, we become faster and far more accurate in what we are doing. For example when learning the keys as you began to learn how to type you had to look at the keys as you picked them out. Soon after with a bit of practice in between you do not even have to think about where the keys are as you now just make words appear on the screen. In other words, we become good after the act becomes a habit.
So here is how it worked, you chose to learn a new skill, and you took an action, and as you continued to practice the skill became like second nature as your subconscious took over the task that you directed it to accomplish. You have done the same thing multitudes of times without realizing it. Like walking, running, getting dressed, tying your shoes, learning to read, riding a bike, driving a car, and so on.
So then who you are is who you have directed yourself to be. You are a sum of your dreams, experiences, and habits. So then is it too presumptive to say that if you are not happy with your life, it was your choice? No it’s not; it is and always has been your choice. To change your life, you merely have to choose to do so, and then all you must do is to begin forming the habits which conform to the life to which you do desire. You create your reality; if you think of yourself as a failure, or you believe it is your lot to be unhappy. The natural consequences are that of a life of failure and gloom, and a body suffering with aches and pains, which gives you more reason for self pity, that reinforces your actions, becoming habits that are then run on auto pilot by your subconscious as your conscious has directed it to be so.
So in short what we repeatedly do becomes a habit, habits are an assumed job of the subconscious. To break a habit we simply have to change our own behavior, and to do that we simply instruct our subconscious to do something different and then take the steps required to process thought into habit. We exchange the undesirable for what we do desire simply by willing it to be so. What we will to do we do, and as we do it repeatedly it becomes a habit, a skill if you so choose, and this is what helps to make up who and what you are.
Can you change who you are? Yes; but only if you understand what you have just read.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Every person is an individual, and each and every individual has a personality. Each personality is different from other personalities, as each is individual to the person. What most do not realize is that your personality is actually controlled and run by your subconscious mind.
So let’s see here, your subconscious controls whom that you are and thus it gives you a personality, so who controls the subconscious, the answer is; you do. Does that seem like a contradiction to you? It’s not; it is the great circle of “something” that completes who you are.
Let us examine this a little further; you have, within your self, a gigantic reservoir of power, most of which is unused. It can be compared to that of one who controls a powerful thing, but is not the thing. Just as the pilot flies the plane, just as the engineer controls the train, just as you control your own car; you; your conscious mind; controls your subconscious mind and it in turn it will guide you in any direction you select. It is you who can choose to have health or sickness, wealth or poverty, but above all it you, your subconscious in its endeavor to provide you with happiness, that will bring about that which you have chosen.
Let us continue this a little further; we will ponder the mysteries of the human mind. To take away a persons mind would leave nothing but a decaying mess of flesh and bones. You have hair and fingernails that as long as they are connected to your body are “alive.” If you cut them and they fall to the floor you have not ceased to exist, but the hair or finger nail is now “dead.” It is great truth that should be dawning on you now. Before now you may have looked at humans as a body with a mind, but a human is more than the sum of its parts. In short a human is a mind with a body.
It is very important to understand this, as simple as it sounds, one must think about it before understanding it. What it boils down to is this; that body of yours is merely a tool for your mind, and your mind is you.
Your physical being functions for the main purpose to carry out and execute the dictates of the mind, that is controlled by your subconscious that in turn is guided by your conscious mind, and the sum of this combination is who you are...
When learning something new, we are slow because we must think as we act. When eventually the subconscious mind takes over, we become faster and far more accurate in what we are doing. For example when learning the keys as you began to learn how to type you had to look at the keys as you picked them out. Soon after with a bit of practice in between you do not even have to think about where the keys are as you now just make words appear on the screen. In other words, we become good after the act becomes a habit.
So here is how it worked, you chose to learn a new skill, and you took an action, and as you continued to practice the skill became like second nature as your subconscious took over the task that you directed it to accomplish. You have done the same thing multitudes of times without realizing it. Like walking, running, getting dressed, tying your shoes, learning to read, riding a bike, driving a car, and so on.
So then who you are is who you have directed yourself to be. You are a sum of your dreams, experiences, and habits. So then is it too presumptive to say that if you are not happy with your life, it was your choice? No it’s not; it is and always has been your choice. To change your life, you merely have to choose to do so, and then all you must do is to begin forming the habits which conform to the life to which you do desire. You create your reality; if you think of yourself as a failure, or you believe it is your lot to be unhappy. The natural consequences are that of a life of failure and gloom, and a body suffering with aches and pains, which gives you more reason for self pity, that reinforces your actions, becoming habits that are then run on auto pilot by your subconscious as your conscious has directed it to be so.
So in short what we repeatedly do becomes a habit, habits are an assumed job of the subconscious. To break a habit we simply have to change our own behavior, and to do that we simply instruct our subconscious to do something different and then take the steps required to process thought into habit. We exchange the undesirable for what we do desire simply by willing it to be so. What we will to do we do, and as we do it repeatedly it becomes a habit, a skill if you so choose, and this is what helps to make up who and what you are.
Can you change who you are? Yes; but only if you understand what you have just read.
Be Blessed